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S20: Robert Herjavec: When You're A Shark You're A Shark All The Way

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I'm *really* liking this watching the rehearsals thing. I've learned a ton about dance movement watching this one. Robert is analytical, persistent, quick to learn, and can *feel* it when he gets it - not to mention he's really fit. And Kym explained things about all sorts of dances. It was very, very cool. He has a rep as a *nice* shark and I can totally see why!

I don't know a whole lot about Robert as a person, but it actually surprised me how fit he was.  I guess I'm used to seeing him in suits sitting down that I didn't realize he was in such good shape.  That should definitely help his cause.  If nothing else I expect him to be better than his fellow shark Mark Cuban.

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Cause of divorce?  Probably the same thing that causes divorce in couples everywhere.  Obviously it had nothing to do with DWTS since this is all stuff that seemingly happened before he started rehearsing.  It just came to light now.  It does make something he said in one of the live rehearsal streams make sense though.  He was talking about his reasons for doing this show and he told the story about his mom and how it was her favorite show, as he has said in most interviews, but he also said something about how he was coming off one of the worst years of his life and looking for a fresh start.  As it seemed like both of his parents passed before this past year, I assumed he wasn't talking about that and his financial dealings seem to be going well.  He's certainly not one that is doing DWTS for the paycheck.


But I don't know enough of his core personality either to know if he is being flirtatious with Kym or if it's just how he is.

Edited by spanana

That's a pretty powerful article.  I really hope he does well on the show and is able to get the healing he needs.  


Robert isn't specifically overly flirtatious on Shark Tank, but he is usually very upbeat and positive.  Especially when people have sports products, or bring dogs into the studio. He's the first one to jump up & try a new gizmo or product.  He is my favorite Shark, without question. 

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Poor guy.  I hope he finds joy in this show and a love affair with Kym.  Unlikely to last but he needs a little loving fun in his life!  

That's a pretty powerful article.  I really hope he does well on the show and is able to get the healing he needs.  


Robert isn't specifically overly flirtatious on Shark Tank, but he is usually very upbeat and positive.  Especially when people have sports products, or bring dogs into the studio. He's the first one to jump up & try a new gizmo or product.  He is my favorite Shark, without question. 



I didn't watch it but is reported that he is very flirtatious with Kym during rehearsals.  We will probably see that next week.  He is getting all of my votes. 

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Shark Tank's Robert Herjavec: I Thought About Suicide After My Marriage Fell Apart


Oh wow.  :(  I never thought it got that bad!  I do hope this show does help him in some way.

I don't know anything about him other than from this article, but it's usually a bad sign when all of the hs and college-aged children stop talking to a parent during a divorce.  Makes me feel that there may have been infidelity, substance issues or another problem that was really caused by Herjavec himself, not just, as he said, "growing apart". Kids often take divorce badly, but unless they feel one parent has actually been "wronged" they usually don't completely freeze one of them out of their lives because of it.


Robert seems likeable enough on DWTS so far, but the People mag story made me wonder if there are problems beneath the surface.

I wouldn't begin to speculate about the substance abuse or infidelity issues of someone who's a total stranger to me.  However, I would observe, based on my own experience, that the one who initiates a divorce is usually not the one who's contemplating suicide.


I know Robert took up running, and eventually competing in marathons, as a way to cope with his mother's terminal cancer a few years ago.  He credits running as having gotten him through that very difficult period.  I hope his decision to be on DWTS at this time will prove as helpful.

  • Love 4

I don't know anything about him other than from this article, but it's usually a bad sign when all of the hs and college-aged children stop talking to a parent during a divorce.  Makes me feel that there may have been infidelity, substance issues or another problem that was really caused by Herjavec himself, not just, as he said, "growing apart". Kids often take divorce badly, but unless they feel one parent has actually been "wronged" they usually don't completely freeze one of them out of their lives because of it.


I've seen this line of reasoning in a few places, and it bothers me a bit. Back when I was in high school, my parents blindsided my siblings and me when they announced that they were getting divorced. Even though they said they had just grown apart (and, decades later, maintain that there was no infidelity), all of us kids - middle school through college-aged - blamed the parent that wasn't around as much. Neither was actually to blame, but we wanted there to be a definite reason why the divorce was happening and it was easy to point a finger at the parent who was always busy with work and other things. In Herjavec's case, there could easily be other factors as many have assumed. But given how busy he's been in the past few years, I don't find it out of the ordinary that his kids would side with their mother even without a factor like infidelity.

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Meh.  I'm a big Kym fan, and always have been, but I find the whole DWTS pairs dating rumor cycle unpalatable, and now it's in force with Kym and Robert.


TMZ: http://www.tmz.com/2015/03/18/shark-tank-star-robert-herjavec-dating-dwts-partner/
People: http://extratv.com/2015/03/18/dancing-with-the-stars-romance-robert-herjavec-and-kym-johnson-dating/

Extra: http://extratv.com/2015/03/18/dancing-with-the-stars-romance-robert-herjavec-and-kym-johnson-dating/


On screen the whole Ferrari thing played as a joke though, so I don't exactly see TMZ being all that credible spinning it as part of this story. As did Kym SEEMING to be impressed by him having a jet. Again, it seemed like a bit of theater for the TV broadcast.  


The reported "making out" at an afterparty might be another thing entirely.


Herjavec is hardly some ugly old troll, and Kym is 38, not some 20-something, but I still don't like the Sugar Daddy thing, if this is true.

Edited by Kromm

I've seen this line of reasoning in a few places, and it bothers me a bit. Back when I was in high school, my parents blindsided my siblings and me when they announced that they were getting divorced. Even though they said they had just grown apart (and, decades later, maintain that there was no infidelity), all of us kids - middle school through college-aged - blamed the parent that wasn't around as much. Neither was actually to blame, but we wanted there to be a definite reason why the divorce was happening and it was easy to point a finger at the parent who was always busy with work and other things. In Herjavec's case, there could easily be other factors as many have assumed. But given how busy he's been in the past few years, I don't find it out of the ordinary that his kids would side with their mother even without a factor like infidelity.

Okay, but it just struck me as odd that they all didn't just side with their mother (if she was even bitter about it, which we don't know). But they all stopped talking to their father. It makes me think there's more to the story than "we grew apart". JMO, of course. I understand some people think I'm reading too much into it.


As for the Kym** and Robert stories all over the initernet that they're a couple now--I read something from...was it Julianne? Or something Val said at the DWTS... about how they all know it helps bring votes when the audience feels there's a romance going on. (And, yes, I'm 100% happy there's no chance of that with Peta, for a change. I thought she was going to get Chris.)


Kym** seems like a very nice person and she's well situated to have seen what Robert is like after long hours (he obviously had worked hard this week). If she likes him...really, not just "showmance-style"... then I hope it works out for her. I'm the last person who would ever be called a "gold-digger" (and I thought his offer of giving her the Lamborghini "if we win" was tacky, not nice), but I did think for a moment that it might be really fun, if the guy was appealing as he seems to be, to have a really truly mega-super-rich boyfriend.  Not celebrity-rich, but billionaire-rich. So, in that sense, I hope he's actually a nice guy and she has the time of her life if they're really dating. Cause that could be a lot of fun!


[[**corrected from Emma to Kym per catgyrl's helpful post below.  I've got them figured out now. I think. Anyway, if Kym really has found a nice boyfriend with Robert, all "gold digging" aside, it could actually be a very fun time dating someone with that level of wealth. If I were a pro on this show, I would never, ever want to be romantically involved with my partner until it was all over, but whatever the case here, I wish them well!]]

Edited by Padma

I'm not a fan of showmances, probably because Val and Maks are just so disgusting when they play that game. Kym isn't usually like that, and they had a definite spark when they met. Their chemistry is crazy and the article above makes him seem a sweet man.

I only barely knew of him, but thought he seemed a little slick with too much hair product. I actually found him kind of hot in rehearsals, other than the fact that he's quite a bit shorter than me. I hope they enjoy each other. The show process is intense and stressful. Not the best way to begin a relationship, but a good way to test it, that's for sure.

I like Robert and  I like that he and Kym may be having a romance.  Good for both of them.  Gold digger?  Hardly, Robert was assigned to her as a partner she did not go looking for a rich man! 


His wealth is well known from being on the Shark Tank so they went with that in the opening.  


Saying he would give her a Ferrari if they won is probably made up.  I hope the press they are getting on the romance does not effect him in a negative way.  He has my votes.  

The Ferrari and the plane from the opening episode this season are what is usually introduced when he is on Shark Tank as well (also on ABC) so I am thinking that they went with what the audience (who knows him) is aware of and the portion of the audience that doesn't know him can see "wow, he's got some nice toys."


I am glad to see Kym back on the show and very excited to see her with Robert.  All talk of showmance aside, I always enjoyed Kym's choreography and Robert's enthusiasm (from Shark Tank) so it seemed like a good match, dancing-wise and learning-wise.  Robert is always the first Shark to smile and he ALWAYS has to pet the dog or high five the kids, so he tends to be my favorite as a Shark.

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I generally hate showmances because they usually ring so flat and false. The reason Maks and Meryl worked was because it so played to the archetypes (the Bad Boy tamed by the Ice Princess). And now this one with Robert and Kym I find myself getting drawn in to even though I know the show is effing with me. I mean, come on, the Handsome Rags to Riches Billionaire coming off of a divorce and the Gorgeous Blond Dancer who, while not "old," is certainly not at the beginning of her professional dancing career and is long past being the innocent ingenue (like Witney would be). Jeez, the whole thing just hits on so many levels.


And I think he's a pretty good dancer too! He certainly has a great attitude. And I can't complain about how he looks in a tank top either. 

  • Love 3

Important to note the wording here.


"Herjavec and Diane Plese, his wife of 24 years, have three high school- and college-age kids, who initially didn't speak with their father after the split. "Everyone has their kryptonite," Herjavec says. "For me, it was my kids. It took me to a place I never thought I would go."


This tells me that the "not speaking" is over now.  

Edited by wings707

I don't know what is going on with Robert and Kym and don't much care, but I'm hardpressed to see how be comes off as if he is more interested in trying to get some as opposed to learning to dance. Robert comes off like a perfectionist and he is seemingly taking this quite seriously. To the point that he was critiquing himself on the press line last night and all the judges have made it a point to note how he's really trying to learn technique. If anything he seems to be a strong visual learner and so asks Kym a lot of questions. That said, I have no idea how rumba will go as I think hips might be his weakness.

  • Love 1

Kids often take divorce badly, but unless they feel one parent has actually been "wronged" they usually don't completely freeze one of them out of their lives because of it.

Usually divorces involve anger, and many, many parents draw their kids into it, knowingly or not.  The fact that Robert was seen as the bad guy at first suggests to me he didn't badmouth her to the kids, but she did badmouth him.  Though who knows.  

If this isn't just smoke and mirrors to get P.R., then I wonder what the effect of having tons of sex with a 13 year younger woman is having on ol' Rob's overall stamina.  Should it be tiring him or... invigorating him?  I know athletes in various sports have tons of different beliefs and rules about sex, then again dance is part about endurance and stamina and part about ehem... connection.


Unless Kym is just a tease, that is (or again, if the whole thing is a setup and not real at all).

If this isn't just smoke and mirrors to get P.R., then I wonder what the effect of having tons of sex with a 13 year younger woman is having on ol' Rob's overall stamina.  Should it be tiring him or... invigorating him?  I know athletes in various sports have tons of different beliefs and rules about sex, then again dance is part about endurance and stamina and part about ehem... connection.


Unless Kym is just a tease, that is (or again, if the whole thing is a setup and not real at all).

Well he seemed to be all peppy for someone almost 20 years his junior so 13 years won't be a hardship. 

Making the "unequivocal judgment" that they're not dating is what is a bit much. So he and this D-list younger model-actress just like to appear together at events for photo ops? That one video you're basing your entire judgment on has very telling body language IMO despite it not being a PDA press conference. You're picking and choosing what to allow yourself to see because their bodies actually were touching for the entire start of the video (just like when they were photographed at The Golden Globes). We can of course speculate all we want but the facts speak for themselves: this model-actress 20 years or so his junior has been photographed with him alone at events multiple times through the years and now he is getting a divorce. Sure, it's possible they just get together for...I don't know, intellectual sparring, but now which is more far-fetched?



Ok. So now internet posters are body language experts.  


I clearly said I don't know the real deal, but the sources people are citing are pretty damn weak and there's a lot of gross speculation that's primarily based on a really crappy website where the writer can't even spell the guy's name correctly.  So he took a couple of photos with her at the Golden Globes and possibly took her to a movie premiere over the course of a couple of years.  That's evidence of some tawdry affair?  Not to mention, the dude is a public figure worth millions of dollars and a smart guy.  If he was really having an affair, I doubt he'd be showing up at a crowded movie premiere on Hollywood Blvd. with his mistress.  That'd be beyond dumb.


To be so absolutely sure about something you have no knowledge about is pretty ridiculous IMO.

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It doesn't take an expert to know that he's been hanging with this chick for 2 years. Besides men who think with their man parts are dumb. On twitter there's a picture of him at the superbowl, with that Dymant guy, and a rep from the "Sharkey" institute with her there but cropped out of the picture.  She's right beside him, her red jacket is visible. You know she's trying to be discreet because she's got pretty much the same picture on her twitter with him conveniently absent. It's all so discreet because the divorce from his wife was filed on March 3.  The guy is worth 200 million, that's gonna be a big ol pay day for the ex if she proves he's committed adultery. He obviously doesn' t want that to happen, thus why not use DWTS to gain a little sympathy with "thoughts of ending it all" out there and it's only a showmance..Geesh.  Shark is a good name.  

Edited by Andiethewestie

Again a couple of twitter photos isn't some smoking gun, it proves they both happen to be at the same public event. If they were really being discreet with an affair they wouldn't be hanging out together where plenty of people can see them. Divorce Lawyers don't just rely on twitter for evidence of cheating.

I don't know if the guy is in a relationship with this girl or not. The point is neither do you.

  • Love 4

There seems to be about as much evidence as there is that Janel and Val had post-show fling that blew up in a bad way, which is to say, is it plausible? Sure. Does anyone really know anything? Nope.


My opinions (not that it matters) boil down to:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

All parties are adults that can deal with their own shit. 


Robert is this season's affable older dude that's going to make it just past halfway. Maybe a week or two longer than that if the public really loves him that much. 

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