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SoCharmers in the Media: The Post & Courier

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Thought I'd create a catch-all thread for any media articles, posts etc about the cast.


Starting off with some Facebook pages for the stars (that are public).  Good place to see more candid photos.


Thomas Ravenel: https://www.facebook.com/thomas.ravenel

Senator Ravenel: https://www.facebook.com/ravenelforsenate

Kathryn Calhoun Dennis: https://www.facebook.com/kathryn.c.dennis

William Shepard Rose III: https://www.facebook.com/shep.rose.1

Shep's Palace Hotel: https://www.facebook.com/PalaceHotelCHS

Whitney Sudler-Smith: @wsudlersmith  https://www.facebook.com/whitney.s.smith.77

Cameran Eubanks: https://www.facebook.com/cameran.eubanks

Danni Baird: https://www.facebook.com/danni.baird

Craig Conover: @C_Conover https://www.facebook.com/craig.conover1

Landon Clements: https://www.facebook.com/Landonclem

Jennifer Snowden: https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.snowden.186

Jenna King: https://www.facebook.com/jenna.king.144

Patricia Altschul: @Pataltschul

K. Cooper Ray: @KCooperRayCHS

JD's restaurant: https://www.facebook.com/sermet.charleston


I'll add others as I stumble across them.

Edited by Lola16
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Wait, Whitney's cousin is that thuggy guy Vergara was engaged to? If memory serves, the former fiance has a rumored criminal past (and present). The rumor is that Vergara's relationship with Joe M. is a PR move to distance herself from the thug.


Every once in a while I am suspicious about the source of Whitney's and Patricia's wealth.

I easily found Shep's Twitter (@ShepRose), and scrolling down just a little found a retweet of a tweet from Charlestonion. It's a photo of a Renob t-shirt, which hilariously says under the name "It's Boner backwards". LOL! They really must print some. (And we'll hand them out on our tour bus along with T-Rav for Senate bumper stickers.)

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Charleston City Paper (weekly) has tabulated and today released its Best of Charleston which covers everything from best spa to best burger and is always a fun read.  Here's the main link:



Of course the BoC wouldn't be complete without some Southern Charm recipients and Thomas heads the list with four "wins".

Best Charlestonian to Defriend:


Best Troublemaker:


Best Political Gaffe: (The Campaign)


Best Impromptu Baptism:  (And they're not talking about Kensie's!)



Shep has his own category!
Best Place to Spot Southern Charm’s Shep Rose:




Edited for spelling.

Edited by ProudMary
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The bus is leaving next month! Load up, y'all!!

I am headed to Mt. Pleasant on Mother's Day weekend, and I'll have my camera in one hand and I'll be grabbing any local newspapers or magazines with the other. I already told my friend I plan to stalk Shep at the Palace Hotel, and I want to find Thomas' new digs on Charlotte St. She told me she has a story to tell me about Thomas, so I can't wait!

  • Love 13

The bus is leaving next month! Load up, y'all!!

I am headed to Mt. Pleasant on Mother's Day weekend, and I'll have my camera in one hand and I'll be grabbing any local newspapers or magazines with the other. I already told my friend I plan to stalk Shep at the Palace Hotel, and I want to find Thomas' new digs on Charlotte St. She told me she has a story to tell me about Thomas, so I can't wait!

Yay, Cooks! We'll be expecting pictures. Good luck with your stalking, er, sightseeing!

I have no idea if these tweets with photos featuring Shep at the offices of the Post and Courier have anything to do with a future episode of SC, but he appears to be receiving some tutoring on what it's like to be a reporter.  (Wish there was a way to embed tweets here.)





I totally have been thinking Shep needs a "Shep of Love" spinoff.

Could you imagine Shep with the caliber of women that were on the VH-1 "of love" shows? How declasse! Our dignified Southern gentleman would have a case of the vapors! (Yet, I would be the first one tuning in! VH-1 was the heyday of reality TV, IMO. One contestant has a murder and subsequent suicide after going on the lam, and it shut down an entire genre/network!)

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I love Shep's bio.  I'm sure he did participate in some tomfoolery, that scallywag!


I nearly peed myself laughing over Craig's - - has anyone here seen him "prioritizing" a work-life balance?  And he has the "ultimate goal of financial freedom by the age of 30."  How was that going to happen, again?   And who "finds meditation in diving, golfing, shooting guns, or barhopping around whatever city he might find himself in?"  Meditation in barhopping?  For realz?  Oh Craig, never change, you special little snowflake.  


Thomas not only avoided his prison sentence but his real age.  Nice.


I am so unbelievably jealous of the southerners who are going to stalk, I mean sightsee, Shep.  And Charleston, of course.  You must report back with any and all stories.  And pictures.  And requests for bail money.

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