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Best Movie Fight Scenes: Ass-Kicking 101

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 What are your Favorite Movie Fight scenes? Some of mine happened in the Kill Bill movies, the first was The Bride Vs. the Crazy 88s, then Go-Go Yubari and finally O-Ren Ishii, the second was Beatrix vs. Elle in Bud's trailer, the latter of which was brilliant in all its crotch-kneeing, snuff-tossing, eye-gouging glory.

Chat about your Best Movie brawls here-but be civilized.

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Without question, it's the final duel in Rob Roy:


Reasons that I love it:

  • The weapon choice (and how it factors into the outcome): humble, hulking farmer Neeson takes the broad sword while evil fop Roth takes the rapier
  • The choreography: unlike most cinema sword fights, they don't frantically run around the set, crossing blades as often as possible. They choose their movements carefully.
  • They get tired very quickly. Most films let there swordsman have the stamina of superheroes.
  • The villain is a far superior sword-fighter than the hero, but they find a way to the narratively necessary outcome that doesn't feel like a cheat.
  • The way Neeson wins the duel is more badass than anything he's done in his action films.
Edited by alynch
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The Raid Redemption's fight scenes are amazing. The one in the hallway with the machetes and the broken door.

I wasn't a huge fan of all of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon's stylized fighting, but the fight between Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi is the bees knees. The top down shots of Michelle using different weapons in particular are impressive. My favorite is the spear sequence.

Dolleyes, the Kill Bill fights are great, but you left out the fight between Vivica A. Fox and Uma Thurman. It's short, but really well done.

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I will probably revisit this thread but off the top of my head:
Old Boy Axe Fight!
Kung Fu Hustle (can't think of a specific fight since it has been years since I watched this but I heartily enjoyed some of the Looney Toons-esqe fight scenes.
Roadhouse - Dalton tears that guy's throat out - not the best fight but THE SWAYZ RIPS A DUDE'S THROAT OUT WITH HIS BARE HANDS!)
Anchorman News Crew Fight (the original).
X-Men: Muppet Babies - Magneto kills those Nazis in a bar.



Without question, it's the final duel in Rob Roy:

I just saw this movie last year and highly enjoyed it. I was thinking that it was like a lesser Braveheart but it was so much better than that overhyped Mel Gibson mess.

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River Tam walks into a bar....

Love that scene so very much, and it shows just what you can achieve if you give a prima ballerina fight choreography to learn.

Going back a few years, the T800 and the T1000 facing off in Terminator 2. Just the sheer weight of their grappling, smashing through walls and lumbering awkwardly together. That's how I imagine robots would fight. There's nothing spectacular or complicated, but it feels real.

And for goofy fun, Leeloo beating up a bunch of Mangalores, to the accompaniment of the squid opera singer, in The Fifth Element.

As people might be able to tell from these choices, I'm not a particularly big fan of fight scenes in movies. I prefer fun to realism. I do make exceptions for the stark brutality of the fight scenes in the Bourne movies, though.

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Gina Carano beating the shit out of Michael Fassbender in Haywire was absolutely fantastic and the best fight scene in that movie for me.  Bonus points for her doing it while wearing a dress.  (The final fight between her and Ewan MacGregor on the other hand was perhaps less impressive, both because of the sand and unstable footing and perhaps because he was less game for the stunt fighting.)

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Gina Carano beating the shit out of Michael Fassbender in Haywire was absolutely fantastic and the best fight scene in that movie for me.  Bonus points for her doing it while wearing a dress.  (The final fight between her and Ewan MacGregor on the other hand was perhaps less impressive, both because of the sand and unstable footing and perhaps because he was less game for the stunt fighting.)

This. Yes. That movie was overall forgettable, but that scene was great. Apparently, Carano was supposed to miss him when she threw the vase at him, but she got so into it, she smashed it against his head. Awesome.


I am very gratified to see Raid: Redemption and Banlieue 13 (District 13) mentioned. I was going to be upset if those hadn't already been cited.

Just re-watched the Raid in anticipation of the sequel coming out this weekend. Still kicks so much ass, it's ridiculous. It's hard to pick a favourite scene, so I won't. ;)

I think the market is just so oversaturated with CGI/green-screen that whenever you see actual fights with real people, just involving choreography and a bit of wire work, we lose our collective minds at the awesomeness.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Yeah...somehow I could have gone a lifetime without knowing the type of damage both ends of a hammer can do to human flesh.

I did giggle though at the regular folks in the subway who had the good sense to get the hell outta Dodge.

I was impressed that Beso (or whatever the heck sunglasses-and-a-cane dude was called) had her in his entourage. Nice to know that he didn't give a crap about physical impairments. If you can happily kill someone on my orders, you're in the club! :)

Edited by NoWillToResist

The ending fight scene from "The Wanderers".  Throughout the movie, the various gangs have been fighting against each other, but the white and the black gangs decide to settle things on the football field, while the Asian gang watches.  But there was another gang, the Ducky Boys, made up of a lot of little guys, who fought viciously.  This is the result.


This movie is very unusual.  It's not just a gang movie, there is a lot of mysticism and strangeness involved.



Edited by Rick Kitchen

There is a scene in Ip Man, where there is a big fight and the main dude just...I don't know even how to best describe it. He just...jabs the crap out of the other guy, pummeling him to, and practically into, the floor so fucking fast that you'd think the film had been sped up. I remember the first time I saw it, I had to rewind it over and over because my brain just could not process that much awesome in so few seconds.


Holy crap, I found the clip!! It's at the 1:28 min mark but honestly, just treat yourself and watch the whole thing. It's only 2:13 in total. :)

Edited by NoWillToResist

 Another great fight scene was from The Matrix Reloaded, when Neo fought a whole army of Mr. Smiths. The moment when Neo used one to knock the others down like bowling pins was hilarious.

Upon first watch I thought that was a cool scene, but the CGI has really not stood the test of time. After seeing it more recently, I think it might be one of the worst looking fights in the series. Unlike the CGI fight in The Matrix Revolutions, it's brightly lit so the computer generated aspect of it is even more obvious. Additionally, it serves no purpose. Neo doesn't defeat any Smiths and the Smiths don't make any progress with taking down Neo. He should have just flown away from the get go. Lastly, I thought it was bit too silly to include a bowling pin noise when he knocks down the Smiths.

There is a scene in Ip Man, where there is a big fight and the main dude just...I don't know even how to best describe it. He just...jabs the crap out of the other guy, pummeling him to, and practically into, the floor so fucking fast that you'd think the film had been sped up. I remember the first time I saw it, I had to rewind it over and over because my brain just could not process that much awesome in so few seconds.


Pretty much ALL of Ip Man is just one amazing fight scene after another. It's one of my favorite action films.

There is a scene in Ip Man, where there is a big fight and the main dude just...I don't know even how to best describe it. He just...jabs the crap out of the other guy, pummeling him to, and practically into, the floor so fucking fast that you'd think the film had been sped up.

I can't say for sure, but I think it is common to "undercrank" fight footage so it's filmed at 22fps, say, such that when it's played back at 24 fps, it's just a bit faster.

A bunch of my favorites were listed here already, so I'll just go with Drunken Master 2, particularly the tea house scene and the final fight.

Tony Jaa in The Protector was also great.


Tony Jaa in The Protector was also great.


Was that the one where there is, like, a ten minute fight scene where all he's doing is knocking to the ground one guy after another and snapping a leg here and an arm there or a back over yonder? It's just a constant chorus of *snap*, *crunch*, *snap*, *crunch*. My husband and I got the giggles. To this day, every time we see an overlong or over-the-top fight scene, we whisper "snap, crunch, snap" to each other...  :)


There's an approximately four minute long single take where he fights his way up a tower with an internal courtyard, and that's pretty badass, but I was thinking of the flooded room on fire where he takes on three masters in succession.


Oh, there have been some great fight scenes with Tony Jaa, for sure. I remember the first time I saw him leap through the air and slam himself, knees first, into his opponent. I was all "...um...people can do that? Awesome!" :)


End of discussion, I'm afraid. This is, without doubt, the best fight scene ever committed to celluloid:


Oh. My. God. I didn't even get to watch it with sound and I can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard. I don't even know where to start. Cutting back and forth between the death-stare between main dude and his opponents forever? The slo-mo hero walk inter-cut with the opponents having car trouble (for a LONG time)? The hero running in slo-mo? The physics/logic/gravity defying movements? The constant slowing down of every 'attack'? Man...that was awesomely, awfully, hilarious. Bless you for sharing it with us. :D

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Oh. My. God. I didn't even get to watch it with sound and I can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard. I don't even know where to start. Cutting back and forth between the death-stare between main dude and his opponents forever? The slo-mo hero walk inter-cut with the opponents having car trouble (for a LONG time)? The hero running in slo-mo? The physics/logic/gravity defying movements? The constant slowing down of every 'attack'? Man...that was awesomely, awfully, hilarious. Bless you for sharing it with us. :D


Oh, you need to watch it with the sound on, just to hear the epic music and sound effects. My favourite bit has to be when he runs alongside that guy and then delivers the most devastating bitchslap I've ever seen. This dude really is the manliest of men.

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Oh, you need to watch it with the sound on, just to hear the epic music and sound effects.


Oh, did I not make it clear that I will re-watch the shit out of that? Because I totally will. I plan on showing that to others as well.



My favourite bit has to be when he runs alongside that guy and then delivers the most devastating bitchslap I've ever seen.


I saw the arm pull back, and I honestly said out loud "it looks like he's winding up for a slap, not a punch". And then, yes, the manliest bitch-slap ever. I howled in delight. :)



This dude really is the manliest of men.


I got the giggles when they focused on him walking (then running) towards his opponents and in one of the shots, his chest is suddenly glistening with sweat. No sweat marks on his clothes, mind you, just the visible skin. Hee!


And sarcastic kudos to the art/prop department for making the most ridiculous light stand ever. It doesn't match the others in height, style or base, making it glaringly obvious that it's a fake stuck there so that the hero can rip it out with his bare hands.


(though I'll give bonus points for even pulling such a ridiculous stunt in the first place)

Edited by NoWillToResist

That scene is amazing for all the reasons you guys pointed out, but it just doesn't have that much martial arts in it. The guy is too awesome to use more than bitch slaps and his own belt (that was hilarious). Check out this for the best martial arts ever captured on camera:



Bonus points for the female character's riveting lines.

Edited by Crim
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