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One is the Loneliest Number: Unpopular GG Opinions

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My UO is that I totally get why Lorelai and Jess hated each other on sight and I don't think it reflects badly on either of them. Lorelai saw that he was rude to her, she feared his influence on Rory and probably saw a bit of her own teenage rage and self-destructiveness in him. It was understandable that she was wary of him. The car accident freak out was way out of line and the way she talked to him at times was borderline as well (considering she was an adult with way more power than a teenager), but even with her hatred of him she for the most part tried to be fair. She didn't tear him down to Luke, she let Rory date him and didn't tear him down there either (even when he was being a crappy boyfriend she tried to be nuanced in her advice to Rory). She mostly just stayed away, which was surprisingly mature of her. (-;

And Jess wasn't charmed by Lorelai's "cool mom" thing, which became totally understandable once Liz rolled into town and you saw that she used a "cool mom" act to hide and excuse neglect and irresponsibility. He was also right to call her judgemental and self-involved, since with him she never much bothered to find out facts or step away from her own experiences and projections. She also wasn't treating him nicely after their one argument, so why should he try to win her over just because she's queen of SH? He hated SH anyway and was just biding his time to get out of there. (-;

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On 10/10/2016 at 11:37 PM, betsyboo said:

UO#1:  I have stayed off the GG forum entirely so as to avoid any spoilers before Thanksgiving. But am just at the beginning of my rewatch and had to pop in to record my hatred of Jess. <ducks shoes. ducks tomatoes. ducks knives.> Hatred is probably too strong of a word, but as the kids say, I just can't with him. I only just watched his very first ep and while I cheered at jam-hands (an all-time fave quote) and pushing him off the bridge, I just hate the sullen, whiny, ungrateful bitchy Jess. I agree he had reason for the chip on his shoulder, but he was just a dick. I never got past that to really like him for Rory. Prob because at the time I loved Dean and hated Jess for intervening. (Yes, I realize that was Rory's fault.) I have all of his eps ahead of me, so maybe on this rewatch, I will change my opinion. It's unlikely. 

UO#2:  I want Rory to end up with Logan. <ducks more tomatoes and bombs.> If I have to pick between the three guys, Dean was her past, and did not have the same ambitions. Jess may have matured, but he didn't have the same ambitions either. Logan may have been a dick, too, but IMO, he was the best partner for her. He matured, too, over the time he was on the show. I just always thought that if they were together, they'd have a fabulous whirl-wind life of business and campaigns and red-eyes to see each other. Maybe this rewatch will change this opinion, too. We'll see. I may be remembering him through my aged rose-colored glasses. 

Agree 100%. I can never tell if we are supposed to like Jess, pre-season 6. He treated Rory badly, and since she is one of the protagonists I feel that it's ok to not like him. There are other characters we are supposed to like and I don't. But with Jess it feels more murky. By the time we see him in season 6, the damage has been done and I still can't get on board with him. But I think the show wants us to think he's a good guy now. 

Logan seems the best fit for who Rory grew into. Not season 1-3 Rory but seasons 6 & 7 Rory. The Rory that's a member of the D.A.R. and more comfortable in upperclass society. The Rory that pouts cos she wasn't able to go to Asia for her summer vacay. Dean, as much as I like him doesn't fit in that life at all. While Jess is her intellectual equal he would be very critical of that lifestyle. Imagine all the snarky comments about the D.A.R. women, and trust fund kids. Logan is comfortable in that life. He can call out the ridiculous parts of it, yet he fits with Rory, while the others would not. 

On 10/11/2016 at 8:59 PM, JaggedLilPill said:

ITA. What about when Patty invited those guys to the basket auction? It was creepy as hell and completely inappropriate for her to be showing Lorelai's picture around. I've set people up before, but not without telling them and getting their okay and making sure they wanted to meet someone. She basically ambushed Lorelai. It did lead to the nice gazebo scene with L/L, but still. 

So Lorelai wasn't dating much after she had broken off her engagement. That doesn't mean she needs someone to find her a man. 

I know it's GG so it comes off as gimmicky and I'm probably overthinking it, but there's something overtly icky about it. Same like when Emily and Richard invited all Yale men for Rory. 

Yes to that Patty ridiculousness. It was meant to be funny, but if a friend did that to me I would be very upset. Even Sookie pulls this nonsense after Lorelai breaks up with Jason, and tries to hook her up with the chicken guy. That whole town is way invested in her love life, to an uncomfortable degree.

11 hours ago, deaja said:

My UO spurred on by a discussion in the Season 6 thread - I think Jess gets FAR too much credit for Rory going back to Yale.  I don't see her return to school at all as a reflection of Jess' rant to her.  She seemed to be moving in that direction and away from her grandparents already. 

I think Rory credits herself with going back to Yale. Even when she sees Jess later at the book party, she doesn't act like he got her back in school, nor does Jess. I doubt he would say that he was responsible for any of it. 

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1 hour ago, hippielamb said:

Agree 100%. I can never tell if we are supposed to like Jess, pre-season 6. He treated Rory badly, and since she is one of the protagonists I feel that it's ok to not like him. There are other characters we are supposed to like and I don't. But with Jess it feels more murky. By the time we see him in season 6, the damage has been done and I still can't get on board with him. But I think the show wants us to think he's a good guy now. 

Logan seems the best fit for who Rory grew into. Not season 1-3 Rory but seasons 6 & 7 Rory. The Rory that's a member of the D.A.R. and more comfortable in upperclass society. The Rory that pouts cos she wasn't able to go to Asia for her summer vacay. Dean, as much as I like him doesn't fit in that life at all. While Jess is her intellectual equal he would be very critical of that lifestyle. Imagine all the snarky comments about the D.A.R. women, and trust fund kids. Logan is comfortable in that life. He can call out the ridiculous parts of it, yet he fits with Rory, while the others would not. 

Yes and yes! Thank you for saying it more clearly than I. Jess just treated Rory like shit for so long that by the time he entered his redemption arc, I didn't care. (which isn't to say I didn't enjoy him and Luke together.) And while I absolutely know it was all Rory's fault, I will irrationally blame him for eternity for making her miss Lorelai's graduation.

I believe that Logan made Rory want to aim higher. Is that a horribly non-feminist thing to say? Because I don't mean that she needed a man to make her great. I just think after she realized Mitchum was an ass, she was confident that she could do whatever she wanted. And Logan agreed. I guess I see them as equals who would challenge each other - and not judge. Or not hold the other back.

(*I may have given this too much thought.....)

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3 minutes ago, betsyboo said:


I believe that Logan made Rory want to aim higher. Is that a horribly non-feminist thing to say? Because I don't mean that she needed a man to make her great. I just think after she realized Mitchum was an ass, she was confident that she could do whatever she wanted. And Logan agreed. I guess I see them as equals who would challenge each other - and not judge. Or not hold the other back.

(*I may have given this too much thought.....)

Nope, you're not being non-feminist. Everyone needs someone to inspire them to greater things, and Logan was good at challenging Rory to do more and be more than her mother could at this point. Lorelai had a mother's love and support for Rory, but couldn't articulate it in as specific terms as Logan could. 

Rory didn't confide in Logan about Mitchum even though she knew what Logan thought about working for him. Had she done that she wouldn't have become a felon because he'd talked her through earlier crises. He told her she would go back to school because it was her nature, but he also allowed her to make her own decisions about it. 

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I have to say I'm feeling the love after assuming - apparently incorrectly, for the most part - that no one wanted her to end up with Logan. If we didn't have a reunion coming, I would have been content believing in my head that they had found their way back to each other. Now that we will (hopefully) get a resolution, I'd be ok if it's not Logan, as long as she didn't settle <coughDeancough>.

PS - also excited that my Team Logan shirt is doing double duty...  :-)) 

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19 minutes ago, betsyboo said:

I have to say I'm feeling the love after assuming - apparently incorrectly, for the most part - that no one wanted her to end up with Logan. If we didn't have a reunion coming, I would have been content believing in my head that they had found their way back to each other. Now that we will (hopefully) get a resolution, I'd be ok if it's not Logan, as long as she didn't settle <coughDeancough>.

PS - also excited that my Team Logan shirt is doing double duty...  :-)) 

Don't worry; there are plenty of Team Logan fans, even if they're not all on here. I am Team Happy, so as long as each character gets their happy ending, then I'm cool. I can even admit that Logan/Rory work well in terms of who Rory grew up to be. 

I think we can ALL agree, though, #NeverTeamDean

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32 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think we can ALL agree, though, #NeverTeamDean

Hear, hear!

There may be a few Dean lovers still floating around out there, but I think even the most stalwart Cute!Dean crew jumped ship after Diorama.


55 minutes ago, betsyboo said:


I have to say I'm feeling the love after assuming - apparently incorrectly, for the most part - that no one wanted her to end up with Logan.


Naw, there was quite a few who liked Logan and wanted Rory to end up with him.  He even grew on me after a while, and I am an unapologetic Jess fan.

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I think we can ALL agree, though, #NeverTeamDean

I'd think Dean would be #NeverTeamRory after how abysmally their relationship blew up both times. But then again I'd be more then fine and understanding if all Rory's guys became #NeverTeamRory, and all have went on to have perfectly fine lives without her. I guess my UO is that I'm Team No one/don't care in regards to Rory and her relationships. She (and her exes) weren't that compelling to me.

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5 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I'd think Dean would be #NeverTeamRory after how abysmally their relationship blew up both times. But then again I'd be more then fine and understanding if all Rory's guys became #NeverTeamRory, and all have went on to have perfectly fine lives without her. I guess my UO is that I'm Team No one/don't care in regards to Rory and her relationships. She (and her exes) weren't that compelling to me.

Amen to that!!!

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1 hour ago, HeySandyStrange said:

She (and her exes) weren't that compelling to me.

This is really how I feel about Rory once she gets to Yale. I was mostly bored and a little confused by her storylines once she got into Yale. When she was running around with Logan and his friends, was that really want she wanted? The Rory of season 1-3 I would have sad no. When she was in the DAR throwing parties and functions. Was that really what Rory wanted? When she was in high school she was more grounded, had dreams and a plan. True, she could have done more to get into Yale. But once there she didn't really do anything. She got on the paper. She didn't have to learn how to be a better journalist or even consider maybe it wasn't for her. I was interested when Rory wondered if she played it too safe that could have been interesting but that really only ended up in her drinking and hanging out with Logan's stupid friends. Although I hated her for dropping out of Yale, it could have been really interesting if she explored different jobs that could have fueled a different degree or her learning to be a better journalist or different fields of writing.

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For Rory, I'm definitely Team Happy, with the note that I think Logan could easily be retconned out of the refused proposal and that a slightly more mature Logan would be a stellar partner for Rory. 

ASP is no stranger to retroactive continuity, so I wouldn't put it past her to choose another ex for at least a while. She sucked at decent retcon, though, using never-explained reasons for bringing mothers back from the dead, etc. Jess is actually plausible and a reasonable retcon for him would be his success, they encounter each other at a point when they are MOL single, and it clicks. The Jess 2.0 from season six could be every bit as good a partner as Logan, I just don't have the opinion that Jess is still in love with her.  As to Dean? No. Just no, with the caution of ASP's bad retconning history. She could resurrect Dean.

Rory was given crap stories starting in season 5. They were crap because they were disjointed, didn't always make sense, and because I believe that ASP's passive-aggressive behavior started then, and bloomed into full-blown spiteful revenge in season 6. I would have loved to see her find her way through all the challenges she faced in both seasons, just with stories that made sense.

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I actually don't like ANY of the "big three" and hope that Rory doesn't end up with any of them.

Not sure this qualifies as a UO, but maybe just an UNUSUAL Opinion ... the guy I still think Rory should end up with is Marty. Never quite understood why they never went there.  

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13 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I actually don't like ANY of the "big three" and hope that Rory doesn't end up with any of them.

Not sure this qualifies as a UO, but maybe just an UNUSUAL Opinion ... the guy I still think Rory should end up with is Marty. Never quite understood why they never went there.  

I don't think that's unpopular or unusual. A lot of people wanted them to follow that arc but I'm actually on the UO side of that... I think Marty and Rory would've been boring. And I don't mean just in terms of "no drama". I just found Marty dull. I can see why Rory thought of him as just a friend. He didn't challenge her on the intellectual level that Logan and Jess did. That is what I think attracts her. (Dean doesn't count. He was he first boyfriend because he was cute and he broke her out of her geeky bubble. This is also why that rebound relationship didn't last because once we got past the sex, we had nothing to talk about.... -_-)

What I would've liked to see is Rory date more in college. Actually realise that she's socially awkward and work on that.

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On October 12, 2016 at 7:07 AM, deaja said:

My UO spurred on by a discussion in the Season 6 thread - I think Jess gets FAR too much credit for Rory going back to Yale.  I don't see her return to school at all as a reflection of Jess' rant to her.  She seemed to be moving in that direction and away from her grandparents already. 

My question to you would be how long would it take her to do that. Of course it wasn't just Jess's questioning her choice to get her to finally make a move, but I wonder how long before she would have acted had he not said what he said. 

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44 minutes ago, Aloeonatable said:

My question to you would be how long would it take her to do that. Of course it wasn't just Jess's questioning her choice to get her to finally make a move, but I wonder how long before she would have acted had he not said what he said. 

I don't think it would have taken long at all. She was sick of her grandparents' rules and moving home with Lorelai wasn't an option. I think she soon would have either decided going back to Yale was the lesser of evils or something. 

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2 hours ago, timimouse said:

I think Marty and Rory would've been boring. And I don't mean just in terms of "no drama". I just found Marty dull. I can see why Rory thought of him as just a friend. He didn't challenge her on the intellectual level that Logan and Jess did.

Marty and Rory were both equally dull -- that's why they would not have made a good match romantically. (By dull I mean that they were normal Ivy League students : smart, talented, and articulate by the standards of where they grew up, but not notably so in a more exclusive setting.)

Btw, I never thought that Logan was capable of being "intellectually challenging". He had at most a certain sophist, debating-point slickness to his arguments -- as when he defended calling Marty his servant, because Marty had served him drinks.

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9 hours ago, deaja said:

I don't think it would have taken long at all. She was sick of her grandparents' rules and moving home with Lorelai wasn't an option. I think she soon would have either decided going back to Yale was the lesser of evils or something. 

However it was Jess questioning her decisions that got to make her move at that time. That and the argument with Logan. She was forced to admit to herself that she was wasting her time. Subconsciously she probably knew that, but did not act on it until she heard it from Jess and admitted it to herself. 

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On 10/12/2016 at 10:07 AM, deaja said:

My UO spurred on by a discussion in the Season 6 thread - I think Jess gets FAR too much credit for Rory going back to Yale.  I don't see her return to school at all as a reflection of Jess' rant to her.  She seemed to be moving in that direction and away from her grandparents already. 


1 hour ago, Aloeonatable said:

However it was Jess questioning her decisions that got to make her move at that time. That and the argument with Logan. She was forced to admit to herself that she was wasting her time. Subconsciously she probably knew that, but did not act on it until she heard it from Jess and admitted it to herself. 

I actually agree with you both, in a way. I think Jess does get too much credit for being "the one that go Rory back to Yale" seeing as his views on the situation weren't unique. However, I think his timing was crucial. She was already frustrated and (whether it be subconsciously or not) questioning her decision to not go back. However, her pride wasn't going to let her just go running back to her mother as they had let that fight go on for so long, nor to Paris who would be very unsympathetic towards her. I think Jess simply happened to show up at the right time to give her that extra push. I just wont go as far as saying he was the one that got her to go back.

9 hours ago, clack said:

Marty and Rory were both equally dull -- that's why they would not have made a good match romantically. (By dull I mean that they were normal Ivy League students : smart, talented, and articulate by the standards of where they grew up, but not notably so in a more exclusive setting.)

Btw, I never thought that Logan was capable of being "intellectually challenging". He had at most a certain sophist, debating-point slickness to his arguments -- as when he defended calling Marty his servant, because Marty had served him drinks.

I will actually agree that I wasn't overly impressed by Logan's intellect (I may be biased, I'm not a Logan fan), but Rory was. It could be argued that she was blinded by the Huntzburger name and all that flash that he brought to the table but she was definitely sold.... "He's so smart. Smarter than me even, I swear." I never liked that that was how she described him to her mother but that's how she saw him...

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Marty and Rory were both equally dull -- that's why they would not have made a good match romantically. (By dull I mean that they were normal Ivy League students : smart, talented, and articulate by the standards of where they grew up, but not notably so in a more exclusive setting.)

I agree that Marty and Rory were a bit to alike to be interesting. Thinking about how they were both average by Ivy League standards, I can't help but think it would've been very interesting if Rory dated someone who stood out, intellectually and academically, from the rest of the brilliant students around them. Now that would've interested me, especially if Rory found herself dumped because she couldn't keep up.

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3 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I agree that Marty and Rory were a bit to alike to be interesting. Thinking about how they were both average by Ivy League standards, I can't help but think it would've been very interesting if Rory dated someone who stood out, intellectually and academically, from the rest of the brilliant students around them. Now that would've interested me, especially if Rory found herself dumped because she couldn't keep up.

What I always found interesting is that Logan didn't always want to apply himself in his studies and with Rory he mostly wanted to be charming and pleasant when they were bantering. Where he was usually able to draw blood is when they were having serious conflicts IMO. Because for all his immaturity, he was probably more self-aware and grown up than Rory (he was also a bit older, so that played into it) and also just...more perceptive about what was going on when he wanted to be. I mean he also liked to live in a bubble of fun and denial when we first meet him in season five, but he seemed aware that he was doing that. Rory, even at the end of the show, still didn't seem to quite realize that she had a tendency to run away from reality and how protected she'd been all her life. So I always thought that he was ahead of her in that regard, simply because he was capable of seeing things as they were, not as he wanted them to be.

And there was also this notion that Rory thought if Logan had tried harder, he would have been a better student than her. She might have been right, they certainly showed that he was capable of bursts of brilliance (I also bought it from MC, he played "idle, but gifted" pretty convincingly). And since Rory at that time had self-esteem issues anyway, she picked up on that.

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Characters whose pretentions could use puncturing :

Sookie -- could have a career as a personal chef, but has no business running a kitchen.

Jess -- his small-press prose-poem novels will garner him only a tiny audience, and are destined to be totally forgotten. After 3 or 4 of his books sell about 150 copies or so, he will throw in the towel.

Logan -- even as he seeks success independence from his father's business, he will end up relying on his family name and family money to make his mark.

Rory -- Christina Amanpour? She's dreaming.

On the other hand, there's Lane, whose ambitions are too small. An attractive young Korean woman who can play drums? I bet if she moved to a city with an active music scene and auditioned, she could wind up with a major band. She'd make a striking stage presence.

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Were we supposed to question Logan's intelligence?  I don't know, I just always assumed he was very intelligent but he didn't do anything to bring attention to it unless the situation called for it.  He used his mind like he used his money -- he was almost indifferent to it but the use of it came naturally to him.  *shrugs*

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I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I'm not sure where else to put this.  I'm doing my rewatch before the revival and I just have to say, a majority of Lorelei's clothes are incredibly tacky.  All the rhinestones and animal prints.  The handkerchiefs on the head. The polyester pants (I'm in S2 and she wore a pair of brown, bellbottoms with slits up the ankles with bedazzled flowers up the slits on her final date with Max).  Her work clothes are better but I have seen many a pleather piece there.


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I think I am the only person that really dislikes Luke and Lorelai as a couple. I am actually dreading that part of the revival. They are an unhealthy couple and they just don't mesh to me. I don't get what is appealing about Luke's character as a romantic partner.

Edited by CheeseBurgh
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On 10/12/2016 at 9:07 AM, deaja said:

My UO spurred on by a discussion in the Season 6 thread - I think Jess gets FAR too much credit for Rory going back to Yale.  I don't see her return to school at all as a reflection of Jess' rant to her.  She seemed to be moving in that direction and away from her grandparents already. 


I can't stand Jess in relation to Rory, but I did think he had an impact on her decision.  Not because of anything he said, but more because at that point in life he was an "outside observer".  Lorelai and E/R all had their own reasons for thinking she should do this or that, and Paris couldn't imagine Rory quitting school because Paris, much as I love her, was a total narcissist who saw everything through her own experience.

Logan, to his credit IMO, didn't push Rory one way or the other.  I liked that he respected her enough to make her own decision, unlike everyone else in her life.  And that's why in my UO I'd also give him credit for Rory going back.  I think she realized during their fight after Jess left that Logan thought it was a bad decision, too, even though he hadn't been pressuring her.  Sure, he was pissed (and drunk), but Logan was always most honest in an argument.

(As an aside, I just watched those scenes, and Logan says something like, "I gave you one month.  You went beyond a month, and it had nothing to do with me.  It was all you."  What was all that about a "month"?  Have I completely blanked on something?)

On 10/15/2016 at 9:48 AM, Taryn74 said:

Were we supposed to question Logan's intelligence?  I don't know, I just always assumed he was very intelligent but he didn't do anything to bring attention to it unless the situation called for it.  He used his mind like he used his money -- he was almost indifferent to it but the use of it came naturally to him.  *shrugs*


That's how I read it, too.  He may not have "lived up to his potential", but he was smart enough to get through prep schools and Yale, seemingly within a year or two of being on schedule, all while getting kicked out of school after school and not really applying himself.  I guess we could infer that Mitchum just kept paying people off?  But I always took it as he did a minimal amount of work and was naturally intelligent enough to just barely get by (after Mitchum's money got him in the door).

After all, Mitchum clearly thought he was smart enough to run the company one day, and I don't think he had any illusions about his son.  And I don't think he was stupid/sentimental enough to put Logan in a leadership position if he thought it would cost him money.

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56 minutes ago, CheeseBurgh said:

I think I am the only person that really dislikes Luke and Lorelai as a couple. I am actually dreading that part of the revival. They are an unhealthy couple and they just mesh to me. I don't get what is appealing about Luke's character as a romantic partner.

No, no.  I always loathed the idea of them as a couple.  Yep, Luke is a deeply unpleasant person with anger issues.  Aside from punching Chris and the fight between them, there was also trying to beat up a 16 year old boy and beating up the car of his estranged wife's boyfriend (which got him arrested.)

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1 hour ago, CheeseBurgh said:

I think I am the only person that really dislikes Luke and Lorelai as a couple. I am actually dreading that part of the revival. They are an unhealthy couple and they just mesh to me. I don't get what is appealing about Luke's character as a romantic partner.

I'm not all that fond of Luke/Lorelai as a couple either. I liked their friendship. They had so many great friend moments, like when Luke shut down the diner and took Lorelai to the hospital in Forgiveness and Stuff. Or when Lorelai helped Luke in Dead Uncles and Vegetables. Or when they just hung out and watched Casablanca. But Luke as a romantic partner was generally a disaster and specifically as Lorelai's romantic partner was even worse.

But, eh. I don't care. I'm mostly watching for the three generations of Gilmore Girls.

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1 hour ago, photo fox said:

I can't stand Jess in relation to Rory, but I did think he had an impact on her decision.  Not because of anything he said, but more because at that point in life he was an "outside observer".  Lorelai and E/R all had their own reasons for thinking she should do this or that, and Paris couldn't imagine Rory quitting school because Paris, much as I love her, was a total narcissist who saw everything through her own experience.

Logan, to his credit IMO, didn't push Rory one way or the other.  I liked that he respected her enough to make her own decision, unlike everyone else in her life.  And that's why in my UO I'd also give him credit for Rory going back.  I think she realized during their fight after Jess left that Logan thought it was a bad decision, too, even though he hadn't been pressuring her.  Sure, he was pissed (and drunk), but Logan was always most honest in an argument.

(As an aside, I just watched those scenes, and Logan says something like, "I gave you one month.  You went beyond a month, and it had nothing to do with me.  It was all you."  What was all that about a "month"?  Have I completely blanked on something?)

That's how I read it, too.  He may not have "lived up to his potential", but he was smart enough to get through prep schools and Yale, seemingly within a year or two of being on schedule, all while getting kicked out of school after school and not really applying himself.  I guess we could infer that Mitchum just kept paying people off?  But I always took it as he did a minimal amount of work and was naturally intelligent enough to just barely get by (after Mitchum's money got him in the door).

After all, Mitchum clearly thought he was smart enough to run the company one day, and I don't think he had any illusions about his son.  And I don't think he was stupid/sentimental enough to put Logan in a leadership position if he thought it would cost him money.

1) After Rory's hearing, when Logan threw her the "convict party" (forgive me if my details are a little inaccurate, it's been a few weeks since my last re-watch), they had a conversation where he told her he thinks he will only last a month and she bet him she'd go longer. At the time, she really thought that she was done with Yale but he wasn't. He just wasn't going to push her to go back.

2) I think we were supposed to infer Logan's intellect from various situations. Not just his verbal spars with Rory but from interactions with others. For example, when Mitchum showed up at the paper insisting that Doyle gives Logan a byline, Rory asks if he can write and Doyle says he's actually a great writer without even trying much. I'm guessing we're supposed to take that as natural ability.

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16 minutes ago, timimouse said:

1) After Rory's hearing, when Logan threw her the "convict party" (forgive me if my details are a little inaccurate, it's been a few weeks since my last re-watch), they had a conversation where he told her he thinks he will only last a month and she bet him she'd go longer. At the time, she really thought that she was done with Yale but he wasn't. He just wasn't going to push her to go back.


Aha!  I had forgotten that scene.  Thanks, @timimouse!

Changing course here... MASSIVELY unpopular opinion, but Sukie made me crazy, I don't think Melissa McCarthy - while lovely - is that great/funny an actor, and I wouldn't have missed her at all in the reunion.

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4 minutes ago, photo fox said:

Aha!  I had forgotten that scene.  Thanks, @timimouse!

Changing course here... MASSIVELY unpopular opinion, but Sukie made me crazy, I don't think Melissa McCarthy - while lovely - is that great/funny an actor, and I wouldn't have missed her at all in the reunion.

I adored Sookie but I agree that her nonsense in the kitchen would have sent me screaming from her as a possible business partner.

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I hated the preview that Netflix just dropped.  LG's face is entirely too Nicole Kidman smooth, the prattering pace of the dialogue felt forced, an I am furious that Rory has floundered in her career.  I realize Amy didn't write Rory sauntering off to work on the winning candidate's primary campaign, but still, she could have imagined Rory becoming a member of the WH press corps.  she has been offered a chance to finally go to Istanbul to report on the airport attack or a chance to shadow a Richard Engel or Lara Logan and she's stuck in the conversation she had with Jess in the car just before the accident.  

My UO about the revival trailer.  

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2 hours ago, photo fox said:

Aha!  I had forgotten that scene.  Thanks, @timimouse!

Changing course here... MASSIVELY unpopular opinion, but Sukie made me crazy, I don't think Melissa McCarthy - while lovely - is that great/funny an actor, and I wouldn't have missed her at all in the reunion.

While I agree that I don't think Melissa McCarthy is that funny of an actress, I actually loved her and Sookie... but not much else. I've disliked all her other roles since then so I'm actually looking forward to seeing Sookie St.James/Belleville one more time! :)

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2 hours ago, timimouse said:

1) After Rory's hearing, when Logan threw her the "convict party" (forgive me if my details are a little inaccurate, it's been a few weeks since my last re-watch), they had a conversation where he told her he thinks he will only last a month and she bet him she'd go longer. At the time, she really thought that she was done with Yale but he wasn't. He just wasn't going to push her to go back.

2) I think we were supposed to infer Logan's intellect from various situations. Not just his verbal spars with Rory but from interactions with others. For example, when Mitchum showed up at the paper insisting that Doyle gives Logan a byline, Rory asks if he can write and Doyle says he's actually a great writer without even trying much. I'm guessing we're supposed to take that as natural ability.

Logan did clearly expect/want Rory to go back to Yale, but even though I don't think it was his fault that she dropped out, I give him zero credit for helping or encouraging her to go back. His behaviour after she dropped out just enabled her to fritter away her time and think her decision wasn't a big deal. Fair enough that Logan didn't push her, but he did make her behaviour worse imo. (The biggest example being that after she was arrested he threw that ridiculous felon party to "celebrate", totally making light of the terrible decisions she was making). And then he spent the next few months with her going out partying all the time, having her take care of him when he's drunk and hanging out with friends who refer to him as the "King of sloths". That isn't saying Logan's lifestyle was wrong or he should have changed it all for Rory, it was his choice and Rory chose to hang out with him and his friends, but I absolutely think that Rory being around him/his social circle enabled her behaviour and not facing up to her poor choices. 

Also, yeah I always thought that Logan was portrayed as naturally very intelligent without trying hard. (Much like Lorelai imo). Which makes sense that Rory viewed him as smarter than her: If he did well/fine when he was slacking off, imagine his grades if he focused. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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From what I've read in several threads I feel like this would be an unpopular opinion. I actually like Lucy and Olivia. I think it was good for Rory to have some other friends and I liked the fact that she brought them back to Stars Hollow as well. :)

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1 hour ago, elang4 said:

From what I've read in several threads I feel like this would be an unpopular opinion. I actually like Lucy and Olivia. I think it was good for Rory to have some other friends and I liked the fact that she brought them back to Stars Hollow as well. :)

Heh, I just realized that she brought her new friends to Stars Hollow, the place that she loves, before Logan, her boyfriend of two years. 

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24 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh, I just realized that she brought her new friends to Stars Hollow, the place that she loves, before Logan, her boyfriend of two years. 

Says something doesn't it? ;)

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20 hours ago, TimetravellingBW said:

Logan did clearly expect/want Rory to go back to Yale, but even though I don't think it was his fault that she dropped out, I give him zero credit for helping or encouraging her to go back. His behaviour after she dropped out just enabled her to fritter away her time and think her decision wasn't a big deal. Fair enough that Logan didn't push her, but he did make her behaviour worse imo. (The biggest example being that after she was arrested he threw that ridiculous felon party to "celebrate", totally making light of the terrible decisions she was making). And then he spent the next few months with her going out partying all the time, having her take care of him when he's drunk and hanging out with friends who refer to him as the "King of sloths". That isn't saying Logan's lifestyle was wrong or he should have changed it all for Rory, it was his choice and Rory chose to hang out with him and his friends, but I absolutely think that Rory being around him/his social circle enabled her behaviour and not facing up to her poor choices. 

Also, yeah I always thought that Logan was portrayed as naturally very intelligent without trying hard. (Much like Lorelai imo). Which makes sense that Rory viewed him as smarter than her: If he did well/fine when he was slacking off, imagine his grades if he focused. 


It was not Logan's responsibility (nor anyone else's) to convince Rory to go back to school. I think Logan's attitude was in character for him and most twentysomethings who's girlfriend/boyfiend has made a change in their life. They would ask is this really what you want and support their decision. The fact that Rory tried to blame him afterwards was pathetic. She chose to party all the time, and I love that Logan called her out on it. 

2 hours ago, elang4 said:

From what I've read in several threads I feel like this would be an unpopular opinion. I actually like Lucy and Olivia. I think it was good for Rory to have some other friends and I liked the fact that she brought them back to Stars Hollow as well. :)

I liked them too! I don't understand why they are so hated. Maybe because they aren't super serous like Paris? Rory finally made friends. She should get a gold star or something lol I liked that they were pals who could hang out and do girlfriend things with. It's great that Rory has Lorelai and she can do most of those things with her but Rory should have pals she can just hang with.

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Glad they have some fans. I thought they were the most vapid airheads ever to grace the screen and lent nothing whatsoever to the story.  The one was so inane she couldn't be bothered to learn "Boyfriend's" real name.

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27 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Glad they have some fans. I thought they were the most vapid airheads ever to grace the screen and lent nothing whatsoever to the story.  The one was so inane she couldn't be bothered to learn "Boyfriend's" real name.

...and that right there is the main reason I disliked them.  They were just too precious for words.

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14 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Glad they have some fans. I thought they were the most vapid airheads ever to grace the screen and lent nothing whatsoever to the story.  The one was so inane she couldn't be bothered to learn "Boyfriend's" real name.

I like them in relation to Rory, and what their friendship added to her life. Rory finally had friends she could do girlfriend things with. She doesn't get that from Paris, and while I adore Lane, she and Rory have very different lives at this point of the show. Neither Lane nor Paris could relate to Rory's fear of her future after college. Lucy and Olivia could. The Lorelai and Rory relationship is why I love this show, BUT Lorelai should not be her only girlfriend she can be silly with. 

There's a scene in season 7 where Paris is talking about Lucy & Olivia, and Rory says Paris doesn't understand them at all. I like that about them. They are fun and artistic, not Type A driven like Paris. I'm glad that Rory made two friends during her *four* years at college. 

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I liked Janet, and wished they'd kept her around for more than the occasional dig about her being thin, or advice about boys. I can't remember "Doogie's" name, but she was sweet, too. 

Edited by Anela
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@Anela, her name was Tana.

I really liked the episode where she took them to Stars Hollow and where they threw the 2003 birthday party (until the Marty stuff got awkward). 

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1 minute ago, deaja said:

@Anela, her name was Tana.

I really liked the episode where she took them to Stars Hollow and where they threw the 2003 birthday party (until the Marty stuff got awkward). 

Same!! I thought it was really sweet to see Paris let her hair down a bit as well at that party when she was dancing with Doyle. :)

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6 minutes ago, elang4 said:

Same!! I thought it was really sweet to see Paris let her hair down a bit as well at that party when she was dancing with Doyle. :)

But still so "Paris" in that she had rehearsed moves. :)

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36 minutes ago, deaja said:

@Anela, her name was Tana.

I really liked the episode where she took them to Stars Hollow and where they threw the 2003 birthday party (until the Marty stuff got awkward). 

Thank you. :) I remembered that a little while afterwards.

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A lot of folks say that even though Christopher was a bad father/flawed man/bad man, he was funny and charismatic. Well, I guess my UO is that Chris is among the least funny main characters. He got in a few good zingers but generally, his humor is very bland and it OVER plays with Lorelai's to the point that he's just lying there and admiring Lorelai's dialogue but not adding much to the discussion. He's just a few notches above Dean and Max in the actually GOOD joke count, as far I'm concerned. 

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