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S32: Spoilers

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The alleged final 5 is Julia, Michele, Neal, Scot, and Jason.


ETA: Oops, didn't see your post LanceM.  It's still super early, so I'm sure once the merge happens next week, we are going to see more of the likes of Michele, Julia, and anyone else that hasn't gotten much screen time thus far.  The beauty tribe hadn't even lost a TC, so there hadn't been any reason to focus on them.  Have to say, that's kind of a lousy final 5, and final 7 if it is true that Cydney and Aubry make it.  I'm still hopeful that the season picks up at the merge point.  Of course, it could have a crappy second half in addition to a crappy first half.  That's kind of what I'm expecting.

Edited by LadyChatts

cydney's lack of social media presence is very interesting. I wondr if she's staying away becuase she wins? but none of her castmates are talkng about her on twitter or anywhere.


The widespread speculation is that Nick goes next, then Debbie postmerge prejury, followed by Peter, Aubrey, Cydney, Neal, Julia, with final 3 being Michele, Scot and Jason. Tai and Joe get medavaced at some point in early jury. I just don't know if it's a final 2 or a final 3, so I can't predict which combination of Michele scot and jason are final 2. but I'm still finding it extremely difficult to believe that Michele will win. if she does, she'll go down in history as the most under-edited winner, even more under-edited than natalie white. Unless Natalie was also completely invisible in the first five episodes?

I'm worried we'll have a six person jury and a final two if Joe AND Tai have to be hospitalized for an extended period or flown home. Because then our jury will be Peter, Aubrey, Cydney, Neal, Julia, and either Scot or Michele? It doesnt make any sense. I'm hoping that either Tai or Joe just get IV antibiotics at ponderosa and can be part of the jury. Time will tell...

cydney's lack of social media presence is very interesting. I wondr if she's staying away becuase she wins? but none of her castmates are talkng about her on twitter or anywhere.


The widespread speculation is that Nick goes next, then Debbie postmerge prejury, followed by Peter, Aubrey, Cydney, Neal, Julia, with final 3 being Michele, Scot and Jason. Tai and Joe get medavaced at some point in early jury. I just don't know if it's a final 2 or a final 3, so I can't predict which combination of Michele scot and jason are final 2. but I'm still finding it extremely difficult to believe that Michele will win. if she does, she'll go down in history as the most under-edited winner, even more under-edited than natalie white. Unless Natalie was also completely invisible in the first five episodes?


Can I ask what leads to the speculation that Nick goes home next?  I'd be thrilled, don't get me wrong.  Him or Peter, I'm not picky.  I believe it is going to be a final 2, although I don't get why TPTB had someone voted out the same ep Caleb was medievaced.  One person was going home that night anyway, why not have just let it be him?  Then they could have just done the traditional final 3.  I know they've done that in previous seasons as well, and I didn't get it there, either.  


Of course, that's mainly because Alecia was my best hope at getting Scot and Bounty out.  Not only has it been a crappy season thus far, but even the Ponderosa vids this year look to be dull.  I do hope, if Peter makes the merge and gets on the jury, that he gets blindsided and whines the whole time.   

The only reason why Nick might go next is bc he's been completely invisible this season. Peter got a much bigger edit, so I believe he'll go a tad further than Nick. But we don't know for sure. I think Peter is also tighter with the jury-bound cast on twitter, so he was probably not on the pre-jury trip. I guess we'll know five minutes into tomorrow's episode, based on who's getting a lot of confessionals lol.


Side note: Neal's one-sided war with Niche's douchiness on twitter is downright hilarious.

Since tomorrow is something that has never happened at TC (or rarely happened), I'd love it even more if Nick got voted off and that ended up tying into his boot.  I don't know if lack of screen time means Nick goes; if anything, I'd think that might mean he lasts longer to get a story line.  But if Peter went, I'd be okay.  Or Scot, or Bounty, but I know that isn't happening.


Nick's tweets are hilarious on their own simply because of what an idiot he is.  I'm still trying to figure out if this guy believes what he says, or if he is just really, really bad at acting like he's in on the joke that is him.  I don't like Neal on the show, but he does have some good comments aimed at other castaways (past and present) on his feed.

Cyndy did open a Twitter account towards the beginning of Survivor but then never tweeted after her initial tweets.  That makes me wonder if the rumors of a fight with Julia?  Michelle?  was sort of ugly and she both ended up on the outside of the whole Survivor clique thing and doesn't want to deal with any backlash on sm.  May mean nothing but seems sort of ominous. 


3 of us for Debbie!  I would love it for Debbie to go far.  And I really want her on the jury.  If the jury is going to end up tiny because of post merge/jury boots - why not bring back the latest boots to beef up the jury?  Is there a rule?  It would seem lame to have a small jury/ponderosa. 

  • Love 1

Cyndy did open a Twitter account towards the beginning of Survivor but then never tweeted after her initial tweets.  That makes me wonder if the rumors of a fight with Julia?  Michelle?  was sort of ugly and she both ended up on the outside of the whole Survivor clique thing and doesn't want to deal with any backlash on sm.  May mean nothing but seems sort of ominous. 

I wouldn't automatically read that much into it. These days, a lot of folks will open accounts on the popular SM platforms with no intention of actually posting on them, but simply to lock up their names/commonly used handles/nicknames. Keeps someone else from coming along and creating an account/issuing faux posts using the "celebrity"'s name.

If they follow the recent pattern of a nine person jury and a final three than whoever gets voted out tonight will become the first juror. As far as the vote tonight I do believe it is going to be a Brain regardless of which tribe loses. If it is Gondol than Peter goes probably because he tries to make a move to vote out Joe and it backfires.  If it is Chan Loh than Debbie goes because Jason and Cydeny decide to vote with Michele and Nick. If I am wrong and it is nota  Brain going tonight than my money would be on Nick getting the boot.


I wouldn't read too much into Cydney's lack of social media presence. Some people are just not into that sort of thing.

The speculated final 5 was Julia, Michele, Jason, Scot and Neal.  I am not sure I buy that as I think Cydney and Aubry are definitely in the mix as well. However it shakes I do believe that this could be a final 7.  We will see what happens tonight but I would be surprised if any of these seven are voted out.


As far as Michele goes. you are correct that nobody knows her, However there are 9 episodes left in this season and there is plenty of time for her to develop. We already started seeing this last episode where she got I believe 3 confessionals. We will have to see how her edit continues.


That final five would only be acceptable if Julia and Michele are decent human beings (or edited to appear as such). I can't imagine people I actually like aligning with Scot or Kyle, though, so I'm not holding out much hope. Neal is also an asshole, so he doesn't fill me with hope, either. I'm getting the feeling that this season of Survivor may go the way of this season's Project Runway All Stars, meaning off my television.


As for edits, I don't remember people knowing much about Kim in her season, either, especially early on. They were too busy focusing on Colton and the whole "women are useless" theme. Vecepia didn't get much attention until the Important Men were all gone. Natalie has already been mentioned. If the winner is a woman, the low key edit happens a lot.

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This is a little off-topic, but I opened a Twitter account because everyone seems to get such interesting content there, like breaking news, and following celebrities etc.  But I have to confess, I don't find it to be very user friendly, and with all the "@"s and "#"s a lot of posts are nearly unreadable.  I find my news feed on Facebook to be a lot easier to work with and read.


Maybe Cydney found Twitter to be as incomprehensible as I did, and has shied away because of that!  :)

  • Love 3

Looking at the spoilers, I'm seeing how the final 5/7 could shape up. I think Tai and Joe being medevaced will put a damper on some boots, as well as that stupid idol coming into play. I have a feeling Michele is going to manipulate the hell out of the men and that could lead to her winning. Nick, I have to think a blindside is coming his way.

The funniest thing would be if Neal has a hand in sending Debbie packing, since she thought she was such a mastermind getting rid of Liz...who, along with Peter, had no intention of getting rid of her or Joe at the time. Aubry has already shown Joe that she will risk their game by getting rid of numbers and leaving him hanging out to dry. She’s damn lucky the merge is next week, since the old dude, the tiny guy and she are not beating the other tribe, Scot included or not.

Edited by azshadowwalker

So based on F5 spoilers and a Michelle win - who will be pairing up with who after the merge to get us there?


We have 4 beauties (Nick, Tai, Michele, and Julia); 3 Brawns (Cyndy, Kyle, and Scott); and 4 brains. (Debbie, Aubry, Joe, and Neal)


Does Cyndy pull Debbie into Kyle and Scott? Do they bring in Tai?

Or does Debbie try to pull in Nick with...IDK she doesn't seem that tight with other brains?  Somehow I think Nick might  be her downfall which will make

me very sad. 

Neal didn't get any screen time last night?  I have no idea where he fits in.

Julia and Michelle yes, who do they pull in?

Will Joe not trust Aubry?  I don't see him striking out on his own with whole new relationships?  Maybe try to work with Neal?

I don't know, but who else leaned forward after that block hit Joe in the head and thought, aha, here it comes...  and then it turned out to be nothing. Joe's all, eh, I have a hard head. Lol


It's weird watching this season with these spoilers/not spoilers/speculation/whatever they are. After being complacent throughout the episode, I actually had a brief moment of doubt towards the end that Julia might actually be going home after all, and was prepared to have my mind blown. I had trouble following all the whispers and back-and-forth at tribal council. Then showed Aubry staring at her vote for an eternity, and I knew she was going to change it.


Speaking of which, that's the thing Probst was teasing has never "or rarely" happened before at TC, right?  I have to say I don't recall seeing that before either.


Jeff's teaser for next week:


Okay, Hostmaster General, deliver us a juicy tease for next week’s episode.
Next week is a big episode.  A lot goes down, strategies are refined, and more is revealed about just how tough this season is on every single player.



Ep. 7 is simply titled "It's Merge Time".  Ep 8: "The Jocks vs the Pretty People"

It's probably tai's infected leg, but that doesnt mean he gets pulled now. If you recall, there's a scene in the season preview of this very medic touching someone's very infected leg and telling them it'll be fatal. I think if the medavac would happen next week, they'd hype it up big time in the preview. I think the medic will come check the wound next week, and tai ends up leaving in episode after the next one.

It's probably tai's infected leg, but that doesnt mean he gets pulled now. If you recall, there's a scene in the season preview of this very medic touching someone's very infected leg and telling them it'll be fatal. I think if the medavac would happen next week, they'd hype it up big time in the preview. I think the medic will come check the wound next week, and tai ends up leaving in episode after the next one.


Not if the ep ends in the medevac and there is no TC.

Based on all this and unless I've missed something, my guess is Beauty and Brawn come together long enough to whittle down the rest - Debbie probably goes and then Joe is medevac'd - and once Michele/Julia/Jason/Scot are solid, Tai is medevac'd. They steamroll the rest of the game, Jason/Scot stab Cydney in the back (losing her jury vote) and go to the end with Michele, who gets the votes of all female jurors (girl power has been a pretty strong theme this season), which would be a majority.


Might make for a somewhat boring and predictable post-merge, but should be a satisfying finish. Michele winning is a foregone conclusion for me at this point. A female who doesn't attend tribal and is objectively irrelevant pre-merge would almost definitely be completely ignored by the edit unless she's a cartoon character (which Michele is not) or a winner. We would not be seeing her thought process like this if she fell short.

comparing joe of Tocantins to Tai???

The week before Tai goes out, i can assure you, Jeff will say, "an infection leads to devastation to the tribe", followed by that clip of the doctor saying it can be fatal. It's Tai!!! he won't go out with a whimper.

I predict it'll be the episode after next.

Someone in MESS on survivor sucks has a theory that the infection destroying in a matter of hours fatal whatever comment doesn't match Thai's thigh. He actually says it to another survivor and they just show the thigh to make you think it happened at the same time. This sounds plausible, but the night med evac shows us a different doctor pulling someone. Only other thing would be whoever this is decides to not get pulled right away and later gets pulled at night, but i can't think the survivor doctor would leave after calling something fatal.

Haha. but the show has hyped him up greatly, so i'm pretty sure they'd give him a bigger sendoff. anyway, here's a teaser that Jeff wrote in ew.com, and there's no word about a medavac, only about "a reminder how hard conditions are out there". Which to mean only means a visit from the medical team, not a medavac.




"Next week is a big episode.  A lot goes down, strategies are refined, and more is revealed about just how tough this season is on every single player."

Someone in MESS on survivor sucks has a theory that the infection destroying in a matter of hours fatal whatever comment doesn't match Thai's thigh. He actually says it to another survivor and they just show the thigh to make you think it happened at the same time. This sounds plausible, but the night med evac shows us a different doctor pulling someone. Only other thing would be whoever this is decides to not get pulled right away and later gets pulled at night, but i can't think the survivor doctor would leave after calling something fatal.



I think the black doc is there bc Dr Joe was probably accompanying Peter to the hospital for his infection during this period. I doubt he will be able to make it back by that night.

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