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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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Been binge-watching GA as have only just discovered the show on Prime video and I’d have rationed my watching if I’d known two of my favourite characters were going to be axed. As others have commented it seems as if the writers are just not interested in developing them any further which is a shame as they are two of the most rounded characters in the show and the ones who in my opinion have matured and grown the most. For a show that flaunts it’s inclusivity credentials it does seem odd that Arizona (lesbian in predominantly straight world, disabled person in a predominantly able bodied world) and April (woman with a strong faith in a predominantly secular world) are thought expendable when some other very 2 dimensional characters are retained. Much respect to Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw and thanks to them both for telling April’s and Arizona’s stories. We all need the magic of stories to lighten our lives and inspire us so may these two excellent actresses have many more chances to tell equally important stories in the future. ???

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1 hour ago, Deanie87 said:

I would have been completely fine with Jo and Alex going off into a happy ending rather than April and Arizona, but I think that you're right and they will stay together, relatively happy and backburnered until the end of the series.  My guess is that in the next episode, Jo is going to research fellowships across the country, Alex will feel suprised/sad/abandoned but not say anything, and in the end, Jo's project with Meredith will be the reason she stays.  So a couple of seasons ago, Alex wouldn't leave to travel with Jo because of Meredith and now Jo will stay because of Meredith.  Full circle.  How long until Alex feels like the third wheel?

I imagine the goal is to keep the remaining originals around until the end at this point. I'm glad that if Jo and Alex are endgame, they're at least finally developing Jo more. Hopefully there's a storyline for the two of them coming up. Until then, I don't mind seeing Alex wrapped up in medical storylines. He's been through enough unnecessary relationship drama, so I'm okay with him and Jo remaining stagnant for a while as long as they're together and happy. 

It just seems crazy to me that they're willing to totally destroy April / Jackson when it's such an easy way to appease so many fans. Meredith and Derek, Alex and Izzie, Cristina and Owen, etc. all ended because an actor chose to leave. Here, they have Sarah and Jesse willing to stick around, both seemingly very invested in the 'Japril' storyline... and they're just writing April off after 9 years. 

Unless Krista for some reason thinks that Grey's will run until season 55, it doesn't make sense. 

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12 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Here, they have Sarah and Jesse willing to stick around, both seemingly very invested in the 'Japril' storyline... and they're just writing April off after 9 years. 

I think it's partly budgetary and the other half is just Krista, Shonda being absolutely obsessed with Maggie as a character and making Jaggie happening even though the general audience or even the actors don't seem invested. 

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On 09/03/2018 at 3:47 PM, tua20782 said:

I just think the new showrunner is uninterested in the people who don't directly relate to Meredith Grey and by extension her sisters. Soooo..ergo "creative reasons"

Hmmm, methinks you are right there. Lady McDreamy, her weird sisters and their associated friends/lovers seem set to be the focus of the show.  I also wonder if there will be a return to some of the more shock/horror/sex merry go round story lines as opposed to the more nuanced ones so we’ll get a defibrillated version of the hackneyed Mills and Boon hospital romances only pumped up with hormones and liberally drenched in gore, nothing wrong with that in small doses but I personally prefer the subtler character driven episode and amongst Lady McDreamy’s retinue 3 dimensional nuanced characters are pretty thin on the ground. Sad but true. ????

3 hours ago, Catznip said:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they knew and planned for Callie's departure and they kept the suspense to attract the viewers. However, they didn't expect the backlash for Sara's exit. 

I agree that they knew and planned for Sara's departure. There wouldn't have been that character-assassinating custody story if they didn't. 

I just meant that they played that departure without fanfare and brushed it under the rug in an attempt to avoid potential backlash, because Patrick's departure the year before was public and messy. It seems that now they are trying to get ahead of it with forewarning these departures and, with 10 episodes left to air, probably hope that things will settle down by the season finale. 

Edited by funnygirl

As stated many times, both April and Arizona add diversity to the show. Now they have added a transgender doctor and they always have patients that represent the LGBTQ community. April is really the only character that is a person of faith and is more diverse than the rest of the cast. I doubt they will replace that. I was really looking forward to her story as it had a lot of meat to it and could have been really good. 

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26 minutes ago, FictionLover said:

As stated many times, both April and Arizona add diversity to the show. Now they have added a transgender doctor and they always have patients that represent the LGBTQ community. April is really the only character that is a person of faith and is more diverse than the rest of the cast. I doubt they will replace that. I was really looking forward to her story as it had a lot of meat to it and could have been really good. 

*cough*Dr. Qadri*cough*

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Since Sarah’s and Jessica’s contracts are up at the end of this season, how do we know they didn’t try to negotiate higher contracts (especially after Ellen’s deal) for themselves and refused to come back under existing contract conditions? They all could be putting their own PR-friendly spin on this. I find it hard to believe Shonda would simply write off these characters. I’m not a fan of either but see how strong their fan bases are.

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On March 10, 2018 at 11:00 AM, GSMHvisitor said:

The contract situation would be interesting to me too. I've seen some things floating around on twitter that definitely sounded like they're contracts were up and simply weren't renewed.

It still pisses me off though, because somehow I always thought if there's one thing the actors who have been on the show for a long time can count on, is that TPTB will make sure that they can stay there as long as they want too. There are so many characters who are not very interesting anymore. Bailey hasn't done much for me since around s6. Richard has had long phases without proper stories. Same for Alex. Yet they are still there. I know now they are kind of valued, because they are originals. But I wonder why they weren't written out around s8.

Anyways, I always stupidly thought TPTB are just very loyal to their longtime actors.  And what makes it worse is that it sounds like the show won't go on for more than 2 years anyways. That's not set in stone of course but Ellen said she's probably do two more seasons and then be done in a recent interview. And I don't find it okay that Sarah and Jessica who loved their jobs are not allowed to stick around until the end of the show, which can't be that far away anymore.

I know at the end of the day it's just a business and if the network doesn't want to give more money, cuts have to be made. But I'm still disappointed that they didn't find another way. All that talk about how Shondaland is one big amazing family turns out to mean nothing anymore. But when I think back to how T.R. Knight and the actor who played Pete on Private Practice were treated, it probably was never worth much anyways.



On March 10, 2018 at 11:51 AM, funnygirl said:

Jessica's is up at the end of this season. She had signed a three year deal at the end of season 11. Not sure about Sarah Drew. 



Patrick had the biggest backlash, so much so that the cast was put on a gag order to not even talk about it. Sara announced her departure right after the season finale, so that was unexpected and shocking but there was the summer hiatus as a buffer. I think with Jessica and Sarah, viewers have reached their limit of losing more tried and true characters and, rightfully, people are annoyed. 

I think the other actors wanted to leave, and that makes a difference. The backlash over McDouche was partly over how they killed him. Jericka/Stephanie wanted to leave, too, I think. 

But I'd forgotten how they treated T.R/George. 

I wish they'd stop creating new shows, before they decide what to do with what they have. 

Edited by Anela
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The way I see it, they had extra money in their account when HTGAWM got canclelled. So they brought on all those interns. But then someone, for some god damn reason beyond me, said "hey, you know what you don't have? A firefighting show and a courtroom drama!" so ooooh. Budget shrinks, time to make casting cuts. Whose the first to go? The guy that plays Ben Warren (in a way, I think the other characters on that show will be front and center), Sarah, and Jessica. HTGAWM is automatically excluded since it's ending. Don't know if anyone got cut from Scandal. (Or I might be getting the series switched. Whatever.)

What I want to happen: April and Arizona to go off into the sunset as a romantic couple This is the big journey I'd been hoping April would take. As a Christian, she discovers she is biseexual at the very least, confronts Arizona (slowburn though) and has a dilemma telling her conservative Christian family, all of whom think homosexuality is a sin. That would have been a hell lot interesting than what we're getting. I mean, is the Japril shipper in me disappointed at that prospect? Yeah, but hey, LGBT+ Christian. Those are rare to come by.

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13 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

The way I see it, they had extra money in their account when HTGAWM got canclelled. So they brought on all those interns. But then someone, for some god damn reason beyond me, said "hey, you know what you don't have? A firefighting show and a courtroom drama!" so ooooh. Budget shrinks, time to make casting cuts. Whose the first to go? The guy that plays Ben Warren (in a way, I think the other characters on that show will be front and center), Sarah, and Jessica. HTGAWM is automatically excluded since it's ending. Don't know if anyone got cut from Scandal. (Or I might be getting the series switched. Whatever.)

I think this actually might have been the case, although technically the actor playing Ben didn't get cut....they just moved him over the firefighter show.

how do you think April and Arizona will exit, my wild guess based on nothing is they will be involeved in a accident of some sort, A plane crash and car crash has already been done, but I think one could be used again. Or maybe a floor will collapse or maybe a shooter possibly, I just know based on past episodes it will not be a happy ending, I'm trying to prepare myself for tears already but I doubt I will be successful. Shonda might think we are dumb not to see through her but I am not that dumb, she says she will be sad to see them go, but fires them in the same breath, she is a hypocrite at the very least. She says stories are going in different directions, but he can send stories in any direction. There is no reason for these fine actresses and beloved characters to have to leave, when they didn't ask for it. Its beyond stupid.

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12 minutes ago, skermac said:

how do you think April and Arizona will exit, my wild guess based on nothing is they will be involeved in a accident of some sort, A plane crash and car crash has already been done, but I think one could be used again. Or maybe a floor will collapse or maybe a shooter possibly, I just know based on past episodes it will not be a happy ending, I'm trying to prepare myself for tears already but I doubt I will be successful. Shonda might think we are dumb not to see through her but I am not that dumb, she says she will be sad to see them go, but fires them in the same breath, she is a hypocrite at the very least. She says stories are going in different directions, but he can send stories in any direction. There is no reason for these fine actresses and beloved characters to have to leave, when they didn't ask for it. Its beyond stupid.


I have to disagree with that, and here's why:

- Isiah Washington got fired, but Burke didn't die. He went on to become a successful world-renown doctor in Switzerland.
- T.R. Knight agreed to leave the show, not necessarily fired; but George died anyways, even if it was heroically.
- Chyler Leigh and Eric Danes didn't get fired, they asked to leave so they could focus on other projects; Lexie and Mark died anyways. Mark less viciously than Lexie, though.
I don't know the background story as to what led up to Sandra Oh leaving, but I'm sure she exited the show on good terms with Shonda. Cristina goes off to Switzerland.
- Behind the scene drama with Patrick Dempsey, he gets let go (like they claim to have done with Sarah and Jessica) and Derek dies. This is probably what you guys are basing this off of. I won't deny that something will happen to April and Arizona in their final episode.
- Jerrika Hinton asked to leave the show because she signed on to a new series; Stephanie almost died but miraculously(lol) lived, and went off to see the world.

Notable mentions:
- Mac (I never remember the actress' name, so I use her Veronica Mars name) asked if she could focus on the Veronica Mars revival, and her character Heather died.

I don't need to mention Reed and Percy. They were shown as weak from the get go. I guess they didn't want to run out of ideas with the other two (Jackson and April) too soon. LOL Eight years later, though, there are still numerous storylines possible for, at least, April. But whatever.

Back to Jessica and Sarah, I think something big will happen. What will it be, I doubt it will be a shooting though. If the writers are smart, they will avoid gaining even more controversy than they have with this news of Sarah and Jessica's departure.

Edited by kinnej5
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40 minutes ago, deaja said:

One of the new interns is a person of faith (Muslim) that’s her name. So far she hasn’t been developed much as she’s part of the new intern cast.

Thanks. I’ve half heartedly been watching the show the last couple of years and have not really gotten into any of the new characters.

1 hour ago, kinnej5 said:


I have to disagree with that, and here's why:

- Isiah Washington got fired, but Burke didn't die. He went on to become a successful world-renown doctor in Switzerland.
- T.R. Knight agreed to leave the show, not necessarily fired; but George died anyways, even if it was heroically.
- Chyler Leigh and Eric Danes didn't get fired, they asked to leave so they could focus on other projects; Lexie and Mark died anyways. Mark less viciously than Lexie, though.
I don't know the background story as to what led up to Sandra Oh leaving, but I'm sure she exited the show on good terms with Shonda. Cristina goes off to Switzerland.
- Behind the scene drama with Patrick Dempsey, he gets let go (like they claim to have done with Sarah and Jessica) and Derek dies. This is probably what you guys are basing this off of. I won't deny that something will happen to April and Arizona in their final episode.
- Jerrika Hinton asked to leave the show because she signed on to a new series; Stephanie almost died but miraculously(lol) lived, and went off to see the world.

Notable mentions:
- Mac (I never remember the actress' name, so I use her Veronica Mars name) asked if she could focus on the Veronica Mars revival, and her character Heather died.

I don't need to mention Reed and Percy. They were shown as weak from the get go. I guess they didn't want to run out of ideas with the other two (Jackson and April) too soon. LOL Eight years later, though, there are still numerous storylines possible for, at least, April. But whatever.

Back to Jessica and Sarah, I think something big will happen. What will it be, I doubt it will be a shooting though. If the writers are smart, they will avoid gaining even more controversy than they have with this news of Sarah and Jessica's departure.

It just occurred to me, that other than Adele, the AA cast members seem to make it out alive, usually heading for greener pastures at other places (Shane & Burke to Switzerland, Stephanie to see the world, Ben to the firehouse down the street).

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6 hours ago, Tierney said:

Since Sarah’s and Jessica’s contracts are up at the end of this season, how do we know they didn’t try to negotiate higher contracts (especially after Ellen’s deal) for themselves and refused to come back under existing contract conditions? They all could be putting their own PR-friendly spin on this. I find it hard to believe Shonda would simply write off these characters. I’m not a fan of either but see how strong their fan bases are.

I thought about this briefly, and perhaps they did also try to negotiate a higher salary, but Shonda and the other showrunners haven't been shy to let characters go, popular or not. Of course, this is a more unique situation that they've dealt with, in that both actresses haven't expressed any desire to leave while several other actors who have left the show have wanted to. Plus, that would give me more side-eye to the people in power than Jessica or Sarah. 

Plus, Sarah Drew's IG post sounded very angry masked behind passive aggressive politeness. It doesn't sound like she refused to come back if contract negotiations didn't go her way. It also seemed like most of the cast was taken aback (Jesse Williams' response was 100% pure rage), so that's why I lean toward Sarah and Jessica not being the major cause for their departure from the show. 

Also, see them plowing ahead with Jackson/Maggie when the overwhelming response has been a big fat NO to them being a couple, and that was clear from the beginning of the season. If Jackson/Maggie last as a couple into the next season, then it's clear that Krista (and/or Shonda, if she's still involved much with the show) doesn't really care about the audience's reception. 

1 hour ago, skermac said:

how do you think April and Arizona will exit, my wild guess based on nothing is they will be involeved in a accident of some sort, A plane crash and car crash has already been done, but I think one could be used again. Or maybe a floor will collapse or maybe a shooter possibly, I just know based on past episodes it will not be a happy ending, I'm trying to prepare myself for tears already but I doubt I will be successful. Shonda might think we are dumb not to see through her but I am not that dumb, she says she will be sad to see them go, but fires them in the same breath, she is a hypocrite at the very least. She says stories are going in different directions, but he can send stories in any direction. There is no reason for these fine actresses and beloved characters to have to leave, when they didn't ask for it. Its beyond stupid.

My hope is that neither have to die in order to have their characters leave. If they do get killed off, then that sucks because that means neither actress can come back for more than a cameo or two (mostly as hallucinations or through dreams). And if next season really plummets as a result from April and Arizona being gone from the show, Krista can't take it back. She can't bring the characters back and that screws the show. If Krista's smart, even though Grey's is on its last legs, she'll keep April and Arizona alive so that they might be able to scrape by into a season 16. 

It's not several seasons ago, where even with Derek's death, they manage to get by without him because of other characters remaining on the show. Continuing to lose popular characters while forcing new ones may not be the answer. A lot of long-running shows, I've noticed, try to essentially reboot their show when they run out of ideas, but that often kills the show itself (see: Scrubs, ER, Once Upon a Time). I know it's hard to come up with ideas for characters when they've been on for almost a decade, but if the actresses and actors are willing to stick around, then why would you tarnish that relationship by ensuring they can never come back? I'm no producer or showrunner, though, so I don't have the full knowledge of how things work behind the scenes. 

Either way, I'm willing to bet April does die, though I'm not sure what new event they can come up with. They've basically done everything under the sun. I almost suggested a kidnapping, but technically Owen's sister filled up that storyline. Seriously, what haven't they done? A stabbing? Falling from a great height? Suicide? 

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Eric Dane didn't wanted to leave, Chyler wanted to exit (because of her son's condition) but Dane was also essentially let go because of budgetary cuts + his drug addiction and multiple affairs that were causing some defamation for ABC. They wanted to kept his exit under wraps at the end of season 8/onset of season 9 along with Jessica's status on the show. But the cast (especially Patrick, Kevin, Sara) indirectly and directly spilled the beans on the suspense that ABC wanted to cash on on.

Under any circumstances, I don't think Dane's exit was in any terms mutual. There were also interviews by him saying that he wanted better storylines for Mark & Slexie instead of just third wheeling with Calzona.

The latest scoop says that Kim Raver's entry is plotted around 'april's crisis of faith's episode...so I'm pretty much guessing that April decides to join Army again, which they can stretch for as long as they want while keeping the Japril fandom alive with an hope of possible return.

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5 minutes ago, beautifulGA said:

The latest scoop says that Kim Raver's entry is plotted around 'april's crisis of faith's episode...so I'm pretty much guessing that April decides to join Army again, which they can stretch for as long as they want while keeping the Japril fandom alive with an hope of possible return.

This strikes me as a particularly stupid idea if the show takes this direction.  I really can't stand the Jackson and Maggie relationship, and I can't say that I'm a fan of the Jackson and April relationship, so don't think this is me pushing for a ship.   But if they are going to push ahead with Jaggie, I think it would be almost cruel to keep dangling Japril like a carrot out there.  It will piss of those rooting for Jackson and Maggie, the continuation of Maggie and Jackson while doing this will piss off the Japril fandom, and pretty much everyone will be pissed off.  What they have done so far is create three subsets of fans - the Japril fans, the Jaggie fans, and those who really don't like either (I'm guessing that there are people out there who are completely neutral on this, but I have yet to see any post anywhere).  If they take this route, they will alienate essentially their entire audience--instead of just alienating 1/3-2/3 of it.

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7 hours ago, anna0852 said:

If April didn't have a young daughter she adores, then I bet on returning to the middle East.

Teddy's not serving in the frontlines anymore; I believe she's with MEDCOM and in Germany. (Europe: where Grey's characters go to not die.) Whether or not Teddy has been transferred to a stateside MEDCOM facility, if April joined her, she could bring Harriet.

Jackson could accept that all in all, this is the best outcome for April, and that he and April will need to make it work for Harriet. They will need to cooperate, with intention, for Jackson to still act as her father, at a distance. To do what his father did not.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Pallas said:

Teddy's not serving in the frontlines anymore; I believe she's with MEDCOM and in Germany. (Europe: where Grey's characters go to not die.) Whether or not Teddy has been transferred to a stateside MEDCOM facility, if April joined her, she could bring Harriet.

Jackson could accept that all in all, this is the best outcome for April, and that he and April will need to make it work for Harriet. They will need to cooperate, with intention, for Jackson to still act as her father, at a distance. To do what his father did not.  

I really wish that could be what happens. I think that might be the best outcome we could hope for for April. But Catherine Avery was ready to try to get custody of Harriet given to Jackson before she was even born, because April hid the pregnancy while the divorce was going through. Not for one second do I believe that Catherine won't fight tooth and nail to keep Harriet in the US and in Seattle. And unfortunately she has far more resources and clout than April. Particularly if April's recent drinking, partying and one night stands are brought up. I don't personally believe for a minute that any of those things make her an unfit parent (she clearly doesn't do ANY of that when Harriet is with her) but the courts would not see it that way. Especially the 'hungover at work with bananna bag' incident.

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Jackson has already stood up against Catherine for April and her relationship with Harriet, and won: now he has his inheritance in hand, as well. He outguns her. And he's the face of the next generation of family influence and favor; he has the intangibles going for him in any public throwdown with his mother. And who knows? At the time, Catherine felt that April had abandoned her son when he and their marriage were in need; there was a punitive over-reaction behind her maneuvers. It also makes sense that Jackson and April part in peace, on good terms, and with the agreement to work together over the next 20 years to find their own way to raise their child: for the good of the show. 

I realize that none of this matters if the goal is to cremate Jackson and April as a couple. 

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 I really do hope that they don't kill April off and that she and Jackson are able to amicably parent together. But I don't hold out hope of this show doing that. Yes, Jackson stood up to Catherine But that was not in regards to Harriet being taken potentially out of the country. He loves his daughter. His loyalty is to her, not his ex-wife. It would be one thing if April perhaps wanted to move back home to Ohio but taking Harriet all the way to Germany is something far different. Jackson just won't be able to be a hands-on and present parent If his daughter is halfway around the world. He just can't.

Part of me thinks they are going to kill off April because there’s no way Jackson would let her take Harriet out of state and realistically, April wouldn’t leave her. However, the writers may want to make Jackson more available to women without a child to contend with. It will be interesting to see what they do? How many episodes are left? I had thought they were done filming for the season. Apparently not.  

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3 hours ago, Pallas said:

Teddy's not serving in the frontlines anymore; I believe she's with MEDCOM and in Germany. (Europe: where Grey's characters go to not die.) Whether or not Teddy has been transferred to a stateside MEDCOM facility, if April joined her, she could bring Harriet.

Jackson could accept that all in all, this is the best outcome for April, and that he and April will need to make it work for Harriet. They will need to cooperate, with intention, for Jackson to still act as her father, at a distance. To do what his father did not.  

If they do go down this route, it's not really a win-win for either parent. If Harriet stays with Jackson primarily, then April looks selfish for leaving her daughter behind while she goes to find herself. If Harriet goes with April, then Jackson looks like the bad parent for not fighting for his daughter. Personally, I can say that I'm with with Harriet going with April, or Harriet staying with Jackson because I know April's departure is inevitable, and it sure beats them killing off April superficially. But I think there will be complaints no matter what they do. Also, I can imagine them sending Harriet with April, so Jackson's essentially freed up for Jaggie. 

11 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

This strikes me as a particularly stupid idea if the show takes this direction.  I really can't stand the Jackson and Maggie relationship, and I can't say that I'm a fan of the Jackson and April relationship, so don't think this is me pushing for a ship.   But if they are going to push ahead with Jaggie, I think it would be almost cruel to keep dangling Japril like a carrot out there.  It will piss of those rooting for Jackson and Maggie, the continuation of Maggie and Jackson while doing this will piss off the Japril fandom, and pretty much everyone will be pissed off.  What they have done so far is create three subsets of fans - the Japril fans, the Jaggie fans, and those who really don't like either (I'm guessing that there are people out there who are completely neutral on this, but I have yet to see any post anywhere).  If they take this route, they will alienate essentially their entire audience--instead of just alienating 1/3-2/3 of it.

I'm at an impasse with this. On the one hand, dangling Japril isn't the best move for any side. Japril may not be the endgame if Krista really doesn't like them. Even if she ends Jaggie due to audience reception, there's no guarantee she puts April and Jackson back together by the end of the series. She may throw other women into Jackson's path, or since she seems more obsessed with Maggie than Jackson, she might put Jackson in the background. But on the other hand, killing Japril off guarantees that she can't put them back together, it's another popular couple that is dead in the water because one of them is dead, and it'll also anger fans. 

21 minutes ago, FictionLover said:

How many episodes are left? I had thought they were done filming for the season. Apparently not.  

It seems like they're filming episode 20 now. I think there's a picture of the script and I think it said that Jesse was directing it. I wonder if his directed episode is the start of Arizona and April's exits. The fact that both actresses were told right before filming 14x20, and Jesse's outrage makes me think that something is planted in that episode for one or both of them. 

5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

If Harriet goes with April, then Jackson looks like the bad parent for not fighting for his daughter.

I think parents fighting about custody is pretty much as beneficial to a child as parents fighting about anything else. If Jackson and April agreed on a way to raise Harriet -- then acted on it, as best they could -- that would serve do right by her.

Has Jesse William made a comment other than his long tweet on the day of the announcement? In the tweet I don't see indignation, as much as an acknowledgement that their chosen career sometimes "fucking sucks." The rest was careful to refer to both actresses in an elegiac tone, without rancor or mention of his closer working relationship with Sarah Drew. To me it seemed measured. 

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I don't think Shonda is obsessed with the character of Maggie. When Shonda is obsessed, it's obvious cause she talk about her obsessions in interviews a lot - I am looking at you Scott Foley & Bellamy Young - and praises them endlessly. I don't think I've seen her do that with Maggie. I don't think Jackson and Maggie being together is anything more than what Grey's normally does with its romances with viewer responses to it varying as well. It's business as usual with mixing it up with the characters and romances. I have seen Shonda state repeatedly she doesn't care about shippers, which has shown on all of the Shondaland shows at times. 

I came across this write-up that mirrored a lot of my thoughts on this casting situation, including the stories and screentime for both April and Arizona recently. I'm curious how they'll be written off. They could both walk away as easily as they could both be killed off with this show. 

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12 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

the Japril fans, the Jaggie fans, and those who really don't like either (I'm guessing that there are people out there who are completely neutral on this, but I have yet to see any post anywhere). 

This is me. I actually don't like Japril and I'm totally indifferent to Jaggie. My only dog in this is not seeing the actress who plays Maggie get shit on for decisions over her head. 

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I am interested in finding out just how much Maggie knows about April and Jackson's history together. I know she was around when they lost Samuel but does she know that that Jackson disrupted April's wedding to Matthew (and VERY publically so)? And that Jackson was the one who then insisted on the divorce when April wanted to counseling? If I'm Maggie, this is history I'd want to know. It might not keep me from getting involved but I'd definitely keep it in mind. Jackson strikes me as a guy who is all in. Until he's not.

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


It seems like they're filming episode 20 now. I think there's a picture of the script and I think it said that Jesse was directing it. I wonder if his directed episode is the start of Arizona and April's exits. The fact that both actresses were told right before filming 14x20, and Jesse's outrage makes me think that something is planted in that episode for one or both of them. 

I think they thought giving him a nugget of special responsibility would help him not be so upset over the news and keep him busy.   He seems to be loosing his IRL best friend on the show.  They don’t really hang out off set, except to do work related things, but on set they seem to really enjoy working together.

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I don’t think they’re obsessed with Maggie. I think they’re more obsessed with the idea of putting Harper Avery’s grandson with Ellis Grey’s daughter, and her being Richard’s biological daughter is an additional bonus. It would have been more interesting to have them kill April off and have Jackson and Meredith bond as (somewhat) widowed parents. 

  • Love 4

I think it's partially down to their obsession with Maggie. With Jackson I think they feel they've killed two birds with one stone ie Maggie gets the guy and another regular has something to do. If her storyline wasn't with Jackson it'd be with someone else but it's still be starring Maggie, all about Maggie and featuring several of Maggies word vomit speeches that the writers seem to think we all love.

  • Love 5

I don't think character obsession is actually what's going on but I am curious to see any interviews or articles where TPTB talk about how important Maggie is to them and the show within the last year or so. I remember Shonda tripping all over herself in interviews & articles about Scott Foley/Jake like a teenage fangirl for a couple of years and I thought that was obsessive of her to keep talking about how wonderful he is and how hot she found him and how important Jake was to Scandal. I haven't seen that on Grey's. I thought after the Patrick Dempsey dismissal that Shonda let it be known that outside Ellen Pompeo, anyone on Grey's is expendable. 

I don't see switching romantic partners to be the hallmark of being obsessed for a character, but obviously mileage varies.  As long as the ratings are good for the show, I suspect they'll just keep chugging along and switching up pairings to "keep it fresh" as they go along. IMO, Meredith and Derek were the only pairing Grey's saw as its golden couple who was near untouchable and everyone else on the canvas was available to be part of the romantic pairing shuffling. 

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18 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I don't think character obsession is actually what's going on but I am curious to see any interviews or articles where TPTB talk about how important Maggie is to them and the show within the last year or so. I remember Shonda tripping all over herself in interviews & articles about Scott Foley/Jake like a teenage fangirl for a couple of years and I thought that was obsessive of her to keep talking about how wonderful he is and how hot she found him and how important Jake was to Scandal. I haven't seen that on Grey's. I thought after the Patrick Dempsey dismissal that Shonda let it be known that outside Ellen Pompeo, anyone on Grey's is expendable. 

I don't see switching romantic partners to be the hallmark of being obsessed for a character, but obviously mileage varies.  As long as the ratings are good for the show, I suspect they'll just keep chugging along and switching up pairings to "keep it fresh" as they go along. IMO, Meredith and Derek were the only pairing Grey's saw as its golden couple who was near untouchable and everyone else on the canvas was available to be part of the romantic pairing shuffling. 

I’ll see your Scott Foley and raise you Jeffrey Morgan. Let us never, ever forget that Shonda brought Denny back from the dead and gave him sex scenes.  


And yet, nothing for Kyle Chandler. *shakes head*

  • Love 19
57 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

don't see switching romantic partners to be the hallmark of being obsessed for a character, but obviously mileage varies. 

Neither do I. I don't believe that's what I was saying but ok. 

When I say obsessed I didn't think it was going to be taken quite so literally but alas. She's more of a writers pet. They're determined to make her this massive character. Since her arrival she's had 2 centric episodes, was inserted into the main fold without so much of a shrug, when fans didn't automatically love her they then had characters like Alex mention how hilarious she was at least once per episode and she's had endless background stories brought up about her to round her out while other characters that are there much longer get absolutely zilch. And this was before the sisterhood was even forced on us. 

Thankfully it's sort of died down a bit this season and I do like her in her moments with Richard and Amelia especially. The forced pairing with Jackson reminds me of why she grates on my nerves. It's not even the lack of chemistry. i feel they're always trying to ~make her happen instead of letting things naturally happen. 

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 5

She's Meredith's sister (thus getting Alex and Amelia in her circle by extension, also Owen through Amelia), Richard's daughter, Jackson's love interest and DeLuca's fomer girlfriend. Also, she saved Bailey's life, just to make sure she's somehow connected to every single major character on the show. She literally couldn't be more centrally placed on the show as it is, short of writing Meredith out. 

  • Love 9

Shonda and co do tend to get at 'reverse racism' to push their agenda. When Maggie was introduced, Shonda herself said that she wanted to introduce Richard and Ellis's black daughter since season 4. So obviously there are a lot of paths cleared for her, sls in which she's included and what not. now I'm not saying there's anything wrong in pushing a black character front and centre, nope, but i wish it didn't seem this forced. Maybe if she had actually been introduced from s4 then it all would have been different.

TV Insider's Matt Roush weighed in with his thoughts on the departures after being sent in a reader question. 


18 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

I’ll see your Scott Foley and raise you Jeffrey Morgan. Let us never, ever forget that Shonda brought Denny back from the dead and gave him sex scenes.  

I forgot about that. I think Foley stuck in my mind so strongly cause it was just so tacky and unprofessional to me the way she spoke about him in recent interviews constantly that I felt both irritated by and embarrassed for her. The Denny stuff, though... yea, that was a lot. 

My speculation for April is that she’ll have some kind of breakdown and go back to Iowa, leaving Harriet with Jackson because she can’t take care of her right now. This leaves us with single parent Jackson, unless Harriet disappears into the void with Meredith’s kids.

For Arizona, I see her going to NY to be with Sophia full time, as the split custody thing not working out. Have we even seen Sophia after a big deal was made about her coming back for her custody time with Arizona?

4 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

My speculation for April is that she’ll have some kind of breakdown and go back to Iowa, leaving Harriet with Jackson because she can’t take care of her right now. This leaves us with single parent Jackson, unless Harriet disappears into the void with Meredith’s kids.


I have a feeling that, if April isn't killed off, she'll take Harriet with her wherever she goes.  No, it doesn't make ANY sense that Jackson would let that happen, but doing things that don't make sense is sort of Jackson's MO at the moment and, let's face it, Harriet is an obstacle to the whole "Jaggie" situation that Vernoff so, so, so desperately wants to be a thing.

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