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S05.E12: Check-Up With Dr. Drew, Part 2

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Have you seen Leah's father?  And her extended family?   Compare them to Macy, Tyler, Farrah, etc...


Oh definitely. It wouldn't surprise me to see her weighing more than the some of the other kids, but to me she looked taller and her face looked more mature/older. 


A good point was made that Amber's pretty short though, plus I watched it again and Leah was on Amber's lap while Sophia was sitting on the couch next to Farrah, so it made Leah look much taller. I'm thinking about this way too much lol...

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I thought little Leah Leanne looked darling in her polka dot coat.  


I agree.  Having her appear wearing a coat seemed like a sophisticated choice, like something Kate Middleton would do.  I remember being taken by what she wore on a previous reunion, I think it was, too.  Something about it smacks of a single dad dressing her, to me.


Edit:  ^^^ That sounds weird.  I'm definitely not equating Kate Middleton's style with a single dad's.  I don't really know what I'm trying to say.  Whatever--I thought it was a cool choice.




I feel so awful for [Derek's] family. Can you imagine losing your son and then being completely excluded from your grandchild's life?


Then again, it's Sophia we're talking about.  I'm not sure even grandparental love could overcome that.  If they're sane (unlike Sophia's maternal grandparents), they might watch the show and think they've dodged a bullet.  I know I would.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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Oh definitely. It wouldn't surprise me to see her weighing more than the some of the other kids, but to me she looked taller and her face looked more mature/older. 


A good point was made that Amber's pretty short though, plus I watched it again and Leah was on Amber's lap while Sophia was sitting on the couch next to Farrah, so it made Leah look much taller. I'm thinking about this way too much lol...

 And sadly it looks like no one is looking out for Leah's health considering her father is morbidly obese.  Genetics and lifestyle will play a part in how she grows.  Instead of buying fancy cars they might want to consider buying healthy quality food and nice bikes for family fun!

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Where I disagree with this forum is saying that the show doesn't help prevent pregnancies. Take Farrah for example- she alone has probably stopped thousands of pregnancies! First, she's all about anal, and no one gets pregnant that route. Secondly, people watch the show, and they see Farrah, and they think, "could I wind up having a kid that acts like that (and sadly, Sophia too)?" And then they head straight for the pharmacy.

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Maci and Farrah could have done the college tours together. Maci could have talked about safe sex while Farrah shows off various sex toys and porn videos as a way for the college crowd to enjoy sex without the worry of pregnancy. I think removing the stigma of porn and sex would have been a better speech than hearing Maci talk about avoiding pregnancy and keep with one's education while she was working on trapping Taylor into marriage.


Then again, Farrah would have to have been honest about her porn tape in order for her words to mean something.


I didn't watch the entire show. I just can't deal with hearing all the syrupy, sweet talk. Dr. Drew mentioned he watched the season. Hard to tell since he didn't really throw any hard balls to the cast.


I barely watched Deb. I just can't tolerate watching a woman her age acting like Farrah's age, which is not very mature.


I have to admit, I thought Farrah's hairstyle looks better with her part down the middle. That is all I have to say that is remotely nice about the Abraham family.

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I watched the first segment only, with Caitlin and Theresa. Caitlin seemed so mature and she made me tear up. I loved her statement about Carly having amazing parents, and an amazing little brother. Made me think that she really is ok with the adoption, and they just play it up for the show, but she truly gets that Carly was placed and is not her child.

Tyler had a weird look like he would take Carly back in a second. I have no interest in hearing what he has to say, let alone his opinion on Farrah.

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I have no interest in hearing what he has to say, let alone his opinion on Farrah.

Agree. He is no different as he hopes to cash in on his Teen Mom status.


I am deeply bothered by the constant referencing of Nova being Carly's sister. I was adopted. I have siblings who were all adopted. One of my siblings had their mother come looking for her. They tried to have a relationship, but my sister was bothered by her bio mother who would reference her children as my sister's "half-siblings". Sorry, but they are not siblings. My sister has siblings - me and my brothers and sisters. It is a slap in the face because we lived and loved as siblings. We shared love, laughs, hurt, tears, fun times and bad times. All of those things made us siblings, not the fact that we were adopted in the same family. Just like a woman who gives birth is not a mother. There is more than giving birth to make someone a mother. It is the hard work, the love, caring, and tending to children and home that makes that woman a mother.  It didn't turn out good for my sister and she feels she would have been better off not having ever been contacted by her mother and her children.

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Not saying the molestation didn't violate them as well, but they weren't just talking about the brother's records getting released - they were talking about how the entire story was leaked, particularly the fact that *they* were 2 of the victims.  So basically they feel violated that the entire world now knows that they got molested by their own brother.  I would too.  And it's on the cover of every magazine, even though they, as the victims, didn't want it all out there for everyone to know about them.  I'm not in my early 20s like them, and I wasn't sheltered like them, but even so, if my brother had molested me, I'd feel violated if it got splashed all over the headlines as well.  I feel bad for them.  First their brother molests them, then the whole world gets told about it.  Not saying that what Josh did should've been covered up, but it's not fair that the victims got exposed the way they did.  The way they barely blacked out anything on those police reports made it crystal clear who the victims were.    

Their names were not leaked or exposed by the police reports or the press. The report disclosed five victims, four of whom were his sisters, and one babysitter. They decided to out themselves in order to defend their brother (so they said).

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Maci and Farrah could have done the college tours together. Maci could have talked about safe sex while Farrah shows off various sex toys and porn videos as a way for the college crowd to enjoy sex without the worry of pregnancy. I think removing the stigma of porn and sex would have been a better speech than hearing Maci talk about avoiding pregnancy and keep with one's education while she was working on trapping Taylor into marriage.

I disagree with having open talks with teens about porn and sex toys. I'll qualify that by saying I was raised in a strict home, and in a different generation. I don't think kids these days are scared of their parents. Parents care too much about being their kids' friends.

My mother never talked to me about sex, except once in high school when I told her a fellow student was pregnant. My mother told me if I ever got pregnant, she promised I would have an horrific accident which would lead to a miscarriage, and I believed her.

I'm thankful for how I was raised.

Talking to college kids about sex toys is unimaginable to me. But maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy.

If anyone is going to educate college kids about sex, I can't think of anyone worse than Farrah. If these kids are smart enough to pursue a higher education, they surely have better things to do with their free time than listen to that bimbo. She lies and doesn't seem to have anything of value to say.

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My mother told me if I ever got pregnant, she promised I would have an horrific accident which would lead to a miscarriage, and I believed her.


Too bad a safe, legal abortion wouldn't have been an option.  Same result, but without the auxiliary harm.



Talking to college kids about sex toys is unimaginable to me. But maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy.


I'm an old fuddy duddy, too, and am horrified by what goes on with young people these days.  I just try not to think about it, and hate Teen Mom and wish it had never been on the air because god only knows (despite Dr. Drew's proclamations) how watching these idiots succeed (according to the standards of an undeveloped prefrontal cortex) has influenced other young people's behavior. 


Actually, I have you people to blame for my watching it at all because if I didn't have the relief I get from snark, I wouldn't be able to take it at all.  Screaming at the TV just makes me hoarse and doesn't do anybody any good.



If anyone is going to educate college kids about sex, I can't think of anyone worse than Farrah. If these kids are smart enough to pursue a higher education, they surely have better things to do with their free time than listen to that bimbo. She lies and doesn't seem to have anything of value to say.


The OP did add:  "Then again, Farrah would have to have been honest about her porn tape in order for her words to mean something." 


I suspect that if you did a survey of who college kids want to listen to, most mature people would take a look at the list and think, "They lie and don't seem to have anything of value to say."  Well, either that or "Who is that?"  :-)

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If anyone is going to educate college kids about sex, I can't think of anyone worse than Farrah. If these kids are smart enough to pursue a higher education, they surely have better things to do with their free time than listen to that bimbo. She lies and doesn't seem to have anything of value to say.

I find it hard to believe that anyone in college would have any respect for any of the Teen Moms. At least enough to think they are of educational value. I don't think they are there for actual 'educational purpose' more like entertainment. Hey! That girl from MTV is a speaker today, let's go take a picture with her!

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I find it hard to believe that anyone in college would have any respect for any of the Teen Moms. At least enough to think they are of educational value. I don't think they are there for actual 'educational purpose' more like entertainment. Hey! That girl from MTV is a speaker today, let's go take a picture with her!


Agreed. It's probably nothing more than a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram photo op- here I am with an MTV star!


I mean really, every single kid in that audience by virtue of being enrolled in a school has already surpassed Amber and Catelynn as far as educational accomplishments, and at least half of them probably have surpassed Maci and Farrah as well. When it comes to work history, building credit, and general development of job skills, probably most of the audience has lapped all four girls as well.


Really, the only thing the teen moms have done that the traditional 4 year university student hasn't is had a baby in high school (and there are probably a few in the audience that can claim that as well). It's not like these girls really have any kind of wisdom to impart. I am not sure why colleges continue to bring in people from reality TV to speak to students but I guess there must be some benefit. I know in the early/mid 90s the Real World kids all got their turns at speaking engagements and it allowed them to put off employment for a few years.

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My mother told me if I ever got pregnant, she promised I would have an horrific accident which would lead to a miscarriage, and I believed her.


My mom told me that if I turned up pregnant that I would be out on the street, alone, to fend for myself.  I believed her.  I had my first child when I was 33, after several years of marriage and had a mortgage of my own. 

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Really, the only thing the teen moms have done that the traditional 4 year university student hasn't is had a baby in high school (and there are probably a few in the audience that can claim that as well). It's not like these girls really have any kind of wisdom to impart. I am not sure why colleges continue to bring in people from reality TV to speak to students but I guess there must be some benefit. I know in the early/mid 90s the Real World kids all got their turns at speaking engagements and it allowed them to put off employment for a few years.


Entertainment? I don't know of any reality stars that came to my university. I had better taste back 4 years ago and didn't watch reality TV but they definitely brought well known musicians and writers for concerts and readings. 



My mom told me that if I turned up pregnant that I would be out on the street, alone, to fend for myself.  I believed her.  I had my first child when I was 33, after several years of marriage and had a mortgage of my own. 

In my family it was a completely unsaid but well understood topic that I wasn't going to get pregnant and my brothers were not going to knock anyone up. I knew it was absolutely not an option. That being said, if it had happened, I think I would have sought out a legal abortion on my own... However, if I had been forced to tell my parents, I think they would have been supportive but very disappointed. In either case, it never happened because I never wanted to see that look in my parent's eyes. It would have broken their hearts in a way that I didn't want to deal with (in my later twenties, I still don't). 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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Entertainment? I don't know of any reality stars that came to my university. I had better taste back 4 years ago and didn't watch reality TV but they definitely brought well known musicians and writers for concerts and readings.


We never got anyone famous in the traditional sense. We did get Ace and CT from Real World: Paris the year before I graduated. I watched the show then but wasn't that interested in seeing them in person. I am not sure what they talked about, since I didn't know anyone else who went either.

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However, if I had been forced to tell my parents, I think they would have been supportive but very disappointed. In either case, it never happened because I never wanted to see that look in my parent's eyes. It would have broken their hearts in a way that I didn't want to deal with (in my later twenties, I still don't).


That's how it was for me. I had a good relationship with my parents. They were very proud of me, and I never wanted to let them down. I know everyone is different, but I really think it behooves parents to be open with their kids regarding sex. It may be uncomfortable, but be a part of their lives! Talk to them about it, and everything else. You can be close to them without being a "friend mom". I feel like a lot of the girls on these shows had parents who weren't super involved. If you check out on your kid, don't be surprised when they check out on themselves. 

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Plenty of involved parents have kids who end up in less than stellar situations. My parents also pulled the "if you ever get pregnant..." line on me, made me go to church every Sunday, didn't let me drive around with other kids they didn't know, and held me to an early curfew even when I was home visiting from college. I wasn't a teen mom, but I had my daughter unmarried and unplanned right after getting my bachelor's. No one kicked me out or disowned me. Ten years later, I'm married with another child and our last on the way, I have a master's degree and a beautiful home and a really great life. Much of it is because even though I screwed up, my parents DIDN'T abandon me. Condoms breaks, birth control sometimes fails. I think it's less the threats and intolerance of negative outcomes that create success stories and more the support and encouragement when the poor outcomes happen--because frequently, they do, even when you think you're on top of your kids.

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Plenty of involved parents have kids who end up in less than stellar situations. My parents also pulled the "if you ever get pregnant..." line on me, made me go to church every Sunday, didn't let me drive around with other kids they didn't know, and held me to an early curfew even when I was home visiting from college. I wasn't a teen mom, but I had my daughter unmarried and unplanned right after getting my bachelor's. No one kicked me out or disowned me.


I agree. My parents would have been really disappointed, but no one in my family would have threatened me with bodily harm if I got pregnant (which I find really disturbing, by the way). The one thing that might have frustrated my parents is if I had gotten pregnant while not using any kind of protection. Even in the late 90s (when I was in high school), I would guess about 80% of the girls in my class were on hormonal BC, but I bet a number of them didn't have to be (it seemed like using hormonal birth control to manipulate your periods was as common of a reason to use it as its intended purpose of contraception- no one wanted to get their period on spring break). It just seemed like in my area at least, birth control was seen as a practical thing and didn't have much of a stigma.


I would be really, really, REALLY mad at my kid if they were having sex without using anything, whether it resulted in a pregnancy or not. There's absolutely no excuse- condoms are cheap and they'll sell them to anyone. If you're too embarrassed to buy them, you really shouldn't be having sex. I can't believe all these girls on this show (maybe not 100%, but well over the majority) who freely admit to having unprotected sex.


But yeah, nothing is 100% and if my kid had an honest accident (in which she/he was doing everything in her power to prevent pregnancy other than abstinence), I would not disown them or try to induce a miscarriage. Well,I wouldn't do that even if they were irresponsible, but I would definitely cut them more slack in the former than the latter.

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If I remember correctly, Farrah grew up in an abstinence only home (and probably school) where even after having a baby her father flipped out about Farrah being on birth control and Debra continually reminded her that sex outside of marriage was a bad thing (which made me chuckle all the more to find out Micheal was cheating on Debra - probably at the same time) as if they could reinstate Farrah's long lost virginity.


Maci's mother never got around to having the talk she meant to have with her daughter about sex and protection.  


Not one of these girls were using protection when they got pregnant (the first time) as teens.  That's the conversation/message I think MTV has actually helped increase - whether between parents and teens or teens among themselves - because more and more schools are either eliminating their sex education curriculums or limiting it to abstinence only.   

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Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me to learn Farrah had approached her mother about BC (prior to Sophia) and Debra said no, because she shouldn't be having sex. That kind of mindset bothers me. That said, even if you have the kind of parents who refuse to help you with contraception, I still say there's no excuse for not riding your bike up to Walgreens and buying a pack of condoms.


The impression I got from Maci was that she got pregnant the time she lost her virginity, and possibly she only had sex with Ryan once before finding out she was pregnant. (Which, if Maci had lost her virginity while she was ovulating and conceived, it's possible she didn't have time for round 2 before getting a positive pregnancy text several weeks later). If so, then, just like Leah on TM2, really really bad luck, but still, these kids (particularly Ryan and Corey who I believe were both over 18) should have known better.

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I have to admit, I thought Farrah's hairstyle looks better with her part down the middle. That is all I have to say that is remotely nice about the Abraham family.

Most people can't really pull off a down the middle part (I can't) so that's extra nice!

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Wasn't there a story that Michael caught Derrick in Farrah's bedroom while they were in the middle of playing Hide the Snake?  I'm remembering some story about

Michael tossing Derrick out.  I think scenes like that add to Farrah's fantasy of her and Derrick's love being ended too soon.

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I disagree with having open talks with teens about porn and sex toys. I'll qualify that by saying I was raised in a strict home, and in a different generation. I don't think kids these days are scared of their parents. Parents care too much about being their kids' friends.

My mother never talked to me about sex, except once in high school when I told her a fellow student was pregnant. My mother told me if I ever got pregnant, she promised I would have an horrific accident which would lead to a miscarriage, and I believed her.

I'm thankful for how I was raised.

Talking to college kids about sex toys is unimaginable to me. But maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy.

If anyone is going to educate college kids about sex, I can't think of anyone worse than Farrah. If these kids are smart enough to pursue a higher education, they surely have better things to do with their free time than listen to that bimbo. She lies and doesn't seem to have anything of value to say.

Um, I think the poster was being facetious. That's the problem sometimes with message boards, some people don't get the snark and sarcasm that oozes through the comments.


If you re-read that person's post, they do mention that in order for Farrah to be a speaker about the joys of porn, Farrah would first have to speak the truth about her own porn tape and stop lying.



Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me to learn Farrah had approached her mother about BC (prior to Sophia) and Debra said no, because she shouldn't be having sex. That kind of mindset bothers me.

Remember how Farrah was being shamed for having birth control in the refrigerator? Deb found it and began to chastise Farrah about abstinence.


Excuse me, but I wish my parents had been open about sex and all that comes with it when I was growing up. I was told, "You wait until marriage." My education came from a sex education class in high school and girlfriends. Not the way I would want my kids to know about sex, so I made sure I sat with them and talked to them about all things sex. I made sure that there were no stigmas attached to sex whatsoever. There shouldn't be. It is not dirty or bad. That kind of feeling is old and tired not to mention it does nothing whatsoever but make kids sometimes feel shameful or embarrassed.  We discussed porn and how it can be used by two consenting adults. We laughed and joked about it many times, but in the end, they were serious talks. I let my kids know they can come and talk to me or dad about any questions they may have because this is about their mental and physical well-being here and until they are able to care for those things on their own, we as parents are responsible. I am proud to say, as a parent of adult children, there have been no teen pregnancies, no "oops" moments, no "I think I might be pregnant" conversations, nothing other than being asked what I felt was the best form of birth control. Oh, and also "Thanks mom for being so open with us about sex and making it easy to talk to you."


Wasn't there a story that Michael caught Derrick in Farrah's bedroom while they were in the middle of playing Hide the Snake?  I'm remembering some story about

Michael tossing Derrick out.  I think scenes like that add to Farrah's fantasy of her and Derrick's love being ended too soon.

According to what was put out there in internet-land, Farrah's book had a few pages dedicated to the sex romps she and Derrick had in her bedroom while her parents were asleep. One night, Michael caught them in bed naked and he went after Derrick with a knife. I can't remember, but I think Derrick flew out the window to get away from him? lol

Edited by GreatKazu
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Derrick flew out the window to get away from a knife wielding Michaaaaeeeel? On what, the eagles from Lord of the Rings that always show up at the last minute?

Wasn't there a story that Michael caught Derrick in Farrah's bedroom while they were in the middle of playing Hide the Snake? I'm remembering some story about

Michael tossing Derrick out. I think scenes like that add to Farrah's fantasy of her and Derrick's love being ended too soon.

I also remember her being in her room once with Sophia (Deb might have been there too) and saying "this is where mommy and daddy Derek made you!" Yikes.

Farrah definitely likes to pretend that she and Derek were some tragic version of Romeo and Juliet, or Noah and Allie from the notebook, of Jack and Rose from Titanic, or pretty much any couple that was kept apart by evil parents.

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Derrick flew out the window to get away from a knife wielding Michaaaaeeeel? On what, the eagles from Lord of the Rings that always show up at the last minute?

It was Farrah's book so, who knows? LOL  She likely had something dramatic like that in there. I have never read any of these girls' books. I prefer non-fiction.

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Derrick flew out the window to get away from a knife wielding Michaaaaeeeel? On what, the eagles from Lord of the Rings that always show up at the last minute?


I just snorted water up my nose. Yes, in addition to conveniently showing up in middle earth, the eagles also perform daring rescues of horny teenage boys from Council Bluffs. Those middle aged soccer dads are no joke.


Yes, anyone that watched the 16 and Pregnant episode knows that Farrah and Derek were not exactly star crossed lovers; in fact, Farrah hinted more than once that Derek was controlling and possessive, and then they aired that phone call between Farrah and Derek that sounded like it was lifted directly from those after school specials where the girl who has never had a boyfriend starts dating Johnny the football star, yet the audience can pick up on the red flags immediately every time they talk and all that foreshadowing leads to Johnny throwing naive girl down the stairs. Derek starts by asking her what she's doing that night, and then who she's going with, and will there be guys there, and ends with an ominous, I swear Farrah, if Roberto goes, I will never talk to you again. Not exactly gentlemanly, but that was the only direct evidence we got, as Derek passed away a few months after that scene, and Farrah and Debra had blocked his number prior to that.


I always thought it was shitty that MTV aired that after Derek died, pretty much implying he was a potential abuser when he was no longer around to defend himself. And then a few years later, Farrah completely rewrites history that not only were they deeply in love, but they had secretly planned to be together after conceiving Sophia. Whatever, Farrah was trying to get with this Roberto while she was like 6 months pregnant.

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You have an awesome memory there Tatum. I would have never remembered the other guy's name was Roberto.


I was one of those who got that creepy vibe from Derrick. If Derrick hadn't been abusive to Farrah at that point, he surely would have been eventually. I also wonder if it was mutual since we have seen Farrah go off on Simon with those slaps to the back of his head.

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It's not a good memory. I downloaded all four original 16 and pregnant eppys from Itunes last month.


Derek may or may not have been a potential abuser, but most of the evidence against him (save for that one phone call) was hearsay from Farrah and Debra, who have been known to not have a great relationship with reality. I just don't think it was right of MTV to paint that picture of him after he had died and couldn't refute anything that was said about him.

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I was one of those who got that creepy vibe from Derrick. If Derrick hadn't been abusive to Farrah at that point, he surely would have been eventually. I also wonder if it was mutual since we have seen Farrah go off on Simon with those slaps to the back of his head.


Me too on thinking he would've been abusive, but I also think it would've been mutual.


Incidentally I completely cringed when Farrah was smacking Simon like that. I did that to my husband exactly once - in my defense I was killing a mosquito.  It was the angriest I've ever seen him (husband, not the mosquito) and it took him hours to calm down. He'd never hit me, but that look - eek, I knew instantly that was not okay (even if it was to kill a mosquito) and I felt really bad about it. I can't believe the way Farrah hits Simon and encourages her daughter to do it too.

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Incidentally I completely cringed when Farrah was smacking Simon like that. I did that to my husband exactly once - in my defense I was killing a mosquito.  It was the angriest I've ever seen him (husband, not the mosquito) and it took him hours to calm down. He'd never hit me, but that look - eek, I knew instantly that was not okay (even if it was to kill a mosquito) and I felt really bad about it. I can't believe the way Farrah hits Simon and encourages her daughter to do it too.


Farrah is just continuing the cycle.  I think slapping (and probably knife wielding *cough* Debra *cough*) were regular forms of communicating in that family.   Hell, Debra opened the door to two police officers with a knife in her hand!  If the story about Michael chasing Derrick out of the house with a knife is true, then that's at least twice.  And of course we witnessed Debra smacking Farrah across the face - while driving - in front of the cameras.   Farrah didn't act like it was the first time either. 


Only ten short years until Farrah has her own snotty teenager to deal with and I hope she gets some real, untelevised, psychotherapy before then for Sophia's sake. 


I wonder where Simon really was for the reunion?  Farrah told Drew he was taking care of Sophia but Sophia showed up onstage at the end.  Hey, maybe Simon dropped her off as fled into the night?   But really, if he was even in town I find it difficult to believe he wouldn't want to be on camera - the guy seemed to be loving all the attention during the season. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I wonder where Simon really was for the reunion?  Farrah told Drew he was taking care of Sophia but Sophia showed up onstage at the end.  Hey, maybe Simon dropped her off as fled into the night?   But really, if he was even in town I find it difficult to believe he wouldn't want to be on camera - the guy seemed to be loving all the attention during the season. 

Hah. As if Simon wouldn't be on camera if he wasn't in NYC. MTV would want him on and Simon  would be shoving Tyler out of the camera to make sure his mug was on. 

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Yes, anyone that watched the 16 and Pregnant episode knows that Farrah and Derek were not exactly star crossed lovers; in fact, Farrah hinted more than once that Derek was controlling and possessive, and then they aired that phone call between Farrah and Derek that sounded like it was lifted directly from those after school specials where the girl who has never had a boyfriend starts dating Johnny the football star, yet the audience can pick up on the red flags immediately every time they talk and all that foreshadowing leads to Johnny throwing naive girl down the stairs. Derek starts by asking her what she's doing that night, and then who she's going with, and will there be guys there, and ends with an ominous, I swear Farrah, if Roberto goes, I will never talk to you again.


Ha!  "Roberto"!  I was thinking, Tatum, you're a genius.  Roberto is the perfect name for the other man in the after-school special scenario.  Well done!



You have an awesome memory there Tatum. I would have never remembered the other guy's name was Roberto.


OMG.  His name really was Roberto.  The show is now writing the snark for us!

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I'm just imagining Roberto coming to pick Farrah up from the Abraham house with a rose between his teeth that he hands to Debra as she opens the door. She swoons. Roberto is so suave that even Michael can't dislike him.

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We never got to see Roberto in person. I think he was someone she worked with and I got the impression he was out of high school. Farrah made a date with him while she was about 6-7 months pregnant and he was supposed to come to her house after she had dinner with her parents. He completely stood her up. That was the last we heard of Roberto I believe.

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We never got to see Roberto in person. I think he was someone she worked with and I got the impression he was out of high school. Farrah made a date with him while she was about 6-7 months pregnant and he was supposed to come to her house after she had dinner with her parents. He completely stood her up. That was the last we heard of Roberto I believe.

Roberto got wind of the family known as Abraham. He dodged that bullet.


Even back when Sophia was just a fetus, Farrah was doing her thing at trying to secure herself a guy and a father for Sophia.

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Maybe I just don't pay close enough attention, but why is Derek's family completely uninvolved with Sophia? Even if they dislike Farrah (and honestly, who doesn't?) Sophia is still their granddaughter and they might want to have a relationship with her....if only to counter the crazy that is the Abraham clan. Has that ever been addressed? Also, it's super creepy that anytime Farrah talks about him on camera she says "Daddy Derek" as if we don't know who she is talking about. Who does that??

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Farrah is the Queen of Revisionist History.  On her 16 and Pregnant episode, she was shown having total distain for Dereck and not wanting him to know she was pregnant.  Then on Teen Mom Farrah was shown putting on a huge act of mourning him like he was the love of her life.  She has even said that Sophia has mourned the loss of her father even though Sophia was not even born when Derek died and probably could not care less at her age.  Farrah is so fake I cannot stand her.

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Wasn't there one episode where Derek's sister came to visit with Farrah and Sofia (Sophia?  I can't remember how she spells it). I know she's got some issue with his parents, or they have some issue with her, but I vaguely remember an episode with his sister in it.

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It makes me sad because Farrah and her family are so dysfunctional and awful. I don't know much about Derek or his family but maybe, just maybe, someone in that family could have been an anchor for Sophia. Maybe Derek was a terrible teenager but could have grown up to be a somewhat functional adult? Just look at Jo from TM2, he was an awful boyfriend to his pregnant girlfriend in 16 & P, but has grown into a practical, caring and loving dad to Isaac. His parents deserve a lot of praise and credit for his transition, I think.

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The sister had to go to meet Farrah to do a DNA test to prove paternity for Social Security benefits. At that point, she had met up with Derek's dad and stepmom a few times. She never spoke to Derek's mother through the entire duration of the show and fought her when the mom wanted to meet Sophia.

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The sister had to go to meet Farrah to do a DNA test to prove paternity for Social Security benefits. At that point, she had met up with Derek's dad and stepmom a few times. She never spoke to Derek's mother through the entire duration of the show and fought her when the mom wanted to meet Sophia.


Ohh that's what it was - thank you! I should've known it was something that benefited Farrah.

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I disagree with having open talks with teens about porn and sex toys. I'll qualify that by saying I was raised in a strict home, and in a different generation. I don't think kids these days are scared of their parents. Parents care too much about being their kids' friends.

My mother never talked to me about sex, except once in high school when I told her a fellow student was pregnant. My mother told me if I ever got pregnant, she promised I would have an horrific accident which would lead to a miscarriage, and I believed her.

I'm thankful for how I was raised.

Talking to college kids about sex toys is unimaginable to me. But maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy.

If anyone is going to educate college kids about sex, I can't think of anyone worse than Farrah. If these kids are smart enough to pursue a higher education, they surely have better things to do with their free time than listen to that bimbo. She lies and doesn't seem to have anything of value to say.

In case you weren't aware, I was being a bit sarcastic there with my comments. I thought it was pretty obvious. Others clearly noticed.


I also noted in my comments that Farrah needed to be fully honest about her porn tape before she could go out and give speeches on anything about sex, porn, and related topics.

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There was a post not too long ago where Sophia was with Derek's dad and stepmom for something (Father's Day maybe?) and a photo was taken. I remember reading it and wondering if it was the first time Sophia had seen him since the time they appeared on Teen Mom.


Derek's sister kept bailing on Farrah regarding the test, and seemed to only show up to be on film, so Farrah may not have been the one to stop that contact. At a lunch, his sister said that she would take the paternity test because she thought that is what Derek would have wanted. Farrah asked her if he knew then, and she said that there were rumors she was pregnant and he assumed the baby was his. Farrah was already trying to recreate history, so I was surprised at the time that it was included.


Farrah did stop the contact with his mom, though. That woman hated Farrah and sold horrible, possibly true, stories to the tabloids about her. She told SSA that Derek didn't know about Sophia and it was used as part of the denial of the claim. She then sued Farrah for grandparent's rights. Farrah won in court. I always wondered if her anger was about the way Derek was portrayed on Teen Mom. I read the news report way back then, and it seems like he was driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and his mom definitely seemed to partake.

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