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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Barrowman was born in Scotland but he's lived in the US since he was 8.  He'll put on a Scottish accent occasionally or if he's with Scots but that's his usual speaking voice.

Ah, gotcha. I remember watching Arrow bloopers and he had a Scottish accent in them so I thought that was his normal accent.

Just watched the Arrow panel and I cannot overstate how tickled I am that Paul Blackthorne picked Nyssa to be stuck on an island with. I wish it would happen. There should be a whole episode about the comedic antagonism between Quentin and Nyssa. I hope that those two have more scenes together.

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The caption on that video is (my bold):

"The 'Arrow' cast gets very, very comfortable at the EW Hideout"

"The "crazy bunch" from The CW's Marvel-universe series stopped by for a chaotic visit."




Didn't they say Sara and Laurel have a meeting on a roof? I don't know how Felicity would figure into it. Unless they were shooting scenes with Sara and Felicity and Sara and Laurel separately. 


And i really want to look like those girls being up for so long. 

Edited by Velocity23
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Didn't they say Sara and Laurel have a meeting on a roof? I don't know how Felicity would figure into it. Unless they were shooting scenes with Sara and Felicity and Sara and Laurel separately. 


And i really want to look like those girls being up for so long.

Yeah, the rooftop meeting was mentioned at... some point, by someone this weekend. I can't remember who said what about whom anymore - information overload.

The makeup artist is a miracle worker - the fact that they're all naturally gorgeous probably doesn't hurt either.

It was mentioned by Mark Guggenheim during the IGN interview when Katie failed to answer yet another question. She was asked about Laurel and Sara's relationship, but couldn't answer it properly and talked about how she has sisters in real life and how it was nice to have one on screen. Then Mark took over and talked about how you could see the sisterly affection between Laurel and Sara on the roof and how Sara affects Laurel's storyline throughout the season etc. 


Tickling during an interview. Interesting!


I haven't been shy about my unhappiness about Malcolm returning with NO explanation about how he cheated death.  BUT... his few scenes in S2 (with Moira - *sniff* - I'll miss those) and Thea were great.  And bless JB for bringing his enthusiasm and thoughtfulness for the character (and the show) for this season.  I am far more interested in the Thea/Malcolm stuff than I thought I would be, and a huge part of that is because of JB and WH. 


The show has a great knack for casting!


Well, all but 1.


And bless his partner for suggesting the show avoid the whole Darth Vader/Luke thing. Whew!

Edited by writersblock51
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I haven't seen this posted here, so here's a link to the cast's time at the EW "hideout" ... They looked happy but tired, but generally happy to be with each other. I can't remember who said it (maybe KC?) but it sounded like she, Caity and Emily have basically been up for 40 hours(!).

The show has a great knack for casting!


Well, all but 1.


Maybe after SDCC Geoff Johns will have something to say about that. After all he did say he loved Sara as the badass, wounded bird Black Canary. Considering it's a really simple fix, Sara's middle name is Dinah, she decides to move to a new city and start fresh, first by dropping her first name because Sara Lance died on the Gambit. Then she can show up whenever Team Arrow needs extra help to take down the big bad, hopefully with her own team. That would so much easier than having to write an entire story around forcing someone else into a role already played by someone better suited for it.

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I'm sitting in Salt Lake City waiting for my next flight so I have some time to give the rest of my Arrow related con experience. In addition to the cast signing I was able to get Manu Bennett's autograph. That one annoyed me as he didn't show up for two and a half hours and then offered no apology (a simple"sorry I'm late but let's have some fun!" would have sufficed). We all agreed that he must have driven down from LA, or flew into San Diego, that morning. All other possible explanations (partied too hard, forgot to set an alarm got waylaid by excited fans outside the convention center) just didn't make sense as they could have been solved by his team. Once he was there he was very nice, chatting with everyone and posing for pictures. He wouldn't sign our Arrow bags without fifty dollars but we didn't expect him to.

I also had the opportunity to see Mark G again as he was doing a smaller signing for a book he wrote. I reiterated my love for Sara, laying it on thick, saying that they went above and beyond my expectations for Black Canary. Like Saturday, he thanked me and said they loved Sara and Caity as well and was glad both were well received. All I can do is hope that many others do the same when given the opportunity. His publicist was really sweet too. She perked right up when I was telling him how much I adore Sara and thanked me for stopping by.

I had another opportunity to meet Barrowman one on one but it cost fifty dollars so I skipped it. Maybe next year I'll get a good picture.

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They started charging for autographs at SDCC too? That sucks. Now Wizard World is charging us to see panels as well. 


Stephen Amell was about a half hour late to the signing here in Chicago, no one ever explained why or apologized either. We just assumed he overslept since they were out partying the night before. However 2 1/2 hours is a really long time to wait since you were probably waiting even longer before the time he was supposed to show up. That's what I remember about SDCC, a lot of waiting in lines. I think spent most of one day sitting in Ballroom 20 through panels I didn't care about just to have my good seats for the ones that I wanted to see. 


I think giving Cassidy and the writers 46+ episodes is more than enough time for them to have made Laurel likable. 


@scarynikki12 Did you end up going to the Orphan Black panel? 

Yep! And it was totally worth it (third row center!). I have about five thousand pictures of Tatiana's smiling face.

Yeah, the policy for autographs in the Sails Pavilion (where Mark G, Manu, Clare Kramer, Lee Meriweather, Richard Hatch, Rafael Sbarge, and Nicholas Brendan all did their signings) is that they only have to sign the souvenir book for free and then it's discretion. Some would sign non-publicity photos/items for free and others charged. Some charged for photos with the signer while others didn't care. Richard Hatch is there every year and is so chill it's awesome. He'll chat as long as the attendee wants, doesn't charge to get a photo taken with him, and offers up suggestions to aspiring writers and actors who ask about the business. Granted, there were fewer people in general for Richard compared to some of the others but it still left a very good impression.

Once we get to the Exhibit Hall, the rules change depending on the booth. The movie studios provide a poster that the actors sign and want you through that line in less than thirty seconds (to the point that they can be offensive-like last year when I sprained my ankle, I was between two wheelchairs and was clearly limping yet they kept telling us we were moving too slow ::face palm::). The DC booth, on the other hand, allows attendees to bring as many as five items for their writers and artists to sign and provide free comics for those who didn't bring anything (like me, I've met Jim Lee and Geoff Johns and forgot my books both times). I attended the Rob Thomas signing late Saturday at his book publisher's booth and he happily signed my I, Zombie bag and my Veronica Mars book and didn't charge for photos. It really depends on where the session is and who is running it, and the "smaller" signings can be the best ones (provided they show up on time and we did get in line well before the scheduled start time so we were standing there three hours and there were a LOT of people).

Barrowman was with the booth that always charges for photos/autographs (easy money as they know people will pay), though I don't know if they ever sign additional items as a bonus.

I'm so jealous you got to see Tatiana in person (with a great seat) and you got to meet Rob Thomas, he's one of three writers I follow anywhere. The other two being Joss Whedon and Bryan Fuller. When I went, Barrowman was there for Torchwood along with Gareth David-Lloyd and the autographs were free. 


They had the poster thing for me too and yeah, I remember people being really pushy. Coming from my only other experience being the Chicago cons I was a little shocked how much shoving was going on in the lines, I kept getting pushed into the people in front and my feet stepped on. Over here everyone just waits in line patiently and moves along at a quick pace when it's their turn for the pic or autograph, we even hold each other's place in line when someone has to go to the bathroom. 


I was first in line when I met Manu, he was on time and smelled amazing. He also stayed after the con was over signing things for free. Towards the end I was also surprised that Manu and EBR were actually alone in their booths without their people around (no one was there telling them not to do things) I don't think they could do that in San Diego. 

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The Arrow cast answering more questions at Comic-Con.

Cast (from left to right) Colton Haynes, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, John Barrowman Official, Paul Blackthorne, Emily Bett Rickards, Caity Lotz, Stephen Amell and Marc Guggenheim. Why was Katie missing?


Maybe they pulled KC from doing any more interviews. Or they didn't have any questions about Laurel. Of course that should be the full cast imo. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Maybe she was taking the picture (I'm joking). No it does seem a little odd that she isn't included. I'm not suggesting it's a conspiracy or that it means anything - it's just...odd. (ETA: it looks like she was in the more formal looking cast photos, so I guess not that big of a deal.) What is also a bit odd is how Caity Lotz is being treated like main cast when right now she's only signed for four episodes. I mean, I love CL, don't get me wrong, but what other recurring character do you know that gets to be in all the cast photos and on the panel? *shrugs*. I don't have a problem with it - I just thought it was interesting. It will be interesting to see if she's on the season three poster when it comes out.

Edited by Starfish35
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Has KC done any individual interviews? They're scheduled so tightly with all this stuff, I would guess that she was doing something like that during that shoot, given that she was present for most of the other stuff (post-Friday). Like, John Barrowman was elsewhere during the EW Hideout interview.

The last individual interviews I know of that KC did were back toward the beginning of the summer, around upfronts time. But there could have been some that just haven't been released yet. I mean, there was an interview with David Ramsey someone posted a link to yesterday, and up until then I'd started to think that Diggle had gotten totally overlooked.


In the DC comics event, someone in the audience thanks them for putting Arrow out on Hulu because he doesn't get cable and it comes out that SA was the one to make that suggestion.  So apparently the EPs and WB do listen to him and maybe include him in planning  (suggesting that what he says in interviews is likely to reflect what the EPs want to come out rather than just his speculation).

Edited by statsgirl

@statsgirl, it was funny to see the amount of people saying that SA is just an actor and has no influence on what the writers are going to write in future seasons when it's clear that the EPs and writers listen to him. Case in point:

  1. How to bring about his child and baby momma
  2. Hulu
  3. Not having Oliver sleep with every woman on the show


I'm sure there're more but it's clearly not only an SA thing because they listened to JB when he suggested that Malcolm be Thea's father instead of Oliver's. 

In the DC comics event, someone in the audience thanks them for putting Arrow out on Hulu because he doesn't get cable and it comes out that SA was the one to make that suggestion.  So apparently the EPs and WB do listen to him and maybe include him in planning  (suggesting that what he says in interviews is likely to reflect what the EPs want to come out rather than just his speculation).


I thought Amell was joking about the Hulu thing.

Amell has never been one to push himself to the front ahead of other people; even at SDCC he was saying that getting the Flash show was 99% Grant Gustin, and he's always been cheerleading for other members of the Arrow team like Bamford.  He's also extremely social media savvy and responsive to fans.  


To claim credit for the Hulu thing when he didn't do it seems out of character for him.  And we know they listened to JB about Merlyn being Thea's father and not Oliver's, and to SA for how the baby gets introduced.    I don't see why WB wouldn't have listened to him because he's an actor and not an executive -- he knows his show.

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Apparently Stephen is responsible for thats my boob comment by Emily. 



Dear God, please let the writers give us happy Olicity. Amen.


I don't really find Amell attractive. He's a good-looking guy but he doesn't buckle my knees. But that up there makes my insides flip. 

Edited by AnalyzeAndCritique
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Oh, I just meant of the type that a lot of people do at SDCC--the ones in the ballrooms, with several journalists at the table, a few minutes at a time. I assume some footage of those would have come out by now. Just wasn't sure whether KC had done any.

No, Katie, Caity and Emily weren't in the press room for those interviews.  They didn't join the fun until the radio interviews later on.

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During one of the many interviews I've watched, SA said that he had no idea that shows being available on Netflix was such a big thing until S1 was a big success there. 


He also said something to the effect that he'd be sure to publicize Season 2's release on Netflix once he knows that's happening. 


He definitely seems to be a HUGE spokesperson for the show (and now, the other DC shows) on just about every outlet he can get involved with.  And the CW needs all the positive buzz it can get, too, so they are lucky that he's willing AND able.


I have no idea when SA sleeps, I really don't.  And even his breaks seem full of activity.  I guess he knows this is a part of life that he won't necessarily have again so enjoy it all while he can. 

Edited by writersblock51
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He said yesterday during the Nerd HQ panel, that when he first moved L.A., he set a goal to work 100 days out of the year, and he made it to 95. And everything that's followed Since he landed Arrow is everything he once wished for, so he'd be crazy to complain about the demands on his time or not take advantage of all the opportunities he's been afforded. He deserves all the success he's getting and I hope it's only the beginning for him.

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Tommy Merlyn lives (and Stephen seems overjoyed based on Facebook and twitter)


And he's done already



I landed in Vancouver at 10:50pm last night, couldn't sleep till 1:30am, woke up at 4:50am for fear of over-sleeping, ran 2 miles and got picked up at 6:00am to start work and now I'm back at the Vancouver Airport less than 24 hrs.

Here's a lil spoiler though; it was all worth it more than I can explain. All thanks to Stephen Amell, Willa, Colton, Emily and all the amazing crew that welcomed me back into the fold with such warm hearts and friendly smiles as if I'd never missed a beat.

So I may be a lil bleary eyed when I land at 6:30am tomorrow...but I'll be all smiles. Delirious smiles but smiles.

Umm. Someone wake me when we land please.


Edited by wingster55
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As for KC... I think her 'no video' rule is a good way for her to go from now on. 


This was my exact thought after the way she behaved on Saturday.  Between the IGN interview and the retort to Geoff Johns(!), all I did was cringe for her all day (and that's saying something since I am not a fan...at all). 


AnalyzeAndCritique, on 28 Jul 2014 - 7:00 PM, said:

I don't really find Amell attractive. He's a good-looking guy but he doesn't buckle my knees. But that up there makes my insides flip.


You should meet him in person sometime.  The camera does NOT do that man justice!


Dear God, please let the writers give us happy Olicity. Amen.


I don't really find Amell attractive. He's a good-looking guy but he doesn't buckle my knees. But that up there makes my insides flip. 

For me, it's Amell's entire package I find appealing. He's attractive, but not drop dead gorgeous. He's handsome and has a lovely smile and occasionally I think HOLY CRAP he's hot.


But what strikes me and I find really appealing about Amell is he seems to be what you see is what you get, as much as we as fans and viewers can know. His FB page is one of two that I actually check regularly, along with Misha Collins. He does Q&A and he really engages in a genuine way with the fanbase. He's funny, straightforward, and he can be snarky too. And the Salmon Laddering and parkour are fascinating to watch.  So for me it's the whole package that I think is great.

Edited by catrox14
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