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Grey’s Anatomy Sides 11x11


Brenda and Howard - they are a couple in their mid-40s who have been living on a boat. Unfortunately, Howard just accidentally shot his heavy-set wife with a spear gun. She’s being unloaded from the ambulance and is just a bit cranky. She hasn’t been enjoying living on a boat and the constant puking, and now this. Howard is apologetic. Brenda is bleeding profusely and is wheeled alone into on ER room. It is there that she complains of massive stomach pains. Lo and behold, she’s pregnant and gives birth right there. The surprise is that while she knew, she never told Howard. Brenda passes out and is wheeled into surgery. One of the docs gets to give Howard the surprise of his life. He tells the doc that they’d been trying to have kids for years. But they were told it couldn’t happen. That’s when the crap began, and that’s why he got the stupid boat. He wanted to make their life an adventure. But Brenda really wanted a baby. The doc asks if he wants to hold her and he most definitely does.


Pastor Rhinehold - he’s holding a bible and blessing a baby. The side says that the part doesn’t actually have any lines.


Wendy - she’s holding a clip board with paperwork yet to be filled out. Doctor Smith comes up to her and asks her who they’re for. She explains that they’re for her fiance. They were in an accident and… Dr. Smith asks her to tell him what happened. She tells him that a car hit them. And his doctor - she was very nice. She told me he died. She said she was sorry for my loss. She was really nice. And since she had blood all over her clothes, the doctor gave her some fresh clothes to put on and told her to eat something and stay as long as she needed. That she could get Michael’s stuff when she was ready. But she hasn’t seen the doctor since. She asks Dr. smith if he knows who it was. He nods, yes, I know who it was. Wendy repeats that she was very nice. She said she was sorry.


Filming 11/13-11/25


All credit goes to calzonafan2014.tumblr.com.

Edited by North

Sides summary for episode 11x12


Filming dates: Dec. 2 - 13


Hillary, Todd – Dr. Rogers meets the paramedics who just brought in Hillary (27) who went unconscious and fell down a flight of stairs. Her overly attentive boyfriend Todd (20s) is terrified and he’s telling Hillary he’s sorry. Dr. Rogers asks if this was his fault. Todd says he didn’t push her. He proposed to her at the top of the stairs and she fainted and fell all the way down. Hillary stirs, trying to cover up how annoyed she is with Todd. Dr. Rogers says they’re going to take Hillary up to the OR. Todd is so scared and nervous. Dr. Rogers asks if anything like that had happened before – dizziness, fainting spells. Before Hillary can speak, Todd tells Dr. Rogers that a few weeks ago they were talking on the couch and suddenly when he looked over she was out. Dr. Rogers wants to run a complete neuro work up. Todd tells her to run all the tests. Hillary asks Todd to get her some water or something. Todd says absolutely and leaves. Dr. Rogers tells Hillary that multiple fainting spells could mean heart problems, blood issues. Hillary says it’s not any of that. Dr. Rogers says she’s concerned about narcolepsy, cataplexy. Hillary explodes and says she’s never fainted; not on the couch or the stairs. Hillary explains that Todd cares for her deeply, he’s sweet and clingy. And the more he feels, the less she does and they haven’t been together for long, but he wants to take it to the next level. She started pretending to fall asleep whenever he would go on and on about their future. Dr. Rogers says that’s diabolical. Hillary says that today they were walking in the park and he got down on one knee all teary-eyed and she faked fainting. She didn’t realize how close she was to the steps but she had to go with it. Dr. Rogers says she can really commit. Hillary says yes, but not to Todd.

(Scene 2) Dr. Rogers consults with Hillary in her patient room. Hillary’s leg should be fully healed in about 3 months. Hillary asks if Todd is there. Dr. Rogers tells her she needs to break up with Todd. She can’t take another fall like that. Hillary says she knows she should and she will. Todd enters the room and asks how Hillary is. Dr. Rogers is going to leave but Hillary tells her she can stay. Todd tells Hillary he’s going to take her home and make sure she has everything she needs. Hillary tells him that he’s been so sweet and kind, but she’s been unfair. Todd tells her not to worry about him and he loves her. Hillary looks panicked so she fakes fainting. Todd is terrified and tells Dr. Rogers to help but she is over it. Dr. Rogers tells Todd that what Hillary is trying to tell him is that she wants to break up with him. Dr. Rogers knows that all he wants is to help but it’s not what Hillary wants and she doesn’t deserve it. Todd starts to cry. Dr. Rogers says he deserves someone who wants him there and who needs the kind of attention only he can give. Dr. Rogers puts her arm around Todd and walks him to the door.


Hot Guy – Jill is sitting alone at the bar with a drink. She has zeroed in on a Hot Guy down the bar. He glances in her direction and she locks eyes with him and then looks down. She’s reeling him in. She tosses back her drink, gets up and heads over to the guy. She tells him to dance with her and he says ‘okay’. He’s pleasantly surprised as Jill leads him to the dance floor and they start dancing. It’s effortless and fun.


Curt (30s) – [in the ER] Dr. Jenkins finishes an ultrasound on Curt as his worried sister, Allie, hovers. The fast scan is negative and Curt replies that’s because there’s nothing wrong with him. Dr. Jenkins asks Curt if has changed his diet recently and if he drinks. Curt says he missed breakfast that morning and felt kind of woozy, and he doesn’t drink excessively. Dr. Jenkins palpates Curt’s abdomen and he winces, clutching his stomach. Allie nervously asks if Curt is going to be okay and if there is anything she can do. Curt lashes out and tells her to leave (she’s ushered out). Dr. Jenkins tells Curt his liver enzymes are off the charts. Curt shrugs and jokes that he had one too many whiskey toasts the night before. Dr. Jenkins says this looks more than just a hangover and she’s going to order a CT. Curt becomes agitated and asks if she’s sure because he feels fine now. Dr. Jenkins says they just want to be sure he’s okay.

[Curt’s patient room] Dr. Jenkins sits with Curt and asks him how long it’s been. Curt says about 3 or 4 months of basic HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)- estrogen and antiandrogens. Dr. Jenkins asks if it’s been under doctor supervision. Curt says not exactly. He sheepishly says he found the hormone therapies online. They were what he could afford. He was saving up for better stuff but he just couldn’t wait another day. He remarks that Dr. Jenkins is angry. Dr. Jenkins says he has no idea. Curt says this is why he didn’t want to tell his sister. He needed to wait until their dad was gone because this would’ve killed him. And he doesn’t know how Allie will feel. Dr. Jenkins says Curt needs to tell his sister. Curt is so distressed and asks what if she hates him. And we’re off Curt who’s so worried.

[Curt’s ICU room] Allie listens to Curt, who speaks in short bursts because he’s still weak from surgery. Curt tells Allie he’s wanted to tell her but he didn’t know how to. Allie wants to know where this is all coming from. Curt says it’s coming all from him, it’s who he is. Allie asks since when, all of sudden he decided he’s someone else. Curt says he’s known since he was five. Allie scoffs and says you don’t know crap when you’re five. She wanted to be a ballerina at that age. Curt says he didn’t understand it, but he knew it. Allie says he’s always had girlfriends and asks how come she didn’t know. Curt explains that he wanted girls as friends. He has spent his whole life pretending. It was like doing a role in a play. A role he hated, in a costume he hated with a voice he hated. He tells her to not even get him started on his body. The play was never going to end and he needs it to end. He needs to be happy with who he is. He asks Allie if she can understand that. Allie asks him if he’s suddenly interested in what she thinks, and if she’s supposed to be okay with this. Allie is angry and storms out, past Dr. Jenkins who comes in. A dejected Curt asks when he can get out of there.

(next scene) Curt is curled up in bed, facing away from the world when Dr. Jenkins comes in followed by Dr. Finch. Dr. Jenkins introduces Dr. Finch and tells Curt he can help him with his transition so he might want to hear him out. Curt doesn’t turn around but he’s listening. Dr. Finch asks Curt if he has a name yet because he’s guessing that it’s not going to be Curtis. Curt says Rosalind. Dr. Finch replies that it’s a beautiful name and asks if he can call her that because he doesn’t know what they’re waiting for. Curt turns around to face Dr. Finch who seems to get her so effortlessly. Dr. Finch introduces himself, reaches out and takes Curt’s hand holding it for a long beat reassuring her. Dr. Finch says there are some ground rules. The off-shelf hormone treatments have to go. Curt agrees. Dr. Finch says this is a huge thing they’re doing together and it’s going to be great. But it’s a marathon, not a sprint. There are no shortcuts or easy solutions. Curt laughs and says she’s starting to get that. Dr. Finch says he’s going to start by taking a full medical history. Dr. Finch and Curt embark on their new partnership. Curt is so relieved and grateful.


All credit to JChambersOnline

  • Love 2

I've got a feeling that Callie is going to be sowing her wild oats over the next few episodes - I'm leaning toward the 'Hot Guy' side in 11 x 12; and 'Jenna' from 11 x 10 both being Callie-related.  It's the expression 'effortless and fun' (pretty much the opposite of how she said she felt about Arizona) that leads me to believe the 'Hot Guy' side may be hers.


The 'Curt' side sounds potentially interesting, as long as they don't turn it into a PSA about transgender acceptance.  I hate it when shows get all preachy and trite.  I can't fathom who Dr Finch is, though.  What sort of medical specialists normally handle this?  I guess there'd be some sort of psychiatric assessment / mental health support, hormone treatments, genital surgeries, facial work and a boob job or something - would that primarily be plastics (i.e. Avery)?  Or general surgery (Bailey)?  Neither Avery or Bailey have had a decent medical storyline for a while.

Edited by pointybird

I've got a feeling that Callie is going to be sowing her wild oats over the next few episodes - I'm leaning toward the 'Hot Guy' side in 11 x 12; and 'Jenna' from 11 x 10 both being Callie-related.  It's the expression 'effortless and fun' (pretty much the opposite of how she said she felt about Arizona) that leads me to believe the 'Hot Guy' side may be hers.

I agree.  I think it's been clear for a while that she isn't happy so she needs things to be easy for some time.


I also think she may be the doctor dealing with Hillary and Todd, but with a few tweaks to the storyline it could also be Meredith.  You never know with sides.

Edited by North

I thought I saw some sides for episode 10, but they don't seem to have made it here yet.  I'll try to find them and post them, unless someone beats me to it.


Found the sides, all credit to calzonafan2014.tumblr.com:


Sides for Episode 11x10

Michael & Adrian (40s) — Adrian is having surgery. Her doctor (I believe it’s Meredith), clutches a copy of The Odyssey. It’s their version of wedding rings. Both were very shy, and Michael was afraid to ask Adrian out, so he wrote it in the book she bought from his store. It took her two years to read it, but then she called and they’ve been together ever since. Adrian asks Dr. Hall to swear on the book that she will do her best. Later, Adrian is intubated and in a coma. Michael sits by her side, book on his lap. He can’t leave and he can’t even read. He feels like she’s sailed away and he doesn’t know if she’ll be back. And he wants her to come back - you know?


Why do you think it´s Meredith?


Do the sides mention what is the case of the patient? What´s the health problem? Please have a look. Thanks a lot.


I think this might be a patient story for Maggie to reveal her backstory as for her personal relationships, as the actress mentioned in one show we will learn something about Maggie´s history regarding relationships January/February.I think this might be the episode she was talking about...


I think her history is that she is an extremely shy woman with regard to men and maybe that is something we will learn about her judging from the patient storyline.


Are there any fans of Maggie to discuss this? 

Edited by owenhuntfan

I would imagine that she must be at least open to being with a woman seeing as how there are now 5 single women and 2 single men (if you count Richard) listed as regulars.

Maybe Greys can go the Sister Wives route.

In that talk show the actress hinted that Greys need more men on the show for the single ladies who are on the show and who like men, I believe she hinted that Maggie is interested in men not women.



Yes, indeed there are more women than men on the show, which is alarming, unless Shonda is planning to turn it all into one big lesbian show.

Or she will bring some hot guys from time to time to fill a certain void but as we all know they can´t develop  a real love relationship between a man and woman on the show  and make it last with no third wheels/cheating in between - 11 seasons are a proof of that. Even  in MerDer´s marriage, Cristina always was the third wheel. 

This show can only do friendships right which is what Rhimes aims for. To see a really poignant lovestory between a man and a woman to be developed is waiting for Godot on this show. S5 was promising for such a lovestory for Crowen but then it all went to hell and burnt there.

Japril is sort of promising but I believe it is a matter of time until it´s their turn to hell.

And the melodramatic intro into a possible relationship for Owen with Amelia???!!!!No comment.

Edited by owenhuntfan


I would imagine that she must be at least open to being with a woman seeing as how there are now 5 single women and 2 single men (if you count Richard) listed as regulars.


If Maggie happens to be into the ladies, that's great more power to her. However, I have absolutely no interest in seeing Arizona or Callie romantically linked to her. Not even a little bit. 

Hey, sorry, I can see how this would be confusing.  I just transferred the sides over here and that was included in the original post on the tumblr I got it from.


Personally, I'm not sure who it is.  More often then not, I guess wrong about who sides are about.




I´m as bad as it gets when it comes to reading sides and allocating who it might be.

Some  fans are pretty good at it, hats off.

What is really worrying this season is that there are no news of who has been cast as guest stars, more or less we find out as these actors tweet they have been cast on Greys, however, no news from any other sources or if any than on imdb.com but only after the episode airs in most cases.Weird.


Do you all think they might sometime revisit this original 1023 side for a bar scene for Claudette,who then was renamed Maggie, as it gives a full insight into her personal as well as professional life? The scene is very well-written.

"there’s a scene of Claudette at Joe’s Bar with Martin. Claudette is telling to him stop digging. He’s looking for a deep dark reason she became a surgeon and there isn’t one. No fiercely demanding mommy, no need to have daddy be proud, no big secrets. He stares at her. She says she has a little secret, he stares again, she caves. She loves plumbing. She needed a job in undergrad and got one for campus services as a plumber. She was good at it and loved it. Loved fixing things but didn’t like poop. Realized that cardio-thoracic and vascular surgery would be a good application of these talents, would give her more money and less poop. She likes fixing things and people and that’s why she is a surgeon. Its also the reason she is still single, you can fix people but you can’t FIX people, you know what I mean?"

Source: callie-arizona.livejournal.com

Edited by owenhuntfan

The actress D.Allen who plays mama Avery is back as she tweeted probably for 1112 as they are shooting it right now.


I´ll only say run,Richard, run as fast as you can. I had thought he finally got rid of her.


I can´t stand Catherine Avery,her my way or highway attitude and the air of snobbishness she always carries with herself.

Hopefully she is only back as Jackson´s mother.

Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 3

Yes,she directed 1109,but she is back as an actress in 1112.


Why,oh, why did they have to kill off Adele? Shonda always kills off the good ones. We got Catherine instead, she is nowhere near Adele´s grace. 

I also never bought her being a doctor. 


I only hope Richard will not follow her like a puppy when she is back in hospital. It´s enough they made him cheat with her on Adele while she was sick.


BTW, who do you think might be the doctor with Wendy in 1111? Any guesses?

Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 2

Grey’s Anatomy Sides 11x13

Filming dates for this episode are from 12/11 - 1/07 with a hiatus from 12/22 - 1/02.


Executive Assistant, Seattle Law Firm — The assistant knocks on a door and interrupts Ms. Clauson who is busy reading a document at her desk. The assistant kindly asks if she’s ready to go and while Ms. Clauson says yes, she doesn’t get up from her desk. The car is waiting. Ms. Clauson slowly rises and the assistant explains that she can’t be the thing that holds up the meeting. It’s time to go. Ms. Clauson starts to put on her coat and explains that that case is one that her sister won. That’s nice but they really need to go. Ms. Clauson puts on her coat, grabs her briefcase and hurries out the door.


Glenda Castillo (30s) — Dr. Delgado performs an ultra sound on Glenda and says that she’s worried about Glenda’s blood pressure and the fact that her swelling has gotten worse. Glenda jokes that she used to have ankles, now she has balloons…with toes. Dr. Delgado laughs and says that she couldn’t even see her feet during the last four months of her own pregnancy. Dr. Delgado pauses and puts on a polite smile to inform Glenda that her baby has a large tumor on his back and it’s affecting Glenda’s heart and increasing her blood pressure which is making her sick. Glenda responds that it can be removed, right. That Dr. Delgado says amazing things about you, that you are one of the best. (Possible that there are two different doctors being referred to as Dr. Delgado in this scene). Dr. Delgado checks the baby’s tumor and explains that it has grown and the baby’s heart is failing. She recommends that they do surgery immediately. Glenda worries that it’s too soon, the baby is only 24-weeks. Dr. Delgado explains that the tumor is not only endangering the baby, it’s putting Glenda at risk as well. Glenda isn’t worried about herself though. If she can hold on for a few more weeks…Her husband is dead. This baby is theirs. She can’t risk his life too. She chooses her baby and tells Dr. Delgado not to worry about her. Dr. Delgado wants to save them both. Then Glenda wants her to wait as long as she can for the baby.


The next scene, Dr. Delgado rushes into Glenda’s room. Glenda is sweaty and ill. It hurts. It hurts. Something’s wrong. Dr. Delgado tells her that they are going to take care of her and she takes her to prep for surgery.


Julie and her husband — She’s surrounded by nurses, in major distress when Dr. Conrad runs in. Julie tells her that it hurts, it hurts. Where? Julie asks for her husband. She’s in so much pain she can barely speak. Dr. Conrad lifts the blanket off Julie’s legs and there’s blood everywhere. Dr. Conrad shouts not to let him in there. They need to get Julie to an OR, now.


The second scene says that it may only be seen and not heard. Julie is there with her husband and Dr. Conrad is explaining that Julie is fine, but while they tried everything they could, despite their best efforts they lost the baby. Julie sobs into her husband and he asks Dr. Conrad to give them privacy.


All credit to calzonafan2014.tumblr.com.

  • Love 1

Apparently they are shooting two eps at the same time.


Sides summary for episode 11x14

Filming dates: Dec. 17 - Jan. 3 [Holiday hiatus: Dec. 22 – Jan. 2 ]


Andrea (40s) – [ER night] Dr. Jenkins asks Andrea where the headache is located and she replies that it’s all over, it moves around. She tells Dr. Jenkins that she went to China last month and got all her shots but she’s wondering if it could be bird flu or SARS. She gets headaches all the time and weird nosebleeds. The blood starts to come and when she goes with a tissue, it goes back up. Dr. Jenkins notices that a big drop of blood is starting to ooze from Andrea’s nostril. Dr. Jenkins grab a tissue and goes to wipe it, but the blood goes right back up and disappears. Dr. Jenkins jerks back, horrified, and tells Andrea that’s it’s not a nosebleed. She thinks it’s some kind of critter. Andrea asks if Dr. Jenkins means that something is living in her face. Dr. Jenkins says it looks like it. Andrea is upset and yells for Dr. Jenkins to get it out.


[trauma room] Dr. Jenkins and Andrea are face to face, a cloud of steam from a steam inhaler rises between them. They’re both waiting, Andrea with dread and Dr. Jenkins with impatience as she’s holding a set of tweezers at the ready. Andrea starts describing her trip and how everyone on her tour was jumping off a high ledge into a lake. She was terrified to do it, but it was the big high point of the trip for them and she didn’t want to be the only one not to do it. She didn’t want to miss out on the high point. Dr. Jenkins says she gets it, she’s missing out on one right now. Andrea says she’s so glad she jumped because it was exhilarating and it changed her forever. She asks if that’s when she got this thing in her. Dr. Jenkins tells her to not move as the grayish blob appears from her nostril. Dr. Jenkins reaches up with the tweezers, seizes it and pulls. It stretches, hanging on as Andrea screams. Andrea yells at her to stop and slaps Dr. Jenkins across the face. Dr. Jenkins wheels back, letting go. The critter slithers back up Andrea’s nose and they’re both shocked. Andrea apologizes but Dr. Jenkins says no, she would’ve done the same and they’ll try again. Andrea replies that they’re not doing that again. She’s not even close to considering a compromise.


All credit for this one to JChambersOnline.

Apparently they are shooting two eps at the same time.


Sides summary for episode 11x14

Filming dates: Dec. 17 - Jan. 3 [Holiday hiatus: Dec. 22 – Jan. 2 ]


Andrea (40s) – [ER night] Dr. Jenkins asks Andrea where the headache is located and she replies that it’s all over, it moves around. She tells Dr. Jenkins that she went to China last month and got all her shots but she’s wondering if it could be bird flu or SARS. She gets headaches all the time and weird nosebleeds. The blood starts to come and when she goes with a tissue, it goes back up. Dr. Jenkins notices that a big drop of blood is starting to ooze from Andrea’s nostril. Dr. Jenkins grab a tissue and goes to wipe it, but the blood goes right back up and disappears. Dr. Jenkins jerks back, horrified, and tells Andrea that’s it’s not a nosebleed. She thinks it’s some kind of critter. Andrea asks if Dr. Jenkins means that something is living in her face. Dr. Jenkins says it looks like it. Andrea is upset and yells for Dr. Jenkins to get it out.


[trauma room] Dr. Jenkins and Andrea are face to face, a cloud of steam from a steam inhaler rises between them. They’re both waiting, Andrea with dread and Dr. Jenkins with impatience as she’s holding a set of tweezers at the ready. Andrea starts describing her trip and how everyone on her tour was jumping off a high ledge into a lake. She was terrified to do it, but it was the big high point of the trip for them and she didn’t want to be the only one not to do it. She didn’t want to miss out on the high point. Dr. Jenkins says she gets it, she’s missing out on one right now. Andrea says she’s so glad she jumped because it was exhilarating and it changed her forever. She asks if that’s when she got this thing in her. Dr. Jenkins tells her to not move as the grayish blob appears from her nostril. Dr. Jenkins reaches up with the tweezers, seizes it and pulls. It stretches, hanging on as Andrea screams. Andrea yells at her to stop and slaps Dr. Jenkins across the face. Dr. Jenkins wheels back, letting go. The critter slithers back up Andrea’s nose and they’re both shocked. Andrea apologizes but Dr. Jenkins says no, she would’ve done the same and they’ll try again. Andrea replies that they’re not doing that again. She’s not even close to considering a compromise.


All credit for this one to JChambersOnline.

The case in this side is disgusting and simply unrealistic, they are really running out of storylines those writers....

Edited by owenhuntfan

Here are pics from the next episode. Looks like something will happen with April's pregnancy. I was watching The Middle yesterday & ended up looking up Atticus Shafer who plays Brick. He actually has Type 4 Osteogenesus Imperfecta & does not appear to have many difficulties. I read that his mother has Type 1 also.

So it may not be as debilitating as they made it appear on the show.


Is this forum on the way out like twop?


Mega Buzz, Meredith & Alex - http://www.tvguide.com/news/mega-buzz-greys-anatomy-meredith-derek-dc-alex-jo/


I used to like Meredith and Alex as friends way back but now that she jumps in bed and is dismissive of his relationship with Jo I'm over it.  She doesn't seem to be able to have a normal friendship where other people are considered.


I read somewhere on tumblr but lost the link that there's a new person being added to the show. Does anyone know about that?



  • Love 1


He actually has Type 4 Osteogenesus Imperfecta & does not appear to have many difficulties. I read that his mother has Type 1 also.

So it may not be as debilitating as they made it appear on the show.

Osteogenesis imperfecta types are not ranked by severity - but by the order in which they were discovered.  Type 1 is mild, Type 4 is moderate and Types 2 & 3 (which is what they think the Japril baby has) is severe/lethal.  I am very interested to see how this storyline plays out. 

Edited by MelineB13


Mega Buzz, Meredith & Alex - http://www.tvguide.c...rek-dc-alex-jo/


Just popping in to say: I haven't watched this show on a regular basis for the past two years ---but I kind of love this! I have always been fond of the relationships of the original 5. And seeing how Mere and Alex are the last of  MAGIC --- I am down all the way with their "emotional affair" or twisted bro/sis thang they got going on. Dysfunction junction --- I am in.


I think Jo understands that Alex considers Meredith "family".  That doesn't change the fact that Meredith hops in their bed, is a bitch to her and is emotionally needy (always needing a "person", always needing to go to others about her husband, etc). Even is she was his sister that would be annoying as all hell. Its one way for the most part too - I don't recall Meredith being around Alex or all that concerned about him emotionally after Izzie left. IIRC, she barely spoke to him about it.  Its too bad they aren't using this as a chance to have Meredith bond with her new sister. 


Anyway, it will only be until Derek makes his grand return and they reunite. Then she'll forget about Alex until the next time she's upset about something and won't talk to her husband.


Guesses on how many episodes will it be until Derek comes running back to "the sun"?  My guess is he'll be gone 3 then back.


Does anyone know about that?


There's a new doctor (resident) coming in episode 16. I get the impression that he's there to be a love interest for someone. His backstory seems to include having lost a child or someone close to him. He identifies with a parent having trouble leaving the room after his daughter dies.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 1

"Emotional affair" is a bit of a loaded term and I really hope that it isn't going to be the case here. To me, the term implies two people who have grown apart from their significant others and get emotional intimacy elsewhere. That doesn't describe Alex and Mer to me. MerDer might be on the outs right now, but Alex and Jo aren't and they communicate reasonably well so I just don't see Alex needing any kind of emotional support from Mer. Then again...

Even is she was his sister that would be annoying as all hell. Its one way for the most part too - I don't recall Meredith being around Alex or all that concerned about him emotionally after Izzie left. IIRC, she barely spoke to him about it.  Its too bad they aren't using this as a chance to have Meredith bond with her new sister. 

It will totally be one way, and Meredith will use Alex as a Yang substitute, be a bitch to Jo, cause problems in his relationship and then cast him aside to bond with Amelia/Maggie/Lexie from beyond the grave. I will be SHOCKED if Alex gets anything out of this "affair" other than a pissed off girlfriend. I would have loved this storyline back in seasons 6-8 when Alex could have used it.

  • Love 2

Who will Maggie get as a love interest?


No single  men left on the show, Owen 99,999% in the hands of that horrible Amelia (good luck to him dealing with her, it seems he will be on the journey of her former boyfriend who she overdosed), so the only thing left is to bring in a new guy, but also Stephanie needs a man, sides summary 1116 shows a new resident Nick is there and Jessica in the side seems to be most likely her. Maggie´s storyline really  picked up in 1101 so up to 1116 she is still single, quite a long time even for Greys. Her relationships with Richard and Meredith must have been well established so far, what are writers waiting for with her?


Any guesses who will Maggie fall in love with?She can´t be single forever on this show. A patient? A former love appears in the hospital? What is the writers´ plan for her in love department?

Edited by owenhuntfan

I don't care to see Maggie's dating life. I don't care much about her personally at all. I'd be perfectly fine with her just being a doctor who's stories revolve around medical cases, mentoring, and just making friends. In my opinion, not everyone needs to be coupled up all the time, and the last thing this show needs is even more characters.

I realize I won't get my wish because this is Grey's where they feel the need to have everyone hooked up at some point or another. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 1

That´s true, I personally feel like Greys has taught me you can´t be single at all,it´s wrong, like let´s couple everyone up, so  on the one hand it would be nice to see Maggie like the prototype of a woman who can be single and perfectly fine with it, not looking for love desperately,so, yes even that might be interesting to see.

I thought that is what they would show us with Owen,but the decision of writers to pair him up with Amelia is so wrong I can´t even say.


I quite care about her, love her style of doctoring, professional attitude, great charisma as a doctor, yet still compassionate, caring towards patients, slowly forming relationships and bonding with people in the hospital. It would be quite exciting to see her in a relationship, what she is like, etc. She is somebody I would really believe is a doctor. Maybe including Owen and Webber who also have this high moral ethics at work.

Edited by owenhuntfan

I think the Owen / Amelia thing will be short lived - as in they'll dance it around awhile, but it won't go anywhere significant.  They can build each other up and relate in some ways due to their background, but ultimately personallity and life goals are not in synch. unless one or both change who they are.

  • Love 1

I think the Owen / Amelia thing will be short lived - as in they'll dance it around awhile, but it won't go anywhere significant.  They can build each other up and relate in some ways due to their background, but ultimately personallity and life goals are not in synch. 




Thanks for saying this. You cheered me up a little, I´m so broken with the news of these two together, there is even a scene at Owen´s trailer they filmed for 1114, with both of them, won´t even imagine what the scene is :(


Anyway, thanks a lot. I hope you are right.

Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 1

I agree. I hope season 12 is the last for all the originals. Their storylines are too recycled. Meridith and Derek should go off and practice medicine in DC and have a cameo every so often. Alex and Jo don't work for me, I think she needs her own development. Alex needs to reunite w Izzy and leave to live w her.

I also don't like Owen and Amelia, is it just me or should they not intro a couple of new hot McDreamy and McSteamies? I think the characters that were original to the cast have (Alex/Derek) need to be wrapped. I never really like Owen, but he can stay if they wish.

Alex needs to reunite w Izzy and leave to live w her.



After she treated him like shit and left him on a Dear Joe letter, I beg to differ. I never felt like Izzie was into Alex the way he was into her. It felt like he always was on trial and had to prove himself to her, never the other way around. Jo might not be the perfect match, but Alex is better off without Izzie IMO. But MMV.

  • Love 4
Jo might not be the perfect match, but Alex is better off without Izzie IMO. But MMV.


I was a really big fan of Alex & Izzie but I don't want Alex to go off with Izzie at this point. Its been years. Alex has moved on and is (by what has been shown on screen) happy with Jo. I think Jo could use some development on her own but I like them as a couple. I like that Jo is shown to truly care for Alex, more than any other character on the show ever has during the 10+ seasons. That includes his friends.



  • Love 2

Re-watching seasons 1-5 I don't see Izzie that way. I find her and Alex growing together, not perfect but endearing. Jo and Alex really don't have that. Her character (Jo) was made for him and it's a bit too unbelievable. The crew back then (seasons 1-5) had a lot of chemistry. I just don't find that w the newer seasons. I was thinking it's because of the constant drama w the main characters, that is why I think they need to move on.

I am an Izzie fan, I liked her and her flaws. I liked all the old crew... I would like their storylines wrapped up. A new crew to take over. I really like Amelia as well as Greys sister, Japril, Jo and Stephanie--these characters have a lot of potential if the original mains step back.

People will always watch Greys, but the show is doing a dis-service to continue some of the old characters now that most of them are gone it just feels wrong having a few stragglers. Bailey and the chief are the exceptions.

Edited by lovedoldGreys

I use to be a big fan of Alex and Izzie, but after my rewatch I thought they were both completely wrong for each other. Izzie declared three different guys the "love of her lives" in a 2 year period. I really  Alex with Jo because she seems to support him which Izzie never did. The whole fight they had when his dad died at the end of the day Jo was there for Alex. Izzie wouldn't have talked to him for a month.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 2

I can't agree. I think Izzie was there for him a lot. She was the first person to see him as something other than a jerk. The storyline with her and George was not good, but I think since the start both of them (Izzie and Alex) had strong feelings for each other. That's the charm, it developed, over seasons.

Again, I like Jo. Just not with Alex. She needs her own story and Alex has already had his.

Edited by lovedoldGreys

I can't agree. I think Izzie was there for him a lot. She was the first person to see him as something other than a jerk. The storyline with her and George was not good, but I think since the start both of them (Izzie and Alex) had strong feelings for each other. That's the charm, it developed, over seasons.

Again, I like Jo. Just not with Alex. She needs her own story and Alex has already had his.


Replying in the Alex thread

Is anyone willing to analyse this particular issue I have with the show,please?


Why don´t we see any scenes with Owen and Maggie? As colleagues operating together, or at least talking to each other about work or something?

We saw one in 1024, then operating in 1101, the McNeils closure in 1102 and then nothing. In 1107 they sort of had a case but didn´t speak to each other at all,then in 1108 it was just  a case which was like a 1 min scene where Owen told her to make her case and she explained, one line each. 


I´m not advocating for them to be a romantic couple or anything anymore, just as colleagues who meet at work, just having some cases together, does Owen even know who she is?,also Callie is friends with both but we always see them separately. It is a deliberate step from the writers, and now 3 episodes after 1108 they haven´t shared a single second of airtime together. I´m really bugged by this, why are the writers doing this?With no romantic agenda but why are these two characters kept separate as if they were characters on two different shows who do not interact at all. They both interact with all the other characters, with all of them at least in group scenes or in surgeries there is always something.  This show is really weird. 


Last episode was another missed opportunity because I think Owen could have been friendlier and offered his help, not to Alex but to Meredith and we have been shown he took care of Zola previously in S8 when he did it because he wanted himself not for Cristina. Why wasn´t he shown helping out Maggie a little bit when he lives there next to the house, and she was practically alone with two small kids all weekend with Amelia at work? It´s like she must have gone out and played with the kids in the garden so he must have seen them, shall we assume he just closed his trailer door when he saw them?


I´d appreciate anyone´s take on this because I smell something is fishy in the writers´ room regarding these two characters sharing extremely limited screentime with each other in almost half a  season. I´m sure both McKidd and McCreary must have noticed they are not in scenes together anymore after sharing some in 1101 and 1102. Why can´t they have scenes with each other as acting partners and their characters to interact respectively is a total mystery to me.


Thanks a lot.

Edited by owenhuntfan

Owen will be with Amelia. You can feel it. This show is really annoying me. Sorry :/



I know, I will NEVER accept them. This is such a punch in the gut I can tell you after 6 seasons of shipping Crowen to get to this. I really hoped there could be another woman for Hunt to fall in love with after Cristina left him but in a million years I would have never come to the point of it being cocky junkie Amelia. Shonda knows how to deliver a K.O. for sure.


No comment.

Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 1

Is anyone willing to analyse this particular issue I have with the show,please?


Why don´t we see any scenes with Owen and Maggie? As colleagues operating together, or at least talking to each other about work or something?

We saw one in 1024, then operating in 1101, the McNeils closure in 1102 and then nothing. In 1107 they sort of had a case but didn´t speak to each other at all,then in 1108 it was just  a case which was like a 1 min scene where Owen told her to make her case and she explained, one line each. 


I´m not advocating for them to be a romantic couple or anything anymore, just as colleagues who meet at work, just having some cases together, does Owen even know who she is?,also Callie is friends with both but we always see them separately. It is a deliberate step from the writers, and now 3 episodes after 1108 they haven´t shared a single second of airtime together. I´m really bugged by this, why are the writers doing this?With no romantic agenda but why are these two characters kept separate as if they were characters on two different shows who do not interact at all. They both interact with all the other characters, with all of them at least in group scenes or in surgeries there is always something.  This show is really weird. 


Last episode was another missed opportunity because I think Owen could have been friendlier and offered his help, not to Alex but to Meredith and we have been shown he took care of Zola previously in S8 when he did it because he wanted himself not for Cristina. Why wasn´t he shown helping out Maggie a little bit when he lives there next to the house, and she was practically alone with two small kids all weekend with Amelia at work? It´s like she must have gone out and played with the kids in the garden so he must have seen them, shall we assume he just closed his trailer door when he saw them?


I´d appreciate anyone´s take on this because I smell something is fishy in the writers´ room regarding these two characters sharing extremely limited screentime with each other in almost half a  season. I´m sure both McKidd and McCreary must have noticed they are not in scenes together anymore after sharing some in 1101 and 1102. Why can´t they have scenes with each other as acting partners and their characters to interact respectively is a total mystery to me.


Thanks a lot.


I think it's more a reflection of time and cast size than anything creative. Right now, it appears they're working toward having Amelia and Owen bond, and so they have the scenes together to promote that. I think Maggie's story right now is with Meredith, hence scenes with her. Yes, it would be great to remember that Owen lives RIGHT ON Derek's/Meredith's land, but I think the writers are simply too burdened with the multiple arcs to show us, for instance, Owen even coming over for a drink or a meal with Meredith, Derek, and the kids, or where Amelia is even living (still at the dream house?)


Too many characters with too many stories leaves too much told and not enough shown.

  • Love 2

True, indeed.


That insanely crappy thing they did to have She-Shepherd live in dreamhouse(yes,she is stil there although she said she would move out, but stays there like a parasite,  also Owen is STILL there and has been in that dumb trailer for how many seasons now???


Writers did that only to pair up these two. There will very likely be OA scene in the trailer in 1113 per tweeted info by the crew, so very conveniently writers will SUDDENLY remember O lives there for them to have another crappy OA scene Shonda can fangirl about.


I´m so furious.

Edited by owenhuntfan

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