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S03.E20: The Fallen

Meredith Quill
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I don't know if it's the alcohol or the episode, but I don't think I cried so much over a show when Felicity and Oliver said goodbye. 


There were a LOT of moments where I expected MORE. But that moment when they said goodbye... where they didn't say goodbye, was so amazing. EBR and SA... WOW. 

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Well, I built that jet scene up too much in my head. I would've thought it was great if I hadn't been expecting something else, haha. 


And I didn't expect Felicity to SLIP OLIVER A MICKEY, WTF. 


What the hell happened at the end? Ra's brands him and that's it? Was there something in it or...I don't understand what happened.


ETA: A+ sex though, show. I applaud, although I wouldn't have called that a morning after. AT all. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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When Ra's told Felicity she had fire, my first thought was "Where there's Smoak, there's fire." I'll see myself out.


Haha. The soldier was named Bamford.


Everyone is bringing their A-game this ep. This is the Team Arrow I know and love. People who stand by you and call you on your bullshit. The season's picking up the last few episodes.


No Laurel? Damn. Showed up at the 54 minute mark. We were so close! Also, was she bugging Cisco for favors and taking awkward pictures while Oliver and company were trying to save Thea?


Was that the first time Oliver called John "brother?" It's usually the other way around. 

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That sex scene was HOT. But the drugging afterward kind of lowered the high for me personally. Thankfully he wasn't angry about it because yikes.

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Oliver slayed this entire episode. Amell, great work. 



Oliver (to John): “John, you’re the best man I’ve ever known. Whatever happens, you’re my brother.”

Oliver (to Felicity): Oliver: “You told me once that life is precious and you wanted more from it than I could offer you. Don’t give up on that.”



That stupid hug scene should have been Felicity and Diggle. Talk about cramming Laurel into the plot.

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Also, they made Laurel irrelevant again. Wasn't there a scene of her at the hangar with Oliver? There were stills of it. Does she know what happened to Roy? Does she know what happened to Thea? 


Do I care? 

No you don't care. Neither do I. I'm glad Laurel was reduced to one scene. I really didn't miss her in this episode. 

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Also are we to assume there is some kind of drug in the branding tool or something? Because I find it hard to believe that Oliver is transformed with a bit of fire. 

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That was a pretty good episode, I think. Ugh. All my feels all over the place... Or maybe it's the alcohol and sugar in my system. Haha... Everyone was on their A-game tonight but EBR was amazing. All the praise for her from the media, who got to see the episode early, was well-deserved.


That Oliver/Felicity sex scene, though...



I think I'm going to need to rewatch the recording of the episode on my DVR later to really digest this episode. In HD, instead of the tiny screen of my laptop. Multiple times, probably. Yep.

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Also are we to assume there is some kind of drug in the branding tool or something? Because I find it hard to believe that Oliver is transformed with a bit of fire. 


Yeah, I really need someone to explain that to me. Ra's gave an evil kind of satisfied look, so I figured there must be something in it, but...what

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I am not gonna lie, I laughed when I realized Felicity drugged him.   I knew she was "giving up" too easy.  I also loved that Oliver wasn't mad at her for it.


Loved the Dig/Oliver goodbye.


SA was great this episode.  The tears in his eyes during the "not goodbye" with Felicity.....yeah, I think my allergies were acting up.

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So that Happened and it was HAWT!! I agree with wonderwall the scene with Oliver and Felicity saying goodbye was tearjerking :( my poor Felicity she slipped him a Mickey but he loves her all the more for it. God those two kill me. Hottest love scene and their Chemistry is just Scorching!

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That jet scene though…was anyone else a little underwhelmed? I loved how he opened up to her, especially about Thea, but the way SA went on about it I was expecting more. I don't know. 

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That jet scene though…was anyone else a little underwhelmed? I loved how he opened up to her, especially about Thea, but the way SA went on about it I was expecting more. I don't know. 

Definitely underwhelmed. I looked at my husband and said "that's it????" -- But they made up for it in spades with the goodbye scene and sex scene (which was so god damn romantic :'))

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That jet scene though…was anyone else a little underwhelmed? I loved how he opened up to her, especially about Thea, but the way SA went on about it I was expecting more. I don't know. 


Yeah, I would've loved it if I hadn't built up my expectations there. It wasn't what I expected at all (but it was nice). 


And given the way the EPs talked about Thea's "recovery" I was really surprised that she was basically all there at the end. So, Felicity and Thea scheme to get Oliver back, yeah? I accept no other alternatives.

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I'm glad Laurel was reduced to one scene. I really didn't miss her in this episode.

I don't mind her but she seemed just thrown into this one like an afterthought.  But hey, she was already on the Flash yesterday so it balances out.


Meanwhile that happened and it was spectacular. 

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That sex scene was HOT. But the drugging afterward kind of lowered the high for me personally. Thankfully he wasn't angry about it because yikes.

He loved her all for it.. lol I loved Felicity as always loved that's she not afraid to confront Ra's or Malcolm. Girl loves her man that is for sure

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Really good episode.  Arrow has really picked up its game the past two weeks and has been excellent.  Strong episode for Team Arrow...something the writers need to keep in mind.  Glad to see Oliver and Felicity finally take the big step although I'm sure when this storyline resolves itself, it'll be back to business as usual.


Agreed about everyone bringing their A-games tonight.  Never thought I'd see a Felicity/Ra's standoff.

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Definitely underwhelmed. I looked at my husband and said "that's it????" -- But they made up for it in spades with the goodbye scene and sex scene (which was so god damn romantic :'))


OMG, it was so romantic and emotional and definitely felt like love more than sex which is exactly what I wanted. But yeah, that jet scene was…I had the same reaction like 'Um, is there more after the commercials?!'



Yeah, I would've loved it if I hadn't built up my expectations there. It wasn't what I expected at all (but it was nice). 


And given the way the EPs talked about Thea's "recovery" I was really surprised that she was basically all there at the end. So, Felicity and Thea scheme to get Oliver back, yeah? I accept no other alternatives.



Yeah, I think I built it up because I tend to trust SA more than anyone else on this show. It was a good scene and I'm always in favor of him opening up to people but yeah…I expected more.


I think Thea is going to struggle a lot. She's still not all there, I don't think. 


Also YES PLEASE to Thea and Felicity scheming. Felicity spoke to Thea and I was like FINALLY! Haha. So I want more.

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I think I was teared up the whole episode until the end when it went from the very emotional non-goodbye to the flashback and I was having a hard time caring and then back to the branding.  The branding was interesting but Oliver oh, excuse me, the Arrow, suiting up for the League left me underwhelmed.


Or maybe just too drained by all the rest. 

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Yeah, I really need someone to explain that to me. Ra's gave an evil kind of satisfied look, so I figured there must be something in it, but...what


I really think there might be something in it. I mean, I've never seen anyone or anything get branded before but does it usually kind of glow, like coals, after? Shouldn't it be more kinda like a reddish/pinkish open wound and not somewhat glowy-like? Am I even making any sense right now? Hahaha... My brain is still stuck on that almost-2 minute sex scene (not that I was really timing it, just sorta).


Way to find gifs so fast, Soulfire! Damn, this fandom doesn't play when it comes to Oliver/Felicity.

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When the jet scene was done, I thought "Is That All There Is?"  The rest of the episode was pretty good though.  Damn, Barrowman is good.  (I only wish Nable were as well.) I really believed that he loved Thea, although I can't figure out why he was so worried she would go crazy because she seemed pretty normal to me. And in true Barrowman style, when Felicity told Malcolm to go get Thea so they can escape through the catacombs, there was an "Wow, she's hot" glint in his eye.


I thought The Scene was sweet rather than hot. Glad it happened, glad they're finally canon, glad Felicity wasn't going to give up.


Great Diggle/Oliver and Diggle/Maseo scenes.  I really thought that Maseo was going to buy it, but then I was reminded that men don't die on this show unless they're wearing red shirts.


I felt so sorry for Ray.  The writing for Ray Palmer for much of this season has done BR wrong..

Haha. The soldier was named Bamford


LOL. Nice to see them get the name in.

Can anyone tell me why Ra's wasn't trying to get Thea to become the next Ra's since she clearly survived his blade, thus fulfilling the prophecy that Oliver allegedly fulfills.  

That would have been really awesome.


Is there some rule in the LoA that the next Ra's has to be someone who doesn't want the job at all?

Edited by statsgirl
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That sex scene was HOT. But the drugging afterward kind of lowered the high for me personally. Thankfully he wasn't angry about it because yikes.


He just loves her all the more for trying. Ugh, MY EMOTIONS.


The entire cast really brought it tonight. Especially Stephen, Emily, and John. The goodbye/not goodbye scenes with Diggle and Felicity nearly broke me. 


The Diggle/Maseo scene made me seriously worried for baby Sara. Really hoping the show won't go that far. 


I was so, so happy that Felicity had a plan, even if it wasn't well thought out. She doesn't just stand idle, especially after getting a taste of that sweet, sweet Oliver lovin'.


The only misstep for me was having Felicity go to Laurel at the end. That should have been Diggle. The show needs to stop trying to make Felicity/Laurel happen. It's not going to happen.


I really hope that once Thea gets back on her feet, she teams up with Felicity to get Oliver back. They are the only two people who will be able to get through to Al-Sah-Him.

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Now that I have composed myself a little bit...


I thought that was a really good episode, although I will need to watch the whole thing again. Lots and lots of good things, and I think the show has finally found a plot that works again, pushing the narrative forward.


I think Ras must have done some magical something or another to Oliver. No way does a little fire destroy Oliver Queen! 


Poor poor Thea. Poor thing losses Roy(I really hope someone tells her Roy is still alive), and now Oliver has joined the League and given up his life, to save her. I hope Team Arrow can be a good support system for her. Just don't leave her with freaking Malcolm! 


Laurel still has no real purpose here, but I liked her on The Flash, so whatever. 


The Oliver and Diggle bromance just kills me. Almost as much as Oliver and Felicity! It hurts! The pain!

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I can’t believe I’m saying this in an episode that had Olicity sex (praise God), but I think my favorite moment of the entire episode was the “Damnnnn, you scary!” look Malcolm gave Felicity when she refused to take no for an answer about getting Oliver out of Nanda Parbat. Because she was totally scary, and I fucking loved it.


I have thoughts about the Olicity sex, but only after I’ve watched it another 4000 times. For science. And accuracy. Holy damn.


Oliver’s goodbye to Thea was lovely, but when only Diggle and Felicity were left standing there with him, I broke a little. John and Oliver are my favorite bromance ever, and I’m not ashamed to admit I totally teared up during their goodbye. Nothing about that was okay. And I can’t even discuss Oliver and Felicity’s goodbye. I missed most of it because I was doing the Nancy Kerrigan “Whyyyyyyy?” ugly cry.


And it’s awful to nitpick an episode I enjoyed so much, but dammit. All that was left was for the show to stick the landing … but then Laurel showed up. I’m not opposed to her appearing for a minute again, but did it have to be <i>that</i> minute? The writers keep trying to force a Laurel/Felicity relationship that feels totally unearned and cheap. That moment of Felicity breaking down belonged to her and Diggle, and I really hate that the writers shoehorned Laurel in there and ruined the emotional impact. Ugh. I'm gonna go watch SA and EBR be amazing with each other some more to get this taste out of my mouth.

I hear next week is gonna have really good Digglicity scenes we shall see

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When they can write give us something like this , why can't they do it a bit more often or throughout the season, not just the last handful of episodes?


I, too, wanted to see Malcolm tell Nearly Dead Thea that she didn't have to come back.  


I found my self not so upset with Felicity/Laurel, but then we should have had a Dig/Lyla. This is as big for John as actually having Oliver die.  Plus, shoehorning bittersweet glances at The Cutest Baby in the DCTVU is perfectly fine.  I think there should be a Dig/Felicity scene and not just before they try to save him again or whatever. Felicity was probably just intending to keep Laurel in the loop and Fee's emotions got the best of her.


You don't get Francoise Yip to just chant, so I hope she gets to do more next episode.


Shallow: The white satin/silk dress Thea wore to the Lazarus Pit was lovely. Just embellished enough to buy as part of a ritual.


Hey, we have two good doctors in Starling!


Ray? Would you adopt me? I won't ask for helicopters and planes, I promise. I didn't feel bad for Ray, exactly, but I am glad that portion of this season is closed/ mostly closed. Now they can do hero stuff?


Tatsu? Is a baaaaad mother-talkin' 'bout Shaft.  Also Oliver doing the whole roof thing and street surfing or whatever that's called. It looked amazing and wasn't something you see in every single show. I just hope that the saturated yellows are nearly done. My eyes aren't fans of that.


Still getting my head around stuff, but I hope Thea comes back fully to herself.


Oh! There were flashes of Canary/Black Canary in the previews for this episode. Was that just promo monkey-shines or did that get trimmed for Reasons?

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Before I get to the big event, I just first want to say that I loved seeing different duos then normal here.  First, loved the Diggle/Maseo face-off.  David Ramsey is always awesome and Karl Yune is underrated, so I thought both played off each other very well, and I especially loved how that scene led to Maseo's briefly helping them out. There is hope for him yet! (since Ra's was kind enough to forgive him.)  Then, there was the Felicity/Ra's face-off.  Never would have predicted that would happen, and I would love it as much as I did.  I've made it known that I've personally been underwhelmed by Matt Nable's portrayal of Ra's, but I thought he did a real good job at respecting and even admiring Felicity for standing up to him, but still remaining firm.


But, anyway, so it finally happened.  Oliver and Felicity finally get it on.  Thankfully, Ray ended it at the beginning of the episode, so there was no cheating going on (and, I'm all for that disaster of a relationship to be done with.)  Of course, this being TV, they can't be together anymore, although at the excuse is original enough ("Sorry, my love!  Too busy having to lead the assassins!")  Not that it stopped Felicity from trying.  Totally didn't see her trying to drug him coming.  A rare surprise.  Cracked up at her bossing Malcolm around, after it happened.  Dude didn't know what to say, so he just ended up listening her.  Ha!


The "final" good-byes were great.  Original Team Arrow is the best.


So, Maseo pretty much confirms that his and Tatsu's son will die, which causes everything to go to hell.  I'm still wondering how it happens.  The vile broke at the end, so I'm guessing the virus will get out on some level.


At least Thea is alive, but it sounds like she's still got some memories she needs to recover.  Plus, she's got Malcolm taking care of her, which is not exactly the most healthy option out there.


The Felicity/Laurel scene did seem shoehorned in.


Ending the episode with Oliver in full LOA gear was a great one.


Next week: Nyssa's back!  It could totally suck, but I won't care.  Getting my Katrina Law fix!

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Damn, Barrowman is good.  (I only wish Nable were as well.)


I did feel Nable when he was telling of leaving his family behind and him advising her not to waste her chance to say her goodbyes.  Though honestly, I was mostly in tears during from the moment Felicity ran out of Thea's recovery room. 


The episode did give us so much is it wrong how much more I still want? 

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Not to go out on a limb here, so when will we find out that Felicity is carrying a mini-Arrow in her quiver.  </snark>



Oh, you read my mind. Made me wonder what happened to Oliver's love child from the earlier season. He/she never did show up.

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I think I was teared up the whole episode until the end when it went from the very emotional non-goodbye to the flashback and I was having a hard time caring and then back to the branding.  The branding was interesting but Oliver oh, excuse me, the Arrow, suiting up for the League left me underwhelmed.


Or maybe just too drained by all the rest.

I'm with you, that suit up scene left me cold. I get what they were going for but it came across rather lame.
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Lol, been trying to write a reaction post but I keep stopping to rewind that scene over and over.

Felicity was amazing (EBR killed it tonight). I think I love bad ass Bossy!Felicity more than any other Felicity. So glad the Ray chapter is closed. But that end scene really should have been between Felicity and Diggle.

SA made me cry and I actually had to turn away from him finding Thea at the beginning. Just couldn't stand to see him in that much pain.

Diggle was awesome as usual and I almost felt bad for Malcolm.

The flashbacks need to go, though. Really interrupted the flow of this episode.

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I totally forgot about Laurel til she popped up at the end. This is the norm for me when she is not in a episode that much. Not that I care. I LOVE minimal Laurel episodes.

Edited by redsox7819
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So...I may have watched the sex scene again and the goodbye scene....Two things.  They had a scar on Felicity's shoulder, which made me smile.  Nice continuity.   And the goodbye kiss had the customary light (fire) illuminating it....

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I wasn't bothered by Felicity and Laurel having a scene together because you know, she is part of this show (although it really was shoehorned in and unnecessary tbh). But I didn't like how Felicity was the crying weepy one and Laurel is the strong one with it all together. No. Don't go there.

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