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Strudel-Boy and Cawowine: Irritating Kids in Commercials

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All those PediaSure kids who don't "wike" whatever's for dinner so their helicopter moms think the kids are going to die of malnutrition and give them PediaSure shakes instead. Guess what mom? Those kids are never going to wike anything as long as they know they can get chocolate milkshakes instead just by refusing to eat.

They seem to have gotten rid of the "I don't wike broccoli, I don't wike chicken, I don't wike waffles" kid in the grocery cart, but now they have the little boy who pushes his plate back to his mom with a shit-eating grin on his face. (Also: why is the mom in that commercial just sitting at the table staring at her kid while he has lunch? Weirdo.)


Well, the table at lunch time is a cesspool of dangers for the child of the helicopter mom.  He could catch a splinter from the dining room table.  If he drops his fork...or his straw, he may fall down and skin a knee trying to pick it up, and then there are so many germs just floating around in the air, I mean of course helicopter mom is using lysol spray, but that only gets rid of 99.9% of allergans, there is no telling what the kid might be breathing in that is making him sick, and she needs to be ready to rush him over to the pediatrician the minute he exhibits any sign of illness real or imagined.


A coworker drank Ensure by the case.  I asked his assistant why, and she said he was a cheap mofo and that he used it as a meal replacement.  I'm not sure he was even 50 yet.


Ugh...life is just too short

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This kid scares the crap out of me. He's got dark circles under his eyes, & I always think he's possessed or something. Just the way he stares when he says "Toaster Strudel, Ja?" gives me chills, he makes it sound like a threat.

Yes. And maybe it's supposed to be his accent, but the word is pronounced "goo-ey", not "GO-ey".

The ponytailed girl in the Allstate commercial is cute, but when she delivers her lines (or while she's possessed by Dennis Haysbert), she does this weird bouncy thing on her heels. Most likely she had to have some sort of "ritual" or pattern or something to help her learn the lines, but it's distracting.

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There's a Payless Back To School-oriented commercial.  Mom got a great deal on shoes, so she and the kidlets are dancing around, yelling "Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" Fine. But for everything else the mother rattles off, the kids respond with the same shrieking "Oh yeah!" to the point that it looks painful.

Edited by ScullyInApt42
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Or aliens from The Village Of The Damned.

I bet he becomes a huge star one day, the next Leonardo, or George Clooney; one of those people who got their start in commercials or as an extra.

Because he has knows how to stand out in a small part, he has chutzpah.

Edited by xls
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The girl in the Care.com commercials could easily be the poster child for this thread. Obnoxious high-pitched voice? Check. Annoying lisp? Check. Precocious worldview that we're supposed to find charming but actually has the opposite effect? Check. Ridiculously overinflated sense of her own importance? Double check.  Gah - HATE.

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The girl in the Care.com commercials could easily be the poster child for this thread. Obnoxious high-pitched voice? Check. Annoying lisp? Check. Precocious worldview that we're supposed to find charming but actually has the opposite effect? Check. Ridiculously overinflated sense of her own importance? Double check.  Gah - HATE.


Oh, man, I hate that annoying little urchin.

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Yeah, I don't find kids like this cute at all.  I'm sure her babysitter probably puts a few roofies in those muffins to get little Abby to STFU and nap.  I'm not even sure why a kid has a say in the babysitter, I would personally want someone that was an expert at getting kids to eat vegetables.

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Check out this annoying ass commercial



Until this kid has a damn job he needs to STFU. Calling his parents dorks and geeky cause they don't have a nice car is just a damn insult at least they have a car that runs. Then his last line was just a big WTF, Toyota should have been ashamed of themselves for this commercial.

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Check out this annoying ass commercial



Until this kid has a damn job he needs to STFU. Calling his parents dorks and geeky cause they don't have a nice car is just a damn insult at least they have a car that runs. Then his last line was just a big WTF, Toyota should have been ashamed of themselves for this commercial.


This kid is the fucking worst kid ever.  I can not believe that any parent would put up with this shit, I wish to hell his parents would have put his little entitled ass right out of the car and make him walk.  He is everything I think is wrong with children.  His parents are working to put a roof over his ungrateful little head, food in his stomach, and dorky faux bomber jackets over his clothes, but they just aren't "cool enough" for him because their car isn't up to his standards.  How in the world this commercial convinced anyone to buy anything is beyond me.  This commercial only sold me on the idea of birth control, because I couldn't handle this kid.


This kid makes my fucking blood boil, as soon as I saw his little assholey smug face I remembered this commercial and how much I despised it.


BTW Mr "Too Cool for School", the punk posers from 1982 called, they want their scroungy hair and skinny jeans back.

Edited by RealityGal
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I don't think that's his mom in the car as he called the woman Mrs. J and not mom and there was another kid in the car. I think it was a carpool, but nevertheless he's the worst child ever in commercial history. "I don't tolerate dorkiness." Really little boy???

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I don't think that's his mom in the car as he called the woman Mrs. J and not mom and there was another kid in the car. I think it was a carpool, but nevertheless he's the worst child ever in commercial history. "I don't tolerate dorkiness." Really little boy???


Yeah, I guess I wish when he started complaining to his parents about how he "doesn't tolerate dorkiness" in their car they would put his little ass right out of the car.  That kid really does make my blood boil, instead of being thankful that he has a home, two parents who love him but can't afford a $30,000 car to please his royal coolness, he is judging them for being dorky.  I guess they should just go ahead and blow money on a new car, in fact, I hope its the money they had in his college fund, and when special snowflake is getting ready to go off to college they should say "well listen, I wish we could pay for it, but we know how much you hate dorkiness so we bought a brand new car instead of saving for a college education."  


I mean really, when did we become a culture where you have to make purchases you can't afford just to gain your kids affections?

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I don't understand either, back then kids would have to work hard and beg parents for things. These days parents are the ones doing the bending over backwards and begging for their kid's affections. Something is wrong here and what I'm saying about this backwards culture is:


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I don't understand either, back then kids would have to work hard and beg parents for things. These days parents are the ones doing the bending over backwards and begging for their kid's affections. Something is wrong here and what I'm saying about this backwards culture is:



Thank you for that, Beatrice calmed me down.  I think she is adorable.  That kid raises my blood pressure.

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This kid makes my fucking blood boil, as soon as I saw his little assholey smug face I remembered this commercial and how much I despised it.


Yep, I took one look at the screen cap in the post and thought, "No way in hell am I watching that commercial again."  As I said when I complained about that commercial a little while ago, I got hauled around in a powder blue boat of a Chevy.  It beat walking.


And no one with that hair has the right to comment on anyone else's coolness factor.

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Check out this annoying ass commercial



Until this kid has a damn job he needs to STFU. Calling his parents dorks and geeky cause they don't have a nice car is just a damn insult at least they have a car that runs. Then his last line was just a big WTF, Toyota should have been ashamed of themselves for this commercial.

He's one to talk. His hair is like Harpo Marx.

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This kid is the fucking worst kid ever.  I can not believe that any parent would put up with this shit, I wish to hell his parents would have put his little entitled ass right out of the car and make him walk.  He is everything I think is wrong with children.  His parents are working to put a roof over his ungrateful little head, food in his stomach, and dorky faux bomber jackets over his clothes, but they just aren't "cool enough" for him because their car isn't up to his standards.  How in the world this commercial convinced anyone to buy anything is beyond me.  This commercial only sold me on the idea of birth control, because I couldn't handle this kid.


This kid makes my fucking blood boil, as soon as I saw his little assholey smug face I remembered this commercial and how much I despised it.


BTW Mr "Too Cool for School", the punk posers from 1982 called, they want their scroungy hair and skinny jeans back.


I love this post so much I want to leave my husband and run off with it!


That kid is from hell.  Seriously. 

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His parents should tell him that they don't tolerate dorkiness and drag him straight to a barber.

Although let's face it, if the kid is already that much of a pretentious ass at that age, almost certainly he's picking up the attitude from his parents. Maybe his last name is Kardashian.

Edited by Stella MD
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I love this post so much I want to leave my husband and run off with it!


That kid is from hell.  Seriously. 

LMAO!  I always envisioned my razor sharp wit ruining a marriage....I just always thought it would be my parents marriage :)  Just kidding, but thank you,  :)


That kid is the worst, the absolute worst of all time.  It makes me hate anyone who bought a Toyota Highlander.

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So...the girl in the Office Max/Office Depot commercial who is exclaiming about something in her locker, is that the girl who played Annie Reilly on Copper?


Here's the commercial in question: 

Edited by janie jones
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Wait a minute...that chick with the chandelier also has scissors stashed in that hanging organizer.  They let her have SCISSORS?  What happened to "zero tolerance" regarding weapons?


And I think Mr. Low Tolerance For Dorkiness looks less like Harpo Marx and more like one o'them Dukes of Hazzard: http://mgoblog.com/content/will-campbell-thinks-hes-dukes-hazzard-not

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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Nopenopenope. Make this kid go away. First of all, telling the lunch lady to keep the change is simultaneously insulting to the lunch lady and disrespectful to her parents. Child, your parents probably work pretty freaking hard for that money. I'm thrilled you're getting into the habit of tipping while you're young, but maybe check yourself when it's not your money. Also, please take your feet off the lunch table. Were you raised in a barn? Good Lord, the manners are seriously lacking with this one.

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Check out this annoying ass commercial



Until this kid has a damn job he needs to STFU. Calling his parents dorks and geeky cause they don't have a nice car is just a damn insult at least they have a car that runs. Then his last line was just a big WTF, Toyota should have been ashamed of themselves for this commercial.


Back when this ad first ran, it was the topic of heavy discussion over at TWoP -- the rage (justifiably) directed towards this obnoxious, snotty little douchenozzle (and his parents, for raising him that way) was epic.


If I'd owned a Highlander when that mop-toppped turd was all over the TV waves like a bad rash, I very well might have traded it in for a vehicle from Toyota's competition.


I don't understand either, back then kids would have to work hard and beg parents for things. These days parents are the ones doing the bending over backwards and begging for their kid's affections. Something is wrong here and what I'm saying about this backwards culture is:



This.  So much this.  

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Back when this ad first ran, it was the topic of heavy discussion over at TWoP -- the rage (justifiably) directed towards this obnoxious, snotty little douchenozzle (and his parents, for raising him that way) was epic.


If I'd owned a Highlander when that mop-toppped turd was all over the TV waves like a bad rash, I very well might have traded it in for a vehicle from Toyota's competition.



This.  So much this.  


I feel like that little asshole could be the poster child for birth control pills.  Or just tying my tubes to make extra sure nothing happens.

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I registered and delurked just to post about this kid: Amazon Fire boy with the hat and glasses. He's all over my TV right now. In the first commercial, he snots about how the phone is so great that he's "been on this earth nine years and [he's] never seen anything like it," shocking the clearly-behind-the-times woman to whom he's talking. In the second one, he's waiting for a flight with his (much less irritating) girl friend, and two guys behind him are having an argument about identifying a movie, which his phone solves for them. He then notes, "I'll be in [seat number] if you need anything else." He's just so smug and self-satisfied, and there's no trace of humor or wit about it, just this kid's unrelenting know-it-all attitude. The girl who's in the commercial with him doesn't bug me, but the boy, argh. Cannot stand him, at all.

Edited by Kate the Great
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The was an auto accident yesterday on my way to the post office.  Two lanes of traffic had to merge into one.  Normally, I let people get in front of me, but the vehicle that wanted to was a Highlander and I thought of Mr. Low Tolerance For Dorkiness and took it out on the Highlander's driver.  I didn't let her in.  Just in case Mr. Anti-Dork Snowflake was in the back seat.

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The was an auto accident yesterday on my way to the post office.  Two lanes of traffic had to merge into one.  Normally, I let people get in front of me, but the vehicle that wanted to was a Highlander and I thought of Mr. Low Tolerance For Dorkiness and took it out on the Highlander's driver.  I didn't let her in.  Just in case Mr. Anti-Dork Snowflake was in the back seat.

LMAO!  This is one of the funniest things I've read all week, good for you.  People should not be rewarded for giving Toyota their business after they made that commercial.

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This little crumb-snatcher right here.


Rude from the time she walked in, interrupting the hostess. And then that belch-demon voice, talkin bout "GET...YOUR...OWN..." She better get her own job, talkin shit like that and refusing to share. I always turn the channel on her lil ass.


In what world do people think kids like this are cute?  This is just another commercial that enables parents to let their kids run them.  And I guess the shining awesomeness is that BJ's has a way to pay by phone because we don't want our special snowflake to "have a meltdown" while we wait for the check.  First off, giving your child a pizookie is almost abusive enabling, these are the same parents that are confused when their child turns out be hyperactive and/or fat when they allow her to have a dessert that is at least 1000 calories of mostly sugar and fat.  Second, going out to eat, in my house was a treat, so I surely wasn't about to act up like that, and getting a dessert, oh no, if I had made any indication of having a meltdown, that pizookie would have been eaten by my parents right in front of my snotty little face.  And if I actually had the audacity to have a meltdown, or even begin a meltdown, there would have been repercussions, not my parents enabling my bad behavior by making sure we get out as quickly as possible.


I just consider these ads for birth control

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The ponytailed girl in the Allstate commercial is cute, but when she delivers her lines (or while she's possessed by Dennis Haysbert), she does this weird bouncy thing on her heels. Most likely she had to have some sort of "ritual" or pattern or something to help her learn the lines, but it's distracting.


She was Elliott's daughter on the short-lived ABC show "How to live with your parents for the rest of your life" or something like that. She's actually quite talented. But, yeah, that leg-bobbing thing is weird.

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One thing I've never noticed before is the creepy little strudel smiling an evil frosting smile as it holds up the banner in the top corner.

This commercial really just crawled up directly from the bowels of hell, didn't it?

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Don't forget this annoying brat




I'm glad the mother put her foot down, more parents need to be like this in commercials. The little brat gonna talk to her mom in text talk and how it's no big deal how her mom has to pay a high cell phone bill and then gets a smart mouth with "IDK my bff Jill."



What the hell is this?


If Kmart clothes made my kids talk like this and act that way in school. I would never buy clothes from there.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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It's new. When I saw this, I thought he looked a little different than in the previous ads. I started to wonder if they got a new kid. Either way, they definitely increased the creepiness to Hans' face.

My startle response would've been to chuck that toaster right across my damn kitchen if that kid just popped up from behind my counter like that.

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My startle response would've been to chuck that toaster right across my damn kitchen if that kid just popped up from behind my counter like that.

And now he's brought Heidi's Grandfather with him.

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Not a commercial (yet), but can I hop on the *Apparently* Kid Backlash Train when it passes by? It won't be long, now. Somehow, cute turns to annoying with lightning speed these days. This kid's cuteness is about to expire in 3...2...

Edited by RubyWoo72
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Not a commercial (yet), but can I hop on the *Apparently* Kid Backlash Train when it passes by? It won't be long, now. Somehow, cute turns to annoying with lightning speed these days. This kid's cuteness is about to expire in 3...2...

i don't see WTH was so special about this kid ether, I couldn't even understand what he was saying! Geeze, hand a mike  to any kid you get the exact same thing.

Edited by xls
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The one at the airport was bad enough, but last night I saw one at a café, where the boy is using his phone to buy income property, that is even more annoying. 


If I had kids, at a certain age they'd be given a cell phone for emergencies and at an older age be allowed to use it for certain things, but I'd be damned if any kid of mine would walk around glued to an electronic screen all day (or use one at my dinner table).  So using kids in these commercials isn't going to work for me, period, but using obnoxious kids acting like grown-ups as they snot off to actual adults is really not the way to go about it.

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If I ever have children they will get that old school Nokia brick phone that never dies. And even when they're old enough to have smartphones I'll keep that thing around in case they misbehave.


But back to actual commercials, why do these commercials inevitably feature a child who badly needs to be parented? Does anyone think these children are endearing? Nothing makes me want to buy a product less.

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