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S31: Spoilers

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ok. Thanks!  I've been working tons and haven't had a chance to check so I appreciate the heads up!

 No problem!


I'm still wondering if there's a chance that someone speculated to make the final 3 doesn't (even though it is making sense from an editing stand point).  Now that we are getting down to the wire, it seems like CBS is waiting longer when it comes to putting out promo pics and not uploading as many promos/waiting on the sneak peeks.  We used to always get that stuff either directly after the episode or close to the new episode, but not day of.  Wonder if they are getting lazy or there's a reason.  


They spoiled 3 of the final 4 last season in one of the finale promos.  Let's see if they do it again this season!

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1

So with the loved ones visit throwing things off, is the final 6 still going to be concrete?  Abi is gone, and was supposed to be in a "confirmed, solid, exact order" final 6.  So will Keith go in Abi's place or is it possible that everyone in the next order is wrong?


So I'm guessing this "first" is a tie.

That's what I was wondering - if the spoilers just had Abi and Keith switch places like it did with Savage and Stephen. Because with all others, it's been spot on so far. So unless Keith goes next week, this has become wide open. 

If Kelley and Jeremy played their idols next week and cancelled out the entire vote, I'm guessing they would re-vote.  However, only 3 people would be eligible, since whoever has immunity wouldn't be, either.  Jeff was standing right by the voting urn, it didn't look like it had been opened yet.  The tie breaker for the final vote (allegedly) works that whoever is in 3rd casts the deciding vote.  So if it is a tie between Jeremy/Spencer, Tasha would cast the deciding vote.  Although I don't know if Jeff would tell them it was a tie without reading the vote first.  Would Tasha re-vote there so she wasn't affected by what she saw on TV?


He said "first time in 31 seasons".  Would it be idol related since idols haven't been around the entire time?  Season 11 I believe is when they were first introduced.

Edited by LadyChatts

The only way, in my opinion, that we end up with no votes for anyone is the following way:


Keith wins immunity. Wentworth and Jeremy play idols. If Keith doesn't win immunity, then I believe Keith would be receiving some votes.


What this does open up is the possibility that there is a 3 way tie in the re-vote. What if Kimmi, Tasha, and Spencer all received a single vote from the other 3 in the revote and all of them were technically immune from drawing rocks by either having immunity or being immune by receiving tied for the most votes?


Now that would be crazy upon crazy.


Are people with idols protected against rocks? I don't even know.

Edited by MKL122788

The only way, in my opinion, that we end up with no votes for anyone is the following way:


Keith wins immunity. Wentworth and Jeremy play idols. If Keith doesn't win immunity, then I believe Keith would be receiving some votes.


What this does open up is the possibility that there is a 3 way tie in the re-vote. What if Kimmi, Tasha, and Spencer all received a single vote from the other 3 in the revote and all of them were technically immune from drawing rocks by either having immunity or being immune by receiving tied for the most votes?


Now that would be crazy upon crazy.

Bring Abi back so they can vote her off again. I kid, I kid.

  • Love 3

The only way, in my opinion, that we end up with no votes for anyone is the following way:


Keith wins immunity. Wentworth and Jeremy play idols. If Keith doesn't win immunity, then I believe Keith would be receiving some votes.


What this does open up is the possibility that there is a 3 way tie in the re-vote. What if Kimmi, Tasha, and Spencer all received a single vote from the other 3 in the revote and all of them were technically immune from drawing rocks by either having immunity or being immune by receiving tied for the most votes?


Now that would be crazy upon crazy.


Are people with idols protected against rocks? I don't even know.


Maybe that's the complicated TC we've heard about?  Would make sense.  

The editors seemed to make it obvious Keith was going tonight, and he survived,  Then, the episode where Stephen was on the boot list to be voted off, he survived, despite it looking obvious he was getting bounced.  A couple times this season they made it look like Stephen was going and he didn't.  So could this final 3 deal they are heavily touting between Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha be for real?  I wonder if there's a chance one of them doesn't make it.  


Jeremy has an idol, and when he saved Stephen he told Spencer he'd do the same for him.  I wonder if that is how he gives his final 3 an edge, or maybe he plays it to gain cred with the jury.  He could save Spencer, maybe at the final 5, where Kimmi is alleged to be sent packing, and that would leave Wentworth in the minority.  Or maybe that's the double idol play, that she plays her idol just in case.


They didn't really give Tasha or Spencer a very good edit tonight.  I wonder if this will continue to show their eventual downfall to boost a Jeremy victory.  Savage did say the winner was a good ambassador for this season, so I have to believe it is Jeremy or Spencer.  I don't know who else he would make that statement about. 


ETA: Okay, I was wrong, Jeff had the urn opened at TC when he said this was a first.



Edited by LadyChatts

The thing I noticed with Jeremy is he said "I want to be sitting there to plead my case for the million dollars." Not "I'm going to win." If I recall correctly, they usually have the eventual winner express desire to win, not the certainty that he/she will be the winner. I still see nothing that indicates he doesn't win -- especially since Spencer looks more wishy-washy than ever. And Tasha turning on the women's alliance probably does her in, as well.

  • Love 1

Ok so we have in the preview:


Some kind of disagreement with Jeremy and Spencer 

Kimmi saying to Keith "He would not expect it"

Keith saying buy a ticket to tribal 

Probst saying first time in 31 seasons with Fishbach being shocked.



We have two proposed final 3's the show has shown:





One of those matches the bootlist. The other one is plausible but other than the brandon hantz spoiler which had Jeff/Keith/Kelley we do not really have  a spoiler showing Keith or Kelley in the F3. 


However, Abi did get booted out of order. 


It appears since there are only 2 other "he's" Keith is being convinced by Kimmi to go after Jeremy or Spencer. Most likely Jeremy. Guessing Kelley plays her idol too and the votes are all negated. 


We now have conflicting Jeremy confessionals about the final 3. Earlier we had one where he said second place wasn't ok with him, now today we get him saying he just wants his chance to plead his case to the jury.


Kelley Wentworth also mentioned a chance of being in the final 3, however, Kelley wentworth again today was in the not worthy list when Spencer mentioned people not playing the game at a higher level. Joe also brought this up last episode. 


So anyway I could see it either as the final 3 we've thought for weeks now in Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha, though something like Jeremy/Kelley/Keith wouldn't be out of possibility either. Jeremy I think has this locked up either way. 

I'm wondering if the "first" is there being a final four at final tribal council?
Redmond's said no, there's an f3. I don't know his source, but he seems to have a lot of legitimate inside info.


Keith staying past Abi is giving me hope that Kelley makes it to final Tribal. I shouldn't get my hopes up. And then there's the question of whether the players will be willing to give her any credit for her strong play. 

I don't know that Stephen's face means anything, since that could be edited in from anywhere.


Tasha is not well liked.  She has no chance.  I'm guessing, if it is a tie at the FTC, it is 5-5-0.  What intrigues me is that it would be a tie between Jeremy/Spencer, if the final 3 is correct and this 'first' is a tie.  Was Savage the one who said that there was a TC that was so complicated no one knew what happened?  I can't remember where that quote came from, but I wonder if it is in fact an idol play that results in all votes being voided.  Jeff had already read the votes, so unless that was filmed and edited in, would he do that there, for a final vote, if it was a tie?  In this pic of Jeff, someone on Sucks noticed that weird blue light in the background that might be part of a set:




I've never paid much attention to what is behind Jeff when he's reading the votes, but that's why I wonder if that particular scene of Jeff saying this is a first was shot after filming at a sound stage somewhere.  Besides a tie at the FTC or idols negating all votes, what other firsts haven't happened yet?


Kimmi voted with Spencer/Tasha/Jeremy.  I wonder if this ties into what Monica said about Kimmi's regrets in this game, if Monica was being honest and not just blowing hot air.  She votes with them, but likely doesn't realize they consider her a goat.  I'm somewhat hoping that this final 3 of Tasha/Spencer/Jeremy is all a red herring in editing, and at least one of them does not make it.  If it is a tie, I feel like that is more likely between say, Wentworth and either Spencer or Jeremy.  I don't know who on the jury would vote for Spencer over Jeremy.  Kelly Wigles maybe?  

I don't know that Stephen's face means anything, since that could be edited in from anywhere.


Tasha is not well liked.  She has no chance.  I'm guessing, if it is a tie at the FTC, it is 5-5-0.  What intrigues me is that it would be a tie between Jeremy/Spencer, if the final 3 is correct and this 'first' is a tie.  Was Savage the one who said that there was a TC that was so complicated no one knew what happened?  I can't remember where that quote came from, but I wonder if it is in fact an idol play that results in all votes being voided.  Jeff had already read the votes, so unless that was filmed and edited in, would he do that there, for a final vote, if it was a tie?  In this pic of Jeff, someone on Sucks noticed that weird blue light in the background that might be part of a set:




I've never paid much attention to what is behind Jeff when he's reading the votes, but that's why I wonder if that particular scene of Jeff saying this is a first was shot after filming at a sound stage somewhere.  Besides a tie at the FTC or idols negating all votes, what other firsts haven't happened yet?


Kimmi voted with Spencer/Tasha/Jeremy.  I wonder if this ties into what Monica said about Kimmi's regrets in this game, if Monica was being honest and not just blowing hot air.  She votes with them, but likely doesn't realize they consider her a goat.  I'm somewhat hoping that this final 3 of Tasha/Spencer/Jeremy is all a red herring in editing, and at least one of them does not make it.  If it is a tie, I feel like that is more likely between say, Wentworth and either Spencer or Jeremy.  I don't know who on the jury would vote for Spencer over Jeremy.  Kelly Wigles maybe?  

Yea Stephen itself prob means nothing I was just highlighting what was shown. 


The complicated comment came from that people.com guy that Redmond claimed knows spoilers. 


Savage said first thing in survivor history.


I agree with you with Spencer/Jeremy what 5 people would vote for Spencer? This is the same person who has been on the chopping block multiple times in this game. Kelley wentworth had a very similar confessional to Jeremy tonight saying she wants to be in the final 3 but didn't mention winning. Same for Jeremy just the chance. I have to wonder if both get that chance they have been the only ones with idols the whole season so far both have improved their games both came form the same season there are a few parallels. I think the first thing though is more no votes count than anything. Jeff has read the votes at this point the urn is open. I dont think he would open the urn and read all the votes if there was a FTC tie. 

I am still holding out hope that somehow Kelley finds her way into the F3. The fact that they got the boot wrong tonight gives me that hope,

I'm liking her chances more after tonight than I did last week of her being there.

  • Love 1

Boot list (close to order)


Savage (idoled out)

Kelly Wiglesworth

Ciera (idoled out)


Joe (fv)

Keith (fv)

Abi (fv)

Kimmi (fv)

Kelley Wentworth (fv)


Tasha (fv)

Spencer (fv)

Jeremy (fv)


According to the person who posted this, the final 3 and the remaining boots at the final 6 were correct.  However, they had the loved ones visit starting at the final 6, and it began two boots earlier.  It seems likely that the order is going to hold up, or at the very least that Keith is next.  There's 2 idols in the mix still (Kelley and Jeremy).  The boot list has held up, with the exception of Stephen and Savage's boots being switched.



I could fairly easily see this vote order:

  • Keith: all-girl's alliance (AGA) holds together long enough for a vote, Jeremy wins immunity (or Spencer wins immunity and Tasha objects to the AGA targeting Jeremy), Keith sent home as strongest threat.  Leaves Kelley / Kimmi / Tasha / Abi vs. Jeremy / Spencer.
  • Abi: One of the guys wins immunity, Abi starts going off the rails again, and the remainder of the AGA feels their 4-to-2 voting advantage is strong enough to get a little peace around camp.  Leaves Kelley / Kimmi / Tasha vs. Jeremy / Spencer.
  • Kimmi: Spencer wins immunity and Jeremy idols out, or Jeremy wins immunity and idols Spencer out - PLUS Kelley idols out as well, and Kimmi goes home as the only other person to catch a vote.  Also possibility of a Tasha flip at this point.  My nominee for "confusing" Tribal council.  Leaves either Kelley / Tasha vs. Jeremy / Spencer, or Jeremy / Spencer / Tasha vs. Kelley.
  • Kelley: Kelley doesn't win immunity, and catches the bullet she dodged last TC. 
  • Leaves Jeremy / Spencer / Tasha F3.


Glad to see the boot list - and my rationale - were both wrong.  :)

I didn't want to see Keith go home tonight, but I expected it.

So - do we think the list is wrong now?  Or were Keith and Abi simply switched in the order, a la Savage/Stephen?

I am still holding out hope that somehow Kelley finds her way into the F3. The fact that they got the boot wrong tonight gives me that hope,


Unfortunately, I don't see it. There's been a lot of foreshadowing of a Tasha/Spencer/Jeremy F3.


And I don't think the "First thing to happen in 31 seasons!" is really that big. Jeremy and Kelley probably both play their idols, all the votes are wiped out, and they have to do a revote which is where Kimmi or Keith go. 

  • Love 2

Glad to see the boot list - and my rationale - were both wrong.  :)

I didn't want to see Keith go home tonight, but I expected it.

So - do we think the list is wrong now?  Or were Keith and Abi simply switched in the order, a la Savage/Stephen?


I'm thinking that it might have been switched.  Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha seem solid.  Spencer isn't really left with many options.  And he said tonight, he was debating which final 3 was in his best interest, so I guess he made that choice.  And after that talk about not wanting to go with goats to the final 3, it would seem to come back to bite him if he bailed on Jeremy now (I still say Tasha is more of a goat than Kelley).  


Idols are going to be used, but I'm questioning how or when.  If Keith is on the bottom and Kimmi/Tasha/Spencer/Jeremy stay strong, they can get rid of Keith.  Kimmi going 5th would make sense, if Kelley loses immunity but idols Kimmi out.  Then J/T/S vote Kelley out in 4th.  I'm just curious what happens that could cause a double idol play that negates all votes.  Someone would have to flip either at the final 6 or final 5.  Maybe Kimmi realizes too little, too late she's the 4th in an alliance?

I wonder if this ties into what Monica said about Kimmi's regrets in this game, if Monica was being honest and not just blowing hot air.
Wasn't Monica's quote just that Kimmi texted her post-game and said she should have trusted Monica? That doesn't necessarily mean that Kimmi felt betrayed by Jeremy. It could just mean that with some time and distance, Kimmi realized that she'd been irrational and unfair to Monica.

I'm thinking that it might have been switched.  Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha seem solid.  Spencer isn't really left with many options.  And he said tonight, he was debating which final 3 was in his best interest, so I guess he made that choice.  And after that talk about not wanting to go with goats to the final 3, it would seem to come back to bite him if he bailed on Jeremy now (I still say Tasha is more of a goat than Kelley).  


Idols are going to be used, but I'm questioning how or when.  If Keith is on the bottom and Kimmi/Tasha/Spencer/Jeremy stay strong, they can get rid of Keith.  Kimmi going 5th would make sense, if Kelley loses immunity but idols Kimmi out.  Then J/T/S vote Kelley out in 4th.  I'm just curious what happens that could cause a double idol play that negates all votes.  Someone would have to flip either at the final 6 or final 5.  Maybe Kimmi realizes too little, too late she's the 4th in an alliance?

Kimmi approaches Keith about something in the preview. Maybe this starts her downfall?

It appears since there are only 2 other "he's" Keith is being convinced by Kimmi to go after Jeremy or Spencer. Most likely Jeremy. Guessing Kelley plays her idol too and the votes are all negated.


It's actually more likely to be Spencer since in a youtube confessional, she talks about targeting him next to get back with Kelley.


We now have conflicting Jeremy confessionals about the final 3. Earlier we had one where he said second place wasn't ok with him, now today we get him saying he just wants his chance to plead his case to the jury.



Not conflicting at all. He has to get in front of the jury to win.


In terms of goodbye edits, leading into next week, both Keith and Kelley got some pretty juicy ones. But none for Kimmi. I'm starting to think that Kimmi might slip into that fourth spot with Kelley fifth.



Jeff's final teaser for the season:


Okay, six players left as we head to the finale/reunion. What can you tell us about both next Wednesday night? 
The finale is … phenomenal. Historic. Unpredictable. And ultimately satisfying. I think it will cap off, in grand fashion, what most fans will regard as one of — if not THE greatest season of Survivor. I have absolutely loved the way this group played. I am proud and impressed by the level of fierce dedication to playing to win. Everybody went big. I hope future players take a note from this season. You want to be a part of something amazing? You want a shot at being asked back? You want to be remembered? You have to play big. You have to remember that if there are 20 people playing, 95 percent of you will lose. So you truly have very little to lose. GO BIG or do yourself and your family a favor and STAY HOME. :)



When Jeff brought up this 'slow burn evolution' that was going to change the course of the game, I think that was more wishful thinking than believing the course of the game would change.  I also think the only reason it has turned out this way is because it was a returnee season.  Probst can dream all he wants, but a normal season probably won't have this type of game play.  Hopefully they don't try and fiddle in the game to make it happen.

  • Love 1


Jeff's final teaser for the season:

When Jeff brought up this 'slow burn evolution' that was going to change the course of the game, I think that was more wishful thinking than believing the course of the game would change. I also think the only reason it has turned out this way is because it was a returnee season. Probst can dream all he wants, but a normal season probably won't have this type of game play. Hopefully they don't try and fiddle in the game to make it happen.

I hate to say it, but I think a way of possibly getting this type of gameplay is by combining frequent tribe swaps with the BvW twist. Historically, power shifts don't happen because players can't fully trust who they're trying to swing with (Candice/Sandra, Sierra/Dan, etc). But in a returnee season with past relationships and BvW with all new players, this becomes more possible.

But of course this is just speculation. I don't particularly like the BvW twist, and it has the complete opposite effect with returning players (returning players PLUS loved ones creates unshakeable blocks i.e. Aras/Vytas/Tina/Katie).

I think what did help was the multiple tribe swaps and the early merge.  What might have been more interesting is if Bayon lost more pre-merge.  It was only old/new-new Ta'Keo and Angkor, with one Bayon loss (that was more of a challenge throw).  I think past players, knowing each other, with pre-game alliances, and reputations to live up to, are more likely to create this type of game play or at least make it work, than newbies.


Also, while Second Chances will be in my top 10 of all time favorites, not sure how close to the top it'll be.

In this pic of Jeff, someone on Sucks noticed that weird blue light in the background that might be part of a set:




I'm pretty sure that's just light (moonlight, perhaps) reflecting off of a leaf?



Also, I am not 100% sure but I think Jeffy reads the final votes in different clothes? I'm prepared to be wrong though. ;-)

I understand Spencer being scared to work with Abi, but I think Tasha is just as big a problem for him in a different way. We know from exit interviews that Tasha wants to go to the end with Jeremy, even if it means she'd lose. It seems she thinks the fans want to see Woo-level game play. She's also someone who holds a grudge if you go against her. Spencer has put himself in a no-win situation by siding with her. If he goes against her and tries to vote out Jeremy, she can ruin him. If he plays her game, they both lose to Jeremy.

I also don't buy that they don't realize Jeremy is a threat. We know Kass told the tribe that Jeremy was running the game before she left, and Ciera said that Jeremy could beat anyone. Whether they respect Kass and Ciera or not, they're both on the jury. If they believe it, they'll vote accordingly. You have to take into account the other players' opinions even if you think they're "undeserving." They decide the winner.

  • Love 1

So it seems the epic tribal definitely happens at the six. Another possibility which is less likely is that we get our first three way tie with no ideals being played. But I've never watched all of them so I could be wrong about it happening.

Maybe that's why they're confident doing the finale episodes with 6 still remaining? Because of this never-happened-before tribal. 

It couldn't be something simple and dull, like a double boot?  I know they've had double boot episodes before, and in one case (Cook Islands) the tribe didn't even leave TC, they had to immediately vote someone off.  But have they ever done that in a finale?


I don't think we've seen the complicated TC yet, unless whoever leaked the complicated bit has a different take on it.  So a double idol play might make sense.

So the list was wrong again yes? Keith was supposed to go this week, not Abi.


Yes, but I'm thinking Keith and Abi's positions might be switched like Stephen/Savage.  Having the loved ones visit at the final 8 vs the final 6 where all boots were supposedly set in stone threw it off.  My guess, given what we've seen in the previews, is that Kimmi/Keith/Kelley plan on blindsiding Jeremy at TC.  Tasha/Jeremy/Spencer vote for Kelley, and she plays her idol, knowing her votes won't count and thinking this is how they get Jeremy out.  Jeremy either knows he's being targeted or freaks when Kelley plays her idol, so he plays his.  All votes are nullified.  On the re-vote, my guess is Kimmi freaks and jumps back to Tasha/Jeremy/Spencer and gets Keith out, because they know it'll be coming to rocks.  Also, Kelley and Jeremy would be ineligible for the vote, leaving Kimmi as a potential target. 


I suppose it is possible that it happens at the final 5, which would be the last opportunity to play an idol.  Kelley plays her idol, voted for Jeremy, who plays his idol.  All votes nullified, and in this case, Kimmi goes home in 5th, if that boot list holds up through the finale.


Wasn't Monica's quote just that Kimmi texted her post-game and said she should have trusted Monica? That doesn't necessarily mean that Kimmi felt betrayed by Jeremy. It could just mean that with some time and distance, Kimmi realized that she'd been irrational and unfair to Monica.



That's what I'm curious about, though.  Would she be sorry for not trusting Monica and keeping her in the game, because she ends up getting screwed by Jeremy and company?  I mean, if she does go in 5th place, or even 6th, it's a hell of an improvement that her Outback placement.  It could be that maybe she did genuinely feel bad for going after Monica in hindsight the way she did.  I'm guessing it will get addressed in interviews, since that was one of the few times Kimmi had a story arc and got screen time.

  • Love 2

I can see the final Tribal Councils playing out as follows...


1st Tribal (Spencer wins Immunity Challenge):

- Tasha convinces the women that Keith is a threat 

- Keith is voted out


2nd Tribal (Jeremy wins the Immunity Challenge):


The Votes:

- Jeremy votes Kelley

- Spencer votes Kelley

- Tasha votes Kelley

- Kimmi votes Spencer

- Kelley votes Spencer


All votes cancelled out because:

-- a.) Kelley plays the idol for herself

-- b.) Jeremy plays his idol for Spencer (to ensure he isn't the only male against three women in the Final 4 and also so Spencer will be somewhat obligated to take Jeremy to the end if he should win the Final Immunity challenge)



Jeremy votes Kimmi

- Spencer votes Kimmi

- Tasha votes Kimmi

- Kimmi votes Tasha

- Kelley votes either Kimmi or Tasha (doesn't matter)


Final Tribal (Spencer wins Immunity Challenge)


The Votes:

- Spencer (votes Kelley, can't vote out Jeremy because it would most probably cost him Jury votes for looking ungrateful/ disloyal)

- Tasha (votes Kelley)

- Jeremy (votes Kelley)

- Kelley (doesn't matter)







  • Love 2

I think Keith is definitely present for this crazy TC with the never happened thing. He had that scene in the preview about buying a ticket to the TC so he's attending I'm 99% sure. So in that situation your scenario above probably wouldn't work since Keith would be out. I guess it isn't out of possibility Keith survives and someone like Kimmi goes. Then Keith is out 5th instead.


“Lie, Cheat and Steal” – Six castaways battle it out for a shot in the final three, and a shocking tribal council delivers a Survivor first. Later, the final three castaways plead their cases for the $1 million prize, on the two-hour season finale of SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Dec. 16 (8:00-10:00PM, ET/PT), followed by the one-hour live reunion show hosted by Jeff Probst (10:00-11:00PM, live ET/delayed PT), on the CBS Television Network.



This confirms in my opinion that the Survivor first will indeed be two idols negating all the votes.

  • Love 2

So its 3 hours for some reason I thought it was 2, one show and one studio show and couldn't figure out how they were going to eliminate 3 in an hour. 


Have no idea how Kimmi made it this far.  Would rather have Joe.  So I hope she goes before Keith and Kelley.  Would love a Keith Kelley Spencer f3 but I know that's not going to happen.  I suspect the boot list is correct.  But wouldn't it be fun if it turns out not to be? 

  • Love 3

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