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31 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I very much doubt she wanted to shout it out, you could see she was shocked that she did and got really flustered after and was actually rather apologetic to Oliver with the soft caress before she left. But we'll just have to agree to disagree on this. 

I never want to drop a glass on the floor, but that doesn’t mean I’m not at least partially at fault if I break a glass. I’m not trying to say that either Oliver or Felicity is a bad person for causing a very mild distraction during Westallen’s rehearsal thing. I just think they both caused it. I think they are equal in this instance, and neither one caused the other’s behavior. Felicity is not responsible for Oliver’s inability to wait until a more appropriate time for an in depth talk about her refusal, and Oliver is not responsible for Felicity’s inability to stay cool and regulate the volume of her voice. 

But I don’t think anything else I can say will explain my POV any better, so, sure. Agree to disagree. 

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2 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

I never want to drop a glass on the floor, but that doesn’t mean I’m not at least partially at fault if I break a glass. I’m not trying to say that either Oliver or Felicity is a bad person for causing a very mild distraction during Westallen’s rehearsal thing. I just think they both caused it. I think they are equal in this instance, and neither one caused the other’s behavior. Felicity is not responsible for Oliver’s inability to wait until a more appropriate time for an in depth talk about her refusal, and Oliver is not responsible for Felicity’s inability to stay cool and regulate the volume of her voice. 

But I don’t think anything else I can say will explain my POV any better, so, sure. Agree to disagree. 

For me, Oliver proposing to her in that moment is the primary issue. He didn't HAVE to do it right then. Once he did he should have pinged and accepted that they would talk about it later. IMO, Oliver is most at fault there because he wouldn't let situation rest whether or not he was confused. She pretty clearly told him she was happy with the way things were in their relationship. If Oliver had never proposed right then and there, the situation would not have escalated. 

Regardless of where that blame would lie, that moment surely shouldn't land on a list of horrible things Felicity did cause it really wasn't that horrible at all. Not even from Oliver's side.

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1 hour ago, Hiveminder said:

I never want to drop a glass on the floor, but that doesn’t mean I’m not at least partially at fault if I break a glass. I’m not trying to say that either Oliver or Felicity is a bad person for causing a very mild distraction during Westallen’s rehearsal thing. I just think they both caused it. I think they are equal in this instance, and neither one caused the other’s behavior. Felicity is not responsible for Oliver’s inability to wait until a more appropriate time for an in depth talk about her refusal, and Oliver is not responsible for Felicity’s inability to stay cool and regulate the volume of her voice. 

But I don’t think anything else I can say will explain my POV any better, so, sure. Agree to disagree. 

I can agree with that. Both are at fault for their actions. That's the part of being human, shit happens.  

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2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

For me, Oliver proposing to her in that moment is the primary issue. He didn't HAVE to do it right then. Once he did he should have pinged and accepted that they would talk about it later. IMO, Oliver is most at fault there because he wouldn't let situation rest whether or not he was confused. She pretty clearly told him she was happy with the way things were in their relationship. If Oliver had never proposed right then and there, the situation would not have escalated. 

Regardless of where that blame would lie, that moment surely shouldn't land on a list of horrible things Felicity did cause it really wasn't that horrible at all. Not even from Oliver's side.

I think saying Oliver is more at fault for proposing then and there would be like saying Oliver is more at fault for causing a scene in a grocery store because he proposed at 2 PM on a Sunday in the produce section, or for causing a scene at the mall because he proposed in the middle of the food court.  He did it spontaneously and quietly.  He didn't know how it would turn out.  It's what happened immediately after the proposal that's the issue, and in that, I've already said why I think they're equally to 'blame'.  I put blame in quotes because what are we blaming them for, ten to twenty seconds of party goers thinking, "Damn, he got shot down hard. Awkward.  I wonder if there are any more crab cakes left?"  I guess maybe instead of saying I think they're equally to blame for causing a scene I should say that I think they were equal participants in causing a total non-scene.  Like, it was just a thing that happened.

Edited by Hiveminder
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6 hours ago, LeighAn said:

*Funny that those hypersensitive writers and fans obsessed with proper etiquette didn't moan or write articles about how Curtis is a selfish bitch like they implied Felicity was for hijacking Olicitys wedding reception. ?

I know some Olicity-friendly mainstream writers have stopped writing Arrow (Sara Netzley of EW, Jenny Raftery of Vulture, etc.) but are there more anti-Olicity writers these days? It sometimes feels like it. I don't expect everyone to like Olicity but their criticisms and objections usually are so ridiculous it's hard to take them seriously (the whole Felicity is a murderess for nuking a town thing, for example). Like that io9 article about restrooms. There was no reason to include the nuke thing or to call Oliver a serial killer. 

I wonder just how many clicks they get. It seems to me they are shooting themselves in the foot. Olicity fans' social media/reblogging/retweeting/liking game is strong. Piss them off, though, and no one will touch your stories. So why deliberately antagonize them over stupid stuff that is actually wrong? It's a head-scratcher.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I look at it as if it were my rehearsal dinner would it have impacted my enjoyment or ruin my night if somebody for a split second shouted at somebody else- probably not. 


However seeing as Iris and Barry freaks out and returns gifts if they aren't exactly what they want then they probably are they kind of people who would blame Oliver and Felicity for ruining 10 seconds of their rehearsal dinner even if the other 3 or 4 hours were fantastic. 


5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I know some Olicity-friendly mainstream writers have stopped writing Arrow (Sara Netzley of EW, Jenny Raftery of Vulture, etc.) but are there more anti-Olicity writers these days? It sometimes feels like it. I don't expect everyone to like Olicity but their criticisms and objections usually are so ridiculous it's hard to take them seriously (the whole Felicity is a murderess for nuking a town thing, for example). Like that io9 article about restrooms. There was no reason to include the nuke thing or to call Oliver a serial killer. 

I wonder just how many clicks they get. It seems to me they are shooting themselves in the foot. Olicity fans' social media/reblogging/retweeting/liking game is strong. Piss them off, though, and no one will touch your stories. So why deliberately antagonize them over stupid stuff that is actually wrong? It's a head-scratcher.

It probably just feels like more because they just regurgitate the same factually incorrect and nasty opinions that the anti fans consistently spew.  

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10 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If it were reversed and WestAllen did that at Olicitys rehearsal dinner I think there would be a lot of people annoyed and pissed at them. But they didn't say anything about it so they obviously had paid no mind to it.

Yeah there probably would be some annoyed fans. I guess it comes down to the fact that the reception was setting up a lot of the crossover storylines, Olicity needed to have a marriage argument in public so WestAleln could comment on it, Sara/Alex needed to get drunk and skip the party so they could have their storyline etc. In the same way the reception in 609 was setting up Curtis's and Rene's issues and trying to show noobs have bonded etc. It's not quite the same since Curtis wilfully grabbed the mike to give his drunken rant and Oliver and Felicity were having a "private" conversation but I don't think WestAllen thought more about it than Olicity did once Oliver had Rene remove Curtis and take over the speech. 

I was personally more annoyed with Joe making the Father of the Bride and Groom speech all about him, he should know better, and for bringing it up that he had also raised Barry, you don't need to remind us that on the eve of their wedding dude. 

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33 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If it were reversed and WestAllen did that at Olicitys rehearsal dinner I think there would be a lot of people annoyed and pissed at them. But they didn't say anything about it so they obviously had paid no mind to it.

Since that didn't happen, it's not fair to assume how people would react. Given how very few, if any Olicity fans have complained about the Olicity wedding getting tacked on to the last 2 minutes of the crossover, with no time to say proper vows, no engagement lead up, no promotion, no bachelor/bachelorette parties, the fandom seems like it just appreciates the fact that their couple is married, no matter what the circumstances. There isn't the same entitled attitude that permeates all the complaints about "wedding etiquette".

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

Since that didn't happen, it's not fair to assume how people would react. Given how very few, if any Olicity fans have complained about the Olicity wedding getting tacked on to the last 2 minutes of the crossover, with no time to say proper vows, no engagement lead up, no promotion, no bachelor/bachelorette parties, the fandom seems like it just appreciates the fact that their couple is married, no matter what the circumstances. There isn't the same entitled attitude that permeates all the complaints about "wedding etiquette".

People were pissed that Olicity had to share their wedding when we first found out what was happening. Yeah they finally came around and were happy that they were just getting married, but just seeing reactions to that and to Curtis or Rene saying anything during the reception gives me the sense that if WestAllen were given the same plot Olicity were during WA wedding would be annoyed with them. Nobody wants their couples moment interrupted. 

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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Barely anyone gave a flying fig about the WA wedding until news of the double wedding leaked. The C=comic canon ship got upstaged in the crossover because it is a boring ass ship that CW decided they needed to sell by having a joint wedding with Olicity, the ship that promotes itself. Kinda worked if you think about it! If it wasn't a joint wedding with Olicity would anyone be talking about the WA wedding again? Like at all?

I suppose if my ship had just gotten the coveted crossover wedding and still got only 10% the attention the other couple got, I'd be bitter too. 

Here's the google search trend for the day after the crossover:


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50 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

There isn't the same entitled attitude that permeates all the complaints about "wedding etiquette".

One self indulgent reference by the Flash writers to being the gold standard and suddenly it requires the same treatment and privilege as the Queen of England.


Also who's to say Olicity fans are 100% happy with the crossover  and/or crossover wedding. I'm not. It's just unlike freaking out over something petty like the wedding ceremony order when the freaking humanised Nazis seems moot. Considering it was common knowledges months in advance that Olicity and WestAllen were going to have a double wedding maybe most Olicity fans had braced themselves and work through their annoyance into a place of acceptance by the time the episode aired. 


I myself liked the Olicity moments leading up to the wedding vastly more then the wedding itself and the Arrow wedding reception was like a million times better and more meaningful then the crossover wedding. 

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1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

One self indulgent reference by the Flash writers to being the gold standard and suddenly it requires the same treatment and privilege as the Queen of England.

To me that line was the ultimate in "tell because we haven't shown". Yeah they're cute together and I like them well enough but although the Flash writers put them on this pedestal they don't actually write more than the bare bones for them a lot of the time. Hey they're comic book canon, that means we can just put them together and let the fans fill in the rest!

1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

I myself liked the Olicity moments leading up to the wedding vastly more then the wedding itself and the Arrow wedding reception was like a million times better and more meaningful then the crossover wedding. 

Same. I don't mind the lack of wedding prep episodes because they already did that and like Felicity I'd be worried that it will all come crashing down in 5 seconds (hell I'm still thinking that will happen at some point this season). But yeah I wouldn't have chosen the way it went down either. The reception was great though and set up the episode's storyline's quite well for what they were, (which was annoying). 


1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

I suppose if my ship had just gotten the coveted crossover wedding and still got only 10% the attention the other couple got, I'd be bitter too. 

Here's the google search trend for the day after the crossover:

Wow, stark contrast. I wonder if that's because WA don't provoke a large strong response either positive or negative unlike Olicity, especially with the "unexpected" and "controversial" wedding. Obviously they have their passionate fans but if people aren't big fans they range from "good" to "don't like them but can't be bothered to say so". And because the Flash writers may love WA but don't exactly write towards them a lot of the time, even when Iris was in danger of being murdered by Savitar it had curiously little that actually showcased their relationship until the "big moments". Going with that, I guess using the WA wedding as a set up for everything else to explode literally and emotionally for over characters isn't that surprising. I think Sara and Alex had more meaningful relationship moments than WA did in the crossover, except the interrupted ceremony itself, a couple of nice chats and the  funeral vomit park double wedding.

Edited by Featherhat
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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

People were pissed that Olicity had to share their wedding when we first found out what was happening. 

Being deep in the olicity fandom I actually saw very little of this. Before canadagraphs and Ken spoiled it sure people were worried that they'd have to share the wedding but when it was spoiled by lemon_buzz on Twitter most were just happy that Olicity were getting married at all, the happiness of olicity getting married far outweighed being upset that they had to share it. So idk where you were looking. 

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I need to check on twitter again to find the link but it sounded so fake. There is apparently a guy who reviewed a hotel on tripadvisor and the story makes it seem as though he was happy with the hotel but complained about a guy. The guy supposedly sounds like SA. I will see if I can find the link again.

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Something about SA’s wife trying to ride a shark. I started reading about it on Tumblr, but then I couldn’t get past all the crazy comments about SA, and EBR, and how SA’s marriage is totally fake now, and EBR was teasing him via Twitter?

I know nothing about SA’s marriage, but some of those Tumblr theories are insane. 

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I saw someone posting the link on twitter but it sounded so super fake in the description that I couldn't believe that it actually happened like that. Is it even ok to post a link like that here? 

And yes, @Hiveminder there are people out there who confuse fiction with reality in a really big way. 

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3 hours ago, WindofChange said:

Being deep in the olicity fandom I actually saw very little of this. Before canadagraphs and Ken spoiled it sure people were worried that they'd have to share the wedding but when it was spoiled by lemon_buzz on Twitter most were just happy that Olicity were getting married at all, the happiness of olicity getting married far outweighed being upset that they had to share it. So idk where you were looking. 

I do remember when we were spitballing ideas way back in the summer and the idea of a double wedding was suggested that people HATED it and were very vocal about that, but yeah, once it was a done deal, there were very few complaints.    What was the point when the good outweighed the bad so very much?  And they looked so happy!  That was what mattered.  I don't get why the Flash writers chose to cling to negativity instead of celebrating their couple.  What a wasted chance.  I'd be so pissed if Arrow squandered the opportunity to showcase them as a happy couple on their show in favor of taking potshots at some other show.  I just don't get it.  

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I do remember when we were spitballing ideas way back in the summer and the idea of a double wedding was suggested that people HATED it and were very vocal about that, but yeah, once it was a done deal, there were very few complaints.    What was the point when the good outweighed the bad so very much?  And they looked so happy!  That was what mattered.  I don't get why the Flash writers chose to cling to negativity instead of celebrating their couple.  What a wasted chance.  I'd be so pissed if Arrow squandered the opportunity to showcase them as a happy couple on their show in favor of taking potshots at some other show.  I just don't get it.  

If you ask any Olicity fan if this wedding is how they wanted it to go? They'd most definitely say no. But I don't think I saw anyone be angry about it for more than a couple of days at most and then accept it and move on. I mean some WA fans are still talking about the wedding which is really ridiculous if you ask me.

Olicity barely even got vows and their portion of the wedding was like 20 seconds yet their fans were happy. But I suppose that's because Olicity fans understand that things could be worse and we have to accept the good when we get it even though it's not what we envisioned. It also helps that they got a reception which makes up for not having a rehearsal dinner or bachelor/ette parties, proper vows, proper wedding with a decent dress...

I made a list before that WA actually got a lot more in terms of the wedding ordeal than Olicity... So Olicity fans not complaining about it ad nauseum actually makes me feel proud of my fandom. 

Edited by WindofChange
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Also as to whole if the situations were reversed thing whose to say WestAllen fans wouldnt have been just as angry that their couple only got a tacked on wedding rather then a full on ceremony with all the trimmings. I garuntee if the situation were reversed that Reddit and LL stans that co opted the WestAllen fandoms anger at the wedding being interrupted wouldn't have the same sensitivity to proper etiquette on Olicitys behalf and would have still raged about how disserviced the comic canon couple was for 'Olishitty'. Olicity fans would have still probably been the generally satisfied fandom just happy their couple was married. 

Edited by LeighAn
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9 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Also as to whole if the situations were reversed thing whose to say WestAllen fans wouldnt have been just as angry that their couple only got a tacked on wedding rather then a full on ceremony with all the trimmings. I garuntee if the situation were reversed that Reddit and LL stans that co opted the WestAllen fandoms anger at the wedding being interrupted wouldn't have the same sensitivity to proper etiquette on Olicitys behalf and would have still raged about how disserviced the comic canon couple was for 'Olishitty'. Olicity fans would have still probably been the generally satisfied fandom just happy their couple was married. 

They would've been pissed, no one is saying they wouldn't be. 

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Honestly I feel like actual full weddings are so rare on a TV show,I wasn't really expecting some perfect,traditional ceremony so I wasn't that bothered by it even tho I think a double wedding is cheesy and dumb.My main thing was actually getting a good build up to the wedding and some great scenes,the ceremony wasn't really something I cared about all that much at all.It was just something that made it official.Tbh idk how you expect the whole wedding thing to be shown and treated like in real life plus all the planning parts as well.I think both olicity and WA got a surprising amount of wedding stuff over the seasons,a lot more than I've seen for most ships outside of like sitcoms.So find all the focus on proper etiquette or wedding gifts pretty weird especially on a superhero TV show.

Edited by tangerine95
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My recollection was that people didn't like that the Olicity wedding would happen in the crossover, not that it would be a double wedding.  I know after last year's crossover that I was concerned that this year's Arrow episode wouldn't end up being about the characters on Arrow.  For me, the fact that this year's was basically one continuous four hour movie instead of four episodes where the Arrow episode had 50 additional characters shoved into the narrative meant that I didn't mind.  Plus, there were so many excellent Olicity moments. I was happier about the kiss when Oliver was full Green Arrow rather than the final vows.

And since this is also the "behind the scenes" thread, I'm going to ask the really important question:  Why did Arrow's hair people give Emily extensions in 6x04, only to take them out the next episode?  

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3 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:


And since this is also the "behind the scenes" thread, I'm going to ask the really important question:  Why did Arrow's hair people give Emily extensions in 6x04, only to take them out the next episode?  

I don't know why but I miss when Emily had long hair like her season 2 hair. I have noticed though that they've had Felicity with her hair down slightly more then per usual this season which I appreciate. 

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19 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:


And since this is also the "behind the scenes" thread, I'm going to ask the really important question:  Why did Arrow's hair people give Emily extensions in 6x04, only to take them out the next episode?  


I have an ongoing theory that showrunners tend to favor love interests with longer hair.  Hence for the romantic episode, she got extensions.  Of course logically you'd think they'd do the same thing then in the crossover but that filming took place over too many other episodes so that was out.  

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12 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I was personally more annoyed with Joe making the Father of the Bride and Groom speech all about him, he should know better, and for bringing it up that he had also raised Barry, you don't need to remind us that on the eve of their wedding dude. 

Is Joe really as teflon as he appears to be? I started disliking him when he refused to let Eddie propose to Iris because he was saving her for Barry (although Eddie should have known better since Iris was a grown-ass woman and Joe always coddled Barry) but he just seems to get more and more selfish (e.g. lying to Iris about her mother being alive) and yet there's never any criticism of him.

9 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Wow, stark contrast. I wonder if that's because WA don't provoke a large strong response either positive or negative unlike Olicity, especially with the "unexpected" and "controversial" wedding. Obviously they have their passionate fans but if people aren't big fans they range from "good" to "don't like them but can't be bothered to say so". And because the Flash writers may love WA but don't exactly write towards them a lot of the time, even when Iris was in danger of being murdered by Savitar it had curiously little that actually showcased their relationship until the "big moments".

I think it's a combination of The Flash fandom skewing male and so not caring enough about about a love interest to take it to social media, and because they really haven't given us much of a reason to root for Iris and Barry.  Mostly it's been well they're together in the comics so get them together already.  And when they actually do write for them, first they gave Iris a good love interest in Eddie, and then nothing for her for a season, and then FutureBarry wants to kill her.  And this season Iris is a neurotic, entitle Bridezilla.  Way to write a love story, guys.  I wouldn't bother going on social media for that wedding.

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BIG THANKS to @Soulfire for providing us with all those gifs (at tip top speed too). I REALLY appreciate and it wouldn't be the same if we didn't have a masterlist of Olicity gifs to refer to every episode like we do now!

May 2018 provide lots of Olicity goodness for you to gif for us!

Thank you!!!!! ?

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9 hours ago, Belinea said:

Has anyone here heard about this TripAdvisor story that has been going around on twitter about SA? Is that legit? 

I’m not sure if it’s cool to post the link here but if you go to TA and search Hilton Moorea Lagoon’s reviews, it’s one of the most recent ones. It’s titled “drunk behaviour ruins perfect night”. Who knows how legit it is (though it doesn’t seem like a fake account because the guy who wrote it has been reviewing places for years). Also @cadlymack posted a IG pic from SA’s party last night and called them “shark wrestlers.” 

Speaking of SA’s NYE party, a lot of the posts about it make it seem like it was sponsored by a tequila company. Is that a thing people do? How do I get that deal?!



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5 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Speaking of SA’s NYE party, a lot of the posts about it make it seem like it was sponsored by a tequila company. Is that a thing people do?

It's not just parties. There's a trend of people defraying costs of their big weddings through vendor sponsorships. 

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24 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Speaking of SA’s NYE party, a lot of the posts about it make it seem like it was sponsored by a tequila company. Is that a thing people do? How do I get that deal?!

I could see a smaller brand doing a sponsorship of a private party, but I'm not sure why a fairly well-known brand would sponsor a private party, but who knows? Maybe they made a deal with SA's wife through her restaurants or SA and friends are just desperate to get George Clooney's attention, haha.  

Edited by apinknightmare
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15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is EBR swimming for charity today according to her Instagram or is she rallying people to participate? 

Isn't it freezing where she is? 

I hope there are pics if she swims!!!!! She's such a fitness inspiration! 

She even dunked her head under. It must have been freezing!

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1 hour ago, Trisha said:

I’m not sure if it’s cool to post the link here but if you go to TA and search Hilton Moorea Lagoon’s reviews, it’s one of the most recent ones. It’s titled “drunk behaviour ruins perfect night”. Who know how legit it is (though it doesn’t seem like a fake account because the guy who wrote it has been reviewing places for years). Also @cadlymack posted a IG pic from SA’s party last night and called them “shark wrestlers.” 



I''m not going to do the link because I don't think it's needed since it's unprovable for who it is about, but I can't think of a reason why we can't post a copy of the review as long as everyone understands this is not definitively about SA and his friends or even verified to be true but.... well here's a copy of what the review said.  It says the review was posted 3 days ago.



Our stay at the Hilton Moorea was nothing but extremely enjoyable as far as the hotel, wonderful service and incredibly enjoyable activities are concerned. The only downside to our stay was the very unfortunate and abhorrent behavior by a group of 2 couples from the US. Even though I wasn't associated with their party, I was embarrassed by their conduct. 

We were dining at the tranquil setting of the crepe bar which overlooks an exquisite coral restoration area. At night the coral is frequented by a glorious array of nurse sharks, mullet and other glorious sea creatures. We were enjoying our dessert when this group returned from a night of drinking on the town. I overheard them say they were from LA, but the one guy was wearing a Blue Jays cap, so who knows. Anyway, I digress. They had left their kids with their au pairs for the night and the few hours of freedom clearly got the better of them. They were a sloppy drunk mess as evidenced by the one woman jumping into the restoration area while AIMING TO LAND ON 1 OF THE SHARKS' BACKS. Apparently they had been on a snorkeling excursion that day and knew that the sharks were harmless. 

We promptly left the area as our wonderful evening was cut short from witnessing this absurd thoughtless behavior. 

When we spoke to the hotel manager the next day and asked why there was no sign to say that guests should not disturb the sea life, he appropriately responded that the hotel didn't think it was necessary to request this from guests as they felt it was common sense and decency. As we witnessed, this is sadly not the case and he assured us that a sign would be added.



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I'm guessing the story itself is true.  The shark thing seems like an unusual thing to make up, and they delivery is pretty straightforward and believable.  The only note that rings a little untrue to me is how the reviewer knew the couples left their kids with their au pairs.  I have a hard time picturing how and why that would come up in the casual conversation of sloppy drunks, but maybe it did for some reason or the reviewer heard one of them on the phone with the au pair or something?

As far as whether it's about SA, it's impossible to say.  He can't be the only guy from LA who wears a Blue Jays cap, and if that is him we don't know which of the women in the group did the shark jumping so we don't know if it was his wife.  The description is pretty brief and doesn't include what happened after she jumped in the water, so we don't know what the rest of the group was doing.  Unless someone comes up with some video footage there's nothing really to say here.

If it was SA and his wife, I don't think I'd be terribly surprised.  I don't know too much about SA outside of his acting skills other than he seems really into working out and the WWE and he seems like he might be a little bit of a well-meaning douche.  It's hard to avoid seeing some stuff about his personal life whenever I look at Arrow or Olicity stuff, but I make an effort to not get attached to any particular public figure these days in preparation for the day that they inevitably turn out to be a terrible human being.

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I could completely believe that it is them, but I suppose there is no way to know for sure.

If I can be petty for a moment, it drives me a little nuts that in 80 percent of her pics that Stephen's wife stands in pageant pose, i.e. one leg in front of the other and shoulders thrown back.  I suppose I shouldn't be making fun of good posture, but it looks uncomfortable.

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The knowing their kids were with aupairs and specifically mentioning a Blue Jays cap has me side eyeing the validity a little bit. However, Stephen and his hanger ons do act like sloppy do whatever they want crazy types when out drunk together so it wouldn't shock me if it were true. Plus celebrities and rich people generally act like entitled assholes. 

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