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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I got Manet (famous Olympia painting- it was scandalous as she was a local prostitute)   and Match- surprised they were Triple stumpers.

Anyway Proof that Alex when he acts like he knows the correct answer when they miss does NOT know it. The question was: This website looks for bone marrow donors - it is called "Be The THIS.com"   I am very familiar with Be The Match. None of them get it and Alex says "Match- and then adds "it's a match program" Had he REALLY heard of this and knew this he would have said - Match, Be the Match...the actual NAME of the website. If you really knew about it it seems normal to say the complete name of the website when correcting someone about it, He never heard of it either, I'm just sayin'....

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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Prod-uce seems to be an Alex thing, much like the way he pronounced Long-Lived with a long eye sound in "lived."  Bothers me WAY more than any contestants' verbal quirks.  Maybe it's a Canadian thing.

I'm from the Toronto area and I usually hear pro-duce and prod-uce used interchangeably. I couldn't even tell you which one I usually use.

However, I've never ever heard long-lived with a long i sound. Definitely not a "Canadian" thing - and I use quotation marks because Canada is a big country with different regional accents. Alex doesn't really have the typical northern Ontario accent, though.

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2 hours ago, secnarf said:

I'm from the Toronto area and I usually hear pro-duce and prod-uce used interchangeably. I couldn't even tell you which one I usually use.

However, I've never ever heard long-lived with a long i sound. Definitely not a "Canadian" thing - and I use quotation marks because Canada is a big country with different regional accents. Alex doesn't really have the typical northern Ontario accent, though.

I'm on the East Coast of Canada, and I say produce like Alex did.

I've never heard anyone say long-lived with a long i either.

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3 minutes ago, Fex said:

I'm on the East Coast of Canada, and I say produce like Alex did.

I've never heard anyone say long-lived with a long i either.

I did not notice Alex's pronunciation of long-lived but have heard one person, a supervisor, use the long "i," and I gave her the stink eye. She was from the exact same place I and many others at that office were from and nobody pronounced it like that. I had to ask others if I was pronouncing it wrong, because this person was a really excellent copy editor and grammarian.

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Thank god Peyton didn't win.  Between the rocking and the starting in the middle/bottom of categories, he drove me a little nuts.  Is it wrong that I hoped he wouldn't even be around for FJ?  Not that Harris was a whole lot better about not starting at the tops of categories, mind you.  I would have preferred another Laurie win, but oh well!

Loved the Worrier Princess category!  Or possibly I just loved that Princess Buttercup and the ROUS were in it, along with Princess Leia.

TS that I got included plank, Aaron, St. Bernard (missed DD -- and yes, Alex, the "dogged" part of the clue helped me!), and tangerine.

I did have to think about FJ for a second, but the F part led me to photography, and the San Francisco part led me to Ansel Adams.

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Peyton and his swaying were a little nausea-inducing.  Harris swayed some too but not nearly as badly.

Harris is okay but I would have preferred that Laurie won. She put up a pretty good fight.

I liked the Worrier Princess category too:) I am pretty sure I ran the category.

My ts's were Aaron, Armageddon and tangerine and also got the missed DD of outback, I had absolutely no clue on FJ until after the musice was done and Alex said something about photography, then I knew it was Ansel Adams, because of the alliterative name part of the clue..

Edited by Trey
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Either I'm getting smarter or the show has been really easy lately. The third player was the worst type of player: rocking back and forth, asking for the $2000 clues first and not knowing any of them, dumb guesses etc. 

Ansel Adams was an instaget for me- the alliterative made it the first thing to pop into my head. I was surprised none of them got a few I knew as well such as Crossfit and Egypt. Of course I need to write them down as I am drawing a blank now! They really bombed that crusades category and the worst was all the dumb guesses about the city in Isreal. If you don't know do not take a dumb guess on a $2000 clue! Tel Aviv? No oh well..

Edited by operalover
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I was hoping Laurie would win at least one more game. Doesn't four wins give a player a good shot at a ToC invite? She seemed a good enough player to merit that. 

I noticed her vocal inflection, but it didn't bother me. It didn't get into fry territory. The guy the other day who said the dollar amount before the category irritated me more.

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On 6/24/2016 at 6:03 AM, vibeology said:

I agree. I'm pretty sure they took Strawberry as an Answe without the Daryl so it would be inconsistent to require a first name here. 

Kit Strawberry ?

I think that Peyton should have been ruled incorrect for his pronunciation of "entrepreneur" -- he pronounced it like it was spelled "enterpreneur", and that is not how that magazine referenced in the clue is spelled.

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Now, that was a good game.  No farting around, no hesitating when selecting clues, no hemming, hawwing or umming.  I bet either Susan or Tony would have blown Buzzy out of the water.  Where were they when we needed them?  I was surprised that Harris won again but I give him props for getting FJ.

Not many TS.  I got Kiss Me Kate and (God forgive me for knowing this) Life of Pablo.

I said Napoleon for FJ.

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

I was really rooting for Tony.  Two of his DD's were crazy easy, and of course now I can't remember which ones I mean.

I remember thinking, too, that the DD's were really easy.  I can only recall one of them, though, A Tale of Two Cities.

I wasn't too sure about Harrison on Friday, but he grew on me today.  It was a nice comeback for him in FJ, although I would have been ok with Susan.  Tony bugged me for some reason.  I wavered between Louis the 17 or the 18 and settled on the 18th.  Purely a guess on my part.

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I bet either Susan or Tony would have blown Buzzy out of the water.  Where were they when we needed them? 

EXACTLY what I was thinking! And it galls me that two really good players won't be in the TOC but he will be. Gah.

Tony was wound so tight I was anxious just watching him, so I'm glad he's gone.

I was way off with FJ, guessing Louis the 16th. 

Oh how it would bruise Yeezy's ego to know he was a TS (it was a good record though, IMO).

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6 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

Oh how it would bruise Yeezy's ego to know he was a TS (it was a good record though, IMO).

I hoped that all 3 contestants knew the answer to that clue, but just intentionally refused to answer because Kanye is such an asshole.

Like how whenever there's a clue about a Kardashian, and the contestant has this look like "Do I have to answer this ?"

  • Love 5

Articulated buses still exist! What was up with that?

My sister was beyond obsessed with The OC, so I got that clue right away, but it made me laugh that it was a TS. If not for my sister, I'm not sure I would have got it, but the show was pretty popular.

I actually liked all of them today, and would have been happy if any had won, but I was hoping one of the challengers would pull off a win. Once again, it came down to who got FJ right. I hadn't the slightest clue for it!

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Another very good game with great scores and that was decided by who got FJ.

FJ was not an instaget for me but I got it pretty quickly - I knew it was the camera guy but I always have to think of his name because Kodak wants to pop up first.

The only ts's I got that I remember were Chad and Athens in the Hiding Places category.


Articulated buses still exist! What was up with that?

That was the point of the category, that the things didn't exist thirty years ago when this fictional person went to prison.  He also must have been in isolation the whole time since I think even in prison they get  television and newspapers.

30 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I'm halfway through but oh my goodness Afam is sooooooooo freaking good-looking.  Hubba hubba.

Yes, indeedy:) He seemed very nice too.

Edited by Trey
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Another very good game.  I liked all of the contestants but was partial to Afam.  I liked his story.

I got articulated and Rachel Ward.

Articulated buses were around 30 years ago.  I haven't ridden the bus for at least that long and remember riding them.  They're still around today, too.  I saw one a week ago.

I waffled between Mayo and Kodak on FJ.  Either way I was wrong.

ETA - I just looked it up.  Denver took delivery of, and started using, articulated buses in 1980. (They actually had a 1946 bus that hadn't been used for years.)  They took delivery of more articulated buses in 2015.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
Because it bugged the hell out of me.
  • Love 2

We still have those buses in New York; I see them going crosstown. Never knew they were called "articulated".

The Hidden Places category was cool but my brain couldn't work most of the clues quickly enough. I did get Athens though.

Loved Afam. Carpe, because you mentioned it I went back to listen to his story. I usually skip them, and lucklily I hadn't deleted the show yet! But I like Harris too so the result was OK by me :-)

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2 hours ago, Trey said:

That was the point of the category, that the things didn't exist thirty years ago when this fictional person went to prison.  He also must have been in isolation the whole time since I think even in prison they get  television and newspapers.

Yeah, I didn't like that theme. Call it "changes in the past 30 years" or make some joke about a modern Rip van Winkle or something.

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1 hour ago, YoureSoUrban said:

The Hidden Places category was cool but my brain couldn't work most of the clues quickly enough. I did get Athens though.

It is so frustrating when they show the clue then quickly move to the contestants. I wish in categories like this they would at least have an inset with the clue, so we could continue to look. The hubs and I grouse about it each time.

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I got Chad and Athens and think I could have gotten more if I could have looked at it longer, like clanstarling said. I also got The OC and East Berlin. I can't remember if there were any others.

I didn't get FJ. I came up with Carnegie, but he wasn't an inventor. Maybe next time it comes up I'll remember that Eastman was from Rochester. I knew that Rochester was key in the clue, but I just didn't know who was from there.

I liked all the contestants, but I was rooting for Afam. His knowledge impressed me, though I was ticked off at him for buzzing in on the Hidden Places category when he didn't know the answer.


1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Did anyone else cringe at the "Bye Rachel, Couple" category? Awkward.

DOH! I didn't get that until just saying it to myself now.

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I've finally been home in time for several episodes in a row, but haven't watched because I've been catering to a newly-adopted cat who let's just say is a special case.  So the archive for tonight's game ...

I am always so bad at religion/mythology clues, but I guessed my way through the gods category nicely; it must have been way too easy for J!

I usually rock word play clues, but oh my god, I was so horrible at the "hiding places" clues - and I had the words on my screen (I only give myself a short time to answer, but still - no flashing back to contestants).  I only got Warsaw.

WTF with specifying women's soccer in answering the Abby Wambach clue?  That seemed to be the contestant (although knowing this show, that may have been written down on Alex's card, too), but no one felt the need to specify a gender in any other clue.

I got East Berlin.  I didn't get articulated, because the photo doesn't come up for me -- but I wouldn't have come up with it anyway, because I never knew what the name for those is.

I knew Rachel Ward, but I was equally stumped on The O.C. in that same category.  I'm okay with that.  I knew Under My Skin as a Cole Porter song, but according to the internet, the Scarlett Johansson film was Under the Skin.  (I Googled to confirm it was her, because I was very annoyed by the Scar-Jo thing; there was room to write out her name.)

I had no clue on FJ; Rochester meant nothing to me, so I was trying to just go by the date, but that was way too broad.

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7 hours ago, Bastet said:

I didn't get articulated, because the photo doesn't come up for me -- but I wouldn't have come up with it anyway, because I never knew what the name for those is.

I couldn't come up with articulated, but I had heard those buses called that. I see them around here.



I knew Rachel Ward, but I was equally stumped on The O.C. in that same category. 

I just couldn't pull Ward's name from my brain. There was another Rachel in that category that I knew but couldn't quite recall. I did get The OC even though I've never watched that. 



I knew Under My Skin as a Cole Porter song, but according to the internet, the Scarlett Johansson film was Under the Skin

I thought so! That confused me. I've seen 'Under the Skin' but thought I was misremembering the title.

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On ‎06‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 8:41 PM, GreekGeek said:

I got Longfellow, Goldsmith, Louis XIV, and Massenet. I also was lucky enough to see Helen Mirren as QE2 last year in "The Audience," for which she received the Tony. There's also a cute book called Mrs. Queen Takes the Train in which Her Majesty sneaks out of Buckingham Palace and travels incognito, and someone asks her if she's Helen Mirren

I agree Gwyneth Paltrow wasn't a very good guess, but Paltrow seems so princessy it's easy to think she's played royalty sometime.

I blew the opera clue.  I got Massenet, who composed the opera "Thais" with its lovely Meditation (one of my favorite pieces of music), confused with Mascagni, who composed "Cavalleria Rusticana".  Argh!  Opera has always been one of my dream categories.

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      On ‎06‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 8:01 PM, Browncoat said:

 And she should have had a BMS for Eve Plumb.

I disagree. A first name is not required unless (usually) there are more than one possibilities. Plumb was just enough... unless the judges thought Professor Plum was a possibility. 

If the judges were consistent about this, I would agree, but they haven't been for a couple of years now.  Hence our "Carson" jokes.

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On ‎06‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 7:58 PM, Browncoat said:

Harris got lucky, though, that he was the only one who got it right.  I thought it was probably one of the Louis, but I had no idea which one.  Maybe Louis Carson.

I said Louis Philippe.  Never knew there was a Louis XVIII.  My knowledge of French monarchs is obviously less exhaustive than that of English monarchs (Edward the Confessor to Elizabeth II is my party trick - yeah, I give dull parties).

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