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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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Well, we're invested in spoilers anyway. And for those who aren't, they're either going to tune in to the start of s6, see Jon not reborn yet and maybe actually stop watching, or he'll be brought back to life very soon and the death fake-out will feel like even more of a ripoff.


I don't think this is entirely true.  I have never seen spoilers about who shows up for filming mainstream but this morning radio show reported on KH showing up in Belfast with the GoT for filming on my ride to work this morning.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Well I said at the time I thought it was stupid - I mean presumably he would film a burial scene of some kind.  So why didn't he just say he would be doing that instead of all the "I'm done, my character is dead, you'll never see Jon Snow again" bravado.  They would have kept the mystery alive so much better if they tried to explain away any filming he did with a "well they can't just leave him in the snow - they have to burn him - so yea, I'll do a scene or two in season six, you know?" story.


So you know how we thought the first scene of season six might be Bran seeing the ToJ?  I wonder if they could do a reset with the whole death scene being a Bran vision and him opening his eyes and saying they need to do something to stop it.  I don't know if there is any room for that kind of cheat in the book series though.

Well I said at the time I thought it was stupid - I mean presumably he would film a burial scene of some kind.  So why didn't he just say he would be doing that instead of all the "I'm done, my character is dead, you'll never see Jon Snow again" bravado.  They would have kept the mystery alive so much better if they tried to explain away any filming he did with a "well they can't just leave him in the snow - they have to burn him - so yea, I'll do a scene or two in season six, you know?" story.


Yes, thank you! You said what I've been thinking. I admit I'm annoyed with the way they've all handled the questions of Jon Snow's fate. KH and D&D lied, and the other GoT actors, when asked if Jon is really dead, act like the loss of KH & Jon isn't a big deal. The lengths to which they're going to try to keep up the ruse that Jon and Kit are not coming back is insulting. Like you said, they'd give nothing away by saying "well yeah, we still have to film the aftermath of the stabbing and his funeral, so Kit's gonna be around for a few days in July". Now what they've got on their hands is Kit denying requests for pics with fans and people stalking him around Belfast, which I'm sure will get old for him real fast. And when the time comes to promote S6, good luck doing promos, trailers, photo shoots, and the talk show rounds with KH/JS nowhere in sight. Hell, even Tywin's corpse got a quick shot in the S5 trailer, but since Kit is done with GoT, I guess we won't even get that in any promos. ::rolls eyes::

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I think they actually made it a bigger deal by having KH lie to the press and try to sell the idea that he wasn't coming back. They should have just said you'll have to wait and see. Instead they got cute, and now the mainstream media is going to cover whether or not he's there.


Yup. Everyone was waiting for this -- they knew when filming would start in Belfast and they were keeping an extra-close eye on things. And everyone knows how fast information gets out. No, showrunners/Kit Harington, you're not going to escape every paparazzi/cellphone camera in the world. And you knew it. So what was the point of lying?


Maybe he's really dead and they're just faking everybody out. "Now, Kit, just show up and hang about Belfast and everyone will think Jon is ALIVE. Then when he's really dead they'll FLIP THEIR SHIT and it will be exciting!"

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It's the quote by Kit where he said "I'm not coming back next season" that screwed them a bit I think. I don't know if that was Kit being in on it and protesting way too much, or if they originally told him that Jon was dead so that he'd be convincing in the post-episode interviews, and then let him in on the joke. 


KH and D&D lied, and the other GoT actors, when asked if Jon is really dead, act like the loss of KH & Jon isn't a big deal.


The absolute dumbest interview in this regard was with Maisie. When asked by a reporter if she thought Melisandre could bring him back, she said: "I think she's much too selfish for that" which... WTF? That's either a total non sequitur, or Maisie is actually super dense and hasn't given one iota of thought towards any of the characters/storyline this whole time. On the other hand, while I sense that Emilia Clarke is a bit like the Elaine Benes of the cast in regards to being trusted with actual information (ie. "too many people know the key to her vault!") her responses in interviews about Kit actually make sense; she's taken the "we'll see!" and "it's 50/50" and "I was so sad when I heard he was leaving me!" approach. Which is quite frankly what everyone should have been doing this whole time.

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It's the quote by Kit where he said "I'm not coming back next season" that screwed them a bit I think. I don't know if that was Kit being in on it and protesting way too much, or if they originally told him that Jon was dead so that he'd be convincing in the post-episode interviews, and then let him in on the joke.


See, that's not the quote that annoyed me. When he said "I'm dead. I'm not coming back next season", I always thought he was referring to Jon Snow - not Kit - in both sentences. "I'm not coming back" meaning Jon Snow is not returning because

Jon Stark/Targaryen wil rise in his place

. Maybe he was giving himself a bit of wiggle room so when asked about that interview in the future he can say it's not his fault if people misinterpreted who the "I'm" was in that quote.


It was the rest of that EW interview that pissed me off. Kit was laying it way too thick. He claimed that he got a wrap party, and he got teary-eyed, but he just wanted to get the fuck out of there. He also said that he didn't get any prop like Rose Leslie did because he was less popular than her. Like really, dude, tone it down a bit. There's no way RL gets her bow & arrow and KH is not given Longclaw. 



her [Emilia] responses in interviews about Kit actually make sense; she's taken the "we'll see!" and "it's 50/50" and "I was so sad when I heard he was leaving me!" approach. Which is quite frankly what everyone should have been doing this whole time.


Yep, from what I've seen, Emilia's handled this circus the best. She's not trolling and she's not claiming to know the outcome of a storyline she's never been a part of. Maisie's response to describe the show in 4 words with "Jon Snow is dead" was not the best way to handle it. But I'll chalk up some of her answers to youth.

Edited by bunnyblue
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You know, the wait between the finale and next season's premiere is so damn long that I don't think there is any way that the Jon Snow questions could have been handled that wouldn't ultimately piss everyone off. And really, who cares at this point? Kit's been spotted all over Belfast. He's coming back. We get it. Let's move on to finding out some casting news. 


Is it really Euron? Randyll Tarly? Who is filming with whom and where? Is Jaime back in Spain? Or is NCW filming in Croatia? Where is Alfie Allen filming? And who is filming with him?

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I don't think there is any way that the Jon Snow questions could have been handled that wouldn't ultimately piss everyone off. 

Emilia handled it well, I think. Better to waffle and give non-answers rather than outright lie and piss everyone off. I'm reminded of JK Rowling when she was asked if Snape was evil after Half-Blood Prince. Her tactic was to ask people, "what do you think?" Which also works.

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Unless people are referring to another interview, in the one that I read, Kit prefaced his comment that Jon was dead and that he was not coming back, saying that this what the producers told him. While this can be described as an evasion, it was not an outright lie which I pointed out at the time on this forum. Regardless, I agree people need to move pass it. There is no point getting mad at the producers and/or Kit for working the publicity angle. If you enjoy the show and watch it, this is part of rolling with the punches.

Edited by SimoneS
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I don't know whether they've been really dumb or really smart. All this is he/is he not has kept the series alive in the hiatus like it never has before. I'm guessing their strategy was to keep people talking and wondering, even if they were pissed off with the deceptions, assuming all would be forgiven once Season 6 started. They're probably right. I'd just be happy for Jon to be back in whatever incarnation they want to make him. In the end I don't really care what the actors said as long as the show delivers for me.

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I don't know whether they've been really dumb or really smart.

I actually wonder if it was D&D's first choice. I'm still convinced that they did it as "a courtesy", in order to give one more chance to GRRM to complete TWOW for the S6 premiere. From a show watcher POV, I regret that they did.

A show with a 3 months hiatus allows big cliffhangers, not one with a 10 months hiatus imo. So counting on a cliffhanger that won't truly be one (KH on the set /not on the set was always going to be leaked) to sustain interest for such a long time is still a risky move. Don't get me wrong, the KH sightings make me happy and I want Jon alive (and unzombified). Yet...

I know that they're probably still angry/traumatized about the leaks of last year, and it's still early. But I hope that the whole hiatus won't be like this, since so far I don't find anything to be excited about and after an emotionally exhausting season, I need something to boost my enthusiasm. SDCC couldn't have been more unenventful imo. There was no major casting announcement. There's still no major casting announcement.

I hope it means they're negociating with very big names for Euron, Arthur and Tarly Senior.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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WOTW has filming news and an updated casting call:


Lord of Noble Northern House: (Aged 25 – 40).

    He is a “big tall crazy Hell’s Angel type of character“, who must be well over 6 feet tall, or at the very least 180cm.
    He is a savage warrior who rules a powerful and distinguished house in the very far north.
    He is a bear of a man with a beard and temper to match, with a hatred that runs deep.
    He must have a “BIG powerful physique”, and must tower over other cast members.
    He is known to be violent.
    He has a very dry wit and an element of swagger to him.
    He is “pretty spectacular on the battlefield”.

That reads "Great Jon Umber" to me.  so one of the other Umbers (Crowsfood / Whoresbane) I guess.


I'd love to know if Natalia Tena has been spotted in the area; maybe Osha and Rickon will reappear since the last we heard from them was they were headed towards the Umbers.


Alternatively, it's a Nothern Lord (Umber or otherwise) from the past, occurring during a Bran-o-Vision.

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I'd love to know if Natalia Tena has been spotted in the area; maybe Osha and Rickon will reappear since the last we heard from them was they were headed towards the Umbers.

At this point, I'd like to hear about returns even more than new characters. Rickon (and Osha, for obvious reasons) Gendry (only Baratheon standing) Walder Frey (probably the most awaited comeuppance on TV) Blackfish (why not make him die in the RW otherwise?) to start with. Edit: and the Hound, because handy in an apocalypse + I'd like to know, Gravedigger or not?

Of course, it's great to have the "Hot Pie!" kind of surprise, but OTOH, whenever I hear about new characters I worry that a satisfying ending -i.e, no complete apocalypse- won't be possible within what's officially left, 20 episodes. It's a personal perception so certainly a wrong one but somehow, learning about returns would make me feel that the plot threads are meeting instead of reproducing without ending in sight.


For Dayne they're explicitly looking to hire an athlete, so I don't think there's any big name involved there. 

Too bad. Maybe an athletic actor from a genre TV show? Of course, what matters is the actor bein good in the role. But...I love me some Arthur Dayne and I'd like to fangirl all over the casting, LOL.

Edited by Happy Harpy

The Bran, Myrcella and Tommen pics are in London, not Belfast. They are just hanging out together. There is no indication that Myrcella is filming anything.

That pic was in London, but she also tweeted about going to Belfast, so there is a possibility of a corpse cameo there.

Unless people are referring to another interview, in the one that I read, Kit prefaced his comment that Jon was dead and that he was not coming back, saying that this what the producers told him. While this can be described as an evasion, it was not an outright lie which I pointed out at the time on this forum. Regardless, I agree people need to move pass it. There is no point getting mad at the producers and/or Kit for working the publicity angle. If you enjoy the show and watch it, this is part of rolling with the punches.

I really doubt the producers told him that though, they'd have to have him locked down for s6. What if he actually had gotten a conflicting job or worse, a haircut? He had to be lying about not being under contract past s5, when the interviewer brought up the earlier story about the cast's re-signing and pay increases. It just felt like a lot of the questions would have been better served with a no comment or wait and see if mystery was all they were after, he could have easily used Tywin's corpse cameo as a way to throw people off, but dunzo forever, never coming back answers ruled out even that. IA with bunnyblue that there seemed to be more trolling than evasiveness with the stuff about the likely fictitious going away party and Kit's overall joking demeanor. His co-stars saying they don't know for sure but it'd be sad if he was gone for good and whatnot come off as much more believable. Idt the show's overall viewership will be affected by this little Snowjob, but we'll probably see somewhat fewer returning unspoiled watchers on this board next year, because some people unaccustomed to tptb and the cast's media styles actually took that stuff seriously. Idk how the truly Unsullied do it, but it is easy enough not to get GoT news in the offseason if you're not normally watching/listening to pop culture coverage.

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I actually wonder if it was D&D's first choice. I'm still convinced that they did it as "a courtesy", in order to give one more chance to GRRM to complete TWOW for the S6 premiere.


I expect it was something very much like that, perhaps even a contractual obligation that they wouldn't reveal Snow's fate until he gets his book published. KH's EW interview looks like it was heavily scripted on his part, and very softball on EW's part. They probably had to agree to do it D & D's way in order to get the interview in the first place.

Edited by FemmyV
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I believe that interviews with EW etc. can only deal with stuff that's been approved, but GRRM wouldn't have started separate negotiations to ensure that HBO wouldn't spoil TWOW when he used to keep saying that AFFC/ADWD would take several seasons and he had plenty of time, and there would have been no reason for HBO to agree to any restriction. When the deal was first announced in 2007 Variety said that the fifth book was almost done but GRRM didn't expect to finish the series until 2011 - even if that hadn't turned out to be an extremely optimistic estimate, HBO wouldn't have bought the rights without ensuring they could do what they wanted with the unpublished content as well.


GOT generally makes things relevant when the plot demands it (for example, Dontos suddenly reappears in 4x01), so even though this choice annoys me, I believe the show had Jon killed without any major resurrection hints because it was the most shocking end to season 5. They got the extra hype of the Kit hair watch summer and will do all of the hints and buildup in early season 6.

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Oh...it would have been a better cliffhanger for Jon's eyes to cloud over, then close and come back blue, or red, or just open, than the current cliffhanger, because the same things would have gone on, #hairwatch, the Belfast stalking, but they would have had the massive, massive, massive extra buzz of having given a bigger hint towards resurrection. They didn't do that. I wasn't there in the meetings, but I can imagine it's a request of George's they granted. Of course, if he doesn't get the book out by April 2016, all bets are off.

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I believe that interviews with EW etc. can only deal with stuff that's been approved, but GRRM wouldn't have started separate negotiations to ensure that HBO wouldn't spoil TWOW when he used to keep saying that AFFC/ADWD would take several seasons and he had plenty of time, and there would have been no reason for HBO to agree to any restriction. When the deal was first announced in 2007 Variety said that the fifth book was almost done but GRRM didn't expect to finish the series until 2011 - even if that hadn't turned out to be an extremely optimistic estimate, HBO wouldn't have bought the rights without ensuring they could do what they wanted with the unpublished content as well.


GOT generally makes things relevant when the plot demands it (for example, Dontos suddenly reappears in 4x01), so even though this choice annoys me, I believe the show had Jon killed without any major resurrection hints because it was the most shocking end to season 5. They got the extra hype of the Kit hair watch summer and will do all of the hints and buildup in early season 6.


I remember during the Red Wedding they did their best not to tip their hand at all by giving out hints, while the book was littered with them.  Of course, the Red Wedding had already been written about 13 years earlier.


While there might be a gentleman's agreement, I can't imagine HBO/D&D making a contractual agreement about not revealing Jon Snow's fate until after it was revealed in the books.  Making an agreement with a writer as prone to delays as GRRM would be insane.  Granted, they had a five-year window to work with but even then, GRRM was known for taking that long between the books after ASOS. 

Small but important doesn't make me think of Euron or Tarly, who sounded like the biggest new characters in the casting calls. Euron in particular should have a decent amount of screentime if he's to be established as a villain for seasons 6-8. McShane is 72, so I would actually be disappointed if he was Tarly because it would feel like casting a name without caring about whether he fits the character, just for the McShane? Awesome! reaction. The show has been great at finding less familiar faces to play key roles. Maybe it's like Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje's season 5 casting, a small role that doesn't take much time and lets him have the experience of being on GOT.


Is there any chance he could be one of the non-Umber Northern lords? I'm just desperately hoping the show will include some of the Northern ADWD stuff that was actually interesting after devoting season 5 to Ramsay and the rape.

Edited by ElizaD

Northern Lord would be a good choice.  Perhaps he's also that Septon Meribald/Elder Brother mash-up.


Ian McShane has been the Euron in my head since I first read the book, but I don't think I realized quite how old he was and at 72, that's probably not going to happen. I really like this idea though -- I think he'd absolutely kill that Meribald monologue if they decide to include it.

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If I allow myself to hope... Couldn't Ian McShane play a wonderful Manderly? It say's that part is like a glorified cameo, and Manderly probably wouldn't amount to more than that, but it would be an awesome bit part for an actor to play...

I think you hit it. The weight thing gave me pause but I don't think it's ultimately that big of a deal.

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Personally, the irony of him playing Whoresbane Umber would be too much for me to pass up. ;)

Good thing I'm not Nina Gold.

In all seriousness, out of all the casting sides released, I can see him as Septon Meribald/Elder Brother the best in my mind's eye. He would give such a gravitas to that monologue.

With that being said, the amount of secrecy surrounding his role is palpable, so I almost think he's playing a part that hasn't been seen in the books or just been mentioned - someone said Marwyn, which, if they go that route, I can see. Someone else mentioned Howland Reed. Eh, maybe? And someone else mentioned Rickard Stark in a flashback.

Point is, who really knows? I'm just excited to have him back on my television. His serial killer in American Horror Story: Asylum, was fun as hell. I'm just hoping they utilize him more than Mr. Eko.

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Game of Thrones casting another Frey for season 6?


Casting call:


This is a very good part in this season who appears in three episodes.
We need a characterful-looking guy – long nose and skeletal features and perhaps a bit sly – to play a son who is unable to live up to the demands of his savage father. We need a really good actor for this part – he has good scenes with lots of the leading cast. The character has a great storyline. There are no options and this is a one-off opportunity for a good clever actor to come and make his mark on this major hit show.




Though there is no name listed on the character, it seems pretty obvious that this is a Frey son. From the physical description, it sounds like they’re hoping to find an actor that looks a lot like David Bradley (Walder Frey).



It’s plain from the casting breakdown that the character is for this season only, which means he has a good chance of being killed. A Frey who is possibly short-lived and we’re getting an outlaw band this year– could this hapless son run afoul of them?



One of his filming weeks (week commencing August 24th) does overlap with a filming week scheduled for the outlaws Flynn, Japeth, and Lachlan so that theory is still workable.


Leading cast could be Sansa/Brienne or Jaime getting some kind of Riverlands storyline after all.

Edited by ElizaD
With that being said, the amount of secrecy surrounding his [ian McShane] role is palpable, so I almost think he's playing a part that hasn't been seen in the books or just been mentioned - someone said Marwyn, which, if they go that route, I can see.


I thought Marwyn also.


We need a characterful-looking guy – long nose and skeletal features and perhaps a bit sly – to play a son who is unable to live up to the demands of his savage father.


"Savage" isn't the first word that leaps to my mind when describing Walder Frey.  Cunning, sly, manipulative, calculating, sure.  The Red Wedding was brutal, but it was part of a cunning trap, not the unthinking act of a savage.  Just my opinion though.  If it is a Frey, I'm guessing its an amalgamation of Ryman (technically his grandson) and Merrett (father of Fat Walda and Gatehouse Ami).

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