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S31: Voting

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I wonder if they tried to get Gretchen from the first season, I would love to see her play again. Richard Hatch said on RHAP that she's the one from the first season he would most like to see play again, I was hoping he knew something.
I disliked her a lot, mostly because her determination of who she was voting for seemed to have very little to do with strategy.  She voted out Joel and her reasoning was "you make more money than most of us and you don't need it".  That's not as bad as the Alphabet voting that Sean used, but still, it's pretty bad.  She was one of the older members of her tribe, she could have coalesced the collection of 20 somethings into a cohesive group that would do something to avoid the pagonging, but she either failed to see it or failed to do anything about it.

To be fair to Gretchen, the game was pretty unformed at that point. Hatch came in as a hardcore strategic player, and I would say Joel and, to an extent, even Gervase shared that mindset, but most of the others thought it was about who could best survive the elements, who was well-liked, and who needed the money. Many people talked a lot that season about "voting your conscience," which is a phrase that was rarely used after Borneo. Gretchen and the rest of Pagong knew that they could vote as a bloc after the merge, but they all chose not to. Gretchen specifically told Joel before the merge that it wasn't the game she wanted to play, and as far they all knew, no precedent having been set, not playing with alliances and voting blocs was a possibility. Given how the game has evolved over the years into a super cutthroat, often mean-spirited, strategy trumps everything contest, I think there are a lot of early season players who wouldn't necessarily be interested in playing again.

Edited by fishcakes

I hope so.  BUUUUUUT today CBS removed the language from the rules saying that they'll have a hand in the voting, and put out a public statement that ONLY the fans' votes will matter: http://www.ew.com/ar...an-voting-rules


Which on the one hand: Yay if it's true, because I'm all about transparency and giving the "fans" their say.  On the other hand, I'm worried that this means that the players from the older seasons will have a very small shot of getting on. I won't be very happy if the cast is all from the last 5 seasons or so.


I have to say I'll be disappointed if CBS doesn't have at least some say.  If this is essentially all contestants from S25-S30 this season will have gone to hell in a handbasket before it even starts.  I know that TPTB will say 'it was your vote, you should have voted!' but still, I wouldn't be surprised if people are finding ways to cheat the system, and not everyone has the social media following and means to campaign as hard as others.  Every board I've read thus far has a lot of 'who?' regarding a lot of these contestants.  To play devils advocate for a moment, considering there are few POC contestants in the running, what if none of them were voted on?  I don't anticipate that happening, but what if it did?  Jeff was asked during the EW interview whether TPTB would have any say in who got cast, like they did for Big Brother, and while he didn't outright say no, he did make it sound as though it was strictly the fans voting.

It definitely nervouses me to see that CBS has removed any language about having a say in the outcome of the cast, but I hope the combination of requiring a vote for 10 on each ballot and some aggressive social media campaigning will help the contenders from the earlier seasons make it on.


People I Voted For Who I Would Be Disappointed Not to See Cast: Wiglesworth, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Shane, Stephen.


People I Voted For Who I Would Like to See But Won't Lose Any Sleep Over: Kimmi, Teresa, Sabrina, Ciera, Tasha, Savage, Woo, Spencer, Jeremy, Joe


People I Voted For Who Are Decidedly Not Kass or Culpepper: Monica, Stephenie, Mikayla, Terry, Jim.

Unfortunately I think Kass is a shoe in regardless of whether the fans vote her in or not.  I don't make anything of CBS removing that language, I think it's their game and they can do whatever they want.  I think they will want Kass back because they loved her attempts at big moves late in her season and they want to reward her for it.  They love the idea of #KrazyKass or whatever they labelled her as.  


Part of me also thinks they love the fact that she is a Plain Jane and knows it.  Look at the cast, she is probably one of the least attractive contestants under consideration.   I liked her in the first episode when she said that she knew full well that she didn't get cast because she looks good in a swimsuit.  She has self-awareness, and I am certain that part of why she made the "krazy" moves that she did is because she thought it would make her memorable enough to get asked back.  I don't like her at all, but I can understand why she would think that way.  Because here we are.  She's about to get asked back.

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  On 5/7/2015 at 6:37 PM, LadyChatts said:

Actually, he's had 4: Pearl Islands, All-Stars, HvsV, and Blood vs Water.  If they ever bring him back a 5th time, for the love of god just do like they should have done for Boston Rob and just write him a check, sparing him and everyone on the season that would have to follow the script of letting him win.  

Plus Rupert is the only player ever to win a 'consolation million', right?  One year he won fan fav for a million.  Crazy.  


Oops, I posted my thoughts in the ep thread.  I didn't have many.  I say someone else thinks Shirin will get the Sugar edit.  Heh.

  On 5/8/2015 at 7:48 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

Plus Rupert is the only player ever to win a 'consolation million', right?  One year he won fan fav for a million.  Crazy.  


Oops, I posted my thoughts in the ep thread.  I didn't have many.  I say someone else thinks Shirin will get the Sugar edit.  Heh.


That was me that thinks she'll be the new Sugar.  To quote Tom B from the first AS, she will be "playing with the big boys now".  Unless she dials it down 100%, I expect her to be in over her head.  I also will be curious to see how Mike adapts, considering this season won't be a bunch of worthless doormats that do nothing or unlikable goats getting dragged to the end.  One thing about AS seasons, there is strategy (good and bad) going on.

They're asking people to vote for 20, but I hope they only cast 18 (maybe the other two will be alternates), because I really prefer 3-tribe seasons.  Or maybe they could cast 21!


I do wonder exactly how these folks were selected. Taking seltzer3's post at face value, it appears that at least some people were asked to submit new application videos.  I wonder if they invited ALL the non-winner players who hadn't played more than once, or just contacted some subset of them.  And of those invited, I wonder how many actually applied, and were willing and able to do it under CBS's terms (including appearing with a suitcase at the S30 Live Finale and being willing to leave right at that moment -- or be denied on live TV).  Certainly more than 32, but how many more? I don't agree that this is a "Who??" cast -- I recognized most of them immediately -- but it certainly does appear somewhat random, considering all the colorful personalities we can think of who haven't gotten a second shot yet.  


We've got:

  • Some 2nd-place finishers (Kelly, Natalie, Sabrina, Stephen, Woo, maybe Carolyn, maybe Mike)
  • Some who were in the majority alliance after the merge (Shane, Keith, Abi-Maria, Ciera, Kass)
  • Many who were in a minority alliance after the merge (Jeff, Andrew, Terry, Jim, Troyzan, Vytas, Spencer, Jeremy, Joe, Teresa, Peih-Gee, Monica, Tasha, Shirin)
  • And some who didn't even make the merge (Brad, Max, Kimmi, Stephanie, Mikayla, Kelley)


Well looking at it again it's not so easy to place all these people in majority vs. minority alliances post-merge.  But my point is, these folks don't all fit any single mold: They're not all Best People To Never Win, they're not all Post-Merge Underdogs, they're not all Pre-Merge Elims We Think Had Potential.  There's a mix of those people, plus some who don't really fit any particular compelling narrative (Monica's the biggest head-scratcher in my mind).


  • Love 1

So you're voting for white people in part to try to cancel out votes of people voting for minority contestants? Survivor had always been tough for a minority contestant, there's a reason why they had to have the Race season, because there was a perception at the time that there were never enough minority contestants.

In particular, I think the Asian male seems very underrepresented. Apart from Yul and Yau Man and the others on the race season, I can only think of Woo. I missed some seasons in the late teens to mid 20s so there could possibly be more.

I just realised that I thought that Kelly Wentworth who I have been voting for was Jaclyn, Jon's girlfriend who made the finals. Just hit me that she is ass Dale's daughter.

Edited by blackwing
  • Love 2

A lot of the woman are head scratchers for me but not totally horrible. I actually would have liked a bigger pool to pick from. There were less (men & woman) that I really wanted to vote for but in order for your vote to count you have to pick 10 each. It's a good concept and a good PR move to let the "fans" vote. Now, we gotta see how all this plays out on the live show. How much time will be given for the announcement? How much time is given to the "losers"? Also, this is happening all in real time. Usually, the casting and filming dates are so hush hush. Now, we'll know the cast and have a guestimation of when the 39 Days start & begin. Each night we can go to bed and count every 3 days when Tribal Council is. LOL!!!!

  • Love 1

I would have liked more choices, too.  Especially since there's been almost 500 contestants, maybe done a top 50 or something.  I really would have liked to see more older seasons represented, and am disappointed by some of the ones that were cut.  There aren't even going to be that many left standing as it is, if they do a top 20.  Wasn't there originally going to be a top 40?  Maybe time constraints.  I don't know if they planned on doing the actual announcement during the finale, or if certain circumstances made them decide to rush things along.  I also wonder how they are going to make the announcement; if it'll be like BB where there all standing there and they announce whose going through, while the others get sulkier and sulkier looking.  And if they do in fact have a say in who gets on, if they'll say whether the fans voted them on or if it was production (I think BB did that).

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1
  On 5/8/2015 at 11:06 PM, LadyChatts said:

I would have liked more choices, too.  Especially since there's been almost 500 contestants, maybe done a top 50 or something.  I really would have liked to see more older seasons represented, and am disappointed by some of the ones that were cut.  There aren't even going to be that many left standing as it is, if they do a top 20.  Wasn't there originally going to be a top 40?  Maybe time constraints.  I don't know if they planned on doing the actual announcement during the finale, or if certain circumstances made them decide to rush things along.  I also wonder how they are going to make the announcement; if it'll be like BB where there all standing there and they announce whose going through, while the others get sulkier and sulkier looking.  And if they do in fact have a say in who gets on, if they'll say whether the fans voted them on or if it was production (I think BB did that).


Well officially they're saying now that it's all fan votes -- no production votes at all.


Someone was complaining that out of all the seasons, only Guatemala has never had an original player come back to play again (save Stephenie, who was originally Palau so she doesn't count).  Well, there's another season conspicuously missing from the voting list: Caramoan (FvF 2).  Of course, all the Favorites are ineligible, and most of those Fans were a pretty miserable bunch, but I'm a little surprised one of those "3 Amigos", Reynold and Eddie, aren't on the list.

  • Love 1
  On 5/9/2015 at 2:37 AM, Daisy said:

i bet that is because Rob recently did TEOS (his audiobook) and just re-watched Africa a few months ago.

I realllly want T-Bird to come back

Oh I know it was because of Teos. It had to do with why Samburu plus Kelly couldn't vote Lex off and she said she didn't know and than got really excited and confident that it was because Lex had won immunity. She forgot that Brandon wouldn't vote with Frank.  She did say she hasn't watched Africa since it aired.

Edited by choclatechip45
  On 5/8/2015 at 8:57 PM, Lingo said:

They're asking people to vote for 20, but I hope they only cast 18 (maybe the other two will be alternates), because I really prefer 3-tribe seasons.  Or maybe they could cast 21!


I do wonder exactly how these folks were selected. Taking seltzer3's post at face value, it appears that at least some people were asked to submit new application videos.  I wonder if they invited ALL the non-winner players who hadn't played more than once, or just contacted some subset of them.  And of those invited, I wonder how many actually applied, and were willing and able to do it under CBS's terms (including appearing with a suitcase at the S30 Live Finale and being willing to leave right at that moment -- or be denied on live TV).  Certainly more than 32, but how many more? I don't agree that this is a "Who??" cast -- I recognized most of them immediately -- but it certainly does appear somewhat random, considering all the colorful personalities we can think of who haven't gotten a second shot yet.  


They definitely didn't invite everyone.  That would be hundreds and hundreds of people.  Tyler mentioned he wasn't invited.  Jeff said on EW they were shooting for non-winners, one-time-players who people would like to see get another shot.  

Here were my original votes the first night from the Spoilers thread:


In alphabetical order, females:

Kass - HATE HER, but she's drama
Kelly Wigs - totally deserves a second chance after all these years
Mikayla - got a raw deal being the unknowingly temptress whore for Brendan, the most stable of them all, Hantz


Brad (I KNOW) - he's an ass, but I would like to see him in a group of similar types.  Also, I didn't love my other choices
Jim - still don't really remember him, but my friend tells me I liked him in his season


I've since changed my mine on Kass, Mikayla, and Culpepper, but haven't decided who to replace them with yet.

  On 5/9/2015 at 3:28 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

They definitely didn't invite everyone.  That would be hundreds and hundreds of people.  Tyler mentioned he wasn't invited.  Jeff said on EW they were shooting for non-winners, one-time-players who people would like to see get another shot.  


boy, and this is the list they came up with? I am going to console myself that maybe Neleh, John Carroll, Brian & Amy and Twila couldn't come back for reasons. 

Edited by Daisy


Wow, I am listening to the TBird RHSP appearance bc of the positive feedback here and I am very turned off. She comes across as very naive. No way she can play the modern game unless she did like Tina did and make some alliance before even flying to location

I thought she was a bit naive, but I do think that is her schtick she seemed naive in Africa and it worked for her.  The game she played in Africa was a bit ahead of the time. The one advantage she has this time if she makes it  is that the cast is older so she won't stick out like she would on a normal season. Only 4 females eligible are in their 20s (Natalie, McKayla, Kelley Wentworth and Cierra) and one of them (Cierra) is married and has two kids. While on the male side only two eligible contestants are in their 20s (Spencer and Joe). I think if the cast was younger she would be at a bigger disadvantage plus she looks like she is in great shape which can help her if she is on a tribe with some weak challenge performers in the premerge. I think the key for her is 1) getting on   2) making it to the merge.

Edited by choclatechip45
  On 5/9/2015 at 3:28 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

They definitely didn't invite everyone.  That would be hundreds and hundreds of people.  Tyler mentioned he wasn't invited.  Jeff said on EW they were shooting for non-winners, one-time-players who people would like to see get another shot.  


Well, once again, I'd say Jiffy and the viewers differ over that.  That male side is a Probst love fest.  I've yet to see anyone say they would want Brad Culpepper or Troyzan back.  And if that line about CBS having a hand in picking the finalists really was an oversight and production is not having a say (still don't believe it but maybe) I think they'll be even more sorry if no one from pre-Philippines is included.  Of course, this is their chance to have a crappy season and blame it entirely on the fans.  I expect a couple of heavy favorite, seem-like-sure-things get cut and some unexpected choices somehow make it on.  I have to say that I am really disappointed, still, by the number of the WA picks and that either Mike or Carolyn may become ineligible.  They just wasted a slot so they could get the voting going and potentially not spoil the winner from this season.  It worries me Joe's one of the only alpha males, and that he may get targeted early on.  The last thing I want is a merge filled with the likes of Max, Mike, Brad, Troyzan, Natalie, Mikayla, Kelley Wentworth, and Shirin.


boy, and this is the list they came up with? I am going to console myself that maybe Neleh, John Carroll, Brian & Amy and Twila couldn't come back for reasons.



Unfortunately, all of the above have expressed interest in returning both in the past and for this current season.  So I don't believe it was really a case of not finding enough early seasoners to return, they just didn't want to go that far back if they didn't have to.  Sadly, I think bringing people back 3-4 times for other editions kind of makes this process almost seem stale and unexciting.  I heard Coby from Palau went on a rant for not being asked back.


Well officially they're saying now that it's all fan votes -- no production votes at all.

Someone was complaining that out of all the seasons, only Guatemala has never had an original player come back to play again (save Stephenie, who was originally Palau so she doesn't count).  Well, there's another season conspicuously missing from the voting list: Caramoan (FvF 2).  Of course, all the Favorites are ineligible, and most of those Fans were a pretty miserable bunch, but I'm a little surprised one of those "3 Amigos", Reynold and Eddie, aren't on the list.



Since CBS is backpedaling on the no production votes, I wonder if that translates to 'we are still having a hand in the process but not telling you about it'.  I just don't know that they would leave it up to the fans.  Although again, since Jeff has often thrown things back at fans before, I wonder if this will be there way of saying 'you fans suck as bad as we do at casting'.  I'd be surprised to ever see someone from Caramoan represented.  Most of the fans were out early, and the ones who made it didn't seem especially liked.  I liked Eddie and while I though Reynold was a bit of a jackass, I wanted him to outlast Sherri and the favorites, except for Brenda and Malcolm.  I do think the newbies on those seasons are royally screwed before they start, so I wouldn't object to them getting another shot on more equal footing.  Actually, when you look at the big picture of returnees, most seasons are underrepresented, having only ever had 1 returnee.  Those that had multiple returnees were usually the same people (Cook Islands, China, Outback) so one could argue even those seasons had poor representation.

Edited by LadyChatts
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So Richard Hatch decided to give his thoughts on next season and poke at a 15 year old hornets nest while he was at it. Dirk Been also on that season calls Richard out on it basically calling him a hypocrite. Good times.




I would have the toughest time deciding whether or not to vote for Kelly Wiglesworth to have a second chance. I respected Kelly as a bright young woman, skillful player and worthy adversary, but I caught Kelly being fed by crew and later learned she’d been fed throughout the game during the filming of the original season. She was 22… fair enough she took advantage of opportunities CBS and producers had a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent from having been available, but when push came to shove, in life outside the game, I was sitting in prison for a crime I did not commit when Kelly was questioned about her cheating (more related to my conviction than I can explain here), and she blatantly lied… to protect her reputation? Regardless, her lies and the lies (both direct and by omission) of CBS’ Media Representative, Chris Ender, and other CBS Executives in addition to the lies (both direct and by omission) of Survivor’s Executive Producers resulted in more than a decade of terrible, unjust suffering for my family and me. Kelly has neither apologized to me nor has she ever made any effort to learn how I’d been affected by her actions. However, I’m convinced prevalent bigotry and those in positions of power are far more culpable than Kelly for my having been abused. I cannot condone Kelly’s choices, and though I would be sad to learn Kelly has suffered, I would not be surprised if she has suffered as a result of how her choices have affected me. So… I believe I would like to see Kelly have a second chance to play a game I’m confident CBS and producers have since improved to prevent cheating.

Edited by LanceM
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Why can't we have these guys go play again?  Sounds like it'd be more fun than what we're going to get.  Ah, I love the sour grapes, and there are plenty of them.  Always are when it comes to people not being picked (or picking at the people that were).  So....I guess Richard lost me why Kelly has anything to do with what he did in terms of cheating the IRS.  Or did I totally misread that?  Was she questioned about being fed by CBS, and that somehow equates to the same thing as being a tax cheat?  Also, wasn't Richard the very guy who smuggled matches into the AS season in a place that I don't even want to think about, much less I would want to look if I were production?  So wouldn't that be, technically, cheating?  Also, with the sour grapes, it never fails that people start dishing on the behind the scenes as some sort of revenge against not being picked or against a certain person.  I recall being crushed when AS was first announced and a lot of the castoffs started revealing what really went on behind the scenes in terms of production manipulation (food being planted, finding out the cool shots to TC were just that, shots, before they were picked up and driven the rest of the way, etc.)  My young naive self.


Was reading Jeff Varner's AmA over on reddit and he mentioned some of the players have already begun trying to form alliances and that those people are likely to find themselves targeted by the others. One of the things I really dislike about all star seasons are these "pre alliances". Ugh.



I was afraid of that, but not surprised.  Hopefully CBS totally screws with the pre-made alliances, or they at least turn on each other early on.  How are they so confident they are aligning with people that a) are for sure getting on, and b) that they will wind up on the same tribe?  Nothing will ruin this season more.

  • Love 1


I guess Richard lost me why Kelly has anything to do with what he did in terms of cheating the IRS.


Yeah, that was weird, I don't know why the IRS would give a crap if a crew member handed somebody a candy bar at some point, they just want their tax money. It seems like he just kind of used someone from the first season on the list as an excuse to poke the higher ups he feels wronged by. I really enjoyed him on RHAP recently, and now he's really kind of rubbed me the wrong way.



I am listening to the TBird RHSP appearance bc of the positive feedback here and I am very turned off. She comes across as very naive.


I thought she sounded naive about the post-game stuff, like the media response, Survivor isn't the cultural juggernaut it was when she played, but I also saw the video she had on her website, and she seems to understand how the game works now. I don't know, I admire her moxie, and will keep voting for her, if it turns out she doesn't know what she's doing, no biggie to me, somebody has to be the first boot.

  On 5/9/2015 at 6:10 AM, LadyChatts said:

So....I guess Richard lost me why Kelly has anything to do with what he did in terms of cheating the IRS.  Or did I totally misread that?  Was she questioned about being fed by CBS, and that somehow equates to the same thing as being a tax cheat? 


As I remember it, part of Rich's defense was that during the game he found out that the crew was sneaking food to some of the players (although this is the first time I've ever heard Kelly's name specifically mentioned) and that he agreed to keep quiet about it in exchange for CBS paying the taxes on his winnings. But if asked why he thought that meant he didn't have to even declare his winnings on his tax return or the income from working at a radio station that same year or income from a rental property he owned, he will then explain the second part of his defense, which is that the IRS was persecuting him for being gay. The story gets a little more convoluted every time he talks about it, but never more convincing.

  • Love 4

I don't understand how CBS even could (further) manage the 20 picked.  I mean, the viewers are picking 20 of 32.  How wrong could they possibly get it, in CBS' eyes (no pun intended)?  Why would CBS care if say Culpepper didn't play, or if the oldest-season players weren't picked?  I would assume they packed the potentials list with all people they'd like to see play.

  On 5/9/2015 at 3:03 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I don't understand how CBS even could (further) manage the 20 picked.  I mean, the viewers are picking 20 of 32.  How wrong could they possibly get it, in CBS' eyes (no pun intended)?  Why would CBS care if say Culpepper didn't play, or if the oldest-season players weren't picked?  I would assume they packed the potentials list with all people they'd like to see play.



They probably asked some who could not or didn't want to do it again.  If they have an overwhelming response to some, they will include them.  Why not?  They do want to create a good season and viewer input is a good way to do that.  Now, if there is an asshole (MMV) who doesn't get a lot of votes? They are a shoo in!  


From what I have been reading I think Jeff, Kimmy and Kelly W are going to get a so many votes they will be on the roster.  And who in their right mind wants to see anyone from this season other than Joe, again?    

  • Love 2

I agree, I don't want to see Mike and Carolyn again (or Max or Shirin, really), but I think the timing of the announcement might mean we get to see Mike & Carolyn for sure, and probably all 5 'dirty 30' potentials.  For many voters, finding 10 from each group you even remember is probably hard.  Plus after this week's show, Mike and Carolyn are both looking a bit like challenge monsters and Mike's got the underdog thing going, and Carolyn hasn't been shown to be too rotten lately.  Her not giving Rodney the reward was probably popular.  So I think they'll probably pull enough votes.  


It reminds me of how they used to open the voting for Sprint fan favorite a certain week and it was always obvious who was going to win, based on who we'd seen the most lately in the most favorable light.  It was more like Editors' Favorite award. 

  On 5/9/2015 at 4:23 PM, choclatechip45 said:

I've heard Hatch say this about Kelly before and it wouldn't surprise me if the crew fed people food on the first season and production was really sketchy. The whole CBS paying my taxes has never made any sense.


I am not surprised either.   This was not only a new show but entirely new concept!  It was the birth of reality TV.   There was a learning curve.  

  • Love 1


The whole CBS paying my taxes has never made any sense.


It doesn't make sense to me either, and the feds offered him a deal that avoided jail time, and he decided to take his chances with a jury. The judge was especially harsh in sentencing because he felt Richard lied under oath.

Jim Rice has an interview up on RHAP, I don't think he did himself any favors, at least not with me. It was funny when Rob said he would be the best first boot in the history of Survivor.


Jim and Mike seem to be having a tiff on twitter.  It started when Mike accused Jim of reaming him on RHAP, but it seemed like all was good.  Now Jim is calling Mike out for having this desire to be on the DVD cover and that people should have better aspirations in life.  Not sure if it's all in fun, or completely staged so people will think we will get good drama and vote for both of them.  As entertaining as the twitter feud is, I hope none of the above are on there.  And if they are, I hope Mike especially is gone early.


RE: Richard Hatch.  I had heard allegations that production fed/planted food for the contestants, but never heard Rich make the allegations or that anyone specifically named.  I do remember Jeff and Mark talking about a RC that they had to scrap the prize and make it something bigger, because the contestants were going to boycott the very day the sponsors of the show were going to be stopping in to take a look and see what they got themselves into.  I heard that the castaways had issues catching fish with the traps and finding edible fruit/plants, so rather than have them be whiny and lay around from hunger, that was why TPTB stepped in.  I guess by season 2 they figured they would try the opposite and have them all starve.  I'm sure Kelly wasn't the only one being fed.  And yeah, sounds like an even trade: Rich doesn't squeal and they pay his taxes as hush money.  How pompous can this guy get? 


My guess is that the dirty30, Cagayan, and possibly the old schoolers could be potential early outs.  The early seasoners might not have the relationships formed (aka pre-show alliances) and the recencey.  On the other hand, most of them didn't play with idols, advantages, or twists, or did when they were still in the early stages so maybe they won't be viewed as any sort of threat and instead vital swing votes.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 2

I listened to 20 mins. or so of Jim Rice on RHAP.  I have no recollection of him but he seems like a douche, going on that podcast and throwing shade on Cochran and Rob's cohosts, and saying he's super close with Keith and Whitney, who dislike Rob.  I mean, Cochran is pretty popular so all his fans will automatically vote against Jim (though they probably would anyway if they remembered his season).  And Rob's listeners probably like Rob so that also is a strike against Jim.  Anyway, I doubt it'll happen but I really hope he's left behind and doesn't get to go to Cambodia.  He was so full of gripes, including his placement on the voting page, which even Rob said was pretty good.  

  On 5/9/2015 at 7:34 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I listened to 20 mins. or so of Jim Rice on RHAP.  I have no recollection of him but he seems like a douche, going on that podcast and throwing shade on Cochran and Rob's cohosts, and saying he's super close with Keith and Whitney, who dislike Rob.  I mean, Cochran is pretty popular so all his fans will automatically vote against Jim (though they probably would anyway if they remembered his season).  And Rob's listeners probably like Rob so that also is a strike against Jim.  Anyway, I doubt it'll happen but I really hope he's left behind and doesn't get to go to Cambodia.  He was so full of gripes, including his placement on the voting page, which even Rob said was pretty good.  



I have been remiss this season in  listening to Rob's pod casts.  I have always enjoyed them but I guess not into this season.  I have been a rabid fan since season one so this is a strong indication, for me, that I may be waning.  Or this season is just not catching me.  Cochran is in my top 5.  Love this man. 

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