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S16.E18: Devastating Story

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Popular television host Skip Peterson airs an interview with college student Heather Manning, who claims she was gang raped in a fraternity house. While the tragic account of Heather's story brings national attention to the epidemic of rape on campus, the sensational details of the she-said, they-said case leaves Sgt. Benson and ADA Barba  with several suspects and a rocky trial.


The next in "Ripped From The Headlines" stories, this one a take on the recent Rolling Stone magazine article.

  • Love 1

Oh this had better not be one of those feelbad endings such as they so often have on this issue. They did the fraternity rape issue a couple of years ago, the horrible simultaneous rape of a virgin by three guys and she then kills herself, but that one ended with the excellent scene of a silent vigil by hundreds of students, each carrying in anger and protest a sign with a clueless or evil statement about college rape on it. I therefore thought Hudson University had now learned its lesson and was aware of the issue. But then we got the episode of last Oct. 22, where the girl who made porn videos was raped by fellow-students at Hudson and then treated so badly she quit college and went back to making porn. It was as if the crime had never before come up at Hudson. The more years I watch this show, the more impatient I get with the theme that certain criminals are Infinitely Powerful And Infinitely Evil, and all our heroes can do is watch in helpless anger as they're acquitted or escape. The mothership tended to do that with Russian mobsters, and SVU does it way too much with college rape and sex trafficking. Let's have justice and satisfaction in this episode, please.

Edited by Corvino
  • Love 2

They probably could've gotten the one guy who actually committed the crime if the Prof hadn't gotten greedy and tried to get every guy in every frat in trouble.


Just goes to show that if you want justice, you need to be upfront about things. Also don't go changing your story every 6 seconds and broadcasting it.


"One guy raped me"

"Four guys raped me"

"Six guys raped me"

"One guy raped me, but a different guy from the one I originally said raped me"


Not trying to blame the victim here, but at the end even she has to realise she isn't a credible witness. She'd get ruined in court on cross examination.

Edited by Maximum Taco

I thought it was a good-to-excellent telling of the Rolling Stone scandal--until Olivia's line at the end "instead it set us back 30 years." It was a great line, but it belonged before her chat with the Hudson U dean. It should have been at the end of a chat with Rollins right before she heads back to Hudson to try to get justice via the school's disciplinary system. I work at an academic institution where, although the Jackie/Rolling Stone debacle caused a pretty universal shaking of heads, it ultimately gave more urgency to the revamping of the sexual assault policy that was already happening at the time.

Oh well.

This is SVU, so maybe we can get another story at Hudson U that ends with Olivia and the dean toasting their success in changing the tide.

It would be worth it to hear Olivia say to Noah once more with even more feeling: You are so not going to Hudson University! Heh. Unless, of course,

he dies of measles next week or becomes so disabled that he will never go to college.


And how the hell are they going to work a measles story into an SVU case?

Or is it just going to be All About Noah?

I did like the icy daggers Barba shot at the rapist after the case was dismissed. Wiped the smurky smile right off his face.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1

Anyone else unsure of what to make of Barba and the Advil?


On the one hand, it’s just ibuprofen and he’s stressed so it makes sense he has headaches. He’ll adjust as time goes on and the stress will get easier to manage. Especially as the grief from his abuelita gets better.


On the other hand, this is SVU. Maybe he has a brain tumor! Maybe he’s hiding narcotics in the bottle of Advil so no one suspects him. Maybe he’s heading towards a psychological breakdown that leads to him becoming an alcoholic! Maybe he was sexually assaulted and he’s decompensating!

  • Love 2

Anyone else unsure of what to make of Barba and the Advil?


On the one hand, it’s just ibuprofen and he’s stressed so it makes sense he has headaches. He’ll adjust as time goes on and the stress will get easier to manage. Especially as the grief from his abuelita gets better.


On the other hand, this is SVU. Maybe he has a brain tumor! Maybe he’s hiding narcotics in the bottle of Advil so no one suspects him. Maybe he’s heading towards a psychological breakdown that leads to him becoming an alcoholic! Maybe he was sexually assaulted and he’s decompensating!


You forgot the most important option of all: All of the above. It'll be a ratings bonanza, I tell you!

  • Love 2

The Good:

Lots of Barba

The line about Noah not going to Hudson University. It redeemed the tiresome mandatory Noah scene.

The interrogation scenes. I liked the way they really showed each squad member's distinct style and voice.

Rob Morrow's performance.

Olivia admitting she was wrong and apologizing. It's a nice change of pace and at least partially makes up for the earlier dose of St. Olivia who can't get through even a single night with her baby, is the only one who it truly on the victim's side, and speaks fluent Italian too!


The Bad:

Is Carisi supposed to be the inexperienced new guy or a douche/idiot? They still seem to be struggling a bit with finding the line.

The trailer for next week scares me.


This was a solid episode that I liked much better than I thought I would going in given the source material and the potential to go off the rails. I liked it a lot better than last week. Maybe next week will be better than expected too?

  • Love 2

Why did that one professor(?) (Heather's "advocate") think that one rape case could eradicate all of rape culture?  I mean how stupid is she?   And then on top of that, the only way to do is to lie, lie, lie?  Why did she think the actual details of the rape were not good enough?  That woman should be put away (well, not really, but something).  She is such a stupid idiot.  Way to give advocacy a bad name and ruin any chance of justice for Heather.  You know, the actual victim.  Heather should take her to civil court for ruining everything.  Not only was justice not served and Heather's rapist walks free, but now Heather is treated as a pariah.  Way to go, moron.

  • Love 8

Just goes to show that if you want justice, you need to be upfront about things. Also don't go changing your story every 6 seconds and broadcasting it.


I totally agree, although sometimes even that doesn't work out either.


I'm so glad I never went to Hudson University.  It's amazing how many plots they can squeeze out of fraternity rapists: this is like the 7th one the show has ever done.


Oh God, ANOTHER episode about stupid, paranoid parents not getting their kids vaccinated next week?  And Noah's mixed up in it?  Leave that baby alone, writers!

  • Love 1

I really liked the episode. I mean it's always hard to see a rapist walk free but I'm a strong believer in karma, he'll get his in the end, he seemed way too smug to make it out there in the real world when he doesn't have his sorority boys around to lean on or try and impress.


I started out feeling sorry for the girl (Jane/Heather), then started to dislike her to the point of almost loathing her for what started to seem like a case of crying-wolf but then at the end I felt really sorry for her again. She was raped & in a very vulnerable position probably doubting her own guilt because she was drunk (& all those other things that really is unimportant when you're raped but that the court & society will take in to account unfortunately), turning to the dean didn't help & then that professor got in her way. I'm sure the professor didn't plan to do bad, she may have started out in a good place but getting fanatic about something (a cause or whatever, a TV show!?) is never a good thing & it's easy to loose track, to loose aim in that good fight you're trying to fight. But in the end she was the adult here & she burnt Heather badly. In that scene with Barba & Rollins when she started ranting I almost expected her to say something that would disclose it was all about her & her own rape back in college or something on that note. Still don't hold it impossible she had some personal experience of what Heather went through.


I liked Carisi better in this episode than the last. Yes he got a ltl burnt there by Rollins but I liked that he called her out on it & she got a chance to explain herself & I also like that Carisi took it well. For a cartoon figure he's showing maturity ;)

He did come out looking a ltl doofy-ish questioning a rape advocate but then Rollins wouldn't have been able to give that great line; "When's the last time a carjacking victim got asked ‘Are you sure you didn't want your car to get stolen?’”, so I forgive him.


The bad; I missed Amaro, & they really didn't utilize Fin in this episode either, what's up with putting Ice in the corner, no one puts my baby in the corner. Oh and yeah - the promo. I've already ranted about it on another site so I won't go in to it again but geesh that kid has more plot lines than the regular cast & I'm so over it.

  • Love 3

Why did that one professor(?) (Heather's "advocate") think that one rape case could eradicate all of rape culture?  I mean how stupid is she?   And then on top of that, the only way to do is to lie, lie, lie?  Why did she think the actual details of the rape were not good enough?  That woman should be put away (well, not really, but something).  She is such a stupid idiot.  Way to give advocacy a bad name and ruin any chance of justice for Heather.  You know, the actual victim.  Heather should take her to civil court for ruining everything.  Not only was justice not served and Heather's rapist walks free, but now Heather is treated as a pariah.  Way to go, moron.

Thank you! That was so overwritten. I mean look, I could understand getting behind a wild exaggeration if there were some reason to believe that doing so might end rape culture in our country FOREVER. Greater good and all. But apparently Hudson U is more of a rape chamber than a school, so I don't really see how one court case at a university known for rapeyness would do anything at all for the greater good.


Heather was overwritten too. Did her changing story have to be THAT drastically different? I don't believe anyone would actually keep forgetting the whole story they'd already reported. Minor details, certain subtleties, sure. But she literally gave a list of names. She remembered how many names she offered, because the names were strategic. C'mon.


They could have told virtually the exact same story with actual nuance. Oh well.


The less said about ANOTHER NOAH EMERGENCY next week the better.


Anyone know if the actress playing Heather was the same chick who played Max's crush in the final season of Parenthood?

Also, I'm surprised Columbia doesn't sue the show. Honestly, it's always been thinly veiled, but usually we just get the "Hudson University Campus" location stamp, while this time we literally got the fake SVU address of a frat house 3 feet from Columbia's campus. No wonder SVU is one of the only NYC-shot shows that actually never films on that campus.

  • Love 2

I have an honest question, as a foreigner: is it standard practice when there's a rape in a u.s. college campus to report it to the college authorities rather than going straight to the police, or is it just a plot device?


Theoretically, all rape victims would go to the police because rape is a crime and should be dealt with by the criminal justice system.  In practice, because our society has preconceived prejudices about rape - and acquaintance rape in particular - some women don't feel comfortable going to law enforcement officials.  They sometimes go to college advisors or other college administrators, and once that happens, colleges and universities are required by Federal mandate to investigate the allegations.  It can get pretty messed up, and since there is no presumption of innocence required of college investigators, there have been cases where the alleged rapist has been punished for an allegation which is not supported by actual evidence (or, in at least one high-profile case, all available evidence points to consensual sex, not rape at all).  The case upon which this episode was based has been pretty thoroughly debunked and was probably a hoax perpetrated by someone seeking the attention of a friend who had no romantic interest in her.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 2

Well that was unpleasant. Liv was right that this story, meaning the Rolling Stone story, managed to set public perception of rape back 30 years. Of course, having SVU do such a ham-fisted ripoff is an example of that. I think the show has become so desperate for storylines that they no longer care what they throw up on screen.


I avoided a lot of the discussion about the Rolling Stone story because comments were always filled with men's rights activists each trying to outdo each other in their race to show their psychopathy but is there a deconstruction anywhere of exactly what Rolling Stone did and how they managed to get it so wrong? 

  • Love 2

I avoided a lot of the discussion about the Rolling Stone story because comments were always filled with men's rights activists each trying to outdo each other in their race to show their psychopathy but is there a deconstruction anywhere of exactly what Rolling Stone did and how they managed to get it so wrong? 


Marceline, you can also read Rolling Stone's official apology here, which includes a summary of events. Basically, it played out very similarly to what happened in the episode - they took the girl's word for it and went ahead with the story without fully investigating the other side of it, because they didn't want to make her feel like she was lying, and because she was afraid of retaliation from her attackers. 


It's a tough situation. You want to give the victim the benefit of the doubt, but they really needed to get their facts straight before going forward with the story in such a public way.

  • Love 1

What a blood-boiling episode. The girl was obviously making the gang rape up (otherwise there would be no episode) but it was still infuriating seeing her make false accusations. And that "advocate", Jesus what a moron. Everything about her was written clumsily, no sublety whatsoever.


So much about so-called campus "rape culture" is based on false statistics (the famous "1 in 4 women is raped at college" is bullshit, for instance) so it's already a murky area. This episode didn't treat it in a nuanced-enough way, I thought. She's lying, frat boys are evil, everyone is lying, blah blah blah.


Loved Barba's line about Cuba, and Olivia's telling Noah that he is not going to Hudson University.


I'll be the lone dissenter and say that I enjoy seeing Olivia with Noah. I hate that he seems to attract danger like honey attracts flies. Oh and vaccines next week? Really? That is not a nuanced subject to merit some dramaz.

Hudson University? Yeah, still the vortex of hell. At least things are consistent there.


What a blood-boiling episode. The girl was obviously making the gang rape up (otherwise there would be no episode) but it was still infuriating seeing her make false accusations. And that "advocate", Jesus what a moron. Everything about her was written clumsily, no sublety whatsoever.


Subtlety on this show died at least five seasons ago.

  • Love 3

I have an honest question, as a foreigner: is it standard practice when there's a rape in a u.s. college campus to report it to the college authorities rather than going straight to the police, or is it just a plot device?

it just seems unfathomable somehow.


More Barba is never too much Barba.


It's not uncommon. In many date rape or acquaintance rape cases the victim doesn't necessarily perceive that a crime has occurred as opposed to just a violation of a campus code of conduct. And on many campuses especially a large one like Hudson is supposed to be campus security handles a lot of the initial response to any crime. When I worked on a college campus if we had a shoplifter, a break in, or vandalism they were the first call and would then involve law enforcement or not (if it was a student it would frequently be handled in house). There is a real effort underway to change this for rape and sexual assault, but it was not unrealistic. Now the idea that a student would make her report to the president of a large research university who would make the decisions about discipline herself and then candidly discuss it with the police on the other hand...


And I have to agree about Barba. I've got a fever and the only cure is more Barba!

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 2

I have an honest question, as a foreigner: is it standard practice when there's a rape in a u.s. college campus to report it to the college authorities rather than going straight to the police, or is it just a plot device?

it just seems unfathomable somehow....

Just to add to what others have already posted: At the institution where I am employed, I am:


...required to immediately report to the Title IX Coordinator any information they receive regarding an alleged incident of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or related retaliation...

  • Love 2

Line I cracked the biggest smile for: Fin, "don't make me talk to the press". I love Fin.

Everything just went too fast in this episode. And the minute the "advocate" insisted on staying with the victim I knew something was hinky. I thought for sure she was going to blurt out the the hockey team raped her after a night of tutoring or something.

Foreshadowing with Barba and the headache/heartburn meds? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it was just an in your face gag of how frustrated he was. "Look at me take meds from this big bottle I have right here on my desk which means I probably use it a lot, especially when I get a call from Olivia."

They should totally get married. In Cuba. Because he has pull there.

Has Rob Morrow always sounded like that? Because the only thing I know him from is Northern Exposure and well, that was quite a long time ago. I do not remember him sounding like that.

Edited by DaynaPhile
  • Love 4

Has Rob Morrow always sounded like that? Because the only thing I know him from is Northern Exposure and well, that was quite a long time ago. I do not remember him sounding like that.


I wondered that too, DaynaPhile! I haven't really watched him in anything since Northern Exposure either, but I loved that show so he was the only reason I watched this week (I normally don't bother if Danny Pino's not in it). I kept thinking, WTF? at his voice in the beginning "clip" and figured he must be deliberately putting on a parody of a newscaster's voice. But he basically sounded like that all the way through. When he played Fleischman in NE, his voice then sounded exactly the same as it did outside the show in interviews--sharper, more nasal (although not unpleasantly so). I know from personal experience your voice changes somewhat as you age, but it seemed drastic with him. Maybe he's a smoker, or has had throat issues over the years?

Edited by kirinan
  • Love 1

Foreshadowing with Barba and the headache/heartburn meds? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it was just an in your face gag of how frustrated he was. "Look at me take meds from this big bottle I have right here on my desk which means I probably use it a lot, especially when I get a call from Olivia."

Has Rob Morrow always sounded like that? Because the only thing I know him from is Northern Exposure and well, that was quite a long time ago. I do not remember him sounding like that.

Whilst watching, I thought Barba's bottle was a callback to Jack McCoy's scotch. But now you've got me worried.

Rob Morrow did a heavy Boston accent in the 1994 film Quiz Show, so when I heard him here I thought accents were his "thing" (like Bob Odenkirk & hairpieces). According to Wikipedia, he was born in New Rochelle, New York, and attended high school in Miami, Florida. His IMDB bio calls him a "native New Yorker."

Edited by editorgrrl

All I could keep thinking was "why is nobody questioning why someone so hesitant and fearful of reprisal would go public within such a short time?" All they are hearing is that "she doesn't want to come forward" and then she pops up at a campus rally?


I wish that idiot professor and (to a lesser extent as she seemed goaded into it by the professor)Heather would have faced some legal reprisal and had been made examples of. I know it is a TV show, but they basically ruined those guys reputations to make a point. Stuff like that just puts undue doubt on actual victims and makes it harder to bring real rapists to justice.

  • Love 1

I wish that idiot professor and (to a lesser extent as she seemed goaded into it by the professor)Heather would have faced some legal reprisal and had been made examples of. I know it is a TV show, but they basically ruined those guys reputations to make a point. Stuff like that just puts undue doubt on actual victims and makes it harder to bring real rapists to justice.


It's sadly realistic for people who make false rape accusations to face zero consequences. UVA's "Jackie" is still being protected. Just today it became known that 13 girls set up a male classmate for rape which he did not commit. Lena Dunham falsely accused a man of rape and is still (bizarrely) a media darling. High schooler Brian Banks did 5 years in jail and had to register as a sex offender after being falsely accused of rape by a classmate of his because she didn't want her mother to know she was sexually active. There are countless stories and the only common thing among them is that the accusers got off completely scot-free. It's enraging.

  • Love 1

After watching this episode i kind of wonder, if the real NYC has a bunch of different real universities, why is there apparently only one fake university in the world of L&O. I get you don't want these crimes associated with real schools, but how hard is it to make up a bunch of fake school names? But instead they always use Hudson U.

If the real NYC has a bunch of different real universities, why is there apparently only one fake university in the world of L&O. I get you don't want these crimes associated with real schools, but how hard is it to make up a bunch of fake school names?


“We had to create a university that did not exist,” explained Rene Balcer, a longtime producer and writer for the “Law & Order” shows, “and it’s really hard coming up with a name for a university that doesn’t exist somewhere in the country.”

Hudson, he said, was one of the few names that cleared that hurdle.…

Lately, Mr. Balcer said, “Law & Order” has come up with a second New York City college, Chelsea University. “We had a show with students from two universities,” he said. “One was a research institution, and we had to come up with two universities’ names. Murray Hill University didn’t cut it. Chelsea was very artsy.”

  • Love 1

Perhaps the potential names were open to issues with permission. Hence why the franchise loved to reuse names, a la Alex (one for each main franchise show), Mike, Bobby, etc. It's about name clearance, and if permission is not granted, things could get messy.


So the show just stuck with what they had.


But that is mere speculation on my part. So the process itself could be easy, but clearing the name for use may have been another issue.

  • Love 1

I get the clearance thing and how you don't want to be sued by Columbia for suggesting that their president lets rapists walk free. But at the same time how many fake: social networks , video games, sports teams and television shows have they come up with over the years? And they can't think of a couple more totally fake university names?

Perhaps the potential names were open to issues with permission. Hence why the franchise loved to reuse names, a la Alex (one for each main franchise show), Mike, Bobby, etc. It's about name clearance, and if permission is not granted, things could get messy.


Is this why seemingly every other child on the show is named Tommy?


(I'm kidding. But not really. Why is other other child named Tommy???)

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