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Life In Pieces - General Discussion

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Sarahsmile416- very sorry for your loss.


I've missed this show! You really just never know what to expect. Heather's story with the teen marriage was meh, and I love Nick Offerman and Megan Mulally but their bit didn't do it for me. Both that one and the Greg/roommate story felt like place holders to set up for what will go on with them this season. Tyler is probably my least favorite character, so I would have been happy for him and Clementine to strike out on their own somewhere and we could just hear about them every now and then.  Oh, well. Pop pop's erection story was silly but Greg, Matt and Heather's exchange in the hallway was great. The miscarriage story was...perfection. Jen and Greg's stories are usually my favorites, and this was just done so right. Having been through a similar loss myself, it really moved me and made me want to be part of their crazy family. 

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Are private garages really used as polling places?

I guess Dougie moved out, even though she won the wrestling match.

I hope Matt doesn't sit right outside the bathroom door while Colleen is inside. Go wait in the living room and leave some mystery in the relationship. I did think she was experiencing appendicitis, though. No way the ER nurse would have sent her home without at least a cursory exam. Too risky.

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God, Greg is such a dork. I love it. 

It will be interesting to see if they follow through with Heather continuing to work in Tim's office. They tend to just drop things from episode to episode - like ItCouldBeWorse pointed out, it looks like Dougie moved out and there was no reference to it. 

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That last segment really irritated me. Colleen is supposed to be in her thirties, right? She hasn't been pooping at all, because she wants to hide her pooping from her fiancé? What the hell?

I could understand if they had just started dating, and she was refraining from pooping when she spent the night at his place. But she knows him way too well for this, and it's not in any way consistent with the character we've gotten to know - who is a grown-ass adult.

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The "I can't poop in front of my girlfriend/boyfriend" is a well-worn plot point from rom coms immemorial. 

What kind of a doctor is Tim supposed to be, and how can he prescribe weed for his mother in law? Isn't he some kind of ear, nose and throat specialist? I know he operated on John to remove nose polyps or something like that. I can't think of how he'd be able to prescribe marijuana within the confines of his practice.

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4 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I could understand if they had just started dating, and she was refraining from pooping when she spent the night at his place. But she knows him way too well for this, and it's not in any way consistent with the character we've gotten to know - who is a grown-ass adult.

I guess when they were living together in Matt's parents' garage, it was no big deal to defecate in his parents' bathroom?

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I think they showed the segments is a different order than they originally planned.  During the first segment, someone asked Tim about his weekend and he mentioned something about getting high with his mother-in-law, which made no sense to me.  Then, the second segment had him prescribing her weed.  The timeline was off.

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17 hours ago, possibilities said:

Does anyone know if there is anywhere else besides CBS.com to stream this show? The CBS player gives me sound and no picture, and it's really annoying. Hulu doesn't have it; I already checked there.

Have you tried a different browser? Sometimes that works.

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5 minutes ago, MaryMitch said:

Have you tried a different browser? Sometimes that works.

I hadn't thought to try that-- thanks. I guess I have to download something other than Firefox to test it. I think I got rid of my old IE. Hmmmmn....

6 hours ago, needschocolate said:

I think they showed the segments is a different order than they originally planned.  During the first segment, someone asked Tim about his weekend and he mentioned something about getting high with his mother-in-law, which made no sense to me.  Then, the second segment had him prescribing her weed.

I noticed that, too. Confusing, but also tantalizing-- I wondered at first if it was a throwaway line, to give us all an imagination burst, or it it was going to be a plot point later.

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18 hours ago, iMonrey said:

This was a nice tribute to the late, great Ann Morgan Guilbert. Rest in peace Millie Helper!

So - that whole thing with turning her into a diamond - is that a real thing?


5 hours ago, possibilities said:

As funny as everyone's reactions were, I'd wear it no problem. 

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21 minutes ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:


As funny as everyone's reactions were, I'd wear it no problem. 

I understand the "ick" reaction. I think I could wear the stone on a ring or a pin, but for some reason I would draw the line at wearing it on a necklace.

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I'd be more likely to wear it as a necklace, I think.  It was a lovely piece, in the end.

I liked this episode much better than the last one.  The eyebrow thing had me laughing out loud.  Does he still have the tattoo that says "Heater"?  It's too bad no one calls her that any more. 

How did Joan and John finally get out of the Home?  (5:30!  Time for bed!)

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And I don't know of any retirement homes where they prevent residents from leaving. It's not prison. If someone is seriously medicated and they try to wander off, yeah I can see an orderly trying to steer them back to their room, but clearly John wasn't incapacitated or too old to fend for himself.

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It seemed like a nursing home more than a "retirement community"-- possibly a place that specializes in people with some degree of dementia, based on the locked doors and staff assumption of residents being confused or delusional. Kind of a "locked ward" situation.

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I remain convinced that James Brolin's character is the weakest part of the show.

I'm not afraid of flying, but I have other phobias. And I felt so terrible for that little girl when that jackass took her up in a rickety little plane without her permission.

 I'm not sure if he's supposed to be a bit senile or just clueless, but either way I'd never let any of the kids near him alone.

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I loathe both the parents' characters.  They are downright assholes more times than they are not and they get away with it because they are "daffy".  She still practices and he still has his pilots license.  So while it could just be poor cobbled logic by the writers, it seems to me these are just ongoing traits they have always had.  But other than the character of Matt, I could lose all the adult male characters.  I'm not impressed with either Hanks or Bakkedahl as actors and they are always hobbled with the writers simply making them outright stupid too much for me to find them interesting let alone the 'wacky' highjinks they engage in. 

Please tell me that no Dougie means they have used up that horrible character and will never return.


Does the older daughter of the Dr and wife just seem to disappear as if she doesn't exist this season?  Is the actress on another project?

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2 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

Does the older daughter of the Dr and wife just seem to disappear as if she doesn't exist this season?  Is the actress on another project?

Wasn't she in the failed baby shower episode?  It was noticeable that she wasn't at Lark's birthday party.  There should have been a mention as to why she wasn't there - after all, it was a last minute invitation.

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I think she has been on a couple of times, but she is also completely missing from other scenes that have the rest of the family. With no explanation or even anyone recognizing she is not there.  I mean if the two horny newly married teens can make the events, I'd think the daughter could.  I was assuming that the actress was unavailable for some reason but the lack of mention is what I find the oddest part of her absence.  A throwaway line of being with her friends hardly seems difficult to include.

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I loved Sophia's book report on Amelia Earhart and how she wound up in a volcano, her face frozen in horror like those poor people in Pompei. I also liked the "Weekend at Bernie's technology" that Greg was so excited to "finally" use. I was also glad to see that the story with Heather working in Tim's office carried through to this episode. I was wondering if they'd follow up on that or just drop it.

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6 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

I loathe both the parents' characters.  They are downright assholes more times than they are not and they get away with it because they are "daffy".  She still practices and he still has his pilots license.  So while it could just be poor cobbled logic by the writers, it seems to me these are just ongoing traits they have always had.  But other than the character of Matt, I could lose all the adult male characters.  I'm not impressed with either Hanks or Bakkedahl as actors and they are always hobbled with the writers simply making them outright stupid too much for me to find them interesting let alone the 'wacky' highjinks they engage in. 

Please tell me that no Dougie means they have used up that horrible character and will never return.


Does the older daughter of the Dr and wife just seem to disappear as if she doesn't exist this season?  Is the actress on another project?

Really?  I don't like Matt at all, and don't love Colleen, but I think Tim and Greg are hilarious.  Greg's obsession with finding the right filter for his phone photos was so real.  As was Jen's "No. Just no.".   

The little girl is brilliant, IMO.  She acts circles around James Brolin.    It did crack me up when the Diane Weist character asked her husband how it came about that he asked the stripper what she did for money on the side, haha.

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12 hours ago, h8omb said:

My enjoyment of this show is distributed as follows: 80% Greg and Jen; 19% Matt and Colleen; 1% the ever-present Mai Tai in James Brolin's character's hand.

I'm 70% Tim and his kids, 30% Matt, Greg and James Brolin. Now that I'm spelling it out, it's really the women who don't do it for me.....

Are they going to keep Russell Peters as Tim's co-worker? That's awesome if you ask me! 

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This was definitely one of the weaker episodes. I am not entirely sure what's going on with the characterization of Colleen, but I am just not enjoying her lately. This last episode bothered me more than most and I found myself counting the minutes until their storyline was over.

Maybe it's just me and my uber-knowledge about pregnancy tests but it really bugged me that she started going on about how "everyone knows you don't buy pregnancy tests at the dollar store" - uhh, honey, pregnancy tests are pregnancy tests, just because you get them at a dollar store does not make them inaccurate. In fact, I know a lot of people (including myself) who prefer to use dollar store pregnancy test because their sensitivity is high and you can get a result a lot earlier than you can, say, with the digital one they used a few minutes later. 

There was that and the whole idea that this enmeshed family would not be aware of Lark's first birthday. You expect me to believe that this same family who seems to be aware of everything that is going on with everyone doesn't know that it's their son's/brother's daughter's first birthday?? Yeah, okay. 

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On 11/19/2016 at 9:55 AM, BookWitch said:

The baby of the family doesn't get a birthday party? Everyone wouldn't know ahead of time? Hmm

I think Greg and Jen said they wanted to keep it private?  And then Jen winced when deciding that Greg's family should be invited?  I think they are a little much for her sometimes.

On 11/18/2016 at 9:55 PM, h8omb said:

My enjoyment of this show is distributed as follows: 80% Greg and Jen; 19% Matt and Colleen; 1% the ever-present Mai Tai in James Brolin's character's hand.

I think the combo of Greg and Jen are hysterical.  It's all in Jen's understated, snarky delivery.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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9 hours ago, Sarahsmile416 said:

Maybe it's just me and my uber-knowledge about pregnancy tests but it really bugged me that she started going on about how "everyone knows you don't buy pregnancy tests at the dollar store" - uhh, honey, pregnancy tests are pregnancy tests, just because you get them at a dollar store does not make them inaccurate. In fact, I know a lot of people (including myself) who prefer to use dollar store pregnancy test because their sensitivity is high and you can get a result a lot earlier than you can, say, with the digital one they used a few minutes later. 

Wait, they actually sell pregnancy tests at dollar stores? I'm assuming that in real life, they don't actually cost a dollar.

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3 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Wait, they actually sell pregnancy tests at dollar stores? I'm assuming that in real life, they don't actually cost a dollar.

Actually they do...they are roughly three for a dollar...but as I said, most people prefer to use dollar store pregnancy tests at this point for various reasons lol.

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Ah, Cary Elwes!  Love him!  I liked all the bits for this episode, too. 

I'm still laughing about the dinner one -- "So if we love pets, you could call us pet-ophiles, right?"  "I don't think we'll call you that."  45 minutes!  Too funny.

The lesbian bar story was my second fave.

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On 11/18/2016 at 7:55 PM, h8omb said:

My enjoyment of this show is distributed as follows: 80% Greg and Jen; 19% Matt and Colleen; 1% the ever-present Mai Tai in James Brolin's character's hand.

I said it last year, but I'm not 100% sure that's not Just James Brolin's Mai Tai that he walks onto set with.

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I really didn't care for this episode.

"Oh my god, I said you needed surgery for a seemingly minor problem, and you got a second opinion? How dare you!" Jen should have told them to go straight to hell.

And if I were Matt, I'd never speak to my mother again after the spider nonsense.

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Wow - that spider thing was not funny at all. Putting fake spiders on his food is one thing but who in the hell would ever booby-trap their own house with dozens of little spiders in the first aid kit? Now those things are crawling all over the kitchen! Is she crazy? Is she really that OK with spiders and/or pranking her son that she doesn't care she's unleashed a whole mess of spiders into her kitchen? There's something seriously wrong with her.

ItCouldBeWorse - this episode was definitely shown out of sequence because Heather quit working at Tim's office last week and she was back again this week.

The thing with Greg and the beard just came out of nowhere. When did he decide to grow it? That was like at least a few months worth of growth. And he might actually look OK with a shorter, well-trimmed beard because he does have kind of a baby face.

I hate to say it but it seems like the writers are already struggling to come up with new material.

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Greg with the beard - the first second I saw him, I flashed on Tom Hanks in "Cast Away".

I loved the plot with Sam boxing - it was a little scary, but I loved the look on Heather's face when she realized her daughter was GOOD!

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