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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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1 hour ago, partofme said:

I love working from home and would be perfectly happy never going back to the office.  My job can be done completely remotely.  The only thing I'd miss is there's a really good pizza place by my office.

I feel the same way.  My current job’s location pretty much forces me to get on mass transit to get there - the distance plus the expensive parking rates force this - that I am worried that when officials deem it “safe” to open things up again the danger of getting coronavirus will still be there.   

  • Love 2
32 minutes ago, ABay said:

Could be worse. Could be the Islanders.

Norman would go up for adoption. 

This is true:

When I’m at work and grab one of those little packs of M&Ms, I line them up in pairs on my desk. The rule is, each pair has to be two different colors, and NEVER can a pair be blue and orange, as those are filthy Islanders colors. Some packs can be challenging. 

  • LOL 4
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My company just released a 'temporarily revised' vacation policy that screams 'ramping up for layoffs later this year" to me. 
All vacation that was carried over from 2019 (40 hours, max) must be used by June 30th.
In addition, half of the vacation time that you will accrue this year must also be used by June 30th.
The rest must be used by Dec. 31st. None can be carried over. 
They're making people burn their time so they don't have to pay out the people they lay off is what my history in the corporate world is telling me.

  • Love 1

What a crappy day. Going into details will only angry up my blood again, but let me say this: If you're giving a training session for an online product and tell people they should go do something that requires a separate tab or window, perhaps wait a fucking second until they've had time to do it and get back instead of rushing onto with 7 other things while they're still trying to figure out they're supposed to do in the other window. And maybe check in with your trainees once in a while to see if anyone is struggling. And cut? the freaking uptalk? and slow down? it's not a race?

Jesus. Just give me the fucking manual and I'll teach myself.

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11 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

So I got laid off, along with a thousand other state workers.

So sorry Spartan Girl!  I'm surprised they did that so late in the game - and hopefully things expecting to reopen by Memorial Day weekend.  Wouldn't there be a budget that prevents cuts in a given year?

Fortunately, I'm still employed but for about 4 months we're going to get a pay cut.  May -September.  


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Well, I'm in a good mood!  On my way to work last night I spotted a new billboard which caught my attention.  It had a fist painted to look like the flag of NV, and these words:

Let's Go Back To Work!

Call Your Representative!

It's likely it wasn't added to the board (it's an electronic billboard where the ads rotate) until late yesterday afternoon or possibly a few hours before I saw it.  No one else mentioned it yet.  The minute I got in, I sent an email to the producer and she was VERY interested!  I gave her the relevant details and we sent a photog to film it.  We didn't report on it for the AM show but it just might turn up for the afternoon or evening show!  I got a few kudos for catching it so early!  It fits in with the reopening stories we've been running.     

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Just as I predicted, they're making plans to bring everyone back to the office.  They're rearranging desk space (removing some to create "distance").  Probably will start seeing people drag themselves in the building in about 2-3 weeks.  

The only thing I'll miss when this is over is the light traffic and easy parking!

I get to go in one day next week and pick up some things, but they are limiting our time inside the building, limiting the number of people at a time inside, and also requiring masks.  We're state employees, so we won't get to go back for real until the stay-at-home order is lifted.  It's currently in place until June 10.

  • Love 5

Join me as I wallow in self pity, won't you?

My colleagues and I are giving thought to how we can reopen the building, according to various scenarios we have no control over. I pushed for the committee, and since it was my idea I volunteered to be on it. And now, as has happened several times in the past year, I feel useless and inadequate and wonder if I should drop off because I'm not adding anything of value.

I hope that even when the campus reopens completely, we will still be able to telecommute at least part time because it's slightly easier to cope with the feeling of obsolescence when I can pet the cat or take a puzzle break.

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It was a bit of a rough week.  My computer wouldn’t stop crashing due to it somehow never having been updated and therefore becoming somewhat incompatible with other equipment.  Then I arrive to the office to find construction work in progress.  Seems they’re upgrading the WiFi among other things (yay!  more radiation) and not only to I have to deal with noise but someone turned off the AC so it’s getting stuffy!  Luckily engineering brought a portable ac unit for me because it was becoming a distraction!  

We also had to scramble at the last minute due to a 6.5 earthquake in Tonapah this morning.  Still don’t have much info on that yet except part of US 95 is closed due to a huge crack in it!  

Mom just glad it’s Friday.  

  • Love 1

I haven't contributed to this thread before, but since I now work at a large social media company, I can't air my work gripes on any social network that's linked to my identity. Guess I should have thought about that before taking the job, but I digress ...

The company is obsessed with the "culture of feedback" which means everyone is constantly and gleefully telling you what they think you're doing wrong. Today, I was told by my manager to be less like Al Gore - "too intellectual" - and more like George W. Bush - "someone who people want to have a beer with." I work in a very niche technical field, one of a few people in the company to do this kind of work, and my manager has very little understanding of it, which makes this "gift of feedback" all the more insulting. I would have loved to retort with some choice feedback of my own, but since I don't want to get fired before my first year is up, especially with the job market being what it is, I smiled and bit my tongue. I know I'm very fortunate to have a stable job in the COVID-19 economy - people use social media now more than ever - but working there has been the most bizarre experience in my 15-year career. It's a place that touts "connection" and "inclusion," but I've never felt more alienated in my life.

Edited by chocolatine
4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's a place that touts "connection" and "inclusion," but I've never felt more alienated in my life.

I work in TV news and it's somewhat similar.  You have to keep your true self under wraps because someone will try to exploit it to further their own agenda.  Considering how many people are getting fired or having their reputations smeared for 10 year old tweets, it's a wonder people haven't shut social media down entirely!

Meanwhile, corporate announced they would bring the crew back to the office in phases (imagined my surprised look/sarc).  By the end of this month, more of us will be back in the office rather than from tenuous WiFi connections at home.  They've installed 4 way plastic barriers on the corners of the cubicles that stretch about 18 inches in all directions.  Of course how that will stop a virus, is unknown.  They also put "social distancing" stickers on the floor;  one in front of the snack rack to protect the cookies and chips in the break room, the chairs were removed (why eat your lunch comfortably??), and reminders to clean up after one's self are everywhere.  If only they did that before the pandemic!  Needless to say, hand sanitizer dispensers are hung on the walls everywhere!  In the bathroom, thee's a "safety door handle" for those us us who don't want to touch a door knob after washing our hands.  

They also put up a sticker insisting one wear a mask before entering the building (uh huh), and outside the employee entrance, they left red social distancing stripes all the way down the walk, because people are always lined up to enter the building, especially at midnight.  By always, I mean, never.    


Good news, everyone! I FINALLY found a job! It's temporary, but a job, nonetheless. I'm working from home (YESSSS!) for an investment firm via the first temp/placement agency I went to after my disastrous stint at Retail Giant. So far, it's going well. I've been working for 1.5 weeks.

The work is challenging. I'm updating financial spreadsheets that will be incorporated into SEC filing documents, which I will also be working on, starting next week. I've done similar work in the past, but not to this degree and complexity. It feels great to use my brain after it atrophied for three years in retail. It won't likely turn into a long-term/permanent job, as there are three of us temps on the project and the firm is small, but I'm just glad to be working for now.

I have a pretty big financial hole I have to dig out of from the disaster that was my finances while working for peanuts in retail, but I'm very happy to be working in this climate. It came as a huge surprise to get this gig. I'm also thrilled to be able to contribute financially to my household, because I was very uncomfortable with my boyfriend having to pay the bills while I looked for work. Fortunately, that was very brief.

The downside (there's always one) is that I've had to put in a fairly sizeable investment to be able to do the job. My laptop was 10 years old, so I had to buy a new one (thanks, credit card) and upgrade the memory because the stock memory (4G) was insufficient. I installed the new 16G card myself, and all went well. I used to do desktop computer upgrades for myself and family, but I'd never done laptop upgrades before this.

I also had to buy Microsoft Office, which irritated me more than it probably should've. I felt like the client should've provided the software needed for the job, but I'll get over it eventually. I'm really not a fan of MS's subscription model, because I paid $75, including tax, for a year of Office. I want to pay once and be done until *I* decide to upgrade. I know...I'm old.

There have been a couple other software/cheap client hiccups, but otherwise, things are good. The project managers (not the boss/client) are really great and supportive and good at running interference. I hope it continues to stay this way.

I appreciate you all in this thread, my friends. You have been so incredibly supportive of me. I've been able to come here and vent and you've been nonjudgmental. It means so much to me. I am so grateful to you all. My current achievement is a celebration for all of us; you all helped me get here.❤️

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 24
33 minutes ago, magicdog said:

Congrats @bilgistic!


You never know - if you impress these guys, they might decide to make you permanent! At the very least, maybe extend your temp status for future projects.  

@bilgistic, even if this particular gig doesn't translate into an immediate FTE position or an extension on your contract, it gives you current experience in dealing with regulatory filings. Given where you are, there's a ton of both large and small places (banks, investment companies, etc.) that have regulatory paperwork that has to be done quarterly or annually. So I'm hopeful you can use this experience as a springboard into a FTE position with benefits, etc., that will be a good fit for you. There's also a good possibility that at the end of the project, your project managers will take a look at your performance and that of the other two temps, and decide to hire one of you full-time; that's pretty common when a company brings in several temps for a project. 

  • Love 8

If you're going to send a letter of complaint to the CEO of a company without the use of a computer, please at least make sure it is legible and not a bunch of scribble across the page. Once I got the general gist of it (because there was no way I could decipher every word), I realized there was no return address, no phone number and no email for us to respond to. What a waste of my time. 

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On 6/19/2020 at 5:20 PM, auntlada said:

Did the person at least sign it?

Yes, but it was illegible as well. I think it may have been an older person, I get it that they are not as tech savvy, but then at least print instead of write in cursive. It looked like a bunch of squiggles on the page, and not in the lines either, I could make out about 10 words on the page and realized that they were complaining about the new rules about face masks (don't even get me started on that end, ITS NOT OUR RULES, IT'S THE GOVERNMENT'S), but I had no way to respond to explain why they are necessary. 

  • Love 3

My job is going well, but...

We are at a slowdown because while it's quarter-end and we've done all the updating of the financial spreadsheets (formulas, etc.) and the document templates, we are now waiting for the accountants to provide the content for the templates.

The boss "gave" us today through Friday off. But we (the two other contractors and I) don't get paid for time we don't work, obviously, so three days off is going to be rough on the wallet. (Obviously not as bad as having no work was...) We knew we would be off Friday because the company was closed, but they told us yesterday about today and tomorrow. I figured it was coming, so I had mentally prepared myself.

I imagine it will happen again after we've finished the reports.

I'm hoping that unemployment will cover the gap. I had applied in late March and it was approved literally days before I started this job. Even with working only two days this week, I will have earned more than my state unemployment "allowance" because my wages are based on how little I made at the grocery store. I don't know how it works with the extra federal money, though, or if that is even still in effect. I think it was originally through June.

Anyway, I'm still very thankful to be working. We'll be back on Monday. The work is challenging and I've been allowed to take charge of a project. It's been a good experience on the whole, and absolutely nothing beats a bed-to-couch commute.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

My job is going well, but...

We are at a slowdown because while it's quarter-end and we've done all the updating of the financial spreadsheets (formulas, etc.) and the document templates, we are now waiting for the accountants to provide the content for the templates.

The boss "gave" us today through Friday off. But we (the two other contractors and I) don't get paid for time we don't work, obviously, so three days off is going to be rough on the wallet. (Obviously not as bad as having no work was...) We knew we would be off Friday because the company was closed, but they told us yesterday about today and tomorrow. I figured it was coming, so I had mentally prepared myself.

I imagine it will happen again after we've finished the reports.

I'm hoping that unemployment will cover the gap. I had applied in late March and it was approved literally days before I started this job. Even with working only two days this week, I will have earned more than my state unemployment "allowance" because my wages are based on how little I made at the grocery store. I don't know how it works with the extra federal money, though, or if that is even still in effect. I think it was originally through June.

Anyway, I'm still very thankful to be working. We'll be back on Monday. The work is challenging and I've been allowed to take charge of a project. It's been a good experience on the whole, and absolutely nothing beats a bed-to-couch commute.

The extra unemployment ends end of July

Well we were told we had to schedule all vacation time a few weeks back, due to upcoming client events. I have a few days off now. Day 2 of the Dip texting me. Beyond clueless. Takes something and twists it, not understanding the real question or situation. Today boss was questioning the setup on something. I said oh about abcd? Nope.

Just garbled messages and some other tech guys working on it now. I texted one of the guys. Two separate issues. One we do nothing with, the other is being handled by project folks, we think it was an oversight and it isn’t a huge deal. The other day she didn’t know how to do something. Over the weekend she had asked me if I could check a system after some network updates were done. Well she actually sent me a to and from time range.  The times were wrong. I went back to read the document and it was start 7pm completion 10 pm- CDT. We are on ET. She listed times as 6 to 9 pm. No and I needed to check after the updates were done not during the updates. So 11 pm our time. I had stupidly started after 10, and got errors so called a tech guy, who then said this isn’t right. He almost put in an issue alert with another group. I checked again after 11 and everything was ok. 
I let her know that she listed it out wrong etc. , and got basically an “oh well” response. 
Boss was asking today if set up or review was wrong. The folks reviewing my set ups (Dip and possibly the laziest human ever-who takes something that would or should take at least a few hours to review- and is done within 15 to 20 minutes) do such a horrible job. I have to go back and review it again. So sick of it. Of course, cannot quit now.  The lazy bones is a friend of the boss. Shows up as “away” or offline more than available. Gets away with murder.  Doubt we’re going back into the office any time soon, so that is a plus. One location is going to 100% WFH, office is being closed. I would welcome that but some functions have tone done in our office (nothing I do though).

Stay safe everyone!

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My internet (AT&T Fiber) is inexplicably down this morning. There's "an outage in my area". I can't work without the internet. The folks I work for are understanding and I'm not on a deadline, fortunately. Unfortunately, I don't get paid for when I'm not working...3.25 hours so far. AT&T says the internet will be back on at 2:00 a.m.(!?!?!) It was fine last night, of course.

Everyone act surprised when I tell you that my internet is still out this morning. It's due to "construction". The project leader who I work for okayed me doing work over the weekend to make up for the time I've missed--if I ever get internet again. Another contractor on the project is having internet issues today too.

41 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

It's due to "construction"

That's a serious fiber cut or equipment failure if there are multiple people out for a whole day. Based on my experience, "construction" means that some construction crew just cut right through underground fiber while they were doing whatever it is they're doing. Given that AT&T hasn't sent a crew out to temporarily reconnect you while they wait for the construction crew to finish, it's possible the problem is outside of AT&T's network or they would have fixed it already. 

Which sucks. I'm sure AT&T realizes that they've got a major customer impacting problem, and they can't do anything but wait for somebody else to fix it.

I was without internet a few weeks ago from Friday morning through Sunday afternoon. But I was the only house out because something broke on the pole where the wire drops into my house. If my whole neighborhood was down, it would have been fixed in hours.

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The insanity just goes on and on.

The newsroom bathrooms were blocked off and limited to field reporters and photogs only.  The rest of us have to use two other bathrooms located down the hall.  Most of us are still operating remotely (I’m still in office).

HR claimed they wanted to phase people coming back to the workplace but changed their minds.  Who knows when they’ll be back. Meanwhile I keep interacting with people are are almost never there.  At least parking is easy.

Due to the Governor’s mask mandate, I have to wear one when I enter or leave the (empty) building and whenever I leave my bay to use the restroom.  This mandate has caused several of our anchors to have rashes around the mouth and mess with their hair and makeup.  

Bitcheroo has kept her (social) distance from me which I’m glad for.

The news director has lost his mind.  He told me and other editors not to use “pre-covid” file video because it’s not showing people in masks.  Especially video for school children.  He wants all stories that don’t have mask video to just have the anchor read the story on air.  That would pretty much cancel a lot of stories. I told him TV was a visual medium and our audience would get bored really fast.  My immediate supervisor said he’d get file of exteriors of local schools  since they’ve been closed since March and who knows when the kids will be back.



Advice needed, my friends.  Long story to follow, may not be necessary for you to read in order to reply. 

I hate my job.   Hate it, wake up in the night with my mind racing with work thoughts, often feel physically ill as I drag myself to work.  The substance of my work is mostly interesting, and I like most of the people I work with.  But my boss is an absolute tyrant.  It's a small office, and no one has ever lasted more than 3 years besides me (colleagues have expressed their astonishment that I have made it this long.)  I can't do it anymore.  Working from home only made me realize how much I hate the boss, I dread seeing the boss's name appear on my phone or email, because I know I will get barked at over something that is my fault, because everything is my fault.  Because the boss is never wrong. The constant berating has killed my soul.  The pandemic itself also hasn't helped my mental health any, and I need to get out while I am still sane.  I have had some dark thoughts about how to get out.  The darkest, if you know what I mean.

My financial adviser and I have determined I can maintain my lifestyle easily for at least 6 months, closer to 10 if I am careful, without touching my retirement savings, so I know I can afford to quit in order to save my sanity. Why else have I been working and saving my entire adult life?  I am under no illusions that it will be easy to find a new job under current conditions.

The crux - boss and I are the only employees right now, because boss hasn't replaced the last one who gleefully exclaimed "I quit".  So quitting leaves the business in the lurch with a couple of big projects in the works.  But is that my problem?  I would love to say "Here's 2 weeks. See ya!" But I'm too professional.  

Question, therefore, is how much notice does one need to give in a pandemic? 



1 hour ago, Quof said:

Question, therefore, is how much notice does one need to give in a pandemic? 

As a retired technical recruiter (42 years worth) I don't have any professional experience during a pandemic to cite LOL, but I don't see how the pandemic is really relevant. You really only have two factors to consider:

(1) Two weeks is business standard and plenty sufficient notice. If you are due any vacation time don't hesitate to make sure that you take it within that two weeks (so if you wind up physically - well, virtually - leaving the job sooner because of vacation time, that is your right!).

(2) If you are on a major project that depends on you crucially then it is a question of if you are going to want a reasonably positive reference from your current boss. Leaving your company a week or two later to finish something up is a good thing for your future reputation but it should not stretch out too long and you should not allow yourself to be talked in staying on more than a month no matter what the project is - a month is plenty of time to find your replacement and have you orient them before leaving. (A month may not be long enough for your particular business if your boss already has a bad reputation out there and can't find a hire quickly but that is not your problem.)

Ultimately I would say life is way too short to put up with an abusive manager. If you can take a month off before starting to look for a new position, I would advocate that as well. Relax, refresh, breath, and if possible go somewhere entirely new to recharge your batteries. You will interview better if you are able to entirely leave the previous toxic work environment behind you. And remember - never, ever say anything negative about your previous employer on a job interview! Interviews are all about how great an asset you are going to be for your next company.

Good luck!


  • Love 9

@Quof, I have always been of the mind that health is greater than wealth, and I have left jobs due to them affecting my mental health. I never regretted leaving them, despite the incredibly lean times that followed.

It's bad time to be jobless right now, BUT being jobless is better than being dead. I left a job after a week with no safety net at all when the pandemic really started to hit because the environment was dangerous for my health and the company cared very little for its employees. Three months later, they have had more than 1500 Covid-19 infected employees and at least 10 dead.

You owe your company absolutely nothing. You've been abused and the company has allowed it. Don't ever forget that. You did your job and stayed longer than anyone else did. There's a reason people don't last. Been there, too.

I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I'd do. Leave, and take time to rest and heal and get back to you.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Quof said:

But is that my problem?


It's the manager's problem. And the manager's doing. I'm assuming you're less concerned about the problems leaving would cause this guy than you are for the other people there? That's admirable, but still, it's not a problem you have any responsibility to solve.

Also I can only imagine that every day past two weeks will be extra miserable.

If the only reason you are hesitant to drop down a two weeks notice resignation is your sense of professionalism, I would say that's not enough. Hell, the reason you're leaving is the complete lack of professionalism towards you by your immediate supervisor. 


Also, just out of curiosity, have you started looking for another job while this is going on? Is there anything at all promising for you right now? I know that I'm fortunate that to work for a company that needed to stay open the whole time, and we're still recruiting and hiring where needed. 

  • Love 11

Two weeks is standard, and in this case, more than generous. How the office will continue to function after you're gone is not your problem, it's your horrible manager's problem. And one that he brought on himself, so he can figure out how to deal with it. You should feel no guilt and no responsibility to help him out any more than you have. 

I had a manager like that in my previous job. She was certifiable, no one ever told her no (even when her demands were and always were totally unreasonable), and she would go on random rampages and you never knew if you would be on the receiving end of it. I lasted 18 months before I quit, without another job lined up. I had nights where I didn't sleep at all, worrying about something work related, and one night I realized it was not worth it. I was never going to advance in the company because of her, I watched multiple people work themselves to the brink, and it just wasn't worth it. In my exit interview, I told the HR rep flat out why I quit and she acted like I was the first to say anything, when I knew at least 3 people who quit ahead of me had said something about her. Almost three years out from that job, more than half of the department she managed has left and there have been multiple rounds of layoffs due to poor financial management. I don't regret a thing. 

Edited by emma675d
  • Love 7

I agree with everyone else.  Two weeks is standard, just to tie up loose ends, but there is no legal requirement for any notice at all.  Legally, you could quit tomorrow with no notice. You should feel no guilt or remorse for getting out of a terrible situation -- it's time to put yourself and your mental health first.

  • Love 4

Thanks for the feedback, guys.  I've actually been busting my ass during work at home, cleaning up electronic files and organizing them so someone can pick them up.  It won't be my fault that Boss can't find someone to do that, in part because of Boss' reputation.  As a professional, I'm inclined to offer 4 weeks.  If Boss realizes how much I'm needed, then offer me some incentive to work another 4 weeks to allow for a transition.   Condition #1 - don't talk to me.  I'm just here to work.

I've had some feelers out, but there really is nothing.  I'm fully prepared to spend at least a month doing absolutely nothing (and they will be obligated to pay me out 4 weeks of vacation time when I go, so it will just like I'm on vacation.) Then I may start to panic.  

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Quof said:

I'm fully prepared to spend at least a month doing absolutely nothing (and they will be obligated to pay me out 4 weeks of vacation time when I go, so it will just like I'm on vacation.) Then I may start to panic.  

For at least a month, do only things that make you feel good. Read, binge on Netflix, whatever. You need a mental health break from your toxic work environment to recharge your batteries. In terms of looking for another job, you have some time before getting a new job becomes critical. Right now it seems that a lot of companies are on pause for hiring, but I suspect that will change in a few months, likely after the end of this year. You can worry about the job market after you've given yourself sufficient time to recuperate and relax. 

Given the horrible boss you have right now, though, before you start a job search again, figure out what red flags you need to look for in job descriptions and interviews. You don't want to escape from your current job hell only to get sucked into another one just as bad. 

  • Love 9

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