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Season 10 Chat

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The whole baptism thing was such a production. I mean, don't get me wrong it was quite pretty and I guess there's something cool about it but normally people have their whole families there. But since Kim and Kayne had to make it a big thing and have it another country, the only family member was Khole. It's just..strange. 


Kylie dropped out of regular school because of supposed work commitments as did Kendall. But Kendall at least had a burgeoning career, where Kylie just was shooting the show and it was more convenient for Kris to have her available.


That's what I was saying. I don't think Kylie should have been allowed to leave school. She was doing small modeling stuff with Kendall at the time-american eagle or aeropostale but then the girls would come home and have to go to school and have tests and while it made sense for Kendall since she was also doing high end stuff, Kris should have said to Kylie, "no, you won't do modeling when you are in school and you will shoot the show after school" but since she only cares about being a momager, well..you saw what happened. I think not being around kids her own age is a problem. I'm not going to go into the whole, "she lost her childhood!" spiel because even if she had stayed in school she would not have had a typical childhood like I had, she would still be very much privileged and have access to things beyond my dreams, but you know, she doesn't seem to have people her own age who can relate. Kendall on the other hand has friends and yes most of them are not the typical friends and are famous models but she has a group of people who she can hang out with. Kylie has Tyga. I mean, it's just kind of sad. 

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I think Kylie also has a lot of insecurities because, let's face it, she wouldn't have gotten any modeling work if Kris hadn't packaged her in with Kendall. She doesn't have the height nor the body type nor the bone structure to do serious runway and print work. Given that they're so close in age, it has to suck for Kylie that Kendall is the new face of Estee Lauder while she's stuck hawking butt cream on Instagram.

Edited by BitterApple
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Also, I'm pretty sure the About Bruce special was in April and the Billboard music awards were in May, but whatever show. I guess the live version of the Billboards could have taped in Aprl but I thought they were live and in May. 

The Diane Sawyer interview was in April. The About Bruce specials aired May 17th and 18th and the Billboard Music Awards aired live on May 17th.


I'm not a huge fan of Kris but I feel for her. I think the big unspoken question in her head is probably "Did she ever even love me?" It's one thing to know and accept that your spouse cross-dresses on occasion, it's another to find out that they weren't being their authentic self for your entire 20+ year marriage. To then hear that person talk about how happy and free and true to themselves they feel now, it kind of implies that they felt unhappy, trapped and fake when they were with you. From watching this and I Am Cait, I get the strong feeling that Kris is probably kicking herself a little now, realizing that she's getting the same treatment that Caitlyn's other wives and older children got.

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The Kardashians live in their own time and space warp. There's a blog that recaps each episode and shows topics being discussed and conversations had about situations and incidents that had occurred weeks or months in the past as if they are yet to, or have just occurred.

What is the blog? That'd be a laugh a minute, I must read it.

What is the blog? That'd be a laugh a minute, I must read it.

Is this it?


Keeping Up with the Kontinuity Errors


"A weekly look at manufactured realities and lies in the hit television series, "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Using Twitter, Instagram, paparazzi photos and common sense - I will unearth the truths, timeline falsities, and reckless use of editing presented throughout the show."


Timelime flubs on the visit to Armenia, and other posts.


There's also a link to Gawker with much of the same material by the same blogger.


Gawker, Sept. 28, 2015, "Will We Ever Leave Armenia? Welcome Back to Keeping Up With the Kontinuity Errors"

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Welcome to the world of "Reality" TV. Filming out of sequence and faking events is standard operating procedure for this genre and that includes HGTV shows like "House Hunters" where the participants often are already living in the homes they pretend to select during the program or where they have to enter and re-enter their premises to get the correct lighting or reaction. One reason I think Kylie has that petrified, deer-in-the-headlights look when she's facing the press alone is that she's not exactly a glib speaker or quick thinker and is afraid she's going to forget her storyline and blurt out the truth under pressure. She'd then become persona non grata in the family, much as Caitlyn was after her less-than-flattering Kris quotes in Vanity Fair.

I know things are out of sequence with this show but it's quite funny that someone can point out all the times. It seems the Kardashions do it constantly though, I remember on TWOP during The NY spin off where Kim and Kris were married and there were scenes that were pointed out as being filmed after they had broken up. It's just funny. And I know no reality is real. I'm not naive to think so.

On a funny side note about HH, I was watching an HHI epi where a Boston couple was apartment hunting in Europe. It was obvious from the get go which house they were already living in because there was Red Sox memorabilia in several of the rooms. You'd think production would have caught that before they started filming, lol.

I think the Kim/Kris H marriage fiasco was one of the best examples of continuity errors. Kim was trying to rewrite the narrative so much of those scenes were filmed after they separated to make Kris look like the asshole. The scene where Kim and Kris J were allegedly in Dubai discussing the state of Kim's marriage was actually shot in a studio in LA.

I had this episode on as background while I was doing other things. It seemed so disjointed.


Why was Kris carrying on so like Bruce/Caitlin is dead? That was kind of creepy that they were divvying up Bruce's old clothes. Why not donate them to charity to, you know? People who could actually USE them.


That priest in the chapel in Jerusalem looked like he was struggling to keep from rolling his eyes.


I didn't follow the story about Kendall and Kylie, other than Kendall was working and Kylie flaked out on some type of interview? It's odd that somebody who is so media obsessed couldn't handle a few questions on the red carpet. (I admit that I didn't follow the show that closely.)


It's kind of sad when I felt that Kanye was the most real and likeable person on that episode. North is growing up to be really cute and either she was very well behaved or they slipped her a baby valium or something.

Just how excited was Kim baptize her child in Jerusalem?

Really excited?

Soooo excited?

Incredibly excited?

Kris carrying on over the clothing was odd, she didn't shed a tear when she was cleaning out her storage unit and came across all the Olympic stuff and posters and pictures. Didn't turn a hair then, but got all teary over some roller skates of the girls and giddy over some vibrator samples.

Edited by iwasish

It looks like Caitlyn and Kim are going to be besties.

Wonder how Kris will react when her golden goose spends all that time with Cait?

I doubt Kris cares, as long as the money keep rolling in. Also, Kris must be fuming because the ratings for KUWTK are down. She may think that if Kim keeps in touch with Caitlyn, it will generate more media articles and help draw attention to the show. Yesterday there were some tabloid articles about a clip from the next show where Kim talks about seeing Caitlyn's bare breasts (the implants) and how good they looked. Titty gossip will always attract some viewers to the show.

I give Kylie a pass on freaking out over the media interview. She was only 17 years old (at the time) and he famous father had just transitioned into becoming a woman. I understand how she could have felt alone in that situation. If there was one time she needed some support, it was that time.  Since Kendall couldn't be with her, someone else should have stepped in.

Ok. So does anyone remember when Kris was deciding to meet that tennis player she had the affair with. I know trans gender is different than having an affair but how does she think Bruce felt about that??? I have no sympathy for either of these people at this point. If you love someone you dont go meet your ex for closure. But we all know this is about exposure and money.

What the fuck is wrong with society that we can think all this shit is ok??? And yet we are willing to allow police officers to beat minorities?? What is wrong with us???

Edited by riffraff
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Loved Scott putting the screws on Kim for $$$$ to be a character in her app. And nice move Kim, your mom is devastated (allegedly) and you want Cait as a part of your app. The loyalty!!!

Guess Kris leaves town and shacks up with Corey somewhere. A nice vacation with plenty of sex cures all .

Did I hear correctly that Kris and Caitlyn had 15 happy years out of a 25 yr marriage?

Kim is one stone cold bitch. I bet she never gives a thought to any messiness in her past life. It's all about a fake facade of we all love each other and support each other no matter what.

Edited by iwasish
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I don't think Cait owes Kris squat. She was ok with him treating his own kids like shit but now it isn't so much fun when she and hers are getting the same treatment. She treated him like garbage and the only reason he is even in the show or part of the storyline is they know he is current. I used to like Khloe and now she is the fakest of them all. Jesus she totally disrespected him when she was sneaking around before she married Lamar but Cait's supposed to totally keep their fat asses kissed 24/7?

They are all shameless fakeola famewhores that lie.

So laughable.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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You can see the storyline they’re creating to culminate when Lamar supposedly “accosted” Khloe at the gym, I believe Lamar when he says he was set up.


Holy shit Scott, do you do any business that isn’t a hustle? How much have you made off of the Kardashians? I don't have any love for this family, but wow, Scott would have nothing without them, he lets Kourtney sign for the fixed fee, but it's not good enough for him? 


Every time Caitlyn knows someone is going to say something she doesn’t want to hear, she always says “don’t go there!” and won’t let people say what they want to say. It’s really annoying to me, & I’m not part of the conversation, it must be incredibly frustrating to the people who are.


“When your boobs catch up with your butt, you know you’re in trouble” thank you Kris, thank you.

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I doubt Kris cares, as long as the money keep rolling in. Also, Kris must be fuming because the ratings for KUWTK are down. She may think that if Kim keeps in touch with Caitlyn, it will generate more media articles and help draw attention to the show. Yesterday there were some tabloid articles about a clip from the next show where Kim talks about seeing Caitlyn's bare breasts (the implants) and how good they looked. Titty gossip will always attract some viewers to the show.

The ratings for I Am Cait were terrible, so I don't see how she can be an audience draw.

What was wrong with Caitlyn saying when she first heard about Kris that she thought she was just another Beverly Hlls shopper? She was. She spent Rob Srs money like it was water. I read some of their divorce filings and she made no bones sbout the fact that she bought her kids clothes at the finest BH boutiques and spent a fortune entertaining. If I recall Caitlyn has also said that after they actually met, she realized there was much more to her.

Perhaps if Kris hadn't gotten so caught up on her fabulous new life as reality star pimp mama, she might have seen the cracks in her marriage sooner and done more to save it , (I'm not saying it could have been saved considering the main issue)But this is a woman who when she got bored in her last marriage, decided fucking a younger guy all over town was the way to cure it.

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I'm really getting tired of this whole Khloe and Lamar story. Jamie Sangouthai was one of Lamar's best friends since they were kids in Queens, NY.  His friend died in June during the taping of this episode, Jamie Sangouthai was a long time heroin addict and died from complications of necrotizing fasciitis,('flesh eating disease'). Jamie had chronic intravenous narcotism, which is caused from IV drug abuse. Lamar isn't 'merely' an alcoholic that can go in and out of treatment (like Scott Disick) when he wants to clean up, he has been a hard core crack cocaine addict. But more recently, Lamar Odom has been doing something much more dangerous than crack, he's been doing an old-school drug called ‘sherm,’ which is taking a joint and dipping it in liquid PCP. It’s dangerous and can cause the addict to become very violent.


I think that in the future, we'll start seeing signs of the beginning of the end for many of the Kardashians and Jenners and their popularity. They've all been fortunate to have the life that they've enjoyed for all these years. The price of fame and fortune rarely comes without risk or downfalls and I think that we'll all see some cracks beginning to develop in their artificial veneer lives.


One last thing I absolutely can't even stand watching Kourtney eating slices of pear. Who eats like that? The conversation about the green grass with Scott was a little surprising because I had always thought that of all of them, Kourtney was the only one with some real education and brains in her head. When she asked Scott, "do you think our grass is too green?" and Scott asks 'why?' she says "I guess people in a helicopter were like taking pics to do like a story about people who are watering their grass too much, we should find out what the rules are in a drought. Scott brushes it off, "I don't know, I'm not an environmentalist." California is in the most serious drought in history and as a college graduate, Kourtney should understand what a drought is and what happens in a severe drought.


Like most rich people, they think there's an endless supply of anything they need, even water. Sure, fill your swimming pool, top off the jacuzzi tub, let the sprinklers run for your green grass 4 hours a day and water your golf courses. But one day, when you turn on the tap in the kitchen and nothing comes out, don't wonder why.

Edited by HumblePi
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The girls all looked like they were forcing a smile at the Espys.

Both Kim and Kris were voicing the same crap. Keep the fakey fake facade in public, so they can continue to pretend all is perfect and they just support each other no matter what.

Some of the looks that judgie wudgie Kim gave to Khloe and Scott this episode told it all. I hope Scott held out for a bundle to be in the app or kept his image out.

Why shouldn't he get a percentage? Why is Kim the only one to get the big bucks, she clearly said having her family members in the app would help its popularity. She wouldn't agree to less ... We know that. And even asking Cait to be in it, when she's been listening to poor mommy cry about that meanie Caitlyn? Shows how little Kris tears mean to her.

I thought it was interesting that it seemed to be mostly Kim and Khloe going on and on about the VF and Diane Sawyer interviews. Kourtney barely said anything about it, besides "what did it say". I did not think that Caitlyn said anything in either interview that the viewers did not see on the show each week. I thought they were all making a bigger deal out of the interviews then necessary.


I also thought it was interesting that Kris still had Caitlyn's gold medal as well. 

Edited by Misslindsey

I thought it was interesting that it seemed to be mostly Kim and Khloe going on and on about the VF and Diane Sawyer interviews. Kourtney barely said anything about it, besides "what did it say". I did not think that Caitlyn said anything in either interview that the viewers did not see on the show each week. I thought they were all making a bigger deal out of the interviews then necessary.

I've heard Caitlyn tell the story of how she came to date Kris several times, it's been the same. She thought Kris was another typical Beverly Hills divorcee who spent her days shopping and lunching. When Caitlyn found out that Kris had 4 kids, her opinion changed. She never said in VF that the marriage was horrible, only that the last few years were unhappy and that she felt that Kris wanted her out. I watched the show and had the same feeling. The kids themselves talked about the tension between them. Kris just doesn't want to be viewed as less than perfect and the loving earth mother.

She emptied out the storage unit with tons of Caits old stuff and never shed a tear. She smells two suits ( one still with the tags on it) and blubbers like a baby? Not feeling it.

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I've heard Caitlyn tell the story of how she came to date Kris several times, it's been the same. She thought Kris was another typical Beverly Hills divorcee who spent her days shopping and lunching. When Caitlyn found out that Kris had 4 kids, her opinion changed. She never said in VF that the marriage was horrible, only that the last few years were unhappy and that she felt that Kris wanted her out. I watched the show and had the same feeling. The kids themselves talked about the tension between them. Kris just doesn't want to be viewed as less than perfect and the loving earth mother.

She emptied out the storage unit with tons of Caits old stuff and never shed a tear. She smells two suits ( one still with the tags on it) and blubbers like a baby? Not feeling it.

Jenner knew exactly what he was getting with Kris. Statements made during the bitter divorce between Kris and Robert Kardashian are as follows;


According to the documents, after discovering the affair Kris was having with her boy toy Todd Waterman, an angry Robert cancelled Kris’ credit cards, store cards and stopped paying for her extravagant lifestyle ­ something Kris bitterly fought against as she claimed she deserved the “luxury lifestyle” she had been leading.

“The petitioner and I shared a luxury lifestyle,” Kris said in her petition for spousal and child support. “Nothing was too good for our family. Even our children’s clothing was purchased at exclusive boutiques.”

In her petition, Kris goes on to detail her tastes for fancy restaurants and boutiques, high-priced European holidays and lavish home entertainment ­ “The New Year’s Eve party alone cost between $10,000 and $12,000. Since January 1990 the petitioner has essentially cut me off from all funds.

“In order to have some cash at my disposal to meet the basic needs of myself and my children, I have taken a job offered to me by my friend who has just gone through a divorce.


“(But) I am earning less money than our paid household help,” Kris said. Robert, at the time, claimed to be unemployed and only earning $2,000, but Kris told the court it was voluntary as he wanted more money than what had been offered to him by a law firm, so she demanded he be ordered to work to cover her and the family’s expenses ­ which monthly added up to a massive $37,189!


According to Kris’ sworn statement this included the $15,000 a month mortgage payment on the Beverly Hills home, wages for a gardener, a maid and housekeeper as well as clothing costs. According to Kris, each month she spent $800 on clothing for all four children but spent $2000 on herself.

Kris’ lawyers also demanded Robert pay for the family’s extensive debts on store cards for some of Los Angeles top stores including Neiman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue ­ which had grown to more than $21,000.


It appears that Kris Kardashian Jenner is and always was, a hedonistic, narcissistic, ambitious woman who was very accustomed to having things her way. How the story of Kris Jenner and her greedy, publicity seeking children will end is still going to unfold with time. But in my opinion, it's not going to end that well for most of them.

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The image of Khloe in full make up, plumped lips,fur vest and floppy hat confronting Caitlyn over some lack of transparency regarding her transition, still sticks in my mind.

I can't imagine getting up, getting glammed and then picking out that outfit to confront someone over something that could possibly change our relationship forever. What did she squeeze that meeting in between some lunch at The Ivy or a photo shoot?

Caitlyn sure is ridiculous asking if she's in trouble, how does she not realize that? Does she live in a hole and not have PR or handlers let her know what's going on and being said after the VF article was leaked.


I find it stupid Khloe's acting all outraged over forgiveness and not going to reward bad behavior of Caitlyn in the SAME episode she's flirty talking with Lamar and defending herself to Kim regarding still being in his life after all he did. 

The image of Khloe in full make up, plumped lips,fur vest and floppy hat confronting Caitlyn over some lack of transparency regarding her transition, still sticks in my mind.

I can't imagine getting up, getting glammed and then picking out that outfit to confront someone over something that could possibly change our relationship forever. What did she squeeze that meeting in between some lunch at The Ivy or a photo shoot?

Backup singer tryouts for Lenny Kravitz, I assumed.
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One thing I noticed was when Kim, Scott and Khloe were talking about Caityn's twitter followers and I think Kim said something like "Well, you know why she has that many?" and Scott jumped in with "because the world's greatest athlete became a woman".  I think Kim was going for the twitter followers being a result of Caityn's Kardashian connection.


Kim would probably be right.  If not for the Kardashian connection, would the Jenner transgender story be that big of a deal?  The Olympics were in 1976, and if Jenner  hadn't married Kris and the Kardashians hadn't become what they are, the transgender story would not have been that big.  Oh, it would have been newsworthy until something else came along, but I doubt she would be dealing with the paparazzi, nor do I think there would have been a Diane Sawyer interview (maybe a 60 minutes segment), a VF cover, or a reality show.   I remember when Jenner won the Olympics, but had no idea of what she was doing since then until I started watching KUWTK and was surprised to see Jenner in the family.


And I too, am tired of Caitlyn constantly telling everyone "not to go there".  And something about her face during that scene with Kim - there's a meanness to Caitlyn.  I think she's very bitter and very defensive. I also think she's lonely (wanting the kids to visit more) - these are adult kids with their own lives and it was Caityn who decided to move to Malibu.

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I do think that Caitlyn has a point though. It isn't Khloe or Kims business to get involved with the Kris and Caitlyn problems, not now, not during the marriage. Kris confided too much personal info to them. If Kris is offended, she's more than capable of calling up and telling Cait off. Or give an interview with her side of the story. She doesntcwantvto be called on the carpet for her shitty treatment of Cait during the show, so she's using the girls as her mouthpiece. If Kylie feels she has to hide her visits to Caitlyn to not hurt Kris, that's a problem. Kris wants to be number one in her kids lives and hearts. She was pissed when Kendall was hanging with Brandon and Brody. If Kendall was with Rob would that have been a problem?

If Kris is hurt by Caitlyn, the girls are free to tell Cait that unless fences are mended that they will be distant.

Better yet Kris should say that the issues are not theirs but Caits and hers and that the kids free to remain on good terms with both of them. Kris seems to have whitewashed the shitty behavior she exhibited in her first marriage and with her wailing over dead Rob Sr and how great he was, has forgotten that he fought tooth and nail to leave her penniless. No marriage is perfect, no one but the two of them, Cait and Kris know the real dynamics.

Edited by iwasish
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And I too, am tired of Caitlyn constantly telling everyone "not to go there".  And something about her face during that scene with Kim - there's a meanness to Caitlyn.  I think she's very bitter and very defensive. I also think she's lonely (wanting the kids to visit more) - these are adult kids with their own lives and it was Caityn who decided to move to Malibu.

I always thought that, too. Mean and self centered. Isn't Malibu over an hour away from Calabassas, even longer in traffic? She's not going to get regular visits from any of them. It looks like the Caitlyn phenomenon has already dwindled and the press is losing interest, so why can't she get off her ass and go visit them? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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