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"The View": Week of 04/13/15


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Mo 4/13: Octavia Spencer, Tai Beauchamp, guest co-hosts Candace Cameron Bure & Michelle Collins

Tu 4/14: Vanessa Hudgens, Train, guest co-hosts Candace Cameron Bure & Michelle Collins

We 4/15: Bob Saget, Tyson Beckford, Kimberly Schlapman, guest co-hosts Paula Faris & Michelle Collins

Th 4/16: Billy Crystal, Gabriel Iglesias, guest co-hosts Paula Faris & Michelle Collins

Fr 4/17: Sarah Colonna, Dr. Steven Lamm, guest co-hosts Paula Faris & Michelle Collins

  • Love 1

Omg. What a noisy mess.

Seriously, that sums it up for me.    Ten minutes was all I could take - every "conversation" was all over the place and non of those places were good.   When one-percenter Whoopi started her food stamp rant I was out. I am trying to watch this show for some snark to add to our thread here but I couldn't even find that today.  It was really just a mess and not in an horribly awesome way like years past but just a  mess.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 6

Cosmocrush, I feel the same way. I half listened to the show (I work at my computer when it's on), and I just found it annoying and not even worthy of snark.  What annoyed me most is some statistic the tall comedian lady, Michelle, threw out and I know it was outrageous, but I can't even bother to remember it now.  I don't know if  this dumb show is worth watching anymore , even for the snark , although I do love coming to this board to get some laughs from other posters. :)

  • Love 8

I've never been a real fan of Paltrow but think she is doing the right thing accepting the FoodBankNYC Challenge in order raise hunger awareness. A lot of people will follow her challenge and think more about how difficult it must be. In 2008 she donated $75,000 to the cause. Her great friend Batali is very involved in the cause and contributes lots of time and money to this cause. 


I thought WG said $29 a month when it is a week. Batali did this in 2012 in NYC and in his case it was $31 per person for his family of 4 a week. Obviously the celebrities use their own money. Not the governments.


Note to Nicolle - Todd Palin's nickname of First Dude while Sarah was governor of Alaska was not cute then and it certainly isn't for Bill Clinton, imo. Just another way for you to dismiss him and try to demean him.

  • Love 10

I hate the term "tongue bath" but I couldn't think of a more appropriate term for how Nicolle treats Whoopi. Of course, Whoopi loves it. I didn't pay attention the to the whole show but it seems to be self-snarking. As usual, Nicolle reinforced that she is a luddite or at least she plays one on tv.

How bad does it have to get before they put the show out of its misery and ours?

  • Love 10

True confession:  I've been a golf fan for many years & I absolutely choked (& nearly threw up) when Whoopi said:  "Don't forget, before Jordan Spieth, there was Tiger Woods, until there wasn't!"  Actually, Whoopi, you big dumb-ass, you're wrong, AGAIN!  Similar accomplishments on the course, but that's where the comparisons stop.  Tiger was an arrogant, distant, media-hating asshole until his wife caught him red-handed & his cheap trysts & girlfriends came to the fore.  When he came to the surface, after hiding for months, he had new advisors & presented a whole new persona.  Don't get me wrong, I want nothing but the best for Tiger in the future because he draws the crowds, but Jordan Spieth represents the creme-de-la-creme & in no way can be compared to Tiger.  Just sayin'.

  • Love 4
When one-percenter Whoopi started her food stamp rant I was out. I am trying to watch this show for some snark to add to our thread here but I couldn't even find that today.



Twelve years ago or so I had to buy groceries for a disabled family member using his food stamps.  Whoopi probably doesn't know this...and maybe it's not in all states, but food "stamps" are now cards that look just like credit/debit cards.  No one knows that someone is using government assistance to buy food.  I shopped very frugally, but I know there are many who take advantage.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 5

Candace Cameron gets on my last nerve.   Yesterday she said she hopes Hillary Clinton runs for president "as a woman".  What does that mean?  Obama ran for president,  and any mention of race was seen as "playing t he race card".  So now, she is saying that Hillary should play the GENDER card?  or what?  she seemed, to me, to be saying Hillary should make sure to not lose her femininity while running for president.  She is another one of those "Christian"  women who believe that a wife should be submissive to her husband, because, you know, it's in the Bible.  So her view on a woman president should be disregarded completely.  

Edited by backformore
  • Love 15

Twelve years ago or so I had to buy groceries for a disabled family member using his food stamps.  Whoopi probably doesn't know this...and maybe it's not in all states, but food "stamps" are now cards that look just like credit/debit cards.  No one knows that someone is using government assistance to buy food.  I shopped very frugally, but I know there are many who take advantage.

Whoopi doesn't know a lot of things she thinks she knows!!

  • Love 11

Candace Cameron gets on my last nerve.   Yesterday she said she hopes Hillary Clinton runs for president "as a woman".  What does that mean?  Obama ran for president,  and any mention of race was seen as "playing t he race card".  So now, she is saying that Hillary should play the GENDER card?  or what?  she seemed, to me, to be saying Hillary should make sure to not lose her femininity while running for president.  She is another one of those "Christian"  women who believe that a wife should be submissive to her husband, because, you know, it's in the Bible.  So her view on a woman president should be disregarded completely.  

At the end of her comment she added, "But she's not my party so it doesn't matter." disregarding her own comment.   I was all, "Why open your mouth then?"  She makes some long speech about "running as a woman" and then completely discounts it, lol. Idiot. 


Then that lead to Whoopi telling us that no one noticed President Obama was Black until he won (WTF?) and so she shouted into the camera that "HILARY CLINTON IS A WOMAN! just so you know now."    That Whoopi, she's certainly the expert.     Good grief.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 12

I  recall Candace Cameron on dancing with the stars, she made a big deal about not wanting to wear revealing costumes, came off as being very judgemental, and kept referring to her Christianity.


I already disliked her because she's Kirk Cameron's sister, and he's an ass, but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt.  The two of them give christianity a bad  name.  

  • Love 13

I think we should start a GoFundMe for Whoopi so we can help her pay her massive airline and phone taxes. Won't some of you join me and help to eliminate the scourge of millionaires struggling to pay their taxes? Surely some of you Republicans can help since you paid your income taxes so long ago. As a Democrat, I am just dragging my last bag of cans to recycling so I can pay my taxes at midnight tonight so I can't really help the poor Whoops right now.

ETA-I saw this foolishness before I had ingested any coffee.

Edited by GiveMeSpace
  • Love 15

Oh Rosie, defending boxing by saying a good fight doesn't produce much blood is kind of weak, considering the objective of a boxing match is to KNOCK your opponent UNCONSCIOUS with many hard blows to the body and head. (It's great that you think being called the queen of boxing is so swell, I guess.) 


Bob Saget...did you know that he is a dirty comedian? He just loves to remind you every chance he gets. He always gives me the creeps.

  • Love 13

I'm in the minority here...but having a Christian female on to express a view actually reinforces the original.concept of.the show.

With that said, when whooping went on the food stamp.rant...I wondered if she was speaking from experience? It sounded very passionate so I'm wondering if she had to be on those programs before she became successful?

Gwyneth paltrow has her heart in the right place..but someone like her who came from a well off family and lives well off now...needs more then a week to truly understand how it would be to live on food stamps, etc.


  • Love 2

Oh Rosie, defending boxing by saying a good fight doesn't produce much blood is kind of weak, considering the objective of a boxing match is to KNOCK your opponent UNCONSCIOUS with many hard blows to the body and head. (It's great that you think being called the queen of boxing is so swell, I guess.) 




Right.  there was a time when having boxing leagues for KIDS was seen as a way to teach kids discipline and athleticism.  Both the American psychological Association and the Am Psychiatric association had statements about this practice, and boxing as a kids sport has all but disappeared.  When you knock someone unconscious, they have a concussion - brain damage.  Boxing is the only sport where the AIM is to cause brain damage to your opponent. 

  • Love 10

Whoopi drove me crazy on the food stamp issue because, as others have posted, she talked about the embarrassment of the "stamps", when stamps have not been used for a long time.  Also, she talked about how tough it would be to feed a FAMILY for that money.  Yeah, but with a FAMILY, you don't get the same amount of money to spend -  you get more, depending on the size of your household.  29 dollars a week is to supplement a one-person household, to help with food expenses.  the basic idea is that you CAN eat on that money.  But people might also be on public aid, unemployment, etc, so it's not just the $29. 


The idea is to refute the notion that poor people have to eat junk, because healthy food is expensive.  And Gwyneth has a point.  you don't have to feed your family junk just because you're poor. 


(though for me, if I had $29 for food, I don't think I'd buy 7 limes)  

  • Love 7


With that said, when whooping went on the food stamp.rant...I wondered if she was speaking from experience? It sounded very passionate so I'm wondering if she had to be on those programs before she became successful?

That's what she claimed anyway: that she KNOWS from experience of being on food stamps with a kid.  Which, even if that is true was 30-40 effin' years ago!  Things have changed alot since then  - the entire program is different now (much less money for one thing and harder to get) and of course things have certainly changed for Whoopi.      Bottom line for me is, I don't care if she was once on public assistance a million years ago; that doesn't make her the expert she claims to be in 2015.  I'm so sick her opinion overriding everything.  She could have just talked about being on food stamps in the 70s without shouting and pointing her finger and drowning everyone else out.


That said,  I applaud Paltrow for taking Batali's challenge even if I'm not a fan of hers and think she didn't consider how important access to good food is in many many neighborhoods.   But anything that helps shed more light on this issue is a good thing to me - especially with the program being consistently cut and Republican lawmakers (and presidential candidates) wanting to keep cutting more.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 8


I think we should start a GoFundMe for Whoopi so we can help her pay her massive airline and phone taxes. Won't some of you join me and help to eliminate the scourge of millionaires struggling to pay their taxes?

She does have a hangup about those phone taxes (pun intended)! Of course she doesn't mind the FICA tax (or FIFA as Nicolle says) because with her salary it is only taken out briefly before the cap is hit The backbreaking airline and phone taxes affect her every month poor thing. Of all days to actually see most of this dreck and it had to be tax day.

  • Love 7

I think Whoopi thinks she speaks for all of us "little people"  when she goes off on her rants about taxes.  Yeah all the add on taxes are a pain in the ass but honestly I'm more concerned about my paycheck and how I wish it had a couple more zeros added to it. 


I remember when Rosie O was on originally and Donald Trump was threatening to sue her for an astronomical sum of money and she said one of her kids asked her if she even had that much and she said yeah probably in some bank somewhere. 


That is the difference between Rosie and Whoopi. 

  • Love 7

What annoys me most about Whoopi and the phone taxes is one of them that she complains about is the Universal Service Fund that provides access to phone services at cheaper rates for those living in rural and high-cost areas, income-eligible consumers, rural health care facilities, and schools and libraries (I worked 20 years at a phone company). It's an FCC regulation the phone company has to pay so it passes the charge onto the customer. They don't have to but they do.

I just looked at my bill. It's about $4 of the total amount. Um Whoopi....if I can afford $4 so someone in rural Washington can have phone service so can you for the people of New Jersey. So yes....it IS a tax but in the mass scheme of things it's one of the smallest we pay.

  • Love 8

The announcer is still annoying, Whoopi's chair seems to have cured her back problem, talking over each other still seems to be a goal they never fail to meet.


Whoopi still knows it all; did you know that if you have confidence you MUST also be a narcissist? And then she lets us know she's the "baddest bitch" too, hmmmm.

Edited by ginger90
  • Love 8

I think I read she was going to do a cleanse......guess that is one way to get through the week. Sigh.


Her heart didn't seem into it.....my second clue is that Jezebel is reporting she broke the challenge by attending an $80 prix fixe dinner in LA for a special event. Plus she hasn't posted anything about the challenge since shopping for it last Friday. 


So much for me for giving her some attaboys earlier.

  • Love 6

I missed the first few minutes of the show and only saw about 15 minutes of Hot Topics on closed-captioning at the gym, but was something said about Nichole not wearing makeup? She looked completely makeup-free to me today.  She looked great-- I think she's a really pretty woman, but it was strange how clean her face looked (since I'm so used to women on tv wearing a ton of makeup).

  • Love 1

When did Whoopi start wearing the black lipstick again?  I know it was her signature look years ago but haven't noticed it on her on this show since this week.

I think she started wearing it after RosieO left, but don't hold me to it.  I remember making a comment about it.  Cosmo (& our other fashionistas) would probably know exactly when..

  • Love 3

When did Whoopi start wearing the black lipstick again?  I know it was her signature look years ago but haven't noticed it on her on this show since this week.

I don't know, but I think it is UGLY. (just me?) 

ETA:  I am not saying that she's ugly. I don't think she is (she dresses like a shlub though.)

   It's just that that shade of lipstick is hideous (to me).

 Can't stand her ugly personality on this show though, and I loved a lot of her movies. 

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 6

I think she started wearing it after RosieO left, but don't hold me to it.  I remember making a comment about it.  Cosmo (& our other fashionistas) would probably know exactly when..

I'm sorry to say I haven't watched enough to notice if she even wears it all the time but it seems like she started when she came back from her "back injury" and then has been sporadic although so has my viewing. 


Seems like I would have noticed it more though since her lips are doing the most yapping all the time.  Lipstick is a good first step (I grew up with a mother that wore it ALWAYS - even in the hospital, lol) but as long as she slubs on stage in clothes that look slept in more often than not, lipstick isn't really going to help.  A certain saying about lipstick and pigs comes to mind.  

  • Love 7

OMG people, I almost deleted today's show, but thought I'd just watch Tepid Topics.  The announcer said something about Jim Caviezel (Person of Interest), so I was SO IN!!!  The show wasn't too bad, with Whoopi flapping her lips, but the Jim Caviezel interview was STELLAR & a long segment.  Gawd, they actually let him talk!!  I LOVE that guy in PoI, but have been a fan of his for a long time.  FYI (if you're a fan & haven't deleted it).

  • Love 2

I  recall Candace Cameron on dancing with the stars, she made a big deal about not wanting to wear revealing costumes, came off as being very judgemental, and kept referring to her Christianity.


She was awful on DWTS, she honestly made Sadie Robertson look like a floozy costume wise.  I almost threw a shoe through my teevee when she stayed and Danica McKellar left that season, there was no comparison about who was the better dancer.


I think I read she was going to do a cleanse......guess that is one way to get through the week. Sigh.


When I saw the photo of what she purchased, that's the first thing I thought.  Her choices were just so obnoxiously Gwyneth.  I think it's great she participates, but seriously - could she take a week away from the extreme diet?  I agree that you can make better choices in food if you don't live in a food desert and have the cook on staff, er I mean time to cook from scratch.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 1

Candace Cameron gets on my last nerve.   Yesterday she said she hopes Hillary Clinton runs for president "as a woman".  What does that mean?  Obama ran for president,  and any mention of race was seen as "playing t he race card".  So now, she is saying that Hillary should play the GENDER card?  or what?  she seemed, to me, to be saying Hillary should make sure to not lose her femininity while running for president.  She is another one of those "Christian"  women who believe that a wife should be submissive to her husband, because, you know, it's in the Bible.  So her view on a woman president should be disregarded completely.  

As if Hillary, very noticeably a Christian woman, hasn't figured all this on her own through the years . . . SMH

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