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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Here is a story with a poll about Heather overreacting or not?  http://hollywoodlife.com/2015/07/14/rhony-heather-attacks-luann-ramona-naked-man-july-14-recap/  Two thirds of the voters said Heather did overreact.  A far cry from the First Looks thread where it was running about 10% in the Heather overreacting department.

  • Love 2

I am having a hard time with this because from Kristen's account the men arrived in a the vehicle driven my the chatty house manager. So LuAnn got her man out sometime in the predawn and just how did he get home? The other man apparently came downstairs and was comfortable enough to have a beverage. Just how did he get away from the house before Heather and Carole could chat with him? Chatty house manager also knew of Ramona taking the man upstairs--would he as the house manager not have a duty to secure the other guests? House manager had a conversation with Ramona.

More and more it seems the logical person to go to for what happened would have been the house manager who was awake and chatting away with Kristen while Carole and Heather were on their rampage. So I think some of this was manufactured.

Interesting recap-this woman is usually pretty tough but here it is: http://www.jewishjournal.com/keepingitreal/item/real_housewives_of_new_york_week_15_recap

Thanks. She can be tough but she had some great one-liners!

  • Love 1
IMO what happened with that guy was that he was asleep.  Not exciting, not good television, but I think the most likely scenario is that was all it was.


That likely is all that happened. But the point, for me, is what COULD have happened. They did not know these men from Adam. They had ostensibly just met them and I do not think it's wise or safe to let a virtual stranger have free range of a home being shared by several people without getting their consent. Thankfully it appears nothing happened. But something awful could have happened. 


But, of course, this is not real life.  Producers and camerapeople are constantly shuffling about.  I don't think show staff have been sworn to follow the Prime Directive, have they?  I mean, if they saw someone snagging Carole's credit cards, wouldn't they call security?  Maybe not, but I suspect they would.


Serious question, is the production crew with them overnight?

  • Love 4

This episode. I didn't want it to end.

I would bet that if Sonja had been in Heather's position, she would have been thrilled to discover a naked man in the room adjacent to hers. She then would've tried to seduce him. But then she also would make sure he left the house afterwards.

Was Carole fiddling with a Skinny Girl lip gloss while having tea with Beth?

Loved Carole telling us that Lu irrefutably lied about Carole supposedly apologizing about barging into Lu's room.

Loved Lu telling Heather and Carole that the man that she was "talking" to eventually left the house.

  • Love 2

http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/heather-thomson-leaving-real-housewives-of-new-york-after-3-seasons-2015157  Here is the story. 


Good for her and leave on a high note instead of taking everyone down.  This babbling about others' off screen lives is not flattering to her.


Good for Heather. As was mentioned in that story, the editing really was unfavorable to her. I'm not talking about showing her arguing with LuAnn or Dorinda, either. Because the great Heather B. once said: "They use what you gave them." I'm talking about this being episode 15, and it being the first time we actually got a Heather scene. There's no way around saying that she was slighted in the editing room in favor of a different narrative to prop up Bethenny, whose scenes dominated a great majority of this season. Seeing a cast member outside of a conflict with another cast member does wonders for rounding out her character.


Lastly, Heather isn't taking anyone down. Oh, she mentioned LuAnn's hypocrisy in a TH? Is she a unicorn on that front? Bethenny and Ramona and Sonja have all done the same regarding LuAnn. LuAnn has done the same regarding Ramona. 

  • Love 15

One thing I keep readin is that Heather slut shamed by saying they had different morals, but she said this not because Luann had a one night stand, but it was directly after she asked Lu how she would feel waking up to a stranger in the next room, lu made a face and said something about not being a big deal. I don't have random people staying where I'm staying so I agree with Heather. I'm actually shocked she is getting so much heat, for being pissed about it. 


Lu is an idiot with her they were trying to catch me!! I dont think that was on anyones mind, but maybe it was producer driven.

  • Love 17

That likely is all that happened. But the point, for me, is what COULD have happened. They did not know these men from Adam. They had ostensibly just met them and I do not think it's wise or safe to let a virtual stranger have free range of a home being shared by several people without getting their consent. Thankfully it appears nothing happened. But something awful could have happened. 





Serious question, is the production crew with them overnight?

Sounds like just the chatty houseboy or house manager.  However there is the mystery vacant first floor bedroom, it leads me to believe production is on board.  At least one or two members.

  • Love 2

I am totally on board with Heather on this one. If I woke up to a naked stranger in my house, I would freak out too. Lu and the others weren't getting it. No one is begrudging you getting a little action on vacation, but you need to take responsibility for your dude. You can't just leave him unattended in the next room from your unaware friends. This is not the same as having a one night stand in your apartment back in the city. You're sharing a house with several other women, and you need to take them into account. They had JUST met these guys, and they were clearly heavily intoxicated - what if that guy had tried something with Heather or Carole, what if he stole something? But the crux of the matter is, no one told them. NO one really knew what was going on and THAT was "uncool". 


It was interesting to hear that even the house manager tried to stop the guys from coming back. I wonder if they were worried about liability should something have happened. And the look on LuAnn's face when it was brought up that her dude was married. It wasn't a look of, "Really? I had no idea. He wasn't wearing a ring, never said anything". It was a look of, "Yea, I knew. So what? It happens". She could not have cared less. So it's terribly classless to pepper your speech with the "F" bomb, but if Victoria was traipsing around Europe banging married men it would be totally awesome? Lu is reminding me of what a hypocrite she is and I'm back to being disgusted with her again. 


And, for the record, I don't think Lu is responsible for Ramona's man. I mean, let's be clear, naked dude WAS Ramona's man. She clearly took him upstairs to have her way with him (hence him being naked), but wanted to go back down and sleep with Sonja. Which, well, that says a lot about you right there. At least LuAnn sent her dude packing. But at no point did Lu acknowledge that it was a problem for the other dude to be there, alone and naked. She could have said, "Yea, that's messed up. I sent my dude home, I had no idea Ramona didn't do the same. I can understand why that made you uncomfortable". No, she was more concerned about what COULD have been witnessed by the girls barging into their room. Trust, LuAnn, no one wants to see that. 


Once again, Sonja had it right. Just bang the dudes outside on the beach and send them on their merry way. 


SIgh. I'm now exhausted. On to other matters:


Bethenny's Dorinda impression was spot on! 


Dorinda is a very indulged woman. What I would give for a nap once a quarter, let alone daily. 


Dorinda sewing Manny's coasters to her jeans!!!! 


Kristen, I hope you pay your nanny overtime to do your charity work for you. 


And speaking of Manny, poor guy. He's going to need to sage the fuck out of the place now that the harpies are gone. Light 20 abundance candles and put nine lemons in a bowl. Damn. Talk about bad energy. 


I don't really give two fucks about Kristen and the press. I don't think she meant anything by it. I imagine she was at a party and absolutely delighted that someone wanted to talk to her, so she didn't really think about it. Also, we know she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I can totally see her thinking she's making some witty remark and having it come out wrong. But what was funny, to me, was how in her THs she was all, "The gloves are off!", but then she continues to be all meek and mild. 


But I'm really starting to notice a pattern with Dorinda. Under the guise of being the shoulder to lean on, she's actually getting people all riled up and then sitting back and watching as they erupt. She did with Sonja in T&C and she did it at Manny's with Lu. She is really turning out to be quite the shit-stirrer. No wonder she and Ramona have been friends for so long. 


  • Love 7

I fucking hate Ramona.  Watching her toddle over between Heather and Dorinda and try to piss all over Dorinda to claim ownership made me want to punch her in her various plastic parts. 


It's the least of it, this episode, but Ramona smirking 'You scared me' at Heather...I want bad things to happen to Ramona and only Ramona. 


Dorinda has a great body.  Someone upthread said she was a 6 - I think she's a 2 at most.  She's got a thing for '60s styles and I'm here for that, if not for her actual personality, attitude, character or alliances. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 12


Sonja felt like S1 Sonja in her THs and in this episode in general.  Loved that.  She's so funny when she's on her game.

She is absolutely delightful at times. 

Siding with Heather in principal - I would have been upset too.  I don't think she was trying to shame LuAnn as much as make the point that she (LuAnn) knew little if anything about this guy.  But, if I followed it correctly (and it's hard when they all start screaming like banshees) - Heather should have been directing all of it to Ramona.


I'm guessing Kristen's pointing out that the guy was married was production driven.  Who does that, on camera especially? 


Kristen/Bethenny fiasco - I don't really care, except that it's not like Kristen was giving away any of Bethenny's deep, dark secrets.  Bravo wants these women to give interviews and Kristen was was talking about the show, the people on the show and her reactions.   When Bethenny brought it up all dramatic and "don't talk to the press about me", I thought "wow - what did Kristen do"? Not much, it turns out.  Sorry Bethenny, you signed up for it, you're getting big bucks, and this is not your first rodeo.   


More Bethenny therapy sessions next week.   Boring. Can someone tell me exactly what Bethenny is bringing to the show in return for her $$$$?  Because I'm thinking Bravo got screwed.

  • Love 9

And oh how they kept at it on WWHL. When Heather let Carole get a word in edgewise, Carole had some nasty stuff to say about Luann. Said Luann pretty much screws anyone. Heather smiled that creepy smile again and agreed. Carole also said that she hadn't talked to Lu since the reunion and they aren't friends. So I wonder if Lu really went there about the book. Because tonight, Carole was really trying to out-out Luann.

If Lu did bring up the ghost at the reunion and Carole is slut shaming Luann, how do they move past that and film together next season? I mean, I know they will but how does that work????

I cannot blame Carole for saying whatever about Lu. Luann has been vicious to Carole on Twitter about Adam. Imo the whole Adam anger was a big lie, Lu was pissed about T&C but decided she'd paint Carole in a bad light first. She tried to get in front of the dismissive behavior and attitude she had about the stranger in the house. I don't think she was ever that phased by Carole and Adam.

So, Carole can talk shit about Lu, and I don't care.

The truth is both Carole and Heather have said very little about the other women till now.

Dorinda and Lu go on Twitter and bash H&C and they should not say a word?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 16

Oh that's right. Not that it matters though (to the Scottish dude's wife's P.I.)

Seriously, if anyone broke "girl code," it was Kristen who announced to the room that the guy was married.

It's interesting to me the way all of the girls put blame on people for one thing, but not on others for another.


Ramona clearly started the whole thing, yet she escapes with little judgement. It was surreal to read Dorinda's twitter last night and see her have harsh words for literally everything that Heather said, while thinking that Ramona was funny, cute, or "just being herself" when she "punted" to Lu, and later at the bejeweling deal when she tried to avoid a conversation.  Dorinda loved this about Ramona. Same with Kristen. She thought it was wrong for anyone to judge Lu based on the fact that she might have gotten down with a married guy, because how could she have known if she was just looking for a little one time fun that he was married? She has nothing but praise for Kristen, however, the one who outed the guy as married. She goes on and on about what a wonderful, sweet and kind person Kristen is. Lu also holds no resentment towards Kristen, which is strange, because it seemed like this revelation is what changed the dynamics of the way Lu was reacting at the time.  

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 15

Ramona sure is getting a free pass this season. Her constant shit stirring and rude behavior is overlooked and/or forgiven as long as she gives her fake apology. Then she immediately moves on to her next offense. Quite the opposite for Heather. She can't do or say anything right and is being beaten up pretty badly this season. 

I like sober Sonja. She's cute and funny when she's not sloppy drunk. 

Bethenny really needs to back off of Kristin. If she was really so pissed off at her she should have just written her check to the charity and stayed away from the bedazzling party. But then again, that wouldn't have satisfied BRAVO. 

  • Love 18

But Luann had nothing to apologize for.  It wasn't her dude up in the bed.


Heather and Carole should have calmed down (even though I don't think Carole was all that upset until Heather mind-melded her) before they went to Luann's room. 


Upon realizing that Luann had nothing to do with the naked guy, THEY should have apologized to HER.  Maybe then the scene in the kitchen with Luann wouldn't have devolved into outing her and questioning her ethics and values.  (But had it not evolved, we'd not have Luann's smoky voiced quip. So for that I am forever grateful that Heather went cuckoo.)

Ramona told them it was LuAnn's guy and they already know that LuAnn has brought random guys back to their vacation house before whereas Ramona never has, not a big leap to understand why they believed Ramona over LuAnn. And once again, Ramona starts the crap fest fight, turning friend against friend then skates away clean!


Why do people keep posting the bathroom door was wide open. In the first few seconds of the show Heather is telling Carole what happened. She specifically says as they are in the bathroom "I opened the door."

Check your DVR.

Heather said that she put her robe on, that the door was open on that side and her robe got caught up on the door and that was when she noticed the guy in bed. The door was open to begin with.

  • Love 5

Luann really dug it in herself. All she had to do is apologise and say she had no idea Ramona did not send her guest home and then why not double down on Ramona? . No, instead they allow her to sleep on...

She totally did not give Heather the dignity of acknowledging her fears. Giving Heather some validation that yes, it was inconsiderate to bust in at 3 am, blasting music and then not making sure their guests were escorted out at the end of the "festivities" -- or at least knocking on the door and warning them that they were going to have an overnight guest and maybe... keeping that guest on a different floor? - or at least not in someone's adjoining suite. 


I think there should have been some respect that not everyone leads the same kind of lifestyle Lu and Sonja do...

I also think Dorinda is a total hypocrite. I can only imagine her high dudgeon if some naked man was left in her suite for her to find. She would be all "how humiliating" "how invasive" "how dare you put me in that position!" She would be off the fucking hook. The girls had no idea that the man in the room was a Ramoaner as she put it on LU (as usual).


I also think her boyfriend is a pig and blaming Kristin for him humping and handsying her when all they were doing initially was dancing and insinuating Kristin would have any interest in him in some kind of sexual manner lol. That guy is gross. Just because Dorinda has low standards doesn't mean everyone else does. I realize it's hard to find a single straight successful man in NYC but come on. Josh may be a douche on camera but I bet he can manage his perineal and personal care without occupational therapy tools. That guy is a heart attack waiting to happen. 


Just think how the editing could have gone the other way... they could have shown the naked man with the face vaselined out and then Heather and Carole naked in the next room and made it look as if they were the ones bringing home unauthorized boy toys.


I think production does shut down for the night and the women are left to their own after the planned scene.

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I don't think Carol and Heather had a conscious plan to catch LuAnn in the act, either. 


I think the person who was hoping LuAnn might get caught with her hand in the cookie jar was Ramona.  She didn't send the Bobsey Twins to talk to Luann just to get them off her case.   iI think she was totally hoping Luann still had her Scotsman in her room and Ramona was setting her up to get caught so that all the attention her seriously bad judgement was receiving would be diverted to the Countess.  


Of course, being green like Sonja said, Ramona miscalculated.  The Countess would never let something like that happen.  She had ushered her dude out hours earlier.  But Ramona still managed to escape unscathed because Heather's reaction was so huge, that became the issue - as opposed to the issue of Ramona (quite probably) screwing Naked Guy in Bethenny's room then toddling off back to her own room, leaving him behind as he slept only feet away from a completely unaware Heather and Carole.  Which was a seriously assy thing to do, imo.


I am enjoying this season because it feels more like a screwball comedy, and I feel like the editors know it.


Totally! Last night's episode was like a female version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, with LuAnn and Ramona in the lead roles. And I loved every messy second of it.

  • Love 9

Heather has remained undaunted in the face of unrelenting hostilities. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Also, Heather has dealt with a cacophony of ill educated, ignorant, and poorly disguised venomous women. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Furthermore, Heather has been targeted ALL season in a grotesque maelstrom of petty, tiresome, and manufactured attacks on the program as well as in the media. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Finally, after struggling with a coup de theatre led by Bethenny, Ramona's endogenous lunacy, Dorinda's curmudgeonly "whispers" and athletic crumbs, and LuAnne's adept performance of the award-winning "What a Filthy Hypocritical Mind", Heather is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. And, I am glad, heartened, and wish her well.

:-) #Heather IS cool. Others and their sloppiness, definitely uncool. Holla!

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 24


Lu and the others weren't getting it. No one is begrudging you getting a little action on vacation, but you need to take responsibility for your dude. You can't just leave him unattended in the next room from your unaware friends. This is not the same as having a one night stand in your apartment back in the city. You're sharing a house with several other women, and you need to take them into account. They had JUST met these guys, and they were clearly heavily intoxicated - what if that guy had tried something with Heather or Carole, what if he stole something? But the crux of the matter is, no one told them. NO one really knew what was going on and THAT was "uncool".


But the thing is Lu didn't leave the dude unattended. From what I can gather Lu and Ramona brought guys home and continued to party after having been out. At some point the party broke up and Lu got it on to some extent with her dude (I presume they had sex, but didn't see it so don't know) after having whatever way she had with her Scotsman, Lu then got him out of the house. I would think she had done so before going to sleep herself. Whatever the deal, there doesn't seem to be any point where Lu left her dude to his own devices. Why would she?


It was Ramona who left the guy in the bed in Bethenny's room, next to Heather and Carole's room. It was Ramona's guy who was left to his own devices for a period of time. That's nothing to do with Lu. At all. And yet it was Lu who Carole and Heather went after. Sure it's probably not cool to bring a guy back regardless, but Lu's guy left the premises hours earlier from all accounts. Somehow it became all Lu's fault that there was a guy in the room next to theirs. 


As to the snark and slut shaming, especially on WWHL, I think it makes me dislike Carole even more then Heather. Not hard, since I generally dislike Carole. But all season long she has put on this Sex and the City persona. She has made sexual comments in every situation (remember the names she wanted to give to Kristen's nail polish colors) and generally wants to be seen as too cool for school. So for her to be commenting on Luann's sexual behavior is beyond hypocritical. She should be embracing Luann as the Samantha to her Carrie.


And regarding Carole - just what is her story this season? She hangs out? She gets together with Bethenny and is cool? She's got a young boyfriend we don't see? As much as I love to hate on Ramona, Carole is more annoying to me.

  • Love 14

Hopefully the dude's wife isn't a HW fan.  Scotland is tiny compared to the U.S.  If she's at all suspicious that her hubs was in T&C around that time or half as good at detective work as we all are, it wouldn't be hard to figure.  Especially since it's possible that some of the names bandied about, by Heather and Carole on WWHL, might be real.


But I agree with you about it all being on the guy for cheating in the first place.  But that was one more feather in Heather's bitch hat as she sat there fist pumping and excited that he might be caught.  Just let it go, Heather.  It's done.  You weren't murdered and your wallet was intact.  Millions of people cheat.  Why you all giddy, girl? 



F that. I hope the guy is caught and just like Heather I'm excited for it.  A grown ass married man fucking a reality tv star? While filming is still going on? He deserves to be caught. I'm giddy at the thought too. But I don't care if anyone calls me a bitch. 


If Heather is leaving, I'm guessing Kristen is on her way out too. So we're back to our original ladies of RHONY?  Will Jill be coming back too? That might make it a little more interesting at least. Because watching Lu, Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja alone is going to be kind of boring. 

Edited by racked
  • Love 12

I can understand H&C being shocked and upset initially. I'd probably be the same way. I don't agree with how they handled it though, running around like lunatics. Who let the guy in? Who do you think? Cmon gimme a break Heather. And Ramona is the biggest asshole in all of this because not only did she bring the guy back she passed the buck to Lu. Now Lu, I can see her point too. I'd be equally as pissed if someone came barging in my room in the morning like they did. And i don't believe that they knocked first. And if they did, did she say come in? That was fucked up. Imagine if the tables were turned and Ramona came barging in their room screaming with a camera man in tow. Not cool what they did at all. I do think Lu is reaching though with thinking they plotted to catch her with someone. They were too heated up in the moment to consider that.

Heather (who I really like) can get over the "you were playing music at 3am". It's a fucking mansion you're in, I'm sure you barely heard it. And if so, big fucking deal. You're on vacation.

Carol can climb down off of her high horse anytime now. I don't like her snotty self one bit so far this season.

Kristen, totally uncool outing Lu's man like that. What does it matter to Lu and why bring it up at all. Lu has been nothing but nice to you. I could see if Lu was in a full blown relationship with the dude, but a one night stand, his marital status is his problem not hers.

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I thought I was losing it because all of the references I heard were to house manager as well. I heard and saw nothing about a producer.


Yes because people keep making definitive statements and are not double checking themselves before posting the same thing over and over. If you're going to be the poster police correcting everyone at least have your facts straight.

  • Love 4

A clue that you are cool is if  Yummie Tummie is worth millions.  I would name my company some uncoool name like  Yummie Winking  Noodle if I had her buckeroos 

So uncool to be a millionaire many times over.  Yeah!  Laughing all the way to the bank with her Yummie millions.  :)


Given all the ways in which Heather is not cool, as she is human, going after her successful company's name seems like a stretch, maybe just to dislike her more.  I give the woman a LOT of credit (cool credit) for being so successful.

Yeah - going after the name of the company kind of seems like a very significant element of society's desire to undermine women in business.  Is Skinny Girl oh so cool?  It is when it makes $100s millions.

Edited by jimene79
  • Love 3

But the thing is Lu didn't leave the dude unattended. From what I can gather Lu and Ramona brought guys home and continued to party after having been out. At some point the party broke up and Lu got it on to some extent with her dude (I presume they had sex, but didn't see it so don't know) after having whatever way she had with her Scotsman, Lu then got him out of the house. I would think she had done so before going to sleep herself. Whatever the deal, there doesn't seem to be any point where Lu left her dude to his own devices. Why would she?


It was Ramona who left the guy in the bed in Bethenny's room, next to Heather and Carole's room. It was Ramona's guy who was left to his own devices for a period of time. That's nothing to do with Lu. At all. And yet it was Lu who Carole and Heather went after. Sure it's probably not cool to bring a guy back regardless, but Lu's guy left the premises hours earlier from all accounts. Somehow it became all Lu's fault that there was a guy in the room next to theirs. 


As to the snark and slut shaming, especially on WWHL, I think it makes me dislike Carole even more then Heather. Not hard, since I generally dislike Carole. But all season long she has put on this Sex and the City persona. She has made sexual comments in every situation (remember the names she wanted to give to Kristen's nail polish colors) and generally wants to be seen as too cool for school. So for her to be commenting on Luann's sexual behavior is beyond hypocritical. She should be embracing Luann as the Samantha to her Carrie.


And regarding Carole - just what is her story this season? She hangs out? She gets together with Bethenny and is cool? She's got a young boyfriend we don't see? As much as I love to hate on Ramona, Carole is more annoying to me.

At that point in the fight, they really thought LuAnn did this. Think about it, LuAnn has brought guys back to their vacation house before, Ramona never has. No one, Dorinda/Sonja would speak up and Ramona told them the guy was with LuAnn, that she had nothing to do with him. Which 1 would you think did this based on history and what little knowledge you had at the moment? LuAnn is the logical choice IMO. LOL

  • Love 4


Heather said that she put her robe on, that the door was open on that side and her robe got caught up on the door and that was when she noticed the guy in bed. The door was open to begin with.

Heather said to Carole that she opened the door. Heather, while walking Carole through what happened "I'm like right here, ok, I open the door, and I come over here, there's a guy sleeping right there in the bed."

In her TH she says "So this morning I get out of bed, and I sleep naked, and I grab my bathrobe on the back of the door to go make the coffee, and as I'm trailing my robe behind me I'm walking through Bethenny's bedroom and I see a strange guy sleeping in her bed, so I'm like closing my robe and as I'm doing that, he rolls over and he's naked! What the hell?"

Heather opened the door and walked through the room, that's how she saw him.

  • Love 7

Heather said to Carole that she opened the door. Heather, while walking Carole through what happened "I'm like right here, ok, I open the door, and I come over here, there's a guy sleeping right there in the bed."

In her TH she says "So this morning I get out of bed, and I sleep naked, and I grab my bathrobe on the back of the door to go make the coffee, and as I'm trailing my robe behind me I'm walking through Bethenny's bedroom and I see a strange guy sleeping in her bed, so I'm like closing my robe and as I'm doing that, he rolls over and he's naked! What the hell?"

Heather opened the door and walked through the room, that's how she saw him.

She said her robe got caught on it as she was putting it on and that she then went through into the next room. I think the robe getting caught caused the door to partially close and she never claimed the door was all the way open. I guess she elected to leave via Bethenny's room because Carole was still sleeping.

  • Love 4

Gee whiz, golly, and jeepers! Why don't we just kill Heather!

I feel as if Heather is doling out eternal torments based on many comments. How is Heather's or CAROL'S reaction to a Nude Male Stranger in an adjacent bedroom in any form considered, apparently, reprehensible.

Whether one dislikes Heather because she is pushy, because she says "muthafucka", because she grins too much, because, because, because; she in no way deserves this foaming negativity. All of the wretched characters--LuAnn, Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja--have behaved as if Heather tortured them in a pit of dark bitter despair.

Heather is certainly not the one who is tedious and wearying. GEESH!


That's you're opinion and you're certainly entitled to it.  Likewise, the growing number of people who seem to be tired of Heather's antics are entitled to their opinion as well. Frankly I'm surprised Heather still has a faction of die hard apologists who will justify her actions no matter how egregious.


None of us here was there in that beach house so everyone here has their own take on what may or may not have happened.  I'm entitled to mine.  The only thing we have is what is shown on film and talked about by the people who were there.  I'm just questioning why the guy was naked and I think one of the women on the show said that Ramona didn't sleep with the naked guy, that's why he went upstairs in the empty room to sleep.  Since camera's weren't there to record what actually happened, I'm in the same frame of mind as Heather.  She made a point that she noticed that the bathroom doors were open which lead me to believe they weren't when she and Carole went to bed.  That guy could have been in their room without them knowing it and that's why they were so upset.  Also, Heather said that when the guy rolled over, he was naked.  I don't have any reason to disbelieve her.


I do (have a reason to disbelieve her); Heather's story went from the guy being asleep in the adjacent bedroom, to him being in her own room and then finally *in her very bed*. Presumably someone who is so comfortable with exaggeration and twisting the facts cannot be a credible source of information. Thus, I suspect the Scotsman in question was probably wearing an undershirt and briefs at the very least.


I find it hilarious that Heather and Carole are being blamed for and/or named responsible for: 1. Being upset and 2. Kristen saying that LuAnn's dude was married. While LuAnn and Ramona get to be "all, like, cool" and shit for being the inconsiderate ones. It's a special kind of pretzel factory for that one.



I don't think anyone here is "blaming" Heather or Carole for feeling the way they did. Heather's overblown reaction--barging into rooms, dramatically tearing open the blinds and pitching a grade A fit--is what some posters are taking umbrage with.  Moreover, Carole was initially unfazed by the matter as she did not see this stranger with her own eyes.  However, Heather's escalating rant worked her up into a lather and she jumped on the histrionic bandwagon.

  • Love 9

Heather said to Carole that she opened the door. Heather, while walking Carole through what happened "I'm like right here, ok, I open the door, and I come over here, there's a guy sleeping right there in the bed."

In her TH she says "So this morning I get out of bed, and I sleep naked, and I grab my bathrobe on the back of the door to go make the coffee, and as I'm trailing my robe behind me I'm walking through Bethenny's bedroom and I see a strange guy sleeping in her bed, so I'm like closing my robe and as I'm doing that, he rolls over and he's naked! What the hell?"

Heather opened the door and walked through the room, that's how she saw him.

In any of that does she say the door was completely closed? No, I really think the door was partially open and in any case, it was not locked.

  • Love 3

I'm going to have to watch this episode again. It's like Rashomon, where everyone's got a different version of what happened.


I had housemates when I was single and once in a while, I'd wake up to find a housemate's friend, or date, on the couch on a weekend morning. It was no big deal. OK, so I was in my 20s and these women are in their 40s and 50s, but I didn't understand why a man crashing in BETHENNY'S room should cause Heather to cry that her beautiful vacation was ruined. (If anything, I'd be more pissed off about the loud music.) I like Heather, but she really started losing me. I also wonder about the timeline if she'd already discovered the man sleeping NEXT DOOR (i.e., not in her room) but didn't bring it up until after he left.


I'd bet anything that the guy would be mortified to know that his presence caused all this. I imagine that he was hanging out, had too much to drink, and Ramona and/or LuAnn said "why don't you sleep in the empty bedroom upstairs?" Maybe he didn't even know that there was another bedroom on the side of the bathroom. Since he left so early, he clearly wanted to be discreet. (I'm relieved he wasn't a local, as Heather's comments about "did he take anything?" initially made me uncomfortable.)


I can understand Heather's point of view, but could have done without her asking LuAnn what her date's last name was, or Kristen's comment that he was married…or Carole's dig on WWHL that LuAnn sleeps with everyone. Who cares? It was one thing to do the pirate while involved with Jacques, but LuAnn seems completely single now and that's her business. YES, she's a complete hypocrite for getting on Heather for dropping f-bombs and I'd bet that's what fueled Heather a bit too…but Heather marching into people's rooms, yanking open the curtains etc.? I'd have had the same reaction…especially when RAMONA started it all.


I think this fight goes beyond a naked/semi-naked man sleeping in Bethenny's bedroom, though. I think Heather was already feeling under attack from the dinner, and Carole had gotten some shade from LuAnn previously about Adam. I think they saw a perfect opportunity to take the Countess down a peg or five.

  • Love 7

So let me get this straight again.


Heather went to the bathroom, which by her own admission was not open as she opened it and that is when she saw the naked guy.


She had time to wake up carole, go downstairs and wake up production and get them going, had their mikes on.


The guy had enough time to wake up, get dressed, go to the kitchen and drink some juice, get out of the house.


During this several minutes Heather was getting herself together to start "reenacting" her combop to Carole and then is when her outrage brew over and she started with her gestapo antics to find out who the guy was and who brought him.


Talk about rehearsed and calculated delayed of your emotions.  Hold up, let me hold on the tears until the cameras are rolling, 1, 2, 3 , action....  


Carole and Heather think that Luann is overeacting to get herself a story line? LOL


Of course the fact that Heather and Carole basically questioned Dorinda and Luann after they were told several times that the guy was not their doing has nothing to do with trying to snatch camera time or a story line, right?

  • Love 17

She said her robe got caught on it as she was putting it on and that she then went through into the next room. I think the robe getting caught caused the door to partially close and she never claimed the door was all the way open. I guess she elected to leave via Bethenny's room because Carole was still sleeping.

Heather did not say her robe got caught on anything, she grabbed her robe from the back of the door and was walking and putting her robe on at the same time (silk robe, walking forward...the robe was trailing behind) Heather said she opened the door, I don't fault her at all for exiting through the adjoining room, but Heather confirmed the door to the room the guy was in had to be opened.

  • Love 5

Heather has remained undaunted in the face of unrelenting hostilities. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Also, Heather has dealt with a cacophony of ill educated, ignorant, and poorly disguised venomous women. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Furthermore, Heather has been targeted ALL season in a grotesque maelstrom of petty, tiresome, and manufactured attacks on the program as well as in the media. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Finally, after struggling with a coup de theatre led by Bethenny, Ramona's endogenous lunacy, Dorinda's curmudgeonly "whispers" and athletic crumbs, and LuAnne's adept performance of the award-winning "What a Filthy Hypocritical Mind", Heather is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. And, I am glad, heartened, and wish her well.

:-) #Heather IS cool. Others and their sloppiness, definitely uncool.

Oh, MF'ing  yeah!!! 

  • Love 7
No one is begrudging you getting a little action on vacation, but you need to take responsibility for your dude. You can't just leave him unattended in the next room from your unaware friends.



Why not? People are assuming LuAnn (or Ramona) had sex with the guy, but let's assume that she didn't. Does this mean that she's obligated then to keep him in her own bed all throughout the night? I don't understand how this "don't leave your man unattended" thing works. 


If I met a guy on vacation, made out with him drunkenly, and then my friends were pissed that I didn't invite him to sleep in my bed…well, I wouldn't even know what to say to that. Would I be expected to keep a man in my bed on the off-chance that my friend would see a man sleeping in an empty room and flip out? That makes little sense to me. Would I be expected to go room-to-room, consult with each friend (and wake them up if they were sleeping), and ask them if they were okay if ____ slept in the empty room?

  • Love 10

I would be interested in knowing the time limit for being scared/afraid/angry. 

What is the time limit after which one must not show emotion?  One can feel scared before being mic'ed up  but must stop in the time it takes one to be mic'ed up?

Who sets these limits?  Is the time allowed longer if one likes the HW and shorter if one dislikes the HW?  Is an OTT/normal reaction determined by if one likes or dislikes the HW in question?

Things that make me go hmmmmm.....

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 13


Heather has remained undaunted in the face of unrelenting hostilities.


Hostilities? uhmm I disagree


Heather has been pretty hostile and passive aggressive and sometimes just plain aggresive herself .


It is not like she is a shrinking violet and all these things are happening to her for no reason.


Heather was pretty awful to Sonja on that limo ride, she was first passive aggresive to Bethenny at Dorinda's house, she was passive aggresive to Dorinda by saying "hastag- your mopther would be proud", she was aggresive towards Ramona by arm blocking her when she wanted to give Dorinda a hug and wanted to take her away. She was aggresive towards Dorinda when questioning her about the guiy but she top the cake when she transformed herself into the mansion police by slamming doors, opening curtains, screaming and barging in Ramona and Luann's rooms.


Heather could have handled this way differently but she obviously needed something over the top dramatic. IMO at least 15 minutes have passed at least between the time she found the guy and the time when she "reenacted" her combo to Carole, 15 minutes were she had enough time to process the fact that this was not a tresspaser who was trying to kill her but a guy who was with the other ladies the night before, instead of calming down, she worked herself into a frenzi and displayed her overbearing reaction , if you ask me her reaction was not that of fear, she might had been afraid when she saw the guy initially but at the point when she was confronting Luann and Ramona that was a basic, bitchy display of rehearsed dramatics.


BTW, I also have no doubt that Carole did apologize to Luann because that is another one who has two faces and is a basic bitch as well.

  • Love 14

Heather did not say her robe got caught on anything, she grabbed her robe from the back of the door and was walking and putting her robe on at the same time (silk robe, walking forward...the robe was trailing behind) Heather said she opened the door, I don't fault her at all for exiting through the adjoining room, but Heather confirmed the door to the room the guy was in had to be opened.

Then she added that on WWHL last night.

They also said on the show that Ramona and Alisteir, the house manager, walked the guy up to the room and told him he could sleep there.

Who said that? Why would the house manager walk him up to that room when there was a free, private bedroom, downstairs and he did not want them there to begin with.

  • Love 1

I quoted so many posts wrt this episode, I went over my limit lol, so if you see a response out of context in here, please don't be all, like, uncool.


Should this be in Memory Lane?  Who remembers Ramona freaking out when Alex brought Simon to Girls Night at Jill's and she went off about Class and then left to go Downtown to go out??  Now she brings a strange man home and lets him have access to her friends and their belongings???  My how things change........ 


and that was about a castmember's husband being brought to dinner.   Girl. Bye.



How is Ramona escaping this situation unscathed? Also, why is there no footage of these two men? I'm curious about what they looked like--Especially the married one Lu slept with. Perhaps he threatened to sue if Bravo used his image or likeness....


Can we just all agree that this bitch is the man in the Zapruder film who gestures toward the grassy knoll? We see that right?  and we don't even know this chick, why do they keep looking in the directions of the point?


Production could have advised the other women the other ladies brought men home and they had been drinking.  I think they have that much in the way of responsibility.  Or the house manager who apparently had time to identify the men and establish marital status.  There are some duties that are just common sense.  Were the producers more concerned about safety or making conflict?


They're concerned with continuing to work.  Read: making good tv.


I'm actually really floored by Lu's (and Moaner's) casual attitude about not just bringing strangers back, but having them stay over.  My sister had a similar situation on Spring Break with a bunch of girls in Mexico, over 20 years ago.  Someone in the group brought a guy back who was drunk & tried to assault another girl while she was sleeping.  It could have gotten into a very bad place, but didn't, cuz the girl screamed her head off & scared the guy away.  But the Mexican police were unsympathetic & totally unhelpful.  Notice even Sonja knew better than to do this.  She said to the cam, don't bring it home.  But clearly this is Lu's MO.  We've seen her do it before.  So she thinks it's no biggie.  Except the security issues involved are absolutely real.


I agree with earlier comments that Andy's production crew are not bodyguards.  It's likely they didn't catch filming of Moaner & Lu partying with their hook-ups because they were sleeping.  Bringing random strangers back to your place is a dumb & dangerous thing to do.  Lu should know better,  She didn't just affect herself in this situation but the other people in the house as well.  But she clearly didn't give fuck about that.  We're getting a very clear picture of who she is.  And it ain't pretty.  I'm not excusing Moaner either.  Cuz she behaved just as thoughtless & awful.  


If this is what "be cool, don't be all uncool" is about, then Lu is dead wrong.  And don't hide behind faux rapper posing bullshit, Lu.  Hate it -- a lot.  This is what you based that crap "song" of yours on, Lu?  Ew.


Dead. Ass. Wrong.  A man YOU don't know well enough to have gleaned even basic information from has access to my....whatever and that's not a problem? th'fuck it ain't.   Look, I'm still on loud music.  It doesn't have to *blare*, this is my vacation too, if I can hear your Pandora at 3 o'clock in the morning, you don't get to be pissed that I'm banging down your door.....at 9:30.


Man oh man. I was just going to say the same thing! Scotland's a pretty big country. I think Scottish Nude Dude's identity is safe. And if it isn't, it'll be no one's fault but his own. Those guys knew what they were doing. There's nothing discreet or private about partying and hooking up with ladies filming a reality show. And I doubt he'd waltz around the house the next morning drinking juice and taking his time leaving if he cared about his wife or his privacy. And the reverse is true for LuAnn - if she wants to screw pirates and Scotsmen - go for it, and no one cares. But if she wants it kept private (girl code?) while the cameras are rolling, she's an idiot, and has no one else to blame but herself.


Lol.  Weirdest part of her fictional outrage.  You're taping a television show.  Right now.  What privacy?


None of us here was there in that beach house so everyone here has their own take on what may or may not have happened.  I'm entitled to mine.  The only thing we have is what is shown on film and talked about by the people who were there.  I'm just questioning why the guy was naked and I think one of the women on the show said that Ramona didn't sleep with the naked guy, that's why he went upstairs in the empty room to sleep.  Since camera's weren't there to record what actually happened, I'm in the same frame of mind as Heather.  She made a point that she noticed that the bathroom doors were open which lead me to believe they weren't when she and Carole went to bed.  That guy could have been in their room without them knowing it and that's why they were so upset.  Also, Heather said that when the guy rolled over, he was naked.  I don't have any reason to disbelieve her.


All of:


I mean, there was an entire part where they encountered Dorinda on the stairs. Carole was asking more of the questions there. When they got to Ramonja's room, Heather and Carole were pretty much speaking in unison. But, sure, Carole wasn't asking the most questions. Right.



They weren't slut shaming. "Do you even know his name?" was asked because LuAnn and Sonja tried to say that the men weren't strangers as a way to justify why it was OK for the guy to be left alone in their vacation house. Heather also made the statement that her values and ethics must be different from LuAnn's as a direct response to LuAnn shrugging when Heather asked if she wouldn't be scared or concern to have some strange guy asleep in the adjacent room. Like, seriously. 


I find it hilarious that Heather and Carole are being blamed for and/or named responsible for: 1. Being upset and 2. Kristen saying that LuAnn's dude was married. While LuAnn and Ramona get to be "all, like, cool" and shit for being the inconsiderate ones. It's a special kind of pretzel factory for that one.


And whether Carole and Heather had fun at LuAnn's expense on WWHL *Kanye shrug* They've had to deal with LuAnn being an asshole to them in the press and on social media once the season was a few episodes in. The idea that they're expected to be gracious in the face of that? Some damn ass bullshit.


and each word of:


I don't like Heather at all, so defending her chaps my ass.  That said, I didn't see hysteria.  I saw anger and fear and I think both were justified.  (It also bothers me when "hysterical" is used to describe a woman's reactions, but that's another topic.)  It is not cool at all to bring strangers home and let them roam unattended and having one of them in someone else's private quarters is not okay.  That has nothing to do with sex.  In my mind, Ramona and LuAnn were both welcome to have as much sex as possible with whoever they desired.  Those decisions don't affect anyone but them (and their conquests' wives, if that part is to be believed).  But beyond that, if the men they brought home caused discomfort and potential harm to someone else, we're no longer talking about their rights.  They have now infringed on someone else's.  Heather had a right to feel safe and comfortable.  She didn't.  (By the way, this is mostly on Ramona.  She scuttles away scot-free (ha) again).


I'm an emotional and demonstrative person.  I understand Heather's reaction to waking up and finding an unclothed stranger in a place where she didn't expect him.  No, a sleeping penis couldn't have harmed her, but an awake and very drunk man could have.  An awake and very drunk man who would've found a sleeping and vulnerable woman.


How dare ya'll make me wade through 4 pages to snatch these words clean out my mouth. 


In my opinion, just mine (™ WireWrap), for the record, it is completely slutty to sleep with man so unfamiliar to you as not to even be aware of his last name.  Now whether or not you feel ashamed about it is up to you, but I refuse to act like that ain't trashy.  You don't wanna be called out on acting like a trashbox? Don't act like a trashbox - I feel like that should be a Dorindaism lol.   Whether Heather and Carole were trying to shame LuAnn is besides the point to me.  It assumes the behavior they volunteered to is somehow more important than the potential risk to the other women's safety.  I alternate between liking Heather and not but I have zero problems with how she reacted, if anything, considering that every rapist and murderer in the world started out as somebody's boyfriend, she under reacted. 

  • Love 23

How are we talking about "slut-shaming" and referring to the other party as a "trick"? Doesn't that denigrate both the man and the woman involved? I'm thinking Scottish dude was an expat who lives in T&C, hence the house manager knowing details.

Trick is a bad reference point always and forever.  It was said it he (they) the Scots had just arrived on the island.  Am I the only who thinks perhaps this house manager or Kristen calls him house boy might be trying to stir stuff up a bit?  Who has ever heard of the help telling the guests they can't bring company home?  I think maybe there was a bit of self-importance.  I also find in strange that Kristen speaks of how much time she spent with the staff first the Chef now the houseboy.  Is she that not relatable or truly a dullard?  She is coming off as the kid at school who hangs out with the yard duty monitor instead of playing with the other kids.

  • Love 9

Heather has remained undaunted in the face of unrelenting hostilities. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Also, Heather has dealt with a cacophony of ill educated, ignorant, and poorly disguised venomous women. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Furthermore, Heather has been targeted ALL season in a grotesque maelstrom of petty, tiresome, and manufactured attacks on the program as well as in the media. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show.

Finally, after struggling with a coup de theatre led by Bethenny, Ramona's endogenous lunacy, Dorinda's curmudgeonly "whispers" and athletic crumbs, and LuAnne's adept performance of the award-winning "What a Filthy Hypocritical Mind", Heather is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. And, I am glad, heartened, and wish her well.

:-) #Heather IS cool. Others and their sloppiness, definitely uncool. Holla!


Waiittttt! Dorinda's athletic crumbs?! I'm inconsolable now.

  • Love 5

I'm thinking Scottish dude was an expat who lives in T&C, hence the house manager knowing details.


Either Heather or Carole mentioned on WWHL that the Scots had just gotten off a plane, presumably to vacation. I don't think either were T&C residents. (Side note: The callers on WWHL have become unbearable sycophants, kissing up to Andy for a full minute before making their query. I can no longer stomach to watch).


If I met a guy on vacation, made out with him drunkenly, and then my friends were pissed that I didn't invite him to sleep in my bed…well, I wouldn't even know what to say to that. Would I be expected to keep a man in my bed on the off-chance that my friend would see a man sleeping in an empty room and flip out? That makes little sense to me. Would I be expected to go room-to-room, consult with each friend (and wake them up if they were sleeping), and ask them if they were okay if ____ slept in the empty room?


I personally think the sensible thing would be to call a cab and send the guy on his merry way.

  • Love 11

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