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Small Talk: We'll Be Right Back

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I don't give a crap about people calling my jeans "Mom jeans". If they're comfy and fit, they're mine.. My problem is that "straight leg" are almost boot cut now. I need to find "skinny jeans" to get close to straight leg anymore. And I'm short. Being 5'2" stinks. 

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I've never understood why boys bikes and girls bikes are different.

This may sound weird, but I think it has something to do with what women were wearing when bicycles really hit the scene--lots of dresses and skirts. A bar across the top would be very difficult with a dress. Lower down like that, the skirt can fall better. And, it's easier to get on and off the bike without showing some bloomers (as it were) if the bar is lower. Well, that's my theory. We don't necessarily need that now, but it just stayed. I would also point out that I would think it would be easier if every bike had the lower bar just for getting off and on for everyone.

FTR, this is completely my hare-brained, wacky, not very bright, theory. Please shoot holes in it. (In Small Talk though. Bring the convo to Small Talk.)

taking you up on your offer. This spring, my brother surprised me with a bike. A fairly expensive, brand new bike. My car was totaled over a year ago and I cannot afford to replace it. The bike is very nice, and it's a "girl's" bike, but it's a problem for me in several ways. It's a full size 26" bike. I'm 4'11", 67 years old and I haven't ridden a bicycle since before the Bicentennial! I'm scared of it. I haven't taken it out of the house more than a couple of times. I'm scared of being by myself and falling. If I had someone to go riding with, I might go. I'm thinking about asking some neighbor kids to go riding with me and getting permission from their parents, of course. It's too big for me, I can't touch the ground and I have trouble getting on and off of it. This summer, my 18 yr old great nephew did show me how to get on and off and I rode and he ran along side of me, giving me instructions and telling me how to steer. It was pretty funny. I asked him if he felt weird having to show his old aunt how to ride, he did. I've decided I need a backpack and or a basket because what I need the bike for is small trips to the grocery store. I have never in my entire life had a backpack! They didn't become popular until I had grown up and had a car, so I didn't need a backpack. I did buy a helmet, but I think I may need knee and elbow pads. I'm not very confident in my ability to ride.

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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Not to mention the lack of a bar might protect "family jewels" during a mishap. Once I learned how fragile they are, I wondered why the heck that bar was there, just begging to hurt the boys' junk if they happen to hit a bump or something and fall off the seat. If the stupid bar is there to make the bike more stable, why are girls in skirts considered more expendable with no stability bar?

My guess is that either girls shouldn't be riding bikes in the first place, or less safety is the price you pay for all-important modesty, or a combination of both.

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21 hours ago, friendperidot said:

taking you up on your offer. This spring, my brother surprised me with a bike. A fairly expensive, brand new bike. My car was totaled over a year ago and I cannot afford to replace it. The bike is very nice, and it's a "girl's" bike, but it's a problem for me in several ways. It's a full size 26" bike. I'm 4'11", 67 years old and I haven't ridden a bicycle since before the Bicentennial! I'm scared of it.

My grandmother got an adult tricycle with a basket for running errands, you might like that better.

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9 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

There's a weird thing with quotes where it sometimes mis-attributes depending on how it was quoted. I think? Maybe?

Yes, if Person A posts something, Person B quotes it, and then you also quote what Person A posted, but you pull the text from Person B's quote of it rather than Person A's original post, the quote will be attributed to Person B in your post.

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4 hours ago, friendperidot said:

Jamoche, if he had asked me, I would have suggested one of those, I might like riding that and I'm old so I have no pride, lol.

I used to have one(I could never ride a two-wheeler due to sucky balance).  I regret getting rid of it, although where I’m living now, I don’t have enough space to store it.

Edited by smittykins
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6 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Deliberately polluting one's body by inhaling known carcinogens is NOT "using tobacco responsibly." Sorry, but I like my lungs too much to expose them to anyone's cancer sticks via second-hand smoke or to watch anyone else I care about deliberately destroy their lungs in the name of "stress reduction."  There's a reason that the Surgeon General put those warnings on tobacco products more than 40 years ago.  There are far less destructive and -- dare I say it? -- even more healthful ways to reduce stress than that.  If there's too much stress in a smoker's life, he or she owes it to himself or herself (and to those who care about him/her) to discover and use those alternative methods of stress reduction.

And you could say the same thing about a ton of other things; fast food, soda, coffee, any number of things. They might not kill you as fast as cigarettes, but there's a reason there's an obesity problem in this country, particularly among younger people and even school kids who eat crap all the time and don't get enough exercise. Yes, there's an obvious warning on cigarettes, and no they're not wrong, but no one's putting warning labels on the bacon cheeseburger I had for dinner tonight. Maybe they should. Because I guess I need to be reminded that it isn't good for me and I ought to be eating something that doesn't contain however many grams of fat and whatever else.

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9 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

And you could say the same thing about a ton of other things; fast food, soda, coffee, any number of things. They might not kill you as fast as cigarettes, but there's a reason there's an obesity problem in this country, particularly among younger people and even school kids who eat crap all the time and don't get enough exercise. Yes, there's an obvious warning on cigarettes, and no they're not wrong, but no one's putting warning labels on the bacon cheeseburger I had for dinner tonight. Maybe they should. Because I guess I need to be reminded that it isn't good for me and I ought to be eating something that doesn't contain however many grams of fat and whatever else.

Fair enough.  And since I've already made my point, that's the last I'll say on the subject.

OK, I lied.  I DO have one more thing to say about the subject:  When's the last time you heard about anyone dying from second-hand obesity?  THERE'S the difference.

Edited by legaleagle53
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If someone wants to smoke they know the risks. If someone wants to eat fast food once in a while they know it's not good for them. Exercising and eating well most of the time is the best thing IMO.

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Morbid obesity can kill you, it’s just that’s not usually what’s listed on the death certificate.

To backtrack a sec, I once had a 26” bike and every time I came to a stop I was terrified I would fall over because I could only touch the ground on tippy-toes.  I ended up giving it away to some neighbor kids and getting a girl’s bike, I think it’s 20”.  I love that bike.  I was also 40 years old when I got it.

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Have to modify my review of the Red Copper Flipwich. It broke. I dropped it and it came apart, I thought it would go back together easily, but it's not. I had just figured out a few things to use it for and it broke. I do like it for fixing English muffins with peanut butter or dollops of fruit preserves. And it does a nice job with stuffing leftovers, I like stuffing when it's got a little crunchy top. I wanted to try it for that and add some cranberry sauce, but it broke. It is still usable, but I might as well use a skillet and flip the sandwich over instead of the entire pan and skillets don't leave the nice grill marks.

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If my stepfather-in-law gives us cash for Christmas I’m going to get a copper skillet.  I’m kind of excited about it.

A couple of weeks ago on my way out the door I saw an ad for this product that they claimed helps with leg cramps and since that is a big pain for my husband, I figured I’d give it a try.  Rite Aid was on the way to where I was going and when I checked out the girl asked if I had a Plenti card, which I do, but didn’t have on me, and since I had no clue what my pin could be, I couldn’t use the 17 dollars in Plenti points.

Of course, when I got home I found the card, in my wallet, which was in the car while I was inside Rite Aid.

Fast forward a couple weeks and I get an email from Nationwide that says they will no longer be participating in Plenti and another email that says a lot of those points are expiring.

Well hell I’m not giving up free money, so yesterday I went back to Rite Aid.

As an aside, the commercials for Ferrero Rocher make it look like they are made with drops of Heaven from the mountaintop and I’ve always wanted to try one, but I’m not going to buy that big ass box they come in if I don’t like it.  As luck would have it, Rite Aid had a variety twelve pack for three bucks.  Also, they had Whitman’s Sampler for BOGO which helped to finish shopping for the stepfather-in-law!

The Ferrero Rocher pack I found has three different flavors in it - the regular one, one called Rondnoir which I will try because it’s there but I don’t care if dark chocolate gives you the healthiest heart in all the world, it’s gross, and the third flavor is the point of this long-winded tale and is called Raffaello.

Holy fuckballs this candy is the greatest thing I have ever eaten.  It’s white chocolate covered in toasted coconut with coconut cream inside.  The only issue is that they stuck an almond in there (why does everyone mix coconut and almond?  Can’t coconut live on its own?) but that’s a minor quibble because the coconut cream is so. damn. good.

I did not know such a thing existed before yesterday but I am glad that I found it. Also the Whitman’s Sampler is all milk chocolate which is divine.  Also also, I really should not be eating all this sugar.

Edited by mojoween
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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

The Ferrero Rocher pack I found has three different flavors in it - the regular one, one called Rondnoir which I will try because it’s there but I don’t care if dark chocolate gives you the healthiest heart in all the world, it’s gross, and the third flavor is the point of this long-winded tale and is called Raffaello.

Holy fuckballs this candy is the greatest thing I have ever eaten.  It’s white chocolate covered in toasted coconut with coconut cream inside.  The only issue is that they stuck an almond in there (why does everyone mix coconut and almond?  Can’t coconut live on its own?) but that’s a minor quibble because the coconut cream is so. damn. good.

I did not know such a thing existed before yesterday but I am glad that I found it. Also the Whitman’s Sampler is all milk chocolate which is divine.  Also also, I really should not be eating all this sugar.

Oh, my!  That Raffaello candy sounds wonderful!  Also the milk chocolate Whitman's..mmmmm!  I'm with you on the dark chocolate thing, yuck (even if it is good for you)  My hubby did a search on Best Fudge, and Joann's Fudge came up with tons of testimonials and 5 star ratings, so I checked it out.  I also ordered a 5 slice for one brother, a 2 slice for us, and more will be coming.  They have the most splendiferous flavors, too!  https://www.joannsfudge.com/I think the biggest flavor selections are the Christmas ones, but you can special order whatever you like.

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I'm on the dislike of dark chocolate thing. York Peppermint Patties are about the only things covered in dark chocolate that I like and there is something about that combination, I don't eat them often, but mmmmm. I have had Ferrero Roche in the past when someone has given me one, but since I am not real big on chocolate, detest hazelnut, there's no point to buying them or Nutella either. But thanks for the news about the Raffaello, I love coconut and coconut cream, I don't even mind an almond in the middle. I pick Almond Joy over Mounds because of milk chocolate. And just the other day I mentioned to friends that I've been in the mood for some old fashioned coconut Bon Bons. Looked at Walmart yesterday, sometimes at this time of the year they have small packages. I'll try the other grocery store within walking distance next week.

And, I looked at the boxes of Russell Stover, (I'm from KC, so it's my go to choice), did consider a box of milk chocolates, maybe when I get paid.

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Decades ago, my brother & SIL discovered a drink at DisneyWorld that included Cream of Coconut (that Coco Lopez stuff in a can). NOW I found cream of coconut in a plastic squeeze bottle. Shake it well, then refrigerate, so it doesn't re-separate. OMG. I've been known to squeeze a dollop on a plate and eat it with a spoon all by itself.

I also found a recipe for a triple-coconut pie - uses coconut milk, shredded coconut, and coconut extract.  MMMmmmmm. It's a bit intense, though - you need a big glass of milk or some whipped cream to temper it.

I *do* love dark chocolate, though.

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3 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Decades ago, my brother & SIL discovered a drink at DisneyWorld that included Cream of Coconut (that Coco Lopez stuff in a can). NOW I found cream of coconut in a plastic squeeze bottle. Shake it well, then refrigerate, so it doesn't re-separate. OMG. I've been known to squeeze a dollop on a plate and eat it with a spoon all by itself.

I also found a recipe for a triple-coconut pie - uses coconut milk, shredded coconut, and coconut extract.  MMMmmmmm. It's a bit intense, though - you need a big glass of milk or some whipped cream to temper it.

I *do* love dark chocolate, though.

All those coconut things sound absolutely divine.

I love Peppermint Patty’s too!  And Junior Mints.

Mounds and Almond Joy disappoint me because I wish they were the other way around.

Edited by mojoween
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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Mounds and Almond Joy disappoint me because I wish they were the other way around.

I do, too! I could eat dark chocolate covered almonds until I burst, so having the Almond Joy be the bar with the dark chocolate would be wonderful.

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8 hours ago, mojoween said:

It’s white chocolate covered in toasted coconut with coconut cream inside.

I hate coconut and am not fond of white "chocolate," but my mother loves both - and almonds - so I am going to get her some.  Thanks for the recommendation!

2 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

I would rather have a Ghirardelli chocolate with caramel. Those are like crack.  Yum!! 

Costco has their usual sale on a bag of Ghirardelli squares, and I'm bummed the dark chocolate and mint is not among the four flavors this time around, but at least there are two caramels - the dark chocolate, and the milk chocolate.  (I strongly prefer dark chocolate, but I don't turn down milk chocolate!)

I don't like brownies, no matter where in the pan they came from.  I don't like chocolate cake, either. 

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9 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I've been (delicately) nagging my hubby to pick me up the Peppermint Ghirardelli next time he is shopping.  He doesn't like peppermint, but he spoils me anyhow!

Sounds like me and my husband and my annual obsession with candy cane ices cream.

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9 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

And those Ferrero candies are awful.

I can take or leave them, but I had a student once who was always eating them.  I ate more Ferrero Rocher that term than I ever had in my life.

I was over at someone's house recently and someone had brought that Ferrero Rocher multi-pack and I had one of the dark chocolate ones, and I agree that it's better than the regular ones, although I prefer dark chocolate in general.

Edited by janie jones
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I rarely eat milk chocolate (unless it has peanut butter sandwiched or balled in the middle of it), but dark chocolate is everything I am. It usually gives me a migraine if I eat too much, but I haven't yet found the limit...so I keep eating it. Smart, I know. You all can send your unwanted dark chocolate my way.

"White chocolate" is an abomination and I refuse to acknowledge its existence.

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Ok so I tried the Ferrero Rondnoir and even though it says dark chocolate it’s not gross dark chocolate that reminds me of burnt chocolate.  It was actually super good and way better than the regular Ferrero.  The creamy middle part was actually pretty yummy.

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I bought two large bags of the Holiday Limited Edition assortment of Ghirardelli chocolates which includes dark chocolate mint, peppermint bark, milk chocolate caramel, and dark chocolate.  I'm in heaven.  

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On 12/13/2017 at 7:47 PM, Ohwell said:

I bought two large bags of the Holiday Limited Edition assortment of Ghirardelli chocolates which includes dark chocolate mint, peppermint bark, milk chocolate caramel, and dark chocolate.  I'm in heaven.  

We have a woman at work who's currently off to have brain surgery. But she's got an infection, so they put the surgery off while they pump her with antibiotics. She's home, she's bored. She made peppermint bark and brought it in to us.  They should arrest her for pushing crack on us.  OMG that stuff is SO good. Being diabetic, I'm not supposed to eat any of it, but why then do they make diabetes drugs?  ;-)

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Santa was at PetSmart so since I was going to the bank nearby, I took Mookie Wilson on a trip.  The weather is shitty and the parking lots are skating rinks but it wasn’t that bad when I left home so I had no idea what we were in for.  We made it there and back in one piece even if my tires locked up a couple of times.

Mookie was...not so enthused about the entire endeavor.


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On 12/16/2017 at 10:05 AM, mojoween said:

Santa was at PetSmart so since I was going to the bank nearby, I took Mookie Wilson on a trip.  The weather is shitty and the parking lots are skating rinks but it wasn’t that bad when I left home so I had no idea what we were in for.  We made it there and back in one piece even if my tires locked up a couple of times.

Mookie was...not so enthused about the entire endeavor.


Mookie is so f'n cool! But from the look in Mookies eyes, somebody better watch out! Lol.

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