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S07.E08: The Cavi-Art Of War

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Wow, Bethenny really rips into Dr. Fakeass.  It's official.  It's now the Bethenny Show.  Yup, B musta cut off Satan Andy's balls & told him she's in charge now.  I bet from now on she refuses to acknowledge anyone on the show.  I'm seeing ratings plummet.  Good move, Satan Andy, throwin' that million bucks at her.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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So there's something very cute about Dorinda, but does she have a slight speech impediment? She sometimes sounds like she's almost slurring or has a couple of marbles in her mouth. Also, her hair is usually very cute, but they use footage of her in the opening that is so unflattering, hair-wise.

Beth: Do you always wear a tie?

She even manages to ask that with disdain.

Was there some weird editing in the therapy session? The therapist was asking if John apologized more specifically for what happened X many years ago, then suddenly the therapist is saying, "I'm still not hearing what it was like, though" and Beth is berating the therapist, "What do you think it was like?"

  • Love 2

 FFS!!! Who the heck does Beth think she is?!! Who speaks to THEIR doctor like that?  Where does this sense of "entitlement" come from? Her PR people are probably freaking out. IMO, she is now completely unlikable and not fun to watch. She is even more bitter as a successful business woman..just ick!

I am hoping the doctor says in response "There is the door, please leave." 

  • Love 4

Was there some weird editing in the therapy session? The therapist was asking if John apologized more specifically for what happened X many years ago, then suddenly the therapist is saying, "I'm still not hearing what it was like, though" and Beth is berating the therapist, "What do you think it was like?"

It was an odd segment. No doubt Bethanny was her usual barky foghorn self but I was a bit fluxommed by the therapist. Now I have never had occassion to be in a therapy session but I was a bit annoyed with him. Is it typical to have a patient come to you who is feeling like a situation has been improved, resolved or at least addressed to their satisfaction and have the therapist sort of pick it apart like that almost to the point of undoing their feelings and making them re-examine and think 'oh shit maybe I didn't get shit out of that!'? Because that is what I felt like (or editing made it seem as if) the therapist was doing. It was as if he wanted Bethanny to over analyze the encounter, go over with a fine tooth comb what her stepdad said, examine the apology or even question if there was one. Is that typical? I can give him the benefit of the doubt in a way because I suppose what happened in her past is a huge part of what she has become and has been beaten to death in their sessions so maybe he wants more details but there was something about the tone and phrasing of his questions. It reminded me of a HW questioning another one about a beef, being none too happy that it was resolved and trying to slyly reignite beef. Think Luann with Jill when Jill was 'ambushed' by Bethanny. Call me cynical but as that scene was playing the first thing that popped into my head was that he was thinking 'oh, shit! B is my cash cow I just put a down payment on a new boat and little junior starts prep school next fall. I can't have her thinking her past is resolved. This can't be over. It can't be.'


  • Love 5

It was an odd segment. No doubt Bethanny was her usual barky foghorn self but I was a bit fluxommed by the therapist. Now I have never had occassion to be in a therapy session but I was a bit annoyed with him. Is it typical to have a patient come to you who is feeling like a situation has been improved, resolved or at least addressed to their satisfaction and have the therapist sort of pick it apart like that almost to the point of undoing their feelings and making them re-examine and think 'oh shit maybe I didn't get shit out of that!'? Because that is what I felt like (or editing made it seem as if) the therapist was doing. It was as if he wanted Bethanny to over analyze the encounter, go over with a fine tooth comb what her stepdad said, examine the apology or even question if there was one. Is that typical? I can give him the benefit of the doubt in a way because I suppose what happened in her past is a huge part of what she has become and has been beaten to death in their sessions so maybe he wants more details but there was something about the tone and phrasing of his questions. It reminded me of a HW questioning another one about a beef, being none too happy that it was resolved and trying to slyly reignite beef. Think Luann with Jill when Jill was 'ambushed' by Bethanny. Call me cynical but as that scene was playing the first thing that popped into my head was that he was thinking 'oh, shit! B is my cash cow I just put a down payment on a new boat and little junior starts prep school next fall. I can't have her thinking her past is resolved. This can't be over. It can't be.'


Maybe it is a simple as he has been through this before with Bethenny. Her saying she is fine with whatever/whoever and then for her to get all upset about it a few weeks/months later.

  • Love 5
Because that is what I felt like (or editing made it seem as if) the therapist was doing. It was as if he wanted Bethanny to over analyze the encounter, go over with a fine tooth comb what her stepdad said, examine the apology or even question if there was one. Is that typical?


Just keep in mind, most legitimate therapists would NEVER allow a therapy session to be filmed for public entertainment.  It goes against everything most therapists believe in.  The fact that this guy is permitting this makes me very, very suspicious of his professional capability.  But it seemed to me like he was pushing Bethenny to further examine something he knows is really bothering her (because she's told him before).  She lit into him because he hit a nerve.  But she didn't need to be so fucking disrespectful to someone who is only trying to help her (supposedly).  Well, this sure as shit goes right along with Bethenny's extremely unpleasant personality now -- she's rich, so she feels she can roll her eyes and/or disrespect everyone she encounters.  Real nice.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Moaner saying how John was not someone she'd wanna sit next to at a dinner was nauseating.  I get the impression Moaner only wants to be around slicksters like Mario.  Watch -- I just know she's gonna hook up with another asshole -- probably even worse than Mario.


The shit with Carole thinking about joining her building's board was lame.  That's the best storyline Satan Andy can come up for her?  Zzzzzz.

  • Love 4

The problem with Beth and the Dr. was that the Dr. got too close to forcing Beth to confront reality.  Ooops.  Beth and reality?  Nope.  Beth as a 'victim' is her story and she's sticking with it.  She'll never be happy.  She doesn't want to be.

I only did a couple of psych internships, so I'm not at all qualified, but my basic understanding is that the therapist must gently push the patient to recognize the reality, and not what the patient wanted to hear in situations like these.  And, FFS, this is a reality show so the good doc is suspect, but in this instance, I don't think he was all that wrong.  He wasn't a TV reporter shoving a microphone under a murder victim's relative and saying "how do you feel?!?!", but asking more introspective questions.  But, on the up side, I know what I'll be FFing through Tuesday night.


I want about 90% more Ramona.  And I say that knowing she reminds me totally of my sister's MIL, whom I almost pushed out of my car on the LIE.

  • Love 8

Moaner saying how John was not someone she'd wanna sit next to at a dinner was nauseating. I get the impression Moaner only wants to be around slicksters like Mario. Watch -- I just know she's gonna hook up with another asshole -- probably even worse than Mario.

The shit with Carole thinking about joining her building's board was lame. That's the best storyline Satan Andy can come up for her? Zzzzzz.

Completely agree about Ramona and her statement about lots of people not wanting to sit by John. Talk about entitled.

I actually liked Carole's segment. This is the kind of shit I want to see on this show. The stuff that is going on in their lives. Maybe the mundane or the quirky, or totally silly, but it doesn't always have to be huge or dramatic for me. If memory serves, Carole talked about this on Twitter at the time. I cannot remember if she won or not.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 6

Is it typical to have a patient come to you who is feeling like a situation has been improved, resolved or at least addressed to their satisfaction and have the therapist sort of pick it apart like that almost to the point of undoing their feelings and making them re-examine and think 'oh shit maybe I didn't get shit out of that!'

Here's how I heard it: the patient, Bethenny, says to her therapist that she's essentially an orphan and has no family, lots of "bad things" happened in her childhood, and yet she just met up with her stepfather after being estranged for twenty years, and that went well, so now let's talk about the present, and oh - is that a tie you're wearing? La-di-da, la-di-da... So yes, of course the therapist said - hold on, roll it back - what "bad things?" It was a completely valid question to ask and topic to explore, and Bethenny's agitated and rude response indicates that he was right to ask it - she's obviously repressing stuff. Sometimes you have to go deep into your past to fix your problems in the here and now.

  • Love 7

I actually liked Carole's segment. This is the kind of shit I want to see on this show. The stuff that is going on in their lives. Maybe the mundane or the quirky, but it doesn't always have to be huge or dramatic for me. If memory serves, Carole talked about this on Twitter, and I think she was pretty serious about it. I cannot remember is she won or not.

I loved it. Was it for real, though? Not running for a seat on the board, that was legit, but her whole "campaign." Carole is so often tongue-in-cheek, so that's what it felt like, with the campaign strategists and social media consultant! I think she was totally serious about the board spot, but was playing it up for the cameras. And I have to say, I'm usually laughing at Ramona, but for once I was laughing with her when she said Carole was never going to win after "Door-Gate!"

  • Love 5

I loved it. Was it for real, though? Not running for a seat on the board, that was legit, but her whole "campaign." Carole is so often tongue-in-cheek, so that's what it felt like, with the campaign strategists and social media consultant! I think she was totally serious about the board spot, but was playing it up for the cameras. And I have to say, I'm usually laughing at Ramona, but for once I was laughing with her when she said Carole was never going to win after "Door-Gate!"


It couldn't be real, could it?  Copying the Obama-inspired "Hope" and "Change" posters were comical enough, but taking the Shepard Fairey iconic Obama poster, and replacing it with her own face - it just had to be pure satire (if not a copyright violation).  I can appreciate it if she intended it as pure camp.  I can be amused if she was going for a Christopher Guest-type skit.  Otherwise, seeing Ramona, Heather, Jonathan (all very busy people in their own right), and then multiple "top New York political consultants", and a social media consult - people who are quite costly, by the way.  All of this to win the seat on the board of a thirty person HOA. 


Then saying the "whisper campaign" (good Lord, how OTT) against her was because she wants TRANSPARENCY.  Then to go on and reveal they really don't like her because she calls up the Fire Department to break into her apartment when she locks herself out.


Now if this is satire, which surely it has to be, Carole has missed her niche is writing.  The skit was hilarious - right up there with This is Spinal Tap, and Best in Show.  Satirizing rich people and over-zealous wanna be politicians.  People who'll spend a fortune to get on the board of a thirty person HOA.  Two of the lines had me rolling around laughing my ass off.  When Carole told the fire department story, and one of the consultants mutters, "Oh my God!".  Followed by Ramona's TH, "Whoops, she's not gonna win this one.  Door-gate.  Goodbye".  Carole - please write this book.  I promise I'd buy it.


More of this and less of Bethany's therapy sessions.  Please.


  • Love 11


Now if this is satire, which surely it has to be, Carole has missed her niche is writing.  The skit was hilarious - right up there with This is Spinal Tap, and Best in Show.  Satirizing rich people and over-zealous wanna be politicians.  People who'll spend a fortune to get on the board of a thirty person HOA.  Two of the lines had me rolling around laughing my ass off.  When Carole told the fire department story, and one of the consultants mutters, "Oh my God!".  Followed by Ramona's TH, "Whoops, she's not gonna win this one.  Door-gate.  Goodbye".  Carole - please write this book.  I promise I'd buy it..

Exactly! To me, this was total satire, and I loved it. The eleventh-hour candidate! The whisper campaign! The phone bank. The consultants. The OMG! The posters. The deep research. Door-gate!

This is why I miss Carole's blogs. It would have been fun to read her commentary on this.

  • Love 6
Exactly! To me, this was total satire, and I loved it. The eleventh-hour candidate! The whisper campaign! The phone bank. The consultants. The OMG! The posters. The deep research. Door-gate!


Idk, the shit with the dopey job titles?  I grimaced at that.  Looked really dumb to me.  Is this stuff forced & precious & her trying once again to be overly cutesy & playing for the cameras?  Not sure, but I'm willing to see how it plays out as a whole.  Must say -- Moaner's reaction & comments gave me a giggle.  Lord help me for saying this, but this show just can't be this show without Moaner.

  • Love 4

It couldn't be real, could it?  Copying the Obama-inspired "Hope" and "Change" posters were comical enough, but taking the Shepard Fairey iconic Obama poster, and replacing it with her own face - it just had to be pure satire (if not a copyright violation).  I can appreciate it if she intended it as pure camp.  I can be amused if she was going for a Christopher Guest-type skit.  Otherwise, seeing Ramona, Heather, Jonathan (all very busy people in their own right), and then multiple "top New York political consultants", and a social media consult - people who are quite costly, by the way.  All of this to win the seat on the board of a thirty person HOA. 


Then saying the "whisper campaign" (good Lord, how OTT) against her was because she wants TRANSPARENCY.  Then to go on and reveal they really don't like her because she calls up the Fire Department to break into her apartment when she locks herself out.


Now if this is satire, which surely it has to be, Carole has missed her niche is writing.  The skit was hilarious - right up there with This is Spinal Tap, and Best in Show.  Satirizing rich people and over-zealous wanna be politicians.  People who'll spend a fortune to get on the board of a thirty person HOA.  Two of the lines had me rolling around laughing my ass off.  When Carole told the fire department story, and one of the consultants mutters, "Oh my God!".  Followed by Ramona's TH, "Whoops, she's not gonna win this one.  Door-gate.  Goodbye".  Carole - please write this book.  I promise I'd buy it.


More of this and less of Bethany's therapy sessions.  Please.

Her birthday Garden of Good and Evil party struck me the same way. ;)
  • Love 2

All going well until caviar-gate.  What the hell is wrong with all these women?  Clearly Ramona was drunk and talking out her ass and Heather and Luann should have let it go rather than try to engage her.  And Dorinda, who should've been steaming mad since it is her b-day dinner, is trying to be the peace-maker but felt that she had to say something since Ramona wouldn't shut her mouth.   That poor date of Ramona's........


Also, I wish we had seen the entire episode at the furniture store with Carole and B but we only saw pieces of it. 

  • Love 5

This was a somewhat boring episode.

Bethenny cries a lot. I wonder if she was in the midst of a nervous breakdown when she was filming this? If she was my friend I'd be exhausted by her. And I hope her therapist is charging her extra, she's really snarky to him and he's trying to help her.

That argument at the end with Ramona, Heather and Luann was confusing to me. Were they arguing about John or Heather being fake? Actually I don't care.

I noticed when Miss Caviar left room , so did John, and he was gone for a long time. Hmmm?

  • Love 9

So, on the one hand, I can understand Bethenny being uncomfortable talking about her custody with someone she's known maybe five or six weeks...that is until we get to CB2...where she talks about personal shit and breaks down and cries with a woman she's known maybe five or six weeks. I'm beginning to believe that Bethenny came into this thing with an already preconceived idea about not liking Heather. As such, any and everything that Heather does is met with simmering hostility by Bethenny. It's kind of giving me shades of Carlton toward Kyle. (Well, what I remember reading about it. I tried to limit my viewing of that season of RHOBH.)


Beth just seems to hate Heather and is ready to be irritated by whatever she says, even before she says it. Shades of Carlton towards Kyle to me, although not to the same extent.


Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 16

The most interesting aspect of this episode were the previews for next week; I cannot wait to see Dorinda come for Kristen and undercut Kristen's determination to retcon her behavior at the cocktail party . . . Heather's talking head contention that no one needs to report the pejorative gossip about John to Dorinda was rich considering runtelldat is one of her favorite games. This is the woman who couldn't stop herself from stampeding to inform Bethenny of Kristen's "hurt feelings" and who wrung her hands over the profound moral quandary LuAnn's Caribbean escapade supposedly placed upon her shoulders with respect to a man that Heather had literally only know for a few months . . . And, although I appreciate LuAnn in certain contexts, her ostensible surprise at being called a liar was amusing. Girl, please . . . I like Ramona's new sense of style in clothing. The entire Petrossian debacle could have been avoided had Heather and LuAnn not been so trigger-happy to take offense at picayune points.

  • Love 14

Thanks for giving us those WTF moments, Sonja -- er, I think.  Her "team" was still giving those "we're in talks" answers as to where exactly you could get a Sonja dress.  Um, I think that red dress is the only Sonja dress that will ever get made.  Nice dress tho.  Looks very 1992 to me, but still nice.  So yeah, Bethenny, a toaster was made this time around, but just one.

  • Love 17

The entire Petrossian debacle could have been avoided had Heather and LuAnn not been so trigger-happy to take offense at picayune points.

The way it looked to me was that there would have been no debacle had Ramona not been the one to take offense. That chick is bat shit crazy. How in the world was Mario able to put up with it for so long, and why in the world would he ever want to come back?

  • Love 10

That whole Carole election stuff was more bullshit. I really don't care for her. I did have some sympathy for her last season when I felt that she was being attacked unfairly by Aviva (I used to be a fiction writer), but yeah, this season she is just the complete ditz, and this wanting to be on her coop board and assembling political advisers? So much hate!

  • Love 8

What the he'll is wrong with Heather? She inserts herself in everyone's business and then gets pissed when she's told to back off. She and LuAnn feel they are superior to everyone. The Countless should have stayed a friend. Carol and Bethenny seem to compliment each other. I'm surprised Kristen aplogized to Sonja. Again with Heather to Sonja, "Are you selling in KMart?" And then back tracking in her TH.

  • Love 18

Beth just seems to hate Heather and is ready to be irritated by whatever she says, even before she says it. Shades of Carlton towards Kyle to me, although not to the same extent.

Beth totally came in with a preconceived notion of Heather.  If she watched Heather's previous seasons, and is one of those that Heather rubs the wrong way, of course she's going to go in with her guard up.  Beth has her guard up with everybody.  But for a person whom she's watched and now dislikes - her behavior towards Heather isn't surprising. 


It's like if I was hired for RHOBH.  I'm pretty sure I'd be irritated by everything Heather DuBrow said even before she said it because I don't like her and I think I've got her number. 


ETA:  Thanks gimepizza for pointing out that Heather DuBrow is from the OC.  She wishes she was from BH.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

Heather , you are way too smart to not know that Bethenny can't talk about the terms of her divorce or custody, what kind of crap is asking her in an underhanded way what are the terms of her custody agreement? , she is prevented by a gag order to talk about it and you are way too savvy and nosy not to know this.

I don't think that's true. The gag order pertains to their divorce proceedings, not custody of Bryn, which has been hammered out. Bethenny herself even said she gets Bryn every other weekend. (That's all Heather was asking). Uh oh - did she just violate her own gag order?

  • Love 4

I'm still trying to figure out how it went left so quickly at Dorinda's dinner. What Heather and LuAnn said to Ramona about being a new person with a different outlook isn't anything different from what LuAnn said to Ramona at the beginning of the season. Ramona agreed then when it was said to her.

At Dorinda's party is when Ramona decided to do a complete 180 on a not-new sentiment that had already been shared with her?

Woooo, boy! The Ramonacoaster reared its ugly head.

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