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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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I actually find Nina somewhat sympathetic. In a twisted way, even taking Avery was a skewed form of justice for her, as her child was essentially ripped from her womb before she could even get to experience pregnancy. Her husband, that she supported through med school, impregnates a hot blonde thing, while Nina loses years. Instead of being happy she's okay, he's inconvenienced by her. I'm not saying taking Avery was right, but I can see Nina's POV more clearly than Ava's "Let's frame AJ because he's a drunk. "

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But Ava didn't go anything to Nina. Magda drugged Nina and caused her to lose the baby. Magda hired Ava. And Silas cheated on her. If Nina wanted revenge, she should have gone after those that wronged her: Magda and Silas.

There was absolutely no justification for Nina drugging Ava and then literally ripping Avery from her womb. Lets not forget she also then kidnapped Avery and fled the country.

I can't believe Ava hasn't had that psychotic bitch murdered for a what she did. I would definitely get a day pass from The Barge to watch Ava get her revenge on Nina.

She needs to get revenge on Morgan, Franco, Sonny, and Carly too while she is at it.

Edited by Tiger
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I feel sorry for one person only. Avery. In her little life she has already been bounced around four times. First, Nina ,then Sonny, then Michael, then sonny /carly again.She was then kidnapped and operated on, by a stranger. NO PITY FOR THE REST. THEY ALL NEED TO stfu. Michael CRYING OVER SONNY ? What a laugh. Someone needs to tell him. Look at the man you are feeling sorry for. Think A.J . What comes around , goes around. Live by the sword. die by the sword*gun* whatever. Did he cry over Sonny's bed ? I didn't watch just saw a picture .G.H is back to the same old ,same old.Mobs ,murders and just plain dumb characters. Just change the name to Everybody loves Sonny and be done with it. I gave up.

Edited by testardo
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But Ava didn't go anything to Nina. Magda drugged Nina and caused her to lose the baby. Magda hired Ava. And Silas cheated on her. If Nina wanted revenge, she should have gone after those that wronged her: Magda and Silas.

There was absolutely no justification for Nina drugging Ava and then literally ripping Avery from her womb. Lets not forget she also then kidnapped Avery and fled the country.

I can't believe Ava hasn't had that psychotic bitch murdered for a what she did. I would definitely get a day pass from The Barge to watch Ava get her revenge on Nina.

She needs to get revenge on Morgan, Franco, Sonny, and Carly too while she is at it.


My UO is that I feel sorry for Ava for what happened vis a vis Avery.  She literally had her child ripped from her womb, has gotten to hold her maybe twice since then, and now she's supposed to be some sort of Big Bad because she is trying to get her baby back?  What kind of sick twists write this show, with their constant refrain that Sonny & Carly can grab any child they want anywhere on a whim and their real parents are somehow evil for wanting THEIR OWN GODDAMN CHILDREN back?

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Seeing as how she cheated AJ out of finally getting to know his son - first by framing him for murder and then using Sonny to kill him to cover up her own sloppy crimes? She can fuck off and die without ever getting to know her child.

A child she conceived while screwing her boyfriend's father on her victim's grave. She, Carly and Sonny deserve every ounce of misery they can inflict on each other and I have ZERO sympathy for any of them

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now she's supposed to be some sort of Big Bad because she is trying to get her baby back


On the contrary, I see that as the show trying to somewhat redeem Ava. She's done terrible things, but she loves her kid enough to fight for her. They try it with Sonny all the time. Sonny and Ava are both awful people and terrible parents.

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All the mobsters, wannabe mobsters, and mobbie sympathizers (which, for me, sadly includes Alexis) can all go the fuck away. Of course, Port Charles would only be left with maybe three or four people, but maybe those left can help repopulate.

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Seeing as how she cheated AJ out of finally getting to know his son - first by framing him for murder and then using Sonny to kill him to cover up her own sloppy crimes? She can fuck off and die without ever getting to know her child.

A child she conceived while screwing her boyfriend's father on her victim's grave. She, Carly and Sonny deserve every ounce of misery they can inflict on each other and I have ZERO sympathy for any of them

Word. And I really wanted to like Ava. I actually think killing AJ was the one decision that screwed the pooch on Ron's tenure. He screwed a lot of long time fans in many ways with that one, SK /AJ fans or not. Sonny fans saw Sonny look way outta character (because imo if he wanted to kill AJ he'd have done it years ago). Carly fans saw her out of character. Shed never ever do anything to damage her relationship with Michael. No way. And then it took another Q away for a new character. Actually, two original characters. I think the initial fallout was great, but nothing changed forever. If they'd have treated SK decently then he'd have stayed. And we'd have bomb ass Billy Miller/CD/LC/SK scenes.

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Seeing as how she cheated AJ out of finally getting to know his son - first by framing him for murder and then using Sonny to kill him to cover up her own sloppy crimes? She can fuck off and die without ever getting to know her child.

A child she conceived while screwing her boyfriend's father on her victim's grave. She, Carly and Sonny deserve every ounce of misery they can inflict on each other and I have ZERO sympathy for any of them

Thank you. Ava is no one's victim.

Yes, I would rather see one of her victims (Michael) have her daughter (her meal ticket to stay alive) than equally disgusting Sonny and Carly, but I have NO desire to see Ava win in any way here, because she's as disgusting as Sonny, Carly, and Jason were in the darkest days of the Guza era.

In fact, both senior Jeromes can be tortured to death and I wouldn't mind at all.

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Word. And I really wanted to like Ava. I actually think killing AJ was the one decision that screwed the pooch on Ron's tenure. He screwed a lot of long time fans in many ways with that one, SK /AJ fans or not. Sonny fans saw Sonny look way outta character (because imo if he wanted to kill AJ he'd have done it years ago). Carly fans saw her out of character. Shed never ever do anything to damage her relationship with Michael. No way. And then it took another Q away for a new character. Actually, two original characters. I think the initial fallout was great, but nothing changed forever. If they'd have treated SK decently then he'd have stayed. And we'd have bomb ass Billy Miller/CD/LC/SK scenes.


That was pretty much it for me. He showed that his priorities were his creations, his OLTL transplants and his ego. 

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I'm still not sure that SK had the option to stay. I can't help thinking that if they had any plans for AJ TPTB wouldn't have let him out of his contract. I think SK was out the door no matter what.

Regarding Ava, she is as bad as Sonny in my book and I would love it if they took each other out. I've also never liked MW's film noir acting style.

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Have we met? Will you marry me? 


Seriously, I agree with just about everything on here except I probably think Sam is much more rootable than 2%. She can be a little frustrating at times though.


But the rest is straight out of my head.



Why, yes, I will marry you! And neither of us needs to get shot during the ceremony.


On the Sam front: I'm trying to find a better word that "rootable" to describe my reaction to the character. The writers have saddle Sam with the usual amount of heinous acts so I can't really single out her actions "get this wench off my screen" material. I don't root against Sam (I need that energy for pointlessly rooting against Sonny) but I can't get invested in her storylines most of the time. Individual scenes? Sure. 


I think the conceit that Jason is the love of Sam's life is such a show stopper. It might be slop-over Jason hate at work. 

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Doesn't matter what we want. TIIC from Frank to the suits to the head of ABC think they know best and do as they please. The show is going back to the Guza years . The unholy three are back. We now have three mobs. We have nothing but cold blooded murderers. Even Anna who I did love, and now don't care to watch. Michael has returned to MYKILL. Morgan is a sicko. Not the least bit likable.PAtrick seems to have had a loss of memory. I guess Moron didn't kill Alexis. to bad I was hoping he would have at least put her in the hospital next to scummy. I refuse to watch it, I was hoping maybe he fixed it . I'm done .days was very good today. so now THE VCR DOES THAT AND I GO TO THE GYM. tomorrow I WILL GO BOWLING AND TO THE FARMERS MARKET. No daytime tv in this house.

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I think part of me actually likes watching Robin more as a little kid and a pre-teen than as a teenager or adult, when she was young and had all these honorary aunts and uncles doting on her, in addition to her parents. Plus, the boys hadn't gotten in the way yet. They mess up everything, don't they? LOL.

Edited by UYI
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I would think Sam would be fairly pissed at Robin. Yes, she went to save Jason but she never told Sam there was even a chance that her husband was alive. Everything Sam said to Patrick about being able to tell Jason goodbye? That applies to Robin as well.

I think Robin was foolish to leave her parents out of the loop. I think it was cruel to do the same thing to Sam and Monica, they had a right to know - at the very least they had the right to bury him if Robin had been unsuccessful.

Edited by Oracle42
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I would think Sam would be fairly pissed at Robin. Yes, she went to save Jason but she never told Sam there was even a chance that her husband was alive. Everything Sam said to Patrick about being able to tell Jason goodbye? That applies to Robin as well.

I think Robin was foolish to leave her parents out of the loop. I think it was cruel to do the same thing to Sam and Monica, they had a right to know - at the very least they had the right to bury him if Robin had been unsuccessful.

Robin couldn't tell anyone. And, I think the character has paid quite enough to be welcomed back with, "Well, you should have told us! Sorry! Thems the breaks!" Sam should be nothing but grateful.

But that's why I put my thoughts in the UO thread. ;)

Edited by HeatLifer
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I mean, RC wrote it so it's dumb- but the idea that genius Robin could tell Patrick what she was going to do but could not tell Sam or her Super-spy parents? Goes way beyond dumb

Edited by Oracle42
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I actually find Nina somewhat sympathetic. In a twisted way, even taking Avery was a skewed form of justice for her, as her child was essentially ripped from her womb before she could even get to experience pregnancy. Her husband, that she supported through med school, impregnates a hot blonde thing, while Nina loses years. Instead of being happy she's okay, he's inconvenienced by her. I'm not saying taking Avery was right, but I can see Nina's POV more clearly than Ava's "Let's frame AJ because he's a drunk. "


I don't hate Nina, and I find her far more sympathetic than Ava-who I don't find sympathetic at all. I hate that she's been so badly written, and for a portion of her time-so badly acted. If this show were intelligently written, I could have liked the character. Unfortunately, I think it's too late to go back and try to fix things, a lesson I believe the new writers will find out.

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Thank you. Ava is no one's victim.

Yes, I would rather see one of her victims (Michael) have her daughter (her meal ticket to stay alive) than equally disgusting Sonny and Carly, but I have NO desire to see Ava win in any way here, because she's as disgusting as Sonny, Carly, and Jason were in the darkest days of the Guza era.

In fact, both senior Jeromes can be tortured to death and I wouldn't mind at all.



I don't understand why Ava isn't lumped into the group with Franco and Nina here, in the "why aren't they gone?" category. She's actually way worse than Nina in terms of humanity. And I hope Faison-or whatever Big Boss Paul may be working for-takes care of her.

I don't believe for a nanosecond that Ava has lots of fans out there, and that they'll riot or something if MW leaves the show. So begone with her, I say. She's like that free loader sleeping on your couch, who won't leave. And you debate setting the couch on fire just so they'll GO. :)

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I think the "arrested development" aspect of Nina was botched. We got a few jokes about the Goggle and the Interwebs, but that's not enough. The time she spent at Shady Brook was a joke and a plot point to hook her up with Franco, not to genuinely help her adjust to living 20 years later. MSt's acting isn't helping, what with the baby voice and the teenage giggling and name-calling. (The name-calling isn't her fault, but the teenage stuff is.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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I don't understand why Ava isn't lumped into the group with Franco and Nina here, in the "why aren't they gone?" category. 


My only guess is that most people think that MW's acting saves Ava in a way that MSt's doesn't save Nina. 

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I don't understand why Ava isn't lumped into the group with Franco and Nina here, in the "why aren't they gone?" category. 


I'm still not sure how Ava has managed to stick around so long. I thought for sure Ron would've gotten bored with her a long time ago.

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I'm still not sure how Ava has managed to stick around so long. I thought for sure Ron would've gotten bored with her a long time ago.


The new writers are unfortunately enamored with her.


What a shame, when there are others they could focus on, who actually have redeeming qualities.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Too bad the misery she causes for Sonny/Carly is way too temporary.


Ric at the moment is too far up Sonny's ass to be hot with Ava, but if anyone could convince him to go against Sonny, it should be Ava.

Yeah, I miss Panic Room Sonny and Carly hating Ric.

Poor Morgan. He almost had two chances for a normal life. Eh, to be less of a douche anyway.

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I don't think "new characters" are the reason that old favorites aren't getting airtime. The show has fixated on 5 or so characters for the last 15 years: Sonny, Carly, Jason are the constants, plus whoever is worshipping Jason at the moment. The fifth slot has been filled by Alexis a good chunk of the time, and Luke when TG wasn't on "holiday." Even Robin/Patrick played second fiddle to the Sonny show. Everyone else is a day player with a contract.

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Yeah, I miss Panic Room Sonny and Carly hating Ric.


Carly still hates Ric. She always will. She always should. She understands consistency is better for the custody case than merry-go-round lawyers, so that's why she hasn't demanded Sonny fire Ric.

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While I don't appreciate it when my favorite characters are trashed/killed by the writers, the current problem with the show - besides Sonny and the mob - seems to be the 'blocking' or shooting a bunch of episodes at a time.  What it is translating on my screen is one episode stretched into four or five episodes.  While it is a cost-effective method of using those shrinking operating expenses, the best method is reduce the largest operating expense which appears to be labor.  Why are the disgusting or useless characters like Franco, Jason, Nina and her family, or Olivia back on my screen after the writers adroitly got rid of them? 

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I liked JT's little guitar and singing interlude, and thought his voice was pretty good.  Just a hanging out in the bedroom scene, nice and laid back.  The show rarely does that type of thing so I appreciate those moments when they happen. 


I have no trouble buying into Patrick's ability to play the guitar.  Maybe because I learned to play in high school, got way too sidetracked after college by grown up life, and drifted away from it.  When I turned forty, I realized it would be fun to pick up again.  I sat down to play and it all came back, right down to the first songs I learned at age 16.


And any peek into a characters 'normal' life would likely seem to come out of nowhere, since most events that aren't turned up to eleven happen off screen.

Edited by amaranta
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I liked JT's little guitar and singing interlude, and thought his voice was pretty good.  Just a hanging out in the bedroom scene, nice and laid back.  The show rarely does that type of thing so I appreciate those moments when they happen. 


I have no trouble buying into Patrick's ability to play the guitar.  Maybe because I learned to play in high school, got way too sidetracked after college by grown up life, and drifted away from it.  When I turned forty, I realized it would be fun to pick up again.  I sat down to play and it all came back, right down to the first songs I learned at age 16.


And any peek into a characters 'normal' life would likely seem to come out of nowhere, since most events that aren't turned up to eleven happen off screen.


I agree with you in general, but Patrick is one of the characters who we did see doing a lot of normal every day stuff. He and Robin even had a storyline revolving around which couch to buy, or something like that. I like your explanation, I just wish they had dropped it somewhere into the dialogue. Like after Patrick was done, he could have said, "thanks, I used to play in college".

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I'd buy it if Patrick played guitar for Robin. It's like he hid his guitar playing from her too because what... she wasn't cool? Robin would've loved some music more than Sam. I imagine Sam has had many a man pull lame tricks on her to woo her. I see Robin appreciating it more, but Sam doing the "Oh, that's nice" head nod. Which essentially is my problem with SamTrick. Suddenly, Sam, this con artist is a nerd who's so lucky that football player Patrick is looking at her. But Patrick is like the Quarterback of the football team who feeds orphans and is so great. The direction and essence of who we've been told these characters are for about a decade has been ripped to shreds. And AJ Quartermaine didn't even drive them into a tree!

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I actually find Nina somewhat sympathetic. In a twisted way, even taking Avery was a skewed form of justice for her, as her child was essentially ripped from her womb before she could even get to experience pregnancy. Her husband, that she supported through med school, impregnates a hot blonde thing, while Nina loses years. Instead of being happy she's okay, he's inconvenienced by her. I'm not saying taking Avery was right, but I can see Nina's POV more clearly than Ava's "Let's frame AJ because he's a drunk. "

Nina really could have been a compelling character, if she woke up from her coma really wanting to rebuild her life, and had likeable qualities ... and only after slowly learning about how terribly she was betrayed, become devastated and vengeful.

Y'know, if she wasn't a hammy cartoon. A different actress might have helped. But the writing would have had to be WAY better. She could still have taken Ava's baby, but there was no reason to make those scenes a disgusting horror flick.

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MSt actually is good. I've seen it. But the writing sucked. I actually believe that Ron wanted campy bs and got it. It did no service to the story nor ME or MSt or RoHo, who could've made a great triangle. Obviously, Ron was bent on doing a JaSam story, so any KeMo pairing won't work.

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I definitely think the actress may be more of a problem than the writing, for once. First of all, half the reason they wrote Nina the way they did was because she was their big get. Louder bigger crazier! Then the writing aside. Michelle Stafford repeating everything twice, her bug eyes, her shouting, her contortions, her seeming like she's trying to sound like a child. Also thrown in that physically the only person who may seem less appropriate for the part of a fragile woman-child coming out of a coma is big Alice.


Just a recipe for failure, all around.

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Y'know, if she wasn't a hammy cartoon.


And if they hadn't put her with the hammiest of hammy cartoons, Franco.


Nina could have been decent if she'd had some time to genuinely readjust from the coma. They could have built to big and campy if that's what Ron really wanted (and it seemed it was). But as always, he expected us to instantly love her and accept whatever we're given. Let us get used to her for a bit before shoving her down our throats.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I don't blame Patrick one bit for anything that happened after Robin's death, I blame Ron and Frank entirely.

And yet at the same time, I blame Anna for ignoring Patrick and Emma for a year after Robin's death (after "comically" cringing every time anyone made reference to her being a grandmother) and being a horrible mother long before Robin "died" in 2012.

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I think when Robin was a kid, Anna was a loving mom, just not always the most practical or dependable. But she tried, and she loved Robin ... and then Faison kidnapped her and she had amnesia for like a decade, so missing Robin's high school and college years was actually not her fault.

I know she has majorly sucked under Ron's regime, and wasn't so great under Guza's writing, either. But it's such obvious hack writing that my mind refuses to accept it.

See, also: Patrick. And Dante. And Liz and Nik (who I never loved, but c'mon, this is laughable. And the obnoxious way Robert was written by Guza. And the podperson Holly became. And Laura the stepdad killing zombie (Guza again). And the idea that Robin would meekly go off with Victor Cassadine in the first place.

None of this is real characterization to me ... I miss likeable, flawed people who made sense.

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I kinda...sorta....have to admit....I kinda...like Jakeson. There's something appealing about this version of Jason who is not a dick. It makes me nostalgic for who Jason used to be pre-SBu's obsession with "Stone Cold."

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I kinda...sorta....have to admit....I kinda...like Jakeson. There's something appealing about this version of Jason who is not a dick. It makes me nostalgic for who Jason used to be pre-SBu's obsession with "Stone Cold."


Oh, I dig Jakeson, no apologies. But then I also like Dante and Lulu's loft. I'd totally live there.

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