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Media, Ratings, and More: The Blogs Continue To Be Crazy!

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Yes, I've come to realize that people don't want freedom of speech, they want freedom from the consequences of speech.

Edited by ABay
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13 hours ago, attica said:

So this reflects more on the Stewart era of the show, but since it's a current event, I'm putting it here. 

A dude who was interviewed by TDS in 2013 about the NC Voter ID law has hurt fee fees that his on-camera interview was cited by the 4th Circuit in their recent blistering takedown of that law: 

It continues to fascinate me (although it no longer surprises) how delighted people are to get a forum for racist (and other) asshattery, and then become shocked and outraged that they're seen by the viewing public as racist asshats.

Aasif Mandvi posted the link on his FaceBook page! I LOVED IT!

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3 hours ago, pivot said:

Now that Comedy Central has cancelled The Nightly Show are Trevor's days numbered? 

I hope not because I love Noah on The Daily Show and much prefer him to Jon Stewart.

I can't agree on Noah, but I actually think Wilmore being cancelled gives Noah a stay of execution for at least another full year. CC doesn't dare cancel both of their black show hosts in close proximity. So he gets a year at least to get those ratings up a bit.

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4 hours ago, Kromm said:

I can't agree on Noah, but I actually think Wilmore being cancelled gives Noah a stay of execution for at least another full year. CC doesn't dare cancel both of their black show hosts in close proximity. So he gets a year at least to get those ratings up a bit.

I hope you are right. I'm enjoying the Daily Show for the first time in years. Stewart was always too smug and too both sides suck for me. And he stopped being funny in about 2007.

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The "Politically Reactive" podcast's most recent episode includes an interview with Hasan Minaj. They also talk about Jon and Trevor. Actually, they talk about a lot of things, but those are the parts specifically referencing TDS. I really love this podcast generally, and highly recommend it. But I thought this particular installment might particularly interest TDS viewers. Hosts of Politically Reactive are W. Kamau Bell and Hari Kondabolu: http://www.politicallyreactive.com/

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With the caveat that this particular survey is based only on YT views and views at individual network sites (i.e. it doesn't include FB or Twitter views), it appears that TDS is doing pretty well when it comes to streaming of late-night shows. He's second behind Colbert (!).


According to the second annual study of late-night streaming viewership by the analytics firm Jumpshot, Stephen Colbert had the largest share of the online video views in 2016, beating out last year’s winner Jimmy Fallon, who fell to third place behind The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah ... As of last fall, The Daily Show didn’t even have a dedicated YouTube channel and would only occasionally post clips on Comedy Central’s main feed. Since the show started regularly posting clips the next morning on its own YouTube channel, it has seen its share of the online market skyrocket, from just 6 percent in 2015 to 17 percent in 2016, a 166 percent jump.

While just 7 percent of the show’s streams in 2015 came from YouTube, this year that number rose to 65 percent. That means 35 percent of The Daily Show content is still viewed on the show’s official website, which is far more than can be said of any other show, partly due to the fact that the show posts only a small fraction of its segments on YouTube.

Edited by purist
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That's insane that TDS under Jon didn't even have its own You Tube channel!

I'd be curious to see what the stats are for watching on Hulu. It probably wouldn't have as many viewers as a free site like You Tube, but there are more and more cord cutters these days.

For the week of December 7, TDS was #52 out of the top 100 cable shows. Three Comedy Central shows made the list, and total viewers for TDS were more than 50% higher than the other two. I'm sure CC rues losing Jon, but Trevor is hanging in there against his competition.

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I think this is technically media (or 'and more' I guess). Has anyone read the new Daily Show oral history book?  I just picked it up from the library after reading the snippet in Vanity Fair, but was wondering if anyone had read the whole thing yet and could report back on how they liked it (I'm a sucker for a good oral history). 

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Ok, I can answer my own question - I finished up the Oral History earlier this week and thought it was fantastic.  It was thorough (though, it notably leaves out the Kilbourn era; the focus on the transition is more on the politics between the Kilbourn writers and Stewart writers), had enough behind-the-scenes pieces that I'd never heard of that I found fascinating, and for as long as it was, I found it to be a fairly quick read.  There's also a pretty honest reflection about both the writer's strike and the Wyatt situation - I had no idea that for quite awhile during the strike, Jon paid everyone's salaries, and honestly, after reading everyone's thoughts, the only person I come off thinking badly of in the Wyatt situation is Rory Albanese.

One thing that stuck out to me glaringly though, and it could be nothing, but it stuck out to me enough to notice - they talked to, and got quotes, from almost every single Daily Show correspondant, even ones that left on fairly poor terms (like Dan Bakkedahl and Beth Littleford), but there was not one quote from Jason Jones anywhere in the book.  And that includes large sections where they talk about him and his pieces.  There's some acknowledgement from both Jon and Sam Bee that Jason felt a bit slighted for not being considered as a replacement host, and for not "getting his due", but not necessarily in a bitter way.  It just stuck out as very strange to me, and I wonder what the the story is.

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I can't tell if this is just a current issue, or if there has been a change.  Has TDS been pulled from Hulu and now the only way for people who exclusively stream is to watch it on Youtube?  

Edited:  okay, found the answer.  The Viacom deal expired so it's either the website, the app with ads or youtube if you don't have Sling?  It will be interesting to see how that works out for them.  

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5 hours ago, stillshimpy said:

Edited: okay, found the answer. The Viacom deal expired so it's either the website, the app with ads or youtube if you don't have Sling?

Well, fuck me. Looks like it also affects @midnight and Drag Race. I'm thisclose to cancelling cable but was counting on Hulu to provide access to several shows.

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I have to admit, this is the only thing that's made me consider the two ways out of that: Sling TV or just caving and getting cable back. 

I'll be over here brooding over my choice but it's looking like Sling might be the answer, even though we do have service interruptions with streaming and net neutrality has a bit of a cold (understatement) at present.   I'll be over here drumming my fingers and trying to decide.  I think Sling will win for the moment because it's the path of least resistance (no having to juggle my dogs and the installers, who all act as if they faced Cujo at their last house so my incredibly gentle, docile dogs are a big threat to them...truthfully, only one acted that way since my dogs are seriously well-behaved...but I don't actually want a tech here for hours) .  

Well played, Comedy Central, nothing else has made me blink on the Sling issue.  

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This is mildly annoying because of the everlasting focus on millennials, but ratings in that demographic were up in August.

"Trevor Noah’s August Ratings Top Fallon, Colbert, Kimmel (and Everyone Else) Among Millennials."

Edited by 2727
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Noah to Also Produce and Host Year-End Daily Show Specials
The Daily Show Pacing to Finish the 2016-2017 Season as the Only Daily, Late Night Talk Show to Post Year-Over-Year Growth among both Total Viewers (+14%) and Adults 18-49 (+6%) and the Most-Engaging Late Night Series across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 
Poised to Finish 3Q 2017 as the Most-Watched Daily, Late Night Talk Show among Millennials

NEW YORK, September 14, 2017 - Comedy Central and Trevor Noah have agreed to a contract extension which will keep Noah behind the desk of the Emmy® Award-winning The Daily Show with Trevor Noah through 2022, it was announced today by Kent Alterman, President, Comedy Central. As part of the new deal, Noah will also produce and host annual, year-end, Daily Show specials, beginning this year.

Said Alterman, "Trevor makes us look smart on a daily basis, and for that we're grateful." 

Said Noah, "I'm thrilled to be continuing this amazing journey with both fans of The Daily Show and Comedy Central. It's really exciting to renew this contract for either five more years or until Kim Jong Un annihilates us all--whichever one comes first."

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Fantastic news. Renewing was expected but the length of it surely shows how much confidence CC have in him.

+ Re: year-end specials, The format of the specials is still being worked out, said Kent Alterman, president of Comedy Central, in an interview. Noah realized “that on a day-to-day basis, he is absorbing the headlines of the day, and creating content out of that, and it would be great to within the auspices of ‘The Daily Show’ do some sort of stand-up special or take a look at the year in terms of the headlines that have transpired,” (link)
+ It says Trevor will serve as an executive producer of The Opposition with Jordan Klepper as well.
+ 'Emmy® Award-winning The Daily Show' Outstanding Short Form Variety Series -"Between the Scenes." 

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This literally made my day. I'm not surprised people are getting into his version, and it's a neck-and-neck race between Trevor and Stephen Colbert as to who I like best on any given night. Best case scenario: photo finish.

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I'm super happy about the renewal! I really miss the show when it's dark.

8 hours ago, trow125 said:

Said Alterman, "Trevor makes us look smart on a daily basis, and for that we're grateful." 

Well, yes, but a nod to the writing staff wouldn't have hurt. The network president should be making a point to recognize them.

8 hours ago, sum said:

+ 'Emmy® Award-winning The Daily Show' Outstanding Short Form Variety Series -"Between the Scenes." 

I'd never heard of this ... seems to be clips of Trevor talking to the audience during commercials? Anyway, I subscribed. More.Trevor.good.

Added: I started watching on autoplay and there go a few hours of my time -- it's like an ongoing stand-up show!

Edited by 2727
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Nothing major but something caught my attention this week.  
Has this production company logo been shown at the end of the show before? Apparently Trevor used to be a director of the company.

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So happy for the show! I get pissed on Trevor's behalf because the world at large (and Reddit in particular) continues to pine for Jon and shit on Trevor.

I like all the Variety Talk noms this year except I'd swap out James Corden for Seth Meyers. Fully expect John Oliver to win again, though.

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7 hours ago, 2727 said:

So happy for the show! I get pissed on Trevor's behalf because the world at large (and Reddit in particular) continues to pine for Jon and shit on Trevor.

I still pine for Jon AND I love Trevor. But I know what you mean. And I'm thrilled for Trevor.

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Oh, dear. That's bad. I've watched all of Trevor's comedy specials that are available online so it's likely I saw that and it didn't even register with me. Or I might have thought, "That's kind of mean." But not, "That's offensively racist and sexist."

Which is to say that most of us have been educated over the years and continue to learn and become more aware of how words can alter perception. My feelings about that "joke" are definitely not the same as they would have been decades ago and even post #MeToo.

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12 hours ago, kokapetl said:

I’m disappointed by how little reaction this got. Dickhead seriously punched down.

Same. The tweets from Aboriginal women and many others in Australia have been savage.

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Trevor did an interview on Australia's national youth radio network yesterday and IMO failed to apologise sufficiently for his 2013 'jokes' about Aboriginal women.


"We live in a world where people want to unearth things that have already been unearthed," [Noah] told Triple J's drive program. "I was responding to comments about certain women being called unflattering in South Africa. So, you know, it's one of those things where if you were to make the joke again you would make it better. When I came to Australia, I was lucky enough to meet an Aboriginal woman in one of the museums in Melbourne. She said, 'Hey, I've seen your stuff and let me tell you why that joke – in Australia – was particularly hurtful'."

Noah said he has since educated himself about the discrimination facing Australia's first peoples, but he said he never intended to "hurt" anybody. "I'm not trying to hurt people with comedy, otherwise I'd get into a different job. If I'm not trying to hurt people with the joke, then I see no reason to hold onto the joke," he said. "That's why, you know, people have to go to find a joke from 2013 to basically speak about it. Because the joke isn't done anymore. But I understand how outrage works ... people generally don't want to listen or understand from their side. They go, no, we're angry. So all you can do is fall back and say, hey, I've addressed this."

Goddammit, Trevor. I want to love you. How hard could it be, as one Australian tweeter said, to 'Just say sorry and never use intention as a criteria for racism'???

Edited by purist
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At least Trevor is owning up to his bad jokes about Aboriginal women, no apology notwithstanding. Can you imagine if it was Bill Maher making those bad jokes and was being forced to answer for them? His response would be like "OH FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!!! I WAS MAKING A JOKE!!! DO YOU TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKES NOT KNOW WHAT A FUCKING JOKE IS?!!"

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He's already explained himself at length. I don't see how the extreme would want anything more out of him.

Because "explaining himself" is the problem.   I love Trevor, and especially after reading Born A Crime, I greatly admire him.  But his comments about Aboriginal women were stupid and hurtful.  He acknowledged that, but then seemed to suggest that since he wasn't trying to be hurtful he was blameless.   Worse, he went on to whine about how the people who were outraged by his comment just want to be angry instead of listening and understanding his side.  No, Trevor, the people you hurt aren't the ones who are obligated to listen and understand your side, although they are more likely to if you don't act like you are entitled to their forgiveness.

We all make mistakes and we all say stupid and hurtful things.  If we are truly sorry, we own up to our stupidity, express remorse, and shut the heck up before we slip into acting like we are the victim because our target was upset by our hurtful and stupid words.

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Trevor is first and foremost a stand up comedian. And as such, lives by a code that states you never say your sorry for a joke some find offensive when you're on stage and performing on the mike. Even if it was years ago and he was a different person then as he was now. The fact he acknowledged that the joke was horrible was more than one could have expected.

I saw Brad Garrett perform at his own stand up club at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas five years ago. And I was quite surprised to find out his act included insulting certain people. Was it shocking? To a point. But I just kind of went along with it. Because that's just the nature of stand up. Sometimes you do get people who perform on the edge, I'll accept that from all stand ups. Even someone like Bill Maher when he's performing with the mike in his hand. It's when he uses that attitude as a talk show host determined to go on a one man mission that I find his humor incompatible.

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18 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Trevor is first and foremost a stand up comedian. And as such, lives by a code that states you never say your sorry for a joke some find offensive when you're on stage and performing on the mike. Even if it was years ago and he was a different person then as he was now. The fact he acknowledged that the joke was horrible was more than one could have expected.

Yeah, but for me (and many others) that's just not good enough. Here are some tweets from Australian Aboriginal women that explain why. First, a few from feminist writer Celeste Liddle:


Overnight, thanks to Trevor Noah, my Twitter has been stormed by people calling me “ugly”, “incel” and the like. Also those explaining “beauty” to me without bothering to look up what in his routine I was referring to. I really don’t have words except thanks for proving my point

I'm just blocking outright now as I have had enough. Not only does Trevor Noah think it's okay to be sexist and attack Aboriginal women, he's also okay with others being exposed to pile-on just for speaking up.

Shouting out to all the tids [sisters] who have similarly been set upon by torrents of trolls because they dared ask TN why he thought misogyny and racism was acceptable. I note he’s not apologised or addressed a single one of us yet, but is okay with the abuse continuing.

To the 3548 people who have felt the need to call me "ugly", a "hag", "unfuckable" and the like over the past 3 days just because I asked Trevor Noah why he felt it was okay to demean and dehumanise Aboriginal women: It's totally okay as I wouldn't have sex with any of you either

PS For days this has been going on. Multiple Aboriginal women have been abused over and over again because of this video therefore proving that Noah's words were not harmless fun. What side are you on? #boycotttrevornoah

From playwright and satirist Nakkiah Lui:


I don't want any Aboriginal person, especially young Aboriginal women, to hear an Abo joke/opinion about 'Abo women' and for their hurt to be written off because the perpetrator is "just joking". Ignorance isn't an excuse. That's why @Trevornoah needs to apologise.

From writer and activist Nayuka Gorrie:


Fuck white beauty standards and the black men that hold them up. Fuck misogynoir. Fuck @Trevornoah The country we come from treats us like we are ugly, tells us we are ugly and unworthy.

Personally I don’t care if Trevor Noah finds Aboriginal women hot or beautiful. I do care that we are the punchline.

We are among the worlds most vulnerable people. Punch up or shut the fuck up.

So the thing about that Trevor Noah thing is he WROTE the joke. He went to the effort of writing that joke. Rehearsing that joke. Deciding that joke was good enough and funny enough to use. It was entirely intentional.

It was racist and misogynoir and anti-Indigenous in 2013 and still is in 2018. It’s not hard to say sorry. Not sorry you were offended, not sorry you feel that way, sorry I was such a fucking gronk that I relied on misogynoir to be funny. Sorry, I’m not going to do it again.

Sorry, how can I support your communities? Sorry, I didn’t realise you’re the fastest growing prison population, sorry I didn’t realise your kids are taken off you at grotesque rates, sorry your country treats you like trash


And here is an excellent open letter to Trevor from writer and academic Summer May Finlay, which gives vital historical context to the issue of why his 'jokes' were so bad and why he needs to apologise for them.

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