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S31: Spoilers

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Well remember Ciera lasted 37 days On BvW and

Only lost one pound.


I think seeing Kelley and Kimmi as two of the first people back in pics spoiled me (and got me excited they might actually go back to old school Survivor where people looked like they were starved out there).  Since Cambodia is supposed to be a hard location-IIRC Jeff and Mark said it was the hardest one they've filmed in-I figured it might actually show a little more.  Nicaragua seemed easy, and it didn't help with the mounds of food rewards they got.  But I find it hard to believe that all these people who aren't showing signs of severe weight loss went early, and the ones we haven't seen pics from (Kelly Wigles, Stephen, Shirin, Kass, Tasha, Monica, Savage) all went far and avoiding pics because they look super skinny.  Kelly Wigles is detached from all things technology anyway it seems.  Joe lost almost 20 lbs last season, but it didn't look it.  When he went back to the jury all cleaned up, I would never have pegged him for lasting as long as he did.  So while I was hoping photos might tell us something, I guess they really aren't.  


The only real surprise is putting both Kellys on the same tribe. Otherwise they are what I expected. I figured they'd divide up by seasons as best they could, and that especially Terry/Andrew, Spencer/Tasha and Kelley/Jeremy would get separated. Both look evenly matched, too. We know a tribe swap will be happening a few votes in.

Edited by LadyChatts

Apparently there's a tweet from Keith to Spencer's girlfriend saying to keep in touch. Since Keith's like the last person to play twitter games, the guess is Keith and Spencer both make the family visit (which has been at final four the last couple of seasons). 


Adding that to the post-game pictures, my spec is a F5 of Jeremy, Keith, Spencer, Kelley, and Kimmi. 


Normally I'd be skeptical of a final 5 looking like that, but if you told me last season would have Carolyn, Mike, Will, Sierra, and Rodney, I wouldn't have believed that, either.  I'm more shocked Keith actually made it that far (allegedly) than anything else.  Kimmi and Kelley are the only two who look like they lost any sort of massive weight.  There's still about a handful that have no pics out yet, which makes me wonder if they go far and it shows like Kimmi and Kelley, or they are just messing with the fans by keeping the photos to themselves.  Everyone else either looks exactly the same, or maybe thin in the face but not noticeable at certain angles.  I remember Ciera lost 1 lb during her seasons, and last season, by the time Tyler got voted off, Joe looked like he'd gain back the 18 lbs plus a few more in that short amount of time.  I was hoping, by hearing that the conditions were going to be rough, that it would show a little more in some of the post game photos.  I would be thrilled to see Kimmi make it far.  I adored her during her original season, and never thought she'd be asked back or make it on a final roster.  And despite being an old school player from one of the most popular seasons, I had my doubts the fans would vote her on over some others.  Glad I was proven wrong.


I think it's kind of surprising Jeff and Kimmi aren't on the same tribe, since it's not as if they're friendly towards each other.



I think they made sure to separate people by seasons as best they could, maybe to prevent people from thinking they would be a voting bloc and pick them off.  In Jeff and Kimmi's case, while I'm sure Jeff will rib about Kimmi exposing that sole vote he got during Outback that eventually came back to bite him, I would never see him being vindictive to vote Kimmi off as revenge like we've seen in some other AS formats.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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There's been another post game photo of Tasha, and she also looks to have had a significant amount of weight loss.  I didn't realize just how much some of these people bulked up until seeing side by side pre and post game photos.  So far, Kimmi and Kelley look the worst in terms of weight loss, but I would bet Tasha goes far into the game.  Still haven't seen any post game photos of Kass, Kelly Wigles, and Shirin.  Has there been any post game photos of Vytas?  I know he's got the SM spoiler having him out 1st or 2nd.


Did I miss something? What's the story with Abi's dad?

She posted the Dalton Ross thank you video on Facebook and her Dad left a comment basically saying she screwed up, wasted an opportunity so just move on. He is obviously angry with her for how she went in the game. The Brazilians said the translation of what he said is something like "you snooze, you lose". Abi then deleted his comment. This is all on sucks...

Take note that Abi's parents were proud of her after Philippines so it's looking like she went out early.

Abi also posted something in Portuguese on Instagram about her enemies and how she wont let them hurt her...

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam01

Hi guys.


I post a bootlist for SC. I can't reveal who is my source(production, contestant, family member of contestant...), but info which I have is legit.


20th Vytas
19th Kelly
*splitting into 3 tribes*
18th Monica
17th Woo
16th Terry (he was voted out on TC)
14th Kass/Peih Gee

13th Andrew
12th Abi Maria
11th Ciera
10th Joe
9th Jeremy
8th Shirin
7th Kelley
6th Stephen
5th Kimmi
4th Spencer

F3 - Keith, Tasha, Jeff


It will be "best season ever, lot of drama and blindsides", according to my source.


I totally understand why you don't believe me right now, (this is reason why I don't post this on sucks, lol) but you will see... :)





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If that bootlist is legit, then I'm rooting for Tasha to take the win.  Mainly because I can see Keith playing another abysmal strategic game, only an okay social game, and relying mainly on his physical game.  And I don't know much about Jeff, but what I have heard hasn't been good.  Tasha, OTOH, I can see playing a great strategic and social game like she did in Cagayan.


Could be wrong, but I'll take a "wait and see" attitude and watch this fall.


Isn't it always "the best season ever" with "lots of drama and blindsides" (until it's over, then Jeff can tell us what he really thinks ;))  I'm skeptical of any boot list right now, though that one isn't too terrible if it were true.  Some of those placements seem to go along with what was on other fake boot lists or speculation that didn't have much standing.  Right now the only spoilers I'm believing are Vytas and Terry.


I could live with that final 3, though I'd be torn between Tasha and Jeff.  Some posters on Sucks said that Andrew was probably going to be the last pre-jury boot again, and that's why they started the jury at 13 (since he's one of Jeff's man crushes).  I like Andrew but that would be somewhat amusing if that were the case.  I'd hate to lose PG and Kelly Wigles pre-jury, though.  Tasha was one of the candidates this season that didn't want to discuss any pre-game strategy when she did her RHAP during her campaign.  She didn't want to give anything away.  I thought it was smart thinking, but it would be interesting if that ended up paying off.

Edited by LadyChatts

I seem to remember people saying Tasha's social game wasn't that great in Cagayan. She apparently told people that God wanted her to win and rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

If that boot list is correct, then I'm Team Keith. Keith nearly won before without knowing anything about Survivor. I think it would be hilarious if he managed to beat out a bunch of gamebots this time.

I seem to remember people saying Tasha's social game wasn't that great in Cagayan. She apparently told people that God wanted her to win and rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

If that boot list is correct, then I'm Team Keith. Keith nearly won before without knowing anything about Survivor. I think it would be hilarious if he managed to beat out a bunch of gamebots this time.

I don't remember hearing anything about Tasha relating to that, so I don't believe it.


As for Keith, I'm thinking a lot of this jury will care about the game and who actually shows enough strategy to get through it.  Unless Keith has changed up his game quite a lot, he isn't winning and will thus be the goat.

I don't remember hearing anything about Tasha relating to that, so I don't believe it.


As for Keith, I'm thinking a lot of this jury will care about the game and who actually shows enough strategy to get through it.  Unless Keith has changed up his game quite a lot, he isn't winning and will thus be the goat.


Yeah, I agree with that.  I also agree that I don't see Keith radically changing his game plan.  Basically the Keith we saw in SJDS is the same Keith I'm expecting here.  Nice guy, but total goat.  Against Tasha and Jeff, he will probably get creamed.  Especially if the bring back the opening speeches.  Seeing who (allegedly) makes up the jury, unless they are super bitter at Tasha and Jeff, I don't think Keith would stand a chance.

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In what world is Woo ever voted out 4th?


It could happen.  Anything is possible, especially if he falls victim to a tribe swap, or didn't have a strong alliance, or his pre-game alliance was all on the opposing tribe.  And while I know that weight loss isn't the make or break of how someone did, Woo looked virtually unchanged, even compared to some of the others that didn't look too different.  Although I'm still taking all of this with a grain of salt, but I'd be happy if Woo went that early.

  • Love 1

When Tasha posted a post survivor picture of herself, on her Facebook, she replied to a fan saying that "If you liked how I played the first time, you're going to LOVE this one." Whether that means she just makes it farther then her previous time or she actually makes final tribal, we have to wait. But, I wouldn't be shocked if she went on another immunity run.


I can live with that bootlist, and can definitely see Spencer/Tasha being a powerful duo again. Which, I mean if you are the other castaways, they should have worked their asses off to get rid of at least one of them before merge ( and going by post survivor photos, I can see this bootlist not being totally wrong).

Edited by CheetaraThunder
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Isn't Keith the guy with the disgusting spitting habit? If that spoiler is correct and I have to watch him hacking a loogy the entire season, ugh! 

Yep.  That's the guy.  He's also the one who ruined what would've been a totally perfect blindside with his stupid utterance of "Stick to the plan!"  Not only did it result in his own son getting voted out in an idol bounce-back, but it doomed the rest of his alliance at the next two Tribal Councils, as well.

  • Love 2

When Tasha posted a post survivor picture of herself, on her Facebook, she replied to a fan saying that "If you liked how I played the first time, you're going to LOVE this one." Whether that means she just makes it farther then her previous time or she actually makes final tribal, we have to wait. But, I wouldn't be shocked if she went on another immunity run.


I can live with that bootlist, and can definitely see Spencer/Tasha being a powerful duo again. Which, I mean if you are the other castaways, they should have worked their asses off to get rid of at least one of them before merge ( and going by post survivor photos, I can see this bootlist not being totally wrong).


It would actually surprise me if Tasha, Spencer, Stephen, and even Joe made it as far as they did.  I figured those 3 men would be considered huge threats and at least one of them (if not all of them) voted off pre-merge/jury.  It makes me happy that people may not take into consideration what someone did in a previous season, and starts out on a clean slate.  Obviously, pre-game alliances may have something to do with it (or even new alliances made during the game).  But I'm hopeful it means we will get good game play this season.  Of course I could see how Keith or some other goat would make it to the end (usually there's at least one).  After the last couple seasons, I need this to be a good one.


I am very curious what leads to Vytas being voted off so early.  I didn't know how it would go for him, but I didn't expect him to be such an early boot.  With the SM media evidence, he was one of the first two to go.  And if this boot list is correct, so much for Bayon being a weaker tribe.

Edited by LadyChatts

Hi guys.


I post a bootlist for SC. I can't reveal who is my source(production, contestant, family member of contestant...), but info which I have is legit.


20th Vytas

19th Kelly

*splitting into 3 tribes*

18th Monica

17th Woo

16th Terry (he was voted out on TC)


14th Kass/Peih Gee


13th Andrew

12th Abi Maria

11th Ciera

10th Joe

9th Jeremy

8th Shirin

7th Kelley

6th Stephen

5th Kimmi

4th Spencer

F3 - Keith, Tasha, Jeff


It will be "best season ever, lot of drama and blindsides", according to my source.


I totally understand why you don't believe me right now, (this is reason why I don't post this on sucks, lol) but you will see... :)

I'll be happy Spencer lasts as long as he does, but I'll be sad that he didn't make it to the end.

Sucks has this note in the Season 31 "tote board" of credible and unreliable spoilers:



From what I know, spoilers are vetted in part by having the "sources"/posters provide confirming evidence in confidence directly to the mods/forum leaders. The mods also look at information such as the IP address of the poster. Copying and pasting this boot list to Sucks would not provide any means for vetting it.

Just send Redmond a tweet on twitter and ask him to look on this forum and confirm it. He won't tell you if its exactly right or because he is trying to avoid game spoilers, but he will at least call it a hoax or not.


There were some pics of Jeff on Sucks where he looked like he lost a lot of weight.  I don't know if they are, in fact, post game pics or if they were put out there as a ruse.  I know that the contestants have been home for 2 weeks, so weight gain/loss may not be as telling.  But Jeff, like Kimmi, looked pretty heavy at the cast reveal, and I thought he looked thinner in those pics.  Of course, there was a somewhat blurry photo of Jeff and Kimmi (with Joe photo bombing in the background) and Jeff looked heavy in the face, but that photo wasn't great quality.  I know there was the issue about Jeff being bitter for not being asked back for the first AS and he spilled spoilers, so maybe he's making a point not to say much this time.  Just like I don't think a contestant looking happy and sounding excited means they did well, I don't know that silence necessarily means anything, either.  I don't follow everyone on SM, but it seems like Kass, Shirin, Stephen, and Jeff were among the quietist when they returned.  Shirin took that trip with Spencer to the UK after coming home, and she seems like someone who might hold a grudge, so I wonder if the speculation that they aligned turns out being true.

Edited by LadyChatts

Sorry random dude with two posts, it's hard to trust you without any more. And the fact that you avoid posting on Sucks where the mods will verify your source without exposing it, is a big knock against you. 

I understand why you don't trust me, :)


If I posted on sucks, my thread would be deleted because I wouldn't reveal my source. I don't trust random mod on forum to reveal my personal FB conversetion with my source. I think it´s obvious why I protect his/her identity. Redmond didn't reveal his personal conversation with his source Kelley Wentworth, am I right? (Ok, this was joke, but it's obvious that she is one of his sources.)



Can somebody ask redmond for confirmation of my pre-jurors and F3, when you don't believe me??? I don't have twitter.

Pre-jury and F3 is 99% correct.

I don't think the mod on sucks reveals sources, just verifies you aren't full of it (in fact, they even said it was a crappy thing to do for the person who revealed all the Terry info).  I'm taking this with a grain of salt, because it seems to fit with what people speculated about to begin with.  The only thing that is different is Abi Maria making the jury, since many thought she went pre-merge (due to the IG photo of her and Kass disappearing, and looking somewhat unchanged compared to some of the others post game).

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