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Small Talk: We'll Be Right Back

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2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I love love LOVE the half size sheets.  The only time I use a full sheet is when I am making microwave bacon or peeling potatoes.  And the little sheets are great for cleaning the bathroom.

Same here.  I love having the option of half size or full size sheets, depending on what I'm doing.  I use half size most of the time so the roll lasts longer.

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I use cloths rather than paper towels for most things, so one roll lasts me months, and I like having the size option for the rare things I use them for.  And probably use the half size more often than the full.

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16 minutes ago, janie jones said:

That's because candy corn always tastes old and gross! 🙂

Lewis Black on candy corn:

The worst thing about Halloween is, of course, candy corn. It's unbelievable to me. Candy corn is the only candy in the history of America that's never been advertised. And there's a reason. All of the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911. And so, since nobody eats that stuff, every year there's a ton of it left over. And the candy corn company sends the guys to the villages and they collect out of the dumpsters all the candy corn we've thrown away. They wash it!! They wash it!

I'll never forget the first time my mother gave me candy corn. She said, "Here - Lewis, this is candy corn. It's corn that tastes like candy". [high pitched sound] This tastes like crap! And every year since then, Halloween has returned and I, like an Alzhiemer's patient, find myself in the room, and the room has a big table in it, and on the table is a bowl of candy corn. And I look at it as if I've never seen it before. "Candy corn", I think. "Corn that tastes like candy. I can't wait". Son of a bitch!!


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I used to work with a woman who kept a bowl of candy corn mixed with peanuts on her desk. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. The combo of salt/sweet is always a winner, no matter what they are. My mom used to eat pretzel sticks with vanilla ice cream. I don't think candy corn is the work of the devil, but there's other candy I'd rather eat.

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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I used to work with a woman who kept a bowl of candy corn mixed with peanuts on her desk. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. The combo of salt/sweet is always a winner, no matter what they are. My mom used to eat pretzel sticks with vanilla ice cream. I don't think candy corn is the work of the devil, but there's other candy I'd rather eat.

I've heard of the candy corn/peanut combo before. I can see why it would work.

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21 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I used to work with a woman who kept a bowl of candy corn mixed with peanuts on her desk. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. The combo of salt/sweet is always a winner, no matter what they are. My mom used to eat pretzel sticks with vanilla ice cream. I don't think candy corn is the work of the devil, but there's other candy I'd rather eat.

If you  held me at gunpoint and  made me choose  between  candy corn and  that godawful  hard ribbon  Christmas  candy, the candy  corn  would  win. But barely. 

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11 hours ago, Colleenna said:

If you  held me at gunpoint and  made me choose  between  candy corn and  that godawful  hard ribbon  Christmas  candy, the candy  corn  would  win. But barely. 

My mother would buy the ribbon candy, wrap pieces in Saran wrap and hang it on the Christmas tree as a decoration.

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I talk to strangers. One lady I talked to in a grocery store once told me that her cat LOVES Circus Peanuts. I'm glad somebody does. I can't understand why/how they stay in production. Somebody else besides that cat must like 'em, but I've never met anyone who does.

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19 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I talk to strangers. One lady I talked to in a grocery store once told me that her cat LOVES Circus Peanuts. I'm glad somebody does. I can't understand why/how they stay in production. Somebody else besides that cat must like 'em, but I've never met anyone who does.

My son's fiance does. I like her a lot but we don't discuss that.

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On 4/10/2020 at 8:02 AM, Colleenna said:

If you  held me at gunpoint and  made me choose  between  candy corn and  that godawful  hard ribbon  Christmas  candy, the candy  corn  would  win. But barely. 

Hahaha I'm on the hard ribbon candy team!

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I wasn't sure what y'all were talking about, so I looked up "hard ribbon candy" and, oh my.  I haven't seen that in eons.  I don't like candy corn, but I'd take it any day over that stuff; I don't like hard candy.

I wasn't familiar with circus peanuts, and I'd take a hard pass on those, too.  I don't like marshmallow to begin with, and the added flavors aren't appealing.

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12 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I wasn't sure what y'all were talking about, so I looked up "hard ribbon candy" and, oh my.  I haven't seen that in eons.  I don't like candy corn, but I'd take it any day over that stuff; I don't like hard candy.

I wasn't familiar with circus peanuts, and I'd take a hard pass on those, too.  I don't like marshmallow to begin with, and the added flavors aren't appealing.

Yeah, circus peanuts are a big no for me too. Not a fan of jellybeans  except for the  black ones. I have eclectic  taste in candy --- Skittles,  sour gummy worms, Reese's  pb cups (favorite!), Skor, Butterfingers, and Zero bar. I used to  love Clark bars and 5th Avenue, but they don't exist anymore.  

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11 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I have "glory-of-the-snow" flowers all over my yard.  They really are pretty this time of year.   Easiest bulbs in the world to plant in the Fall.   They have spread like crazy.  I know I didn't plant that many bulbs.   Blue/white seems to be the ones that are the most abundant.  I do have all of the colors.

They stay flowered for a very long time.

I would have had a multitude of grape hyacinth but the bunnies ate it all. 😞

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5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I planted a few Fritillaria Imperialis' last Fall.  They are strange bulbs.  You have to plant them on their sides so they don't fill up with water and rot.   When they flower, they stink up a storm.

I also planted alliums and Daffodils.

I have never had any trouble with animals eating any of those.

I do have a few deer around.  I do have to fence some things in so that the deer can't get at them.  One year they ate some of my tomato plants.  I wasn't happy, but I couldn't get too mad.  Deer have to eat too.

I want to get some garlic and plant that in various areas of the yard.  I guess it has to be planted in the Fall.

I know there is a garden forum around here somewhere, but every time I post their it is like crickets.  Not many people visit that area.

I planted some trees last week.  Anything to get out of the house.

I have had the same experience with the gardening forum. Don't those Imperials repel deer?

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re the leadership discussion from commercials that make you scratch your head. I understand that some skills of leadership can be taught, but many just come naturally to some people. Some people just have the ability to think and say things in a way to make people look up to them and to do what they say and how they say it. I worked in a couple of psych hospitals in the years before I was forced to retire, and on the adolescent units, they regularly held groups on leadership. Most of those kids are not going to be leaders, ever and the ones that are? Some of them are learning dangerous skills that will enhance the problems that they are in a psych hospital for. I know that the groups were to help those kids who are afraid of their own shadows, who have a lot of depression, poor social skills and self esteem problems to step out of their comfort zones and to see other solutions, but for a child that is narcissistic or is a sociopath those groups can teach dangerous skills. It's really important for there to be oversight by a therapist for those groups and that's not always the case. Some of the techs are kind, caring and aware people, with years of experience, but others...not so much.

For someone with a lot of anxiety, those groups or classes could be torture. Some of us are better working in the background and getting the work done. I am one of those. When I participated in the plays in high school, I was better backstage, making costumes, helping the actors with their costume changes, than I would have ever been out on the stage. Taking a speech class in college was difficult for me, so I took it pass/fail, because I knew I was not a public speaker. Learning some things helped and later in life I was able to work in retail where I had to put myself out in the public and assist customers and I even could enjoy it. 

But some people are natural leaders and some are not.

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 have some bushes that are labeled deer resistant.  Evidently the deer can't read, because they seem to love some of those bushes.   If only I could train the deer to eat the weeds.

Right? I love that the bunnies eat a lot of grass. I also can't grow gladiolas because they eat those right down to the ground. So far those are the only things I can't grow any more.

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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Right? I love that the bunnies eat a lot of grass. I also can't grow gladiolas because they eat those right down to the ground. So far those are the only things I can't grow any more.

Hostas. Deer AND bunnies.  Just  saying. 

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I must have missed this discussion entirely.  Can someone explain to me what this is all about?

There was some discussion in the "Scratch your head" commercials thread about some on-line diploma mill, where the actor graduate says it made him "the leader I am today". That led to a discussion of leaders vs. managers, how one becomes a leader, and if a degree from an on-line diploma mill can make you one.

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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I can't believe that I can't find yeast for bread baking in the stores anywhere.   I don't buy into the argument that a lot of people that never baked before are now baking.   I do buy into the argument that there are a lot of people that normally bake that are now hoarding yeast and flour.

I have no problem finding brand name bread in the stores.

I have no problem finding raw frozen bread dough that you just thaw, rise, and bake.

It's mostly back to normal now, but for the first couple weeks, the bread was almost as bad as the toilet paper.  They haven't had to limit the quantity people take, but the bread shelves were empty.  (Yeast and flour, too.)

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

I'm the same way. My hubby will be sitting in the den watching Hallmark Schmaltz while I'm in the bedroom watching the bad guys get what's comin' to 'em.

I like a lot of the "true crime" shows even though I am aware that a lot gets left out. Cold Justice is a particular favorite of mine and I'm glad to see new episodes recently.

However, Criminal Minds is a show that I stopped watching many years ago because of its glorification/sexualization of horrific violence against women.

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41 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

I like a lot of the "true crime" shows even though I am aware that a lot gets left out. Cold Justice is a particular favorite of mine and I'm glad to see new episodes recently.

However, Criminal Minds is a show that I stopped watching many years ago because of its glorification/sexualization of horrific violence against women.

Yep, some of the Criminal Minds episodes are too much. I mostly watch the Law and Order franchises. I have certain Criminal Minds episodes that I really like, Uncanny Valley for example. Not much violence in that one and I love to way Reid sticks it to Riker.

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3 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I hated Criminal Minds with a passion.  Not only because the case of the week was usually flat out disgusting, but I also couldn't deal with a female character (Garcia) who was acting in a manner that if a male character acted in the same way, he would be nailed for inappropriate behavior in the workplace and flat out fired.

I don't like double standards, and for some reason more and more female characters on various series seem to be getting away with what I would consider sexual harassment.  I have yet to see any of the other characters on any of those series stand up and say something to that person about her  "offensive" behavior.

Both Garcia and Morgan finally did have to go to sexual harassment training.

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29 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I hated Criminal Minds with a passion.  Not only because the case of the week was usually flat out disgusting, but I also couldn't deal with a female character (Garcia) who was acting in a manner that if a male character acted in the same way, he would be nailed for inappropriate behavior in the workplace and flat out fired.

I don't like double standards, and for some reason more and more female characters on various series seem to be getting away with what I would consider sexual harassment.  I have yet to see any of the other characters on any of those series stand up and say something to that woman about her "offensive" behavior.

What kinds of things would Garcia do?

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5 minutes ago, janie jones said:

What kinds of things would Garcia do?

She just flirted outrageously. It was extremely unprofessional. She got on my nerves the same way that Abby did on NCIS. I still like the show though although I haven't watched since Morgan left.

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8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I didn't stick with the series long enough to know that had happened.   Garcia's inappropriate behavior went on for far too long before it was addressed.  I still think she should have been fired.

I've only caught the occasional episode of this in reruns so I don't know much about it.  Who did she sexually harass besides Shemar Moore's character (who I gather was a willing participant, so it was more joking around than harassment, albeit inappropriate for the workplace)? 

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Nobody. She and Morgan just flirted a lot, basically. But in one episode, some random person in some other department (whom we never saw) apparently filed some sort of complaint about their banter and so they and the team at large all had to attend a sexual harassment seminar as a result to just remind them all of the policies. 

But yes, while her comments may not have been workplace appropriate, as you note, she and Morgan were both on board with the banter, so he wasn't being harassed by her or anything. 

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3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Nobody. She and Morgan just flirted a lot, basically. But in one episode, some random person in some other department (whom we never saw) apparently filed some sort of complaint about their banter and so they and the team at large all had to attend a sexual harassment seminar as a result to just remind them all of the policies. 

But yes, while her comments may not have been workplace appropriate, as you note, she and Morgan were both on board with the banter, so he wasn't being harassed by her or anything. 

He had to stop calling her "baby girl".

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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

He had to stop calling her "baby girl".

Wow, I used to hate it when he called her "baby girl" because I thought it was so stupid  and inappropriate.  I stopped watching after a while so I never saw the whole sexual harassment stuff.

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PSA: I live in an apartment and don't give a lot of thought to routine maintenance. In other apartments where I've lived, they would usually come around and change the a/c filter every few months or once a year. This morning, I looked up at the vent where my a/ filter resides and it was downright fuzzy! I realized it's been at least two years since it was changed. I had the maintenance guy bring me a new filter (didn't let him come in, Covid, you know) and I got on a chair and wiped down the filter cover to get rid of the accumulated dust bunnies and changed the filter and by God, my a/c is blowing ice-cold air! I've been setting it at 69 at night and 71 during the day. Right now it's at 73 and I'm considering jacking it up another degree. 

So, yeah, change your a/c filter (if you're like me).

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Wow, I used to hate it when he called her "baby girl" because I thought it was so stupid  and inappropriate.  I stopped watching after a while so I never saw the whole sexual harassment stuff.

I think "baby girl" is the worst.  I saw Eagles of Death Metal once (they opened for who I really wanted to see), and the lead singer kept talking about all the "baby girls" in the audience.  I had a coworker who was also at that concert, and we were talking about it the next time I saw her.  I mentioned how off-putting I found the "baby girl" nonsense, and she hadn't even noticed.  I was appalled, simply appalled I tell you, that that wouldn't bother someone.

I don't even call my partner babe/baby, and I certainly don't need some stranger calling me that.

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16 minutes ago, janie jones said:

I think "baby girl" is the worst.  I saw Eagles of Death Metal once (they opened for who I really wanted to see), and the lead singer kept talking about all the "baby girls" in the audience.  I had a coworker who was also at that concert, and we were talking about it the next time I saw her.  I mentioned how off-putting I found the "baby girl" nonsense, and she hadn't even noticed.  I was appalled, simply appalled I tell you, that that wouldn't bother someone.

I don't even call my partner babe/baby, and I certainly don't need some stranger calling me that.

I had a cat I used to call that...

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1 hour ago, friendperidot said:

I'm rather intrigued. As a migraine sufferer for nearly 60 years, and not all medications work and are not worth bothering with for the small ones, I sometimes have lain on the bed with my head dangling off, trying to get blood there or something, anything to stop the pain.

Sorry to hear that you suffer from migraines.  I’m glad you found something that helps, anything that can make it a little better.  My mom suffered from them for decades.  I don’t know how she did it.  She had a long list of medications that she tried that didn’t work and a number from which she had adverse reactions. She also had allergies to several antibiotics.  She carried a list in her wallet.  Many a bemused look when she would give the list to the doctors.

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Speaking of cats ...

My girlfriend and I had to have our beloved Doc put to sleep this morning. The vet thinks he had liver cancer. He wasn't eating and we tried everything we could to get some nourishment into him, but he was just too sick. We both held him as the doctor administered the shots and told him how much we loved him. He went very peacefully.

We started out with eight cats and now there are five. It's heartbreak every time to lose one, but they add so much joy to our lives while they're with us.

RIP, sweet Doc.

Doc at Christmas.jpg

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1 minute ago, mmecorday said:

Speaking of cats ...

My girlfriend and I had to have our beloved Doc put to sleep this morning. The vet thinks he had liver cancer. He wasn't eating and we tried everything we could to get some nourishment into him, but he was just too sick. We both held him as the doctor administered the shots and told him how much we loved him. He went very peacefully.

We started out with eight cats and now there are five. It's heartbreak every time to lose one, but they add so much joy to our lives while they're with us.

RIP, sweet Doc.

Doc at Christmas.jpg

I am so sorry. We had to put our beloved Peaches down last October and like you we were both with her at the end. They bring so much joy into our lives and Doc was a beautiful cat.  Be at peace beautiful boy.❤️

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@mmecorday, Doc was gorgeous, and his eyes! They tell a story of zen but I'm guessing there was plenty of zap to him as well.

My beloved Caesar (my avatar) died 4 years ago at age 18 and I still miss him every day. He was my baby and my best friend. I can't bring myself to get another cat. I tried a dog but it was just too much.

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On 3/14/2020 at 9:20 PM, Ashforth said:

I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads, apologies, but I think it's that important:

Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

We have a number of local restaurants who are feeding kids, so we've been patronizing them, to keep it going.

On 4/3/2020 at 9:07 AM, icemiser69 said:

I seriously doubt that there will be a baby boom nine months down the road.  With all of the social distancing going on, there aren't many dudes dragging around a six foot penis.  And if they do happen to be so lucky, congratulations.

For my house, my husband works every day, and I don't.  So the worry is that since it can spread through saliva, we're being hands-off for now.

On 4/10/2020 at 9:37 AM, icemiser69 said:

My father used to make potato salad and put canned shrimp into the potato salad.  Totally barf worthy.  It was awesome without the shrimp, but with shrimp?  Yuck.


My dad put miniature shrimp in his macaroni salad.  I liked it because they absorbed the flavor of the salad (they weren't fishy tasting) and gave it an interesting texture.

On 4/11/2020 at 8:04 PM, Colleenna said:

Yeah, circus peanuts are a big no for me too. Not a fan of jellybeans  except for the  black ones. I have eclectic  taste in candy --- Skittles,  sour gummy worms, Reese's  pb cups (favorite!), Skor, Butterfingers, and Zero bar. I used to  love Clark bars and 5th Avenue, but they don't exist anymore.  

They still make 5th Avenue bars.  Clark bars are supposed to be coming back soon.

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I can’t speak for Manifest but I imagine that the live tv personalities are unable to get any wax appointments with salons being closed.

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If anyone missed it, Lifetime has The Closer on Mondays, and Tuesdays, from 7 a.m.  to 10 a.m., and they're up to the second season.       

I've never liked Chicago P.D., and can't watch Criminal Minds (it scares the hell out of me).    The Law & Order SVU reruns would be better if they weren't showing the first three or so seasons over and over. 

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