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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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So, someone else here just posted an Instagram photo of Kim in Cabo on the Kim thread. It is Brooke's instagram account. It reads "three days ago". I thought maybe it was an old photo from the previous Cabo trip, but someone asked where they were at and the response was "Cabo".  I checked her account and they just started their trip: https://instagram.com/p/0oncAtpnwm/



Kim is tending to a dying Monty..Kim is worried sick about her child in the mental ward...yeah right. Bitch needs to write that blog if she has time for these trips.

  • Love 14

When Brandi threw her tantrum and then turned her back to Lisa, it reminded me of something Miss Piggy would do to Kermit all the time on The Muppet Show. Classic Piggy! Ooh, maybe the big reveal at the reunion is that Frank Oz has been playing Brandi all along? A Muppet tie-in would also explain Lisa's interesting choice in hairstyles this season.

I honestly think the reason for the weird angle of the Lisa Brandi fight is Brandi's nipples kept popping out.  My guess is there is better footage but someone decided to wear a stupid dress.

  • Love 2

OK....Brandi's manipulation has crossed into creepy. And Kim is simply pathetic. What an angry, angry woman.


I have to say that, for me, that "creepy" line was crossed long ago! I'm thinking back to when Lisa said to her, "If I'm such an awful person, why do you want to be my friend?" Followed by Brandi alternately trying to get into her good graces and acting atrociously. Now, for Brandi's finale, she rants and raves at Lisa about what a bad friend she is for not expressing her sympathy earlier. "My father is worth more than you and Ken put together!" Etcetera.


Well, she's not your friend, Brandi. And has made it abundantly clear she is not interested in being your friend, especially after the slap. What part of "You've gone too far to be my friend any more," don't you understand? Just GO.


  • Love 10

That’s precisely my take on it.  In addition to the sisterly concern and worry, Kyle is very close to Kim’s children, and keeping close to Kim may have been the price of making sure she was in the kids’ lives in order to be available to them when Kim was not/pick up the pieces when necessary.  Now that they’re grown, I’m sure Kyle is feeling more leeway to let Kim go and take her lumps.  It’s easy to say “walk away from the addict” but if doing that means being separated from young children who need a sane person in their lives and can ride to the rescue, it becomes more complicated.


Was Kyle getting the calls when the kids came home from school and nobody was there to make dinner?  When Kim was locked in her room crying and they didn’t know what to do? Or she brought some weird people home with her who acted like they owned the place?   Did Mauricio have to run to city hall and pay the tax bill because Kim called giggling to say “you’ll never guess – I thought all those “last notice” letters were junk mail and tossed them on the pile. You know me – I’m a kookoo scatterbrain when it comes to mail!  But they want $40,000 by noon, those bastards, or I’m going to lose my goddamn house!  They can’t do this to me – I’m going to sue their asses off!  Can you believe they think they can take your house just because you owe some stupid amount on taxes?  It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing!  I spent $40,000 last year on oven mitts!  I told [insert names of ex] and he just went blah blah blah at me.  Oh well, let ‘em try to take the house.  I’m going out.  I see this interesting guy down at the mailbox.  I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”

Exactly. This reminded me of the Hawaii trip when Kim could not find her passport and something about her driver's license was expired? Am I remembering correctly? This post brought back my own memories of what I had to deal with when it came to those addicts in my life. Phone calls about needing money to pay a "final notice" utility bill or how tags were now due on a vehicle - "Can you help me?" If I didn't, then the kids wouldn't have a ride to school and they couldn't get to their job. Sure, it wasn't my problem, but that damn guilt choked me.


I could see Kim doing that shit to Mauricio and Kyle, and even Kathy and her spouse.



Acceptance is the last step of any grieving process and Brandi just wasn't ready for it.

Brandi still cannot accept that Eddie left her pancake-ass.

  • Love 6

The REAL Studio 54 was from 1977 -1981, It's hey day if you will.

Coke on glass tables and all that jazz!


You are right Studio 54 operated under different owners til "91".

When hubby and I went to Studio 54 as kids we saw Eddie Fisher and Connie Stevens.  I remember how teeny tiny they both were, especially her. I had exactly the same haircut, lol.


We didn't have to wait on line for long before we were selected.  Later that night we went to the Top of the Sixes Restaurant.



  • Love 11

When Brandi threw her tantrum and then turned her back to Lisa, it reminded me of something Miss Piggy would do to Kermit all the time on The Muppet Show. Classic Piggy! Ooh, maybe the big reveal at the reunion is that Frank Oz has been playing Brandi all along? A Muppet tie-in would also explain Lisa's interesting choice in hairstyles this season.

And Brandi's messed up face.

  • Love 3

Random pictures. Yolanda seems to be showing the Lyme is getting to her by this point.








Paris out wonky-eyes Andy.

I agree, but I gotta give her credit for working with what she has. Love the over-the-top hair and dress.

Yolanda has a sick body, but I don't know if I see the Lyme Disease showing. They all look a little off in that pic, save for Kyle, who looks gorg.

Nikki looks like a six-year-old girl who got into mommy's makeup case. Are we sure this is the girl who literally wrote the book on style?

Kyle looks so much better in the first pic than the one with her nieces. It seems like she was lifting her jaw to try to look tall or something. Girl, no! Take a note from Tyra Banks and know thy angles.

Some warlock out there is looking for his spiritual robe, and Lisa V's got it. She needs to ditch that thing. It adds 70 lbs to her svelte frame.

Am I missing anyone? Ah yes, Camille. Not that she's not gorgeous in her own right, but I believe 'wonky eyes' have already been addressed. She has such a perfect body, and dresses so well though. Her dress with its print of clouds over a sky, matches up so beautifully with the flower arrangement placed in front of her, that I just can't hate. That, and I'm afraid of going to hell.

  • Love 3

I thought Kim had out-grossed herself two episodes ago.  This perceived entitlement to adult treatment is precisely an example of why this treatment is impossible with a straight face.  I'm with whatever collagen monster said LisaR AND Kyle were terrified of Kim.  They really are passive-aggressive enabler-types.  Throw non-problem Brandi in the mix, whose own self-narrative derails everything in its path, and Kim Effing Richards and Her Very Important Recovery walks away without a scratch. F' that.  She's a delusional pig. 


et: uncontrollable cursing


I hope you don't take offense to this, but every time I read that you've self-edited for excessive cursing, I burst out laughing, because I'm so tempted to do the same. These people are just that frustrating.

  • Love 4

One of the moments I found very telling about this episode ( and is may have already been mentioned but I am too lazy to go back) was when Kim sits down with Brandi, asks about her father for two seconds, says oh, okay, then it is all about her. Brandi's face fell for a moment . It looked to me that she was so disappointed that Kim could not take more than 10 seconds to talk to her about her father.  Brandi seems to be moving on with other ventures in her life. I would not be surprised if she did not come back to the show on her own decision. Still think Leeza Gibbons is advising her. 



Unfortunately, what we have here are two exceedingly self-involved people who can only take a brief time out to have any sort of concern for anyone else, so neither is going to ultimately find any sympatico in the relationship. It works for now because the aim is the "let's just get into whatever makes us feel good" mode, but once that wears thin, I don't think there is enough of a relationship to sustain the friendship.

  • Love 5

I thought it was interesting how insistent Kim was about talking to Kyle alone.  Which is fine.  But yet when Kyle wanted to talk to Kim alone on Poker Night, Brandi was all up in her face, forcefully & physically preventing it from happening, and Kim didn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's behavior.


 When Kim wanted to talk to Kyle alone, she expected it to happen, but when Kyle was the one who wanted THE EXACT SAME THING, she was treated like an unreasonable lunatic.  Who in the world would deny a request by one sister to speak privately to the other?  Oh yes, Brandi.  Brandi would.  And did.


I would love if Kim would watch this season sober and with her eyes and mind wide open.

Kim wasn't in a state of mind to have a confrontation. Pretty clear difference in those two situations. I LIKE that Kim wants to have one on one conversations without other people interjecting. We've seen how disastrous it is when too many women are involved and someone says something someone else doesn't like. It's just a stupid thing to do. Plus was Kyle trying to speak to her sister ALONE? or was she just trying to get up in her face without attempting to be discreet?

  • Love 3

Kim only wants one on one conversations with people who tell her what she wants to hear; otherwise, she deflects and points the bony finger of accusation and screeching innuendo in their faces.

Since when has Kyle ever like hearing things about herself that she doesn't want to hear? From what I've noticed whenever Kim tries to express herself to Kyle, Kyle tends to deflect and recite "the woes of Kyle at the hands of Kim"  of course it's encrypted in Richards speak but Kyle never just sits there and let's the focus be about what Kim's trying to outline to her about her own feelings.

  • Love 3

Kim wasn't in a state of mind to have a confrontation. Pretty clear difference in those two situations. I LIKE that Kim wants to have one on one conversations without other people interjecting. We've seen how disastrous it is when too many women are involved and someone says something someone else doesn't like. It's just a stupid thing to do. Plus was Kyle trying to speak to her sister ALONE? or was she just trying to get up in her face without attempting to be discreet?



Kim also tried to talk to Kyle alone on poker night and Brandi wouldn't allow that either. And Kyle wasn't trying to get in Kim's face, she was trying to find out why they went from being totally fine to Kim being pissed with her. 

  • Love 7

Since when has Kyle ever like hearing things about herself that she doesn't want to hear? From what I've noticed whenever Kim tries to express herself to Kyle, Kyle tends to deflect and recite "the woes of Kyle at the hands of Kim"  of course it's encrypted in Richards speak but Kyle never just sits there and let's the focus be about what Kim's trying to outline to her about her own feelings.

I think Kim started off on the right foot asking to be treated like a person who has been sober for three years.  The problem is Kyle has repeatedly asked Kim if she feels like she hasn't been there for her and to her face Kim always says Kyle has been there for her.  I blame the secret code.  If Kim really feels Kyle hasn't been there for her-she should give an example-even if it means going into secret territory.  Before be treated like the healthy older sister KIm needed to clean up the mess she made during her slip at Poker Night-her portion not Brandi's.  It really had nothing to do with Kyle and everything to do with Kim.  Kim did not realize that by asserting she is the gentle person she claims to be towards Kyle and to prove her point she will forever stay friends with Brandi, who totally mistreats her sister -for no apparent reason-just to show Kyle she is wrong about Brandi.  There is little logic in Kim's argument and way too much ego.  She is close to expressing herself but when faced with facts she reverts to -"you're lying, that's a lie," behavior and loses.

  • Love 5

I hope you don't take offense to this, but every time I read that you've self-edited for excessive cursing, I burst out laughing, because I'm so tempted to do the same. These people are just that frustrating.


Just a friendly reminder, y'all can curse here. I mean we don't love the C word getting thrown around but if you said X was so fucking frustrating no one would ding you for that. 

  • Love 2

That couldn't wait?


No, not with Kim.  She won't remember later what she said or did or why because she was high as a kite, or she won't admit anything.  She never apologized to Eileen for her behavior at her house, she never apologized to LisaR for calling her stupid, and she never apologized to Kyle for calling her stupid that night.  Either she doesn't think she did anything wrong or she doesn't remember.  Unless you confront Kim in the moment, you will never get any answers.


Granted, you will never get any answers in the moment, either.  Not anything that makes sense.  Kim won't say, "I met Brandi when I got out of the bathroom and she reminded me cameras were present and that KYLE outed me on camera (even though it's not true).  Thanks a lot, KYLE."

  • Love 6

No, not with Kim.  She won't remember later what she said or did or why because she was high as a kite, or she won't admit anything.  She never apologized to Eileen for her behavior at her house, she never apologized to LisaR for calling her stupid, and she never apologized to Kyle for calling her stupid that night.  Either she doesn't think she did anything wrong or she doesn't remember.  Unless you confront Kim in the moment, you will never get any answers.


Granted, you will never get any answers in the moment, either.  Not anything that makes sense.  Kim won't say, "I met Brandi when I got out of the bathroom and she reminded me cameras were present and that KYLE outed me on camera (even though it's not true).  Thanks a lot, KYLE."

All the more reason for someone to try and shut it down and quickly as possible. I actually commend Brandi's actions up until the garage that is.

  • Love 3

All the more reason for someone to try and shut it down and quickly as possible. I actually commend Brandi's actions up until the garage that is.

Well Kim did come back in to say her good byes so she obviously wanted some conversation.  Just as Brandi claims that these women won't let Kim leave, Brandi was awfully quick to try and get Kim out of there without any further conversation and take over the motor pool.  It was lovely she wanted her friend gone-but Brandi wanted more and more camera time and thought nothing of taking one of the two limos and assigning it to Kim. 


Brandi was drunk and obnoxious all night and caused a great deal of the trouble long before the conversation at the garage.

  • Love 4

That couldn't wait?

Why should it? Kyle and Kim had just had a good moment that even - according to both of them - ended with a hug. The next minute Kim is putting Kyle on the spot by saying "thanks a lot Kyle" dripping with venom. Why should Kyle then wait to find out what changed in the minute and 30 seconds since their last conversation?

  • Love 8

Why should it? Kyle and Kim had just had a good moment that even - according to both of them - ended with a hug. The next minute Kim is putting Kyle on the spot by saying "thanks a lot Kyle" dripping with venom. Why should Kyle then wait to find out what changed in the minute and 30 seconds since their last conversation?

Because it would escalate into a scene.  Pretty simple logic. 

  • Love 2

Sure does seem as if she suffers from some personality disorder - been around narcissists but don't know much about Histrionic Personality Disorder; what is it about Brandi that makes you think that?


Diagnostic criteria for 301.50 Histrionic Personality Disorder


A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention

(2) interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior

(3) displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions

(4) consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self

(5) has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail

(6) shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion

(7) is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances

(8) considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are


Additional characteristics may include:

Exhibitionist behavior

Constant seeking of reassurance or approval

Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval

Pride of own personality and unwillingness to change, viewing any change as a threat

Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior of a sexual nature

Using somatic symptoms (of physical illness) to garner attention

A need to be the center of attention

Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification

Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated to others

Blaming personal failures or disappointments on others

Being easily influenced by others, especially those who treat them approvingly

Being overly dramatic and emotional

(Courtesy of wikipedia)


I'm far too lazy and uninvested to match up each and every criterion with Brandi's behavior, but history has shown she lies and behaves in an outrageous manor to garner attention.


(1) makes almost everything about her, including her father's sickness (which she overdramatizes)

(2) This one is basically Brandi in a nutshell

(4) Tampon string dress, this outfit


(8) Tells Babyface he could "go bigger" with the engagement ring; discusses "finger banging" in front of company she's just met


I welcome anyone else who would like to match this list of characteristics to Brandi's behavior to do so...I can't recollect most of her awful behavior, but I also don't need any further convincing.

Edited by Rahul
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