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S07.E12: Lord Of The Manor

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AMEN!!!  I struggled with being super skinny most of my childhood and up until my late 20s.  I can not begin to tell you how much it annoyed me that people (including some friends and family) though I was suffered from either anorexia or bulimia.  I got told so many times to go eat some bread or pasta that I wanted to scream.  Anyone who really knew me would have laughed at the suggestion that I was anorexic or bulimic.  But nevertheless, I was accused of both frequently. It constantly amazed me that people felt they could tell me to my face that I had an eating disorder.  I mean, there was NO holding back.  I even had a teacher in high school that would send me to the nurse to get weighed once a week.  If I'd lost any weight at all, I would come in to class the next day and find a sandwich or something similar at my desk.  And this was right after lunch so I was already full from eating.  It was insane.  I did not stay in his class for very long.


Truly awful stories.  Although we talk about it here, I can't imagine actually commenting on someone's body to their face.


But on the flip side there are also people with very low metabolism who do work out and still aren't thin.  I have a friend of mine who is constantly told she needs to "hit the gym" by people who assume because she's fat, she's not healthy and doesn't exercise.  But she does.  Does 5ks all the time.  

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who thought the villa bedrooms looked barebones and cookie-cutterish? Maybe the bathrooms were more interesting.

One viewing the villa website, the rooms do have a clean and spare look that I like a lot in a vacation rental. It just struck me at first that the property so clearly was built to be a rental, and isn't at all homelike. The bathrooms are great -- the shower fixtures clearly would befuddle Ramona and Sonja, even when sober.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 11

Truly awful stories. Although we talk about it here, I can't imagine actually commenting on someone's body to their face.

But on the flip side there are also people with very low metabolism who do work out and still aren't thin. I have a friend of mine who is constantly told she needs to "hit the gym" by people who assume because she's fat, she's not healthy and doesn't exercise. But she does. Does 5ks all the time.

I try and keep my mouth shut about people's weight. I'm at the "I have to work really hard to stay at the top of a healthy weight range" end of things and I've had to put up with all manner of helpful crap from people. I had a complete stranger comment on how much food I had on my plate at Whole Foods once (You should eat half of that and save the rest for latter). In a weird way it's one of the reasons why a Heather type can make me kind of tense. She's always injecting her opinion when no one asked her, like her rather nasty observation that Sonjia is getting fat from drinking. I'd say the most vile, hurtful things that have ever been said to me where to be "helpful". I try not to be helpful.

  • Love 14


I don't know... this place looks like a mausoleum to me.  Amazing setting, huge digs, but too austere and cold for my taste.  Course, I wouldn't turn down a free stay...!

  • Love 11

I have not seen anything about thin people or fat people in general, just on the HW's.


I think every season Ramoaner tells the world about her body/ass.  Opens the door for snarking/opinions, IMO

IMO she looks bloody mahhhhvelous.  Wobbly and unsophisicated but in great shape.


Bethy  chose to call her brand SkinnyGirl for a  reason, she knew the word/lifestyle/branding 'skinny' would draw in buyers.  She did not name it HealthyGirl.  Opens the door for snarks, IMO, especially when SkinnyGirl is the 9th Housewife this season.


When folks call a HW dysfunctional, I don't take it personally just because I am dysfunctional also   :) Heck, I want to be able to snark on Sonja's loose tooth without it being an insult to loose-toothed people the world over.  lol


Bill Maher had some interesting comments on comedy/snarks  being straitjacketed by PC lately.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 16

I thought it was hilarious that Bethenny was suggesting that Heather just concentrate on one thing. Like someone else up thread mentioned, Bethenny slaps that SkinnyGirl logo on any low fat cardboard item she can find.


It's not just food, either. She's had SkinnyGirl shapewear; there are SkinnyGirl workouts on DVDs and via Comcast OnDemand (pretty terrible); there was a SkinnyGirl stairstepper thing (yes, I had one; I bought it from OpenSky with points back when she was a "curator" there; the fucking thing nearly killed me); there's the blender; there are diet pills; face masques; yoga mats; margarita scented bath shit .... trust me, I could keep going.


You could argue that all of this was at least cohesive in terms of promoting a "healthy" (e.g. drunkorexic) lifestyle, but the point is, she has nooooooo business telling Heather that the Yummie family of products is too diffuse and needs focus. Not when she's out there promoting  her protein bars and  her children's book, and basically just slapping that silhouette on whatever people will let her and throwing it at the wall to see what sticks. 

  • Love 16

My cousins have done a couple of Girls' Vacations in T&C and the photos of the places they've stayed were lovely. Much more warm and welcoming than this villa, though I'd also not turn down a free stay!

The thin vs fat thing is so difficult. I think the main problem is that it's "admirable" and desirable to be thin, even too thin (sadly), while being even slightly overweight is considered by (far too) many to indicate a lack of discipline, self-esteem, inner strength, what have you. Even a little fat must be eliminated, whereas a little too thin can get compliments!

I try never to comment on others' appearance except to say "You look great!" or "That looks so good on you." We don't know what anyone else is struggling with.

Edited to add: Yet I will on occasion snark on Housewives' appearance. No fun if I couldn't!

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 10

I thought it was hilarious that Bethenny was suggesting that Heather just concentrate on one thing. Like someone else up thread mentioned, Bethenny slaps that SkinnyGirl logo on any low fat cardboard item she can find.

I thought it was hilarious that Bethenny said quote...you can break into fitness wear while HOLDING a pair of Yummie yoga pants in her hands.

  • Love 7

Well, I was the one who started this discussion on Bethenny's eating with this comment:


Did Bethenny "I only eat shellfish" eat any of that delicious looking lobster?  I thought when Lu came inside to tell her and Sonja that dinner had been served, Beth told her that she wasn't eating.  Has Bethenny eaten anything on camera, or does she just survive on SG fake food snacks?


And I brought it up specifically because I wanted to know if anyone saw her eat that delicious lobster.  Beth, who made sure at the Berkshires that everyone knew she only eats shellfish, told Luann she wouldn't be eating.  So if she's not eating after a day of traveling to T&C and being served shellfish for dinner, is she only eating SG products?

  • Love 7

I try and keep my mouth shut about people's weight. I'm at the "I have to work really hard to stay at the top of a healthy weight range" end of things and I've had to put up with all manner of helpful crap from people. I had a complete stranger comment on how much food I had on my plate at Whole Foods once (You should eat half of that and save the rest for latter). In a weird way it's one of the reasons why a Heather type can make me kind of tense. She's always injecting her opinion when no one asked her, like her rather nasty observation that Sonjia is getting fat from drinking. I'd say the most vile, hurtful things that have ever been said to me where to be "helpful". I try not to be helpful.

IMO, just mine, Heather would never, ever approach a stranger and say/comment on anything about their weight, be it too thin or too heavy. The only comment about Bethenny eating was after Bethenny pointed out she could not eat any fish and they were having sushi, which is mainly fish. Offering a meatball to her was not harping on her weight. As for the comment about Sonja's weight being due to excess drinking, yes, it was rude but sadly, IMO, it is a real possibility and it was in response to someone else commenting about Sonja's noticeable weight gain.

  • Love 8

It's not just food, either. She's had SkinnyGirl shapewear; there are SkinnyGirl workouts on DVDs and via Comcast OnDemand (pretty terrible); there was a SkinnyGirl stairstepper thing (yes, I had one; I bought it from OpenSky with points back when she was a "curator" there; the fucking thing nearly killed me); there's the blender; there are diet pills; face masques; yoga mats; margarita scented bath shit .... trust me, I could keep going.


You could argue that all of this was at least cohesive in terms of promoting a "healthy" (e.g. drunkorexic) lifestyle, but the point is, she has nooooooo business telling Heather that the Yummie family of products is too diffuse and needs focus. Not when she's out there promoting  her protein bars and  her children's book, and basically just slapping that silhouette on whatever people will let her and throwing it at the wall to see what sticks.

I must say I was surprised and dismayed when Bethenny started slapping her logo on anything and everything that would stick. As one of the few people who like her, okay like may be a little strong......as one of the few people who doesn't hate her, I was shocked at how little thought went into each product. It's like she was one of those greedy brizillas picking her registry and scanning everything in site. There is no rhyme or reason, no quality control, no cohesion just the shared logo. Well at least we know creating the next product for her line shouldn't be a stressor.
  • Love 6

Well, I was the one who started this discussion on Bethenny's eating with this comment:



And I brought it up specifically because I wanted to know if anyone saw her eat that delicious lobster.  Beth, who made sure at the Berkshires that everyone knew she only eats shellfish, told Luann she wouldn't be eating.  So if she's not eating after a day of traveling to T&C and being served shellfish for dinner, is she only eating SG products?

Not gonna leave you out to hang .

I responded that she ate half a piece of rigatoni and that held her over until T&C .

I must say I was surprised and dismayed when Bethenny started slapping her logo on anything and everything that would stick. As one of the few people who like her, okay like may be a little strong......as one of the few people who doesn't hate her, I was shocked at how little thought went into each product. It's like she was one of those greedy brizillas picking her registry and scanning everything in site. There is no rhyme or reason, no quality control, no cohesion just the shared logo. Well at least we know creating the next product for her line shouldn't be a stressor.


I think a small, tight bunch of products would have been better for her brand.  One can always add on but having to put stuff in dollar stores looks bad for the brand.

  • Love 8

I thought it was hilarious that Bethenny said quote...you can break into fitness wear while HOLDING a pair of Yummie yoga pants in her hands.


I know, right? Priceless

Well, I was the one who started this discussion on Bethenny's eating with this comment:



And I brought it up specifically because I wanted to know if anyone saw her eat that delicious lobster.  Beth, who made sure at the Berkshires that everyone knew she only eats shellfish, told Luann she wouldn't be eating.  So if she's not eating after a day of traveling to T&C and being served shellfish for dinner, is she only eating SG products?

I would have to watch the scene again, but I don't think B said she wasn't going to eat. She just said she and Sonja would be there later. I've seen B eat many times on RHNY and her own shows.

  • Love 4

Anyone know where on T&C the villa was? I've been to T&C once and even though there are lovely mansions there, I didn't agree with Sonja's claim that "Turks and Caicos are all about exclusivity." (Well, not if I went there :))


I found the vibe to be low-key and friendly. Grace Bay Beach is one of the best beaches in the world and if these ladies stay in the villa the whole time, they're missing out. My T&C experience was more like what Vicki and Donn did a few seasons ago…eat conch, drink the ubiquitous rum punch.


The villa seemed a little too cold and impersonal for me, without the cheery Caribbean "pop of color." ;-)  But hey, I'd happily stay there.

  • Love 5

Anyone know where on T&C the villa was? I've been to T&C once and even though there are lovely mansions there, I didn't agree with Sonja's claim that "Turks and Caicos are all about exclusivity." (Well, not if I went there :))

I found the vibe to be low-key and friendly. Grace Bay Beach is one of the best beaches in the world and if these ladies stay in the villa the whole time, they're missing out. My T&C experience was more like what Vicki and Donn did a few seasons ago…eat conch, drink the ubiquitous rum punch.

The villa seemed a little too cold and impersonal for me, without the cheery Caribbean "pop of color." ;-) But hey, I'd happily stay there.

I didn't love the Villa either. Don't get me wrong, it was great and I'd stay there, but not my favorite. My top 2 NYC vactaion homes were Morocco and Scary Island.

  • Love 4

I have not seen anything about thin people or fat people in general, just on the HW's.


I think every season Ramoaner tells the world about her body/ass.  Opens the door for snarking/opinions, IMO

IMO she looks bloody mahhhhvelous.  Wobbly and unsophisicated but in great shape.


Bethy  chose to call her brand SkinnyGirl for a  reason, she knew the word/lifestyle/branding 'skinny' would draw in buyers.  She did not name it HealthyGirl.  Opens the door for snarks, IMO, especially when SkinnyGirl is the 9th Housewife this season.


When folks call a HW dysfunctional, I don't take it personally just because I am dysfunctional also   :) Heck, I want to be able to snark on Sonja's loose tooth without it being an insult to loose-toothed people the world over.  lol


Bill Maher had some interesting comments on comedy/snarks  being straitjacketed by PC lately.

What was that old Hair Club For Men motto?...I'm not just the president, I'm also a member


Bethenny has SkinnyGirl - It's not only her brand, she's at the forefront promoting this lifestyle. That logo is her...not some random anonymous person. Her lifestyle promotes her food products that are ALL lower in caloric value.

She constantly talks about how you can have whatever you want but in moderation. and is always promoting some substitute to lower your calorie intake.


I remember her on a talk show, she made low cal guacamole...instead of using 3 avocados..she said to use one and substitute the rest with 2 cups of frozen peas

My thought at the time was, damn, it's not like I was gonna eat the entire bowl of guacamole, so how many calories am I saving in the 3 scoops of guac I eat.


If you think about her liquor, she really just re-packaged airplane sized hooch in a pretty bottle. Sure it's 20 calories, but that drink is the size of a thimble. Or oh yeah it's in a tall glass but most of that is water.


I'm with you Crikey, I want to be able to snark on Ramona's swimming with noodles and not have to worry about offending someone who may have issues with water

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 4

Well, I was the one who started this discussion on Bethenny's eating with this comment:


And I brought it up specifically because I wanted to know if anyone saw her eat that delicious lobster.  Beth, who made sure at the Berkshires that everyone knew she only eats shellfish, told Luann she wouldn't be eating.  So if she's not eating after a day of traveling to T&C and being served shellfish for dinner, is she only eating SG products?


I also thought she told Luann, "I'm not eating." It stuck out to me. All that great food and she's just going to ignore it? She did later sit down and start eating the salad, IIRC. Woman is so tightly wound, so desperate to be THE Skinny Girl. 


When she was trying to get Sonja's attention, she said something like, "In a year you'll call me and tell me I helped you." Rather presumptious of Bethenny to think that, and really, I thought it was just stupid and too scripted for her to approach and basically corner Sonja like that. While Sonja rarely sounds completely rational and can't seem to converse in a linear fashion, her responses to Bethenny did not seem that far off the mark, IMO. She was of course defensive. She of course said, "oh you're listening to THEM about ME?" I had more sympathy for Beth when she first spoke to Sonja in her home about what she had actually witnessed. Telling Sonja that "You have to LISTEN" really is not going to suddenly snap Sonja into focus and change her life. It's not likely even to register that much because it was just Bethenny doing it for screen time and drama.


Despite all the crap Sonja's pulled (and her fraud was just wrong and despicable), I feel sorry for her because she seems to be missing a core chip that would set her back on the path to a fulfilling, non-chaotic life. Maybe she really does have ADD, and excessive drinking will NOT help that, or anything else wrong in her life.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 4

I try and keep my mouth shut about people's weight. I'm at the "I have to work really hard to stay at the top of a healthy weight range" end of things and I've had to put up with all manner of helpful crap from people. I had a complete stranger comment on how much food I had on my plate at Whole Foods once (You should eat half of that and save the rest for latter). In a weird way it's one of the reasons why a Heather type can make me kind of tense. She's always injecting her opinion when no one asked her, like her rather nasty observation that Sonjia is getting fat from drinking. I'd say the most vile, hurtful things that have ever been said to me where to be "helpful". I try not to be helpful.


I think that Dorinda is being let off the hook. Dorinda initiated that exchange by commenting that Sonja had put on weight. Heather added that she (Sonja) drinks like a fish. 

  • Love 12

I thought Bethenny meant that she's not eating at that very moment because she's busy with Sonja. She was trying to get LuAnn to go back to the table and leave them alone. LuAnn kept saying that people were waiting and they were going to start eating and Bethenny replied with "I'm not eating" - as in: I'm not eating right now, I'm arguing with Sonja. Go do whatever you want at the table and leave us alone.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 16

What was that old Hair Club For Men motto?...I'm not just the president, I'm also a member


Bethenny has SkinnyGirl - It's not only her brand, she's at the forefront promoting this lifestyle. That logo is her...not some random anonymous person. Her lifestyle promotes her food products that are ALL lower in caloric value.

She constantly talks about how you can have whatever you want but in moderation. and is always promoting some substitute to lower your calorie intake.


I remember her on a talk show, she made low cal guacamole...instead of using 3 avocados..she said to use one and substitute the rest with 2 cups of frozen peas

My thought at the time was, damn, it's not like I was gonna eat the entire bowl of guacamole, so how many calories am I saving in the 3 scoops of guac I eat.


If you think about her liquor, she really just re-packaged airplane sized hooch in a pretty bottle. Sure it's 20 calories, but that drink is the size of a thimble. Or oh yeah it's in a tall glass but most of that is water.


I'm with you Crikey, I want to be able to snark on Ramona's swimming with noodles and not have to worry about offending someone who may have issues with water

OK as long as you don't mention flowery contact paper,(and my issues with it)  we are good!



Swimming with noodles lol made me think of Ramoaner in a pool full of Ramen noodles. 

  • Love 1

OK as long as you don't mention flowery contact paper,(and my issues with it)  we are good!



Swimming with noodles lol made me think of Ramoaner in a pool full of Ramen noodles. 



I really want to see Ramona do a runway walk...can you picture a floaty noodle wrapped around her head like a turban, and another wrapped around her arm down her torso like a python,,,and Ru Paul screaming Work It


Oh wait - speaking of floaty noodles....Luanne's next statement necklace! They're so versatile, you can wrap them around your neck like those balloon animals


  • Love 1

As for finding a dentist that would accept pirate booty - maybe for one cleaning or one cavity

Sonja should be able to find a dentist that will redo her mouth if she can get them on the show for the free advertising - the way a lot of the ladies do to get free boob jobs.

I think it's a rather simple exchange; Sonja asks the dentist to fill one cavity in exchange for allowing him to fill another (or two). Ba dum bum.

I'll show myself out.

  • Love 12


People make fun of thin people all day but somebody says Ramona had a gut and that's wrong.


I don't think Ramona has a gut per say. Just a Pinot baby. 


The Turks and Caicos house has terrible curb appeal from the front. Whoever likened it to a mausoleum had it right. It is more interesting from the back though. Usually I really like modern but this was just a bit too cold for me. I am sure they could have found better for less per night too. Of course I wouldn't spit at it if someone else was paying. LOL! 

  • Love 4

I thought Bethenny meant that she's not eating at that very moment because she's busy with Sonja. She was trying to get LuAnn to go back to the table and leave them alone. LuAnn kept saying that people were waiting and they were going to start eating and Bethenny replied with "I'm not eating" - as in: I'm not eating right now, I'm arguing with Sonja. Go do whatever you want at the table and leave us alone.

Yeah, that's how I saw it.


Beth may not have been the most polite person to both Luann and The Noodle, but I was so with her. Two grown ass women are having a discussion, choosing to delay their own consumption of their own food, and Luann approaches like "I'm the principal and you'll eat now because I say so" as if she was still in Morocco, and then Ramona, of all people, hyperventilating about the drama? GTFO and close the door behind you! Problem solved!

  • Love 14

Sonja is the kind of rich person who has traveled the world and never seen a thing, because she was on somebody’s boat, or in somebody’s hotel suite, or walking between a towncar and a store. Say what you will about the Countess – I think she’s truly traveled when she’s traveled.


Are we forgetting the time Ramona asked whats-her-name about her lopsided boob job? IN PUBLIC?  AT A LUNCHEON??



Or the time she compared eyesight with the legally blind governor of NY, saying they had that in common since she was blind without her glasses? 


Am I the only one who thought the villa bedrooms looked barebones and cookie-cutterish?



The furniture didn’t look like much to me, but it’s a beach house, so bare bones might be what the ultra rich want.  On the other hand, in one scene the artwork on the wall was hung at Shaquille O’Neill’s eye level and looked like it was bought at Target.  Methinks they stripped the house of the good art and production had to fill in some gaps.

Sonja is the kind of rich person who has traveled the world and never seen a thing, because she was on somebody’s boat, or in somebody’s hotel suite, or walking between a towncar and a store. Say what you will about the Countess – I think she’s truly traveled when she’s traveled.


Are we forgetting the time Ramona asked whats-her-name about her lopsided boob job? IN PUBLIC?  AT A LUNCHEON??



Or the time she compared eyesight with the legally blind governor of NY, saying they had that in common since she was blind without her glasses? 


Am I the only one who thought the villa bedrooms looked barebones and cookie-cutterish?



The furniture didn’t look like much to me, but it’s a beach house, so bare bones might be what the ultra rich want.  On the other hand, in one scene the artwork on the wall was hung at Shaquille O’Neill’s eye level and looked like it was bought at Target.  Methinks they stripped the house of the good art and production had to fill in some gaps.

  • Love 5

I don't really get why Sonja is Betthenny's project.  Sure Sonja thinks she has a fashion line, but all of her other projects have gone no where.  Why out of all of the HW's does Beth pick the one who's probably not going to succeed?  Beth also seems to be crumbling at this point and probably shouldn't be taking on new projects.  My guess for B not to wanting to befriend Kristen and her nail polish project is that she's intimidated by her younger age, somewhat successful marriage and her modeling career.


Even Ramona knows to stay away from Sonja at this point.


I do like the little friendship that's popped up between Luann and Kristen.  Even Dorinda and Heather seem content to be friends with L & K will Carol stirs the pot between everyone.

  • Love 3

Yeah, that's how I saw it.


Beth may not have been the most polite person to both Luann and The Noodle, but I was so with her. Two grown ass women are having a discussion, choosing to delay their own consumption of their own food, and Luann approaches like "I'm the principal and you'll eat now because I say so" as if she was still in Morocco, and then Ramona, of all people, hyperventilating about the drama? GTFO and close the door behind you! Problem solved!

New nickname for Ramona!!!! LOL

  • Love 2

Am I the only one who thought the villa bedrooms looked barebones and cookie-cutterish? Maybe the bathrooms were more interesting.


One viewing the villa website, the rooms do have a clean and spare look that I like a lot in a vacation rental. It just struck me at first that the property so clearly was built to be a rental, and isn't at all homelike. The bathrooms are great -- the shower fixtures clearly would befuddle Ramona and Sonja, even when sober.


Hey, I'm with you.  Don't hit me, please, but I didn't care at all for that house.  And I hated how it's so isolated.  Alright, there's a nice, OK pool & it's by the water.  Big woo. 


Look, I went to an awesome wedding in T&C a few years ago that I'll never forget, at one of the hotels there.  Must say, there are at least a dozen incredible, incredible, incredible hotels there -- with fantastic pools & sumptuous grounds & really luxurious rooms/suites.  These hotels are all close to each other & the restaurants & nightlife are nearby the hotels.  Honestly, staying in this joint, to me at least, seems so out-of-the-way & makes a vacay so much less enjoyable.  


I suspect they filmed there cuz Satan Andy couldn't get permission to film at one of the incredible T&C hotels.  Don't necessarily assume these hotels are desperate for the publicity this show would give them.  They're all booked up to the wazoo, far in advance.  And most are quite elegant & low-key & probably want nothing to do with this show.  


You know, I suspect similar reasons for them showing off meh, old joints like The Warwick & The Essex.  Feh to those musty, fusty old places.  The NY Times just had an article about Madonna at The Standard.  Now, that's more like it.  But I'm sure Satan Andy couldn't get permission to film there, or at a really hoity-toidy joint like the Four Seasons, or he was too cheap to even try.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

I think from a production standpoint it's much easier and preferable to have them stay at a house rather than a hotel.  Production has free range and doesn't have to worry about getting releases from other guests who may be in view while the cameras are rolling, and no problems with making arrangements for dining rooms and restaurants for every meal. 

  • Love 14

IMO, this episode is proof that Beth has changed the dynamic of the group for the worst.  It's now all about kissing Bethy's ass and Ramona looked like a tit apologizing ONLY to Beth for acting a fool in the hustle for the best room. Can't believe she told Lu "you don't count! Beth counts you don't!" That says it ALL right there. It's the Bethenny Show and anyone who gets in her way can kiss the show goodbye. Not Cool!  She is NO LVP!!! Nor does she have the connections, etiquette, $$$, class and real friends that LVP has. 

  Did Ramona ask the chef to unpack her bags? I would never in my life even think about doing such a thing.  I would mortified if I witnessed a "friend" ordering around anyone like that and would say something.  


   I don't feel bad for Sonja at all anymore. All the trash talking during Lu's event was inexcusable. Guess she can't be happy for an old chum. Classless!!! IMO

I hope her and Beth realize they completely ruined the first night in T&C.  For Beth to get that heated so fast about ditzy Sonja was scary. Who yells "STFU!!!" 3x in someones face? This came from a place of love and caring? NOPE, not buying it.  She needs meds and I don't mean adderall( not sure if she is taking it..but boy she sure shows signs of it!)-she needs a damn xanax! What's with the mean French words she is using this season? Very à la Simon and Alex.


    Kristin looked amazing coming out of the ocean! What a body!

  • Love 7

ITA with earlier comments that Victoria suffers from Kristen Stewart sulky-face syndrome.  Oh my goodness, even in those rare moments when the girl barely attempts to crack a smile, she looks in desperately painful deep depression.  Is she?  Have no idea.  But she sure as fuck looks it.  Not that I can blame her.  Oh, Lu, that dress on WWHL?  She was crossing her legs for dear life.  Even the teeniest, tiniest, slightest opening of her legs in that dress & she'd be flashing her va-jay-jay to her own children.  Eek & ew.  Yeah, she's real classy, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

I think from a production standpoint it's much easier and preferable to have them stay at a house rather than a hotel.  Production has free range and doesn't have to worry about getting releases from other guests who may be in view while the cameras are rolling, and no problems with making arrangements for dining rooms and restaurants for every meal. 

Plus Bravo probably gets the place for the week or so for free...in exchange for showing us all the resort name (product placement for the facility itself)

  • Love 4

I don't feel bad for Sonja at all anymore. All the trash talking during Lu's event was inexcusable. Guess she can't be happy for an old chum. Classless!!! IMO


I can't get over the fact that this woman, who has yet to produce any kind of merchandise, can fix her mouth to talk about anyone's merchandise. Like, at least they have stuff you can actually touch/handle and purchase, Sonja.

  • Love 11
That's all it takes for me. I guess it just makes me giddy because of the RHONYC memories of their "vacations" in which they've had pools and ocean views. And it's the total opposite of the Montana trip!


Yeah, but the hotels there are so memorably stunning, this joint is rather meh, in comparison.


This is where I stayed, but there are many other hotels as beautiful or even more beautiful-



  • Love 4

I don't really get why Sonja is Betthenny's project.  Sure Sonja thinks she has a fashion line, but all of her other projects have gone no where.  Why out of all of the HW's does Beth pick the one who's probably not going to succeed?  Beth also seems to be crumbling at this point and probably shouldn't be taking on new projects.  My guess for B not to wanting to befriend Kristen and her nail polish project is that she's intimidated by her younger age, somewhat successful marriage and her modeling career.


Even Ramona knows to stay away from Sonja at this point.


I do like the little friendship that's popped up between Luann and Kristen.  Even Dorinda and Heather seem content to be friends with L & K will Carol stirs the pot between everyone.

Heather tried to help Sonja, actually help her, with a product (even if it was only in Sonja's head) and got badly burned/ridiculed for her effort, Ramona and LuAnn have given advice to Sonja, particle advice, both business and personal. They have more hands on experience with "business" Sonja than Bethenny ever had in all the seasons she was on the show with her but she, Bethenny, is convinced that some how she will get through Sonja because ...........SHE is Bethenny after all and knows everything about everything! LOL


Hey, I'm with you.  Don't hit me, please, but I didn't care at all for that house.  And I hated how it's so isolated.  Alright, there's a nice, OK pool & it's by the water.  Big woo. 


Look, I went to an awesome wedding in T&C a few years ago that I'll never forget, at one of the hotels there.  Must say, there are at least a dozen incredible, incredible, incredible hotels there -- with fantastic pools & sumptuous grounds & really luxurious rooms/suites.  These hotels are all close to each other & the restaurants & nightlife are nearby the hotels.  Honestly, staying in this joint, to me at least, seems so out-of-the-way & makes a vacay so much less enjoyable.  


I suspect they filmed there cuz Satan Andy couldn't get permission to film at one of the incredible T&C hotels.  Don't necessarily assume these hotels are desperate for the publicity this show would give them.  They're all booked up to the wazoo, far in advance.  And most are quite elegant & low-key & probably want nothing to do with this show.  


You know, I suspect similar reasons for them showing off meh, old joints like The Warwick & The Essex.  Feh to those musty, fusty old places.  The NY Times just had an article about Madonna at The Standard.  Now, that's more like it.  But I'm sure Satan Andy couldn't get permission to film there, or at a really hoity-toidy joint like the Four Seasons, or he was too cheap to even try.

All I can think of is, if I owned a rental/high end hotel, would I want these women staying there while being filmed? NO, NO, NO, NO! It would not be good advertisement because most viewers remember the fighting between the HWs more than they remember the beauty of the establishment. IMO, the places they can now film has shrunk because of their fighting on camera does not reflect well on any establishment. JMO

  • Love 6

I would not want to be in any hotel while on MY vacation where the HW's are being filmed.  I like to relax on vacation, and enjoy my experience.  Screeching harpies with cameras following them from pool to beach to dining room would ruin my vacay!  I'm guessing the owners of those lovely hotels are well aware of who their clientele is and what they prefer.

Edited by izabella
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That's all it takes for me. I guess it just makes me giddy because of the RHONYC memories of their "vacations" in which they've had pools and ocean views. And it's the total opposite of the Montana trip!

I liked the Montana trip because it took these women out of their comfort zone big time and IMO, that was hysterical in itself! Seeing them ride a horse, go to a rodeo, sleep out/camping (even if it was glamping) made me laugh.  The beach trips are great but I like that they threw something new, different and challenging for these very pampered HWs.  LOL   JMO



Yeah, but the hotels there are so memorably stunning, this joint is rather meh, in comparison.


This is where I stayed, but there are many other hotels as beautiful or even more beautiful-



I too agree!

Edited by WireWrap
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Yea, it wasn't just that they prefer baths and don't want to get their hair wet, but Sonja actually made some comment about them being comical in the shower, not knowing how to work the knobs, etc. Now I want to see these showers, because I can't imagine how complicated it could be. Aren't the knobs the same for the bath and the shower? You just usually have to pull some lever to get the shower going. Sheesh. 

Eh, I have a friend in England with some money. He has a fancy shower with like 10 different levers. I have no clue how to work them. He just sets them at the begining of my trip so that I don't have to adjust them every time   

Edited by JennyMominFL



I really want to see Ramona do a runway walk...can you picture a floaty noodle wrapped around her head like a turban, and another wrapped around her arm down her torso like a python,,,and Ru Paul screaming Work It


Oh wait - speaking of floaty noodles....Luanne's next statement necklace! They're so versatile, you can wrap them around your neck like those balloon animals



I think Lu would get a laugh out of us having  fun with her necklaces.

  • Love 1


I think Lu would get a laugh out of us having  fun with her necklaces.

Luanne loves the free publicity.

If you go on YouTube and type in her name...you will find a number of recent interviews.....she is wearing pieces from her EVine clothes Countess Collection.

One is 20 questions - Steve Harvey Show - she's wearing the dress that was on one of the mannequins in her suite

Edited by KungFuBunny

Oh this episode made me want to go back to Turks and Caicos SO badly.  The beaches and the water there are indescribably beautiful and warm! We just stayed at an "average" resort but couldn't give 2 flips how fancy it was, as we barely spent any time there at all. 


Hehehe. That was funny all around. 1. That Bethanny was giving the same sort of unnecessary advise that she said she doesn't do. 2. That Heather had such a bitchy reaction to the same sort of "helpful" advise she doles out all the time. If any of these ladies managed to develop even an pinch of self-awareness I'd have to find something else to watch on TV. I think I'm safe.


The difference is that the business advice Heather gives out actually is helpful.  Bethenny's was just dumb.  

  • Love 4


Why out of all of the HW's does Beth pick the one who's probably not going to succeed?  Beth also seems to be crumbling at this point and probably shouldn't be taking on new projects.

Perhaps it has something to do with if she's dealing with and 'helping' someone else her own problems and chaos can be pushed away and not focused on, It likely makes her feel good for being being perceived as the helper instead of the shrewish bitch.

  • Love 4

Oh this episode made me want to go back to Turks and Caicos SO badly.  The beaches and the water there are indescribably beautiful and warm! We just stayed at an "average" resort but couldn't give 2 flips how fancy it was, as we barely spent any time there at all. 



The difference is that the business advice Heather gives out actually is helpful.  Bethenny's was just dumb.  

Too be honest, Bethenny did not give Sonja any business "advice" at all, not at Sonja's team meeting, at Bethenny's team meeting or this last episode, all she did was snark for the most part about Sonja's team/business after she walked away from Sonja or in her THs. This last episode Bethenny was talking about Sonja's personal behavior, drinking/partying, not business. Bethenny did offer Heather business "advice" though, LOL, to a woman who's business is thriving and growing, unlike her own, which is in the bargain store clearance isles. LOL JMO though

Perhaps it has something to do with if she's dealing with and 'helping' someone else her own problems and chaos can be pushed away and not focused on, It likely makes her feel good for being being perceived as the helper instead of the shrewish bitch.

OR, it makes herself feel better because she is not THAT bad! LOL

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