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S26.E09: Total Eclipse Of The Heart


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NIa has absolutely no class. She makes everyone else around her look like royalty. I never watched her season of the Real World, but I recently saw the clip of her fight with Avery and Johnny, and I am completely disgusted by her. Her temper and anger as well as her propensity for physical violence, should be more than enough to keep her off the challenges. 


Also, I hope Leroy watches this back and realizes that Johnny is just as fucking shady as Wes. Wes just tends to be more upfront about it. 


Good fucking riddance, Zach. Hope that your penis falls off and that I never see you on my TV again.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 8

So . . . is anybody taking sides? With some reservations, I veer towards Jordan & Sarah. He's a meathead, and she's been beaten by the game again and again, but I sense that they're good people on some level. Wes is a guy who's too enamored of himself, Nia is a raging psycho bitch, Jay & Jenna are nobodies/scrubs in the big picture, and friggin' Johnny & Nany were already eliminated. Also, Zach is a misogynist asshole, and I'm glad he's gone. 


Even though she's a nutter, Nia's got a point about Johnny and Nany getting fed scrubs in the loser's bracket. I'm sick of Johnny and his shtick, and I fear he's going to luck into a sixth win. With that said, Nia should shut up forever. Those who never saw her on RW: Portland, y'all are lucky.

  • Love 2

I can't dislike Wes all that much.  He just wants to entertain me.  I appreciate that Jordan's aware that he's an asshole, but he did volunteer his opinion of Theresa.  Wes didn't have to do all that much to make him look bad in front of everyone else.


It's kind of a repeat dome, but I loved it the first time and the added height definitely mixed things up a lot.  I'm actually really glad that Zach was in this dome, because his hugeness made it more entertaining to watch.  I could have done without another round of pouting and blaming everything on Jonna.  It helped with the challenge being so boring this week, with two teams just quitting.


The bit with Theresa locked in the bathroom was pretty funny.  My relief over Bananas and Nany staying faded pretty quickly with his line about getting to pick on a girl.  I loved the editors having fun with the look on his face when Nany started responding to Nia, though.  Nia was absolutely planning on coasting to the finals based on Leroy's connections.


I kind of don't want any of the remaining teams to win.  I guess Jay and Jenna would be funny.  I'm not looking forward to Nia continuing to go off next week.

  • Love 2

I have so many thoughts. 


- First of all, WHY to be continued??? I was so stupidly entertained I need the resolution!!


Now, I feel like the rest of my post may be unpopular but whatever:


I think Nia is disgusting. Truly. I never loathed anyone during a RW season the way I did her on Portland. And she said some pretty nasty things to Nany at the end there but dammit I was cheering her on at the end. Because she's absolutely right that Bananas is a shithead and both Jordan AND Leroy are stupid for trusting him or believing they have his back. And fuck, I wanted to smack the smug smile and look off Nany's face all episode. I usually really like Nany but I've grown to dislike her this season after her righteous "I never air people's dirty laundry!!" as she was literally airing Theresa's dirty laundry on national TV. And Nia was right, they beat the fucking bottom of the barrel in the exile (okay fine Jonna/Zach and Johnny/Averey are solid but whatever) and most of the elimination games they played were fucking dumb. Whatever, I'm very irrational about Bananas/Nany right now. I seriously need Wes and Theresa to pull through and for Nany and Bananas to get voted off AGAIN just before the finale. I know not everyone is a fan of Theresa but dammit I want her and Wes to win because they've performed awesome and she went to the same college as me so I feel a small part of me needs to root for her. And that clip of her in the bathroom with Wes was hilarious "Can you just pretend to be okay?" "No!". But whoa she was weirdly emotional this episode.


But yeah, I really need Bananas and Nany gone.


Also, Zach is such a prick.

Edited by Craphole Island
  • Love 6
So . . . is anybody taking sides? With some reservations, I veer towards Jordan & Sarah. He's a meathead, and she's been beaten by the game again and again, but I sense that they're good people on some level. Wes is a guy who's too enamored of himself, Nia is a raging psycho bitch, Jay & Jenna are nobodies/scrubs in the big picture, and friggin' Johnny & Nany were already eliminated. Also, Zach is a misogynist asshole, and I'm glad he's gone.



Jordan's an asshole and as much as he didn't say that Theresa is a bigger bitch than he is an asshole, he invited the entire conversation by calling her a bitch in the first place. That's not me defending Theresa though. She cries too easily for someone that talks a lot of shit. With all that said, I do think I'm rooting for Jordan and Sarah. It would be great to see Jenna and Jay win. I understand I have a better chance of being elected the president of Wyoming than the do of winning the entire thing, but my fingers are crossed.


Even though she's a nutter, Nia's got a point about Johnny and Nany getting fed scrubs in the loser's bracket. I'm sick of Johnny and his shtick, and I fear he's going to luck into a sixth win. With that said, Nia should shut up forever. Those who never saw her on RW: Portland, y'all are lucky.



I'm going to have to agree with this too. The only somewhat formidable opponent they had were Avery and Johnny. I'm not too impressed with their success in the Exile.


I think Nia is disgusting. Truly. I never loathed anyone during a RW season the way I did her on Portland. And she said some pretty nasty things to Nany at the end there but dammit I was cheering her on at the end. Because she's absolutely right that Bananas is a shithead and both Jordan AND Leroy are stupid for trusting him or believing they have his back. And fuck, I wanted to smack the smug smile and look off Nany's face all episode. I usually really like Nany but I've grown to dislike her this season after her righteous "I never air people's dirty laundry!!" as she was literally airing Theresa's dirty laundry on national TV. And Nia was right, they beat the fucking bottom of the barrel in the exile (okay fine Jonna/Zach and Johnny/Averey are solid but whatever) and most of the elimination games they played were fucking dumb.



Yes, yes, and yes. Leroy is putting all of this trust into two guys who are using him as a pawn in their game. What I dislike a ton about Leroy and Nia is how personal they take being voting into the elimination games. Sarah was right. This is a game and each team has to look out for themselves. It's in Sarah and Jordan's best interest to keep Jay and Jenna in the game, and hopefully in the final. I'm sure they wouldn't be complaining if they were the couple that kept getting saved from eliminations. 


I hate Johnny and Nany. So fucking SMUG. IT would be some type of glorious justice if they get eliminated right before the final.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 1

I don't even know where to start with this episode! First off, I wasn't sure who was the least evil to root for, Zach or Bananas. But after seeing Jonna do her thing and remembering how just exhausted I am of Bananas, I had to root for Jonna and Zach. It's a shame that they lost because Johnny coming back just ruined the whole vibe. Things had changed, it all felt different and now it's back to the same old. Also fuck Zach for not giving Jonna any props for what she did.


I think the name of this episode should have been "Punks." Because everyone was acting like a punk.  I hate Johnny but Wes's face when Johnny won was priceless. Theresa talks a good game but she crumpled hard when she and Wes were dethroned. Makes me think she and Wes lose the elimination challenge.


Leroy looked so damn stupid running up and kissing Johnny's ass as soon as he got back. Leroy kept thinking he needed Johnny to protect him and get him to the final. Leroy and Nia were fine on the challenge with Johnny so I don't understand why Leroy was all apologetic for working with Wes. Leroy, none of these people will ever have your back on these things. Go for yourself and fuck the rest of them. Of course, next time you and your partner shouldn't just quit a challenge. Did he really think they were going to throw in Jay and Jenna against Wes and Theresa? The whole point of having Jay and Jenna around is that they could be in the final and come in third, leaving the top two prizes for the two strongest teams. No way does Jordan, Sarah, Johnny, and Nany want a third strong team in the final possibly bumping either team down to third.


And if Johnny is so violently against Wes and wants to take him down, then he would have volunteered for the elimination challenge. He and Nany did just come back after being a whole bunch of other exiles and Zach and Jonna. They would have done alright against Wes and Theresa. Esp Theresa who's all super-emotional now that she's not Queen Bee.


Nia's not awesome (none of these people are) but I loved her giving zero fucks and just going off on everyone. Because they were all shady and wrong and no one wanted to admit to it. Could have done without the gross names though,


Also, Jay/Jenna's facial expressions in this episode were cracking me up!

I love that they're whole plan is just lay low and let the vets argue amongst themselves. "Oh you guys want to carry us to the final? Sure! Oh you  guys want to throw this challenge so we won't win? Fine! You're going to call us scrubs? Long as no one votes us in!"

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
  • Love 3

Even though she's a nutter, Nia's got a point about Johnny and Nany getting fed scrubs in the loser's bracket.


I think this argument would hold more water if the people sending in said scrubs actually knew there was a loser's bracket.


I'm assuming they beat Johnny & Avery, because "Bananas" is that lucky.
I got a sinking feeling that "BaNany" (ugh) will luck out and win the remainder of the Ex-Iles from here on out.
I'm sick of Johnny and his shtick, and I fear he's going to luck into a sixth win.


I do not think that word means what you think it means.


You don't have to like the guy to admit he's got these games on lockdown. That's one of the perks of coming back all the damn time. Take out the fact that he plays a douchebag on TV (which he does) ... he's good politically, he's loyal to those that are loyal to him, and he's physically strong. "Luck" is Jon and Simone not having to compete because Knight blew out his shoulder. Nany and Nanners won all their exiles straight up, and make no mistake, the players in the house weren't knowingly sending them scrubs.


And I'd hardly say Johnny "lucked" into all of his final challenge victories. He plays the well-rounded game (physically, strategically and politically) better than anybody ever has before. I would hope so, since he's done a hundred of them.

Edited by Bob Sambob
  • Love 2

All right the one time Johnny is out a lame twist puts him back on the game, I just don't understand why everyone jumps inmediatly to kiss his ass again, why? The guy is beatable on eliminations, if u let him walk to a final chances are he will win because he has the experience on his side, it's like no one wants to win? Do this people are so dumb aside from Wes, that actually don't care on winning and are willing to let him walk to the end.

Everyone is so afraid and want to look cool with him, that is something I don't understand, I don't know how Leroy thought he was safe and he jumped immediately on kissing his ass again, and then Jordan thinking he owns something to him, if this people don't throw Johnny there now that there's a huge change he is out for good, then this cast is full of idiots.

  • Love 3

This s very much a minority view, I know. Maybe it's because I've never watched RW so I can only base this off this season's Challenge, but I like Nia. She is one of the only women there who seems to know her own mind, speaks it, and doesn't let her partner roll over her. She's VERY crass but she doesn't seem to base her actions off of crippling self-loathing and a lack of self-esteem (Nany) or off of vacuity and an infatuation with an idiot (Jenna). Was Nia very awful in RW? If yes, I'm very sorry to hear that because I've been rooting for her and Leroy. YMMV.

I also like Wes whose Machiavellian ways are very entertaining and a distraction from the bone-headed misogyny (Zach, Jordan) and smugness (Bananas, Jordan) from the other top male dogs...I appreciate a self-aware mastermind.

This ep was the worst case scenario for my favorites - Wes/Theresa vs Leroy/Nia. I hope that Bananas does take the overall win as that might teach everyone to get rid of him as early as possible next time.

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Me this entire episode: Ugh, shut up Theresa!! She cries way too easily about people hurting her feelings when she shit talks all the damn time.

Zack continues to be an asswad. Jonna led their asses through the entire thing and when they lose, he throws all the blame on her? How about a thank you, you dick. So glad he's gone, although I really wanted Jonna to claim a win.

I also didn't want to see Johnny and Nany back. I had to give Johnny the biggest eye roll when he looked down on Wes for playing a "shady" game. Really Bananas? And what kind of game do you play? I guess he showed Leroy how to play a clean game. Johnny always uses other people to do his dirty work.

Poor Leroy. The look on his face when he realized they were the sacrificial lambs was priceless. But it's his fault. He shouldn't have given up and left his fate in the hands of others. If you don't want to go in then you need to win, and you should be trying to win every time. I did really enjoy Nia's rant. It was glorious, especially when she went in on Johnny and Nany. I have never experienced hurricane Nia before so this is new for me, but damn if she wasn't thinking exactly what I was. I just wish they'd had a shot of TJ during that; I love seeing his reactions to the crazy.

  • Love 5

I'm pretty excited about the reunion. I hope Zach gets severely taken down 39554957 pegs for his treatment of Jonna this season. I like the host of the aftershows, so assuming she hosts the reunion I trust it will be brought up.


Also, SPOILERS for the rest of the season


Apparently Nia and Leroy win this elimination and Wes has to leave in a neckbrace. But then Nia does something to Jordan to get her DQd so they bring back Theresa to pair with Leroy (they are also "exes" by this show's standards, afterall) and they beat Bananas and Nany in the final dome.

This s very much a minority view, I know. Maybe it's because I've never watched RW so I can only base this off this season's Challenge, but I like Nia. She is one of the only women there who seems to know her own mind, speaks it, and doesn't let her partner roll over her. She's VERY crass but she doesn't seem to base her actions off of crippling self-loathing and a lack of self-esteem (Nany) or off of vacuity and an infatuation with an idiot (Jenna). Was Nia very awful in RW? If yes, I'm very sorry to hear that because I've been rooting for her and Leroy. YMMV.

This is more of a preemptive warning than anything else, but based on her RW season, Nia would easily make my list of most emotionally unstable people to have ever been on the show.  She is violent and has serious issues with boundaries.  That fight with Jordan they showed clips of during this episode was much longer and more uncomfortable to watch that clips can convey.  I'd like to believe that she's gotten some help since her season, but I don't want to be too optimistic since there's a very good chance she might do something pretty disturbing next week, especially since something about Jordan sets her off.

  • Love 1

This is more of a preemptive warning than anything else, but based on her RW season, Nia would easily make my list of most emotionally unstable people to have ever been on the show.  She is violent and has serious issues with boundaries.  That fight with Jordan they showed clips of during this episode was much longer and more uncomfortable to watch that clips can convey.  I'd like to believe that she's gotten some help since her season, but I don't want to be too optimistic since there's a very good chance she might do something pretty disturbing next week, especially since something about Jordan sets her off.

Yikes! Oh dear. I'm sad now...:(


I love how Teresa, who takes crap all the time about everyone, behind everyone's back, cries when someone calls her a bitch. Like she literally started crying right away. All she does is trash talk people and treat them like shit, and she cries and talks about someone having honor?


I really wanted Johanna  to choke Zach with the ropes.Unforunate that it didn't happen. Of course he blames it on her despite that she did an excellent job. You're terrible Zach. But yeah, Bannanas and Nany do deserve it...


Everytime I hear Jenna talk, I think parts of my brain die. She's so stupid and empty.


I mean I rather Johnny and Avery have been the couple to return, but Bannanas made Wes and Teresea upset, so it works.


I get why Leroy made the deal(to keep himself safe) and I get why he wanted to keep it(because he's a good guy)...but yeah, it definitely wasn't in his best interest in the F3 to have. If he got rid of Wes(pre-Bannanas) he would have had it in the bag.


Also anyone find it funny that Nia called Nany a you know what guzzling slut? She's on this season for giving  guy a blow job in a bathroom.

Edited by XtremeOne1
  • Love 3

I can't dislike Wes all that much.  He just wants to entertain me.  I appreciate that Jordan's aware that he's an asshole, but he did volunteer his opinion of Theresa.  Wes didn't have to do all that much to make him look bad in front of everyone else.


Same here, I have always liked how Wes has played the game.


Now maybe it is just the Big Brother fan in me (And I did not watch any of the battle of the exiles) but does anyone think that the Battle of the Exile challenges could have been rigged in favor of Johnny so that he would return?


They do it all of the time on Big Brother, where they have challenges that favor certain people so I was wondering if that was the case here.

I wanted so wanted Nany to bring up the fact that they're all "c*m guzzling sluts"....it's kinda why they're all there (Nia specifically). I can't even side with her and Leroy in this because they all get so prickly when they get thrown into the dome. It happens. No one wants to go to a final with the 3 best teams....they're there to win money (like Sara and Jordan very calmly tried to point out).


From what I've read, people are very loyal to Bananas because he's an excellent friend....outside of the game. His whole persona on the show is apparently hightened for entertainment value. I remember Diem, specifically, saying that he helped her out alot when she had to get cancer treatments.


Jay and Jenna are my favorites. I love how when people calm them out for being the worst team they're just kind of like....yeeeeaaa maybe. Whatever. We're here, you're going to the dome. We're gonna win some amount of money, stay mad.  

  • Love 2


Now maybe it is just the Big Brother fan in me (And I did not watch any of the battle of the exiles) but does anyone think that the Battle of the Exile challenges could have been rigged in favor of Johnny so that he would return?

I remember before the season started people thought this season was set up fro CT/Diem to win and I can believe that over Bananas and Nany. I think everyone who watched the original Exes including myself thought the perfect ending for that season would have been CT/Diem winning. I think Battle of the Exile is along the lines of all the  changes  they have made to The Real World the last couple of seasons.  I actually think it would have been a better "story" for Avery/Reilly to return.


And I'd hardly say Johnny "lucked" into all of his final challenge victories. He plays the well-rounded game (physically, strategically and politically) better than anybody ever has before. I would hope so, since he's done a hundred of them.

I think every person who was won a Reality TV show  has had some element of luck. I think Bananas has had plenty of luck.  I like Bananas, but he's never really impressed me on a physical or strategic level. The only contestants who have impressed me on a physical level are Frank (mostly because he was a drunk lush on his season) and Emily from RW DC (never struck me as a fitness guru on her season). The only person who ever impressed me on a strategic level was the game Wes played in The Duel with his outsiders alliance and even than you can say was lucky to win because the head start was determined with how many soccer goals you made.

Edited by choclatechip45

Man, this show.


Zach is still an asshole. (that moment when Jonna jumped on his back and they jumped down from the top of that cube was some superhero shit. But not Thor. It was like Spiderman who I consider to be the worst of the superheroes).


Why was Theresa crying when she found out Jordan called her a bitch? Girl, you are a bitch. Everyone on that show is a bitch. Male, female, rookie, veteran....all bitches. I think to qualify to be on an MTV show you have to be a bitch. And the crying. Good lord, lady, get it together. Even in the little deleted scene during this episode she was crying AND locking herself in the bathroom. The thousand yard stare from Wes as the crying happened (and the fight at the end) was hilarious though.


I thought the challenge was good. Nany hitting Wes point blank in the head from 2 feet away was funny.

No excuse for Nia not to get on that box. She should've figured out a way to get her long legged ass up there and Leroy should not have jumped off.

"I'm not an easy target." Okay, Jenna. Except for that one time when the bag came kind of close to you and you fell off.


The slow motion zoom in on Banana's face at Nany and Nia when they were going at it proves that the editors are on our side.


All in all good show. But I wish it wasn't too be continued.

  • Love 3

Just shows that Jay, although he was trying to do the right thing, is a rookie and don't know no better!


Forgot to mention in my earlier post the hilarity of Jenna being sooooooo confused as to why they where watching another Dome battle with returned people.  Again, Jay being a good guy, slowly explained it to her in small words and she was still perplexed!  It made me chuckle.  Girl, keep "modeling".

  • Love 4

The whole time Theresa was crying I was like GOOD. Girl sit down. You ARE a bitch. How can you be shocked that when you talk mad shit about people they are going to think you are a bitch. *SHOCKER* It makes me like you even less ( didn't know that was possible) that you can't even own your own bitch ass. Did anyone else see her shit eating grin she had when Nia started off on Nany?


Nia- you are a violent unstable psychopath. I loved Jordans recap of her ' This is the Nia I know and hate'. She is not funny, not cute, not 'owning her shit' and this hurricane nia needs to be institutionalized. And you drank someones sweat, so if you are really going to call some one a C*m guzzling whore...(btw 2004 called the want their insults back) yeah ok. You literally are right up there with Kenny/Evan nastiness. Congrats.


Wes- I love you this season. I don't know why or how.  next time I see you I hope you have a better partner than bitch ass Theresa. He plays a good game and unlike the rest of these clowns ( aside from maybe Sarah) this is not life or death lol


I love Jay and Jenna. I know they have no shot of winning but I hope they can atleast make some money. Jay is hilarious. 


Team Jordan Sarah all the way. I kind of like how Jordan called Theresa out. Why can't he call her a bitch and say that he doesnt like the way she talks to people? Can pathetic princess Theresa not handle it that not everyone wants to kiss her ass?  You get what you give !!!!

  • Love 2


You don't have to like the guy to admit he's got these games on lockdown. That's one of the perks of coming back all the damn time. Take out the fact that he plays a douchebag on TV (which he does) ... he's good politically, he's loyal to those that are loyal to him, and he's physically strong. "Luck" is Jon and Simone not having to compete because Knight blew out his shoulder. Nany and Nanners won all their exiles straight up, and make no mistake, the players in the house weren't knowingly sending them scrubs.


It pains me to admit this, but Bananas is a solid competitor. And while he's not physically unbeatable, he IS a good athlete, he's good at manipulating people, and he tends to keep a cool head when he needs one. Sure, it's easy to say, yeah, this is his job, anyone that held the level of experience he does would have a good record...but that's not really true. Plenty of people have done this year after year and have either no wins or only one win.  Bananas may not be the best, but he's decent, and he definitely maximizes his resources to their full potential.


I did feel a little bad for Theresa when she started crying about being called a bitch. Mostly because it indicates that all Theresa's shit talking likely comes from extreme insecurity. I am sure "bitch" gets tossed around pretty frequently and Theresa certainly can't claim she's never said anything to deserve the title. For Theresa to be so rattled by someone calling her a bitch- someone that as far as we know she has no personal relationship with or ties to- she must really have low self esteem. Although he denies saying it, I do think it's funny if Jordan used himself as a barometer for what a bitch someone is. I kind of hope it's true.


Nia is a damn idiot. She and Leroy want to bitch out whoever sends them into the dome, like the other teams just have no right to look out for themselves, fine, whatever. But to pick fights with all the remaining teams? Just a stupid move. As far as she knows, there could be one more dome fight and if she comes back, she just insulted every team and gave them an easy choice for who to send in, should it come to that.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 3

Same here, I have always liked how Wes has played the game.


Now maybe it is just the Big Brother fan in me (And I did not watch any of the battle of the exiles) but does anyone think that the Battle of the Exile challenges could have been rigged in favor of Johnny so that he would return?


They do it all of the time on Big Brother, where they have challenges that favor certain people so I was wondering if that was the case here.

Johnny is hands down production golden boy, I mean he is the only one that gets partners that weren't on camera, johnny is solid but imo he has had a bunch of "luck" by production part. 

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Words cannot express how much I despise Bananas, he is the worst kind of douchebag. Whenever someone tries to argue or bring up a point with him, he will somehow twist the words/scenario in his nasty little brain or change the subject to validate his point. Not to mention the fact that he is a huge hypocrite - didn't he get on Zach's case earlier this season about how alliance members don't just not say each other's name, they "stick their neck out" for each other? Way to do that for Leroy, asshole, who is a much closer friend to you than you were to Zach.

  • Love 6

I used to hate Bananas, but this season has really turned me around on him. Mostly because I hate the people they're putting him up against a lot more. Zach is the worst, and I would pick having Bananas in the house over him a million times over. And seeing Theresa freak out and cry about it is worth having Bananas back in. 


I just can't believe that Jordan calling her a bitch was enough to reduce Theresa to tears. She spearheaded a weird shaming thing against Nany and then can't take it when someone (rightfully) labels her as the bitchiest girl in the house? There's nothing more pathetic to me than someone on one of these shows that can dish it but can't take it. She was also really dramatic about it too, like "Jordan is the meanest person I've ever met" I'm no Jordan fan but how is that possible? You've met Laurel, remember? She loathed the fuck out of you like all season and then called you out at the reunion? Laurel, who said she would stomp you into the ground? I love Laurel but she's mean as hell, I think she had Jordan beat on that one.


I almost wish there was a way that Wes could stay but Theresa could leave, because Wes is hilarious to me but Theresa is the wooooorst.

  • Love 4

I secretly watch this show when my husband is still at work, but he came home with 5 minutes left so I just left it on.  He sat there kind of dumbfounded and then just looked at me and said "that whole last scene was one giant bleep and I think the only word that came through was whore".  Made me laugh to think of the bleep editors having to hit the button every word and then being like "oh, whore, that's an ok word".  Ha.


I like Wes.  I don't know why, but I do.  I think he seems the smartest, so I root for the non-morons.  It is also possible that my opinion of his intelligence is raised in comparison to the alternatives on this shitshow.

  • Love 10


Poor Leroy. The look on his face when he realized they were the sacrificial lambs was priceless. But it's his fault. He shouldn't have given up and left his fate in the hands of others. If you don't want to go in then you need to win, and you should be trying to win every time.

Leroy quitting that game made me so damn angry. Dude, Bananas is right, one of the main reasons that you're going into the Dome is because you quit. 

Personally, I hate Nia AND Nany, but I really have a problem with Nia because she's so unstable and psychotic. C'mon girl, be rational.


Why was Theresa crying when she found out Jordan called her a bitch? Girl, you are a bitch. Everyone on that show is a bitch. Male, female, rookie, veteran....all bitches. I think to qualify to be on an MTV show you have to be a bitch. And the crying. Good lord, lady, get it together. Even in the little deleted scene during this episode she was crying AND locking herself in the bathroom. The thousand yard stare from Wes as the crying happened (and the fight at the end) was hilarious though.

Oh gawd you guys, I hate Theresa so much! I have, from the very first moment she appeared on our screens. She is THE WORST. 


At this point I don't care who wins, except that I really want Sarah to walk away from this thing with some money. She deserves it more than ANYONE.

Hey Leroy, if you don't want to go into elimination, don't fucking quit! You too, Nia. You want to bitch and moan and tear up about a decision that could have been yours if you didn't wuss out. No sympathy whatsoever.

And I don't remember Sarah and Jordan agreeing to Wes' plan…why were Leroy and Nia so sure they wouldn't go in?

I did like seeing Wes almost shit his pants over Bananas return.

No sympathy for Leroy because he is a quitter, but Bananas' hypocrisy makes me sick. He throws huge hissy fits and sanctimonious rants when things don't go his way yet has absolutely no problem doing the exact same things to others. STFU bananas. I hated Nia on her season, but I would have absolutely no problem with her banging Bananas over the head with a hair dryer once or twice.

  • Love 3

Rule #1: You never, EVER, willingly place your fate in someone else's hands. I don't understand why Nia was so scared when she already did other missions involving heights. Unfortunately, Leroy reverted back to "skate by" mode and his team got burned for it. This next dome is a physical challenge, which should favor them though.


Theresa was way too emotional throughout the whole episode, but I do understand her frustration with a losing team coming back, especially considering she's never won a challenge (I'm pretty sure she's never been to a final either). Wes executed his plan perfectly up to this point, and now it all gets shot to hell thanks to a new twist in the game. C'est la vie.


Regarding the final exile, I was SO glad to see Bananas and Nany win. I'm not in love with them, but it beats seeing more of Zach treating Jonna like a piece of dog dung. If there's some deeper reason why he has such vitriol towards her, I have yet to hear it.

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So . . . is anybody taking sides? With some reservations, I veer towards Jordan & Sarah. He's a meathead, and she's been beaten by the game again and again, but I sense that they're good people on some level. Wes is a guy who's too enamored of himself, Nia is a raging psycho bitch, Jay & Jenna are nobodies/scrubs in the big picture, and friggin' Johnny & Nany were already eliminated. Also, Zach is a misogynist asshole, and I'm glad he's gone. 


I'm gunning for Sarah and Jordan. I think she's like the new Paula; always the bridesmaid, never the bride. How many times has she been hung out to dry by her partner now? The girl deserves a win for once, and I don't mind if that means Jordan gets a W too.


I wanted so wanted Nany to bring up the fact that they're all "c*m guzzling sluts"....it's kinda why they're all there (Nia specifically).


I can't handle the slut accusations all these girls are throwing around. Let the one who hasn't given a stranger a blowjob cast the first stone. Pot, meet kettle. Literally, the only thing I knew about Teresa going into this season, is that she slept with Wes and then Leroy, while Wes on the bottom bunk or vice versa. Today I learned she cries a lot but aside from that she's been totally unmemorable.


As for Bananas, he should negotiate to get Zach on every season he's ever on because this is the best he's ever looked.

  • Love 4

I haven't liked Bananas since The Ruins so I was rooting for Zach and Jonna to come back instead of Bananas and Nany. He complains a lot about the way Wes plays the game, but he is just as bad or worse. He says Leroy is his friend, but he made no effort whatsoever to stop Jordan and Sarah from throwing Leroy and Nia into the Dome.

I don't know when people on these challenges will realize that making an alliance with Bananas or Wes doesn't benefit them at all. They are just a means to an end. If Leroy wanted to ensure he didn't go to the Dome, he should've tried to win instead of giving up just like Nia.

At this point, I'm rooting for Sarah and Jordan. Even though I'm not a big fan of Jordan, they're both great competitors and I would really like to see them win.

  • Love 1


I can't handle the slut accusations all these girls are throwing around.


It's unfortunately nothing new. It seems like every season a group of the girls gang up on one girl for being a "slut" despite the fact that none of the girls should be throwing stones, and the guy who was involved is sitting off on the sidelines, judgment free, laughing at all the silly women while all the men pat him on the back for being such a stud. The double standard on these shows is just maddening.

  • Love 4

Can we please just make Sarah and Leroy a team?  Or Sarah and Wes? 


I do think there is a huge element of luck to Bananas being in the game at this point.  He was eliminated, and he was lucky that the Exile was even a thing. 


I remain disappointed that we haven't seen Jonna just haul off and kick Zach in the nuts yet.  He has been beyond shitty to her this season.  I do like that we're seeing the others commenting on it (like Sarah and Leroy).  I hope there is a massive Zach pile-on at the reunion, including a host who mercilessly points out his douchebaggery. 


I love that they're whole plan is just lay low and let the vets argue amongst themselves. "Oh you guys want to carry us to the final? Sure! Oh you  guys want to throw this challenge so we won't win? Fine! You're going to call us scrubs? Long as no one votes us in!"



I was saying after Sarah and Jordan won, if I'm Jenna and Jay, I'm just going to go hide somewhere in the house where no one will notice us until TJ calls everyone together.  No need to rock that boat. 


Even though the spoilers I read indicated it would be Leroy/Nia going in, I was still holding out some hope that Sarah would switch things up and send in Bananas/Nany.  When we had her talking head about not being nice any more and doing what she needs to win, and then her taking note of how easily Bananas let "his boy" Leroy go under the bus, I was really hoping it was the build up to her sending him in both because she sees he's not loyal and because he always wins these damn things, so she should consider him the biggest threat to her winning it all.


I was also disappointed in how easily Leroy just threw back in with Bananas and discounted Wes.  Bananas was being such a smug, demanding ass, berating Leroy for daring to align himself with Wes when Bananas was gone, like he was supposed to remain unaligned, lost in his grief over Bananas' elimination?  Bananas was just pissed that Leroy took him out in the first place.  Clearly he and Nia were supposed to "stick their necks out" for Bananas and play dead in the dome.

  • Love 4


I do not think that word means what you think it means.


You don't have to like the guy to admit he's got these games on lockdown. That's one of the perks of coming back all the damn time. Take out the fact that he plays a douchebag on TV (which he does) ... he's good politically, he's loyal to those that are loyal to him, and he's physically strong. "Luck" is Jon and Simone not having to compete because Knight blew out his shoulder. Nany and Nanners won all their exiles straight up, and make no mistake, the players in the house weren't knowingly sending them scrubs.




I also think they would have blown Nia and LeRoy away in that first Dome had Nany's bands not gotten stuck on an unfortunately-placed giant splinter. 

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 1

I haven't liked Bananas since The Ruins so I was rooting for Zach and Jonna to come back instead of Bananas and Nany. He complains a lot about the way Wes plays the game, but he is just as bad or worse. He says Leroy is his friend, but he made no effort whatsoever to stop Jordan and Sarah from throwing Leroy and Nia into the Dome.

He was actually the one who made the suggestion for Sarah/Jordan to vote in Leroy/Nia after Johnny/Nany "let" them (S/J) win the challenge.  All this, so that Johnny wouldn't look like the bad guy he actually is.


I love that Nia can stand there and call Nany a dirty whore when she's the one who drank a cup of human sweat for $70.

Wasn't it for $7 bucks?  I don't know what the exchange rate is down there, but I'm sure you probably can't even get a real drink for that.

I already deleted this off my DVR so I can't watch it again (which is probably good because I should really spend the time doing just about anything else), but I'm surprised no one commented on Jonna's fairly rough fall in the challenge. I thought I heard Zach say "Fall!" and then saw Jonna hit the ground really hard. I might've blinked just long enough to miss exactly what happened. Did he tell her to jump? Was that part of what they had to do to untangle the rope, or did he just want to torment her?  I was confused. He's such an ass to her anyway it wasn't a big shocker that he seemed to show zero concern, but I was even concerned as a viewer and just glad she didn't break anything!


I find these teams so frustrating because in most cases I like one of them okay but really dislike the other one, so it's hard to decide who to root for. For example I'd like to root for Sarah but can't stand Jordan, and I'd also like to see Leroy do well but I really, REALLY dislike Nia. I think it would be hilarious if Jay and Jenna won the whole thing. I don't see it happening, but it would be pretty funny.

  • Love 2

I could root for Wes if he just wasn't paired with the awful Theresa. I just re-watched her first season (in my defense I was sick and snowed in) and she was nasty from the start. And truly has zero room to talk about how many people Nany hooks up with. Normally I would hate a Bananas return, but it was worth it just for Theresa's reaction. Jordan and Sarah for the win!<br />

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I think it would be hilarious if Jay and Jenna won the whole thing. I don't see it happening, but it would be pretty funny.


I know it's a long shot, but nothing would make me happier than seeing those two idiots take everyone's money. I'm rooting for Sarah because she really deserves it after all the times her partners have screwed her over by quitting or being forced to leave. But nothing would make me happier than seeing Jay and Jenna take it, only because Wes worked so hard to keep them in the game this long. I'd pay money to see the look on his face if that happened.

  • Love 2
I'm not really seeing this Johnny always screws over his alliance mates? When has he done that? His primary alliance mates, without hurting his own game? Before anyone brings up The Island, Paula was not in that primary alliance and Johnny wasn't the mastermind behind that deal with Evelyn anyway.



For me, it's stuff like him losing his shit on Zach for not making Wes/Theresa go first in that challenge.  He went on and on to Zach about how being in an alliance with him doesn't just mean he doesn't send him into eliminations, but that he has to stick his neck out for him, blah blah blah.  When have we seen Johnny legitimately stick his neck out for anyone?  He surrounds himself with layers of people who do his bidding and then become disposable when he runs out of other targets.  And, in that specific instance, it would have been ridiculous for Zach to intentionally piss Wes off, just to make Johnny happy.  The odds were high that, no matter when Wes went, he was going to win, because everyone is aware that swimming is his strength.  Zach singling him out would only serve to potentially move the target Wes had on Johnny's back to Zach's back.  We're never going to see Johnny willingly and actively take someone else's hit.  As evidenced this week, when Sarah pointed out how readily Johnny let "his boy" Leroy get tossed in to the dome.  He wasn't remotely interested in sticking his neck out for Leroy.  


I get that everyone gets into alliances to serve their own purposes and advance.  And that's fine.  But he gets so holier than thou with everyone when he doesn't do what he expects everyone else to do.  Again back to this week - he ranted and raved at Leroy for aligning with Wes once Johnny and Nany were eliminated.  Please.  If the situation warranted it and Johnny's other alliance members were gone, he would absolutely try to come to some agreement with Wes to protect his own ass and mutually go after someone else.  But Leroy was supposed to...what?  Somehow know that the Exile was going on and keep the home fires burning for Bananas until he, fingers crossed, triumphantly returns?  Leroy did exactly what Johnny would have done - made deals to protect himself in the game.  Yes, Johnny doesn't like Wes, so that means, Leroy isn't allowed to play with him?  


Johnny expects a whole lot of blind loyalty from anyone in his multi-layered alliances, even though he wouldn't return that same level of loyalty.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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