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What's the worst that could happen?

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What would get you to stop watching? What's your dealbreaker or worst case scenario?

I almost called this thread the White Walkers win but then remembered that a lot of people would actually be fine with that.

I thought this should be a spoiler topic since so many of us are looking at casting updates and other production info to help us figure out where everything is going next season.

ETA: I just realized that I don't have the ability to edit the spoiler prefix to the thread title.

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I just did it for you, Avaleigh. I didn't know if I should make it book talk or not, so I'll leave a general spoilers tag up for now.

I think for me, it would be uh...hmm. Crap. I don't know. I'm so far removed from the characters now, as I've been conditioned to think that anyone could die...

Maybe the death of another Stark child. I'm including Jon here.

I honestly don't think I would ever stop watching or reading. I've been part of the fandom for too damn long. But if anymore Stark kids die, I'll

be MIGHTY upset. (I named my youngest Bran, if that explains anything.) ;)

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Jon turning out to actually be dead would be a tough one for me to get past. I think I'd still watch, but some part of the show would feel permanently deflated for me somehow. I have similar thoughts if Sansa were to somehow meet a premature death next season. I guess it's because I still have high hopes for both characters in spite of everything that's happened.

Losing the dragons in battle before they make it to Westeros would absolutely test my resolve to finish. Being cheated out of seeing certain character reactions to the dragons or the White Walkers after all of the build up would be hugely disappointing to me. It's one of the reasons I want certain villainous characters like Cersei and Littlefinger to stick around until close to the end. It won't be as fun to have Dany and possibly even Tyrion flying in on dragons if certain characters aren't going to be around to see it or hear about it.

I also think I would have serious issues with any story involving Brienne deliberately leading

Jaime to his death.

I admit though that there's very little at this point that would keep me from watching.

I know some people were done after Shireen, some after losing Stannis, or after Sansa was raped, or even after Robb getting it back in season 3, etc. I guess everyone has their limit and I was wondering if there are any specific fears for this upcoming season. I know we're all supposed to be looking forward to it and I am, but I also won't be surprised if the second

red wedding

has an unexpected and nasty twist to it.

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I think Jon being for real dead might be the end of it for me - I would just really struggle with how much sense that made narratively speaking.  But I'm not a person who thinks GRRM is a great writer - I think at times his story drags and he gets way too wordy and I could do without the introduction of characters just to kill them off.  So if the plot with Jon doesn't end up making sense (and there has been too much build up about his parents/bastard status for there to be nothing to it), I don't think I would care too much about the rest of the story.


And I have to say that all I need is for Jon's story to continue in some way - I might even keep reading/watching out of morbid fascination if they make him an "Other" - not a wight, but an actual Walker.  I don't think they will go the warg path because the show has lost all sense of how big a deal that is for the Starks, but I could even handle him resurrecting in someone else's body/ changed appearance as long as his story goes on.


I think the death of any of the dragons would bother me as well.  I don't know if I would be "out" with the death of another Stark child, but it would have to make a hell of a lot of sense.  I don't want it, but it wouldn't be an automatic "I quit" the way the dragons or Jon would be for me.  I think that's because two mysteries have been built up in the books and series and I need them to "pay off" in the end.  The first is "promise me Ned" and just who the heck is Jon's mom anyway.... and the second is "the dragon has three heads." 


We have three dragons so I sure as heck want to see three riders before all is said and done and I want a brilliant fight between three dragon riders and the Others because as fun as all the stuff with KL is - it doesn't mean anything compared to that.


I must admit that on the show alone, I'd have a hard time watching if Tyrion died.  Peter D is just brilliant and he often saves the show for me.  I could keep reading if Tyrion died, but I don't think I could keep watching if he did.

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If next season is as bad as last season. I could see a lot of people deciding not to watch the show anymore, me included. If Jon is really dead I don't know who to root for besides Dany.

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Add me to the list of "I'm out if Jon is dead for real."


I've been watching with a group of RL friends and while one of them would probably keep watching no matter what because he has no problems with "black vs. black" stories where there are no heroes, but the rest of us NEED a hero to root for or we're out.


Tyrion just doesn't cut it (he's an anti-hero at best), Sansa is too much a victim, Arya becoming too much a nihilistic sociopath and half of us are convinced Dany's already no better than Stannis what with her imperious attitude and having people whose guilt she wasn't even certain of burned alive and eaten by dragons just to hold onto power and Sam and Davos's development came too late in the story for the narrative to truly be about their characters.


That basically leaves Jon as the only heroic type whose been present since the start of the story and I don't see how you make it through to GRRM's promised bittersweet ending without him.

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Jon is my favorite book and TV-show character. I will not enjoy either as much if he is really dead. With that said, I will be satisfied if his importance to the story at hand is explained somehow and very well. There has to be more to Jon than what we have seen. If not, the books and TV show have just given us a shitload of misdirection. That will not be cool!

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The only thing that would get me to quit watching is the show became solely a Stark kids/Dany show. The Starks are utterly boring on their own without wonderful antagonists like the Boltons and Lannisters. And the Lannisters are a far more interesting watch/read than the Starks.


Both book and show Dany bores the crap out of me. I'm quite willing to fast-forward through all of her scenes, but if that leaves me with 20 minutes of Starks and then only 3 minutes of Lannisters/Boltons/Freys/KL drama, then I'd be...out. Because who wants to only watch 3 minutes of a show?


If Brienne dies though...yeah. No. 

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3 things would make me stop watching: Jon's truly really dead, the direwolves die, and the dragons die before reaching Westeros and battling the White Walkers.


I think I'd be okay if Jon dies heroically fighting the army of the dead in the final season. But if he really went out like a chump at the hands of his "brothers", I'd feel emotionally manipulated by GRRM and D&D, and that shit ain't cool with me. I also expect some wolves and/or dragons to die in the final battle, but if Viserion & Rhaegal never make it out of Meereen or Ghost is butchered by the Night's Watch without having served any real purpose, I think I would have to rage quit. 


Other than that, I think I'm in it until the end with this series. 

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I'm 99% sure I'd stop watching/reading if Jon stays dead, lives on in Ghost permanently, or lives in another person's body permanently

all of which are highly unlikely due to Kit Harrington being spotted at the filming locations for season 6

. Avaleigh, I would have problems with everything you listed

(in particular Brienne leaving Jamie to his death—that would devastate me)

except Sansa dying. I don't want her to die but I'm not that invested in the character. I'm also not a huge fan of the theory that Tyrion is really the son of Aerys II Targaryen and it will piss me off if it turns out to be true but I'll still continue watching and reading. 

Edited by glowbug
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Jon dying for real would be a hard one to get past.  He's not my favorite character and sometimes he just flat-out bores me but I don't think the overall story as presented works without him and to kill him now would be one of the largest trollings of a readership I've ever seen.


I know I'm gone if Brienne leads Jaime to a pointless death, if she's already dead as I've seen some people theorize, or if their story arcs add up to a whole lot of nothing.  I'm not clamoring for a happy ending but I am for one that makes sense and doesn't depend on secret Targarynism or something equally ridiculous.  Show Jaime may have had his problems, but his book arc is magnificent and I don't want to see it shortchanged.


I'm actually not interested in watching all the houses be wiped out or a final apocalyptic battle of dragons vs. whitewalkers.  I'd just like for the end of this thing to feel like some kind of payoff for all our years invested in it, which to me means some of these characters have to live to tell about it.

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The more I think about it Sansa's death isn't a dealbreaker for me. I guess it's more that I'd like to see somebody make Littlefinger pay and she seems like the best bet on making that happen one day.

I've gone on record a few times saying that I think the remaining Starks are all safe with the possible exception of Arya and even that seems unlikely.

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Jon is my favorite book and TV-show character. I will not enjoy either as much if he is really dead. With that said, I will be satisfied if his importance to the story at hand is explained somehow and very well. There has to be more to Jon than what we have seen.


I agree. I'll even accept if he's dead if there's some very important reasons/consequences of his death. All the deaths of the relatively major characters on this show have culminated in good story arcs, but if this is really it for Jon (the way the actors on the show seem to be saying, even though it makes them and the story they are acting in seem totally idiotic), I'm going to question what the hell GRRM was thinking, and by association what D&D were thinking by not changing it, because it would make for an absolutely craptastic arc. However, I think there's little chance that his importance in the story is over.


Similarly, if Jaime or Brienne die anytime soon (especially before reuniting), that might be my "I'm done" cue. However, even though I'm going to be really scared for them next season of the show (and all the ones after that), I think they are a bigger part of the overall story than people give them credit for. I see a lot of speculation that Jaime is going to die with Cersei (like soon), or Brienne is going to die because she needs to experience a physical defeat (or whatever), but I just don't think that's where their arcs are going. I think they've been set up for a lot more in both the show and the books, and I think where their plot is going is more unpredictable than most of the other major stories (and I do think they are intensely linked, which is why I keep referring to them together), but I really don't think they're supposed to die until close to the end. It would make their narratives really unfulfilling, the same way Jon's death would.


Basically I'm fine with anything else happening.

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*joins the ranks of Dead Jon/Un-Jon = dealbreaker*

Not only because I love Jon, but also from a storytelling POV. The whole hoopla concerning his mysterious parentage would be pure trolling mindfuckery.


The worst that could happen would be an apocalyptic ending a la Matrix Revolutions. I can imagine nothing more pointless and unsatisfying.


Arya would be my other dealbreaker. I don't know how I'd react if Dany, Tyrion, Davos, Gendry, Jaime or Brienne died. Several of them dying would make a last dealbreaker.

I love Varys but somehow, I'm not the least worried about him. I can imagine him sitting at the Night King royal un-council, wrapped in furs.


Since GRRM inspired from the Accursed Kings, I expect some bad guys to make it unscathed and die in their bed. I wouldn't rule Littlefinger out of this category, unfortunately. It wouldn't ruin the whole thing for me if all my faves have the ending I want, but would certainly leave a bitter aftertaste.

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I love Varys but somehow, I'm not the least worried about him. I can imagine him sitting at the Night King royal un-council, wrapped in furs.


Since GRRM inspired from the Accursed Kings, I expect some bad guys to make it unscathed and die in their bed. I wouldn't rule Littlefinger out of this category, unfortunately. It wouldn't ruin the whole thing for me if all my faves have the ending I want, but would certainly leave a bitter aftertaste.

Haha, I had to plus one your post just for this description.

I can actually see Roose Bolton being a villain who survives. I can see Littlefinger living too but I think I'd hate that. I can't think of any other villains who seem like they have a chance of surviving. I can't even see Melisandre making it. Certainly not Cersei, Gregorstein or Ramsay.

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But do not fuck with Brienne of Tarth.

She's my favorite female character after Arya but unfortunately, she's the character I'm most worried about. Although prickly in temper, she's too good for this crapsack world, and on the show 1) she's physically unscathed (weirdly, I feel that the odds of Theon or Jaime are upped because they were maimed) 2) she fulfilled her oath by killing Stannis. It screams doom, and I hate it.



I can actually see Roose Bolton being a villain who survives. I can see Littlefinger living too but I think I'd hate that. I can't think of any other villains who seem like they have a chance of surviving. I can't even see Melisandre making it. Certainly not Cersei, Gregorstein or Ramsay.

I agree that I don't see complete monsters making it. That's why I go back and forth on Roose since he's a complete monster. I thought that Melisandre could worm her way out of death, but after Shireen yep, I think she's toasted. Even if Arya never sets foot on Westeros again, Davos will do her in.

My other bets for villains who survive are people like the High Septon, Alliser Thorne, and at least a Sand Snake. Probably a couple of other "middling" villains who will be introduced next season.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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She's my favorite female character after Arya but unfortunately, she's the character I'm most worried about. Although prickly in temper, she's too good for this crapsack world, and on the show 1) she's physically unscathed (weirdly, I feel that the odds of Theon or Jaime are upped because they were maimed) 2) she fulfilled her oath by killing Stannis. It screams doom, and I hate it.


It's possible that she's still physically unscathed to show that she's a formidable warrior, and let's face it, the show is going to need some of those at the end if there's going to be any hand to hand combat with white walkers. Plus, she has a Valyrian steel sword. The show can't keep cutting down the good fighters if they want anyone to be around at the end to, you know, fight. Also, I think her killing Stannis is going to be framed as a failure more than anything because she forsaked (forsook?) another oath to do it. So you're right that she's been winning the physical battles, but the emotional ones not so much. She actually kind of craptacular at anything that doesn't involve a physical fight. That's why I think there's more story to go there, and also why I'll be upset from a narrative perspective if she dies and there actually isn't.

Edited by Audreythe2nd
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The High Septon surviving seems possible. I sort assumed that he'd have his head ripped off by Ser Robert Strong but maybe not. I do wonder now though if Qyburn will survive to continue torturing away in his dungeon for the rest of his days.

I think Brienne will be on Dany's or Jon's guard in the end. I'd say I'm about 75% sure she's safe.

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I agree that I don't see complete monsters making it. That's why I go back and forth on Roose since he's a complete monster. I thought that Melisandre could worm her way out of death, but after Shireen yep, I think she's toasted. Even if Arya never sets foot on Westeros again, Davos will do her in.

My other bets for villains who survive are people like the High Septon, Alliser Thorne, and at least a Sand Snake. Probably a couple of other "middling" villains who will be introduced next season.

I'm of the opposite opinion. I think not only will all the complete monsters die, but so will the vast majority of the lesser villains too.

Of course that's largely because I think damn near EVERYONE is going to get slaughtered by the Walkers during the last season.


I would not be surprised at all to see the wall torn down by the Walkers and all the traitorous NW wighted. I see the Boltons dead (including Fat Walda as collatoral damage). I see the Freys slaughtered to the last child by the Brotherhood without banners before they go down to the encroaching Walkers. I see Cersei going bonkers at Tommon's death and killing everyone in King's Landing she believes crossed her just in time for the Walkers to arrive and WightTommon strangling her to death as King's Landing is reduced to a wight-infested graveyard before its reduced to rubble by dragonfire. I see Brienne and Jaime dying together during the final battle. I see Dany dying at the climax, probably in the final heroic sacrifice that takes out herself, the Walkers and the dragons combined. Bran, Meera and Hodor never return from beyond the Wall, their final fates unknown except for a message through the wierwoods from Bran to his surviving family.


I think we'll probably be able to count the named survivors without needing more than two hands and I think the supreme irony of it all will be that the survivors were the ones most bookies would have put odds on most likely to die. I see Jon, the true king, surviving to lead what's left of civilization into the new spring. I think we'll get the supreme irony of the majority of the remaining Wildlings surviving though I think Tormund will go down before the end. Other survivors I think would be Sansa, Arya and Rickon (with Bran only surviving as a tree and Jon being revealed to not be one of Ned's kids I can't see any others being killed off), Tyrion and Varys and possibly even Bronn I think will survive, perhaps Davos survives and if he doesn't die this coming season I could see Theon surviving to the end... Basically the bastards and broken things survive while the presumed heirs and well-born fail to survive.

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I think Brienne will be on Dany's or Jon's guard in the end. I'd say I'm about 75% sure she's safe.

I really hope so but I'm much less optimistic. She's one of the characters I worry about the most.

Arya's death would be a huge blow of it happens before this whole Faceless Man tangent actually makes some sort of impact on the main story and I'll be bitterly disappointed if she and Jon don't reunite at some point. I wouldn't give up the books or the show because of it but it would make me see red.

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I do wonder now though if Qyburn will survive to continue torturing away in his dungeon for the rest of his days.

Oh, yes. I could see him as an ultimate survivor. He has this weirdly chivalrous/affectionate attitude with Cersei -weirdly, I kind of like him for it, although I love to hate her. Maybe his "talents" can help againts the White Walkers, which could ensure his favor with the next rulers.


 Basically the bastards and broken things survive while the presumed heirs and well-born fail to survive.

That's kind of why I see good odds for Theon and Jaime, and less good for Sansa (although I think that the Starks dying boat has sailed) or Brienne. Dany is also "broken" in a certain way, since she's barren. But I'm aware this reasoning has its limitations, see: Baratheon, Shireen.


It's possible that she's still physically unscathed to show that she's a formidable warrior, and let's face it, the show is going to need some of those at the end if there's going to be any hand to hand combat with white walkers. Plus, she has a Valyrian steel sword.

I hope you're right, don't get me wrong. I just had all those many good, logical reasons why Shireen couldn't die and well...

About Valyrian steel, it's the reason why I count Tarly Senior in the "middling" villains who will be introduced and could survive.

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The High Septon surviving seems possible. I sort assumed that he'd have his head ripped off by Ser Robert Strong but maybe not. I do wonder now though if Qyburn will survive to continue torturing away in his dungeon for the rest of his days.

I think Brienne will be on Dany's or Jon's guard in the end. I'd say I'm about 75% sure she's safe.

If GRRM is really a feminist - she's safe!  If not, I just don't know.  But if I don't get to see Brie interact with Wildlings and see how they accept her as a woman and a warrior - I will be very disappointed.

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There are so many storylines I think it's just a matter of particular storyline's jumping the shark for me.


I'm going against the grain here by saying Jon's ressurection will for the most part kill any investment I had in the character (and that wasn't overflowing to begin with).  I've never been especially interested in the mysticism, wargs, dragons and that other nonsense, though I can appreciate the "Others" as a Black Swan event.   His background is ambiguous but I've actually never been overly curious about it.  I've enjoyed his rapport with his supporting cast, Sam, Grenn, Pyp, Allister but ressurections usually cheapen characters for me (at least in THESE kinds of stories).


Sansa morphing into Red Sonja/Xena/Lara Croft etc.   Physical violence is not in this girl's wheelhouse and I like that about her.   After this season all I've seen is "I hope Sansa learns how to use a sword and does such and such to Ramsay and LF", ugh.   The Story already has an Arya (who's boring as all hell herself IMO), let's allow the one interesting Stark to keep one of the characteristics that makes her so interesting please.


I'm dreading a Stark reunion.  If they all wind up back in Winterfell going down to the Tree when they want to chat with Bran I'll vommit and then whine about how I should never have read this story.


I can actually see Roose Bolton being a villain who survives. I can see Littlefinger living too but I think I'd hate that. I can't think of any other villains who seem like they have a chance of surviving. I can't even see Melisandre making it. Certainly not Cersei, Gregorstein or Ramsay.


I think it's just the kind of villain.  I can see LF living because survival is on par with the acquisition of Power for him.   He'd serve Aegon the Mad as long as he got to live, he'd later weasel his way around of course but that would come much later.   I think LF will make it and find a way to make himself valuable to whomever is standing at the end.


I don't think Vayrs will make it.   I think he's at least nominally emotionally invested in certain parties and I think in the end he'll try his best to influence things in a certain manner but it will involve showing his hand.   That's the only thing that makes LF more slippery, LF doesn't care about anyone outside of himself despite a strong attraction to Sansa.   Varys seemed like he was genuinely rooting for Aegon to fix the Kingdoms.


I wouldn't be surprised if Walder lives to see Roslyn give birth to a boy who is made heir to House Tully.  He payed for it with family members and the Frey reputation but acceptable losses in the Game of Thrones.    A direct blood decendent is now heir to one of the Great 7.  Game. Set. Match.


I think Tyrion will live.  I don't know how or where but I see him being alive at the end of all this.


The Odds are not in their favor but at the same time I can't say I would be surprised if Olenna and Margaery live to social climb another day as well.   The Tyrells are some of the most slippery scoundrels around.   They are like LF in that their only loyalty is to themselves.


Villains who are not pathologically comitted to their villainy are likely to make it in my view.  

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I was pretty disappointed in the last season.  I am the type of person who can watch something I like over and over.  I really don't care to re-watch hardly anything from this past season. Having the Shireen and Stannis storyline play out the way it did really took a lot out of the story for me.  Not that I particularly wanted them on the Iron Throne in the end, and since the end result will be the same I guess I should have really accepted that it was coming, but I wish GRRM would have somehow had Stannis save Shireen and die himself. 


If Jon is really dead I will probably still watch but without a lot of enthusiasm, just like I did on seasons 6-8 of Dexter.  I had never even heard of Game of Thrones when it started airing, had definitely never read any of the books, and from the first episode on I found myself solidly in the camp of the Starks and Dany.  This extends to their direwolves and the dragons.  If I had to rank the Starks it would be 1) Jon 2) Arya 3) Bran 4) Sansa and 5) Rickon.  I really want to know the background of Jon's parentage and would love to see flashbacks. All the rest--Jaime, Cersei, Brienne, Ramsay, Littlefinger, etc.--I don't really care what happens to them as long as it makes for a really good storyline.

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Basically the bastards and broken things survive while the presumed heirs and well-born fail to survive.

That's kind of why I see good odds for Theon and Jaime, and less good for Sansa (although I think that the Starks dying boat has sailed) or Brienne.


It's funny you should say that, seeing as GRRM just recently identified Brienne as one of those "broken things" (though he doesn't use that exact term, but close) in an interview http://www.newyorkjets.com/news/article-randylangefb/Talking-Fun--Games-with-George-RR-Martin/6069527f-f234-4946-9b7b-a70831c3bf1c. He identifies her as an underdog, and he loves that shit. 


I hope you're right, don't get me wrong. I just had all those many good, logical reasons why Shireen couldn't die and well...


I don't know, the thing about Shireen is I always saw her as an extremely minor character and kind of a question mark. She was connected to Stannis, who I always saw as having a tragic story arc. Her burning was the most genuinely disturbing thing the show/story has ever done, but upon rewatching after it happened, I could see the foreshadowing for it starting in Season 2 or 3. I just wouldn't put her in the same category as some of the major characters - she was a foil to Stannis, which makes sense in retrospect. Again, her story was heartbreakingly awful, but I don't really have any reasons why she should have survived longterm from a story perspective. 


I'm just spitballing though. When Jaime, Brienne, the rest of the Starks, the rest of the likeable minor characters (Bronn, Pod, Davos, etc.), the dragons, and the direwolves are all flayed, tortured, BBQed, and otherwise murdered before whatever final battle happens, I'm sure I'll come back her and cry at how much this story sucks, lol.

Edited by Audreythe2nd
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It's funny you should say that, seeing as GRRM just recently identified Brienne as one of those "broken things" (though he doesn't use that exact term, but close) in an interview http://www.newyorkjets.com/news/article-randylangefb/Talking-Fun--Games-with-George-RR-Martin/6069527f-f234-4946-9b7b-a70831c3bf1c. He identifies her as an underdog, and he loves that shit. 


I don't know, the thing about Shireen is I always saw her as an extremely minor character and kind of a question mark. She was connected to Stannis, who I always saw as having a tragic story arc. Her burning was the most genuinely disturbing thing the show/story has ever done, but upon rewatching after it happened, I could see the foreshadowing for it starting in Season 2 or 3. I just wouldn't put her in the same category as some of the major characters - she was a foil to Stannis, which makes sense in retrospect. Again, her story was heartbreakingly awful, but I don't really have any reasons why she should have survived longterm from a story perspective. 


I'm just spitballing though. When Jaime, Brienne, the rest of the Starks, the rest of the likeable minor characters (Bronn, Pod, Davos, etc.), the dragons, and the direwolves are all flayed, tortured, BBQed, and otherwise murdered before whatever final battle happens, I'm sure I'll come back her and cry at how much this story sucks, lol.

You know, it almost sucks that your last paragraph seems like a valid possibility in this series.  I've never watched The Walking Dead, but I wonder if their fans have more hope of a "happy ending" then we do as they are literally in the middle of the zombie apocalypse (or at least that's how it looks on the commercials).  I know the Others might be a the threat to end all threats, but I think something about this series just makes you default to "anyone semi-likable is probably going to bite it."  I wonder how long anyone can keep that going and maintain a fan base. 


I guess that's why everyone seems to have a "if this character dies, I'm out" - it just varies who that character is.  I mean really, if you have no one to cheer for, who cares about the story in the end?  And at the very least, you have to have people to cheer for in the last books/season.  Maybe that means more people are safe than we suspect - at least until the final chapters/episodes.

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While it may not match up with the books exactly, I'd definitely put Sansa in the 'broken things' category after last season. The girl would rather die 'while there's something of me still left' than stay stuck in the situation with the Boltons.

By the same token, Dany definitely started out broken, but since the start of season three its been pretty much her as the ruler of wherever she happens to be and the story has been how far she's willing to compromise her ethics to be able to hold onto power.

I WISH Dany was still one of the 'bastards and broken things' because back when she was I really liked her. But these days she feels more like a Stannis who's going to need to be cleared from the board before a true and lasting peace can be achieved (given all the dragons = WMD's parallels I just don't see 'I get to rule because I have WMD's and I will use them if you cross me' as the sort of final message GRRM would want the story to have).

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I WISH Dany was still one of the 'bastards and broken things' because back when she was I really liked her. But these days she feels more like a Stannis who's going to need to be cleared from the board before a true and lasting peace can be achieved


Actually, you know what I would find really interesting for this story? Instead of a "Dany sweeps in to a Westeros that has imploded and saves the day from the WW" type of deal, it's actually "Dany sweeps in to a Westeros that has actually kind of righted itself and is united to fight a common enemy (WW), and she kind of threatens that." Basically becomes an antagonist for awhile. And I love her, but Dany dying wouldn't necessarily be a thing that gets me to stop watching the show. I might think it was more interesting as a result (though presumably if she dies it will likely be close to the end anyway).

Edited by Audreythe2nd
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I will watch and read until the bitter end.  I think Jon Snow dying would make absolutely no narrative sense, but even that won't kill it for me.  I'm not a huge fan, but it's an enjoyable enough story.

If they make the Sand Snakes into a core part of the next season of the show, I will probably fast forward a lot.

I am just hoping that at the end of the day one or the other ends up being a satisfying story.  I don't mean a happy ending or a apocalyptic ending, just a conclusion that makes some sense and justifies the reading/watching of this.

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In Westeros terms, the worst that could happen is the White Walkers winning (no interesting characters among them and I doubt GRRM really could make his threatened 500 pages of snow sweeping the land interesting)!


As for what I think might happen but hope won't: I want Littlefinger DEAD, but I can easily see him turning himself into a Tywin-esque power behind the throne that nobody dares cross. So long as he gets his comeuppance, I'm happy (I'd be upset if Tyrion or Arya died, but I could live with it).

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The only reason I pay for HBO is for this show. I am now of the mind that unless there is some sort of significance or resolution to Jon's death I will seriously consider bailing. The other thing that would likely lead me to ending my subscription is if something happened to the direwolves. I am far more interesting/invested in them than in the dragons. I thought this season was seriously lacking in direwolf sightings.

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A reduced focus on the Starks would make me tune out very quickly. They were the family used to introduce us to the world, so I personally feel the focus needs to stay on them. I  hope for at least one true Stark family reunion before the show concludes. While some of the stuff at King's Landing hold my attention, I really couldn't give two hoots what is happening across the sea unless they are prepared to really link the action with Westeros. My mind glazed over whenever they moved to Arya last season and I yawned with anything Dany related. After 5 years it's time to get Dany to Westeros.

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It already happened: season 5. Its perfect summary was "you want a good show but you need the bad writing". I laughed a lot at the meta statements that occurred the last 2 episodes, especially because of the fact that they probably didn't come across to me as the writers intended. Danny's "this is grearness?" line at the pit sums up my feelings on the season. Too much ridiculous bending over backwards to create stupid ineffective "moments" I am sure some idiot told them were epic.

Will watch the flashbacks and maybe watch the clip if I hear Cersei blows up King's Landing. Let's be real, I will hear about it even if I didn't want to.

Edited by fantique
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Well, the worst thing that could possibly happen already happened (rot in all seven hells, Stannis!) and I'm not going to quit now. I'm expecting all hell to break loose and for me, really the worst outcome would be if the story were to fizzle to a halt and end somewhat anticlimactic. I definitely need to see the Wall come crashing down coupled with a full blown WW invasion and if it takes half the SFX budget. I'd be also disappointed if too many loose threads were left hanging. Of course Jon's parentage is going to be resolved soon, but I would like to know about the fates of Benjen (I really hope he makes a comeback as a WW) and the Hound (if the Mountain can come back, it would be weird for him not to) and how all the various mysterious factions are tied together - especially CotF, Faceless Men, the "gods" (who are probably more the result of magic than actual deities) and their respective followers and of course the WW. For this season, I'm mainly looking forward to Bran's and Sam 's stuff since I think those two are by far the best shots at giving us some answers.

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Really I would only quit this show if it bored me. However, having read the books, I'd strongly consider bailing if they put in too much of the awful Greyjoy stuff from the books - but that's what Fast Forward is for. Thankfully, it does not look like they will include Victarion on the show. Ramsey is quite enough for one show - it seems like they tried to fill the sociopath void created by Joffrey, but much of what made Joff entertaining to watch was unique to Jack Gleeson's performance as opposed to "audiences love to watch an idiotic insecure sexual sadist."

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There are so many spoiler threads I wasn't sure where to ask this......


Can someone tell me whether Tyrion gets lizard skin disease?  What about Jorah?  And hasn't Jorah given it to everyone by now?

You mean Greyscale?  Well in the books,

Griff (Jon Connington) was infected with Greyscale when he saved Tyrion from the Stone Men in Volantis. There is no indication of whether Tyrion has greyscale

.  On the show,

Jorah has taken Jon Connington's storyline and gotten greyscale, but again, there is no word of whether Tyrion has it.

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Yes, greyscale. Thank you for the replies. Any indication of what happens to Jorah?


In the books there is no definitive cure for greyscale although some say that the spread of greyscale can sometimes be halted via amputation. In the books Jon Connington decides not to amputate and keep his greyscale a secret from everyone, he resolves to die, but believes if he can restore the Targaryen line (specifically Rhaegar's line) to the throne he can accept his own death with peace and dignity.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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I have a few issues that have arisen from season 7, which I will list below: -

1) On occasion it seemed that the writers had a particular plot point they wanted to reach, but they did not know how to get there, and as such parts of the show stretched disbelief or were simply nonsensical. For example, they wanted the white-walkers to have a dragon, so they created this plot whereby a few characters carried out the most stupid plan ever conceived, and then the white walkers stood around wasting time until the dragons could conveniently show up. The show was character-driven, but now it is plot-driven, and the plot relies on tropes and coincidence. 

2) The world now feels small and safe due to the time jumps and the plot armour worn by certain characters. In addition, the travel times (even taking into account the jumps between scenes) do not add up. 

3) The use of Deus Ex Machina, eg. the cave of convenience (with the cave paintings), Benjen saving Jon, Bronn saving Jaime, characters just stumbling into other characters or pieces of information for no good reason. Google Bran is now just a rod for the writer's back. Again he is used as a deus ex machina only when the plot requires it. 

4) Characters acting out-of-character to suit the plot, eg. Baelish was a master manipulator, but my God his plan was transparent in this series, and what purpose did it have, what was his motivation?  Daenerys was almost schizophrenic, she would have a different personality in every scene. Tyrion has suddenly become ineffectual and a shadow of his former self.  

5) The use of retcons. Since when did all the white walkers die when you killed their leader? The dead used to turn by virtue of being north of the wall, they were not turned by the Night King. If this retcon is now true, then why didn't they just instruct Daenerys to burn him when she had the chance? 

6) Fan service is used repeatedly and results in stupid scenes. The scene where Theon's absence of genitals allows him to win a fight was just pathetic. The dragon action sequences are actually less interesting than the lengthy, dialogue heavy scenes of old, when the show was character-driven.

A few of these issues in isolation would not bother me, but piled one on another they are turning me off the show.   

Edited by Pindrop
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I'm not sure anything could stop me watching completely now. We're so close to the end! 

I think the only things that could make me irritated enough to watch very very begrudgingly would be:

1. The whole show being reduced to the Starks and Dany only, with the occasional fan service one liner for Davos. I love all three of Sansa, Arya, and Bran, but Winterfell was a poorly written snooze this year. I have also waited for almost 4 seasons for any semblance of my beloved book!Jaime to return to the screen, and now he's headed away from Cersei and seemingly has an important role to play in the Great War (otherwise they might as well have killed him this year, or the year before, given that he's been trapped in character development hell). I need to know how he goes down and I want it to be satisfying.

2. On that note, Brienne dying without any resolution between her and Jaime would make me flounce for an episode or two. 

3. Westeros emerging into the dawn with no major damage. You can't hype the Long Night for 8 years and then have it be over by episode 4, with the only casualties the third tier Night's Watch characters and some redshirts in an inconsequential Northern fortress. I'm not quite decided where I stand on this yet, but I almost think Winterfell might have to fall. Or, if not, some of the army of the dead should circumvent it and head further south. It feels a bit anticlimactic if there's all this noise about Westeros needing to unite and then the threat never reaches 6 of the 7 kingdoms. 

Edited by herbz
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Dany dying.A lot of fans seem convinced that she will die and I'm sorry but that would just ruin the show for me. I'm not a Dany fangirl, I love her but I like other characters more. I have just been so invested for seven years in her story, the terrible things she has gone through and her victories, her baby dragons and her bond with them, she has evolved throughout the seasons and I feel like if they kill her just for shock and horror it will be a real slap. It will leave me bitter and angry to go through all this just for her to be killed off.

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39 minutes ago, GraceK said:

Dany dying.A lot of fans seem convinced that she will die and I'm sorry but that would just ruin the show for me. I'm not a Dany fangirl, I love her but I like other characters more. I have just been so invested for seven years in her story, the terrible things she has gone through and her victories, her baby dragons and her bond with them, she has evolved throughout the seasons and I feel like if they kill her just for shock and horror it will be a real slap. It will leave me bitter and angry to go through all this just for her to be killed off.

And if she dies in childbirth, good lord all she will have been is a broodmare.

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