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S05.E18: Divorce

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The Sister Wives tweets are all about how much they love their sister wives. But their behavior and words on their own show that they have partial control over doesn't reflect that.

Agreed! Just look at what happened when Tamryn asked them when the last time was that they all spent time together. All you got was blank stares and you could practically hear the crickets chirping! So let's see, they're not raising the kids altogether (despite living right next door to one another) and they aren't spending time together because of being "over scheduled". I'm not seeing the "blending of the families" that Robyn kept going on about.

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"@LuvgvsUwngs: @landecibrian @NHKristy76 @Fleagh66 Well if we are going to be COMPLETELY fair...I never got to go to Mexico and neither did the kids." lol

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The episode where Robyn changes her name to "Brown" was not just because she wanted to change it but because she was already married to Kodouche by that point.

Robyn's xmas gift name change for Kody happened a couple of seasons back, quite a long time before they married.

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Delurking to ask this: If Robyn legally changed her name to Brown several years ago, then why does the county assessor show her house as being owned by Robyn Sullivan? Has she actually legally changed her name to Brown or does she just go by that?

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Robyn's tweeting that she had to save up her grocery money for the Hawaii trip. What? How long do you have to save up (grocery money!!) in advance before actually going on a trip?

She had to have known / planning it all along or got most if it paid by kody or .. Both.

Edited by iii
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There are soooooooo many. I don't know what the heck she's thinking even answering some of them. It is not helping her, imo.

 Here's one (notice she asks for 3 examples and only answers about one, lol)



What the heck?!?!?!? She said in her purity talk that he got her pregnant. If she expects her kids to assume it wasn't their father where exactly do they think the baby went???

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Delurking to ask this: If Robyn legally changed her name to Brown several years ago, then why does the county assessor show her house as being owned by Robyn Sullivan? Has she actually legally changed her name to Brown or does she just go by that?

"Legal" is a pretty fluid concept in their world...

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WOW, if Robyn could save enough out of her grocery money to fund a trip to Hawaii between the time of the divorce and marriage, I want her as my financial advisor!  Either she gets a BIG food budget or she's starving her kids.

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WOW, if Robyn could save enough out of her grocery money to fund a trip to Hawaii between the time of the divorce and marriage, I want her as my financial advisor!  Either she gets a BIG food budget or she's starving her kids.

Although I'm way past calling Shennanigans and have gone straightly to Bullshit, from the size of everyone in this family over the age of 10, they could have a really big food budget. They're all overweight, except for maybe one boy and Kody. Robyn is catching up quickly.

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Delurking to ask this: If Robyn legally changed her name to Brown several years ago, then why does the county assessor show her house as being owned by Robyn Sullivan? Has she actually legally changed her name to Brown or does she just go by that?

My best guess is that the house purchase went through before the name change. Or she lied. Because they are lying liars who lie.

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Although I'm way past calling Shennanigans and have gone straightly to Bullshit, from the size of everyone in this family over the age of 10, they could have a really big food budget. They're all overweight, except for maybe one boy and Kody. Robyn is catching up quickly.


The thing is, starchy fattening foods are a lot cheaper than lean meat and veggies.  You can buy Kraft Mac and Cheese to feed a tribe for pennies.  That's one way to put aside some grocery money - head straight for the pasta aisles.  Dump some canned spaghetti sauce on top and call it a meal.  And there are always the fish stick tacos.  Probably an eighth of the cost of salmon.

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No way does this whole scenario where Kody adopts Robyn's kids, pass the smell test. So many times over the course of the show, the kids have been picked up in Montana or been hurt in Montana etc.. Basically, those kids see their dad in Montana on the regular! Janelle wasn't buying this bs either. I definitely get the sense she is holding back big time. I hope Meri does really bail followed by Janelle and Christine. The more they stated the reason for the divorce, the more ridiculous it sounded. The dad isn't giving up parental rights because he's involved. What a transparent snow job.

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No way does this whole scenario where Kody adopts Robyn's kids, pass the smell test. So many times over the course of the show, the kids have been picked up in Montana or been hurt in Montana etc.. Basically, those kids see their dad in Montana on the regular! Janelle wasn't buying this bs either. I definitely get the sense she is holding back big time. I hope Meri does really bail followed by Janelle and Christine. The more they stated the reason for the divorce, the more ridiculous it sounded. The dad isn't giving up parental rights because he's involved. What a transparent snow job.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if Meri bails as soon she finds another husband. Christine, who knows? She should, but who knows. Janelle is the one who isn't buying any of this and should know better, but she'll stay. If nothing else, she'll feel bad for leaving all the kids, and she'll keep being the only one with a job as soon as TLC leaves.

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There are plenty of dead beat dads who would swoop in at the thought of receiving social security benefits on three children.


I don't know this Jessop guy, but I've never heard anything that makes me think he's an honorable man.  I'm not talking about the details of his marriage to Robyn.  I'm talking about the fact that Robyn and three little kids lived in a trailer in Montana, with no heat in the winter.  I don't know one man who wouldn't kill himself working to provide for his children.


As for whether he would relinquish his rights to his kids.  He's delinquent in child support.  If he has chosen to withgo his visitation, he may agree to give up his parental rights in lieu of being sued for back child support.

True.  And in many states the deadbeat parent's obligation to pay support will be enforced by whichever means are most effective -- payroll or unemployment comp. deductions, withholding money from income tax refunds, and some more creative means, including "working with" the errant parent.  A parent who legitimately has fallen on hard times and cannot pay support at the time may swap child care, for instance, rather than providing currency.  Jail time strikes me as a last resort, one reserved for the worst of the worst, I would think.   I was surprised to learn that retroactive child support isn't always required from a parent who has ceased paying support. I suppose the reasons he or she has been remiss in making payments is considered before any legal decisions are made.


 Kody's B-S scenario in which he implies that divorce would help offset the chances that Jessop could take the kids and run seems unrealistic,  considering the guy's allegedly poor record in making timely child support payments.  Kody's point might carry some validity if the kids' dad was unstable or had criminal tendencies.  As someone sagely pointed out further up thread, Robyn may find it more prudent to disclose as little as possible about her kids' father. 


Now, here's my opinion on Kody's willingness -- eagerness, even -- to pursue adoption of Robyn's children.  I don't think the entire story is fabricated, either, but I think Kody's reasons for wanting it are less than honest. 

I think Kody wants to keep Robyn in his life at all costs - literally.  I think he's matured considerably - believe it not - since Sister Wives debuted.  I believe Kody, despite his dreamy, out-of-touch moments, has learned one thing in life and in marriage, plural or singular: That human nature cannot be predicted, and that no one can be absolutely counted on to be there forever - even if you think otherwise.  I suspect bringing the kids into his life both legally and paternally brings him closer to what he hopes will be permanence with Robyn - and a lifelong connection, no matter what life brings.

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 I wouldn't place too much touchy-feely, do-anything-to-keep-Robyn stock into the adoption thing, if that even happens. Someone said upthread something about the kids making convenient dependents as far as writing stuff off on taxes, especially now that the other kids are moving out and getting beyond being able to be claimed as dependents. The adults all benefit from that if the money all goes into the corporation or LLC setup.

     Someone else said how he was ready to take off out the door in some other scene, but I thought- he always looks like that, like that is just how he rolls- he just has less history and complexity with the new one, so probably he looks at it as a break, but when she gets too clingy or needy or whiny he is going to go hopping off to whoever counters that, and when that person starts to annoy him with their personality quirks, he then heads for the next one . It really illustrates a shallowness and scamminess in just all kinds of avenues of this deal, businesses , relationships, money, welfare, paternity, head trips, motivational speaker cheesy inspirational messages on the wall trying to fool themselves into thinking oh how magical and special we are... telling people bullshit to keep them happy and in turn games and manipulations those people play back when they are not happy- sure the argument will be made, well gee that happens in regular relationships too- ok that is true, but not nearly to this magnitude.


I don't know, he just gives off this kind of 'faking it' or play-acting vibe, like maybe he has taken to heart too much of those pathetic man-advice websites about how to have 'game' and how to be an 'alpha' so he tries very hard to try and be cool, but the immaturity and selfishness still is right there at the surface, no matter how many attempts he makes at making serious expressions and trying to sound sincere. It's like he just wants to keep running, and can never sit still enough to actually evolve, and maybe that is what makes being so into someone who comes off as a tabula rasa  or a mirror such an attractive proposition, it's akin to  Narcissus staring into the water at his own reflection having someone who worships you and you get to see your 'greatness' reflected in their eyes, harder to have that with people who know what you are about , who see you for what you are and aren't.  Thing is, at this stage of your life, is it still all about having a cheerleader worship you?

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BoxerLove ‏@deCourceyAndrea  6h6 hours ago

@LuvgvsUwngs  Has Christine or Janelle had a private vacation with Kody and just Kody?  Oh, yeah Janelle got a 1 night camping trip. duh!

Robyn Brown


@deCourceyAndrea You are funny!  Just because you didn't see it on the show didn't mean it didn't happen.  Both Christine and Janelle have.



You think we dumb, huh?

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Having just watched the "Tell All" episode, I have this to say - I don't doubt that Meri actually did divorce Kodouche in an act of self-sacrifice like they were pushing on this show, but the primary motivation was for TV ratings and ultimately money, not so much love like they're pushing it.  Mr. Snarklepuss is convinced that most of the reason they're "so busy" these days is that they spend long hours in meetings with the show producers figuring out elaborate plots and schemes for keeping people tuning into the show, and the major solution this season was the divorce, which Meri willingly took on to help the family's ultimate goal of staying on TV.  The goal of adopting Robyn's kids is on such thin ice even at best, that I don't believe that was the only reason nor even the major reason for the divorce.  If they're not even sure the natural father is willing to grant Kodouche custody, why go through with the divorce right now?  Unless he has agreed to it and they aren't admitting that.  But I kind of doubt that from the way they are acting about this. 


On another note, as an introvert, I felt my blood boiling in solidarity with Janelle when (yet again) she felt forced to justify herself for not wanting to make a fool of herself on national TV with that ridiculous song and dance act.  Excuse me for having baggage from years of that kind of attitude from some extroverts who just don't get me on stuff like this.  Janelle's major problem is that she is the only introvert in that group and they JUST DON'T GET HER.  But where I come from the people with the problem is them, not her.  Yet again, I wish Janelle would stop rationalizing staying with that bunch and go out on her own.  She deserves to be around people with more depth who don't constantly make her feel like she's some kind of alien from Mars.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Posting these Twitter interactions for those who don't have Twitter, and for posterity's sake.




weeter & Cheater ‏@landecibrian  11h11 hours ago
@LuvgvsUwngs @NHKristy76 @Fleagh66 manipulative is using the if I die angle.  manipulative is a Hawaii trip his kids & wives don't get

Robyn Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs  11h11 hours ago
@landecibrian @NHKristy76 @Fleagh66 Well if we are going to be COMPLETELY fair...I never got to go to Mexico and neither did the kids.

@aimlessbird @landecibrian @NHKristy76 @Fleagh66 actually I correct myself.  I was a month from marrying Kody.

She retweet the following BS:





@samjdaniels4905 @LuvgvsUwngs like I said, If they had fulfilling relationships with their dad I don't think they'd want kody to adopt them





Ana in Wonderland ‏@Curly_Ana  8h8 hours ago
Was wondering for a while if people in Vegas recognize you in street and if there are more haters or supporters @LuvgvsUwngs

Robyn Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs  8h8 hours ago
@Curly_Ana People are mostly kind and warm to our faces.


Robyn then retweeted:




Ana in Wonderland

@LuvgvsUwngs it's like people don't believe meri is able to make her own decissions.I mean she is an adult, i guess she knows what she wants




s. walz ‏@wishing34  Mar 2
@LuvgvsUwngs @nosierlady after watching show...have to question your real motives robyn.  Your crying seems a little scripted!

Robyn Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs  23h23 hours ago
@wishing34 @nosierlady What would my real motives be?  Seriously I am asking for a real reason.

s. walz ‏@wishing34  8h8 hours ago
@LuvgvsUwngs @nosierlady it's hard to even take you seriously at this point....but I ll just say it...to be Kody s number 1

Robyn BrownVerified account

@wishing34 You are wrong.My goal is to have a successful relationship w/ hubby and SW's.  I am tired of saying this but my tears are real.

One last convo:


@LuvgvsUwngs @Fleagh66 @Jenniebear81 your always upset! But let me just say.when mary told u she was divorcing kody for u and your kids..those tears wear FAKE! I truly believe you are a manipulator! And when you came into the family THATS when. The browns divided..I do not consider you a real Brown or sisterwive..your about YOU!


Robyn BrownVerified account

@xBUTTERBUTTx @Fleagh66 Then you refuse to see me for who I am and that is on you.  My tears are real.  I wish I could control them.


This woman is so calculating, so manipulative, so selfish. I'm so glad she's getting this shitstorm on Twitter. 

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^ Now that ( to BlackWidow ) is a spot on description of Kody! That's some food for thought!


I think Kody wants to keep Robyn in his life at all costs - literally.  I think he's matured considerably - believe it not - since Sister Wives debuted.  I believe Kody, despite his dreamy, out-of-touch moments, has learned one thing in life and in marriage, plural or singular: That human nature cannot be predicted, and that no one can be absolutely counted on to be there forever - even if you think otherwise.  I suspect bringing the kids into his life both legally and paternally brings him closer to what he hopes will be permanence with Robyn - and a lifelong connection, no matter what life brings.

This is really interesting; never thought of it that way, but it makes so much sense actually. Although, in regards to Kody and his maturity, I'd say he's actually gotten worse since the start of the show (at least from what he's projecting in it). He used to come across as very content with his family and his standard of living. Now he just seems...distracted I guess. From what his friends have said, he has always been an attention seeker, but now he also seems to have less humility. YMMV though.

Edited by purpleflowers
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Meri and Robyn are obsessed with each other.


From Meri picking out Robyn as a potential sister wife, to Robyn wanting to carry Meri's baby ... Meri would give Robyn a kidney if she needed one, but Janelle (who she's barely on speaking terms with) and Christine would be SOL.

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Now, here's my opinion on Kody's willingness -- eagerness, even -- to pursue adoption of Robyn's children. I don't think the entire story is fabricated, either, but I think Kody's reasons for wanting it are less than honest.

I think Kody wants to keep Robyn in his life at all costs - literally. I think he's matured considerably - believe it not - since Sister Wives debuted. I believe Kody, despite his dreamy, out-of-touch moments, has learned one thing in life and in marriage, plural or singular: That human nature cannot be predicted, and that no one can be absolutely counted on to be there forever - even if you think otherwise. I suspect bringing the kids into his life both legally and paternally brings him closer to what he hopes will be permanence with Robyn - and a lifelong connection, no matter what life brings.

Good thoughts. Let's also not forget Kody's fixation on having more children - I'm sure he wants to *officially* add these three to his count (and he does seem to have a good relationship with Dayton and probably interacts more with the girls than with his similarly-aged children, daughters especially, by Janelle and Christine).

Trying to make the adoption happen also lets Robyn try to give him three more kids while putting off trying to get pregnant again because it's "yet another thing on her plate." At, what, 37? putting off trying even a little longer helps ensure she won't have more than one more, if that.

(Not that I knock Robyn for - my read - not necessarily wanting another baby now that she's given Kody one, but it seems like she and Kody aren't on the same page in terms of children, and I'd guess she was more "yes, lots!" during their courtship then backed away from that for whatever reasons were available after having Sol (first saving her uterus for possible use by Meri, then how busy she was with MSWC, now trying to make the adoption happen and that associated stress). Sometimes your mind just changes (especially since she likely thought she'd have the other three doing more childcare/rearing), but it doesn't seem like they're honestly discussing that, she's just putting him off until nature takes its course. At 37, if she honestly wanted more, especially several more, she'd be actively trying pretty much no matter what else was going on.)

Edited by WalrusGirl
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Honestly it seems to me they are already a monogamous couple. They are the couple. They make the decisions. They talk to each other about things. As pointed out above, he wasn't even the one who talked to his "wives" about the divorce and remarriage. From all evidence  and comments Kody and Robyen are the ones still in a regular physical relationship. Kody is married to Robyn. He may occasionally sleep with someone else but he's not married to Christine, Janelle or Meri. They are just people who had his babies. The divorce just highlights it but it's been that way for a while now.

Add to this the clue that Robyn and Kody were together when Meri called them, and she assumed they were together. Now it may all have been scripted, but they looked like a couple who was typically together throughout the Divorce show. It showed in their body language. 

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Looking into my crystal ball for next season:


K&R apply to have David Jessop's parental rights cancelled because he refuses to give them up voluntarily.  As part of the court hearing, evidence is presented to show that he has paid every dollar of child support he has ever owed and that he loves his kids and doesn't see them often because they now live in southern Nevada - quite a distance away - and R is "too busy" to drive the kids halfway to turn them over for visits.


So K&R (and the other loving sisterwives) hold a spiritual adoption ceremony (because the law doesn't really mean anything).  Afterwards, K&R and all four of "their" kids take a vacation in Cozumel (because Robyn and her kids have never been to Mexico).


Meanwhile, Meri has comfortably settled into a condo on the other side of Las Vegas, Janelle tries to sell enough houses to pay for the Cozumel trip, and Christine continues to pretend that all is well in the cult-de-sac.

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I will add to that prediction... Robyn will tearfully explain how an unnamed man refuses to sign particular legal documents to allow her children to be real Browns because he's abusive and horrible and just doesn't understand how wonderful their family is and he wants to continue the abuse by failing to recognize that the kids should have been Browns in the first place. She will explain that the law is against them because of their polygamy status and if they weren't polygamists they would be able to adopt the children because this unnamed man isn't their "real" father anymore and God knows that's the way it should be. But all the bad things she says about the 'unnamed' man won't be ex-bashing because her kids won't know who she's talking about. 

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I'd like to throw in on the speculation and observation about the divorce/remarriage/adoption agenda. For the sake of argument, let's assume that the basic facts they claim are true:

  • David Jessop is required to pay child support, but is in arrears.
  • David Jessop makes no effort to exercise his visitation rights with his children.
  • Kody, out of love and concern, wants to legally adopt the Sullivan kids so that, should something ever happen to Robyn, they'll have a strong chance of staying with Kody's family.

Here are a couple of things we really DO know are true, because they all happened in the public eye:

  • Immediately after their spiritual wedding, when they were still in Utah and Robyn lived in a separate house, one of her girls, all excited when Kody arrived, said, "Hi Kody!!" Robyn jumped down her throat--ON CAMERA: "WHO??" At which point, the child meekly says, "Hi Dad."
  • Robyn used the story of her relationship with her children's father as a melodramatic cautionary tale about premarital sex, casting David Jessop as the bad guy and herself as the victim. Again...ON CAMERA.
  • The show has consistently referred to Aurora, Breanna, and Dayton as "Kody and Robyn's" kids, and used the name Brown for them.
  • A recent defensive tweet by Robyn proudly claims that she has always told her children "the truth" about their dad. It's obvious she's very proud of that.


It doesn't surprise me in the least that Robyn's children might desperately want to be adopted by Kody and to have their names changed to Brown. There's a reason that Robyn's tagline is that it seems like they all should have been together from the very beginning: she's a revisionist. She believes her "purity" (read virginity) was magically restored and that she got a second chance to give it up to Kody. She immediately had her children calling Kody "dad." And just what is that "truth" Robyn so proudly tells her kids? I ask, because there is a razor-thin line between telling children the truth (even when it's a hard truth) and burdening children with TOO MUCH INFORMATION--loading them down with adult concerns over which they have zero control.


My husband and I were each married before, both of us in long, absolutely miserable marriages. Both of us had ex-spouses who cared more about manipulating the children than they did about the children's true well-being. They had different tactics--my ex simply said horrible, foul, untrue things about me when the kids were with him; his ex did the despicable "truth"-telling thing (and would warn my husband ahead of time: if you don't do such-and-such, I'll tell Susie...[insert bald-faced lie here].)"


The hardest thing I've ever done (and I'm sure my husband would agree) is to ALWAYS take the high road with the children. And we DID. No matter what sort of nasty, vindictive, selfish crap went down, no matter what stories the children would accidentally let slip to us about some awful thing the other parent said or did, we staunchly refused to talk crap about the other parents. We didn't pretend like everything was sunshine and roses, and when questions arise, they have to be answered with the utmost care. But we held that line--agonizing as it sometimes was--and I'm extremely glad we did, because it bore fruit down the road. Our 5 kids are all intelligent adults, and every one of them came around to seeing the situation for what it really was. All 5 of them have had to wrestle with some pretty strong negative feelings about how their other parent used them as emotional props and bargaining chips.


David Jessop may very well be a neglectful deadbeat parent. I have no way to know that. But I can also imagine him being relentlessly squeezed out of the children's life until he starts to feel like fighting the Kody/Robyn/TLC bullshit  machine requires more fight than he has in him. Not saying that would be RIGHT, just saying I can see how it might happen. To know that your ex-wife is subtly bad-mouthing you, not only to your own kids but to the whole damn country, and to watch your kids being ordered to call another man dad and being seduced by the road-trip Disneyland express--that could wear a person down, sadly. On top of all that, throw in the fact that he comes from a culture that has a long history of REASSIGNING whole families from one man to another man? You can't tell me THAT wouldn't cloud the situation!


As for Meri, I believe she did the divorce because their religion and lifestyle demand relentless, ongoing sacrifice of the WOMEN, and that they constantly play a very sick game of martyr-for-the-faith, martyr-for-the-man one-upmanship. If she thought it would make her look to Kody like the BESTEST WIFE EVER, she'd hack off a limb.

Edited by SometimesBites
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I have no idea what kind of a father David Jessop is, but the fact that he hasn't issued a single statement to the media gives him points in my book.  That man is taking the high road.

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 They're all overweight, except for maybe one boy and Kody. Robyn is catching up quickly.

I wonder how long it will take Kody to start shopping around once Robyn maxes out...

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Did anyone else notice the horrible, cheesy music during this episode? It was supposed to emphasize the SACRIFICE of Meri, like Jesus on the cross. Except they start out the episode with Meri saying she has no idea whether divorcing Kody and Kody marrying Robyn would actually bring about an adoption, because it doesn't appear that anyone has bothered to find out if Daddy Jessop would give up his rights. And we get the shots of Robyn crying, and Meri crying, and Kody fake acting surprised and worried, and the freakin' music to make it sound like this all some sad reality they have to face because they have no other choice to SAVE Robyn's children.I wonder if the producers chose that music to mock them on purpose.

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SometimesBites.... that was so well said. I completely agree that it's quite possible that Jessop has been relentlessly squeezed out of his children's lives. Many people have pointed out the stupidity of going through with the divorce before even addressing the issue that Jessop still has parental rights. This public "self-sacrifice' is just another way to put those screws to him. When he refuses to relinquish the kids, he will be the reason this amazing sacrifice and show that they would do anything for the kids is all for naught. 

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Assuming that any minuscule part of this farce is true (and I'm not convinced), I am floored by the urgency to adopt Robyn's kids when I've never seen any concern about legitimizing Christine's and Janelle's kids. I know times have changed, but still, kids (and adults) can be cruel.

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Robyn's three kids by Jessop are legitimate just not born to the father that Robyn would now choose.  I don't think Kody cares one bit about the legitmacy of Christine's and Janelle's kids.

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Robyn's three kids by Jessop are legitimate just not born to the father that Robyn would now choose.  I don't think Kody cares one bit about the legitmacy of Christine's and Janelle's kids.

Yep. At least part of this story has to involve the ego of the supreme head of Planet Kody. 


David Jessop could take Robyn to court for parental alienation, I suppose. There is quite a visual record here that most people don't ever have in a custody battle. However, a fight with these two fame whores could be very expensive and messy, and we don't know anything about Jessop's resources and resolve. Kody and Robyn have a very public mission now to get the kids. It will be hard for them to back down. 

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I don't think Kody cares one bit about the legitmacy of Christine's and Janelle's kids.


Because, of course, being "children of a spiritual marriage" carries so much weight with the Mean Girls crowd.


And I bet they get tortured on a daily basis about their idiot parents. No wonder the older ones took off as soon as they could.  Even Logan, although going to school locally, is rarely seen.

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Trying to make the adoption happen also lets Robyn try to give him three more kids while putting off trying to get pregnant again because it's "yet another thing on her plate." At, what, 37? putting off trying even a little longer helps ensure she won't have more than one more, if that.


Beyond this ridiculous divorce, is there any evidence of anyone trying to "make an adoption happen"? Did the divorce and remarriage happen months ago? They don't seem to be in much of a hurry, when they made it sound on television like Robyn could die any minute and her children would be swept away by Satan. This reminds me of the great flight to Las Vegas. Lots of hysteria, with no real reasons behind it.

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Her reaction screamed Psych 101 "Reaction Formation" to me.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_mechanisms


In psychoanalytic theory, reaction formation is a defensive process (defense mechanism) in which emotions and impulses which are anxiety-producing or perceived to be unacceptable are mastered by exaggeration (hypertrophy) of the directly opposing tendency.


EXACTLY....The thing is that they are in denial about their true feelings.  It's not just an act - They drink their own kool-aid on so many things.  Like the "reason" for this divorce and marriage to Robyn.  Oh yeah, right, we're supposed to believe it's for the sake of the CHILDREN.....BULL CRAP!!!  I think the other women really want to believe this because if not they would go postal or have to fend for themselves and get out of there, both of which are completely unacceptable to them.  Kody says Christine lives in a "rose colored world" - Well they ALL do to some extent.  Kody wants to think he's "married" to 4 women because it's God's will for him or whatever kool aid he's drinking.  Again, it's all BS!!!  Just like he's supposedly marrying Robyn for the sake of her kids - No, he's doing it for himself!!   How can they think we're that stupid?  The only people they're fooling are themselves!  I really doubt that if Janelle was the one with kids from another marriage that he would marry her!  How freaking convenient for him to always have a pat answer to explain away every smoking gun!  And then they ban people from Twitter who speak the truth and aren't fooled!  Unbelievable!  When are these women going to WAKE UP and stop drinking this guy's kool aid???

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Robyn herself said that she's fine with Jessop making efforts to visit her kids if he wants to; that tells me that even if he is an absent parent, he can't be so bad that she wouldn't want him anywhere near her kids. Something is really missing in this whole plot. Why on earth would Meri agree to this if Jessop didn't relinquish parental rights first? I can only speculate that either it's their typical harebrained ideas and they're not thinking this through, or he did give up his rights somewhere between September and December. I wonder if that's possible? 

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Has Kody and Robyn been taking any trips to Montana lately? That would be one way to know if something was up. The divorce and custody agreement were filed there, so I would imagine they would have to start there with any legal proceedings.

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When questioned on Twitter about whether Jessop had given up his parental rights, Robyn stated she could not talk about it now. I read that like the pregnancy rumors. They don't want to cut into any story lines they have planned for next season. It has nothing to do with real life and what is really going on; they have to sustain the suspense for the cash flow.

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 re all the twitter stuff, ok even if your intentions are good, if the effect is that someone is willing to throw themselves under the bus for you, and it is going to somehow hugely disadvantage them, wouldn't you then you step back and say, let's wait and think on this, let's look at living wills, let's talk to an attorney that specializes in custody stuff , let's study up on the laws in the state the kids were born and this state we're in and see what options there are and the best course of action, see if the dad bows out on his own or just doesn't cause us problems- once the kids have established residency in LV, are going to school there, it likely would be considered 'the best interest of the child' to have them stay where they are- especially the more that is said about the bio dad  maybe not seeing the kids enough or paying support etc. Let's not make big dramatic moves that might not have any effect regarding the kids, the only effect being 'shock and awe for TLC' .

Oh wait maybe that last is the priority, even above the kids or the adults well-being.


She could likely get full custody on her own without having  anyone get divorced or married as long as she shows it's 'in the best interest of the kids' to stay where they are, are going to school etc- Montana is no stranger to plygs and has a definite libertarian streak- I doubt the plyg thing is a huge deal.   The more I read, the more it seems it would not have been necessary to go through all this, if the biodad is letting her basically have the kids, and let's say he is not flying to Vegas to pick them up every weekend or so, she could just continue as is, documenting missed visits- and the youngest kid was somewhere around 5 when they got together and is now 10 so getting close to an age when the courts count their opinion- why even go down the road of battling the dad when he isn't causing any problems for you, not taking you to court (not like he is going to go after her because of the plyg situation), they aren't in Utah anymore which is (on the books anyway) anti-plyg


There's all kinds of stuff about this re Montana and custody  



  even a section re if one of the parents should die




40-4-221. Determination of child's care upon death of parent. (1) Upon the death of a parent, one or more parties named in subsection (2) may request a parenting plan hearing. The surviving parent must be a party in any proceeding brought under this section.
     (2) Upon the death of a parent, any of the following parties may request a parenting plan hearing:
     (a) the natural parent;
     (b) the surviving spouse of the deceased parent;
     © a person nominated by the will of the deceased parent;
     (d) any person nominated by the child if the child is at least 12 years old;
     (e) any other person if that person has actual physical control over the child;
     (f) a person who has established with the child a child-parent relationship, as defined in 40-4-211;
     (g) any other party whom, upon showing of good cause, the court permits to intervene as an interested party.
     (3) The hearing and determination of a parenting plan is governed by this part. 

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But this isn't about Robyn getting full custody, it's about Kody becoming the legal father of the three kids. He is accruing property, plain and simple. He can be a full-time father to those kids without being the legal father, men do it all the time. They can legally change the last names of the children without Kody becoming the legal father (it does require the legal father to agree, but that is another court battle). He already has 14 children that have his name. He is already an absentee and neglectful father to those children, as some of those children have said (Maddie) and demonstrate (Truely, Garrison and Gabe). He wants those three children in legal terms for empire-building only, IF this is a real story in the first place.


I'm still not sure if this is just a somewhat plausible storyline (for some of their audience) that TLC and the Browns came up with after Meri pulled the plug so quickly in September.

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gone with the snark (some original, some borrowed from the film)

   Robyn "Wullll, I have to think of the kids N their fuchure with the doptin'..cause it's like...the big pitchure, if somethin' happund to me or KOH-deeee (cries) that's why this,is so speshull... speshully when I ken make an awwwfer that someone doesn't really want, then they feel obligated to awwwfffer me somethin'I do want (cries more)

cuz like, it's destinee 'n' stuff .....I wuz in the trailer, n I said to myself, self, 'I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again'....


Janelle to Kody : You still think you're the cutest trick in shoe leather.


Kody to Meri : 'Yes, we've traveled a long road since the old days, haven't we, Scarlett?... the golden warmth and security of those days.'


Christine to Robyn "My darling, you're such a child. You think that by saying "I'm sorry," all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known you to have a handkerchief. "


Meri to Kody : Kody don't. I shall faint. I'm leaving you, my dear. All you need now is a divorce and your dreams of Robyn can come true.


Kody to Meri :  I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for.


Janelle (to any of them) Fiddledee dee


Christine to Kody: I only know that I love you.


Kody to Christine: That's your misfortune


Kody to Robyn: So, you see I shall have to marry you. Did you ever think of marrying just for fun?


Robyn to Kody: I've never heard of such bad taste.


Janelle: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn


(most quotes retrieved from here, add your own if you  feel so inspired  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0031381/quotes)


disclaimer, quotes do not reflect the original gender of book/movie characters. Quotes may be taken out of context. Any similarity to asshats alive or dead is too effing bad.

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"Think of the Children!!" is the BS get out card of all kinds of crap in this world and often people using it have heartfelt intentions but some people (and some aspects of society in general) use it as a way to mask any protest or outright lie about what is actually healthiest approach.


If Meri and Kody divorced because it was Robyn's "turn" to marry Kody, everyone reading about it would have been totally skeeved out. Throw in "children!!!!" and suddenly they have defenders calling Meri a saint.


As others have said we haven't heard one single word from David Jessop, not even really via "sources". That might be because he has skeletons to hide, he's been ordered not to by family/religious pressure, he really doesn't care or he really hates the idea of becoming another nationally discussed "Jessop". We don't knoe because it seems no one can even say for sure if the man is still involved in the AUB or not or even what the Kody Krazze's official status is. The Browns don't talk about their religion much it could play a large factor in their lives, it could literally be the gluttonous Mammon of TLC these days and we can't tell for sure. I know which one is more important to Kody though. I've seen far too many religious girls and guys of different flavours freaking out that their "purity" was "stolen" from them in what was a consensual relationship when they thought it would last and it didn't to buy Robyn's version at face value, although she may have convinced herself that it was stolen all along after the divorce. Kody's national TV stated distate for Robyn having another man's kids probably didn't help, and this is probably the result of that legacy.


Robyn has exactly what she wants. The legal wife, the spiritual "virginity" and her bills paid (for now) by a TV show and if she can drive the other wives away, well she and Kody will deserve each other.

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My question is, if by some miracle Kody was able to adopt the kids and something did happen to Robyn, who would actually raise them? Kody? (Hahahahaaaa)

Meri? Janelle? Christine? Wouldn't that have occurred to somebody to ask? Oh wait....

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Assuming that any minuscule part of this farce is true (and I'm not convinced), I am floored by the urgency to adopt Robyn's kids when I've never seen any concern about legitimizing Christine's and Janelle's kids. I know times have changed, but still, kids (and adults) can be cruel.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. And does anyone know if Kody's name is on the birth certificates of C&J's children?

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Meri and Robyn are obsessed with each other.


From Meri picking out Robyn as a potential sister wife, to Robyn wanting to carry Meri's baby ... Meri would give Robyn a kidney if she needed one, but Janelle (who she's barely on speaking terms with) and Christine would be SOL.

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.


When questioned on Twitter about whether Jessop had given up his parental rights, Robyn stated she could not talk about it now. I read that like the pregnancy rumors. They don't want to cut into any story lines they have planned for next season. It has nothing to do with real life and what is really going on; they have to sustain the suspense for the cash flow.

1) she's stupid and doesn't understand the law and that she has to adhere to it. She'd rather be in some hairbrained scheme and then scream persecution when she doesn't get her way. Evidence = 'stolen cookie' purity story, divorce/adoption ass backwards, etc. Oh, and she has no intention on having another baby, unless she needs collateral against a newer, cuter wife.


My question is, if by some miracle Kody was able to adopt the kids and something did happen to Robyn, who would actually raise them? Kody? (Hahahahaaaa)

Meri? Janelle? Christine? Wouldn't that have occurred to somebody to ask? Oh wait....

2) You know it would be Janelle and Christine.

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