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The Judges


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Better yet, I would like the same chef to go on Chopped & make the same salad, & then see what Scott says.

Me too.


I always wanted Scott to do Celebrity Chopped, and get cheese, fish, pasta and raw red onions as his basket ingredients.  Of course, when he did appear in one of the Celebrity tournaments, he had one round where he was pickling red onions, as a joking shout out, and then didn't get them on the plate; since they weren't a basket ingredient, there was no harm, but I would've loved to know how they turned out.


I like most of the regular judges (not fond of Geoffrey or Alex) but I love Amanda, Marcus, Marc and Scott.  Particularly Scott.  Have the hots for him, in fact, which is fascinating to me because I hated him when I first started watching Chopped.  He must've brain-washed me somehow through my tv set.  But yes, I think of him every time I slice red onions for a salad.

BUT before I do, AGAIN, Torres and Santos complain about the desserts being "too sweet." Well fuck! Desserts are supposed to be sweet. And those that are really sweet I believe fall under the decadent category? Just what the fuck is their problem with desserts that end up being sweet?


For me, sweet is the very definition of dessert, but I guess I could maybe understand it if the dish was tooth-achingly sweet.  But yeah, make up your minds, sweet, not sweet - pick one and stick to it.

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You also don't know which judges you're going to get. Will the hypothetical chain-smoking judge be there, the spice-loving judge, the sensitive-palate judge, the red-onion-hating judge?


That is, in some ways, the nightmare panel.  It's pretty much impossible to balance your food between Aaaarrrrronnnn, who wants spice levels through the roof, and Geoffrey, whose palate seems to be as sensitive to the heat in certain foods as mine is (my tongue is a total wimp, which makes me sad because I love Mexican food).  Somewhere in the middle wouldn't satisfy either one of them, and even then, Scott would hate you for using raw red onions anyway, so you're screwed.

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It's pretty much impossible to balance your food between Aaaarrrrronnnn, who wants spice levels through the roof, and Geoffrey, whose palate seems to be as sensitive to the heat in certain foods as mine is (my tongue is a total wimp, which makes me sad because I love Mexican food).

Aarrrrrrrrrron was a total wuss about heat on that show he did with Chris Cosentino a few years back, though. (They had to run around to different places tasting food and there was a race at the end... what the heck was the name of that show?) I was always surprised at how sensitive he seemed to be to heat. It was always Cosentino who tasted the hot stuff because Aarrrrrron was a special snowflake who could not handle it.

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I love Roger Mooking, so I'm all over any excuse to have him on TV, but it seems vaguely weird bordering on racist having Aaron Sanchez hosting a show about super-hot food. He clearly doesn't like it, and more importantly, his entree into the Food Network third base club is his legendary mom. Her whole thing was that there was more to mexican food than capsaicin.

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Here's some interesting news from Marc Murphy. He's in China with the U.S. State Department! Here is his most recent message, so you can follow him and see his photos:

Landed in Shanghai, dropped of our bags and went straight for spicy dan dan noodles & dumplings! Follow me on Instagram @chefmarcmurphy for all my pictures! Will post as much as I can ‪#‎shanghai‬ ‪#‎wanderlust‬ ‪#‎hungerlust‬ ‪#‎EMtakeschina‬ ‪#‎chinagram

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Excuse me while I laugh at the thought of a man, whose business partners agreed was engaged in wage theft, taking the high ground against Trump.

I don't know what they think they are gaining. Wherever Trump builds a luxury hotel, people will stay there. Zakarian saw Jose Andres do it, so he felt like he better join the club or be forever left out of knowing the secret handshake.

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Here's a more complete & detailed--& interesting, in my opinion (it fills in interesting gaps in the other story)--article on the Zakarian/Trump thing than The Hollywood Reporter wrote. This is from the On Politics blog in USAToday/on their website.



From the USA Today link above:



“We know Geoffrey Zakarian very well and this decision has absolutely nothing to do with his ‘core values.’ Zakarian is using the distortions by the media of Mr. Trump’s comments in an opportunistic attempt to renege on clear and unequivocal obligations under his lease. Zakarian has put up a non-refundable $490,167 deposit and has fully guaranteed the lease.


HAHAHA! Zing! A lot of people backing out of these contracts seem to be backing out while the contract still allows. According to that portion, he has fully guaranteed the lease, and may be on the hook for more money. It's probably too soon to file bankruptcy again, but I can't remember when he did it last.


There have been a few places that have come forward as people and business have backed out of using them and confirmed that Trump has no ownership interest in the business, they just lease his name. It's unfortunate that those businesses are losing business, and will probably change their names soon.

Edited by Christina

HAHAHA! Zing! A lot of people backing out of these contracts seem to be backing out while the contract still allows. According to that portion, he has fully guaranteed the lease, and may be on the hook for more money. It's probably too soon to file bankruptcy again, but I can't remember when he did it last..

Trump's lawyers have been saying stuff like that about lots of the people who sever connections with him.  I am not assuming that those claims are true just because Trump's lawyers say so. (I'd say that I'm waiting until a court decides but the resolution will be quiet and we're very unlikely to hear the real outcome.)

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I thought of this thread this week when I was watching "A Moveable Feast" on my PBS cable station. They were interviewing a chef who said something to the effect that she could taste if food and ingredients were cooked with love and respect. While I get what she was talking about - fresh/quality ingredients, properly prepared and seasoned, etc, but it sounded SO pretentious coming out of her mouth.

It looks like Donald Trump will have to testify in his case against Geoffrey. 


Trump may also have to appear personally to respond to the fuss over his comments, as the judge in a parallel case, between the developer and chef Geoffrey Zakarian — who backed out of a lease for a second restaurant in the hotel — ordered Trump to make himself available in Washington to be deposed in that case. 

From the WashPo article:

"Trump has taken a particular interest in the Old Post Office project, citing it on the campaign trail as a symbol of his business acumen and bragging it will be open when the nation is ready to inaugurate its next president. In the fallout over the restaurant deal, he wasted little time in personally seizing the more than $250,000 Andrés’s company had set aside as collateral at the start of the project"

Hopefully people will start putting morals clauses in their Trump-contracts. What a... imho

And hopefully those tapes will be made public.

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