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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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25 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

Could it be that 12 copies of the book were donated and are currently being processed? Our library was always getting self-published donations.

Jill and David should be giving this book away, preferably on the Internet, no paper and  ink needed. They receive a salary to be domestic missionaries, so this book and the "wisdom" it contains should be given freely to all those who aren't living a Jill-approved life. 

I guess Jill feels she and DBD should have a very special vacation trip for their anniversary. Also, she needs new clothes for Kaylee's wedding. Even a small amount of cash will come in handy. 

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1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

Deployed 🙄 they so want to play soldier but won't enlist. 

Exactly this. 


24 minutes ago, SMama said:

I was listening to the news just half an hour ago and officials were bluntly asking people not to self deploy, it’s just getting in the way. So of course these clowns arrive uninvited. Florida has an Online portal for volunteers to register.

And of course, Ukraine still needs lots of help. But I guess their “work” there was done!

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So Jill wants us to pray for Nurie and Nathan "in the storm" and then immediately segues into her book. This time it's a video of Nurie (and her sperm for eyebrows) talking about HER chapter of the book and of course how BME did such a great job writing this literary masterpiece. She's in a moving vehicle and her eyebrows are SEVERELY distracting. 

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18 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

The kids in the audience looked bored to tears. Man the Rod kids have a miserable existence… no fun at all. All the willpower/inquisitiveness crushed flat by Jill and David. And no food either.


I thought the eyebrows couldn’t get any worse, but now they look like they’ve been “enhanced” with a sharpie. Sad…such a pretty girl. 

16 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I watched Tessie's sad, sad video clip this morning.  I had never heard her voice before and I know it was wishful thinking, but I was hoping for the sarcastic, exasperated tone of an actual 15-year old but of course she sounds just like her mother, with the same weird inflections.   

I lasted about 20 seconds before I clicked it off, thinking “ugh…she sounds just like the others.”

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5 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I thought the eyebrows couldn’t get any worse, but now they look like they’ve been “enhanced” with a sharpie. Sad…such a pretty girl. 

I lasted about 20 seconds before I clicked it off, thinking “ugh…she sounds just like the others.”

All I can see is a gorgeous girl with sad eyebrows. Maybe if she had an outside friend she would tell her that it isn't a good look. Why is this eyebrow thing a rite of passage? Even Nurie. She is not as pretty as Tessie but those eyebrows do her no favor. Nathan, say something! 

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26 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Another CPS investigation perhaps?  Or are Jill's GFM grifts finally catching up to her?

Sounds like it. Jill is never wrong in her mind, so any trouble must come from people who envy her perfection. She's comparing herself to Jesus. Good luck with that. 

I'm curious. Are there photographs in the book? Not everyone can read Jillish . 

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14 hours ago, SMama said:

I was listening to the news just half an hour ago and officials were bluntly asking people not to self deploy, it’s just getting in the way. So of course these clowns arrive uninvited. Florida has an Online portal for volunteers to register.

I picture them having a rip-roaring time gearing up in their junior Rambo costumes, thumping their chests and giving each other manly high-fives, before rushing to their planes and heading down to whatever unfortunate city they deem their services are needed, only to be turned away...then heading home telling each other, "hey, man, at least we tried!" and going to the nearest Chik-Fil-A to hype themselves up with stories about what might have been, had they only been allowed to land in the middle of danger.

In other words, they are all "style" and no substance.  And no brains.

Also the little curlicue hurricane emoji in their "Breaking News" post is stupid and insulting beyond words.

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7 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I picture them having a rip-roaring time gearing up in their junior Rambo costumes, thumping their chests and giving each other manly high-fives, before rushing to their planes and heading down to whatever unfortunate city they deem their services are needed, only to be turned away...then heading home telling each other, "hey, man, at least we tried!" and going to the nearest Chik-Fil-A to hype themselves up with stories about what might have been, had they only been allowed to land in the middle of danger.

In other words, they are all "style" and no substance.  And no brains.

Also the little curlicue hurricane emoji in their "Breaking News" post is stupid and insulting beyond words.

Don't forget the selfies of them in action looking all manly! 

Edited by libgirl2
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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

To me it looked like she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. 🤦‍♀️

Come to think of it I don't think she was. But why would she? She can't be bothered to put her own precious blessing in a car seat so why would she worry about herself? After all it's not like she's seen firsthand what can happen when a person isn't *properly* wearing a seatbelt in a moving vehicle or anything. *Sarcasm. 

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Ways that the world persecutes Jill Rodrigues.

1. A visit from CPS while the Rods were caught at home and couldn't hide.

2. A visit or demand from the state's home schooling office. See above. 

3. Public comments on Jill's using filters on pictures of Sophia. It's clear that Sophia got her regular good night's sleep and a big lunch. 

4. Phillip's falling behind at bible college, and/or Jill's inability to afford gas for his commute and other expenses. Nobody told the Rods that college requires effort and costs money.  

5. Lack of demand for her book. Most of the 75 copies David printed are collecting dust in the printshop. 

6. Criticism that Amy Foster and family are taking care of Ma without JIll's presence or support, even though it's true.

7. Jill's fear of launching a Gotofundtome to buy a new van and pay for her anniversary party and Kaylee's wedding expenses. Somebody, somewhere told her not to try it. 

8. Social media comments about David looking sick or resembling a corpse, even though he single-handedly lifted the van and replaced whatever was broken. 

9. Joy Baptist's refusal to mandate that all female members wear full-length polyester knit skirts, even for swimming. A fight about doctrine ensured. See West Virginia. 

10. Timothy's getting into trouble that involved a speeding car, a fast woman, or both. 

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On 9/28/2022 at 5:52 PM, libgirl2 said:

Wow, we buy books that get one circ and then are weeded. Such waste but our patrons will go to the director and complain how they are a taxpayer etc... and then we buy it. so we pretty much buy everything. We bought an DVD for exercising to the Rosary! Our budget is too big. 

So our chances of getting Jill's book are possible. 

Laughing so hard at the image of Hail Mary (arm curls) full of grace (kick left, kick right and pose) the Lord is with thee (burpee and BIG JUMP!) etc. that sound bizarre.

wondering if OP lives near a church that was “blessed” by a Rod “performance” and dumped the books they were “led to purchase to bless that suuuuuuper godly family and uplift them and encourage them to continue.”

Edited by LilJen
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On 9/28/2022 at 2:04 AM, oliviabenson said:

I am not watching that video 

I reluctantly did, at the beginning of the video when she’s introducing her family she calls Janessa (sp?) Baby Janessa how old is she 3 or 4? Definitely not a baby.
The graduation was boring apparently Philip was the only boy graduating all the rest were girls: BD7EE83E-6675-4A7A-9CD7-CB118D321345.thumb.jpeg.016fc2983e77f499ead72872a1d8ad23.jpeg

Timothy sighting sitting at the front by himself? Is he not allowed to sit with his family? Or because he’s a man does he get a whole pew to himself? 🤪 Hunk is sitting behind him and he too seems to have the whole pew to himself (must be a man thing). 


Hunk and Jill both did speeches Hunk just talked bible,Jill starts by talking about when she was in labour with Philip 🙄 36 hours! the longest labor of Jill’s 13 children! Did you know Jill had 13 children? I didn’t what a surprise! Why has no one mentioned this? 😉 bla bla bla he was quiet child, he wanted to be “saved” at four, they didn’t think he really knew what being saved meant at that age so they kept sending him away he kept coming back! Eventually he told his Sunday school teacher he wanted to be saved and she told him to talk to his parents and he said he had been trying but they kept sending him away, Jill laughed some people in the church laughed and I guess he was saved at four? Who knows?
Jill also seemed upset that her Philip had graduated (not actually sure that he graduated from anything but ok) and was in tears wiping her eyes a lot (at one point she just seemed to be wiping her eyes I don’t think she was even crying then,perhaps trying to get some more tears out like Michelle Duggar try’s to).


 Philip got to do a speech and the first thing he said was he thanks his mother ( I wonder who wrote this speech him or Jill) he love her and he would have no other mother but her? ( I wasn’t aware we got to choose our mothers) Jill smiles, either way thanking Mom will keep him in her good books unlike Timmy who is the family’s heathen. Lots of Jesus talk (if you didn’t know they are Christian, I thought they were atheists taking the pee outta Christian’s but no they are really Christians wow) 

These three girls sang:


It was awful but I suppose they did have to stand up that whole time during Jill & Hunks and Philips speech so I give them a pass for torturing me and their church goers. 

BTW there is a heathen in their church! (other than Timothy) look at this hussy showing off her arms, causing all the men to stumble: 


She’s definitely going to hell! 

This is actually a nice photo:


There was a joint birthday party for hunk and another woman who were both 50, not sure why hunk needed a joint birthday party with this lady when she was 50 that day and he was 50 one week and a day ago (thanks Jill) also the party was the same day as their sons graduation, talk about stealing Philips moment, do these kids get anything to themselves? 

As usual what’s important (for hunk a least) is CAKE! 

Gender reveal seen it before Hunk trying to attack the taco piñata 🙄02796ADF-C07F-4044-97CD-645EECED2CCE.thumb.jpeg.05e5e1cf7d30fbfa23f6ef59c84fcf4d.jpeg

Rest of the video they played golf, they hung out with Lydia Plath (Girl run I know you’re family are whackos but hanging out with an even whackier one ain’t a good idea!)

Lots of Nehemiah, I like this one good comparison: 23D7C886-D923-4776-B2C0-75F86C1AC9A0.thumb.jpeg.eb2722d253b4ffdbfb6156850fb11389.jpeg

Also for some reason (Jill being a total bitch I guess) this popped up in the video: 


And I’m done.

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43 minutes ago, LilJen said:

wondering if OP lives near a church that was “blessed” by a Rod “performance” and dumped the books they were “led to purchase to bless that suuuuuuper godly family and uplift them and encourage them to continue.”

I believe the OP said their county is getting, or ordered, or got, (I’m sorry, I don’t recall which) 12 copies. The county I’m in has sooooo many libraries. I don’t think they just meant they were all for one.

Edited by ginger90
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On 9/27/2022 at 7:38 PM, oliviabenson said:

Someone on reddit did the summary of Jill’s book. I’d post it but not sure if it’s allowed. 

It’s as bad as I thought lol.

The book summary has apparently been deleted.  I can’t find it on Reddit.

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

(and Kaylee) now has a video up selling the book. Jill brags that they need another printing, as they have sold out. 

Who the hell is buying this garbage?

People who feel sorry for the kids and hope that by purchasing the book, the kids might actually get fed? Nah.....

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3 hours ago, satrunrose said:

I don't suppose Jill realizes that she just showed us how Nurie really writes and it is nothing at all like "Nurie" wrote when she "took over" Jill's social media to praise Best Mahmo and add to the holy grifting. 

Yes, no unusual capitalizations or !!!!!  I'll even forgive her for writing doing good.

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17 hours ago, FizzyPuff said:

I reluctantly did, at the beginning of the video when she’s introducing her family she calls Janessa (sp?) Baby Janessa how old is she 3 or 4? Definitely not a baby.
The graduation was boring apparently Philip was the only boy graduating all the rest were girls: 

@FizzyPuff, thank you for taking one for the team! I wonder why didn't they celebrate the graduation at the end of the school year?

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Good heavens, the poor woman in the comments had fluctuating hormones after giving birth and was told by her mother-in-law to chug some Plexus, and the new mother felt "completely better within an HOUR??"  Yeah, nope.  Sounds like a woman who has been taught by her husband that his mother knows everything.  This crap should be taken off the market, it actually sounds dangerous....is it a pick-me-up?  A weight-loss aid?  A magical hormone-balancing elixir?  All three and then some?  

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19 minutes ago, Nysha said:

@FizzyPuff, thank you for taking one for the team! I wonder why didn't they celebrate the graduation at the end of the school year?

Because other people brought food for the potluck celebration and Jill brought herself + 55 hungry people to eat for free. I can see Jill contributing $2 bag of chips…

It’s like some woman was having a 50th birthday party and Jill added Dave to it for free. Of course she brought all her 55 kids to eat there. Again I can see Jill contributing a bag of chips or 1 bottle of juice. 

Jill looks where she can grift 24/7.

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Jill and her Hunk's 25th is this coming week. (10/4) Wonder what the grift is there. Most likely she is truly going to overshadow Kaylee's wedding nov.5 to be her anniversary party claiming (andKaylee) begged them to have it then so she could honor their great parenting...

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

Because other people brought food for the potluck celebration and Jill brought herself + 55 hungry people to eat for free. I can see Jill contributing $2 bag of chips…

It’s like some woman was having a 50th birthday party and Jill added Dave to it for free. Of course she brought all her 55 kids to eat there. Again I can see Jill contributing a bag of chips or 1 bottle of juice. 

Jill looks where she can grift 24/7.

We have a staff member who would do that when you used to have holiday potlucks. And he made sure he ate plenty. 

5 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Kaylee is a gorgeous girl, but her eyebrows are almost nonexistent!  WTH does BME have against eyebrows??

I don't get it either. On what planet is that stylish? 

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