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S11.E04: Week 3

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I had sex ed in 5th grade too, but it wasn't that explicit. At that age, I'd think an overview of the parts and basic reproduction should suffice. I'm not sure 11-year-olds need to know that "girls won't like you if you don't know what the clitoris is".I had sex ed in 5th grade too, but it wasn't that explicit. At that age, I'd think an overview of the parts and basic reproduction should suffice. I'm not sure 11-year-olds need to know that "girls won't like you if you don't know what the clitoris is".


Exactly, which is why it was pretty low-brow of them to go there with child actors. Yuck. To think I used to believe Chris Harrison had a modicum of class. Hah.



Child actors are still children though, right? I mean they are not adults pretending to be children.  So if we have established this scene would be inappropriate for a regular child to be subjected to that, somehow it's OK for a child actor to be part of it?  I don't know about you, Network. SMH

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I'm all for a couple of "wrong reasons".  I'm all for a villain who pisses off the other contestants.  I think we all expect that to be part of the formula now. 


But if it's ALL about "wrong reasons" and bullshit villains ..ie   ALL Bullshit...then that's a different show!  That's NOT the bachelor/ette.   


For sure you will have "wrong reasons" happen naturally.  Blob was a wrong reason,  Wes was a wrong reason etc etc. I loved suspecting and discovering that on my own and being 'shocked' or 'confirmed' that" I knew it all along".

They don't have to design it so blatantly.


Courtney (Ben Flapjack's season --"flapjack" isn't mine but I loved it)  and Vienna were villains but I think Vienna was naturally that way and Courtney was too except I'm sure she was encouraged by the producers. It was great to gag when they got the FR,   and the on-camera interview with CH with Jake and Vienna was absolutely delicious!   I don't think any of that was fully contrived.. just dumb great luck! 


I hope they go back to taking the risk of trusting human nature with a few tweaks and encouragements for drama. People can find love on that show.. it has happened.  Keep the fantasy/fairy tale 'innocent' quality. It's embarassingly corny but I love it!  

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I'd hate to think that someone who was in Grease has sunk that low.



Well, Jeff Conway was in Grease and he abused his body with drugs and alcohol until he died, so some of them have sunk much, much lower.


I don't have kids but here's what I was thinking about the child actors: I think I'd be okay with that segment if the children had received proper, age-appropriate sex education beforehand, and were basically told that a bunch of dumb guys were going to tell them stupid, probably erroneous stuff about sex, and that they should just do their best to ask questions that would embarrass the guys. I've heard from my parent friends that children are pretty good at self-censoring, so that leads me to believe they'd just mentally reject the sillier stuff that was said if they'd been prepped.

But if that DIDN'T happen, and they were just kind of thrown to the wolves, then I think I'd have to conclude that the segment was pretty ishy and inappropriate.

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Well, Kaitlyn was rockin' some Sandy "bad girl" black leather (ish?) pants in the episode. Was sort expecting her to break into "you're the one that I want," but was not disappointed that it didn't happen.


OK, I admit, I haven't tuned into this show since the original and a few more seasons, up to Jen S.,I think. Maybe a little bit of DeAnna Pappas' season. Holy crap. I just wanted a nice, cheeseball romantic fluff show with some people who were somewhat sympathetic and genuine. I mean, even Trista, who I thought was a total plastic, actually showed some genuine emotion (or was a heck of a good actress).


These people? They suck. I've seen more genuineness on the NExt Food Network Star or the Jerry Springer show. I know, it's editing, but Kaitlyn really seems to ratchet up the control freak mode the second any of these guys "question her." She gave Tony a total death stare when he started questioning things. Brrrrrrr! It was cold in my living room for hours after that. Control freak radar: activated.


Cupcake and Joe seem to have some genuine likability. I'll be sad when that gets twisted.


But, yeeeeesh, this definitely was not the ep. to watch after a long break from the show.

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I'm confused about this whole JJ/Clint thing... now they are saying they made the whole thing up?  Aren't these shows still taped well in advance?  It was only within the past week that this "story" was splashed across the cover of half the gossip mags in an airport newstand.  I don't get it, did they interview this guy (now, in real time) and he was still pretending to be gay?  Or did these articles just take quotes from the show.  I truly don't understand "pretending to be gay" just to get more airtime.  

I didn't get the feeling Kaitlyn gave Ben Z. the rose just for winning the boxing competition. She seemed genuinely moved when he talked about his mom and said that she liked seeing that vulnerable side of him. As for Jared, she said repeatedly at the start of the night portion of the date that she wished he was there, that her mind was on him and she was concerned.


Her claims of being worried for Jared didn't seem genuine to me. It was what she was supposed to say, but she didn't really mean it. She didn't ask to go to the hospital or try to call him or even ask for an update. After the match, she was much more interested in seeing Benzie than checking on Jared.


No way does Kaitlyn "see her husband" in any room because no way is she looking for one. She's out for a good time, which to her means being gross and crude with the guys and getting some "some" on the side.


I agree 100%. She doesn't seem interested in love or marriage. I predict that she and the F1 will be broken up by ATFR.

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I hate it when Kaitlyn says "I see my husband in this room". Because, (1) I don't think she sees anyone there who says "marriage material for me" and (2) I think it's a big turn off to the guys in that room--all of whom seem nowhere near ready for going steady with her, much less marriage.


I really don't think the show requires her to say it and I think its counter-productive with the men so I wish she'd stop. (It's too late to stop all the kissing--and in front of the others--so tacky and makes her kisses seem kind of cheap when they come rather than heartfelt and genuine, imo. I felt the same way about Blob, but I think he actually waited longer.)

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I agree 100%. She doesn't seem interested in love or marriage. I predict that she and the F1 will be broken up by ATFR.


At this point I'm even leaning towards her not having an F1, but I guess I've been sucked in enough to watch and see. I am picturing her having maybe F2 or even F3 and all of them leaving before the "big day."  She's had so many guys bail already, and so many more of them seem like they're just in it for the fun and not really for the whole romance or finding a wife (or even girlfriend) thing. On the upside I have a hard time believing she's really there to find a husband either, in fact I find myself having to stifle a laugh every time she says her husband's in the room, so hopefully no one ends up heartbroken at the end.

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With the previews that NICK comes back, and he and Kaitlyn know each other, it just seems like the entire season is a set-up for a cheap joke.  Kaitlyn and Nick are dating, the producers wanted her to do the show, she told them she was dating Nick, they said great, we'll throw him into the mix.  Maybe they were hoping for a redemption arc, where Kaitlyn gives the final rose to Nick, who was already her boyfriend. 


In the previews, the men seem to be reacting with shock and betrayal.   Viewers might feel the same.  Why is Kaitlyn choosing among 25 bachelors, if she already is dating #26?

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Why is Kaitlyn choosing among 25 bachelors, if she already is dating #26?


Kaitlyn is choosing among 25 bachelors when she already has a man, because Bachelor Nation, bloggers, not to mention Sean Penn, Anna Kendrick and Scott Foley were all on "#Team Kaitlyn."  I have a feeling that before her season is over, they are all going to distance themselves; just like Oprah did with Bob and Ellen with DeAnna. 

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Kaitlyn, WHY would you go outside? It's not like you have a connection where you could defuse the situation and even though (I think?) Jared knocked Kupah out during boxing it's still needlessly putting yourself in a dangerous, heated situation. And lecturing him like that? That was her big plan?


LOL. When Tony thinks it's a weird night, it's a weird night.


"Stepping away from my business, my dog, my bonsai trees, all the things that I love." Tony is amazing. I never want him to leave. When he looked into the camera talking to people at home I felt like he was trying to hypnotize us into joining his cult.

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Is there going to be a fighting date every episode? Surely they can think of a better way for these guys to get partially undressed. How about volleyball? Swimming? There weren't a lot of guys picked for this date. I was confused about the guys who hadn't been picked hanging around and watching though. Does that usually happen?


I just hate JJ so much right now. Everything he says irritates me. 


Oh, good. Tony brought out his eyes of a child, heart of a warrior, spirit of a gypsy stuff out again. I don't care if it's rehearsed schtick. I love it. And boat ride and skydiving aren't bad suggestions. More expensive that just hanging out at the house but admittedly better date ideas. Also, I wonder if Kaitlyn would have bothered going after Tony if she hadn't just had a conversation with Kupah where he claimed he was uncomfortable with the boxing date. Kudos to Ian for stepping in to try and mediate though it still doesn't make him any more interesting. 


"Why can't we go to the zoo? Can we go to the fucking zoo?" I love it. I want another season of Burning Love so they can spoof Tony but whatever they do wouldn't live up to the real thing. I'm so sad he left us. How will I get through this season now?

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Oh, good. Tony brought out his eyes of a child, heart of a warrior, spirit of a gypsy stuff out again. I don't care if it's rehearsed schtick. I love it.


"Why can't we go to the zoo? Can we go to the fucking zoo?" I love it. I want another season of Burning Love so they can spoof Tony but whatever they do wouldn't live up to the real thing. I'm so sad he left us. How will I get through this season now?



Let's hope he'll show up on Bachelor in Paradise. I'm calling it now - he meets his soul mate in Ashley S.

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Was that the eyelashes one, or the pomegranate/onion one?  I can't keep the two Ashleys straight for some reason. I can see Tony and the pomegranate one have some really deep but totally indecipherable conversations.

Ashley S was the onion girl, and both she and Ashley Eyelashes are supposedly on BIP this year.  Hopefully they'll have more than one raccoon around for therapy purposes.

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Kaitlyn is choosing among 25 bachelors when she already has a man, because Bachelor Nation, bloggers, not to mention Sean Penn, Anna Kendrick and Scott Foley were all on "#Team Kaitlyn."  I have a feeling that before her season is over, they are all going to distance themselves; just like Oprah did with Bob and Ellen with DeAnna. 

Exactly what Jen Sheft....she was dating that club promoter and basically slept walked through her season....sorta sad

  • Love 1

With the previews that NICK comes back, and he and Kaitlyn know each other, it just seems like the entire season is a set-up for a cheap joke.  Kaitlyn and Nick are dating, the producers wanted her to do the show, she told them she was dating Nick, they said great, we'll throw him into the mix.  Maybe they were hoping for a redemption arc, where Kaitlyn gives the final rose to Nick, who was already her boyfriend. 


In the previews, the men seem to be reacting with shock and betrayal.   Viewers might feel the same.  Why is Kaitlyn choosing among 25 bachelors, if she already is dating #26?


As someone noted above, this was the story with Jen, well except for the boyfriend coming on the show, But word after her mess of a season, was that she already started dating someone right before filming began. Similarly, there were a lot of rumors that Josh was a plant on Andi's season and while not in a full on relationship, they did know each other in some capacity and had flirted before the show and the producers brought him on as a way to ensure there was a match at the end of the season.


Rumors came out down the line that Emily's current husband, she'd dated him and been involved with him in some capacity before she agreed to be the Bachelorette. I believe she claims they went on a few dates and didn't really connect at that time so that's why she did the show. But the point is, a lot of these things aren't really new for this show. It's never been some real, genuine "journey to find love." They have lucked out a few seasons with a lead and a contestant who seem to genuinely connect and end up making a go of it but that's hardly the show's doing. I feel like these couples survive despite the show rather than because of it. 


I don't know that I believe Kaitlyn and Nick were in a full on relationship. Kaitlyn is clearly a flirty person as we've seen and so I can believe they talked and flirted and clearly had an attraction. Then she got the Bachelorette gig, Nick was public about his interest and the producers likely figured one, bringing him back would be great for drama which is really all these people are interested in because he was the horrible "villain" from Andi's season and two, if what they shared away from the show was legitimate, then it would up the odds of a match being made in the end which also makes them look good. So win-win and what do you know, Nick's on the show. 

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I find myself not being interested in this show anymore tbh. I just finished it and I barely remember what happened. I'm wondering why the bachelorettes can't see through the fakeness of some people like Jj and Clint. This show should go back to being a dating show and nothing more in order for me to watch it and feel entertained. No more characters, no more stupid dates, no more concentrating on drama and leaving out the normal people like this woman on the Bachelor who we didn't even know her name last season. It's embarassing and it's happening again and again. We watch 15 minutes of Cuppa or whatever melt down and when there are only 5 men left Kaitlyn will be saying "I have had such a connection with X since the very beginning, all these conversations we had, we opened up to each other and I see myself with him forever" and we'll be like, wtf, we never saw anything of these conversations, is she imagining things? Let the dating show be a dating show producers. Enough with boring and stupid dates, let the people go to a nice beach, to the mountain, have a picnic and have discussions to know each other. But no, you want to have the drama. You are just making people hate this show more and more every day.

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There are always stupid, sexist dates on both series. Nothing new this year and I think it's unfair to blame Kaitlyn for dates that the shows plans.

In the past Andi had her men strip for her; Desiree had dodgeball; Emily's bachelors competed in the Highlands games in kilts; Ali had oil wrestling; Ashley also had a fight date in which a man was injured.

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The episode in question seems like it aired 3 years ago and I considered waiting until the next episode thread but...


As with Chris' Bachelor season and Bachelor In Paradise before that, this show has either had its budget slashed to ribbons by corporate OR (and more likely), the producers (now including Mr Harrison) are happy to bore the participants and the audience to death with mundane events, tasks and locations and pocket the difference.  Private planes?  Helicopters?  Charter boats?  Trail guides?  Fancy restaurants?  Sorry, those things cost money, especially in the early going.  But even when they traveled to Chris' finale location it was all done on a shoestring - I'm not sure what the going rate for a monkey wrangler on a sidewalk is but it's a damn sight less expensive than a scuba divemaster's full-day rate.  For Kaitlyn's season we've had a Sumo tournament (such as it is) and a ridiculous - and ridiculously cheap - haunted house.  Throw in the boxing match and the use of a comedy club on what was likely a scheduled off night and it all screams CHEEEEEEEEP even with the audiences press-ganged into watching and giving the desperate producers some reaction shots since Kaitlyn has a grand total of two - laughter and the hands-over-mouth gasp.


The participants and producers might be more cynical than the audience if that's possible.  Right reasons/wrong reasons are their own punchlines these days and this season's bachelors can be seen literally inserting tongue in cheek as they narrate the events of the day.  Someone needs to take Kaitlyn aside and determine if she fully understands the concept of the show despite being cast as the lead.  Apparently her methodology - no doubt based on years of practice - is to soul-kiss every warm body that comes within three feet or that pulls her behind the corner of a building.


I can accept that Britt might not have given a better an account of herself but as others have said Kaitlyn's tomboy persona is the worst fit for a Bachelorette because there is no mystery, no hard-to-get, no feeling of accomplishment for the testosterone-charged Bachelors therefore their interest will wane quickly - for some it already has.

Edited by Rainsong
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