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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)

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The cow with a window in it blew my mind.


How does the cow keep from getting an infection since there's a place for bacteria to enter?  It seems like veterinary schools could find another way for students to learn about bovine digestion. I watch movies with rampant violence and gore and it barely bothers me.  Show me a picture of a cow with a window and it bothers me immensely.

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I loved the scrambled decades category, but it was way too easy.  The state fair category was over-valued for DJ.  As was spay and neuter, and universal donor as a DD in DJ. 


I also loved the songs category, but take issue with “old.”  I ran the directors category, too.  Also veterinary medicine and Hemingway (and got all but one “um” clue).  It was a good game for me.  I got FJ fairly easily, as geography is a strong suit, so it was a quick mental spin of the globe.


Kelly’s “welfare” answer for the preamble DD was an oddly understandable mistake despite it also being rather dumb, and she was just so sure of it.


I could not for the life of me remember where the Sandy Hook shooting took place.

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I'm at a land grant university with a pretty large ag science school. We have one of those cows here and I'm jealous of all the undergrads who enroll in lower level animal science classes and get to interact with the cow.

I normally don't scoff at "easy" categories since we all have different wheelhouses but that scrambled decade category involved no real knowledge and just an ability to rearrange letters. It belonged in kids week.

Edited by Pallida
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Alex's description of that first category was incomprehensible to me, but once we got to it, it was easy.

Yeah, I'm right with you. I had no idea what the clues were going to be like, but it was ridiculously easy.


I didn't really come up with anything for FJ. I was wondering where Iceland was situated. Then I was picturing Northern Africa, but only came up with Morocco.


I think the only TS I got was emporium. 

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I didn't understand how Robert could have thought the Tiber was in Iraq, then I realized he confused it with the Tigris. Kelly's "aqueduct" was a dumb mistake--she forgot the answers had to begin with "i."


I agree those scrambled decades were way too easy. The anagrams would have been simple enough without the additional hints.


I missed FJ. Geography isn't my best subject.

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How does the cow keep from getting an infection since there's a place for bacteria to enter?  It seems like veterinary schools could find another way for students to learn about bovine digestion. I watch movies with rampant violence and gore and it barely bothers me.  Show me a picture of a cow with a window and it bothers me immensely.

There's typically some sort of cap on the fistula, so it's not open to the world all the time. It seems kind of similar to a G-tube in a person, just with a bigger hole :P

It also wouldn't surprise me if they gave the cows antibiotics long-term, but I don't know for sure if that's the case.


I think this would have bothered me more a couple of years ago, before I learned that after cardiac surgery, surgeons will leave the person's chest open for a day or two, just covered in something similar to saran wrap. The first time I saw a baby lying there with its chest wide open, I was quite alarmed by the concept.

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I've seen a cow like that on a tour of a vet school. It's been many years, but I thought it was a gloved deal like the person above me said. Perhaps the window deal is somewhat newer or my memory is wonky.

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As if I wasn't feeling old enough, they asked a question about "Freedom," by George Michael, in the old songs category. I listened to that song on heavy rotation during my freshman year in college. It hit me that my memory of that song was from 25 freaking years ago. I hate when Jeopardy makes me feel old!

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Yeah, I was really looking forward to that "old songs" category and it was quite a disappointment. 


I did fairly well on TS's last night, getting I, Claudius, Oxfam, emporium and rumen.


For FJ i was trying to picture the map in my mind but it didn't work - I went with Iceland mostly just for something to say.


I like the new champ, Dennis.

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The state fair category was over-valued for DJ.


I got almost of those wrong, so I'd disagree that it was over-valued.  That said, the couple I did get right were the high-value clues at the bottom, I think, so maybe the order should've been reversed?

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I did fairly well on TS's last night, getting I, Claudius, Oxfam, emporium and rumen.

Oh yeah, I got 'I, Claudius' too. I wasn't positive that was the answer, but since it mentioned Tiberius, I took an educated guess. Loved the TV show.

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The state fair category was over-valued for DJ.


This reminded me, one State Fair clue really irritated me. The category was about where the fairs were held. All of the clues EXCEPT ONE had just the city name. But for Kansas, they had "Hutchinson," then had to add that it was X miles from Wichita. WTH? Are Jeopardy contestants so freakingly stupid that they need help to know that Hutchinson is in Kansas? So many contestants are from the Midwest. But I guess to the LA clue writers, Kansas is somewhere as remote and mysterious as ... well, as Oz. I found that entire category easy as pie. I even know where Hutchinson is for freak's sake.


Thanks to everyone for supporting my statement that "window cows" are pretty common. I first saw one so long ago, most of you pups weren't even born yet.


Is it a good thing we are back to non-memorable contestants? I can't even remember who won the game yesterday.

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I felt sorry for the cow, especially since the first thought that entered my mind was that the port was for putting your hand into, like in preemie bassinets.


That's just what it looked like! ::shudder::

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I've felt for a long time the clues have gotten much easier than they were back in the 80s/90s, but I really think they hit a new low with the scrambled decades.  "Can you count by tens?  Welcome to Jeopardy!"

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Are Jeopardy contestants so freakingly stupid that they need help to know that Hutchinson is in Kansas?


Not stupid, just not from the Midwest.  I know Wichita, Topeka, and Leavenworth (because I have a friend who was stationed there).  That's it.  To me here on the East Coast, Kansas might as well be Oz.  But I wouldn't necessarily expect Kansans(?) to know that Maryland's State Fair is held in Timonium.  Some people don't know about other state's fairs, and wouldn't automatically recognize the name of every city or town in a state half a continent away.  What one person thinks is easy peasy, others completely blank on.  That goes for many a category.  Except for that scrambled decade thing.  A four year old would've gotten those as long as they could read.


(I did, however, know Puyallup - must've read a book set near there or something.)

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But I wouldn't necessarily expect Kansans(?) to know that Maryland's State Fair is held in Timonium.

I would expect people brilliant enough to pass all the Jeopardy testing requirements to know that without having to add some easy peasy clue about Maryland to give it away. But then, maybe the on-air questions/clues are aimed at Every Man sitting at home who wants to feel more smarter than the contestants. I'd venture to say that many of us here would know Timonium/Maryland just because Timonium is in ... wait for it ... Maryland!


Adding the line about Hutchinson being X miles from Wichita is the equivalent of asking for the name of the country west of Spain on the Iberian peninsula, then showing a map with Portugal highlighted and a star that's labeled Lisbon.

Edited by saber5055
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The cow with a window in it blew my mind. I did not see that episode of Dirty Jobs, obviously.

Same here. I think i actually sat here with my mouth open. That poor cow. I'm with the poster who said there must be a better way to show the digestive process. Even now I have goosebumps thinking about it. I wish I could unsee it.
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I saw a film about window cows as a kid in grade school. Gave me nightmares for months. I have no idea why they showed such a graphic film to kids so young. I can still remember it and it still creeps me out.

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The cows aren't simply used as a teaching experience.  The rumen is also extracted to treat sick cows, goats, and sheep.  It's also used for researching digestion of various feeds.  Ignoring knee-jerk PETA reactions, a fistulated cow likely has a better lifespan than the majority of dairy or beef cows.  I understand it's weird to see innards or to think about reaching into a stomach, but that doesn't make it inherently cruel or bad.  


Other than being the location of the MD state fair, why would anybody know Timonium? 

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Dennis owns an apartment outright with a river view in NYC? Or maybe his Mom rents it to him? Must be nice. He seemed bored out of his mind tonight.

I liked the other two contestants. A good close game.

Why did they accept tropical for tropic? That didn't seem right.

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Dennis owns an apartment outright with a river view in NYC? Or maybe his Mom rents it to him? Must be nice. He seemed bored out of his mind tonight.

I liked the other two contestants. A good close game.

Why did they accept tropical for tropic? That didn't seem right.

I said the same thing to my husband - he seemed to be really bored.

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Dennis owns an apartment outright with a river view in NYC? Or maybe his Mom rents it to him? Must be nice. He seemed bored out of his mind tonight.

I liked the other two contestants. A good close game.

Why did they accept tropical for tropic? That didn't seem right.

I didn't think "bored," I thought "disgusted with himself for missing the DD and not making the game a runaway." 


When I saw the FJ category, I thought what Alex did--a big advantage for Jennifer the Civil War buff. The answer wasn't that hard to figure out, though. I figured the state where the first battle took place would have a "Secessionville."  I was torn between SC and VA (Richmond, VA being the Confederate capital), but I lived in VA for eight years and never heard of a Secessionville there.

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Why did they accept tropical for tropic? That didn't seem right.


What the hell was with that ?


Plus, the category was lines on the map, and tropic or tropical is not a line on the map.  I was pretty sure they were looking for either the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn as the answer.  So how was tropical accepted ?

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I laughed when Alex tripped up a bit during a French pronunciation.

I guffawed. I don't have an issue with him pronouncing things with a proper accent but the fact he was trying to be a smarty pants and one up the contestant and tripped over his tongue really tickled me.


I didn't realize state fairs were such common knowledge. I got nothing but Kansas and that was only because of Wichita. Think I need to study up on Secessionville(?) too...

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When the "K" Capital category was revealed, I immediately thought "Katmandu," so I was just waiting for the right time to yell it out.


Herb Alpert was a no-brainer to me. My parents had all their albums, and we listened to them frequently. 


I didn't get FJ. I had no idea where Secessionville was, and I couldn't decipher the clue.


I, too, was puzzled by tropical being accepted.

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 Other than being the location of the MD state fair, why would anybody know Timonium?

There is a bank or finance company that has all of its insurance certificates sent there. I think it might be Ally Bank. I know Timonium is in Maryland because I send clients' proof of insurance there at least once a week. I also got Pallyup a similar way. One of my insurance brokers has an office there.

I didn't know Hutchinson was in Kansas, but I think the clue also mentioned Topeka or Wichita, which is how I got it right.

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I would expect people brilliant enough to pass all the Jeopardy testing requirements to know that without having to add some easy peasy clue about Maryland to give it away. But then, maybe the on-air questions/clues are aimed at Every Man sitting at home who wants to feel more smarter than the contestants. I'd venture to say that many of us here would know Timonium/Maryland just because Timonium is in ... wait for it ... Maryland!


Adding the line about Hutchinson being X miles from Wichita is the equivalent of asking for the name of the country west of Spain on the Iberian peninsula, then showing a map with Portugal highlighted and a star that's labeled Lisbon.

Some people know a lot about geography.  Some don't.  I know practically nothing about freaking Kansas and yet I'm intelligent enough to have been on Jeopardy several years ago when the questions were more difficult than they've seemed to be this season.  I'm sure there are Jeopardy champions who don't know that Timonium is in Maryland; hell, there are people in Maryland who don't know where Timonium is.  Some random town/city in Kansas is not the equivalent of Portugal, and state fair locations is not on the same level as European countries.

Other than being the location of the MD state fair, why would anybody know Timonium?


Absolutely no reason whatsoever, even if you live in Maryland.

When I saw the FJ category, I thought what Alex did--a big advantage for Jennifer the Civil War buff. The answer wasn't that hard to figure out, though. I figured the state where the first battle took place would have a "Secessionville."  I was torn between SC and VA (Richmond, VA being the Confederate capital), but I lived in VA for eight years and never heard of a Secessionville there.


I thought of South Carolina first, then wondered if that was too obvious, started to overthink it completely and said West Virginia since that part of Virginia seceeded from the state during the Civil War.  Sometimes too much knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Edited by proserpina65
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Other than being the location of the MD state fair, why would anybody know Timonium?
Some random town/city in Kansas is not the equivalent of Portugal, and state fair locations is not on the same level as European countries.

Some people love and study opera. Some people love and study maps. I'm the second. I can sit and read/look at an Atlas or road map for hours if not days on end. That includes world maps as well as North American ones. Don't hate us because we can recognize and locate cities, states and countries. Even ones others think we should not know.


On the other hand, I know nothing about opera. So there's that. You guys all top me on that subject.


By the same token, I've watched Ken Burns' Civil War series so many times, and it's currently on again. Yet I was stumped on FJ. Once I heard South Carolina, yeah, that made total sense, so DUH on me. But I had never heard of Secessionville. In my defense, however, I DO know where the Battle of Pea Ridge took place!

Ignoring knee-jerk PETA reactions, a fistulated cow likely has a better lifespan than the majority of dairy or beef cows.

Thanks Pallida. If I were bovine, I'd chose the cushy life of a fistulated cow over being part of a dairy herd. I'd live a long and luxurious life in a veterinary school as opposed to being sent off to MacDonald's as soon as my milk production dropped.

I think on the French name business, the contestant was going for Maupassant the short story man, but the answer was Armistead Maupin, the Tales of the City " novelist

She did get Armistead at least. I'm sure she was kicking herself afterward.

Edited by saber5055
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On the other hand, I know nothing about opera. So there's that. You guys all top me on that subject.

I'd have killed for an opera Final Jeopardy in my game.  Although the returning champ was good with classical music, so it might not have helped.  Still would've been better than Inventors - not a great subject for me.

I can sit and read/look at an Atlas or road map for hours if not days on end. That includes world maps as well as North American ones.


Remind me to invite you on that cross-county road trip I've always wanted to take.  :-)

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So, a heart over the I in his name, and asking for "the herb" for his first pick?  The champion is doing his best to annoy me.  Plus I'm clearly hanging around all of you  too much--the middle contestant really started getting to me with his "I'll take The Full Name of the Category for the fully specified dollar amount, please, Alex" every single time.  I don't remember that bothering me before I started reading the forums.  I wonder if someone spoke to him before DJ, because he stopped doing that.

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I can sit and read/look at an Atlas or road map for hours


Ditto.  I just received a great world map in the mail from an organization to which I donate, and thought I'd give it to a youngster I know for their schoolwork.  It took me over a week to let it go because it was just so interesting and well done.

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I'm here for you! No GPS for me, I'll never have or ever use one. I'm old-school maps all the way.


Map reading was never one of my talents.  Imagine my rejoicing when the GPS first came on the market.  The GPS was definitely made for the directionally challenged like me.

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Map reading was never one of my talents.  Imagine my rejoicing when the GPS first came on the market.  The GPS was definitely made for the directionally challenged like me.


You DEF need me on that trip. We can listen to opera while I quiz you on obscure towns we are driving past. Or into. What fun!

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I'm here for you! No GPS for me, I'll never have or ever use one. I'm old-school maps all the way.

Me, too.  There's no such thing as getting lost - it's just an unplanned adventure.  But I must say, it's getting harder & harder to find decent paper maps.  The AARP auto club sends you Rand-McNally paper maps, but they're for AARP and they're large print.  You miss a lot of cool stuff with a large print map!


So, yeah, I knew Timonium's in Maryland.  I also know the state fair in WV is in Fairlea, in between Lewisburg & Ronceverte, because that's how the paper map took me to Organ Cave. (Where the woman was so busy canning her green beans, she couldn't be bothered to take just ONE person on a tour of the cavern.)

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There's no such thing as getting lost - it's just an unplanned adventure.


I like to say I never get lost, just sometimes I don't know where I am. And yeah, finding maps is getting more difficult. I remember when every gas station handed them out, and Interstate rest stops had them too. Of course, I also remember when there was no such thing as a self-service gas station.


Looking forward to everyone's thoughts about today's game!

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I'm here for you! No GPS for me, I'll never have or ever use one. I'm old-school maps all the way.

If I'm lost or planning out a route to a place I've never been, I'd definitely prefer a map. But if I am driving on unfamiliar roads, nothing beats having Alan Rickman's voice telling me which lane to be in and warning me when my exit is coming up :P

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Funniest answers of the night:  Louis (the cabinet maker) and black footed weasel.  I thought lynchpin was the only correct spelling for it, never mind linchpin.  Really surprised the King Herod clue was a TS, as well as, Fatal Attraction.  Bleeding heart answer really eluded me in FJ.  I could only come up with pinko.

Edited by pandora spocks
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We have a new champ, a really lackluster guy.


Isn't he getting 10 cents per correct answer from his parents? Rock on, New Champ!


I couldn't believe bleeding heart was missed, especially when the picture of the flower was shown, which looks just like a ... bleeding heart! But I guess if you don't know flower names, that was no more help than knowing Hutchinson is in Kansas.


I, too, was surprised Fatal Attraction was missed. I've seen that quote on other shows, more than one, more than once.


And yes, there is nothing more royal than a robe trimmed in black-footed weasel.


The champ really did a crash and burn like I've not seen before. I wonder what happened?

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Funniest answers of the night:    I thought lynchpin was the only correct spelling for it, never mind linchpin. 

I have never seen the "linchpin" spelling before. I had no idea there was an alternate spelling to "lynchpin".


Pansy made me laugh very hard. I totally blanked with the flower names, and could only think of "commie" which, to the best of my knowledge, is not a flower, but I was really grasping at straws.


A couple of times, the woman in the middle deviated from the typical "what is/who is" question structure and instead said "is it..?" One time was the DD that she got wrong anyways, but it happened at least one other time and she got the credit for the answer. It kind of annoyed me, actually.

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A couple of times, the woman in the middle deviated from the typical "what is/who is" question structure and instead said "is it..?"

I thought I heard that! But since they didn't correct I thought maybe not. I love how someone on this board always validates when that happens :-)


Fatal Attraction is probably my #1 guilty pleasure movie, so as soon as it came up I just knew Dennis would get it. Massive fail.


I don't know much at all about flowers so I had kind of checked out of FJ but as I was staring at the photo it came to me with only about 2 seconds to spare. Never would have gotten it without the photo.

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