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S01.E02: The Sugar Point Run

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I thought this was a better episode, but I still enjoy Dutch and her mysterious past the best. Maybe I was wrong about Da'vin being a plant, but I still think that he is up to no good. 

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I'm still enjoying it.  Johnny continues to make me laugh and I'm getting a kick out of his bickering with "Lucy" (reminds me of the Joker/EDI relationship in the Mass Effect video games), and Dutch is still awesome.  Escaping the scavengers ropes by dislocating her shoulder with barely a grunt and popping it back in, was the greatest.  I'm even kind of warming up to Da'vin, since he was a bit funnier this time and did prove his worth.  Still not interested in the big mystery over him wanting to find this doctor, but maybe they'll surprise me.


On the other hand, I continue to enjoy Dutch's flashbacks.  The Rob Stewart character is creepy as hell.  I wonder what his current assignment for her is.  Interesting that John is starting to get suspicious of her behavior, so I'm sure that's going to build up as the season progresses.


Not surprised that Da'vin is going to attempt to become a Killjoy now.  They had to find some reason for him to stick around.  John didn't seem that thrilled about it though... 

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I'm not out yet & if Defiance & Dark Matter continue chugging along I'll probably stay regardless, but this episode seemed to drag. I like Johnny but that may be leftover Jinks love from WH13. I wasn't invested in this storyline other than what happened to Johnny & honestly it was probably more an interest in Lucy.

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This show was better but still boring. If it wasn't in the middle of Defiance and Dark Matter two shows I enjoy I wouldn't bother with this. I was bored through most of it.

I don't find anything about this show particularly intriguing. The characters? Dutch is unconvincing as some fierce, trained assassin and the brothers are mostly paint-by-numbers. The mysteries about their pasts aren't very compelling, either.

Most of all, the low budget production is cursed by a lack of imagination. Every other scene takes place inside or outside a generic abandoned warehouse or factory building. It looks like we're destined to take an extensive tour of Toronto's grungier industrial districts if we keep watching. Mucking with yellow filters and exposures to bleach out the lighting does not make me believe that they're on an alien planet.

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You guys are weird if you think Defiance or Dark Matter are better than this show. The former two are awful, while this episode gives us a fair shot at Black Hawk Down on a basic cable budget and mostly gets it right.

The group dynamic is fun (and D'avin is better). I like that everyone gets their zingers, and Lucy's great. And for those of you fearing an imminent Dutch/D'avin UST subplot, worry not. There's not a hint of it here.

And speaking of Dark Matter, as far as "End of episode Wham Moments" go, Killjoys comes out way ahead. What a conversation starter, Dutch!

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I really like this show.  I don't know why how one feels about Defiance or Darkmatter has to come into play with how one feels about this show...but I'll give my opinion too. Really wanted to like Defiance the first season but really didn't. Only started watching Darkmatter because Killjoys started coming on before it. (I wonder are they going to reverse the order of these shows once they get more established. Defiance should not be in the family friendly spot.) But I'm glad I did because I like Darkmatter also. I'm just glad to have interesting watchable sci-fi shows on the Sci-fi network again.


I really like Dutch and her friendship with Johnny,  I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out with her and Roan...I mean Khlyen.  I don't mind D'avin, think him being Johnny's brother brings an interesting dynamic to the group. Lucy is hilarious.

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It was a decent follow-up to the premiere episode -- expanded the show universe a little, and learned some more about the main 3 characters.


I really like Dutch and her friendship with Johnny


Totally agree, and why I'm willing to continue watching.  I'm also curious to find out more about their backstories -- how they became partners, how they obtained Lucy, who is really behind Dutch's assassin training (can't be the Company or the RAC). Heck, even D'avin is growing on me.


Lucy is hilarious.


A ship AI with a sense of humor -- I like it.

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You guys are weird if you think Defiance or Dark Matter are better than this show. The former two are awful, while this episode gives us a fair shot at Black Hawk Down on a basic cable budget and mostly gets it right.

The group dynamic is fun (and D'avin is better). I like that everyone gets their zingers, and Lucy's great. And for those of you fearing an imminent Dutch/D'avin UST subplot, worry not. There's not a hint of it here.

And speaking of Dark Matter, as far as "End of episode Wham Moments" go, Killjoys comes out way ahead. What a conversation starter, Dutch!

I just gave up on Defiance but I think the Dark Matter premise holds more potential than Killjoys if the cast is allowed to grow into real characters. But Killjoy does the tactical movement military porn thing better in these first episodes.
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I just gave up on Defiance but I think the Dark Matter premise holds more potential than Killjoys if the cast is allowed to grow into real characters. But Killjoy does the tactical movement military porn thing better in these first episodes.

It also does the characters, dialogue, worldbuilding, and conflicts things better in these first episodes.

Anyways, I had a chuckle when D'avin did all of these crazy badass things after the flash grenade showing off and Dutch responded "Well it SOUNDED awesome!"

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I was unimpressed. They sure killed a lot of random henchmen who grunted like cavemen and had no characterization. The ship didn't talk in the first episode, did it? The dialog between Lucy and what's his name seemed like a trite affectation, and wasn't very consistent about when she understood his jokes and when she replied woodenly like a computer.

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Well now we know why Johnny/Dutch didn't happen... he's more into Lucy the ship. "No, no, you & D'Avin go ahead, I gotta stay with Lucy." Or when he asks Lucy, "You with me?" (on his crazy plan) and she responds with "Always." Maybe he's like the Doctor and his one true love, the TARDIS. Now I'm imagining an episode like Doctor Who where Lucy becomes a human girl for a day...


D'Avin is still clunky and stiff and keeps asking obvious exposition-y questions. He does improve in the action sequences. And now I've realized I like D'Avin as long as he doesn't talk.


Dutch's assassin-training past is still the most interesting part of this show. She and her steampunk hair and Johnny (yay for Warehouse 13 alums) are the only reasons I keep watching.

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This episode wasn't as strong as the pilot for me, but I still enjoyed it.

Dutch and Johnny are the best parts of the show to me. I think it would be stronger if they weren't kept apart so much. The actors have real warmth together and I'm interested in how Dutch's secret is going to affect their friendship. Also. I don't like John being out of the main action so much back on the ship, especially since it seems to be that way so D'avin can be all action man. I'd rather watch Dutch and Johnny figure their way out of a situation than see D'avin brute his way all over the place. And the actor still just seems like a super annoying and very stiff version of Michael Guerrin to me.

I wonder if Dutch suggested that D'avin stay with them and become a killjoy, not only to keep John from getting hurt by his brother taking off again, but also because she suspects she might not be able to be around for him much longer due to Khylen.

I was unimpressed. They sure killed a lot of random henchmen who grunted like cavemen and had no characterization. The ship didn't talk in the first episode, did it? The dialog between Lucy and what's his name seemed like a trite affectation, and wasn't very consistent about when she understood his jokes and when she replied woodenly like a computer.

Lucy talked in the pilot too.

Edited by cynic
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They sure dumped a lot of expositon in this episode mostly on D'Avin who was used as a stand-in for the audience. Decent episode with some elements that felt forced - especially when it came to differentiating the skill sets of D'Avin and Dutch. Johnny's lack of enthusiasm about having his brother around 24/7 is intriguing as there was no indication it was something as simple as jealousy.

The Dutch flashbacks didn't do much for me - but it's not this show's fault that I had flashbacks to Arya and the House of White and Black.

On the plus side: no signs of UST or a much dreaded love triangle. If they intend to hook up Dutch with D'Avin I hope they are willing to give that some time and focus on other aspects for the moment. The show has enough going on as it is with all the mysteries from the past.

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Echoing what others have said, largely.  Not as fun as the pilot, but I still dug it. 


Dutch is the stand out, both on the character front and the actress is so damned appealing.  She reminds of someone I can't quite put my finger on.  She sorta-kinda looks like Zoe Kravitz and but she sounds like someone else...  I loved the scene where they first walked into the  house? with the old lady and D'Avin was shouting that he'll shoot etc. etc.  Dutch just rolls her eyes at him ( you can almost see a thought bubble that says 'You Idiot" over her head) and pulls out her RAC badge and defuses the situation that quickly and then smoothly switches from matter-of-fact bad ass to to soft spoken compassion when she realizes how sick the woman is and gives her medicine. 


Still like Johnny but didn;t like that they hung him back on the ship.  But we got to see/hear more of Lucy and Lucy is boss!  So that wasn't too bad.


I don't dislike D'Avin so his scenes are fine.  And I actually liked him better in this episode because they pulled back from the Dutch/D'Avin overt smolder thing they were trying to push in the pilot.  The two seem to have just the right amount of wary/suspicion.  That said, I do agree that having him be Dutch's back up felt like a clumsy and obvious way to push him to be a Killjoy.


I am liking the hints they keep dropping that all is not completely well between the brothers even as they obviously love each other.


Cute bartender sighting!  Yay!  No Fancy sighting, Boo!

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I don't understand how is this show "boring". This week's Dark Matter, on the other hand... Yawn.


Yes, we have seen this warehouse in ten other shows, but hey - at least the characters got out of the ship (the two-thirds did). Which is hard to say for the other show that night (a spacewalk that was barely there doesn't count).


The real 'ship in this show is Johnny/Lucy and I dig it. I was a bit disappointed he was left out of the field trip, but then again, we needed to see D'avin in action and Johnny's strongest suit is engineering. Also, he's cute when he's resorceful.


D'avin - as it was mentioned by some of you - did not bother me as much. We know his heart is in the right place and he does have a certain useful skillset. Yet, I want his great confidence in his rightful way of doing things to be contrasted with harsh reality.


Dutch... I have a girl-crush on her. End of story.


...and I felt sorry for the poor convict-brother who died in such a horrible way. His sister, on the other hand, reminded me of Michelle Fairley. I knew it wasn't her, but in the recent 24 series she played a similar character, eager to blow thing up and sacrifice memebers of her own family in the process.


(does anyone else picture Lucy as Lexa Doig? Only me? Ok, then)

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Johnny's lack of enthusiasm about having his brother around 24/7 is intriguing as there was no indication it was something as simple as jealousy.


I agree that it's intriguing, and also that it's probably not something as simple as jealousy. Where I disagree is in that I didn't interpret it as lack of enthusiasm. I do think it was a development that he hadn't considered, and it took him by surprise. He's unsure about it. But I read the look on his face at the end as sort of half dubious and half mischievous. As in something like "Oh my. This could be big fun, or it could be a really bad idea. Or a whole lot of both. But one thing is for sure, shit's about to get crazy all up in here."

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I read a bit more apprehension than that in John's expression, but who knows. It could be as simple as John being the more responsible brother and D'avin being more of a troublemaker that has John concerned.


The real 'ship in this show is Johnny/Lucy and I dig it. I was a bit disappointed he was left out of the field trip, but then again, we needed to see D'avin in action and Johnny's strongest suit is engineering. Also, he's cute when he's resorceful.

D'avin - as it was mentioned by some of you - did not bother me as much. We know his heart is in the right place and he does have a certain useful skillset. Yet, I want his great confidence in his rightful way of doing things to be contrasted with harsh reality.


I also think Johnny is cute when he's being resourceful and I'd much rather watch his kind of smart scrappiness than D'avin's more traditional hero style action. That's why I'm hoping Johnny isn't relegated to being on the ship all the time with D'avin as the designated "away team" with Dutch. He does have useful skills, but I agree that the show needs to keep showing that his way isn't always right. Plus, it's one thing if the show makes D'avin a better killjoy than Johnny (though I still won't like it), but if he starts overshadowing Dutch, considering her killjoy level, years of experience, and childhood apparently spent in ninja assassin training, I'm gonna cut a B.

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It could be jealousy, or a worry that D'avin will disrupt the close friendship/working relationship he already has. He might love his brother but not want to live and work with him 24/7, which is perfectly understandable.

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Johnny - probably - had this save haven on Lucy with Dutch, a place where he was appreciated for his skills, where he felt worthy despite him being a dyslectic. He must have been "the shy brother", maybe D'avin was the favourite son?


The thing is, he had finally found his place - and now his older brother disrupts the status quo and turns everything upside down. Johnny's confidence may take a hit - it already did when he decided to stay behind and give his spot at Dutch's side to D'avin. All thing considered, this was the correct decision to make, but it showed that Johnny can belittle himself just in case nobody else will.


Naturally, the very next episode may change my way of thinking, seeing it's focused on Johnny (or so it seems) and may give further insight to his character.

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Yeah, particularly with the lengthy estrangement, I think John and D'avin's relationship is complicated to say the least.  It's too easy to fall back into old (unhealthy) patterns when you are reunited with someone you grew up with.  I too got a lot of apprehension in Johnny's look, but I also feel like I don't have enough info to really speculate about why yet.  And I have yet to get any real sense of concern for John from D'avin.  Even when he was quizzing John about Dutch, that felt far more self-serving than it did genuine concern for John's well-being, as he tried to make it sound.  


Loved the second ep even more than the first!  And I felt like there was more of an appropriate level of caution related to D'avin from Dutch this time, so that didn't bug me as much this time either.  D'avin is still at the bottom of the character likability list for me, but more to a point of being neutral about him and really liking/enjoying everyone else. 


I still love the world building, and I am really looking forward to seeing that unfold.  

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Caught up on both episodes of the show, and so far, I'm liking it, but not loving. I don't dislike any of the main three but I do wish we had somebody else because I'm used to bigger casts. Dutch is great though and Ashmore's going everything he can with Johnny who feels underwritten to me to an extent. As for D'Avin, I certainly don't hate him, although I probably would, were he the lead character. But I do think he doesn't have as much chemistry with Dutch (and overall charisma) as he probably should. Still, I think it's a bit early to judge his character because his past is clearly a major plot point so I'm reserving my judgement until then (please no cliched PTSD).


As for the episode itself, I wasn't a huge fan of isolating Johnny for the whole time, even if they needed to find a way to showcase D'Avin. The action stuff worked OK and the villain had a memorable scene. Plus, we got a bit more of world-building. Dutch's flashbacks were pretty cliched for the most part, but I'm digging the relationship between her and the handler (who, I'm sure, knew her well enough to predict she wouldn't follow his mission). If anyone has seen an old show Dark Angel with Jessica Alba, this handler guy really reminds me of a character from it, a very similar set-up.

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The world building is still my favorite part of the show. I hope their world continues to grow. 


I still love John and Dutch, and I am kind of warming to D'Avin. He is still not my favorite, but he`s ok. I am actually getting more interesting in the relationship with John and D`Avin. I want to know more about what their deal is. 


Until the last possible second, I thought the kidnapped girl would be in on it. Kudos show, for throwing me. 

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I want to know why D'avin needs to find a doctor and what is his/her specialty. Does he need a therapist for PTSD? Does he need a medical doctor because he's sick, has his mind has been tampered or is the doctor a loved one/lover? Why did he leave home and turn his back on his family and why was their a kill warrant on him?

I think eventually this will tie in with Dutch and her secrets.

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I think eventually this will tie in with Dutch and her secrets.


If that means that there was also some behind-the-scenes manipulation (by some as yet unknown force) involved in John and Dutch getting together (was it 6 or 7?) years ago, then I'd be all over that possibility. 

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I want to know why D'avin needs to find a doctor and what is his/her specialty. Does he need a therapist for PTSD? Does he need a medical doctor because he's sick, has his mind has been tampered or is the doctor a loved one/lover?

I want to know why Dutch couldn't have asked him this! I realize they were kind of in the middle of their mission, but she paused long enough to ask him what he was doing, she couldn't have followed it up with a quick-- "Oh, are you sick?"


I'm still enjoying the show, though.

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I started watching this show purely because Aaron Ashmore (miss WH13 so much!) was on it, and I had also seen Luke MacFarlane on others shows and , on a purely shallow note, they sure are pretty. But I  have enjoyed both episodes so far, and like Dutch and Lucy too.

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