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S11.E07: Heavy Lies the Crown

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On the Northwestern Jake gets a whiplash style captaining lesson from Sig. A long trip and a prank threaten Captain Johnathan's catch on the Time Bandit. To restore order on the Cornelia Marie Captain Josh must hit below the belt.



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I hate to see dead loss. Not only is it wasted time, money and lots of effort, it's... dead crabs. A pile of 'em. Felt bad for the TB crew.


Josh H has proven he's worthless as a captain. He can't see in the dark? What about when it's dark, gale force winds are blowing, and it's sleeting, raining or snowing - and the ship is covered in ice. And how long did it take him to realize it might make him look better if he helped the deck hands? Josh needs to stay on the deck, where he was good at what he did. Hitting Scotty with the buoy was the final insult. If you're trying to become a boss (captain), that's not the most professional way to get your subordinates to respect you.

Edited by CN42
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The poor TB crew :( They didn't deserve the dead loss. Also that prank was a dud; it went a little too far, and I doubt that'll help Scotty get back in the good graces of his dad, even though you can tell Johnathan misses him.

Once again Jake throws a hissy fit and can also pull at my heartstrings moments later. I'm still rooting for him, but he needs to just calm down when things aren't going so well. if Sig says he'll let him take the helm for some practice, you can bet your boots that it'll happen at some point. Just because it didn't happen this time doesn't mean there'll never be another chance ever again.

It's nice with no Elliot dragging down the show.

Josh was a disaster. He needed to go out there on deck and just keep his head down. He shouldn't have responded to Scotty. Also, he's lucky Casey is on board, because I feel like there would be a chance of mutiny if he wasn't. The way things were going, it was very much "Scotty's in charge/the boss," and if Josh wants to be captain he needs to not let that happen.

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I'm of two minds regarding Jake's tantrum.


On the one hand, it seemed infantile and unprofessional.   He acts like he's entitled to the wheelhouse when in truth he simply isn't.   As Sig said to Jake when asked how long it took him to get into the captain's chair, "You're not me."   Sig inherited it from his father.   It was family.   Jake's not.


I'm sure it's maddening for Jake to see worthless peers like Josh Harris and Elliott Neese piloting boats while he is stuck on deck.   But it doesn't change his situation.


On the other hand, if Jake didn't pitch a fit, the Northwestern probably would have returned to port without Jake ever getting his chance.   Sig doesn't like to give up his seat to anyone, even to his brother Edgar.   Look at all the grief Edgar had to endure to get Sig to give him his chance.   And he IS family. 


Jake has to find a middle ground between hissy fit and aggressive campaigning.    Alone, neither approach will get him what he wants.   If he can get his act together, maybe he has a fighting chance.

The Josh Harris portions were embarrassing.   I actually felt embarrassed for him.  He's way out of his league.


It was interesting to compare Josh's demeanor with Jake's.    Josh bolted from the chair first chance he got; Sig probably had to pry Jake out of the seat with a crowbar.

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Josh is such a doofus.  He is not the cool cat he thinks he is.  He's constantly telling the viewers how he's the captain!  He's the owner!  What Josh says is law!  He's a grown-ass MAN and he'll run "his" boat the way he wants it.  Yet, we see him skitter out of the chair as soon as the going gets mildly tough.  Then he plops his ass in the shotgun seat and marvels at how the guys are getting tossed around on deck.  When he hears the guys complaining that he should help out, he asks Casey "should I go?"  Josh only went down b/c he was anxious to get away from Casey's disapproving eye (and hoped the cameras would follow him).  I love how Casey looks at the camera and says he can't go on deck when Doofus is in the chair b/c he can't be unsupervised!  Then Josh tries to get all buddy-buddy with the crew.  HE can't have it both ways.  He was wrong to engage with Scotty. He can't be the wild and crazy friend and the boss. He should have shut it down with one of his "I'm the captain" rants.  Even if Josh ever gains the know-how to captain the CM, he'd be better off starting with a whole new crew.  None of the tenured CM crew will ever give him proper captain respect.  They know him too well.


Jake needs to quit the temper tantrums.  His primary job is engineer when Edgar isn't there.  Any time Sig gives him in the wheelhouse is a gift, not a right..  If a leak springs or a machine seizes,  that's the priority. 


Thank God there was no mention of the greasy weasel on the Bait or the regular episode. I don't want any follow up segments with him.  I don't want the captains to reflect on his downfall. I don't want the other crews to commiserate how terrible addictions are.   I don't want to see him rise from the ashes and play out a redemption story line.  Good riddance.  My only concerns are that his kids never have to deal with him until he cleans up & that his crew lands on other boats.

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I love how Casey looks at the camera and says he can't go on deck when Doofus is in the chair b/c he can't be unsupervised!  Then Josh tries to get all buddy-buddy with the crew.  HE can't have it both ways.  He was wrong to engage with Scotty. He can't be the wild and crazy friend and the boss. He should have shut it down with one of his "I'm the captain" rants.  Even if Josh ever gains the know-how to captain the CM, he'd be better off starting with a whole new crew.  None of the tenured CM crew will ever give him proper captain respect.  They know him too well.



Casey's comment was the highlight of the episode for me.  Josh is useless and there for the cameras.


Regarding Jake's meltdown, part of it was frustration, of course, but I also think part was due to exhaustion at the end of the trip.  I've worked offshore on boats and perfectly sane and friendly people get bitchy and short tempered toward the end of the trip when you're really tired, your sleep pattern is out of whack, and you can see the end but aren't there yet.  He'll make captain eventually and he'll be a good and real one, unlike Josh.


Scotty and the CM crew went way too far with their prank.  One flour bag and some extra line, but they threw everything they could think of at that pot.  Scotty definitely heard an earful over that one when he got home.

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I'm loving this season. Disco has pulled no punches. Elliot is gone. And they are finally showing Josh for who he really is -- lazy and entitled.

Jake A needs to handle his temper better. I get he's exhausted but when you are captain you will deal with various scenarios. Sig may be sitting in a warm wheelhouse but we've all seen him sweating bullets and still keeping his cool. A good caption keeps his wits under pressure.

Nicks comments about Jake did crack me up.

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I was so glad that Elliot Neese wasn't mentioned on The Bait or the episode.  At least I only had to grimace every time I heard "Captain Josh", so it's an improvement.  I really enjoyed the little segment The Bait did on Freddie - all the captains seem to hold him in very high esteem.  I laughed when Keith was asked when Freddie would reach retirement age: "I'm not going to ask him.  Do you want to?".


Jake's emotions are still getting the best of him; hopefully that's something that will mellow with age.

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I love how Casey looks at the camera and says he can't go on deck when Doofus is in the chair b/c he can't be unsupervised!



Casey can't help but snark.  He will say all the right things on The Bait and in confessionals about Josh coming along and learning, but in the moment you can read the impatience and (mild) contempt.  Best summed up a couple of weeks ago when Josh did something, congratulated himself for it, and Casey said "you went from pampers to pullups"

Edited by kassa
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Ehh, I am not sure how much of Jake's "tantrum" was producer driven.   Like someone asked if he wanted to be in the captain's chair and kept pushing up he got sick of answering.    Everyone who has spent 5 minutes in Sig's company knows that he is NOT giving up that chair when the delivery deadline is approaching.   He is too much of a control freak to allow it.   Jake definitely knows this.   I believe he knew why he wasn't driving the boat at that moment but took what was handed to him by the producers "for the drama" which really did no harm to anything in the long run.   


Josh on the other hand, should not have been driving the boat.   He was screwing up right and left and pissing off the crew.   He may not be "He Who Deserves No Mention" but still doesn't deserve to be featured as much.   He has no clue what is going on out there.   


Felt for Captain Jonathan.    I know the TB used to be the "Douche Bandit" but that was always more Andy to me.   Jonathan is a less control freak version of Sig.   This is a business.   Things have to get done.   We do them a certain way for a reason.    We do it right, we all get make money.   He was really upset over the dead loss.   It came out of his pocket.   But you notice the crew still came away okay.   They take care of their folks.   Like a boat owner should (hint hint Josh).

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Jake Anderson is 34 years old.  You'd never know that when watching him.  He's just plain immature. 


Josh is a long way away from being a captain.  He needs to learn out of the wheelhouse and get some maturity.  He's not a natural.  I do give him props for getting the CM but he's either got to be an observer and let Casey run things or he's got to learn every aspect of the boat so he can get respect from the crew.

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So.  When did the whole blow-up between Josh and Keith occur????  If the sequencing of the events were as we saw them, why on earth did they even have that conversation?  The CM had to go out to finish reds.  Also, Casey defended Josh in certain quotes relative to that Keith encounter.  If that was after the ridiculous string harvest we saw in this ep, Casey is a moron.  Keith was entirely affirmed by Josh's outrageous performance and attitude.  And Casey would have defended Josh??


Yes.  I get it.  He is a biz "partner."  However, Casey used to seem to be the type of guy who highly honored the value of a man's word.   Now?  Not so much.


Jake A. most definitely needs some psychotherapy to help him cope with the demons he allows to overcome him.  He has absolutely "earned" those demons.  He is not making any of that up.  Horrible things happened to him.  Setback after setback.  Yet, to be a Bering Sea captain, one simply MUST learn to compartmentalize and put out strength and confidence.  The lad is not crazy.  Not even close.  He just needs to figure out how to better process anxiety.  


I thought Sig was brilliant with him.  What Jake does not understand is that Sig is his biggest fan.  If he weren't he would never, ever, ever see that wheelhouse.  Sig does not trust fools with his beloved NW.  However, Sig is gonna push Jake as hard as he can to be the best that Jake can be.  He also gave Jake some hard-earned praise for adapting to Sig's insistence that he handle things in a specific way (stop looking out the freaking starboard window!!!!).  I will bet you anything that Jake about burst with pride (the necessary and good kind) and gained tremendous confidence when Sig then walked out of the wheelhouse.  Only the best would ever be afforded that level of trust.  


I'm thinking Jonathan had to have been at some fault for being pushed to the back of the line for the cannery.  Was the TB late per contract?  I kept wasting for some rage and anger and resentment to come flying out and it never did.  Not even a hint of it.  To me, if the cannery just shafted them, he, and crew, would have been going off about the unfairness.  Those guys are just not that evolved.  ;)

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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This weeks show was a good one. What can I say about Jake - he is obviously a comptent deck hand and becoming an excellent engineer. But as a captain, not so much. He has been throwing his hissy fits/temper tantrums since he first stepped on the NW. He is 34 year-old man and continues to display an imaturity whenever he gets stressed and does not get his way.  Yes, he had some terrible things happen to him, but I would guess numerous other captains have too, including loss of a family member and or crew members. If Jake ever wants to become a captain he is going to have to learn to control his temper and emotions.  As a cpatiain he will face far more stressful situations including hurricanes, crew problems and the normal everyday stresses a captain has to deal with. I don't believe his being tired led to his temper tantrum, these have happened far to many times over the years for that to be an excuse. The other guys were all tired and they do not act like that. Jake continues to forget that although Sig and Edgar consider him "family", he is not and has failed to grasp this yet. Blood is thicker than water, especially when it comes to the NW. If Jake ever expects to become a captain, he will have to learn to control his emotions or he will be considered too unstable for the job.


I felt so bad for Johnathan for all the dead crab loss. I also did not think that stupid prank by Scotty was too funny. I'm not sure but I think boats get their off-load dates before they leave Dutch. I remember shows from years ago where Phil or one of the other captains got phone calls where the off load dates were changed.  I am sure there are other people here who know more about this than me.


What can I say about Josh that everyone here hasn't said. He is so over his head, which I think leads to his panic attacks and turning the boat over to Casey. In one sense at least he has the common sense to give the wheel to Casey instead of putting the crew in danger.  But, he will never learn if he does not put his big boy pants on and hang in there when he gets scared and the going gets rough.  As a captain he is going to face far worse than "I can't see it's too dark".  I also agree with Lonesome Rhodes, he can not be both his crews best friend and captain.  Obviously the crew do not respect or trust him as captain.  He has to choose which one he wants to be. It will be intersting to see what happens in the fall with the two new partners as to whether they have any say in terms of the crew they keep. Josh should probably just stay on shore as the "owner" but that will never happen as long as disco is still on rv.

Edited by NEGirl
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 Jake A...MUST learn to compartmentalize and put out strength and confidence.  The lad is not crazy.  Not even close.  He just needs to figure out how to better process anxiety.

Yoga classes with Nick should help ;)

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I wonder why Scotty went out on the Cornelia Marie this season.   Did the Hillstrands see it as a way to help Josh (and Phil's memory)?  A chance for Scotty to spread his wings a little?  He and Casey seem to be running the CM.

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I just assumed that since Andy fired Scotty this was the job that Scotty found. I was surprised to see him there. I would guess that if anyone was involved in getting him on that boat besides himself and his own friends/connections, it would be the DC producers in order to keep him on camera for the possibility of drama.

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Andy and Neal fired Scotty from the TB after the incident last year. I do not know who hired Scotty - disco of course said Josh did but who knows if thats true. It was a good move though. Scotty knows what he is doing on deck.

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Jake A needs to handle his temper better. I get he's exhausted but when you are captain you will deal with various scenarios. Sig may be sitting in a warm wheelhouse but we've all seen him sweating bullets and still keeping his cool. A good caption keeps his wits under pressure.


I was going to reply that all the captains have a temper and we've seen them all blow their tops.  But thinking about it more - the examples I can come up with don't involve Sig.  Keith has lost it on camera multiple times (there's the famous fight with a DC crew member who didn't make coffee) and Wild Bill can get hot and bothered.  But if Sig has lost it to the point where he truly went off on someone I don't remember it.  Angry yes, they have to be tough to run those boats, but not out of control angry.  

I believe Jake A will get there though simple because he seems like the type who truly wants it and if it means he has to work on something even if it's something internal like anger issues or handling stress he'll do it.


Felt for Captain Jonathan.    I know the TB used to be the "Douche Bandit" but that was always more Andy to me.   Jonathan is a less control freak version of Sig.   This is a business.   Things have to get done.   We do them a certain way for a reason.    We do it right, we all get make money.   He was really upset over the dead loss.   It came out of his pocket.   But you notice the crew still came away okay.   They take care of their folks.   Like a boat owner should (hint hint Josh).


Wondering - we didn't see Jonathan fight for a better spot when he was told they had to wait to off load.  Could he have and how are these things controlled?  Could he have said "hey my crabs have been in the hold a little too long and they're gonna start dying off if you delay my offload too; can you help me out".  In most places that would fall under couldn't hurt to ask but maybe this doesn't work the same.  I'd like to see them cover some of that, maybe on the bait - how does the offload work, how do they arrange it, how do they negotiate deadlines etc.

I think the worst though was knowing that those piles of dead crab still counted against their quota, that they couldn't just turn around, go back out and make it up, that's really rough.

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Not sure but I think once they get the off load date from the processor the captains have no say as to whether it is moved up or back.

Didn't Jonathan say something about there was an issue at the processor? Maybe they couldn't take any offloads for a period of time due to some problem which pushed everyone's date back.

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Didn't Jonathan say something about there was an issue at the processor? Maybe they couldn't take any offloads for a period of time due to some problem which pushed everyone's date back.


He may have said that and I missed it - That would explain why he didn't try to get them to lessen the delay; he knew there's was nothing anyone could do.

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the TB guys gave Josh a job when he needed it.     that's enough reason for the CM guys to hire Scotty.    bonus that is experienced and seems to be good at it.



before I forget,   when Josh came down to help the deckhands, I immediately noticed he was full of energy, having some fun.   and the deckhands were tired (of course).    that just reinforced the disconnect between the deckhands and Josh.     after a few seconds, they cut to a deckhand saying they were tired and Josh wasn't.

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 felt so bad for Johnathan for all the dead crab loss. I also did not think that stupid prank by Scotty was too funny.    

Neither did I.  Seems to me the CM should have been concentrating on filling their tanks rather than playing pranks.  


I hate dead loss.  All that hard work.....


Next stop, yoga classes with Nick.  


Josh, hire a good crew and captain and get out of the chair.  You do not have the experience or the attitude that a good captain has.  


Casey said, "I don't want any of my crew members hurt."  They are not Josh's crew at all. 

Edited by gryphon
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What do they do with the dead crab?  Do they toss it back in the water for other scavengers to eat or would it be considered tainted.  When they said that once a few die they all start to die off pretty quickly, it lead me to believe it was a bacteria or something that would spread from the decomposition of the dead, to the living crab.  If that's true, then would they then have to clean out their tanks after a large die off to stop the spread to the next haul?  And if they can't go in the water, do they just throw them on land to rot?  That would smell nice.   I agree with the rest of you who think it would be nice to learn even more about the whole process. 

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I don't blame the 48 hour delay on the dead-loss - Jonathan was already 4 days over the 'normal' living time BEFORE he even headed back to dock.  Even w/out the offload delay, he can only blame himself.  Which I think he did.  I actually think that was his reaction (internally) when he got the call there would be a delay - I read that more as 'ah hell, I'm f***ed already, what's another 2 days'?

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What do they do with the dead crab?  Do they toss it back in the water for other scavengers to eat or would it be considered tainted.  When they said that once a few die they all start to die off pretty quickly, it lead me to believe it was a bacteria or something that would spread from the decomposition of the dead, to the living crab. 


There are rules about how much dead crab or the by products (such as the crab bodies left once the cooked legs are removed) can be dumped into the bay.  When you discharge organic material like that into a water body, the material tends to collect places like deep holes or in calm spots behind jetties or rocks where it decomposes and uses up the oxygen in the water, kills other organisms, and stinks to high heaven.  Usually, waste material from canneries or processing plants goes into the dump or is sent to another industry that can use it for something such as fertilizer.


When crabs die, they start to decompose quickly.  The bacteria associated with decomposition use up oxygen that the living crabs need.  Additionally, the decomposition process produces ammonia, which is toxic.  There are some other nasty things, but ammonia and reduced oxygen are the biggies.


Sorry, edited because I forgot something.  The problem with putting the crab waste to other uses is that the processors in Alaska are geographically isolated.  If you are in the mid-Atlantic and processing blue crab waste, there are companies within trucking distance who can convert it to fertilizer or farmers that might use it after some processing on fields.  Where is a crab processor on the Pribiloff Islands going to send his crab waste other than the dump?  No one is going to pay shipping costs because they can certainly get material more cheaply closes to home.

Edited by terrymct
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But if Sig has lost it to the point where he truly went off on someone I don't remember it.



There was the Matt-Bradley-eats-a-sandwich-while-sorting incident!  Damn that was scary -- Sig ran down to the deck and just glared at him, and it was far scarier than "I want the crab count and I want it NOW!"


Of course that was before Keith was physically assaulting people on camera, so we were more innocent.

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Kassa - Lol !  I would not want to be on the bad side of any of those captains-including Phil. They all have tempers, some control them better than others. Keith and Wild Bill are far above everyone else. The incident with Keith and the camera guy over the coffee and Wild Bill with Kelly last year are classics.

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you are so right about Jake and Josh behaving badly!  It was embarrassing for them.  And Scotty's prank - he should have left it at 1 flour bomb and an extra length of rope- it was just too much (as others have noted).  Or was that just his way of saying 'thanks for FIRING me?'  heh.


btw - I sometimes have the show on while doing other things- I can only vaguely recall 'why' Scotty got canned - was he was asking for some of the TB quota?  eh?  Can someone refresh my memory on 'why'?

Edited by Xena
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As for the dead crab finanical losses, I thught I heard  someone say during the program that is cost each crew member $2,000.  I didn't think Jonathan took the total loss on that.


Jake Anderson has not been a favorite for me in a long time.  He always seemed to feel entitled to get the captain chair.  Edgar should have smacked him a long time ago because he would be the next in line - not Jake.  I always believe any crew member who cusses out the Captain should not be rewarded  with sitting in the chair.  Remember Jake  thought he was qualified before to captain a ship and failed miserably with another Captain a few years ago and had to come slinking back to the Northwestern.  He certainly is quite immature.


I watched the Bait and could NOT believe how the other Captains let it go when a crew member on the CM said Josh was doing much better, etc, etc.  I wanted to gag!

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I watched the Bait and could NOT believe how the other Captains let it go when a crew member on the CM said Josh was doing much better, etc, etc.  I wanted to gag!

At first, I thought the same, then I realized something, it doesn't do anybody any good to, "call someone out" on national TV.  What good does it do?  It might make you feel good for a few seconds, but in reality it serves no one.  It's better to be happy than right.  All the other captains have to do is stay quiet and let Josh hang himself.  

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I am not a fan of The Bait, I miss the old After the Catch with Mike Rowe interviewing.  


So tired of Josh and his talk about his dad's legacy. He really is not comfortable in the captain's chair.  The CM was always a fun boat to followed when Phil was alive, now I barely pay attention when they show the CM. 


I feel bad for Jonathan that Scotty was fired.  I was actually surprised Andy fired him.  I understand him being mad at Scotty but why couldn't he just say No and chew him out or not let him work with Andy but allowing him to work with his dad during king season.  There has to be a lot more going on than that incident.  

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I feel bad for Jonathan that Scotty was fired.  I was actually surprised Andy fired him.  I understand him being mad at Scotty but why couldn't he just say No and chew him out or not let him work with Andy but allowing him to work with his dad during king season.  There has to be a lot more going on than that incident.  


I agree with what Andy did regarding Scotty.  What Scotty said was an inappropriate thing to say to the captain, and he said it at a bad time, when the TB had a shitload of repairs and Andy was stressed.  That was no time to mention quota.  I have a feeling Scotty thought Andy wouldn't fire him because he's family.   But to Andy, it was disrespectful.


I think Scotty was wrong because it put Jonathan in a bad position.  Scotty's his son, but Andy's his brother; and he and Jonathan have been tight forever.  I think Scotty put Jonathan in the middle of all that, which was wrong IMO.

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Yes, three or four years ago Andy was being pretty contemptuous of Scotty in those interviews they do between seasons, just sitting in chairs being interviewed along with Johnathan.  Andy expects anybody who "wants the boat" to live on the boat year round, as they did when they were young.  Scotty has chosen to have a wife (?) and a kid and be in their lives throughout the year.  To Andy that makes him a part time guy and not the heir to the throne.  Neil has his own kid on board and probably sides with Andy, hence Johnathan doesn't have too much to say about it.  Next generations are tricky when it comes to family businesses -- does each owner pass his share to one kid?  What if one kid wants to do the business full time, and the other just wants his checks -- who decides how that works?  


The Jake A situation is tricky because they have blurred the lines of family and business.  Which you can do if you want in a family business.  Jake has progressed from saying he feels like a part of the family to now saying that Sig considers him a son.  I don't think he would presume if Sig had not, in fact, actually told him that.  He definitely is being groomed to take over, but they're in no hurry because they're not going anywhere yet.  Edgar may technically be next in line, but he's only 6-7 years younger than Sig, his back is shot, and even if Sig stopped today and Edgar were completely healthy, they would want somebody in the seat 5 years from now and it might as well be somebody in their "family" circle that they personally trained in the way they want things done going forward for their children's generations.  Not thinking that Mandy or Edgar's oldest will end up fishing, so they will want somebody they and the other cousins can work with and respect and not just different hired captains.

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before I forget,.........


I liked seeing the deckhand light his cigarette with a torch.  and later say "serenity now".    :)





Jake Anderson has not been a favorite for me in a long time.  He always seemed to feel entitled to get the captain chair.  Edgar should have smacked him a long time ago because he would be the next in line - not Jake.



that seemed to start when he got his captain's license.   as if that was all that was needed to get a captain's job.

maybe he thought Edgar was a permanent deck boss, since he had stayed in that spot for so long.


it's unclear to me if talk of getting a boat means a JOB as a boat captain, or PART OWNER of a boat, which you can be a captain on.     I see no reason anyone would give Jake boat owner equity just because he is an employee with a captain's license.


seems like he would need several years of relief captain experience before anyone would even think of hiring him as a captain (employee).

Edited by clod
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When I started watching, Jake was there on board as a young man. He was immature,but,was learning from some of the best fishermen in the business as well as his dad and his crew. He was learning(the hardway) about the job,the sea, and life &how to deal with people like a man,like a human being & Phil gave him nothing before earning except "perfect fatherly/captainly advice".

I remember Josh coming up in canvo &you could litterally see sadness or something in Phils eyes. The relatipnship was obviously strained.

I get the feeling there is a serious "entitlent" issue with both sons.

don't get me wrong no better feeling for a father is a son that wants to follow in his footsteps, unless as in my case, I want my son to do something better ,something more, and believe me my son is a better man.

I read how phil was so proud so happy to have his sons with him fishing that he paid them equal shares even though neither one obviously was experienced as his regular crew.

Josh was always referred to as not wanting to have anything to do with Phil or fishing, then suddenly he appeared on board and Jake didn't seem to be to welcoming.

Josh was referred to as having problems ,personal demons, things like that.

I thought Jake being on board with his father was the best situation for him. I'd see Jake throw a temper tantrum or get pissed off about something and Phil would put him right down in his place as a father should. Phil would explain to him that he could not talk two grown men like they are equals to him as he is a child or young man and she has to respect his elders and has to respect their experience and has to respect the boat in the ship in the sea.

Jake wanted that captain's chair right now Phil told him ,as he did with everything ,"you must earn it".

as far as there" demons" go- let's call addiction addiction. most people involved with addiction recovery know that you don't just suddenly get cured and see the light and it's over. recovery is an ongoing issue it's the rest of your life. if you don't come to grips with that and accept it then you are in trouble usually sooner than later. there's a lot of arrogance that comes with recovery especially in the beginning for a lot of people. a lot of people get this I'm better than you attitude and they start criticizing everyone and everything around them.

that comes from being in feeling and knowing you have been so low for so long all the sudden you have this glory feeling this wonderful feeling this feeling of self pride self accomplishment of really being somebody again. they take some of us a while to realize that that is our feeling about her so it's not something we're supposed to push off and everybody else. those of us who have been in recovery for years as I have 20 years or more ,(and I've had my issues everybody relapses it's a part of the process) know that we have to temper a red vise we have to control our emotions and we have to keep our eyes and ears open and mouth shut until it is time to speak, most most of the time its when somebody asks us. I pray for Jake and I wish Jake the best and I hope he does succeed and I hope he does realize what he's giving up what he needs to do and what he could have. Phil started his legacy way before you even thought about his kids fishing I'm sure but what a legacy he's left them. there stars one of them to Captain one has a captains license maybe they both should be captains of their own boats. but all the articles I read are all speaking the truth neither one of them has or will earn the respect of their crew or the other captains until they pay their dues and they have not even begun. I know a fake when I see one I read people pretty well on face value, I don't know everything nor am i arrogant, I've just been up and down the block and I've seen all kinds. Norma fisherman everybody in my family is my friends are I know what it's about but not me.

I respect those men I respect that see I would listen I would shut my mouth open my ears and I would say one damn word until somebody told me " you are ready".

I haven't heard one captain on that show in all these years say to or about Jake or Josh"you/they are ready".

that's all I'm saying.

I'll tell you what I have a lot of respect for those captains I can't remember all their names but I definitely no sigS name if cig or any one of those captains even one of them said one of those boys are ready I would believe that I would listen even if the others said they thought they weren't.

but to a man no one has said those words.


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I should have read that before I posted it.

I used my voice to text in oh my god, do I ever sound like an idiot.

sorry, I really did mean well.

I really wish I would have read that posting before I posted it.

I used my voice to text, and it really does hear what it wants to hear.

I apologize I really am not an idiot. I really did mean well I -had a thought on the subject that I thought might have been worth mentioning.

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