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S31: Voting

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Who I really want -


Women: Kelly W., Kimmi, T-Bird, Peih-Gee, Kass, Shirin, Sabrina, Ciera, Tasha, Abi Maria (her, Shane, and Kass on the same tribe would be glorious)


Men: Stephen, Jeff, Shane (for the crazy), Max


The men's choices are awful: basically a bunch of alpha douches (Savage, Culpepper, Terry, Jeremy, Troyzan) or people who have played too recently. 3 men from Worlds Apart? Seriously? (Yeah, I have Max there but for… shall we say shallow reasons. Not sorry.)


Since we have to choose 10:


Filler Men: Spencer, Vytas, Mike, Woo, Keith, I guess Joe. Anyone but Culpepper, please.

It took over an hour for me to slog through the videos. it seemed to me about half of them were gracious and appealing and the other half showed their true selves - for better or worse.

Loved Keith's honesty and Keithness - I guess I spit too much and did dumb things.

I got a contact high from watching Woo.

I want to pummel Jeff (I was voted out by a loudmouth "chickk") and Brad who needs to "be on top" of the wife he loves more than himself.

Kelly W. seemed to strike the right tone.

Shirin came off terribly to me. I wish I could rescind my vote. Carolyn didn't come off any better.

Mike's seemed really telling and lead me to think he doesn't make it to the finals.

So many of the women are Hantz victims.

Don't want to get too excited but Season 31 could be really fun.


I remember Monica for spending her last days in the game just fucking with Russell because she knew she had no chance of staying. I've been wanting her to return just for that, and I'm glad she's in the mix. 


Other than her, I would like to see Peih-Gee, Abi-Maria, Tasha, Sabrina, and Carolyn come back (provided Carolyn doesn't win). Out of the men, I can't say I'm a huge fan of any of them, but I certainly wouldn't mind Stephen, Vytas, Woo, or Spencer. 


Oh, and why isn't floss-my-teeth-with-his-jugular-slap-him-like-his-mother Natalie Bolton on this list? That's another one I've been waiting for.

Edited by Xazeal
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He's had three whacks at it, he doesn't get any more!


Actually, he's had 4: Pearl Islands, All-Stars, HvsV, and Blood vs Water.  If they ever bring him back a 5th time, for the love of god just do like they should have done for Boston Rob and just write him a check, sparing him and everyone on the season that would have to follow the script of letting him win.  

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For the most part, I voted old-school and for people of color.  My votes -- men:

  • Jeff V: Old-school, gave great interview.
  • Shane P: Because he was crazy, and I remember it being hilarious, though once he's back on I may change my mind.
  • Stephen F: Kinda old-school. Will probably be voted out quickly due to his high profile, but I gotta see some fellow nerds on here. Plus he definitely earned a second chance!
  • Andrew S: To be honest, I really don't get the Cult of Savage. Maybe it's because I've only seen Pearl Islands once, but I barely remember the guy, but it seems like his name is dropped around here a lot as a great player who deserves a second chance, and I'm always "Really??" But he's old school and people seem to like him, so I voted for him.
  • Vytas: He was an interesting character in BvW, a bit shady and willing to get his hands dirty, compelling backstory.
  • Keith: Because dude cracked me up.  "Stick to the plan!"
  • Spencer: A little too full of himself, probably overrated, but compelling enough.
  • Jeremy: Like Spencer, I want to see if he can live up to his reputation. How good are you really if you're voted out in the middle of the game? But compelling.
  • Joe: Because I didn't want to vote for the others. Nice enough, big fan.
  • Mike: Because I didn't want to vote for the others. But I think he won't make it because I think he actually won Worlds Apart. (If he doesn't, I may throw away my TV.)


These are the ones I REALLY didn't want to vote for:

  • Terry: I voted for everyone in the first 18 seasons except this guy, because he's smug and overrated. No strategic or social skill. Bleh.
  • Brad Culpepper: Sexist asshole. "Fuck you Brad Culpepper!"
  • Troyzan: sexist crazy idiot. Bleh.


And these I just weren't sure about:

  • Jim Rice: just not memorable.
  • Max: Not interesting enough to vote for.
  • Woo: For some reason I'm willing to forgive Natalie her bone-headed move of taking Rob to the end, but not willing to forgive Woo his bone-headed move of taking Tony to the end. I think it's because Woo is still kinda defending that move and because he's still talking about being true to his "martial-art values" (actual quote)!


Now the women -- I voted for:

  • Kelly: Wow! I didn't think she'd ever want to play again. Absolutely.
  • Kimmi: Even though she was annoying, I voted for her because she's old-school.
  • Teresa: Old-school sweetheart.
  • Peih-Gee: Old-school, and b/c I feel sorry for her because she was bullied by James.
  • Mikayla: I feel sorry for her because of her victimization by Brandon. Athletic.
  • Shirin: Reluctantly voted for her because I felt sorry for her, even though I know she'll just annoy everyone again and be voted out first.
  • Ciera: She voted out her mom! I always thought she deserved a second chance.
  • Tasha: Absolutely. Underdog challenge beast.
  • Sabrina: Not particularly memorable, but she was a runner-up and POC.
  • Natalie Tennerelli: Rob's little helper. Yes I really voted for her! Like Amber before her, I'm curious to see how she would do if she weren't under Rob's shadow. Unlike Woo, she's not really defensive about her poor play.


As for the women I didn't vote for:

  • Kelley Wentworth: I almost voted for her because I wanted to see if she was really as much as a threat as her reputation suggested. But ultimately not memorable.
  • Stephanie: I didn't remember her until watching her video. Russel Hantz's little helper in Redemption Island. She reminded me that she was a bit of a spit-fire on her tribe after being voted out, so I was a little tempted to vote for her for that reason.
  • Monica: Memorable, but just for being a pretty face. Neither here nor there.
  • Carolyn: I really liked her at the beginning of the season, for finding the idol and being a challenge beast and being assertive and not falling into the crying mom trap like so many other older ladies. I still respect her gameplay. But now she seems unpleasant and an instigator of Shirin's ostracism. So no.
  • Abi-Maria: You know, I was almost tempted to vote for her, because she owned up to her bad behavior like a champ after the season. But then I watched her video and remembered how annoying she was and how much her voice grated. So no.
  • Kass: No. Just no.


All that said, given the fact I can vote once a day, I might switch up a few of those bottom votes later.



Shirin came off terribly to me. I wish I could rescind my vote. Carolyn didn't come off any better.



Well what you could do is vote every day until the finale and just not vote for her again.


I forgot BvWater because he got voted out so early. Thankfully.


Rupert wasn't even voted out. He switched places with his wife when SHE was voted out, then lost a RI challenge. It's noteworthy because it's a unique way of losing Survivor. He didn't win, didn't lose a jury vote, didn't get voted out, didn't draw an unlucky rock, didn't quit, and wasn't evacuated.  (And unlike the first two out of Palau, he was actually on a tribe at first, if only for a few minutes.) (Did I miss any other way to lose?)


ETA: Didn't lose a fire-making challenge to Stephenie in Palau.

Edited by Lingo
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Brian Corridan @BriCorridan  ·  19h 19 hours ago

No, @Survivor_Tweet, Andrew was NOT on S6. If you're not going to let me play again, at least let me run your website



This was a comment from Guatemala pre-jury boot Brian Corridan on his twitter, regarding the lack of double checking the website before going to press.  They had it listed on the website he was part of season 6, and I think Jeff even said in the EW interview that Andrew last played during S6.  For someone that Probst has often mentioned he liked and felt got royally screwed, you'd think they could remember what season he came from.  Brian is fun to follow on twitter, and he often makes cracks about the lack of representation from the Guatemala season.


I've mentioned it before that Guatemala was always one of my favorite, underrated seasons, and I'm sad we've never had anyone return from it.  I know that Judd and Danni had been asked, and someone here said Jaime was offered an invite for BvsW.  Judd and Danni I believe were both offered HvsV, but Judd was cut and Danni said she wanted to return only for an all-winners season.  In fairness, a lot of seasons may have only been represented once, and those that were rep more than that were usually by the same players.  I did love Guatemala though, and despite being forgettable for a lot of people, there are many that I recall and would love to see get a second chance.  Some of them were pre-jury boots.


Since this is being billed as a second chance season I almost wish they had included more pre-jury boots along with people who just missed out.

Edited by LadyChatts
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It makes me irritable to have to vote for 10.  There were not 10 of the women or the men that I liked enough to vote for.


Who I'd actually like to come back:

Women: season 1 Kelly, T-Bird, Kass, Ciera, Mikayla, Tasha

Men: Jeff Varner, Shane, Stephen, Savage, Joe


What I would like to have seen in the running:


More folks from the first half of Survivor history.  Maybe a lot of those people have better things to do with their lives than play Survivor again, though? I'd love to have seen the first 10-15 seasons have a little more representation instead of FIVE people from the season we are STILL WATCHING.

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What I would like to have seen in the running:

More folks from the first half of Survivor history

Plus a million.  I haven't been able to bring myself to vote for anyone so far since there are so many I would have preferred from the earlier seasons.  Michelle from Fiji, Gretchen from Borneo, Ian from Palau, Cao Boi from Cook Islands......

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I'm not going to vote because there aren't twenty among this group that I want to see again, but if I could vote for five each, it would be these.




1. Kelly Wiglesworth. Original challenge monster. Curious to see how she'd play now that the game is much more complicated and players far more cutthroat.


2. Peih-Gee Law. A good, strategic player who was on the wrong side of the numbers. Threw a challenge one of the few times (maybe the only time) it ever made sense to do so.


3. Teresa T-Bird Cooper. Last member standing of a Pagonged tribe and lasted longer than a member of the majority tribe by getting Lex to lose his shit. Also just a lovely person.


4. Shirin Oskooi. I mean, yes, she's annoying and not a great strategic player, but she had the misfortune of being on the season where the theme was Worst Humans Ever. She loves the game and I hope she gets a shot at playing with people who won't try to draw blood every time they talk to her.


5. Kimmi Kappenberg. Basically has nothing to recommend her except that she's old school and I'm sentimental.





1. Shane Powers. OBVIOUSLY. Please, let him be in nicotine withdrawal again.


2. Stephen Fishbach. Underrated strategist. Overshadowed by JT's social game.


3. Jeff Varner. Sneaky and conniving, his game was undone by Kimmi's big mouth. If not for that, Kucha might have taken the majority after the merge and he would have had a clear path to the end.


4. Mike Holloway. Because he's a decent guy and his headshot on the voting page makes him look like a young Kris Kringle from Santa Claus is Coming to Town.


5. Jeremy Collins. Maybe. He wasn't a great player, but he gave good side-eye.



As for the rest of them and why I'm not interested in seeing them again:


Kass McQuillen. Unlikeable, did stupid shit for no good strategic reason, genuinely didn't understand that she was a goat.


Monica Padilla. Who?


Natalie Tenerelli. Sweet person, but only got to the end because Boston Rob carried her.


Sabrina Thompson. Not so sweet person, only got to the end because Kim carried her.


Stephanie Valencia. Allied with Russell knowing he considered her part of his "dumb bitch" alliance and, unlike Parvati, was satisfied with that.


Tasha Fox. The female Terry Deitz. Challenge monster but little else. Complained to people that they weren't playing the way she wanted them to.


Carolyn Rivera. Bleah.


Kelly Wentworth. Who?


Mikayla Wingle. I felt bad for her during her season because it seemed like she was voted out because of Brandon and his weird issues. Then I saw all the salacious tweets that went back and forth between her and Russell and read here that she had an affair with him. Therefore, no no no no no.


Abi-Maria Gomes. I liked that she owned her bad behavior after the season ended and I do agree she wouldn't have looked as bad if they'd also shown us how crazy RC was acting, but even aside from all that, I just don't think she's all that interesting.


Jim Rice. Whatever.


Keith Nale. Probably not a bad guy, but basically a dope. Also, the spitting.


Joe Anglim. Good hair. Good in challenges. Boring.


Max Dawson. Naked. Used the word "uncomfy."


Spencer Bledsoe. I liked him during his season, but that's because he was an underdog. I think if he came back and wasn't an underdog, he'd be a jerk, and I'd rather continue to like him.


Troyzan Robertson. Whiny baby.


Woo Hwang. I don't know what game he was playing last time, but it wasn't Survivor.


Terry Deitz. I don't even hate him, but literally the only thing he had going for him was challenge prowess and that was how many years ago?


Andrew Savage. Under his leadership, his tribe had no food, lost almost every challenge, and kept Osten way past it being obvious that Osten was done. King of the Idiots.


Brad Culpepper. Prince of the Idiots.


Vytas Backalackin. Gives off a sociopathic vibe. He makes me like Aras.


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Now I really want to go back and look to see who I can find that would have been reasonable to invite.  BRB researching! :)  I feel like folks who were over 60 when they played originally if their season was more than 5 or so years ago probably wouldn't want to play again, because (with the rare exception of folks like Rudy) older people generally don't do well on the show.

So far I've come up with:


Season 1: Sean and Gretchen

Season 2: already pretty well represented but there's always Keith

Season 3: Silas and Lindsey come immediately to mind. Also Kim J but I think she's previously declined to do Survivor again.

Season 4: Paschal might not want to return because of age but if anyone deserves a second chance it's him!

Season 5: Ted or Helen seem like good candidates, although I'm quite sure CBS wouldn't ask Helen back.

Season 6: I'd love to see Christy again and wouldn't mind seeing Heidi. Maybe seeing a little less of her than last time. ;)

Season 7: Wouldn't mind seeing Michelle again or even Lillian.


I really hope CBS asked at least some of these folks and they declined.

What! RUSSELL?!?!? I don't believe it.


Yeah, I don't know if it's true or not but the rumors are out there. I first read about it just recently in this post in the past seasons thread, but when I Googled it I found some stuff from two or three years ago. There was a thing on reddit saying Brandon confirmed it on Facebook and there was also some talk about it on Sucks. It looks like there was an auction where you could bid to have lunch with Russell and Mikayla, though who would want that other than bulimics, I don't know. I did see a lot of the tweets between the two of them when South Pacific was still airing but after Mikayla was voted off, and they were pretty nasty, as in "this is making me never want to have sex again" nasty. So while I don't know if the rumors are true, I can believe it based on seeing them basically sexting each other publicly.

Edited by fishcakes

I seem in line with a lot of you.  The most revelatory thing of this thread for me personally is that back in the day on TWOP I thought Kimmi S2 was almost universally hated and Alicia much admired, and I felt the opposite.  It is comforting to see there were other Kimmi fans!    

I didn't realize at first that you had to vote for 10 so I picked six women and was auto-chided into picking the final 4 before I could register my vote.  Those last 4 were hard to pick and it was mostly staying away from people I didn't want to see again (Carolyn, for example).  The men were even harder!  In the end I had to pick Woo just for the pretty, because he sure doesn't belong there on gameplay, but I needed not to vote for (for example) Terry.


I'm also happy to see a bunch of Kimmi fans.  I always felt alone!  Although I think the passage of time and being of the old school originals probably helped boost her popularity more than it was at the time.  It seems like a lot of people are upset with having to vote for 10 different people.  I actually didn't have that problem.  I only had a few spaces for each that I am just filling with random people.  Since we can vote everyday, I've been spreading those last few votes out.  Kelly, Kimmi, Teresa, Peih Gee, Sabrina, Tasha, Jeff, Andrew, Shane, Vytas, Spencer, Jeremy, and Joe are consistently getting my votes.


My love-hate relationship with these kind of seasons are that the ones that were my all time favorites sometimes come off and I never want to look at them again.  I don't know if it's the arrogance of a fan favorite or being considered an AS but a lot of times they come off very full of themselves.  This season may be worse with the whole "fan vote".


Shirin is campaigning for her and Mike.  I don't know if she's not letting it slip that Mike didn't win or she wants to make sure that he gets the votes just in case.

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It's somewhat interesting how hard some are campaigning for themselves (or others if they aren't included in the line up) and others seem pretty confident that they are returning by the lack of campaigning they are doing.  Max is also campaigning really hard for himself; he even had a re-tweet from a poster that was joking about rigging the system to cast all his votes for Max.


I really hope Max is NOT included in this season.  I don't care to see that many from WA anyway.

  • Love 2

It's somewhat interesting how hard some are campaigning for themselves (or others if they aren't included in the line up) and others seem pretty confident that they are returning by the lack of campaigning they are doing. Max is also campaigning really hard for himself; he even had a re-tweet from a poster that was joking about rigging the system to cast all his votes for Max.

I really hope Max is NOT included in this season. I don't care to see that many from WA anyway.

It will be interesting to see who shows up on Rhap the next 2 eeks. I saw Varner, Teresa and Kelly wigglesworth have all tweeted they reached out to him. Varner joked that he will bring Debb on the podcast again. Edited by choclatechip45

I'd love to hear Kelly and Jeff especially.  I'm surprised Kelly is campaigning so hard.  Maybe it's just the time that has gone by, but she always seemed to done with Survivor.  I remember her saying she never watched her season, and when she was interviewed or asked to do recaps for some of the seasons that followed, she didn't really know what was going on because she didn't keep with it.  I remember she did recaps for either TV Guide or EW during Outback and she said she only watched the beginning and end.  I hope Rob gives in, don't want to see him playing favorites!  Though Rob was one of the original super fans of the show, so I can't believe he'd turn them down.

People I do not wanna see:

Abi Maria - Oh god no! Yes I know it would be entertaining for some to have a villain but I cant do it I cant vote for her she was soooo annoying in season 25 it was painful watching her but hey so if you wanna see her again vote for her but I definitely will not be voting for her.
Kimmi- No thanks she whined and complained in the outback season too much about people killing the animals for food and she only made it to like the 5th episode not someone I have to see again
Jeremy- I really did not like this guy at all Im not sure why he has so many fans he played the game way too emotional for me and I found him annoying I wont be voting for him
Brad- Im not sure if he is in trouble with the law but I never liked him either he was a trouble maker

Here are the people that I wanna see the most:

Spencer- He played so well in season 28 and I honestly think he had a great shot at beating Tony if he made it to the final 2 for someone to be on a tribe that lost four challenges in the beginning and to make it to the final 4 deserves another shot he really impressed me I wanna see him return more than anyone
Tasha- Like Spencer she too played a great game she was on the same tribe as Spencer and won 3 immunity challenges straight in the merge, I found her very intelligent and she finished 6th place that season i think she deserves another shot.
Woo- Was he the best player no but personality wise he was so cool many thought he was an idiot for bringing Tony to the end but I admired him for bringing someone more deserving to the finale I would love to see him play again.
Kass- Whether you like or hate her she played a good game too she never let other people dictate to her how she would vote and I respect her for that.
So as you guys can see I really loved season 28  I want everyone from that season to return

As far as everyone else goes I havent seen every season of Survivor so I dont know recognize all the faces but I also would like to see Mike, Joe , and Shirin from Season 30 Ciera, Vytas, Jeff Varner, Sabrina and even Troyzan come back. I know he was crazy but he fought hard to the end and I kinda felt bad for him he was the last man standing that season and deserves another shot. This is a really a great list overall though decisions decisions decisions

Wait . . . so you have to vote for ten different people in order for it to count? That sucks  . . . I already hemmed and hawed before using Google Plus to register, and I was thinking of doing a blog post on voting for Shirin. The seasons tend to blur together . . . . I can't remember specifics anymore.


I started watching the videos. The one from Shirin was nice, though I'm a little ticked that the gameplay portion showed her at her most spazzy. I'm open to voting for the old school, since Gervase and Mike went far in their returns. I don't think I'm voting for anybody from Redemption Island, since they were seemingly hand-selected to give Rob and Russell a clear path to victory.


ETA: Just saw Shane's video. I'm hoping he's playing up the insanity for votes . . . because if he isn't, yikes. And the "nurse" has a name, Shane. It's Cirie . . . who's way more beloved than you.

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Found some links that are interesting EW did a slideshow for each contenstant on "What will you do differently this time around?" http://www.ew.com/gallery/survivor-second-chance-contenders

Some Thoughts: Peih-Gee, Varner, and Abi-Maria seem very self aware. Kimmi talks about her motivation is her 2 sons since she is a single mother I feel like that can go two ways 1) playing cutthroat like Sandra and Cirie or 2) being an emotional mess like Dawn I hope if she gets on she is not the latter. I feel like Stephen and Spencer have a lot riding on this season I think if they don't do well they will both take it very hard since their lives have been devoted to Survivor stuff since their season has ended. Sabrina sounds delusional she really thinks she would have won if she won more challenges? Okay, I had voted for her, but rethinking that.


Varner did an AMA http://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/358997/jeff_varner_ama/his reaction to finding out Kimmi would be on this season is pretty funny. On a less funny note it sounds like she has had a rough ride this past few years. Apparently South Pacific was supposed to be Fans vs Favorites and Varner was asked to be on the show.

I already feel like some of these people (especially from later seasons) are going to be insufferable.  And I have to agree that, for some them, getting an early exit is probably going to be very hard to take.  One of the complaints I've seen online is something I'm worried about, and that is alliances are already being made by people.  Which, if it plays out like the original AS, it'll be a crappy season.  But, FvsF and HvsV worked out okay.  Mike is hitting up a lot of people on his twitter that are on this season, and even got into a spat with Jim Rice already over something Jim said about him during RHAP.  I'm still disappointed 5 of these slots are occupied by S30 contestants, especially when 1 of them may not even be eligible.  On the other hand, somewhat amusing that this will end up hijacking the finale of our current season.


In Jeff's campaign video he referenced Kimmi and Debb (with 2 b's) being his demise with that one lone vote that cost him.  It would be funny to see them together again.  I forgot 2 things about Jeff: that prior to being voted off, he threw away the tribe's fish supply because he knew they were kicking him off.  Considering that was the ultimate season of starvation, pretty good move.  Also, that he jumped from that pole during the II for a handful of peanut butter.  So, in a way, he kind of caused his own demise by not sticking it out when he knew he was going to be a target.  

Yeah, I don't know if it's true or not but the rumors are out there. I first read about it just recently in this post in the past seasons thread, but when I Googled it I found some stuff from two or three years ago. There was a thing on reddit saying Brandon confirmed it on Facebook and there was also some talk about it on Sucks. It looks like there was an auction where you could bid to have lunch with Russell and Mikayla, though who would want that other than bulimics, I don't know. I did see a lot of the tweets between the two of them when South Pacific was still airing but after Mikayla was voted off, and they were pretty nasty, as in "this is making me never want to have sex again" nasty. So while I don't know if the rumors are true, I can believe it based on seeing them basically sexting each other publicly.


Yes, Mikala and Russell boinked. Both have talked about the sex on twitter.

So basically I'm the only one that can't stand Tasha then? 



Nope. I couldn't stand her since the first ep when she had her temper tantrum. One of the most overrated players in recent yrs.

HOWEVER, I did vote for her bc I think they want a black woman on and she is more overtly a threat than Sabrina. Sabrina is the type of stealth player who would win an AS season, sadly, so I don't want to give her the chance.


In Jeff's campaign video he referenced Kimmi and Debb (with 2 b's) being his demise with that one lone vote that cost him. It would be funny to see them together again. I forgot 2 things about Jeff: that prior to being voted off, he threw away the tribe's fish supply because he knew they were kicking him off. Considering that was the ultimate season of starvation, pretty good move. Also, that he jumped from that pole during the II for a handful of peanut butter. So, in a way, he kind of caused his own demise by not sticking it out when he knew he was going to be a target.

He's mentioned he has not eaten peanut butter since the Outback. He also said, he saw Kimmi in casting in LA and he couldn't believe it that they both might be able to play on the same season again. He hopes they are on different tribes, but he did say he knows she has had a rough few years and is a fighter.

eta I wasn't a big Tasha fan during her season she really won me over during miss survivor interviews with Rob. she seems like a huge fan of the show and seems pretty normal. Plus the fact she didn't originally campaign for miss survivor because she was too busy with her job and than once she was nominated made time because her fans voted for her that made me like her.

Edited by choclatechip45

Can we have like, 14 girls and 6 guys? The only women I DON'T want to see back are Mikayla and Natalie (although even with Natalie it'll be interesting to see if she's grown up). Hoping to see Peih-Gee, Teresa and Monica as most of my other favs are basically guaranteed (Ciera, Tasha, Kelly).

The guys are pretty weak. I want Jeff back. Shane and Stephen are good. Spencer and Jeremy are probably shoe-ins. And I am praying Mike is a red herring and actually won Worlds Apart, because otherwise...

I wonder if they tried to get Gretchen from the first season, I would love to see her play again. Richard Hatch said on RHAP that she's the one from the first season he would most like to see play again, I was hoping he knew something. What I would really love is for them to do a season with everyone from the first season, if they're no longer available or not interested, then maybe get one of their family members to take their place.

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Varner is campaigning hard I saw on twitter he was on a radio show today and had an interview with a news station I think . Is he still a news anchor? I know he won some fan voted contest to co host with Kelly Ripa so he should have a good shot.


I don't think he's currently anchoring anywhere right now.  In the fall, he was "let go" (fired?) from the local station here in Greenville.  He said that it was so he could take care of his mother who has/d breast cancer, but rumor has it, he was escorted by security off the tv station... so,  I don't know what's the real story with that. But local viewers LOVED him and were very upset he left.


The funny thing about Kelly W campaigning so hard is that she really doesn't had to because I guarantee they are going to put her on this season no matter how may votes she gets.  It will be interesting hearing from her if she goes on RHAP.


I hope so.  BUUUUUUT today CBS removed the language from the rules saying that they'll have a hand in the voting, and put out a public statement that ONLY the fans' votes will matter: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/08/survivor-second-chance-cbs-fixes-fan-voting-rules


Which on the one hand: Yay if it's true, because I'm all about transparency and giving the "fans" their say.  On the other hand, I'm worried that this means that the players from the older seasons will have a very small shot of getting on. I won't be very happy if the cast is all from the last 5 seasons or so.

Edited by Lingo
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I don't think he's currently anchoring anywhere right now. In the fall, he was "let go" (fired?) from the local station here in Greenville. He said that it was so he could take care of his mother who has/d breast cancer, but rumor has it, he was escorted by security off the tv station... so, I don't know what's the real story with that. But local viewers LOVED him and were very upset he left.

Thanks for the info! He mentioned on his reedit chat last night that he was fired after he asked for the forms for FMLA. He said the two were unrelated. That's good to know he was loved. I wonder if the locals will vote for him based on that even if they don't watch survivor. According to his reddit chat he turned down the spot this season, but Lynne Spillman told him to sleep on it. He said he wants to take one of his moms bills from her treatment for motivation.

Edited by choclatechip45

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