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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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A picture with your son in the doorway to your love shack is all kinds of skeevy. They have about 6700 other square feet of footage in their house where they could have taken that picture. Actually, anywhere upstairs is pretty skeevy, so let's just say that this picture should have been taken somewhere downstairs. Even on her damn elliptical for crissakes! 

  • Love 6

I've watched This Old House religiously since Bob Fucking Vila hosted it. Textured walls were a thing in the 80's/MAYBE into the early 90's. This house was finally finished off in early 2006; they moved in around Smuggar's 18th birthday. They are simply stuck in another era. Even those ceiling fans scream 80's. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
Because 2004 isn't 2006.
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Marigold said:

It looks like their room because they have that little shelf thing by the window. It's just so small.  Looks like the door is going to hit the bed. That's a really narrow room! 

I'm supposed to be working...maybe I will try to google. ;) 

I LOVE the TV.  Just love it. 

Ok, well that only took 3 minutes. 



Scroll down to almost the bottom.  It looks identical to Michelle and Jim Bob's room but why is the bed so close to the door like that? 

What's with the exposed wire coming out of the ceiling to the left, and the cord hanging down to the right? Maybe the one on the right is the TV?

20 hours ago, JoanArc said:

I think Michelle seldomlymlesves the bedroom. What's she got tot do around the house.

"we don't own a tv! We go to Amy's to watch our show!" What bs! Even porn login' Josh had a tv in the bedroom.

One has to wonder what they're really watching on that TV. 

I'm going to have to take a wire barbecue brush to my brain pan to scrub off the image of Jim Boob getting frisky to Skinemax.

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I tried to bring over a quote from the Duggars in the media thread, but was unable to make it work. The post basically pointed out that the show has really run its course, and may make another season, but not much more. Which led me to reflect on another post stating that Jill would be the first to break due to the stresses of being away from home, etc. I think that that is a strong possibility, but it got me to thinking that JB and J'chelle might be the most at risk right now.

Their religious beliefs teach that JB is the headship and -- by praying and other God-related stuff -- will be able to provide for his mega-family. He managed -- by some fluke -- to fall ass-backwards into a pile of money with this show, and he may very well believe that it will go on forever and his great-grandchildren will be appearing on The Duggars: The Next Generation, but I don't think so. I think he's tried since 19 Kids was cancelled to get some stuff going, but it is all ridiculous. He has (or should have) enough money to start a legitimate business, but we are seeing a "house flipping" business in which he has children renovating houses which he is unable to sell. There is a towing business with one truck operated by a son who has multiple things going on and may or may not be available for service calls. There is a "car lot" that has apparently been set up on the side of the road. I don't think that JB has any real business sense, or any ability to handle money, or any ability to focus and concentrate on managing a business. Unless one of the kids has some business sense, I just don't see "Duggar Enterprises" making enough money to support all of these people. I think that this could lead to a real crisis for JB -- not just being broke, but genuinely believing that God will provide for all of these people because JB has done everything "right."

We have discussed at length that J'chelle seems about 10 seconds away from a nervous breakdown since she entered a "new season of life." According to her religious beliefs, she is now a useless old hag who should be relegated to the laundry room and treated with pity. Her daughters are now the righteous breeders and God has given them a television show, and taken hers away. She doesn't like being a mother, she doesn't like JB, she's been publically outed as a bad mother, and her family could easily face serious financial hardship in the near future. 

I think that either one of them could break in the very near future . . .

  • Love 16

Boob is likely feeling like the emperor who realizes he really doesn't have new clothes. In reality now, he's got 30 to feed...he and wifey, 19 kids, their 3 indigent spouses, and 6 grandkids. TeeVee money is slipping away, and the burn rate of that money with 30 people st the trough is pretty fast. Their lifestyle is not sustainable unless everyone over 15 gets a job yesterday before their gravy train comes to a screeching halt. Their other enterprises might not bring enough in either.

Hey Boob, you're being read for filth here, and this one's for you: if you can't feed em...don't breed em.

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

With what appears to be menopause, Mechelle moves into Titus 2 Woman status, along with Terrified Maxwell. She's now supposed to be an "encourager" of the next generation of young women. I can't believe that there are young women out there who think she's anything close to encouraging, or sane, for that matter. 

*forehead slap*

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

With what appears to be menopause, Mechelle moves into Titus 2 Woman status, along with Terrified Maxwell. She's now supposed to be an "encourager" of the next generation of young women. I can't believe that there are young women out there who think she's anything close to encouraging, or sane, for that matter. 

Will she now be accused of idolatry for her Starbuck's worship?

I actually feel badly for Michelle.  She was once a normal girl with great energy and an out-going personality who got along well with others, well as well as teen girls do.  Then she became the object of sin to her whole family.  Want to know what a bad woman, a hussy, looks like, There she is kids, it's yo mama.  


If she doesn't have a heart for children, she doesn't.  I think she liked her arranging visits for the family and opportunities to get out of town.  I think she was good talking with producers, and maybe advertising types.  Now he is out of work, out of being PG all the time, and in second place with the personal example of sin.   That spot is now being held by her son.  She's a small potato hussy compared to him.


Dang sometimes things just don't work out right.  She's still better looking than anybody else I know with 19 dis, although I don't really know anybody else with that many.  Oh yes, Kelly Bates, not that I know her, but they are exception, and Michelle is still cute.

  • Love 2

Men don't make idols of inanimate objects, silly. They have Godly desires for Aquanaet that must be righteously fulfilled by their helpmeets and daughters. It's us foolish and fallen women that can easily be led from the umbrella of protection by the twin demons of Starbucks and pepsi (I'm guessing Dunkin' Doughnuts and Coke is much more pleasing unto Him). 

Isn't that neat and special?

Eta. Unless the Boob had a desire for Aquanaet sold by someone wearing pants and flashing some clavicle... that might be a problem.

Edited by satrunrose
  • Love 3
On 6/10/2016 at 0:19 AM, Sew Sumi said:

With what appears to be menopause, Mechelle moves into Titus 2 Woman status, along with Terrified Maxwell. She's now supposed to be an "encourager" of the next generation of young women. I can't believe that there are young women out there who think she's anything close to encouraging, or sane, for that matter. 

Too bad she won't  "encourage" her grown children to go to school & get a real job. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

Dang sometimes things just don't work out right.  She's still better looking than anybody else I know with 19 dis, although I don't really know anybody else with that many.  Oh yes, Kelly Bates, not that I know her, but they are exception, and Michelle is still cute.

I agree, despite the frumpy clothes and horrid 80s hair, Michelle is still an attractive woman. 

  • Love 2

Nope, her figure, when you can see it, is much better than I would imagine it would be after that many kids.  I'd expect extreme flabbiness, fat, all that, and she looks rather good.  On those rare occasions when she is pictured doing something other than a TH, she's good.  Skates,, water skis, parachutes, whatever.  I wouldn't expect that. She would have been a character if left alone by Boob.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

Nope, her figure, when you can see it, is much better than I would imagine it would be after that many kids.  

I'm guessing she had some surgery on the sly. We know a 36 year old who had twins three years ago and had to have surgery due to a hernia separation from carrying her kids.

One has to wonder if J-Chelle is also on anti-depressants due to the most shocking side effect of menopause -- losing the filter between one's brain and one's mouth. I can't imagine that Jim Boob would be any more tolerant of his wife's telling him the truth "in love" than he would be of what any woman's abdomen might look like after carrying 21 pregnancies.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

That busted uterus of hers is something to behold. 

I worked for an OB/Gyn office & MEchelle would come up frequently in our conversations.  Our Nurse Practitioner always got a disgusted look on her face, shook her head & said she couldn't believe there was anything left of MEchelle's uterus & what was left was able to stay in her body. 

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

I worked for an OB/Gyn office & MEchelle would come up frequently in our conversations.  Our Nurse Practitioner always got a disgusted look on her face, shook her head & said she couldn't believe there was anything left of MEchelle's uterus & what was left was able to stay in her body. 

Yeah, I watched my vet spay a cat once and my vet told me that she could tell that she'd already had kittens before because both horns of her uterus had stretched out spots in them.  No doubt her uterus is the size of a football.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Aja said:

There are quite a lot of Christians taking issue with that post, which I always like to see. It's one thing for an atheist lesbian (myself) to dislike their philosophy. I think it's far more powerful when true Christians call them out for what they do.

Thank goodness for atheist lesbians like yourself who help keep Christians and other faiths honest by calling out hypocrisy, judgmental attitudes, and lack of critical thinking wherever you see them. I know many atheists and skeptics who are very respectful of other's beliefs, and should receive the same respect for their choices.

I was also licking my chops when other Christians of strong faith were denouncing the Duggars and their ilk for being judgy and hateful.  Duggs are sticking to their script, and they've been well trained to defend some of their dangerous ideology and miss any opportunity for critical thinking.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Another passive-aggressive jab at the "unsaved" victims of the Orlando shooting. Fuck you, Duggars. 

Disclaimer: I DO NOT mean this post in a snarky way. I'm asking a genuine, sincere question.

The Duggar post is simply a piece of Scripture. They don't refer to the awful tragedy in Orlando at all, the commenters do. Am I missing something?

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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