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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Earlier today, Jackie confirmed that she's very much figured out that the last three weeks have targeted the same people in the house. She is very aware of what is going on. Flashback to her talk to Shelli earlier this afternoon after they were alone in the HoH. I am not sure what time it was, but each was cautiously trying to get information from the other without revealing too much themselves. Jackie was dropping all kinds of hints asking about whether or not there is a group that is constantly targeting the same people, Shelli deflected. Before it started to get real, they were interrupted.


I foresee a time where these two will talk again before Monday.

I think she's going to be forced to use it. She's been talking all day about how Audrey needs to go, and basically everyone in the house (with maybe the exception of a reluctant Shelli) wants Audrey gone. Vanessa is all about having the least amount of blood on her hands. If she uses the veto with the plan for Shelli to put up Audrey, Vanessa will come out way more clean than doing nothing.

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Earlier today, Jackie confirmed that she's very much figured out that the last three weeks have targeted the same people in the house. She is very aware of what is going on. Flashback to her talk to Shelli earlier this afternoon after they were alone in the HoH. I am not sure what time it was, but each was cautiously trying to get information from the other without revealing too much themselves. Jackie was dropping all kinds of hints asking about whether or not there is a group that is constantly targeting the same people, Shelli deflected. Before it started to get real, they were interrupted.


I foresee a time where these two will talk again before Monday.

While it's nice to see Jackie DO something, this seems like a bad move.


The moment someone gets evasive about an alliance you need to back off asking, because the persistence in asking bumps you to the top of their "danger" list. You need to just figure out alliances yourself then state them as facts, I think, not ask about them.

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I don't know, it's a long two days, and Vanessa is kind of crazy. She could easily have a conversation with Audrey where she tells Audrey all the ways Audrey done Vanessa wrong, Audrey cries and says everyone else is making up lies about her, Vanessa and Shelli come to the conclusion it's still better for their game to keep Audrey as a target, and Vanessa saying in the veto meeting she's going to respect the noms, because she doesn't want more "blood on her hands". I think Shelli is really scared of Audrey not going home, and I think the DR is going to do a lot of "suggesting". I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but right now I'd still put it at 70% chance of Jason going.

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Jason basically just said, "I am too good for these people.  They all suck!  I don't know how to campaign with them because I don't talk game to them!  I am better than them all!  They're cowards!"


Can this dude go home, please?  Don't mind if Audrey does, but after hearing that, I officially don't mind if Jason does.


Oh, and the elimination order for the Veto was James (who threw it), Shelli, Meg, Jason, John, and Vanessa (who won).

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I get the Audrey distrust but not quite sure why Vanessa wants her gone so badly right now. I think they all give her too much credit. No one in that house believes anything she says. Shelli was the last one.

They send her home this week, Jason stays and gets in power next week and Vanessa, Austin and Steve are the targets.


It's not that Shelli's too nice, it's she's scared at how it would look. From her first HOH, she didn't want to be that person to put up and evict the transgender story.

Early in the game Shelli said she wasn't gonna backdoor anyone. That it wasn't fair to do that to someone. They should at least get a chance to compete.

I think it's a combination. The trans thing, no backdoor but she's also extremely close with Audrey. They've been tight since day 1 and she's stuck with her through everything

Edited by Cutty
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Shelli and Audrey bonding over replacing Shelli's hair extensions. Shelli is not going to backdoor Audrey. It ain't happening.

Just wait until the DR goes to work on her. I don't see it happening. Even Vanessa's mist isn't that strong.

Jason said last night he's officially unemployed. He loses his job today. And he might be voted out days later. Sucks for him.

Edited by Cutty
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Meanwhile, Vanessa is making a deal with Jason to use the veto on him.  If Shelli changes her mind and asks Vanessa not to use it I wonder how upset she will be.  Although if Jason goes home I guess any broken deal isn't that important.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

I think Vanessa would use the veto if she knew Shelli would put up Audrey. Audrey is an easy boot and it wouldn't leave anyone pissed at Vanessa (or her alliance). Booting John or Jason is going to put an even bigger target on Shelli (assuming the other side ever actually wins HoH). That said, if Vanessa isn't sure Shelli will put Audrey on the block, she'll probably just go the "respect the HoH's noms" route and not use it.

I'm hoping that Clay continues his campaign to get Shelli to ditch their current alliance and instead team up with some combo of the other HGs. It'd be a lot of fun to watch Shelli and Vanessa be at odds, and especially fun to watch Shelli and Clay have to scramble for once when Vanessa targets them.

In my ideal world, though, they'd hang Austin out to dry this week. He's more painful to watch than he is fun and him leaving would be no loss as far as I'm concerned.

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Just wait until the DR goes to work on her. I don't see it happening. Even Vanessa's mist isn't that strong.

Jason said last night he's officially unemployed. He loses his job today. And he might be voted out days later. Sucks for him.

Given how much he's dogged working in a grocery store since his first interview, I doubt they would have welcomed him back with open arms anyway.

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The Vanessa/Jason convo is so awkward because you can tell they don't like each other.

Vanessa just told JMac she's gonna use it on him if Shelli agrees. Not sure what she's doing. Maybe Jason's pulse was extra strong when she was trying to broker a deal. She can read people, ya know?

Vanessa is very subtlety setting Shelli up. She's telling anyone who will listen she will use the veto if it doesn't piss Shelli off. Obviously she doesn't want the blame when she doesn't use the veto. Basically if Audrey stays it's Shelli's fault not mine. Which the house probably knows but Shelli is so popular I'm not sure it matters.

Edited by Cutty
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Vanessa said she wanted to make a deal with Jason plus two of his allies.  Jason said his only ally was Meg.  Maybe Jason+Meg wasn't good enough in her mind.  Or maybe she just wanted Jason to say who his allies are.


Vanessa should know Shelli would prefer the veto be used on Johnny Mac anyway and can always use that as an excuse.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

Vanessa just told Austin she's gonna use the veto regardless of what Shelli wants to do. She's definitely setting her up to take the fall for Audrey not getting backdoored. I'll die with laughter if she uses it and Shelli just puts up Austin.

I just don't get Shelli all of a sudden with the Austin hate. Yes he's slightly obsessed with Liz. But oh he said something to Jackie. For real? You have alliances with everyone in the house.

LOL, it's true. I don't actually know what Austin did. I think they're mostly weirded out that he's creeping on Liz.

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Vanessa just told Austin she's gonna use the veto regardless of what Shelli wants to do. She's definitely setting her up to take the fall for Audrey not getting backdoored. I'll die with laughter if she uses it and Shelli just puts up Austin.

LOL, it's true. I don't actually know what Austin did. I think they're mostly weirded out that he's creeping on Liz.

Judging much. Shelli is 10 years older than Clay!!!

She thought he was lying because Austin said Johnny Mac would pick him for HG choice and when she asked JM that morning he said he didn't know who he would pick. But after BoB he said he would pick Austin. Which he confirmed to Vanessa & Clay this morning. So she's gotta chill.

Edited by SiobhanJW

OK, so Shelli, Clay, Vanessa and Austin (who came up late, and who Shelli doesn't like, as she shouldn't, because he sucks) all up in the HOH. Seems like the backdoor Audrey thing could actually happen. And it's all on Audrey. If she had any clue how to play this game, she would trust the people who refused to nominate her, and stop talking about them. But she didn't. So hopefully she goes.

Oh, hell. Steve "Zached" his way up to the HOH and now all real talk has stopped. I miss Zach. He almost beat that Dick dude.

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Vanessa just told JMac she's gonna use it on him if Shelli agrees. Not sure what she's doing.


Vanessa is very subtlety setting Shelli up.

You just answered your own question. If, after this conversation, Vanessa uses PoV on Jason:

  • Jason feels beholden to Vanessa for saving him from a fairly certain demise on the Block sitting next to JMac.
  • JMac feels alienated from Shelli, because (in the context of the Gospel according to V) saving JMac from the risk of the Block was obviously not one of Shelli's higher priorities - and in terms of who's the most powerful HG one could align with, V is next up in the batting order.
  • Shelli has to name a replacement for Jason, and Audrey appears to be the only replacement the rest of the House will tolerate at present.

ETA: s/Shelli/Audrey in #3

Edited by Nashville

Shelli and Audrey bonding over replacing Shelli's hair extensions. Shelli is not going to backdoor Audrey. It ain't happening.

They weren't really bonding, Audrey went up to talk game and Shelli wouldn't have it. Anytime she tried, Shelli shut her down and wouldn't go there with her. Shelli was trying to put her hair in and talk to her about anything other than Audrey's paranoia game play.

Audrey even had the nerve to say "I'm not casting doubt but...." and proceeded to bring up Vanessa (who minutes prior had just won the veto). Then Shelli shut down her talk by getting snappy that she's talking game again minutes after she said not to.

James told Audrey that Vanessa is definitely using the veto. He's got quite the big mouth.

Jason told Meg last night that if he stays and wins HOH he would for sure put up Austin/Steve with Liz as the renom. I wonder how he will react if Vanessa wants him to agree to not putting Liz or Austin up in exchange for her using POV on him.

Part of me would love to see the twins twist blow up in Grodner's face in the final week.

Vanessa just told Austin she's gonna use the veto regardless of what Shelli wants to do. She's definitely setting her up to take the fall for Audrey not getting backdoored. I'll die with laughter if she uses it and Shelli just puts up Austin.


This is my dream scenario. Vanessa uses veto just to screw Shelli over and then Shelli screws Vanessa over by BDing Austin. It would be AMAZING.


I really want to see Vanessa targeted soon. She would loose her damn mind.

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Jun Song thinks Vanessa is a cokehead. Said she wears vanity contacts and sunglasses to hide her dilated pupils. Apparently Austin mentioned she takes ADD medication 4x a day, which seems excessive to me.


I don't know how accurate it is but it might explain her erratic behavior. 

Edited by Cutty
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James told Audrey that Vanessa is definitely using the veto. He's got quite the big mouth.

I think James is the sort of person who doesn't naturally keep anything personal or private, as evidenced by some of his stories. He is an open book and it doesn't occur to him to hold anything back, so of you want him to keep a secret, you have to be really explicit with him that it is in fact a secret. It's been amusing to watch him just randomly blurt out all kinds of shit, both personal and game-related, because I don't think he even realizes that maybe he shouldn't share some of it. I actually think he's pretty trustworthy once he knows he has a secret to keep.

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That's true, but I don't have much faith anything will change once she's gone so I hope Production rigs it. At least she's doing something!


That reminds me, did everyone see Audrey getting James to hide in a trash bag in the SR and then scared people when they come in? Good times!


How is John so popular with the audience? He's basically Victoria.

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