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To be fair, GI only gave gleekto the spoilers relating to Klaine and their interactions with Rachel.


However it's already been spoiled that both Rachel and Blaine sing 5 out of the 6 songs of the first episode.   The other spoiled  SL's  center around those two characters also (Blaine and Karofsky; A humiliated Rachel back at Lima reviving New Directions)  What is head scratching to me is how much Glee is trying to force Dalton  and the Warblers as something the fans would care for at this late date.


I'd be surprised if all 13 episodes are aired; the season finale got a .6, probably will be pulled within a few episodes when the ratings tank even worse after such a long hiatus and Glee is losing it's time slot to the CW.

Edited by caracas1914

However it's already been spoiled that both Rachel and Blaine sing 5 out of the 6 songs of the first episode.   The other plot lines center aroudn those two characters also (Blaine and Karofsky/  Rachel back at Lima reviving New Directions)  What kills me is how much Glee is trying to force Dalton  and the Warblers as something the fans would care for at this late date.


I'd be surprised if all 13 episodes are aired; the season finale got a .6, probably will be pulled within a few episodes when the ratings tank even worse after such a long hiatus and Glee is losing it's time slot to the CW.

This doesn't sound too promising at all. The person may have only given Rachel and Blaine scenes because that seems to be the only 2 right now getting any focus. I don't see too many fans (those remaining that is) rushing to their TV sets to watch only Rachel and Blaine each week. So as I figured most of the rest of the cast are going to be there to be a sounding board for Blaine or to tell Rachel how great she is. What is the point of Ryan bringing everyone back if his intent is to focus on those 2. So all these regulars will be back for the second episode and this person could only get details on them. I appreciate this being shared because it truly is showing just how much of a failure RM and his writers are in not recognizing or caring about what the fans want. Some how the fact that Lea has over 4 million twitter followers and Darren has over 2 million and yet even their fans aren't tuning in (the S5 finale actually ended up with 1.82M viewers). So maybe spreading the screen time around in the final season would help the show go out on a higher number instead of an even lower one.

Edited by Ann Mack


Some how the fact that Lea has over 4 million twitter followers and Darren has over 2 million and yet even their fans aren't tuning in

Maybe you meant Lea and Chris? Darren is at 1.78 m It surprised me that even Dianna is not yet at the 2 mil (almost). And part of the followers are outside the U.S. for viewing purposes.

But I agree with the gist of what you're saying.  

Edited by fakeempress

Kurt and the stick he seems to have permanently wedged up his backside annoy me on a good day but even I think these spoilers are atrocious for him.  Weeping in Rachel's room over the guy it sounds like he rightfully dumped because they couldn't make living together work for the second time in a year.  Good lord let the character have some dang dignity. 

Edited by camussie
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I have to agree with you. So all the self-confidence he has built up will lead to him crying over a guy who has moved on with his former bully. I really don't know what Ryan and company are playing at but each spoiler released is worst than the prior one. So it seems both 6x01 and 6x02 iare going to be very Rachel and Blaine heavy with everyone truly being reduced to "supporting cast" in every meaning of the term. SMH at this foolishness and only hope if more spoilers are released it contains names that doesn't include Rachel and Blaine as the lead sentence.

Edited by Ann Mack
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So glee only has 4 or 5 scenes an episode now?


Think it is a little to soon to make the assumption about episode 2 at least that it doesn't  have a plot line for anyone else.


None of this excites bu me at all but they have never jut one one or even 2 plots an episode.  it clearly states this is what is happening to Klaine.


The only spoiler I have liked it that there will only be 13 episodes.


So all these regulars will be back for the second episode and this person could only get details on them.

Yes this GoBr person has alway gotten Klaine details before other stuff or has only wanted to share it, this is not new.



And are really going to act like twitter followers should  equate ratings?  Demi has over 12 million and they didn't show up, they knew they could see edits of her scenes and songs on tumblr.


The vast majority of people who follow a glee cast member probably follows a few other glee cast too.  So it is sentimentally the same pool of people any way.

Edited by tom87

Lea tweeted a picture of her singing 'Let It Go' in a dress that looks similar to the dress Idina Menzel wore when she sang that song at the Oscars.


Between the clear dressing up of Lea as Barbra when Rachel was supposed to be Fanny Brice(!) and this picture (which will probably explained by Ryan & co as another 'tribute', blahblah) it makes Ryan look even more of a copycat/stealing writer with no original creative fiber left in his bones (no surprise here, really).

It seems to me that Ryan sees Rachel/Lea as his personal barbie doll he can dress up and move around as the female performers he wants Lea to rival, as his discovery of "a once in a generation singer", which is, imo, creepy.


And it's not really doing Rachel in the show (nor Lea for that matter) any favours, as in comparison to these 2 singers who have rightfully earned their stripes and critical acclaim she will most likely (keeping it nice here) come up as a lacking imitation, fake and a wannabe.

Rachel needs to find her own voice and personality, now even more than ever, when she has to re-evaluate her life and career choices. Now that is a story I would have been interested to see the past few seasons.

Edited by Glorfindel


Ryan sees Rachel/Lea as his personal barbie doll he can dress up and move around as the female performers he wants Lea to rival, as his discovery of "a once in a generation singer", which is, imo, creepy.

Creepy, but hardly new for Ryan. At least he wants to put clothes on her. 


Let it Go is a mess of a choice, but I'm not sure Glee can do anything for Lea at this point even if they did go to effort to give her a separate identity from the iconic performers Ryan thinks she resembles. It's a cover song show, has dreadful ratings, and nobody knows when or how many of these last episodes will even air. Covers by other artists that almost nobody sees won't help her at this point.  It'll be her choices post-Glee that determine of she can separate herself from the too often drawn comparisons. 


I wonder if they'll go so on the nose as to have somebody mess up her name when introducing her. Bella Larcheez? 

I expect that 602 is more of a" nostalgic, hey the old gang is back together" thing  rather than having any stories for those coming back for only one episode.  I think that is actually the right choice given that most of those characters won't be sticking around.  What I hope is for those that are they get some development away from Rachel's and Blaine's stories.  So far it is not looking promising (given the song spoilers for 601) but time will tell.


To be clear I don't begrudge Rachel especially having the A story.  She is a lead after all.  I just don't want every other character's screen time to be devoted to serving her and/or Blaine's story.  Even though Glee has never been a true ensemble it also has never been that either (at least not until last season).  

Edited by camussie
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I expect that 602 is more of a" nostalgic, hey the old gang is back together" thing  rather than having any stories for those coming back for only one episode.  I think that is actually the right choice given that most of those characters won't be sticking around.  What I hope is for those that are they get some development away from Rachel's and Blaine's stories.  So far it is not looking promising (given the song spoilers for 601) but time will tell.


To be clear I don't begrudge Rachel especially having the A story.  She is a lead after all.  I just don't want every other character's screen time to be devoted to serving her and/or Blaine's story.  Even though Glee has never been a true ensemble it also has never been that either (at least not until last season).  


Because what this show can afford -  what with 13 episodes for the whole season, is a throwaway reunion episode. Like it's been so very long since this lot last saw one another.


I can live with my favorite having a lesser storyline than Rachel or Blaine (since it's obvious that they are going to dominate the season), but by all that's unholy, let Kurt have something more to do that prop up sad sack Rachel or winning back his hobbit-sized Grease Stain. Even just for a few episodes, have Kurt focus a bit on his own career (maybe gets word of an audition opportunity that would be perfect for him) and not just existing or the sake of other characters.

Because what this show can afford -  what with 13 episodes for the whole season, is a throwaway reunion episode. Like it's been so very long since this lot last saw one another.


The stupidity of the setup is mind-boggling. 6 months is just not a long time, even for college kids. The reunion would have much more heft if it had been a time jump of years. Seeing what kind of people your friends matured into, seeing who's married or pregnant, seeing what kind of careers they have - it could have been interesting and even kind of affecting (because Lord knows, viewers care far more about the original crop of glee clubbers than any of the newbies), but no. A measly 6-month time jump is the most this pathetic team of hacks could come up with. I pray none of them write anything ever again for TV.

To be accurate it will be a 1.5 years in Glee time given that the last 7 episodes of season 5 sped through a year.  Still I agree with your overall point that it should have been longer.  That is why I think it should have been a three year time jump with the homecoming taking place in October 2017.  That would be 5 years and change since the first set of seniors graduated so they could have the homecoming episode be a 5 year reunion.  


It would even underscore what seems to be the two main stories for season 6 - Rachel and Blaine's comebacks.  The two who everyone thought would be wildly successful are at rock bottom professionally while everyone else has been able to find some degree of success in their professional and/or personal lives.  Having that marked contrast between those two and everyone else I think would make for a richer story.

Edited by camussie
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Every time I hear something about Season 6, I just can't understand how every single idea is so bad! How is it possible? Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but every single thing about the upcoming season is so terrible. It's almost impossible to believe it can be this horrible without anyone actively trying to make it awful.

Apropos of nothing, I wonder what 19 year old Chris Colfer would have said if he'd been asked back to his hometown to teach a drama class at his old high school?

Edited by Myrna123
Apropos of nothing, I wonder what 19 year old Chris Colfer would have said if he'd been asked back to his hometown to teach a drama class at his old high school?


If this takes place in May and June when colleges/universities are out for the summer, while high schools are still in session, that could make it slightly more realistic.  Though realism really isn't something this show does on a good day.


Full List of Songs with Performers from Glee 6×02 “Homecoming”

“Take on Me by Aha” – Sung by Rachel, Kurt, Sam, Brittany, Santana, Artie, Tina, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn

“Tightrope” by Janelle Monae – Sung by Jane and the Dalton Warblers

“Problem” by Ariana Grande feat Iggy Azaelea – Sung by Quinn, Santana, Brittany and Artie

“Mustang Sally” by Wilson Pickett – Sung by Roderick and Quinn, Santana and Brittany

“Home” by Edward Sharpe – Sung by Rachel, Kurt, Brittany, Santana, Artie, Tina, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn, Mason, Madison, Spencer, Jane, Roderick.


Way too many people on these songs.


I never got the appeal of more then 3 or 4 main singers tops,  some are still probably background but still it gets to muddled to me to be interesting.



Edited by tom87

I'm not understanding these song choices and some of the singers either. If the title of your episode is "Homecoming" then none of these songs are appropriate. I know they want to give the recurring & returning S1 cast/originals something to sing but really these songs? There are actually 14 people singing on 1 damn song that really doesn't require that many vocals. Seriously starting to wonder what Glee is trying to do here I mean I was concerned initially but now I am just downright terrified that they are going to make such a mess of this last season. Well now I guess I have to root for the 3rd episode to be good cause episodes 1 and 2 are not fairing to well with me (only me, sure some may love this, so again I am ONLY talking about myself). Side-eyeing this list so hard I think I just gave myself a headache. All this talent together again and this is the best THIS show can do. It's like the show is intentionally trying to be as bad as people are thinking it could be. They should really try to regain viewers this last season not continue to have them fleeing in massive groups. Oh well I guess time will tell. And since every episode will be a wrap before it premieres it either watch the train wreck or disembark somewhere along the ride. I actually can see more fans disembarking then hanging on until Glee reaches its final stop!

Edited by Ann Mack

I guess they forgot that the Warblers are member-led and don't have an outside director.


If Kurt had been attending a more traditional university within Ohio (and University of Cincinnati has a great progam), it wouldn't be unreasonable to get teaching certification along with a performing arts degree and to do a semester of student teaching-but he would have needed to do that under Will, who actually IS a certified teacher, not under Rachel, who has less formal education than he does.


Sadly, I'm sure I'm going to end up watching this mess...


I actually can see more fans disembarking then hanging on until Glee reaches its final stop!

I'm one who's disembarked and am just rubbernecking the final death throes at this point. Between the Lima Loser premise and the Blaine/Dave desperate attempt to get some buzz going, it's not worth caring about the characters anymore, and the writing's been shit for years. I see no point in watching whatever this mess is, but I sure will enjoy seeing what else they do to piss off the last few remaining fans, where they decide to air this toxic sludge, and exactly how low the ratings go how fast.  


It's not like this is one of those shows that took a nosedive and somehow keeps getting ratings and critical acclaim anyway. It's crashing and burning. I can enjoy watching the slow motion train wreck from a safe distance. 

Episode 2 looks like it's going to be complete crap based on those song spoilers. 11314142 people on one song? I much perfer five people to one song tops, or if it's a group number with everyone performing, having two people sing the lead parts while the rest of ND lipsyncs to the Glee backing choir and sways in the background. Newbies leading songs? Gross. And the biggest thing, Dianna and Heather, two people who in my opinion should NEVER sing in life, ever, having songs? Ugh. I don't know why the show insists on having them sing so many songs when they're on the show but Jenna can't get a full song to sing to save her life.


It's like the show has no grey area.They either give all the songs to only two people, or they give everyone a "turn", even the people who really, really, shouldn't ever be getting a turn to sing.

Honestly, I'm glad to see all the guest stars singing on the songs, since we'll get so much of Rachel/Blaine the rest of the season.  Although as others have said, I'd prefer it not be a million people, but rather just a couple of featured speakers.  I'll be fascinated to see why Roderick gets the Unholy Trinity as back up, that's for sure.  Nice for him.


A spoiler on Tumblr is saying that Brittany and Santana have a solo scene together - as a fan of that couple, I'm not sure whether to be pleased or terrified.  

I think "Homecoming" is going to have a dual theme - first the literal theme of it being homecoming for most of these graduates.  Then the symbolic theme that the graduates help Rachel and Kurt persuade the 5 newbies 2.0 to join the resurrected ND and thus they feel like they have found a "home" at McKinley.  That would fit with them all singing together at the end.


As for the other songs perhaps "Mustang Sally" is the unholy trinity helping Roderick find his voice and/or confidence.  

...who also left the school a couple years before graduation and joined the club that beat the Warblers. I find it harder to believe Rachel can get the choir room-turned-computer room back from Sue in one episode after seeing it completely converted. Are we going to have another episode where they move the Finn picture again?


The only reason that Rachel is getting to lead ND (which is a laughable proposition, no matter how you cut it). is because she's paying for the privilege. This dumbass is going to blow what money she earned from her disaster of a TV show on trying to restart her high school club (rather than more mundane considerations, like having something to live on since she can't get work or going to college).


I know that the show has established president by having Jesse St James coming to lead VA after he washed out of college, but it still irks me that two major characters (one of which has no business being a major character), neither of which have a shred of personal responsibility between them are giving any kind of official responsibility in a school setting.


I don't see any way this is going to work in a positive manner. With such a weak, idiotic premise to base the entire season on, it can only go downhill from here.

Edited by Hana Chan

To be fair, you could substitute the names of most of the Glee actors in for "Matt Morrison," and it would still be a true statement.

That's true, but I was talking specifically about him.

Anyway, Lea tweeted this:


So, dinner with the three choir directors+Sam? I wonder whose house that's supposed to be.

Honestly every time Lea tweets something it just pisses me off more and more. I know they are probably working on the beginning episodes but does anyone else find it frustrating that we have yet to see the other regulars given any attention? Here we have again Rachel, Blaine and Sam yes I see Kurt and Will's name but I'm sure their involvement in what ever scene this is will be minimal. I mean why return Kevin, Amber, Dot and even Max if the role is going to be so minimized that they might as well just get the paycheck and be done? But yet the show continues to release each day the name of another new character joining the cast for its final 13 episodes. I know its suppose to be mainly about Rachel and Blaine but seriously she's becoming insufferable with all of her "look at what I'm doing" posts and pics. I know I'm ranting I just want to start seeing the other cast members on set with a story line and not just the 2 seconds of attention they may be getting from the "Homecoming" episode which seems like it too is going to still be ALL about Rachel and Blaine, enough for me already.

Edited by Ann Mack

I don't blame Lea at all for posting about the show via social media.  After all she is a lead and a part of her job is promoting the show.  Not to mention she genuinely seems to love being on Glee.  I don't even blame the writers for not giving the fly-bys (Quinn, Tina, Puck, Santana, Brittany) anything more than a supporting role in the ND comeback story since they won't be back an extended amount of time.  For that matter I don't blame the writers for not giving Beiste or even Dave stories in their own right.  Both of them should be supporting players in others' stories. Same with Sam  


Where I do blame the writers is what seems to be the current set up -  all of aforementioned supporting players as well as the characters of  Kurt, Will, Mercedes, and Artie's screen time will be devoted to serving Rachel's  and/or Blaine's story. I think that shortchanges those characters, Kurt and Will especially.  Even though Glee has never been a true ensemble it also has never been that either (at least not until last season),  On top of that BOTH Blaine and Rachel are in the place they are because of choices THEY made so it is difficult for me to want to root for their comeback let alone spend 13 episodes and almost all of Glee's story oxygen doing so.

Edited by camussie
  • Love 2

What's especially puzzling about so heavily featuring Blaine is that his journey was never, ever a focus of this show. Why devote the last 13 episodes to anything about him? He always sang a lot and he always made eyes at Kurt and when his brother took his toys it made him really sad, but when was Glee ever about where Blaine was trying to go and how music/performing/etc. was going to get him there? Even his admission to NYADA was more afterthought than story focus. What in the world makes them think viewers will turn in because they're FINALLY showing us what Blaine's going to do with his life? I don't think that many people ever wondered, Show.

Edited by Myrna123
  • Love 4

Last week we had many pictures from many different people. Oh god forbid Lea Michele get to tweet about her day.    Thank you Lea for letting us know Will and Kurt are the scene as well.


Rachel, Sam and Blaine has never even had a scene with just the 3 of them so I see no reason to believe they will have any more or less emphasis then anyone else in the scene. 


Still remember the moaning of the Rachel Berry show pre season 4 cause  we got more spoilers about her and oops, she was absent 3 episodes, had less screen time and/or less songs then 5/6 other characters. 

While I agree with all of that, one place where the show is to blame is the oh so obvious Daleastreet push.  Not only does it come across as terribly desperate for the show to push a portmanteau it created but using that last spring as the show's branding for season 6 and bringing it back again this fall doesn't exactly engender confidence that the show will be anything more than the Rachel, Blaine, and a side of Sam show.  Now I have no doubts that was the invention of somebody in Glee's "publicity" department, not Lea or Chord or Darren, but seeing that it annoys me. Not with Lea but with the show and how incompetent many of the people behind the scenes seem to be.


To reiterate Rachel should absolutely a lead.  Questionable whether Blaine should or not.  But even with them as leads other major characters (Kurt and Will especially) should have something outside of serving their stories.  

Edited by camussie
  • Love 2

Hasn't been announced yet.  I can't imagine that they would use up a slot in February sweeps on a show as low performing as Glee so I am laying odds on March and doubling up on some episodes so that is burned off by May sweeps but time will tell.  That is what they did with "Raising Hope" last spring.  Skipped February sweeps and finished off the last 7 episodes by doubling them up on them Fridays in March.  

While I agree with all of that, one place where the show is to blame is that asinine Daleastreet push.  Not only does it come across as terribly desperate for the show to push a portmanteau it created but using that as a selling point last spring and bringing it back again this fall doesn't exactly engender confidence that the show will be anything more than the Rachel, Blaine, and a side of Sam show.  Now I have no doubts that was the invention of somebody in Glee's "publicity" department, not Lea or Chord or Darren, but seeing that it annoys me. Not with Lea but with the show and its whacked approach to the final 13 episodes.  


To reiterate Rachel should absolutely a lead.  Questionable whether Blaine should or not.  But even with them as leads other major characters (Kurt and Will especially) should have something outside of serving their stories.  


That is my problem people continue to transfer their anger/frustration on to the cast who are just doing their jobs.   In some corners of the fandom they actually like the pictures.    


I am not even sure Sam will have all that much focus and I will never understand why they even keep Klaine  or why  the Klaine arc fueled more by Blaine than Kurt. 


My choice would be a season long arc for Rachel and Kurt (non Klaine arc) and  even Will and let the others support them  having the old originals come back for a focus episode or 2 for their stories.

Edited by tom87

I don't think its anger being transferred to the actors I think its just overall frustration with the show and the way so far it has been handled or may be perceived to be being handled in a very not full regular character cast focus. Some fans like the publicity stunt of the whole DaLeaStreet and others recognize it as just that a fake PR publicity stunt. I would prefer to see each returning regular cast member getting just as much attention as Lea but we all know that this is probably not going to happen. Just because they put Rachel and Blaine as the current face of the show doesn't mean that everyone has to like that either. While neither of these 2 are at the top of my favorite characters list they are still tolerable to me as for Sam he's probably there to be once again a watered down window dressing of a fool for the bromance of Blam as he has been since season 4 and probably some NOT too funny comedic relief (well I saw how that worked out for season 4). The only time they've entertained letting Sam have any semblance of a brain was near the end of season 5. So yes I would have preferred a picture with everyone who was on set today to include Chris and Matthew since Lea tweeted out placards with them being a part of that scene as well. But some how someone in their PR department has cast all others aside to showcase them. So yes she is doing what she probably has been instructed to do and yes it trended and created a little buzz but I also think it turned off just as many or more than what they may be reaching out to obtain as viewers for season 6.

Edited by Ann Mack
  • Love 2

The people it turned off were already turned off, if she tweets or not.

Well I like Lea a lot and agree she's always been the lead of the show and will continue.

Having said that I think the whole "Daleatreet' push is beyond stupid. It's not even shipping characters together (Hummelberry, Britanny, Klaine, Finchel, etc) but three of the actors. It doesn't even make sense now with Chris not being gone early in the season as previously anticipated and as the co Director of ND along with Rachel. Their three characters have never been linked in any major SL ever on the show so the only reason I can think they are bringing it up now is somebody's idea of somehow trying to drum them up as some hydra headed "lead" of the show, and in the case of Chord it smacks of desperation to keep him " relevant".

Edited by caracas1914


So from mjsbigblog.com: (best source of spoilers so far)

"Homecoming was written by Ryan Murphy and directed by Brad Buecker

The grads come back to Lima for Homecoming, including Mercedes, Artie, Tina, Puck, Quinn, Santana, and Brittany.

Brittany and Santana are still a couple. Puck and Quinn too.

Karofsky and Blaine are also still a couple. No major movement in their storyline in this episode.

Kitty Wilde makes an appearance! The first newbie returns.

Spencer (We revealed some casting news HERE) and Roderick are back after making their first appearance in 6×01. We meet the rest of the McKinley high newbies: the quirky Jane and the twin cheerios, Madison and Mason.

The grads return to Lima after Rachel asks them to help her recruit new Glee club members.

Quinn, Brittany, Santana and Artie recruit the cheerleaders. Kitty is the HBIC. She’s very bitter about how she was treated by the Glee grads and by Artie when he left for college.

Sue forced the rest of the Glee club newbies to transfer out of McKinley after she disbanded the club.

Puck, Quinn, Sam, Tina and Mercedes attempt to recruit amongst McKinley’s Christian tea party.

Kurt has a one-on-one recruitment session with Spencer. Kurt feels Glee paved the way for the kind of tolerance that allows Spencer to be out and proud. Spencer insists that he paved his own way. They don’t part as BFFs.

Sue tries to convince Spencer to help her destroy the Glee club.

A power struggle emerges between Rachel and Kurt. There’s an issue over whether the two will be co-directors, or if Kurt will be an assistant.

Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and Sam have dinner with Will. Despite being rivals, they pledge not to undermine each other. Kurt is uneasy, but he keeps his cool in Blaine’s presence.

Jane is initially a Dalton student. She wants to become a Warbler. Blaine is actually really supportive, even enlisting Rachel to help her Warbler audition, but it is the rest of the all-male club that resist admitting a female. Jane ends up defecting to McKinley.

After the defection, Blaine accuses Rachel and Kurt of purposely undermining him.

Roderick is a senior, and a transfer student. He’s a shy fat kid, smart and nerdy. But when he sings, imagine Jack Black or Joe Cocker. He auditions for Glee club, along with the Cheerio twins, Mason and Madison."

Edited by caracas1914
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