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S03.E12: I Am Abassin Zadran

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It looks like Philip and Gabriel's season-long fight is finally coming out. That seems to be the same scene that we saw in a preview earlier where Philip yells "You were supposed to protect me!" Gabriel seems to have spent the season trying to figure out exactly what Philip needs to stop feeling so angry and he's still not getting it.

  • Love 1

I watched the episode again with the purpose of watching the previews again. I was mistaken about Paige's wrists being tied. They didn't show whose they were. It does seem like Paige will be in some trouble though. I don't know if that will be from the American authorities or the Soviet authorities.

Stan will visit Martha. I don't know if that will be a business or social visit.

Well, we are back to tension!  I love that about this show.


I also love that the Paige situation is blowing up in their faces, even if I do still have issues with them (including P & E & Center) not realizing that had a high probability of happening.   "Paige" nailed those scenes, I'm becoming more impressed with the actress.  Then they blow it with the "take her to Russia" thing...sigh.  Oh well, it might be fun, and I honestly don't think it's that far fetched, they have to do something.  I do hope it scares the shit out of Paige and backfires though.


Martha, finally!  Some action on that side of things.  The tension wondering if Hans was just going to kill her, this show!   Martha and her phone call to her parents was pretty heartbreaking.  The Stan and Martha scene really didn't work for me though, more him than her?  Holy shit at Philip removing his disguise!  I was shocked!  It was the very last think I expected.  What in the hell does that mean?  Is he about to kill her or confess to  her? 


Stan, still lying, but at least realizing some of the connections now that his mind isn't constantly on Nina.  He knows it's the illegals, and I loved that little bit about the fight, and about the illegals being the elite of the KGB, deep cover is tough.  I wonder if he bugged Martha's apartment or phone while he was there? 


The mail robot intel being garbage, poor old lady, killed for nothing, but still, Arkady's job being not very subtly threatened to Oleg...interesting. 


The mujahidin story may have almost been one plot too many for me, but the actor was really good.  Poor Afghanistan, used by both the USA and USSR to fight their battles during the "cold" war.  Philip and Elizabeth did a pretty good job of making us think one of them might throttle him.  Better two in the bush than one in the hand I guess.  Especially if that one in the hand can change a presentation? 


Lovely to see Claudia!  I loved that Gabriel had his (well hidden) doubts.  Yay!  Talking about their previous screw up with the other couple and their kid killing them.  SO nice to hear Gabriel say the things I've been saying all along!  Thank you writers!


Back on board with loving this show now.  I am so happy about that, it really lost me for the past couple of episodes, but they solved most of my issues with that Gabriel/Claudia talk. 


Wow for those previews too!

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 10

Only on this show would the act of removing a wig be menacing. I'm actually surprised Martha made it through the episode.


Ah, Paige. She thinks because she has something on her parents that the power dynamic has shifted. They really need to disabuse her of that notion.



Threaten her?  Ground her?  Beat her?  None of that would stop her from running to Stan, and frankly, most of it would prompt her to run to him or the preacher and out them.


I was afraid he was going to kill Martha too!  It's funny how much she's grown on me.  She's really good in this roll.

  • Love 3

Such good acting in tonight's episode. 

I haven't gasped that loudly at a wig reveal since Kimberly removed her wig on Melrose Place..  The actress did such an amazing job of looking on in horror.  I really couldn't tell what Philip was going to do in that moment.  I know he doesn't want to kill her but we've seen time and time again that Philip will do what he thinks he has to do.


That diner scene between Frank Langella and Margo Martindale was just a lovely one.  It's these kinds of moments that make the Americans so good. 


I do think the Afghanistan story and the story with the black couple are two things which feel like too much in this season so those stories didn't really work for me, although they may pay off on the season finale. 

  • Love 11

Well, we are back to tension!  I love that about this show.


LOTS of tense moments tonight! I have to say, after Martha's phone call to her parents, I figured she was going to kill herself. That seemed to be a "goodbye" kind of call. I was fully expecting "Clark" to find her dead.


SO CREEPY at the end when he took off his disguise -- I don't know WHAT to think about that -- I know it was partially the lighting and partially his wild hair after removing the wig, but wow did Philip look EVIL. I don't know if he did that as a sign of his trust for her or removing the image of Clark before killing her.


One of the things I love about this show is that it does not need to rely on high drama or chase scenes or violence to build tension and anxiety. The "quiet" episodes are often the most intense. Tonight was a very good example. 

  • Love 8

Woah! That was so scary when Philip was taking off his fake hair. Martha Martha Martha. I'm so afraid of what will happen to her.

She was so smart to act as if she thought maybe Stan was interested in her now that he's alone. Perfect way to throw him off.

Ultravox "Vienna"!

Pastor Tim was almost gloating during Paige's long hug. I actually made a scoffing noise out loud.

Elizabeth gave Maurice's back the death stare. Don't do any tinkering under your car, Maurice.

Grannie, Philip is on YOUR side, bitch.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 8

Martha actually knew Clarke wore a toupe they had a conversation about it once. Martha didn't care; Clarke was shocked she noticed. I think the fact that it is not just a toupe but a full head of wig On top a web of lies that is shocking and confusing. Martha has realized how deep she is.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 10

Great episode tonight!  Definitely an improvement over last week's set-up episode with a lot of action going on.


The stuff with Paige has been excellent and this was no exception.  I kept waiting for Philip to tell her "No, honey.  Aunt Helen is just a creepy old woman."  I have a bad feeling about this Russia trip though.


I had a feeling Philip might take off his wig but still, big moment that delivered.  There's a LOT of maintenance to keep that wig on.  I'm not sure what Philip's play here is.  He doesn't love Martha but he definitely wants to keep her safe.  I don't know how this helps things though...he should have faked Clark's death weeks ago.

Loved seeing Frank Langella and Margo Martindale in a scene together though I wish it had been longer.  Interesting that Gabriel was more sympathetic to Philip.

  • Love 4

I thought for sure Maurice was a goner tonight and she was going to shoot him.  He will die but maybe not until next season.

I can't wait to watch the Comedians!  Those hysterical commercials are very jarring given the intensity of this show but they've grown on me. 

Why don't the illegals have fake extended families?  So much else is fake!   Umbelina- In all of your research have you read about this??

  • Love 2

Martha actually knew Clarke wore a toupe they had a conversation about it once. Martha didn't cate; Clarke was shocked she noticed. I think the fact the it is not just a toupe but a full head of wog and on tops a web of lies that is shocking and confusing a Martha has realized how deep she is.

Oh absolutely.  That's why she was horrified.  She realized that his bad toupe wearing had nothing to do with follicle lightness but for far sinister reasons.

  • Love 3
The Stan and Martha scene really didn't work for me though, more him than her?


I loved how Martha handled Stan as soon as he honed in on the book that obviously was not hers. She immediately shut him up by suggesting that he is hitting on her, what with his marital troubles and all. Beautiful.


So, what was the plan for Abassin Zadran? Make him look like an unhinged freak who clearly cannot be trusted with weapons since he kills his associates for no apparent reason? Not bad. And really, all the mujaheddin wanted was to live in peace and quiet in their country, eh? 

  • Love 10

I thought for sure Maurice was a goner tonight and she was going to shoot him.  He will die but maybe not until next season.

I can't wait to watch the Comedians!  Those hysterical commercials are very jarring given the intensity of this show but they've grown on me. 

Why don't the illegals have fake extended families?  So much else is fake!   Umbelina- In all of your research have you read about this??



The ex-CIA agents who are writing or speaking are pretty close mouthed about our own imbedded agents, although Baer talks about bit about it.  The NOC (no official cover) agents of ours that I've read about seem to come and go fairly often, using aliases, although I know Baer has been embedded for months in some cases when he ran his agents.  I just finished BLOWBACK by Valerie Plame Wilson, her fiction story, and though she's probably the most heavily censored ex CIA agent who is writing, she has her character (that sounds exactly like her) going in and out of cover regularly.   It makes sense though that no one would be able to say anything at all about that kind of agent of ours, since they may still be there, and the secrets involved would be extremely well covered.


As far as the Russian agents captured here, I don't think we are getting all of the story, but from what they have released, it doesn't sound like it, not that they or "we" would tell us if they suspected more confederates posing as family. 


I haven't seen any deep cover long term (as in years) agent stories out there, but if anyone has, I'd love to know the documents or books that talk about it.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

Yeah, Stan finally squared off with Aderholt. And he was right, it's someone else and he's actually on the right trail.

Plus he confirmed what I was unsure about. Stan is the person who shot Elizabeth. That always freaks me out when he's hanging with the Jenningses -- I keep thinking how crazy it is that he shot her and she and Philip totally know it.

  • Love 8

Why was Clark un-Clarking himself????  Poor Martha!!!

That's the big question, isn't it? If he is going to kill her, then why reveal his true self? I'm inclined to think that he is going to tell her some version of the truth. It is pretty clear that Philip is on the edge but my sympathies are with poor Martha. The gun...that gun is going off next week.

Yay - Stan has returned from his season-long trip to boring and is actually acting like super agent. Many here suggested that he has been suspicious of Martha and that seems to be correct. However, he can only concentrate on one thing at a time so the Milky Way defector is not a priority.

Yay also for Gabriel expressing concern over the "let's recruit Paige" plan. And Claudia is back with all of her subtle superiority.

I'm a little bored with the Afghani plot because I don't see how it moves forward in an interesting way next week. What happened with Kimmie? Did Philip get the info that they needed or did I miss something? Then there is Lisa and her husband and the Northrop plot. Not all of this will get wrapped up in the finale.

I'm trying to forget about trip to visit Grandma story arc. Still confused about what's going on with Arkady.

  • Love 6

Oh, Philip, the tone in your voice when Elizabeth suggested maybe Stan was at Martha's because he was interested in her and you said, "Martha?!" Not nice. She's not really THAT unattractive.

And she's your wife!

I'm not enjoying the Paige stuff anymore. Think it's ridiculous that they might travel to Russia. How can they trust her that much when she's so shaken and angry now? It's way too risky. Also, it will only be worth it to me if Elizabeth gets there, takes a good look around, and says, "Holy hell, I'm ready to destroy my kids' lives for THIS?" Then she comes home and starts making defection plans with Philip.

  • Love 14
Stan, still lying, but at least realizing some of the connections now that his mind isn't constantly on Nina.  He knows it's the illegals, and I loved that little bit about the fight, and about the illegals being the elite of the KGB, deep cover is tough.  I wonder if he bugged Martha's apartment or phone while he was there?



I loved how it felt somehow subtly symbolic that Stan was now accusing the woman he shot of not just surviving and attacking Gaad but killing Amador and planting the bug. It was almost like on an unconscious level he was protecting Philip, even though he doesn't know Philip is the other half of that couple!


I've often said this show is often filmed like a horror movie and no more so than in the past few weeks. It really did look like Philip was peeling off his actual face--and in a way he was. He made darker hair so sinister under that toupee!


WTF with Pastor Tim? Sure Paige's parents are spies and that's terrible but imagine all the non-spy parents in his "flock" who are getting notes that their daughter is spending the night with the pastor and he just figured her parents knew (just like he thought they knew he took all her money). How has he not been beaten up by somebody else's dad? If this were a show about a regular couple he'd be the villain!


No idea if Philip is killing Martha or somehow this is going to make her trust him--it would seem the latter since this is Philip, but they hid it in the previews for next week. I also note that Philip's outburst to Gabriel must also be happening next week.


Philip seems to be presenting it as a given that the only family Paige has is Elizabeth's (and the girl's obsessed with meeting people who share her DNA, apparently) so next season we need the tale of Young Orphan Mischa. Still not looking forward to Elizabeth and Paige bonding in Russia, even if you can see them setting up that Philip is handling Paige better. Kind of funny, really, since he's handling it better by being honest with Paige about her questions and *not* giving her information she didn't ask for his own sake. But otoh, as usual he's managed to practically remove himself from the "who are you?" question by focusing on Elizabeth's family.


It's nice to know some people at the Centre saw the Jared thing as a reason to not continue. Too bad 5 minutes later somebody said "Let's do it again--and do it fast!" Claudia's already impatient with Paige. And why does she think Gabriel "can do it?" Can do what? Convince Philip? Philip isn't Paige! It's like their plan is "step one: Tell kid you're Russian spies. Step Two: ????? Step three: Army of KGB moles in the CIA!!!


I'm really hoping for some good Gabriel/Philip stuff next week. Gabriel is going to need to do some truth-telling of his own.


That's the big question, isn't it? If he is going to kill her, then why reveal his true self?



I don't think he'll kill her, but he would have a reason. It's showing the respect of not killing her behind a mask. He's not a coward.


I'm a little bored with the Afghani plot because I don't see how it moves forward in an interesting way next week. What happened with Kimmie? Did Philip get the info that they needed or did I miss something? Then there is Lisa and her husband and the Northrop plot. Not all of this will get wrapped up in the finale.



Yes, it was from Kimmie they got the info that these guys were there at all. I don't think there's any wrapping up to be done with either story. These are longterm operations that provide stuff for them to go on whenever they need a plot. Philip put sex with Kimmie on hold effectively for now. Elizabeth is dealing with Maurice for now.


I like the idea that the Rezidentura staff is trying to help Arkady. This is the kind of loyalty Philip wants on his side of the operation.


I kind of hope Elizabeth does something to blow it more when she's with Paige, like tipping her hand a little too much about being a bit of a nutcase.

  • Love 11

When Martha first asked Clark for the truth, he told her only so much and asked, "Is that enough?"

Now she tells him, "It's not enough." And "I can't be with you here like this." I think she was saying she could no longer be with him or interact with him as "Clark", and that's why Philip took the next step of "un-Clarking" himself. I don't think she suspected he was in such disguise, she just knows he's not who he says he is and she can't keep playing along with that lie anymore.

  • Love 11

Oh, I should also say, in answer to the family fakes for embedded agents, the CIA is and always has been heavily compartmentalized, and keeps it's most secret activities off of any computer, it's all hand written and/or via courier or dead drops.  So even in the CIA there would be VERY few people who would even know about long term embedded agents.


Arkady has to know since he's station chief, but Baer commented that while he was station chief somewhere in the Caucuses, he had CIA agents coming in and never was "read in" to what they were doing or why they were there, in at least one instance that is. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

That's the big question, isn't it? If he is going to kill her, then why reveal his true self? I'm inclined to think that he is going to tell her some version of the truth. It is pretty clear that Philip is on the edge but my sympathies are with poor Martha. The gun...that gun is going off next week.


Oh yeah. And just wait till Clark has to explain who his "sister" really is. A sister might be genuine with a wig / toupee. But with full blown makeup, there is no way that the "sister" is really a sister.

  • Love 2
[Paige]'s obsessed with meeting people who share her DNA, apparently


Yeah, I really don't get that. I think that your life is what you know. If it turned out that I was adopted, and my biological parents were not the people who raised me and whom I loved,  I honestly think that I would have no interest in meeting my real parents. Why would Paige be interested in meeting her biological grandmother? It baffles me. And really, why does it matter to Paige if Henry is her biological brother? He is the guy she loves, the person she agreed to never tell her parents about his fear of being eaten by a bear on that trip. She has certain feelings for Henry whatever he is. Would anything change if she learned he is not her biological brother?


It's nice to know some people at the Centre saw the Jared thing as a reason to not continue. Too bad 5 minutes later somebody said "Let's do it again--and do it fast!"


That is the definition of lampshading, isn't it? Also, I'm with Claudia, there is no reason for a Greek diner to have 20 burgers on the menu. It's not even a Greek dish!


WTF with Pastor Tim? Sure Paige's parents are spies and that's terrible but imagine all the non-spy parents in his "flock" who are getting notes that their daughter is spending the night with the pastor and he just figured her parents knew (just like he thought they knew he took all her money).


I was laughing at P&E just telling the 12-year-old Henry that they'll be out, make sure to go to bed by 10 pm. I was just reading about those "free-range" kids' parents in Maryland, and how it's illegal in certain states to leave kids under certain age without supervision or even in care of people who are not the kids' relatives or legal guardians. What the hell has happened to the world?

Edited by shura
  • Love 6

Yeah, I really don't get that. I think that your life is what you know. If it turned out that I was adopted, and my biological parents were not the people who raised me and whom I loved,  I honestly think that I would have no interest in meeting my real parents. Why would Paige be interested in meeting her biological grandmother? It baffles me. And really, why does it matter to Paige if Henry is her biological brother? He is the guy she loves, the person she agreed to never tell her parents about his fear of being eaten by a bear on that trip. She has certain feelings for Henry whatever he is. Would anything change if she learned he is not her biological brother?



That is the definition of lampshading, isn't it? Also, I'm with Claudia, there is no reason for a Greek diner to have 20 burgers on the menu. It's not even a Greek dish!



I was laughing at P&E just telling the 12-year-old Henry that they'll be out, make sure to got to bed by 10 pm. I was just reading about those "free-range" kids' parents in Maryland, and how it's illegal in certain states to leave kids under certain age without supervision or even in care of people who are not the kids' relatives or legal guardians. What the hell has happened to the world?


I can totally understand trying to sort out "what IS true?" about herself.  That part seemed so real to me!


To your last paragraph, I used to babysit when I was 12, and rarely were there less than 3 kids I was responsible for, usually past midnight.  Luckily, only one father ever seriously hit on me when he took me home.

  • Love 7
I don't think he'll kill her, but he would have a reason. It's showing the respect of not killing her behind a mask. He's not a coward.



I think he *will* kill her.  I saw a lot of sadness in him as he took off his disguise--he's being forced to do something that he does not want to do.  I agree that his taking off his disguise would be partially a matter of respect, but I think he also would want to spare Martha the horror of being killed by someone she thought she knew and loved.  Being killed by Philip has to be better than being killed by Clark.  (But damn, I hope I'm wrong.  I'm not ready for Philip to kill Martha.)

  • Love 16
WTF with Pastor Tim?


He sure is overstepping a lot of boundaries that guy. What I find creepy is not that he'd allow Paige to stay over on a school night, it's that he assumes Paige told her parents and that he doesn't need direct permission from them. He knows they're on shaky ground with Paige and he's taking advantage. When his influence over Paige has faded, you can bet they will take him out.


I think he *will* kill her.  


Me too. We have to ask, does Philip really believe Martha going back home is safe? The answer is no. If Martha can't be trusted to leave on her own, and can't be persuaded to wait for an alibi to be sorted, then he's going to off her. Removing his mask is a way of telling Martha, this is it. 


Killing Martha will unleash the FBI though. Even if they can fake a car accident, at least one of Taffet, Stan or Aderholt will smell a rat.

Edited by Boundary
  • Love 1

Philip's removing his disguise is really a parallel to Elizabeth's telling the accountant woman some of the truth about her background before she killed her.  In both cases, P & E feel compelled for some sort of closeness before they turn into evil people doing their evil things.  (But damn, if Martha has to die, I really want it to happen off screen--I can't stand the idea of seeing Martha shot and then folded up and rolled away in a suitcase!)

  • Love 7

If he kills her, he (and by "he" I mean Elizabeth without his permission possibly) will stage it as a suicide, using her own gun, maybe with a confession note of some kind, or simply "the pressure (or insult) of being suspected when I have worked so long and so hard for the FBI made me too depressed to live!"


Although there is still that computer guy they can frame and get the FBI off Martha's back.  Although, in real life, once you know you have one mole you missed, I think they would keep looking in case they had another.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

I'm not enjoying the Paige stuff anymore. Think it's ridiculous that they might travel to Russia. How can they trust her that much when she's so shaken and angry now? It's way too risky. Also, it will only be worth it to me if Elizabeth gets there, takes a good look around, and says, "Holy hell, I'm ready to destroy my kids' lives for THIS?" Then she comes home and starts making defection plans with Philip.


I hate this storyline.  I agree that it's beyond ridiculous.  No matter how careful you are, there's a possibility you'll leave a trail.   Also, who wants to meet the woman who raised Elizabeth?  I sure don't.  I can't imagine a less warm and fuzzy person.  She turned her kid over to the KGB without a second thought.  Not interested.  It cannot be lost on Philip that Paige often clashes with Elizabeth's stern and rigid personality.  How is going to this stern and rigid country and meeting the zealot who created the zealot, going to reassure Paige?  Paige is intelligent, mature, and clever - she's not going to miss the poverty, lack of freedom, etc.  Both Philip and Elizabeth must really be out of touch with the Soviet Union circa 1980s, if they think a visit will convert Paige.  Again, their weakness is their inability to understand Americans and how we think.


I also love that the Paige situation is blowing up in their faces, even if I do still have issues with them (including P & E & Center) not realizing that had a high probability of happening.   "Paige" nailed those scenes, I'm becoming more impressed with the actress.  Then they blow it with the "take her to Russia" thing...sigh.  Oh well, it might be fun, and I honestly don't think it's that far fetched, they have to do something.  I do hope it scares the shit out of Paige and backfires though.


I love that Elizabeth is realizing she was completely wrong about Paige.  I'm enjoying that part.  Otherwise, as much as I feel for Paige, think she's totally in the right, and realize the actress is doing a good job, her voice was almost nails on a chalkboard.  Maybe it's because I have a terrible headache, I'm just over the Paige storyline for the moment.  And Elizabeth attempting to silence Paige by covering her mouth - that's the creepiest thing I've seen in a while, and I wonder if Paige has any idea how many people those hands have killed.


The mujahidin story may have almost been one plot too many for me, but the actor was really good.  Poor Afghanistan, used by both the USA and USSR to fight their battles during the "cold" war.  Philip and Elizabeth did a pretty good job of making us think one of them might throttle him.  Better two in the bush than one in the hand I guess.  Especially if that one in the hand can change a presentation?


For the first time, it didn't work for me.  The actor, the hair/clothing, the accent, the storyline, it fell really flat.  The guy just didn't look genuine, and it felt really fake.

  • Love 6

I hate this storyline.  I agree that it's beyond ridiculous.  No matter how careful you are, there's a possibility you'll leave a trail.   Also, who wants to meet the woman who raised Elizabeth?  I sure don't.  I can't imagine a less warm and fuzzy person.  She turned her kid over to the KGB without a second thought.  Not interested.  It cannot be lost on Philip that Paige often clashes with Elizabeth's stern and rigid personality.  How is going to this stern and rigid country and meeting the zealot who created the zealot, going to reassure Paige?  Paige is intelligent, mature, and clever - she's not going to miss the poverty, lack of freedom, etc.  Both Philip and Elizabeth must really be out of touch with the Soviet Union circa 1980s, if they think a visit will convert Paige.  Again, their weakness is their inability to understand Americans and how we think.


I love that Elizabeth is realizing she was completely wrong about Paige.  I'm enjoying that part.  Otherwise, as much as I feel for Paige, think she's totally in the right, and realize the actress is doing a good job, her voice was almost nails on a chalkboard.  Maybe it's because I have a terrible headache, I'm just over the Paige storyline for the moment.  And Elizabeth attempting to silence Paige by covering her mouth - that's the creepiest thing I've seen in a while, and I wonder if Paige has any idea how many people those hands have killed.



The KGB was considered to be just about the best job you could have.  Travel, money, respect, being able to pick up foreign goods (she didn't know Elizabeth would be embedded.)  So that part of her story doesn't bother me.


I'm sure they will put the best possible face on "Russia" though, for Paige.  They could easily move the mother to a more luxurious place or hospital, and Paige would totally believe that sightseeing would be out of the question, maybe a careful trip to a closed museum or something.  I have no problem with them getting in and out of Russia, pre-computerized world, from everything I've read, spies did stuff like that all the time, in a variety of ways.  That would be the easy part!


I also love that it's backfiring on Elizabeth, and hope she's finally realizing the current danger Paige is in, should she act up too much.  It's delicious! 


I was SO hating this story, but when Gabriel finally told someone the truth about how he felt about it, I was able to relax and enjoy it.  It does seem that they want to do more than just "get Paige started" though, from what Claudia said.  Did you guys get that impression?  It feels like there is already a job planned for her, and I don't mean an office job after college.


I also still wonder if dear mommy is really sick, or dying, or even alive.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 6

I think he *will* kill her.  I saw a lot of sadness in him as he took off his disguise--he's being forced to do something that he does not want to do.  I agree that his taking off his disguise would be partially a matter of respect, but I think he also would want to spare Martha the horror of being killed by someone she thought she knew and loved.  Being killed by Philip has to be better than being killed by Clark.  (But damn, I hope I'm wrong.  I'm not ready for Philip to kill Martha.)

THIS. I said the exact same thing to my husband -- that, by revealing himself, Philip was finally respecting Martha with the truth. That he would kill her as Philip (the stranger), rather than as her beloved Clark, was a final act of compassion. And I do believe it was final; we won't be seeing Martha again. Thanks, Show, for sparing me the sight of poor Martha fighting for her life and losing. Then again, these are the same people who brought us the necklacing scene, so maybe I shouldn't count my chickens . . .


As for Paige, if she goes to Russia, but doesn't end up drinking the homeland/ grandma Kool-aid, I think she stands a good chance of chucking the church in favor of more typical forms of teen rebellion. Having learned her life is a lie, she'll feel too hypocritical to hang with Pastor and Mrs. Groovyhair and their ilk anymore. Instead, she'll push hard in the other direction. I could see her bringing home guys that would set Phil and Liz's wig hairs on end . . . if she bothers to come home at all. And she won't leave a note.

  • Love 6

Damn. Taking bobby pins out of one's hair has never looked so menacing. I don't see how Martha is going to come out of this alive, and I think she knows it too. The open question for me is whether Philip is going to kill her himself or manipulate her into committing suicide. 


I'm not sure what the point of the Abassin Zadran storyline was - to show just how little it takes to get dimwit mujahideen to turn on each other?


I don't know much about youth pastors, but is it normal for them to have minors sleep over at their houses? Without checking with the parents, no less? I know Pastor Tim's wife is always around, but his closeness to Paige is creepy as all get-out. If Philip didn't have bigger fish to fry, he'd probably have "taken care" of the creep. Enough is enough.


I feel bad for Tatiana. She's obviously trying to flirt with Oleg, but the poor shmuck is still pining for Nina. Who I'm sure never loved him and would have sold him out in a heartbeat if it helped her in any way. At least Oleg respects her professional opinion.


I also feel bad for Lisa. She's risking a life sentence by taking the pictures for "Michelle", but she's not even getting to enjoy the rewards. I'm sure Maurice didn't let her have any of the money he got from Elizabeth. No fancy dinners and Coach bags for her.


Am I the only who thinks Paige is going to hate it in Russia and as soon as she gets back she'll march over to Stan's to turn in her parents? I can't believe Philip is not worried about that.

  • Love 3

I hate this storyline.  I agree that it's beyond ridiculous.  No matter how careful you are, there's a possibility you'll leave a trail.   Also, who wants to meet the woman who raised Elizabeth?  I sure don't.  I can't imagine a less warm and fuzzy person.  She turned her kid over to the KGB without a second thought.  Not interested.  It cannot be lost on Philip that Paige often clashes with Elizabeth's stern and rigid personality.  How is going to this stern and rigid country and meeting the zealot who created the zealot, going to reassure Paige?  Paige is intelligent, mature, and clever - she's not going to miss the poverty, lack of freedom, etc.  Both Philip and Elizabeth must really be out of touch with the Soviet Union circa 1980s, if they think a visit will convert Paige.  Again, their weakness is their inability to understand Americans and how we think.

RZ, I often agree with the points you make, but not this time.  Trust is crucial to Paige.  Always has been, and now more than ever.  She desperately needs to believe in her parents.  To see that, at their core, they are not a total lie.  The trip to Russia has the potential to restore that trust. 


The KGB can manage the trip, much like Soviets managed the visits American journalists made there in the 1920s and 1930s.  They can make sure the grandmother is in a good hospital.  They can only show Paige what they want her to see.  It worked great on people like Lincoln Steffens (who after being given the antiseptic tour of the USSR, wrote "I have seen the future and it works.")  Won't surprise me if it works on Paige as well. 


Right now P&E have a huge Paige problem.  With her current state of mind, she could sabotage their entire operation.  They need drastic action.  This trip to the homeland, properly orchestrated, might be just what the doctor ordered. 

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If Martha had figured out she was in too deep, that the FBI would be relentless in pursuit, why didn't she just leave Clark a note and go to her parents' home? Why does she give Clark a chance to intervene when it seems Stan's visit has alerted her that she is in danger? If that was the last of her, at least she wasn't humiliated more than necessary. If Martha is left holding the pen, Stan will be so relieved he was on the right track--for about a week or two-- and then he'll start noticing how neatly and quickly wrapped up it all was. 


So, since everyone is paying visits, isn't it time for Henry to go check out Mrs. Beeman? Then again, with all the plots and plotlets that have to advance, maybe that will be left until next year.


My favorite scene was Claudia and Gabriel together even though I couldn't figure out if there was any real affection or even depth of respect between them. They are both so good at the game, each trying to figure out exactly what the other one will bring this time. However, that exchange about the meaningless menu choices of capitalism seemed a bit sophomoric for these two old pros--they would each be privy to the secret stores and privileges of Moscow's highest rungs. (I worked with a clever Rumanian in NYC in the 80s who told me he thought we had so many cleaning products--different ones for oil or wine stains, carpet, wood floors, dishwasher, washing machine, car etc--just to keep consumers too busy to think!)


I don't know if the trip with Elizabeth and Paige will actually happen, seems everyone has a different idea of how to deal with Paige. But one possibility is that the teenage Elizabeth misread her mother, that the KGB had ordered her to tell Elizabeth to take the job and not look back. Maybe it broke her heart to give up her daughter. Elizabeth may not know her mother anymore than Paige knows hers--the writers like those sort of arabesque twists and turns. I agree it wouldn't be so difficult for the KGB to arrange that Paige see no poverty in Moscow, especially in winter when the snow swirls around the onion domes and many people have fur hats. (Sort of like when we take our DC visitors to see all the gorgeous monuments and museums, avoiding the run down neighborhoods.)


Still thinking about Martha -- can't remember when this show spooked me that much.

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I misinterpreted Hans' signal to Phillip, as I thought Hans was mistakenly giving the 'all clear' without knowing Stan was in the apartment.  That was an incredibly tense couple of minutes for me, as I was wondering if "Clark" was just going to stumble into Stan in the apartment or if he would somehow figure it out and narrowly avoid him?


Phillip looked like a vampire in that creepy final scene, though I'm not sure I agree that it means he's going to kill Martha.  They're not going to kill a major character like Martha in between episodes.

  • Love 7
I haven't gasped that loudly at a wig reveal since Kimberly removed her wig on Melrose Place.

Ha, I KNOW! Best creepy wig reveal since Kimberly! Although I'm not sure how many scenes are actually in the running for that since wig removal is not a weekly occurrence on tv.


While I totally understand Phillip and Elizabeth's concern that Paige is going to spill the beans, I don't think the best course of action every time she acts out is to ask if she told someone about them. What they should have told her is that although knowing their secret has been a lot for her to take in, she can't just leave the house for an overnight trip without asking their permission first (leaving a note does not qualify). Ha, love that Henry is totally happy staying home playing video games and watching tv by himself though.

  • Love 3

Phillip looked like a vampire in that creepy final scene, though I'm not sure I agree that it means he's going to kill Martha.  They're not going to kill a major character like Martha in between episodes.


Damn. Taking bobby pins out of one's hair has never looked so menacing. I don't see how Martha is going to come out of this alive, and I think she knows it too. The open question for me is whether Philip is going to kill her himself or manipulate her into committing suicide. 


THIS. I said the exact same thing to my husband -- that, by revealing himself, Philip was finally respecting Martha with the truth. That he would kill her as Philip (the stranger), rather than as her beloved Clark, was a final act of compassion. And I do believe it was final; we won't be seeing Martha again. Thanks, Show, for sparing me the sight of poor Martha fighting for her life and losing. Then again, these are the same people who brought us the necklacing scene, so maybe I shouldn't count my chickens . . .


Yes, he did look very creepy. As he was unmasking himself, I kept thinking, "Run, Martha, Run." That scene was well done - incredibly tense without actually showing horror or violence.


I like the thought that Philip revealed himself as a measure of respect for Martha before he killed her. And I want to agree that Martha will not be killed off-screen...mostly because I don't want Martha to be killed. (Yeah, I know, not likely.) I'm hoping that Philip hesitates one moment too long and Martha can make a move. There is the gun. Maybe its in her purse? 


I'm not sure what the point of the Abassin Zadran storyline was - to show just how little it takes to get dimwit mujahideen to turn on each other?


I don't know much about youth pastors, but is it normal for them to have minors sleep over at their houses? Without checking with the parents, no less? I know Pastor Tim's wife is always around, but his closeness to Paige is creepy as all get-out. If Philip didn't have bigger fish to fry, he'd probably have "taken care" of the creep. Enough is enough.


I feel bad for Tatiana. She's obviously trying to flirt with Oleg, but the poor shmuck is still pining for Nina. Who I'm sure never loved him and would have sold him out in a heartbeat if it helped her in any way. At least Oleg respects her professional opinion.


I also feel bad for Lisa. She's risking a life sentence by taking the pictures for "Michelle", but she's not even getting to enjoy the rewards. I'm sure Maurice didn't let her have any of the money he got from Elizabeth. No fancy dinners and Coach bags for her.




Agree on all of these points. There was little suspense in the Abassin Zadran storyline.


Pastor Tim isn't very good at reading family situations. He knows that Paige is having trouble "relating" to her parents. He was threatened once by Philip. And yet, he takes the word of a 15-year-old (?) that its OK to sleep over on a school night.


I'm very disappointed in the Oleg storyline. They couldn't think of anything better to do with this character? 

  • Love 5


WTF with Pastor Tim? Sure Paige's parents are spies and that's terrible but imagine all the non-spy parents in his "flock" who are getting notes that their daughter is spending the night with the pastor and he just figured her parents knew (just like he thought they knew he took all her money). How has he not been beaten up by somebody else's dad? If this were a show about a regular couple he'd be the villain!


I think Pastor Tim might be a pervert who preys on troubled teens. If he tries to have sex with Paige that could be just the thing that sends her back to her parents.

Then we would get to see Phillips beat the crap out of Pastor Tim.

If Pastor Tim betrays Paige, that would make the trip to Russia more possible, but I'm not entirely sure about that.

I hope they don't have Paige go to Russia and feel a connection to it, I'll be pissed if they do.

Still waiting for Henery's to blow the lid off P&E's cover.

It would be great if we go into next season with half the family defecting to the U.S. And the other half on the run, or trapped in Russia.

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