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S08.E23: Live Top 6 Performances

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OK, I'll go first.  I thought India did an amazing job of not oversinging and not over-melisma-ing.  It was just about perfect, in my opinion. 


When Carson tossed it to Blake for comments, my thoughts went "Please Blake, don't say you've never heard of that song, please Blake don't.....Oh. Blake."

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The really sad thing about losing Hannah last week is that no Nancy could be seen this week.  As Reba said, she really was a hoot. :(


Anyway, as I watch:


Team Adam

Joshua: Once again, boring both times.  "Desire" actually started off for, like, thirty seconds as engaging before he fell into pure repetition for the rest of the song.  I don't know how such a smooth voice can be so unexciting, but Joshua manages it.  "In My Life" was a tad more interesting, but not much.  I appreciated the simplicity, but not much else.  I don't know what his wife was thinking by pushing for that one.  Being the last Adam contestant standing, though, he'll log in the votes and downloads he needs from the desperate Adam fangirls (and likely from @blueray, @kelnic86, @limecoke, @Noreaster, @Padma, and other fans of being bored).  Really don't get why he gets the accolades he does.  Also, interesting how they waited for his wife to make her appearance before his second number.  Attempt at padding votes for the otherwise boring guy?


Team Pharrell

Koryn: Surprised that a slow song engaged me so much, but it did.  The audience sure felt the same way.  "Everybody Hurts" was pretty damn good.  You can tell she was putting her heart out there.  "Dream On" was good in terms of vocals, and she worked her body and the stage very well.  I thought she did a great job tonight, but she might suffer from not being as popular as Sawyer, Kimberly, Meghan, India, and, very shockingly and perplexingly, Joshua.  And on a side note, I'm stunned by how much she looks like her mother. :)

Sawyer: "Shine On" was probably one of his least interesting, engaging performances.  Oh, his voice still sounded very good.  He just needs to learn to work the stage more.  That's been a problem of his from the beginning, and in large part, it's because he, like Joshua, won't put aside his crutch: the guitar.  Not even for one number.  Not unless it's a team number. . . . Oops!  Spoke too soon!  He actually dropped it for "Take Me to the River!"  Good for him!  Baby steps, Sawyer.  Baby steps.  For the most part, he sounded great without it!  But I thought he waited way too long to start working the stage.  That said, this was much more riveting than the first one!  He's charted the highest every week but the top ten.  So assuming he charts the highest again, he'll make it through.


Team Christina

India: I've heard numerous complaints about her not relaxing and letting loose in her performances.  Well, she moved and sang like she was pretty loosened up to me.  "Glory" was good, if a little repetitive toward the end, and she engaged me the whole way.  "Lay Me Down" was actually even better.  She actually went into her lower register, and I never even expected that of her!  And it could be a good sign that she got the audience going before the song was even over!  Still might hit the bottom if her popularity isn't high enough, but I hope she can get out of it!  Oh, and she confirmed it -- a two-vote margin saved her over Corey last week!

Kimberly: I know there aren't many fans of runs on here, but "Freefalling" was one in which they were probably necessary.  But it wasn't the most engaging of songs.  She sang it well, and it was nice and steady, but nothing mind-blowing.  "Dirty Diana," though?  Something about that was so completely awesome!  Not just her vocals, but in how she worked her body and the stage.  Plus, she made it all her own!  Hoping she can get the votes tomorrow!


Team Blake

Meghan: "Steamroller Blues" was amazing.  She did such an amazing job with it.  And with Corey gone, I'm thankful she didn't have slip into the country slot vacated by him.  She got to stay with her soul and her blues.  "Amazing Grace" was a good way to pander to the Christian voters, and just another near-flawless performance, besides.  The first verse being a capella was a risky choice, but right up there with Bo Bice doing that on AI4.  So all in all, a fine job tonight.  Might get the votes, but we'll see when the iTunes charts go up.


Really feeling tense as I wait for the chart results.  Hope they go a good way, not a bad one.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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That was an entertaining show! I felt that everyone tried hard to do something and/or show something they hadn't before and most of them were successful at what they tried. The one exception, imo, was Joshua. When he came out in that suit to sing "Desire," I had an immediate flash of Matthew Morrison playing Will Schuester on Glee. Joshua came across like a 40-year-old finally living out his dream of rock stardom at a fantasy rock camp for adults. I wanted him to return to his comfort zone, but his rendition of "In My Life" was a bust for me also. The thumpy guitar playing, the weak attempt to scat, the smiley singing -- none of it did justice to that delicate, melancholy ballad.

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I totally agreed with Blake when he said the Audience had no rhythm and Koryn's mom looked really young.


Josh: I really liked both his performances. Particularly the second one. I do like relaxing performances.


Kim: again really loved both performances. The first one was really touching and she seems so much like her mom. And the second one was fun and entertaining.


Meghan: I liked her second performance but didn't care for her first one.


Sawyer: his first one was pretty good, was bored with the second one. I realized I was watching the dancers and wasn't paying much attention to him. He was just standing there.


Koryn: I didn't like her first one but the second one was surprisingly good.


India: I would say was the weakest tonight. Not that she doesn't have a good voice but it never really engages me.

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Very much disliked Joshua tonight. Desire was all over the place and In My Life stayed in one place too long. I felt like I had heard enough of his arrangement in the rehearsal clip. I don't know how you butcher such a beautiful song, but Joshua managed it.


I'm over Koryn. She has talent, but I find her voice to be way too harsh. In my dream scenario, she and Josh would leave tomorrow.


Not the strongest night for Kym, but I'm rooting for her. I want to like India a lot more, but she always just misses. I'm bored with Sawyer. I think Meghan had a strong night.


I love when Blake goes after the audience for clapping off time. 

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I want to smack the person in charge of the Smoke Spouts on Dirty Diana. You couldn't see Kimberly half the time. Archeryhubby, wandering through the living room on his way to bed (seeing Kimberly at the end of DD): "She's good. And . . .flexible."

But Koryn, whoa! The build on Everybody Hurts was amazing, and Blake was right about how she invests in the song. I kind of groaned when she said she was doing Dream On, because many contestants have tried and failed with this song. But I love that she didn't just karaoke the Steven Tyler version with the jumping-octaves chorus; she tinkered with the melody just enough.

I WANT to feel something about Pretty Joshua' s performances. In My Life was beautiful, just not super memorable. And I just do not get Sawyer' s appeal anymore. Of all the remaining contestants, he's been the most static. Even India shows more versatility and personality onstage than him.

Edited by Archery
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Koryn goes home. Based on both performances, but "Dream On" was a particularly poor choice.


Kimberly is the best all around performer, and except for what I think is an "oversue" of her "raspy" voice, possibly the best all around "singer" in the competition.


I still pick Meaghan to win it all, but, I have to say, I wish Blake would stop going for the "Christian" vote to save his singers. And Meaghan has to pick some really great songs for next week, and the finals, to win it.


I still really enjoy Joshua's voice....I could see me buying his album, pouring a nice wine, or filling a bowl, and just chillin' for few hours.


Sort of see the Sawyer love,,,,,he has ton's of talent, a unique voice, but he's not "The Voice" winner to me.


India will be top 3, but that's it.


That is all...

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I may be hearing things but I thought that Koryn's Dream on was good in the practice and off key a lot in the performance.  Otherwise, everyone was ok.


I would have liked Sawyer to be more dynamic on Take me to the River.  His smile is starting to bug me. It's almost a simper. The hat and vest don't help. It's like Johnny Depp in  Benny and Joon

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Koryn goes home. Based on both performances, but "Dream On" was a particularly poor choice.


Kimberly is the best all around performer, and except for what I think is an "oversue" of her "raspy" voice, possibly the best all around "singer" in the competition.


I still pick Meaghan to win it all, but, I have to say, I wish Blake would stop going for the "Christian" vote to save his singers. And Meaghan has to pick some really great songs for next week, and the finals, to win it.


I still really enjoy Joshua's voice....I could see me buying his album, pouring a nice wine, or filling a bowl, and just chillin' for few hours.


Sort of see the Sawyer love,,,,,he has ton's of talent, a unique voice, but he's not "The Voice" winner to me.


India will be top 3, but that's it.


That is all...


I have to cut Blake slack on the Amazing Grace choice. Blake hasn't been using religious songs this season and this one really made sense with the theme. I'm not sure Free Fallin' or Dream On were on point as songs for mom. I believe Meghan had a genuine connection to Amazing Grace and I think it worked as a gift to her mom.


Sing order (of the 1st song): India, Joshua, Koryn, Kimberly, Meghan, Sawyer.


Isn't that like Captain Obvious Placement of the Season? The show really can't be -that- transparent.

Brilliant! I think you're on to something. That would probably be my prediction or right now, although I'm holding out hope that one of the powerhouses (preferably Kimberly or Meghan) could so thoroughly out-sing Sawyer in the finale that they win over enough votes. I know that's not how this show operates, but I do think with the right song either woman could have a strong moment and pose a real threat.

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I have to cut Blake slack on the Amazing Grace choice. Blake hasn't been using religious songs this season and this one really made sense with the theme.


Yeah, I agree.  Seems to me like Pharrell played that card more this season, even asking for fans of Christian and gospel music to vote for his team member. And, that song that India sang (Glory), I wouldn't be suprised if current events had something to do with that choice, which has gospel overtones (undertones?).  But, I don't know if there are many people who are going to go out a buy a song, or vote for a contestant, just because that contestant does a Christian or gospel song.


It feels like the judges are more conscious of iTunes sales this year than they have been in the past. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

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Prettyyyyy sure that Kim's "Dirty Diana" performance was my favorite performance of all time on this show. I forgot I was even watching a reality singing competition at that point, it was really, really special.

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Brilliant! I think you're on to something. That would probably be my prediction or right now, although I'm holding out hope that one of the powerhouses (preferably Kimberly or Meghan) could so thoroughly out-sing Sawyer in the finale that they win over enough votes. I know that's not how this show operates, but I do think with the right song either woman could have a strong moment and pose a real threat.

You know, if we could combine Kimberly's performing abilities and pure vocal skill with Meghan's tone, I'd be a serious fan.  I want to like Kimberly - actually I do like HER a lot and she has crazy control over her voice, but her tone is just unpleasant to my ears - that growl she did at the end of DD was both gargle-y and shrill.  She does seem like someone I'd love to hang with though... conversely, Meghan's tone (underneath the rasp) is warm and toasty, though she could use a serious dose of Kimberly's charisma, energy and swagger.


I know Koryn changed up the melody a little on Everybody Hurts, but she still sounded off-key at times throughout the song - she killed Make It Rain...gorgeous, but I think she might be suffering some vocal fatigue?  I didn't love the glory notes either - they don't fit in a wistful song like Everybody Hurts, but I realize that's just a personal preference.


I don't love Joshua - he is rather understated with a side of dull, but as someone mentioned last week, he does serve as a nice palate cleanser between all the belters.

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I think they left Kimberly off the ballot or something. As I type this, neither of her songs is in the iTunes Top 200. (both songs by everyone else is)

Edited by JeanneH
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Watched the performances online. Not really blown away by anything.  


-My favorite performance of the night was Kimberly's "Dirty Diana".  Didn't care for "Free Fallin" which just didn't seem to be a good fit for her harsh voice.

-Enjoyed both of Joshua's performances. It was good to see him execute the uptempo "Desire" well...I didn't think he had that performance in him.  Also liked "In My Life".

-Why is Meghan always so damn loud?  She was technically great in both performances but she has got to be taught dynamics and nuance.  I don't find her performances effective at all.  

-Koryn's singing continues to be painful to my ears.  Another one that has to be taught the art of nuance and singing more softly.

-India was okay.  She sings well but her performances lack impact for me.  She needs to learn how to create a moment or something.  "Lay Me Down" was really rushed.  "Glory" was better but she needed to connect more.  I wish she would sing these songs in a more straightforward manner, then be selective on where to add in her own runs and ad-libs.  

-Sawyer was so boring.  Both of his performances.

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Even if I didn't like him, I would want Sawyer to triumph over someone whose single and album charted higher than any winner from The Voice has. Meghan can go away anytime (though I suppose it could be better to see her getting crushed in the finale by a 15-year-old).


Of the 11 Voice songs in the iTunes top 500 from before this week, 7 are Sawyer, 1 each for the non-India others. He should win by a large margin.

Edited by jjjmoss
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Almost an hour-and-a-half after the show, here are everyone's charting results: http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856


9. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On"

23. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace"

29. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River"

40. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life"

41. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues"

58. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts"

92. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory"

97. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On"

100. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire"

138. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down"

186. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'"

226. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana"


How the hell is Kimberly doing so poorly on the charting?  And after butchering both of his songs, I see the desperate Adam fans are already at work to save Joshua.  Sawyer's gonna have one of his songs' votes multiplied by ten already.  I think Meghan's gonna be all right going into next week, since both of her songs are in the top fifty.  Neither of India's seems to be very high, either.  Koryn seems to be . . . all right.  Could still hit the bottom if her phone and text votes aren't very high.


Scared for Team Christina's remaining members tomorrow.  If one is in the bottom two, I hope it's just one with either Joshua or Koryn.

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Scared for Team Christina's remaining members tomorrow.  If one is in the bottom two, I hope it's just one with either Joshua or Koryn.


I think they are only eliminating one this week. Someone on the show said something about making Top 5.


edit: Also, if you look on tv.com episode guide, they also mention a 5-person Semi's and (presumably) a 4-person Finals.

Edited by rollerblade
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So I'm a little upset with Pharrell tonight. 


1. Why on earth would you put dancers around Sawyer..that had to be the most awkward thing ever. He's not a performs with dancers kind of guy. Ever. Even if he doesn't have a guitar. And I doubt very much he wanted that them there. 


2. Yes, I know he'd sell a burp at this point, but you don't have to give Sawyer complete control over song choice. "Shine On" was apparently very sentimental to him. Okay. Then advise him not to do his second pick..


3. Speaking of Song Choice. Don't let your contestant sing an iconic song if they can't sing the iconic part of the song. #Koryn. 


Joshua was Joshua. I'm not sure how many fans he has. 


Kimberly was great tonight, IMO, but she also might have been too over the top for The Voice audience. 


Meghan was great with Amazing Grace, but I hated Steamroller Blues. Didn't come close to Bria Kelly's for me. 


India was meh. I thought Glory was pretty good, and the first half of Lay By yourside..but she ruined it in her breakdown. 


My B2 would be Joshua and India..but I'm thinking it'll be India and Koryn. 

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I think they are only eliminating one this week. Someone on the show said something about making Top 5.

I know that.  That's why I mentioned a bottom two.  There is only going to be a bottom two this week.  I just hope they're not both in it, and that only one of them and someone from another team is.

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The craziest thing: I had this urge to listen to Dirty Diana (and sing along) on repeat this past weekend, all the while thinking, wow this is an awesome song to perform. So of course, my favorite performer sings it. I love Kimberly Nichole. So much. I might even vote for once.

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Ugh, I hated Joshua's version of Desire, and Koryn's version of Dream On. Two amazing, classic rock songs that they just destroyed. At least Koryn kept the melody mostly intact, what did Joshua and Adam do to Desire? That was horrendous. Sawyer was boring as always, and those go go dancers were ridiculous. At this point anyone but Meghan or Kimberly can go home as far as I'm concerned.

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3. Speaking of Song Choice. Don't let your contestant sing an iconic song if they can't sing the iconic part of the song. #Koryn. 


Kimberly was great tonight, IMO, but she also might have been too over the top for The Voice audience.


Kimberly's over the top House of the Rising Sun and Creep were very well received. I don't believe OTT is her problem tonight.


I agree on #3 though. Dream On without the climax is like "meh what's the point".

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At the two-hour mark, it seems like some of the downloads are kicking into high gear: http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856


9. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On"

14. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace"

24. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River"

36. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life"

39. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues"

49. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts"

72. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory"

73. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On"

87. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire"

116. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down"

166. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'"

196. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana"


Looks like fans of Christina's team are really trying to raise Kimberly and India's downloads.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I am so tired of the belters, but I really recognized Kimberley's talent tonight. I'm shocked she's so low in the voting with both her songs. Meghan was good, too, but ITA that she's already had professional recordings do well so I'd like to see someone else win.


Joshua was pleasant--I enjoy both of those songs but didn't feel he brought anything extra to them.


I can see F3 of Meghan, Kim and (just because he's not going anywhere) Sawyer. Maybe Joshua for a quickly eliminated fourth place, so we have a little (as someone aptly said) "palate cleanser" in the meantime.


My choice for elimination would be Koryn whose voice just gets shrill. India would be my alternate.


Oh, and BIG THANK YOU to Blake and Adam for calling out the audience with NO rhythm! Clapping is annoying under the best of circumstances, but clapping off time during...wasn't it "In My Life"??? How weird is that?  Joshua should stay one more week just for his amazing powers of concentration to power through that.

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Ugh, Joshua gets no votes for me ever again after that butchering of "Desire". It was like he was doing the Kenny G smooth listening version of the song. Blech.

Meghan screamed at me during her entire first performance and then pandered with the second. I am sure she is religious but both Meghan and Blake know how to ignite country fans to vote her through. She's off the list now.

I actually liked Kimberly's Free Fallin'. She didn't oversing or overact it. It was probably my favorite performance of hers since 4 Non-Blondes.

India reminds me so much of Judith Hill and Danielle Bradbury. Great voice and completely dead inside when singing. She has no emotion at all and I am not even sure she understands what she is singing about. Probably the best voice in the competition but just no artistry or star quality.

Sawyer looks like Sarah Chalke dressed up as an extra on the set of a Witness remake. I just can't with him any longer.

Koryn's first song was excellent. I loved the emotion in the song. The second song was interrupted by weird signal issues so I wasn't sure if it was good or not. But, I've never heard anyone but Steven Tyler do that song justice, so I can't imagine it went well.

My bottom 3: Joshua, India, Meghan - Joshua going home

Actual bottom 3: India, Koryn, Kimberly - Koryn going home

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Dear Pharrell,


Just when I was thinking, "Pharrell really is doing so much better as a coach this season", along came "Take Me To The River".  Seriously, there's Sawyer with the minimalist style that is working for him, and you decide to surround him with a random bunch of   hyperactive go-go dancers from a cheesy1960s lounge act? Was it because that just turned out so well last week for Hannah? (Whose loud exuberant style backup dancers at least, arguably, suited better?)  It had no connection at all with the song and did not provide "energy" to Sawyer's performance if that was what you hoped. 


Seriously.  On a night when Blake is talking to his own teammate about "if there was any crap in that song you beat it out of it" and "if there was ketchup in a packet you stomped it all over everyone's face" and BLAKE is the guy who sees how totally counter to who Sawyer is that bit of staging was....well, really, what were you thinking with that?


"More" is not always "better".

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Kimberly's over the top House of the Rising Sun and Creep were very well received. I don't believe OTT is her problem tonight.


I agree on #3 though. Dream On without the climax is like "meh what's the point".


By OTT I mean it was overtly sexual, and quite frankly probably too "Urban" for the voting audience. She's always been theatrical, but that was something new to her show. And I don't know that audiences will love it. 


I sincerely hope I'm wrong, because it would be a crime for her to be B2. But, it is what it is. 

Edited by mercfan3
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Three-hour mark, and from here on until I turn in tonight/tomorrow morning, I will just update this from this post: http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856


4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On"

10. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace"

15. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River"

27. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life"

30. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues"

40. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts"

55. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On"

57. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory"

73. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire"

86. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down"

125. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'"

147. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana"


Meghan will be having her second song multiplied by ten, and Sawyer will likely get both of his songs in the top ten.  Koryn keeps climbing to the point that one of her songs jumped ahead of India's first one.  India and Kimberly, meanwhile, seem like at least one of them will hit the bottom.  Perhaps even both, at the rate Koryn's going.  Slight chance Joshua could hit the bottom if one of the girls make a good climb, but that will remain to be seen.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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3. Speaking of Song Choice. Don't let your contestant sing an iconic song if they can't sing the iconic part of the song. #Koryn.


I was sitting here, talking to the TV screen, saying "Come on! You can do it! Just go up a few notes, that's all I'm asking! "

But she didn't, and I found her version to be rather dull.


I wonder how many people echoed me when "Dirty Diana" was announced as Kimberly's song, saying "Oh God no! Not a Michael Jackson song! "?

Edited by DownTheShore
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I don’t understand why Kimberly decided to set Free Fallin’ so high in her range.  She left herself nowhere to go with the song.  I usually like her, but I found this performance unpleasant. 


I find Joshua rather bland but I believe he has many fans.  He seems like a nice guy.  His voice and demeanor are pleasant.  At the same time, he took all of the fire out of Desire.  Desire turned into I’d like that if it’s available but I don’t want to have to try too hard to get it, mmkay?


Sawyer’s go go dancers were, um, interesting?  Energetic?  Really freakin’ odd.  Yeah, that’s it. 


Strongest performer of the week goes to the pin holding Xtina’s jacket closed.  That was quite a feat.

Edited by Muffyn
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Sawyer looks like Sarah Chalke dressed up as an extra on the set of a Witness remake. I just can't with him any longer.



Just when I was thinking, "Pharrell really is doing so much better as a coach this season", along came "Take Me To The River".  Seriously, there's Sawyer with the minimalist style that is working for him, and you decide to surround him with a random bunch of   hyperactive go-go dancers from a cheesy1960s lounge act?

The dancers were also hilarious - completely OTT and there was a boatload of them.  That could not have been more awkward and, honestly, is there a single cover of Take Me to the River that evokes go-go even remotely?  Very ill-advised.


I still love the kid's voice - there's just a quality to it I find compelling;  He's not very exciting to watch, and he stays squarely in the center of his lane week over week, but I still like listening to him.  I think this season's top 12(?) was pretty solid, actually, save one or two Coreys - one of the better overall groups they've had, IMO. 

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The "Dream On" song choice was surprising only because I didn't think Koryn could hit a note that high. And she couldn't apparently. They changed it up enough that she almost pulled off the song without the climax. Almost because "Dream On" without those high notes loses all it's oomph.


That being said, I give her credit for going outside her comfort zone and challenging herself. Much better than singers that have been performing for over a decade, falling back on battle tested songs to get them through, IMO. Which leads me to...


I'm a bit over Meghan. People get on about Kim and Koryn being loud performers yet all Meghan does is wail through her performances, looking like grumpy cat while she's doing it.


I thought Kim had a strong week and I'm surprised that her songs are doing so badly on the chart. I thought Dirty Diana was the performance of the night even though, again, this is a song that she's had time to perfect.


That was an entertaining show! I felt that everyone tried hard to do something and/or show something they hadn't before and most of them were successful at what they tried. The one exception, imo, was Joshua. When he came out in that suit to sing "Desire," I had an immediate flash of Matthew Morrison playing Will Schuester on Glee. Joshua came across like a 40-year-old finally living out his dream of rock stardom at a fantasy rock camp for adults. I wanted him to return to his comfort zone, but his rendition of "In My Life" was a bust for me also. The thumpy guitar playing, the weak attempt to scat, the smiley singing -- none of it did justice to that delicate, melancholy ballad.


I was literally coming in to say something almost exactly like this. Joshua looked like someone's dad at one of those amusement park talent shows all, "Look kids, dad's jamming with this kickass band!!!" while his kids writhe in embarrassment in the audience. It was so uncomfortable to watch. "In My Life" was more in his wheelhouse but that performance was so, so boring.


Glory was good but India is forgettable.


I actually forgot about Sawyer.

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I have been a fan of Sawyer's since Day 1. However, his boring rendition on "Take Me to the River" was definitely his worse of the season. I actually fast forwarded through the last verse. Horrible song choice, especially since he was doing a cover of a cover and could not hope to match Andrew Strong's magnetic stage presence in The Commitments. The go go dancers were giving it all they had, yet Sawyer was phoning it in, big time.

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Tonight felt like nothing but Christian pandering from everyone, please make it stop. I don't think I liked any performance, but I thought India would do better on iTunes with "Lay Me Down."

I think I've had more favorites from this season than I've had since the first season (the first was the only time I watched every episode attentively, btw), but I believe the train'll run off the tracks tomorrow night with India and/or Kimberly in the bottom, and Koryn/Joshua/Meghan still standing. Meh. At least I don't have to worry about Sawyer!

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Final update for tonight (from me, at least): http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856


4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On"

10. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace"

15. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River"

26. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life"

29. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues"

40. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts"

53. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On"

56. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory"

73. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire"

86. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down"

121. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'"

140. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana"

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Meghan's first performance was fantastic! (I missed Amazing Grace because I just can't with that song.) She was singing deftly (like Christina's most dynamic and soulful performances in her prime). She worked the hell out of the stage, too. And her outfit was flawless from head to toe. She's improved the most since the audition period in every respect. Christina was at the edge of her seat, wanting to jump up, but she didn't stand for India/Kimberly yet so had to suppress that.


The most I've ever enjoyed Kimberly's voice was in the first verse of Free Fallin'. She had a lighter, very pretty tone. The package with her Mom interacting with Christina was heartwarming. I had to smile at Dirty Diana having the same staging as Christina's live performances of Dirrty. She even gave her some of the same choreo Christina uses for other songs.

Edited by anonymiss
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I guess the go-go dancers were a tip of the hat to The commitments. Loved that movie. This was....ok. I have to admit that David Byrne did my favourite version of the song.

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I think Koryn definitely chickened out on the high notes. If you're going to do such an iconic song, people are going to expect the high notes at the end, otherwise don't do the song at all.


I'm not surprised Kimberly is doing so poorly on iTunes. She performed Free Fallin nicely, but I didn't think the song fit her at all. And I'm just tired of Dirty Diana or really any Michael Jackson song being covered.

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Somebody give Sawyer his guitar back because that was so uncomfortable to watch. That child is all sorts of awkward on stage without his crutch. I finally exhaled once he started walking around the stage instead of standing there frozen while surrounded by very enthusiastic dancers. Not that he isn't a lock for the finals anyway...at this point he could silently stand there in his hat for 90 seconds and he'd still hit the iTunes top 10.


Koryn's voice is really not pleasing to my ears. I'd like to see her go, but I wouldn't be upset seeing Joshua (boring) or India (still not connecting for me) hit the road either.

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So sad to see Kimberly's songs so far down the list. 41 ranks behind Lay Me Down. :(


Not that he isn't a lock for the finals anyway...at this point he could silently stand there in his hat for 90 seconds and he'd still hit the iTunes top 10.


He would hit #1 if he fling his hat off after the final note and then stomp on it. Easily.

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His 2nd song just kicked into the iTunes T10.


Voice songs from before this week, T300:
73 Sawyer, Simple Man
154 Joshua
173 Sawyer, Imagine
180 Sawyer, Iris
190 Sawyer, Constant Sorrow
223 Kimberly
227 Sawyer, Trouble
250 Meghan
268 Sawyer, Have You Ever Seen the Rain
280 Koryn
295 Sawyer, Collide

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TBTH, I really do not have anything bad to say about tonight's performances. They were good, but not great.


  • Now you all knew that Koryn was not going to go for the high note on "Dream On," right? I am glad that she didn't.
  • Sawyer "moved" without his guitar and overcame the dancers while he sang. The first song was surprisingly coherent.
  • Joshua's "Desire" was more of a marching song than a full out rocker. He forgot his band uniform. His second song was palatable.
  • I thought Meghan was going to bust a blood vessel on her first song. No surprised that she kicked butt on "Amazing Grace."
  • What does "Freefalling" have to do with "motherhood," Kimberley? I hope "Dirty Diana" saves you from the Twitter sing off. I doubt it.
  • India was India as usual. Nothing more, nothing less.


Please, Blake, stop embarrassing yourself on national television. It's probably best to say you were "unfamiliar" with India's version instead of saying you were "unfamiliar" with the whole song. People are starting to doubt your competence.

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