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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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Brandi vs Eileen http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/episode-517/videos?clip=2851520


Once again Yolanda gets up when the "angry" drunk allegations come up.

It still doesn't register with Brandi-she does not have the sense of humor she thinks she does. How incredibly sanctimonious of Kim, the angry, drunken, higher than kite, to claim these women can't take a joke.  Half the fu*&ng season has been about how she can't deal with people talking about her sobriety or lack thereof.  Brandi does not know how to give an example.  She did that just to hurt the others under the guise of an example.  Her talking heads confirm it.

  • Love 16

It still doesn't register with Brandi-she does not have the sense of humor she thinks she does. How incredibly sanctimonious of Kim, the angry, drunken, higher than kite, to claim these women can't take a joke.  Half the fu*&ng season has been about how she can't deal with people talking about her sobriety or lack thereof.  Brandi does not know how to give an example.  She did that just to hurt the others under the guise of an example.  Her talking heads confirm it.

That's the brainwashing!  Brandi can call Kim a "pill popper" and it's viewed as a joke to Kim.  But let Kyle or Lisa R say that aloud she will be ready to go postal on everyone like last episode!  Kim doesn't want to see the truth.  I'm done with her.


Too bad for Brandi, that Eileen has owned her infidelity early in her TH this season.  So Brandi is not being clever in this trying to put out there Eileen is a "homewrecker."

  • Love 13

And I really have to admit that in watching the preview for the 'slap' episode, I had to give Yolanda (whom I've never really warmed up to) major props for just getting up and walking away - no rants, no raves, no buying into the brandi/kim schtick of slamming all the other women while claiming it was 'only joking', which is the usual excuse given by lowlifes who are trying to avoid blame. I am seriously hoping that it is ALL the other women (or at least Eileen, LisaR and LisaV) who walk away and leave brandi/kim flapping their skanky gums in the breeze.

  • Love 7

And I really have to admit that in watching the preview for the 'slap' episode, I had to give Yolanda (whom I've never really warmed up to) major props for just getting up and walking away.


I wish I could I give Yolanda props so easily but shes expressed a few times this season she doesn't like how Brandi drinks.  Her getting up only makes her guilt by association but Brandi is too busy yapping she doesn't see that.

  • Love 5

And I really have to admit that in watching the preview for the 'slap' episode, I had to give Yolanda (whom I've never really warmed up to) major props for just getting up and walking away - no rants, no raves, no buying into the brandi/kim schtick of slamming all the other women while claiming it was 'only joking', which is the usual excuse given by lowlifes who are trying to avoid blame. I am seriously hoping that it is ALL the other women (or at least Eileen, LisaR and LisaV) who walk away and leave brandi/kim flapping their skanky gums in the breeze.

IMO, just mine, Yolanda should have stopped Brandi before she walked away. Why was it necessary for Brandi to rehash this all over again? I am curious to see what starts this BS again and if LisaR reveals what Brandi told her about Kim this time.

  • Love 9


IMO, just mine, Yolanda should have stopped Brandi before she walked away.

I agree, to a greater extent, with you.


But, I just had to hope beyond hope that Yolanda simply and finally realized that neither kim nor brandi is worth the bother of any intended helpfulness Yolanda (or ANY one else for that matter) may have offered.


Nor do I think it would have done any good, as I do not believe that at this point,  brandi will accept any advice from anyone unless it is accompanied by a guaranteed funds check in the 6 figure range.


There comes a time - as I have learned quite recently and painfully - that enough is enough, for my own sake if no other, and the time has come to cut the garbage loose to fend for itself.

  • Love 14

I agree, to a greater extent, with you.


But, I just had to hope beyond hope that Yolanda simply and finally realized that neither kim nor brandi is worth the bother of any intended helpfulness Yolanda (or ANY one else for that matter) may have offered.


Nor do I think it would have done any good, as I do not believe that at this point,  brandi will accept any advice from anyone unless it is accompanied by a guaranteed funds check in the 6 figure range.


There comes a time - as I have learned quite recently and painfully - that enough is enough, for my own sake if no other, and the time has come to cut the garbage loose to fend for itself.


I agree.  I'm beyond tired of the HW being held responsible for each other's craptastic behavior.  These women are not a bunch of 20 year olds cat fighting in the parking lot of a club.  The whole "having someone's back", "holding someone back" thing is just sad at this point, imo.  I haven't seen the previews or First Look but if Yolanda gets up and walk away because she's as sick of this bullshit as I am, I'll give her props for that (even though I'm still side-eying her for her horrible advice to Kyle).

  • Love 11

Sometimes Yolanda makes me laugh.  Sitting at the big table eating all by herself.  Yolanda tries too hard to be this forgiving, accepting person but her biggest issue is she really doesn't listen to how they others feelings are affected by some of the words and deeds of others.  Yolanda made the biggest deal over Lisa being a Hollywood friend last year.  What I see is Yolanda is the Hollywood friend.  She has been to way too few events this year and it isn't Lyme's Disease.  It is visiting her children or go overseas with her husband.  I don't think Yolanda is a particularly good girlfriend -travel host maybe.  What she did at the table was totally ignore how Eileen was feeling. 

  • Love 12

Sometimes Yolanda makes me laugh.  Sitting at the big table eating all by herself.  Yolanda tries too hard to be this forgiving, accepting person but her biggest issue is she really doesn't listen to how they others feelings are affected by some of the words and deeds of others.  Yolanda made the biggest deal over Lisa being a Hollywood friend last year.  What I see is Yolanda is the Hollywood friend.  She has been to way too few events this year and it isn't Lyme's Disease.  It is visiting her children or go overseas with her husband.  I don't think Yolanda is a particularly good girlfriend -travel host maybe.  What she did at the table was totally ignore how Eileen was feeling. 


I agree.  She doesn't seem particularly adept at hearing and relating to other women without trying to boss them around.  Perceptivity and the ability to empathize are traits that many, if not most, of the HW lack, across all cities.  Maybe that's what makes them perfect for reality TV.  I wonder, with Yo, if it's also due to cultural differences. 

  • Love 6

Sometimes Yolanda makes me laugh.  Sitting at the big table eating all by herself.  Yolanda tries too hard to be this forgiving, accepting person but her biggest issue is she really doesn't listen to how they others feelings are affected by some of the words and deeds of others.  Yolanda made the biggest deal over Lisa being a Hollywood friend last year.  What I see is Yolanda is the Hollywood friend.  She has been to way too few events this year and it isn't Lyme's Disease.  It is visiting her children or go overseas with her husband.  I don't think Yolanda is a particularly good girlfriend -travel host maybe.  What she did at the table was totally ignore how Eileen was feeling. 

I question if Yolanda even thinks beyond her own mind/feelings. Here sits Eileen, who has done nothing to her, getting called a "home wrecker" by her, Yolanda's, BF Brandi and instead of comforting the one attacked or even stopping her BF from ruining the evening, she just ups and walks away. Then her TH comment was aimed at ALL the women, not the 1 that started it.

  • Love 9

Such a beautiful boat ride wasted with BS.  Why can't the RH shows be about the lifestyle instead of all this ridiculous cattiness?  I would have liked to see what these rich women bought in Amsterdam (besides sex toys) and see the sights from the canal.  At least Eileen took us to see some art and architecture.  I don't make time in my real life to associate with childish bitchy fools, why would I want to see the same crap week after week on tv. And that whole positive make up game was a bunch of crock, I rolled my eyes at that, it was so fake.  I actually liked Eileen's attempts to reason with Brandi, but of course it was a waste of time just like Lisa R told her it would be.

  • Love 18

Honestly, I think the trip and the boat ride would have went more smoothly if Brandi wasn't around. If Brandi didn't come, Kim probably would have flaked too or at the very least would be passive aggressive and keep her drugged up mouth shut. 


I actually like the cast that they have now overall (sans Brandi). I think they could really have some fun together without drama if the cancer is cut out. 

  • Love 20

I disagree

The incident two night before was horrific as Eileen put it, it probably was just one of many nights for drunk Brandi and addict Kim but for Eileen is was an absolutely horrible experience and she can't just pretend that it never happened and act like everything is normal.



I'm surprised that you disagree but that's OK.


I agree with what you said about Kim and Brandi and also understand that Eileen needed to have her say.   However, I do not believe that the "right" place for these women to rehash their problems was on that dinner boat.   There's a time and a place for everything.  They could have and should have had that discussion privately in one of their hotel rooms.   

  • Love 9

Eileen is one cool cucumber. I wish I could argue like her!

Not only was Brandi seething when Kim and Kyle hugged, you know she was none to pleased whst LVP said about Kyle in the nice game. And wtf when it was her turn. And more importantly, wtf was she wearing? She really wants her Sally Fields moment with LVP, doesn't she? Ugh. Just Ugh.

Kim. No words after the preview next week. Are brandi and Kim still bffs?

  • Love 21

I love Kim shouting about Kyle lying...I love that she will have egg on her face. How anyone could befriend Brandi after watching all of the mess she's done to other people. The only reason why I could possibly believe that Kim would want to be with Brandi is because she doesn't hold Kim accountable for anything and feeds her delusions. 

  • Love 14

Eileen is one cool cucumber. I wish I could argue like her!

Not only was Brandi seething when Kim and Kyle hugged, you know she was none to pleased whst LVP said about Kyle in the nice game. And wtf when it was her turn. And more importantly, wtf was she wearing? She really wants her Sally Fields moment with LVP, doesn't she? Ugh. Just Ugh.

Kim. No words after the preview next week. Are brandi and Kim still bffs?



I agree with you about Eileen.  She is cool under pressure, maintains her dignity and yet speaks her mind.  


I have no idea about the state of the friendship between Brandi and Kim.  In a recent interview, Kyle said things between her and Kim weren't great and just before the reunion, she said they hadn't spoken in months.

  • Love 7

Eileen is one cool cucumber. I wish I could argue like her!

Not only was Brandi seething when Kim and Kyle hugged, you know she was none to pleased whst LVP said about Kyle in the nice game. And wtf when it was her turn. And more importantly, wtf was she wearing? She really wants her Sally Fields moment with LVP, doesn't she? Ugh. Just Ugh.

Kim. No words after the preview next week. Are brandi and Kim still bffs?


Brandi wasn't happy when Kyle first came into the room looking stunning!  Peep her face.  Jealously.

  • Love 14

Oh man, Brandi and Kim have such a toxic "friendship" and are so toxic themselves. It's all very sad really, except they're both also assholes so I can't feel sorry for them. Kim is actually really disturbing to watch, for realsies. I get uncomfortable and kinda scared watching her this season (Even more so than previous ones).


I hate fake niceness too and almost all of them were for sure going to fib when it came to Brandi's turn, but it was HER idea. So the fact that she ran up to cry and wanted to end the game was dumb. It was interesting how she said something physical about everyone except for Kim. I mean she also told Yolanda she loved everything about her but it was kind of in passing. When she talked about Kim she went all out. And a part of me thinks it's because she wanted to one-up Kyle since Kim and Kyle shared a nice sister moment for once.

  • Love 21

I understand Eileen's confusion. She left with Lisar declaring she would never speak to Kim again and now all is forgiven and forgotten. Wha??? I thought Lisar was backpedaling on events. Eileen had her in a corner and Lisar knew it. 

Kyle talking to Eileen in the lobby and then Yolanda on the canal boat, was, again, so needy.... "Wasn't my sister mean to me?!!  Validate me!! 

Regarding the dinner, I would be like Yo. I'd quietly walk away and enjoy my holiday alone or engage with the locals. I surely would not engage, especially with what happened the night before.

I think Brandi is more messed up, psychology, than Kim.

Is Eileen like this on her daytime show? If so, I'm gonna DVR it! 

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