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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I got a little teary when Matt said that his family had lost Jules in the last year.



I know, right? The two other contestants were probably hoping talking about losing Jules would upset Matt's game.

This guy is never gonna lose, is he?



I hope not, I want to watch him every day.


I'm with everyone who has never heard of that FJ tapestry. If my life depended on coming up with an answer, I would be dead right now. Crazy what some of us know. And don't know.


Because I'm not on any boards besides this one, I haven't heard any talk about Matt being a lawyer. Trebek always announces him the same way, so don't know where that rumor originated.

Edited by saber5055
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So spelling doesn't count unless it changes the pronunciation of the word.  Well, wouldn't "Bayeaux" be pronounced differently than "Bayeux"?  (I know, I know...and I think I would have put an 'a' in there as well, so who am I to talk?)


On a more serious note, if I had just started watching Matt with this episode, I don't think I would have the dislike for him that I do.  No counting games on fingers, no fist pumps or "booms".  Yeah, there's still the board-jumping, but that almost seems like a new normal.  He wouldn't be a favorite, but he'd fall in that 98% of contestants whose purpose (to me) is just to reveal answers and move the game along.

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I don't particularly like Matt; I don't dislike him either especially now that he has cut down on the braying. I'm just bored with his domination.

Here's the rub...if Julia were ending with 35 grand every day and steamrolling her opponents, I would be all "yay Julia keep going forever!" but with Matt it's just a big yawn. Yeah, it's weird but I feel that way about sports too, in that I want my team to win by forty every night but if someone else's team does it I'm annoyed by it.

  • Love 7

Tuned in last night because the vacation sweepstakes started (now I know I only have to tune in for the FJ category).  Wish I hadn't.  Loved that the first round board was all GOT related.  I got every answer in that round right for a change.  I thought all 3 Daily Doubles were easy, and I had FJ at the "This was restiched" part; didn't need the rest of the clue at all, although I probably would've added the 'a' as well since it's been awhile since I've seen it written out.


Historical sidenote: the Bayeux Tapestry is not actually a tapestry at all; it is embroidery, but has been mis-labeled for centuries.

I knew the Bayeux Tapestry almost immediately (although there was a quick second of --it's THAT tapestry--what is it's name?), but then I was a medieval history major.
I'm still not a Matt fan..


Yay!  There are at least two of us here!

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"If I Ran The Zoo" TS was surprising.


I won't be home for tonight's game, so while checking the archive for last night's I also took a look at what's up so far from tonight's (just the first round).  I didn't know that one, either.  I only three of the Dr. Seuss titles (Mulberry Street I knew from real life, not the book, and moo I just guessed based on the rhyme).  I know I read Cat and the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham as a kid, but I guess that's it for my Dr. Seuss experience.


Red Sox was the TS that surprised me.  Cambridge, too.


I can't believe someone said antibiotics for the antibodies DD; I hope that was just a brain fart.

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"If I Ran The Zoo" TS was surprising. That Chaos DD was way too easy. Clueless on FJ again.

Watching Jeopardy! isn't as much fun as it used to be. At what point do they pull the plug on Matt? After 100 wins? 200?

I didn't "know" the Zoo answer, but it was a fairly easy guess considering the possible rhymes, so I was proud of myself. I need to re-read "Howl", since I missed FJ. It's been awhile. Matt's easing into his gameplay now.

  • Love 2

Watching Jeopardy! isn't as much fun as it used to be. At what point do they pull the plug on Matt? After 100 wins? 200?


Even Ken Jennings whom I consider the greatest Jeopardy champ of all time lost after 70+ games.  I totally blanked out on Dr. Seuss but knew Howl on FJ.  It's a shallow victory but I got a FJ right that Matt got wrong.  Still Dr. Seuss ignorance is no excuse for someone who minored in English.  I only know about Cat In the Hat because I read it to my son.

  • Love 3

"If I Ran The Zoo" TS was surprising. That Chaos DD was way too easy. Clueless on FJ again.

Watching Jeopardy! isn't as much fun as it used to be. At what point do they pull the plug on Matt? After 100 wins? 200?

I also was surprised by their not knowing "If I Ran the Zoo," although I didn't know that last one about "Mr. Brown can moo." (I was thrown by the "mister.")

I actually got FJ; I never read "Howl" but figured it out from the date and from knowing Allen Ginsburg was gay. Did they ever say what Christine at the end was a professor of? She's listed at Game Show Kingdom as "college professor/writer." If she's an English professor, it's surprising that she missed a literature question.


I was shallowly rooting for Corbett as he had a slight resemblance to Ryan Gosling, but his affect was a bit flat--maybe he was depressed at being more Matt-fodder?


I doubt they're allowed to "pull the plug" even if Matt continues to be champ all season. I remember starting to root for Ken Jennings to lose after around 25 games, because I was getting tired of all the runaway wins. I like to have some suspense up to the end. On the other hand, there's some suspense in wondering How Long Can He Go On?

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Did they ever say what Christine at the end was a professor of? She's listed at Game Show Kingdom as "college professor/writer." If she's an English professor, it's surprising that she missed a literature question.

Music! She did know the Fat Boys (my guess for that was Heavy D and the Boyz).


I was pretty shocked Matt didn't get Howl.

I was mad at myself for not getting all of the Seuss clues. The one I missed was '500' for 'The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.' I have the hardest time remembering numbers. But I got the others. I think I've read all of his books.


I missed FJ. I did not even think of Howl and Ginsberg. I made a wild stab at Carl Sandburg, thinking he might be gay (he wasn't), but I couldn't remember the titles of any of his poems, so I just threw out 'Chicago.' 

  • Love 1

It seems to me that some of Matt's opponents are not playing the game too well, considering who is currently the champ. (And the fact that they've probably been watching him from the audience for awhile.) They don't seek out daily doubles, especially in double j., seemingly content to call out the small amounts when they occasionally get a chance. Leaving Matt plenty of time to search for--and find--the dd. Plural. BOOM!

  • Love 2

It seems to me that some of Matt's opponents are not playing the game too well, considering who is currently the champ. (And the fact that they've probably been watching him from the audience for awhile.) They don't seek out daily doubles, especially in double j., seemingly content to call out the small amounts when they occasionally get a chance. Leaving Matt plenty of time to search for--and find--the dd. Plural. BOOM!

I thought many of them were seeking out the DD's and that it's become relatively rare for people to start at the top and work their way down. Trouble is that when they hit them and bet big, they answer wrong and can't recover.

  • Love 3
(And the fact that they've probably been watching him from the audience for awhile.)


Actually, the people playing this week saw Matt for the first time on Monday's game.  They have no idea of his playing style or DD issues.  They are probably starting to pick up on it, and by next week they will have see five+ of his games, but it's a mistake to assume that they've seen all of a player's run.

I like Matt and the way he plays - he is very business like - and I was sorry he was asked about his cat - if I was asked to recall a recently departed pet that lived that large a part of his life - it would have been distracting.  I think that is why Alex did it.  Matt stayed on track - what a great mind for a person so young.

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It makes me scream when Matt's opponents do hit a Daily Double and don't bet everything they have.  It's true that if they get it wrong they wont get a chance to recover but when they see Matt has $14,000 and they have $6000  -- a true Daily Double is their only chance to win.  Conservative bets, late in the game, with someone who is beating you by many thousands, just make no sense to me at all.

  • Love 8

Looking at J! Archive, I see I wouldn't have done too badly, although for some reason Georgetown completely stumped me.  But FJ was a complete blank for me.  I know almost nothing about modern poetry, and although I've heard of that poem, I've never read it and don't know enough about Allen Ginsberg to have hazarded any guess at all.

  • Love 1

Murderous Matt doesn't bother me nearly as much he bothers some of you.  I think it's because his play doesn't seem unsportsmanlike, a la Chu.  He's strategic and competitive, certainly, but in a hyperfocused and purposeful way that I appreciate.  Even his talking over Alex doesn't bug.  The anecdotal factoid thing on my time, now that's annoying.  I'm here to clear the board and get this cash.  Having one clue left because Alex must correct the chronological difference between neolithic and paleolithic makes me insane.   I don't care what the guy holding the answer cards knows, he ain't playing.  I watch to see what the contestants know and learn some stuff myself.  I'm rooting for the kid.  I love that he said he applied to be on show just to see if he could make it.  Hope that losing the homicidal smile and becoming a hundred thousand aire helps out his social life.

  • Love 5

Sometimes, though, Alex's comments DO help educate some of us.  A contestant who knows the material and blurts out a "who is Carson?" doesn't really tell a lot to someone with no knowledge of the area under discussion.  It being clarified to Kit or Johnny or even Daly helps those of us who are ignorant.  ...how many of us dashed over to Google to look up Bayeux Tapestry?  We all learn something from J! or I don't think we'd be watching it as obsessively as we do.  I don't mind & sometimes appreciate Alex's clarifying after a clue/question...and Matt running over that annoys me.


Also being annoyed at starting in the middle of the category, I firmly believe the show runners should put all the DDs under the $200 clues.  Bwaaahahahahaha.

  • Love 8
Still Dr. Seuss ignorance is no excuse for someone who minored in English.


I can only guess Seuss was not on your university's required reading list? I thought most of the Seuss clues were obscure unless one had a child, or was young enough that book was read to them by a parent. I use that for my reason why I missed almost the entire category. Got a kick out of Matt doing well in it.

Actually, the people playing this week saw Matt for the first time on Monday's game.  They have no idea of his playing style or DD issues.  They are probably starting to pick up on it, and by next week they will have see five+ of his games, but it's a mistake to assume that they've seen all of a player's run.



Is that true? When I was in the Jeopardy audience, there were a dozen at least contestants waiting for their turns. They would all sing/hum along to the Jeopardy theme when it played, like a sitting flash mob. Days filmed aren't days aired. Like Monday's show wasn't recorded on a Monday. Former contestants, let us know!


I was thinking others watching Matt board hop is why they are doing it themselves now. It's surprising to see so many new people do that right off the bat.


The one guy's answer to the painter of The Scream, and Trebek's correction of pronunciation, made me imagine it as a FJ and someone winning by writing MOONK.

  • Love 2

Going back a day, I've never seen Game of Thrones but obviously Matt watches it. However, I did see every episode of The Avengers and can recognize Emma Peel to this day. So I did get the (easiest) high-dollar question.


As for how much Matt is winning ... it makes me feel the world is out-of-balance when someone can win $50,000 on Who Wants to be a Millionaire without having really any skill, education or knowledge over much more than basic life. Yet people who are highly educated are lucky to come away from Jeopardy with a thousand bucks. So the show paying out to Matt over what, 12 games? doesn't make me feel sorry for the show at all. It is far from going bankrupt with the small amounts it pays out on a daily basis. Even on a good day the winner typically wins less than $20,000, less than someone on Millionaire or even Wheel.

  • Love 4

Now that the rest of the game is up on the archive ...


FJ was an instaget for me.  My poetry knowledge is pretty limited, but that one I know well.


I'm really surprised gardenia was a TS since they showed a picture of it (I wouldn't have known it without the picture, although I might have guessed it).  Tangible surprised me, too; maybe the clue put "touchable" in their minds and distracted them.

What are Matt's areas of weakness in his knowledge base? I was thinking pop culture, but sometimes he does ok there.

Sports and pop culture, I think, but he still gets some of them. People have theorized that he starts the game with his least favorite categories, but I haven't paid attention to that recently.


The only reason Alex could ask Matt about his cat was that Matt offered it up as a story, so I assume he was OK with it being discussed.

  • Love 1

Sports and pop culture, I think, but he still gets some of them. People have theorized that he starts the game with his least favorite categories, but I haven't paid attention to that recently.


The only reason Alex could ask Matt about his cat was that Matt offered it up as a story, so I assume he was OK with it being discussed.

He didn't seem to know much about fish, either.

From reading the other J. board, I've learned that many soon-to-be contestants have indeed sat in the audience while a champion has trounced his opponents. Trounced now being relative, of course.


And in yesterday's game, I swore (oops, yelled) at Matt's opponents several times when they went back to the smaller amounts with M. comfortably ahead. So that is still happening. Unfortunately. Helping to keep "the streak" alive. Tho I admit, the champ doesn't need very much assistance!


Unlike you all, if I like a champ, may he/she go on forever! I wanted to clobber the gal who brought down Ken! And when she lost the next day, I really wanted to hunt her down!! LOL

Edited by just prin
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Matt - pulling a Jan Brady and telling the judges to deduct points from his score!  Give this man the Good Sportsmanship Award.


I was tired of all the runaways, but I found myself hoping Matt would at least get to Julia's run of 20 straight wins.  Oh, well.  He's still one of the greatest champions in the history of this show.


On FJ I guessed the Astrodome.  Who knew the Space Needle had a roof?

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