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S12.E23: The Lost Boys

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So it was Dornagen. Sad, but it could have been worse.

Truthfully, when Tony, Bishop, and Abby broke into the bunker, i got a knot in my stomach thinking that it might be one of them...

Comment/Question regarding Gibbs Vision/Hallucination as Dorney's casket was being rolled from the plane to the hearse:

Nice touch, but does this bode poorly for Gibbs?

Were the people in the vision :Pacci, Jenny, Dornegan, Kate, Mike Franks, and (?) Paula Cassidy.

If not, please clarify.

Edited by MDL

I hate when shows bring back a fan favourite, make them a million times more awesome, and then kill them.




YES. A MILLION TIMES YES TO THIS. I mean, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt as soon as Dorney showed up, that he had a gigantic bullseye painted on his back, but still, I hate it.


For a hot second, I was amazed that they got all those people to come back (especially Sasha Alexander) for Gibbs' I see dead people, but then we realized (as we rewound it several times to ID all of them), that it was bad CGI.

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I liked it, overall, because it's a pretty compelling story, and even though I saw dead Dorney coming a mile away, it was still super sad.  My only comment, and this may be just me, is that I was sad that the line-up of dead NCIS agents who greeted Gibbs at the airport did not include Michelle Lee.  I know that she ended up as a pretty-much bad guy, but it was more because she made one really stupid call (not turning to Gibbs the moment her daughter/sister was kidnapped, which I never understood) rather than because she was a bad person.  And I always had the impression that Gibbs had enormous sympathy for her at the end, and basically executed her because they both agreed tacitly that it was better than the alternative.  And she had a lot more interaction with Gibbs and the team, over the course of years, than either Pacci or Paula Cassidy did.  So I thought she deserved to be included in the parade of dead CGI NCIS agents whose deaths touched Gibbs.


Anyway, I liked it, but that one stupid omission really irked me.

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Truthfully, when Tony, Bishop, and Abby broke into the bunker, i got a knot in my stomach thinking that it might be one of them...


I did too! I figured most likely not, but it still made me nervous.



I hate when shows bring back a fan favourite, make them a million times more awesome, and then kill them.


I figured he was a goner, but it still made me cry like a baby. (That, and the poor kid seeing his parents murdered was awful, too. Sheesh... this was not a happy episode.) And Gibbs getting thrown by seeing the stray pen from the cup Dorney knocked over was a nice detail.


I liked Tony's attitude of impatience with the spy guy. It amused me.

  • Love 1

It's not like this is a first or anything, but NCIS was WAY too far into CIA/FBI territory on this one.


Even though I knew Dornie was gonna bite it ever since his return was announced, I suddenly started getting nervous for Abby when she insisted on leaving the office and was acting all obnoxious in the test bunker.


Gibbs's memory apparently isn't as charitable to Pacci and Cassidy as it is to the others.  But why no Lee and the poor guy she framed (I forget his name, but Gibbs was pretty upset about him)?

  • Love 1

Welcome to NCIS:NOIR, everybody!  Wow...what a couple of dark-type episodes. 


We have kids being recruited into terrorists.  One of them blowing up a bus (and himself along with it).  And then there is the parents of the former terror kid being gunned down in their home.  After that, poor Dorney gets blow'ed up.  Add to it pretty much an absense of humor and a crappy music interlude, and it was really another dark, dreary episode.


Not saying it was all bad.  But yeah, I really hated them bring back Agent Dorneget after such a long hiatus -- and then promptly killing him shortly thereafter.  So annoying.  And speaking of annoying, yep, that horrible, nasty, insidious musical interlude was totally unecessary as well.  Just ruied the scene for me.  I wound up muting it through most of it.  I did like the Tony and Creepy Arms Dude (who's name escapes me -- though like the actor portraying him) scenes together.  And really everyone was competent again throughout the episode.  Could have done without the Abby script reading though (the one that Abby gave them that started out with "Gibbs!  Gibbs!  Gibbs!"    But otherwise, I had little problem with most of the other stuff that went on in this episode.


Just darnitall...I liked good ol' Dorney.  Why did you have to bring him back just to kill him off?  Argh.  I hope they end this depressing arc next week though (though I'm sure it'll most likely have another cliffhanger).

  • Love 1


Could have done without the Abby script reading though (the one that Abby gave them that started out with "Gibbs!  Gibbs!  Gibbs!"


LOL. I didn't care about the "Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs" part, but what made me laugh was Tony and Bishop amusing themselves with how Abby knew exactly what Gibbs was going to say and wrote it right in her script. That was pretty cute.


I like that it seems Dorney named his Alter Ego after Gibbs. In a fashion. 

  • Love 5

I'm also a little pissed that they faked me out for a second. When Dorney went down, I thought he was dead. But when they came back from commercial, they said he'd been rushed to the hospital, which gave me a split second of hope that he might live, and maybe just have a Delilah-type of injury, something where he wouldn't be able to go back out into the field again but still live. And then they dashed that sliver of hope only a minute later. Damn you, NCIS!

  • Love 1

I was sad that the line-up of dead NCIS agents who greeted Gibbs at the airport did not include Michelle Lee.  I know that she ended up as a pretty-much bad guy, but it was more because she made one really stupid call (not turning to Gibbs the moment her daughter/sister was kidnapped, which I never understood) rather than because she was a bad person.  

I'm going to guess that the family of the agent she murdered in cold blood and then framed as a traitor (which means no death benefits) probably saw that a little differently.

  • Love 2

On a lighter note Mimi Rogers is Dorneget's mom, bet he never heard anything about that growing up.


I thought that was Mimi Rogers.  She's had a couple of good guest starring appearances recently after a pretty nifty one episode turn on 'Mad Men' and now as Dorney's mother.


Did we know before last night that his mother was a CIA agent?

Why don't I remember who Pacci is, or was?


Depends on when you started watching the show. Pacci was a secondary character, back in the first two seasons, when we would see other NCIS teams down in the 'pit' I guess, where Gibbs always asks for a status report?  Anyhoo...he showed up in two or three episodes, before the one where he was killed off, I think.  He'd been doing some investigating, wanted to talk to Gibbs about it, but Gibbs didn't have time, and in the next episode, Pacci was gone. *sniff* I loved Pacci.


That's why I said in last week's thread that Dornegut was gonna get Pacci'd!

  • Love 2

Pacci had been trying to find this guy and some kind of money trail, and it turned out the guy was transitioning to female (I don't believe it mentioned that it was a transgender thing, just an identity change thing, but I could be wrong on that) and she & Tony were flirting (because that happened a lot then) and she kissed him, and then Kate asked Tony at the end, "How was it, tonguing a guy?". If that rings any bells....


Pacci had been trying to find this guy and some kind of money trail, and it turned out the guy was transitioning to female (I don't believe it mentioned that it was a transgender thing, just an identity change thing, but I could be wrong on that) and she & Tony were flirting (because that happened a lot then) and she kissed him, and then Kate asked Tony at the end, "How was it, tonguing a guy?". If that rings any bells....


Not that I'd expect Tony to be aware of the correct terminology for the situation the suspect was in, but he's repeatedly referred to the suspect since then as a transvestite, not a transexual.

Edited by Julia

I was just about to suggest they send Bishop on a vacation to sort out her marriage and put Dorneget as a replacement, and this happens!

I didn't realize they were grooming him to send him to the slaughter house.

Was it really necessary? I really liked his dorky antics, and that it worked for him (lol Tony indignant 'cause it took him 14 tries to do the eye trick to enter MTAC while Gilroy Libbs was mr suave).

And yeah, the murdered parents scene was quite gruesome for this show.


Thanks.  I've seen every episode multiple times but don't remember Pacci at all.


It's a pretty gruesome murder so you might remember him from that. They find his body in an elevator, with his guts spilling out of his body. (As symbolic punishment, I think, for trying to tell Gibbs his findings.) And Gibbs feels guilty for not listening to him or making time to hear what cold case he needed to talk about.


Of course they pick a sad episode to throw in the funniest line all season: Gibbs' "Plenty of people who've wanted to shoot me have been in my house."


Heee. That was classic.

  • Love 1

Pacci was on one end of the "dead agents line-up, " but who was on the other end next to Franks?  I could not figure that out.  If it was supposed to be Paula, they used a crappy CGI image of her.


I was also shocked (and more than a bit sad) that Luke's parents had been killed.  The two guest actors were very good and really made me buy into the fact that this was an average couple who had adopted a child and loved him deeply.


I was pretty sure that it was going to be Dorrnegaut.  Liked that they showcased how competent he was in getting as many people out of the hotel as he could. Like that a rememberence has been created for Dornie.  I'm certain the pen will be on Gibbs' desk.


I don't care about Baiyer...never have really.


Thumbs up to McGee doing the interrogating. I will admit to a split second of worry that NCIS would pull a "Will Gardner" and McGee would be killed by an explosion on the carrier, along with the guy he was interrogating.

I'm also a little pissed that they faked me out for a second. When Dorney went down, I thought he was dead. But when they came back from commercial, they said he'd been rushed to the hospital, which gave me a split second of hope that he might live, and maybe just have a Delilah-type of injury, something where he wouldn't be able to go back out into the field again but still live. And then they dashed that sliver of hope only a minute later. Damn you, NCIS!


Aside from the expectation of Dorney's death because of his return to the show and the promo monkeys' hints, I knew that he was dead when his body was shown after the explosion.  According to TV Tropes (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiesWideOpen?from=Main.DiesWideShut), when the body is shown with the eyes open, he's dead, Jim.  If the eyes are closed, there's a pretty good chance the person survives.


(And if you've never been to TV Tropes before, a brief warning -- it's one of the greatest time sinks on the Internet.  You'll lose yourself out there!)

  • Love 4

It's a pretty gruesome murder so you might remember him from that. They find his body in an elevator, with his guts spilling out of his body. (As symbolic punishment, I think, for trying to tell Gibbs his findings.) And Gibbs feels guilty for not listening to him or making time to hear what cold case he needed to talk about.


Heee. That was classic.


sinkwriter is seriously being kind to describe Pacci's body as gruesome.  I'm not kidding.  To anyone who has not seen that episode: DON'T EAT before or during it.  Chances are also decent you'll probably not want to eat after watching it either. The only other episode that is that high on the "gross" scale for me is "The Meat Puzzle."

  • Love 2


According to TV Tropes (http://tvtropes.org/...in.DiesWideShut), when the body is shown with the eyes open, he's dead, Jim.


That's what I thought! Eyes are open, not blinking, dude's gotta be dead. So I was baffled when they came back from commercial and said he'd been rushed to the hospital. I'm like... uh, you mean the morgue? Why would they show him with his eyes open like that and then say he was still alive enough to go to the hospital?


Details, details...  ;)

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sinkwriter is seriously being kind to describe Pacci's body as gruesome.  I'm not kidding.  To anyone who has not seen that episode: DON'T EAT before or during it.  Chances are also decent you'll probably not want to eat after watching it either.

I think I'm immune to this after the astonishingly large number of times over the years that I've found myself eating during the opening of a Bones episode.  But yeah, Pacci always sticks with me because of how gruesome his death was.

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Noooooooooo, not Dorney! I like him much more than Bishop. Well, pooh on that. And if they killed off those parents so Gibbs can adopt that kid, I will pop a vein. That is a sure-fire dead giveaway that a series is in its death throes. No, no, I say, no to all of it. Rewind and unkill Dorneget. I won't have it.

PS - Even though I loved Dorney, I still prefer LJ Tibbs to Gilroy Libbs.

Edited by Calamity Jane
  • Love 2

All the Dorney stuff was sad, but this is what broke my heart:  "Bishop, use the zipties. He's too small for the handcuffs."

That was the line for me as well.


To be honest not that fussed about Dorney, maybe if it hadn't been so long between seeing him or the fact that he had a massive bullseye on him. It didn't shock me like the others in the "Dead" line up did. Not that Jenny going out the way she did was that much of a surprise as the ep went on. Unlike Kate and Paula or Pacci even Mike to some extent.

I made the mistake of watching most of the episode during my lunch hour- it was hard to concentrate afterwards. How dark, first killing Luke's parents and then Dorney. Total downer! It sucks that he came back only to die. Was that necessary? Or even killing the poor kid's parents and making him an orphan, especially after blowing up the other kid.

Stories like these make me hate school bullying even more because the way Luke gets treated happens every day. I don't understand how parents can allow their kids to become so hateful.

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Was it Paula or was it Lara Macy?


If it was Macy, that also made recognition more difficult. Not that I don't like Macy, but we didn't see Louise Lombardo that much on screen.  Macy would have been a more difficult character to place quickly.


I thought I saw red hair flipping in the wind, which makes me think it was Paula.  Diane wasn't an NCIS agent.  Pacci, Kate, Franks, Jenny, and Dorregaut all were.

I was wrong, thankfully. (thought it would be Jimmy). But I was sad to see Dornegut go - but he got a hero's death. So that's something.


I don't like this very dark tone NCIS is taking. I start drawing the line when kids are constantly in jeopardy (looking at you Criminal Minds), and I may have to stop watching if that continues.


I've always liked Abby, but I am getting very tired of the little girl affectations in a 40+ year old woman. Enthusiastic and quirky is fine, but I truly hate mature women acting like little girls. I mean, even Tony is growing up. Her character doesn't seem to have changed much over the years, and it is not wearing well.

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