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S31: Spoilers

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Wow ladychatts you might have found something with kimmi that would be crazy is she was pre merge but that Facebook spoiler has been perfect so far. Sarah wasn't an idol she just went on a power trip


I know some posters at Sucks says Monica has been very spoiler-y in some of her post boot interviews/periscope/podcasts.  The only one that I can see where she gave something away was that Jeremy made the merge (which at this point isn't a huge spoiler if you've been keeping track).  She's made remarks that Kimmi blew her game (paraphrasing) by getting rid of her and that she is not going to win now, which many people think also gives away that Kimmi doesn't win and may be one of the next few boots to go, getting betrayed by Stephen/Jeremy, maybe even Spencer/Wigles.  That is something up for interpretation, though.  Monica is probably expected to make remarks like that, and may be feeling bitter after seeing the actual episode and how it went down.  


I still think the boot list holds up and Woo is the next to go.  He looked virtually unchanged in his post game photos from when he left.  He has no allies, is always left in the dark, is at the bottom of any alliance that is willing to take him in.  However, to play devil's advocate for a moment, that might also be something that could work in Woo's favor.  He really isn't tied to anyone out there.  He's been blindsided twice in votes, and a third time barely escaped elimination.  No one keeps him informed of what is going on, but if they want to keep him in the loop and worry he might flip, they might string him along.  Or the minority group may get him to flip and promise to drag him along with them (at least until they don't need him).  The problem is, Woo will be a physical threat, and if he isn't tied down to any one group, he may be considered a liability.  Especially because he has been kept in the dark for a lot of votes and decisions.  I think Hurricane Abi will finally catch up to him.  Aside from Spencer, there isn't anything to indicate anyone on new Ta'Keo is safe past this boot.  I'm still going with Woo, but there's probably good cases to make for all of them as to why they could be it.


Bayon will be an interesting one.  Stephen mentioned in the preview making a big move to Jeremy, who didn't seem onboard.  Could this big mean possibly be throwing a challenge to get rid of Joe or Kelley to further diminish old Ta'Keo's numbers, but have it backfire?  Joe and Stephen, and now with Kimmi, they are all wild cards to me as to whether they survive this vote or not.  Kimmi has the weight loss going for her, and at least we know the pre-jurors caught up with the merge crowd at the airport, so that could explain the Jeff picture.  

Kimmi can't go pre-merge unless people are wrong about which tribe loses the IC. She's on the tribe that's supposed to win. I do think Monica gave away that Kimmi's not at final Tribal Council, but I didn't take the strength of her "Kimmi's not going to win" as a sign that Kimmi goes pre-merge or even early jury.


ETA: Oh, I do remember Monica saying that Kimmi's said post-game that Kimmi should have trusted Monica, but that came across to me as more of a generic apology/fence mending statement than an implication that the Monica boot blew up Kimmi's game.

Edited by Zuleikha

Kimmi can't go pre-merge unless people are wrong about which tribe loses the IC. She's on the tribe that's supposed to win. I do think Monica gave away that Kimmi's not at final Tribal Council, but I didn't take the strength of her "Kimmi's not going to win" as a sign that Kimmi goes pre-merge or even early jury.


ETA: Oh, I do remember Monica saying that Kimmi's said post-game that Kimmi should have trusted Monica, but that came across to me as more of a generic apology/fence mending statement than an implication that the Monica boot blew up Kimmi's game.


I think Monica was venting.  I was reading between the lines of that quote from Monica, because she may know Kimmi loses and would like to think it was because she voted her off early.  When she said "we saw the jury at the airport" she likely did mean the pre-jurors and not her and Kimmi.  I think all the "Kimmi has no chance at winning now" is something could also play off that she's hoping that's what happened.  Her loss isn't really getting the sentimental treatment as some Survivors do.  She was an unmemorable character that got completely played by the person she trusted most.  Giving away that Jeremy makes the merge is way more of a spoiler, and it makes me wonder if CBS just doesn't care or if they don't bother to screen interviews.  The go to great pains this week to not show Ta'Keo so they can avoid it coming out that Terry leaves, but let something big like that slip through an interview of Monica's.  Casual fans who don't read interviews may not be looking at press photos, either.  The one reason I believe Kimmi makes it is the weight loss.  And yes, if Bayon wins the IC then whoever leaves Ta'Keo is the last pre-jury boot.  Looking at her this week she isn't really looking anywhere close to her post-game photos.  I can't believe she'd be voted off this early and manage to look that much thinner and weathered.  But, I could be wrong.  Anyway, even without the spoilers or Monica's boot, I don't know that I would have seen Kimmi winning regardless.  I said before I was impressed with her game play this past episode, even though some think it was a bad move.  But I thought Kimmi would be the vote in an alliance that got them through to the next vote, there for a good time, laughing, having fun, and not doing any game play.  Whether you think it was a good or bad move is debatable, and time will tell if it does screw Kimmi's game.   


Funny that Ciera finally participates in an IC and her tribe loses.  I still think there's an outside chance Woo survives, and it could be a Savage or Abi blindside. Also just realized that Joe and Keith will have not attended TC at all before the merge, if Bayon does in fact win.

Edited by LadyChatts

Also just realized that Joe and Keith will have not attended TC at all before the merge, if Bayon does in fact win.


And if Takeo wins, it will be Ciera and Kass that avoid tc before the merge.


Looking at editing, the Woo boot makes sense. Woo dring about his mother and her condition seems like an end to his story.  Yea, it caused conflict, but the fact that he also talked to the camera about her seems to be survivor's editor's way of giving him closure.

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But's what funny to me is remember Spencer's jury speech? Remember how he specifically complained about Woo taking his tougher competition to the F2 and said a real player goes for the win? So I just can't imagine Tasha and Spencer taking Jeremy unless they don't take him. I think Jeremy's going to go on a late immunity run. I could see Tasha becoming a goat from some blindsides. And Spencer really isn't likely to do anything this season, he'll do his usual hanging on by a thread routine. 

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I'm curious who else finds an idol, and whose boot is a result of them being played.  In addition, Probst said that all the HII looked different this season, so I hope there is some chaos with fake idols being made and people not knowing if it is the real deal or not.  



I am, too.  Interesting that they look different.  I doubt that will become known because this new twist encourages them to keep it to themselves.   Are they finally being smart for the first time in how long has this been running now?   I think production hoped that someone would share they had one and show it alerting another on their team to think it is fake.  


I would think both Jeremy and Kelley will be looking for one without a clue knowing that when tribes change new idols are planted. 

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If the boot list holds up Woo is the next to go.  He seems the most obvious, but I also think that there are others who could go as well.  I could make a case for Woo going, but it is kind of surprising they wouldn't target someone like Savage instead.  Could all come down to pre-game alliances or believing Woo is a bigger challenge threat post merge (I also think, if Woo isn't tied in with anybody they may think he's a flipper risk, too).  So if Bayon wins, as is speculated (and given whose on the tribe I think they would do better in a gross food challenge), I  wonder if it will be a lopsided vote or if Woo gets ousted unanimously.  If there's a shocker and someone other than Woo goes, maybe there was something to that photo that disappeared off Abi's IG of her and Kass (since they are on the same tribe, maybe Kass did screw her over).  There could still be Savage's destiny repeating itself and him getting ousted by the bad luck of a tribe swap.  I don't really know who else on Ta'Keo would be a target.  Ciera will no doubt be considered a non threat going into the merge, so she's probably safe.  Abi and Woo could sell Savage out, and people may worry Abi will stick with him once the merge happens (also being a physical threat).  I suppose there's always the chance Kass could go, for being unpredictable and people not trusting her (especially since Spencer will be joining her on Ta'Keo).  There's nothing to indicate Kelly Wigles make it past this vote, other than Probst mentioning her intriguing story (which may or may not be told or come across as he expects).  She also seems like a non factor at this point, and given what Monica said in her interview about her game being more about the survival/camp life aspect.  They may think physically she could be a threat, but she's probably safe.


I am intrigued about Kimmi's placement in the game.  According to the poster who leaked the boot list, didn't s/he say that everyone who made the family visit down to the final 3 was accurate?  Because the FB messenger post has Kimmi out before the family visit, if that spoiler is true.  And then there's Monica's comments about Kimmi being sorry and knowing she messed up by voting her off.  Which I pass off as bitterness, but if Kimmi's placement is correct, she'd outlast Stephen and Kelly, one of which she voted with to oust Monica and chose to keep her alliance with.  So I would need to see why she would regret it, assuming it isn't just bitterness consuming Monica.

Edited by LadyChatts

Well Kass definitely looked in trouble in the promo, but the promo is sometimes misleading. Just referring back to ladychatts post a few posts up. The pic in question happened on Day 19. That would be the merge tc. Kass is the one on the list though I guess it could be Abi as well. If abi goes past Day 19 then that photo means nothing because it was discovered deleted Day 19. So next episode time is up for that one to mean anything. Kimmi is Day 24. I'm still not sure what to make of Kelly Wigles. She is out in 3 episodes according to that list and theres been no story at all about her. I almost wonder if Kimmi and Kelly are swapped spots it would fit more of the Jeff comments and the fb spoiler. Kelly 6th and Kimmi out around Day 24 just makes a lot more sense right now. I know Kimmi has that weight loss, but she could easily just get sick in ponderosa and not be able to gain weight. 

Kass is going to be in an interesting position next week.  She's at the merge, 1 of 13.  The fact that she got so much airtime tonight (the most all season) and talked about returning to her Chaos Kass roots makes me think they are setting her up next week for a blindside.  No one at the camp she was talking to looked happy when she was around.  She may have spared Spencer, but it doesn't mean Spencer will return the favor.  Plus, for her, it may have been a no win.  Vote off Spencer, yes you made Savage, Woo, and Wigles happy.  But then you alienate Ciera, who seems to be an ally for her, and Abi.  Since the poster of the boot list said that the final 6 were correct, and Abi is part of that final 6, I wonder if something does happen between Kass and Abi or if it was just a big old coincidence that that photo was removed (and maybe Kass got burned by Abi and reported the photo to IG to have it removed).


I also wonder where they are going with the story line regarding Stephen and Joe.  Stephen may have a tougher time at the merge if Joe wins immunities.  However, he may think he's in a better place to get rid of Joe once the merge happens and he has better numbers.  Wasn't Joe the last person reported with that FB messenger spoiler?  This may be setting up Stephen's story line that he takes out the golden boy but then gets himself bounced for appearing to be too much of a strategic threat.  Or, he overplays his hand regarding Joe, the boot list is correct, and he goes before him.

Please let the list be right for next week. Please, for the love of all that is good, let it be right, and let Kass get off my TV. All of my Chaos Kass rage came out in full force tonight, and I need for her to be gone.

It was really interesting watching the show tonight being 'spoiled'. I went from thinking the list was wrong because Savage was the obvious boot, to thinking it wouldn't even be the right tribe, to watching Woo's name being put out there, and finally just relishing Savage's act the entire TC. Fun!

Even more fun next week it it's still correct. Please let it still be correct.

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No Joe for fb. Fb is Vytas, PG, Varner, Monica, and Kimmi. Kass could def report the photo, but if we see nothing from Abi regarding Kass next week and Kass does go then its just a coincidence I guess.


Thanks!  I couldn't remember, I thought Joe was in that group of spoilers.  So either the boot list is wrong and someone else goes, or they are setting up Kass's exit (and since she was a memorable and colorful character last time, they probably figured they had to show something to justify why she was getting booted).  Not only am I intrigued by Kimmi and whether she does, in fact, make it past the first couple of votes at the merge (given what we know now, there's evidence to point both ways).  But now I'm wondering about Stephen.  I wonder if he attempts a flip on Joe and it backfires on him.  For some reason, I still have this feeling it could be Savage next week.

Edited by LadyChatts

The boot-list says it's close to accurate on the jury so it's possible that it might not be Kass, could be Savage or Stephen with Kass going the week after. I'd almost bet against it being Kass because the person shown to be in trouble in the promo is rarely the one actually voted out. 


Man, Spencer getting so far must have put the editors in a weird spot. Because he was probably the biggest fan-favorite coming into the season and him getting to the F3, the editors must have felt they had to honor that by giving him a huge edit. But right now, so much of your season is wrapped around a guy who's going to lose. Logically, I can definitely see why Jeremy is going to win, I just find it odd that right now Spencer's getting the biggest F3 loser-edit since Russell. And unlike a Russell or a Rob, it's not really a how Spencer loses edit, it's strange. 

  • Love 1

Thanks!  I couldn't remember, I thought Joe was in that group of spoilers.  So either the boot list is wrong and someone else goes, or they are setting up Kass's exit (and since she was a memorable and colorful character last time, they probably figured they had to show something to justify why she was getting booted).  Not only am I intrigued by Kimmi and whether she does, in fact, make it past the first couple of votes at the merge (given what we know now, there's evidence to point both ways).  But now I'm wondering about Stephen.  I wonder if he attempts a flip on Joe and it backfires on him.  For some reason, I still have this feeling it could be Savage next week.

Yea like I said Im questioning Kelly, Kelley, and Kimmi. The fb spoiler has been dead on so far so would be weird it just all of a sudden its wrong. Kelly is supposed to have this compelling story, but we have no story. Kelley gets all these random scenes so I'm not ready to eliminate her from F3 contention yet.

  • Love 1

I'm equally intrigued by Kelly's 'story', too, assuming this isn't a Probst interpretation.  In one of the bonus clips this week, Kelly was talking about her son and that she came back out here to show him that you never quit and never give up because you might have failed at something once before.  So I'm wondering if it'll tie into that somehow.  I feel like the upcoming merge boots are going edited to be about making peace with the show and their second chance, even if it just goes along with the story line the producers carved out this season.  I'd rather just see the Survivors play and not have to dwell on the past or repeatedly utter the phrase 'second chance' every time they get a TH.


Back to the boot list, my reasons for Savage going next is I think he might be more on the outs than he realizes.  Joe seems more content with his final 5 pact of Kelley/Kass/Keith/Ciera than any other alliance.  Jeremy put together the alpha alliance but I think he's got greener pastures waiting, too.  He may have alienated Ciera by setting her up to be a pawn tonight, making her to either help orchestrate his ouster or join another group.  Regardless, Savage may find himself in the minority.  Since there's been talk about destiny repeating itself...well, maybe Ciera will be his new Lill ;)  In addition, on the subject of weight loss, Savage looked virtually unchanged after arriving home.  I realize that he is pretty high up so being an early boot may explain that.  I do think groups will be split.  Wasn't that some Kass quote about lines being drawn in the promo?  Joe could go on an immunity run, foiling Stephen's plans to get rid of him, but tonight Stephen asked Tasha if he was playing too hard, too fast.  I think that is going to be his downfall.  If Joe's final 5 from Ta'Keo really wants to stay loyal to him, they may turn the target to Stephen.  I still think it could be Kass, however.  Kimmi, I don't know.  There's the quote from Monica that Kimmi was going to be sorry and apologized, saying she should have gone with her.  Which means Stephen and Jeremy would somehow have to betray her, or Spencer and Kelly turn on her even though she helped spare them.  That's the only way I could see Kimmi regretting her decision at getting rid of Monica.  We're seeing the side of Kimmi that's annoying and loud around camp, so maybe that leads to her demise.  Maybe she tries taking out a big threat next week, a Bayon member, and gets blindsided.


Spencer is getting an interesting edit.  Right now he's best known for barely surviving two votes and attempting to improve his bonds with people.  It doesn't seem like he's trying anything else, unless that is to come down the road.  It's still so early, but I am seeing where Jeremy could be the winner.  It's nice to finally start seeing what some other people have to offer.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1
I just find it odd that right now Spencer's getting the biggest F3 loser-edit since Russell. And unlike a Russell or a Rob, it's not really a how Spencer loses edit, it's strange.


I think it sort of is a "How Spencer loses" edit. He loses by constantly being on the bottom and just barely scraping by. He also isn't entirely trusted by pretty much anyone (Kass' prolific "Spencer Bledsoe...0% chance of winning this game" and if she's going to be on the jury, that's one vote he certainly doesn't have). A poster here or in the episode thread commented on how it seemed like a member from Bayon had to win because Ta'Keo was so dysfunctional, and I think we'll see that play out. He isn't trusted by anyone on Ta'Keo and he has marginal trust from those on Bayon -- but not more than Jeremy. I'm curious to see how this plays out, but I'm all in on the boot list after tonight. It makes too much sense from what we've seen.

  • Love 3

Like them or not, Rob and Russell's actions were decisive during All-Stars and HvV. So made sense why those final tribal councils and the edits of the seasons, became referendums on their gameplay. To build your season around the guy scraping by? Doesn't make sense to me.  I doubt this FTC becomes a referendum on Spencer's gameplay. 


And the edit it's all about second chances and changing your gameplay, Spencer's the posterboy for that while Jeremy's has been incredibly muted so far. I think if that boot-list wasn't out, a lot more people would be on the Kelley bandwagon. 

I wouldn't. Kelley is favored on the betting site but still. I see a lot of her on tv but never really see her endgame strategies. Maybe her edit will pick up now that the merge is happening but  as for now, I don't see it.


Ditto for Spencer. This dude looks like a clueless fanboy moron. Maybe this is a new editing technique but I doubt  he wins. The reason for all that "finding himself" edit is because they have nothing of substance to show.


Without the bootlist I could make an argument for Tasha.


Jeremy's edit is a bit harder to process. His previous edit was apparently similar to this one. So it could be pride goes before a fall or it could be winner's or even runner up. It's all over the place.



Now onto the edit, the edit seems to be setting up Kass and Stephen as the next two boots. The Kelly boot is a weird one. She doesn't seems like a postmerge threat.

Edited by Oscirus
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I'm not that familiar with Savage but betrayal is a strong emotion.  I'm not very good at Survivor strategy but some of  the toughest times for people that go wrong are swing voters.  They rarely seem to do well (there are a couple exceptions).  Kass, or the editing, seem to have taken credit for the switch to Woo when really it was Ciera.  That is a huge mistake.  Spencer is smart and not bad in challenges.  Another mistake not to take him out now.  They all should have done a better job calming Ciera down or coming up with another lie to tell Spencer.  That is Savages mistake.  With the merge happening though they don't/won't have time to smooth it all out.  After the merge all the old friendships and now simmering betrayal's will rear up and so the boot list might be correct. 

Anyone know what the alliances are post merge?  Savage, Tasha, ? 

Without the bootlist I could make an argument for Tasha.


Jeremy's edit is a bit harder to process. His previous edit was apparently similar to this one. So it could be pride goes before a fall or it could be winner's or even runner up. It's all over the place.

Tasha's missed two episodes, confessional-wise.  Yes, it's normal for female winners to miss at least one or two episodes in terms of confessionals (only Sandra's Pearl Islands incarnation and Denise from Philippines had at least one confessional in every episode, while every other female winner missed at least one), and I hope this is just more of the same, but the editors are backing Jeremy pretty hard, from what I'm gathering.


Jeremy seems to be the very center of the Bayon alliance.  Everyone comes to him with strategies, and he seems to have so many people's respect.  The only other person in the game I've seen with almost as much respect as he has is Tasha.  Which is why I think it'll definitely be one of the two of them who wins this season.

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That scene of Jeremy laying back in his hammock while Fish is coming to him to strategize reminded me of the many scenes in One World of Kim the winner lying back while everyone came up to her to tell her of what is going on.


Tasha having zero conessionals again is not usually a big deal except that the editors made a pt to make sure that Kelley still got a confessional every ep. However . . . a big indicator that the TKO 5 is doomed was when Terry left and Keith said - lets win this for Terry. Something like that would normally be subtitled if one of them had indeed won. The TKO 5 is doomed, in case there was any doubt.

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What do you think about Ciera? She had a spike in airtime tonight as well. I do agree Jeremy seems like the favorite at the moment. How about when he just randomly ate that left over gross food when leaving?



I'm on the fence with Ciera.  I still find her slightly overrated as a player.  But I was impressed last night.  I think she's in a good spot right now, and I can believe that she makes it as far as she does based on what we have seen (assuming her spot on the bootlist is correct).  I feel like she might be the victim of an idol play.  I'm wondering, was it just lucky the vote went the way it went last night for her or is she going to be some player who makes big moves and dictates the vote?  Getting Woo out really wasn't too much of a no brainer.  Spencer had to go along with it, you know Abi wasn't going to hesitate, so it really came down to Kass.  I think Kass either wants Spencer around as a shield or wants to come up with the plan to take him out herself.  However, while Savage may not trust her or she may feel burned by him and not want to work with him, I think she's in a decent core group.


When it comes to edits, I'm always reminded that some people who won got invisible edits halfway through the game (the two Natalie's, for one) and even though she didn't win, Natalie Bolton was MIA until after Ozzy's blindside and suddenly became a huge character.  Maybe it's a Natalie thing, just like the Kelly Kurse.  So I'm going to wait a few episodes after the merge until I can see where they are going with this.


Probst's teaser for next week:



Hook us up with a preview for next week, my man! 

Next week … a first. Don’t you love it when in season 31 you can still say a first? That’s all you get.

Edited by LadyChatts

A first eh?  We should be able to figure this out.   The last two who remain balancing their ball, drop it at the exact same moment (tape confirms it) creating a tie, and 2 are given immunity for TC. 

Its just the fact its a 13 person merge I'm sure.





Play To Win” – Thirteen shocked castaways come together for the largest merge ever.  Also, history repeats itself for two feuding castaways, and the season’s first individual immunity challenge is a classic game of balance


^^ If that isn't obvious that Kass is getting voted out and Spencer says the words "Kass no chance at winning this game" again I dunno what does.

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