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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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I think Kim said the therapist bit because she knows that plays to the audience's opinion and makes her look like the bigger of the two while making Kyle seem like she's only willing to reconcile on camera.


And when she says it she has that same self-satisfied look that she had in Amsterdam after she successfully got LisaR and Kyle to lose their shit.  She's a master.

  • Love 13

Having a Kim in my life I kind of understand Kyle needing other people on her side. I assume just from personal experience that Kim tries to make Kyle feel like she's going crazy. Like everything she sees in Kim is in her mind. I suspect that Kathy is a major enabler in Kim's life often taking sides against Kyle just to quiet Kim down. This can be maddening for the Kyle/Me in that kind of mix. So in my head I "get" why Kyle seems to need people on your side. The Kim in my life for a long time made me feel like i was seeing things, like I was imagining all that bad behavior. It wasn't till I was willing to walk away from the crazy and her enablers that I recognized what was going on.

I get it, too, bagger. And I will add that Kyle not only needs people on her side, but needs them to speak up.. That's why it was so frustrating and disappointing and disheartening for Kyle when she asked LisaR to verify her conversation and back her up, and LisaR said "you need to talk to her yourself. I'm out!"

If the other HW's won't speak up, I hope Kyle finds comfort in knowing a lot of viewers are. I know she needs more. But at least that's something.

  • Love 9

I get it, too, bagger. And I will add that Kyle not only needs people on her side, but needs them to speak up.. That's why it was so frustrating and disappointing and disheartening for Kyle when she asked LisaR to verify her conversation and back her up, and LisaR said "you need to talk to her yourself. I'm out!"

If the other HW's won't speak up, I hope Kyle finds comfort in knowing a lot of viewers are. I know she needs more. But at least that's something.

Yes! that was very frustrating to watch, LisaR not backing her up. She, in that moment could have been the voice of reason that "proved" to Kim what Kyle was saying. I suspect Kyle has been getting support from Mauricio on this situation for years but sometimes that is not enough.

  • Love 8

Is Lisa V. Jealous of Brandi?
Things get heated between Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump when the subject of her Amsterdam fling comes up.

Does Kim Have More Pride Than Lisa R.?
When it comes to acting jobs, Kim Richards thinks she’s a bit more discerning than Lisa Rinna.


Edited by quinn

I think Kim said the therapist bit because she knows that plays to the audience's opinion and makes her look like the bigger of the two while making Kyle seem like she's only willing to reconcile on camera.

Yes!!! Shes trying to get the court of public opinion on her side again. And she threw in the whole off cameras bid to make her look like "See im not playing it for show like Kyle." This woman...Grr... makes me angry.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

Yes! that was very frustrating to watch, LisaR not backing her up. She, in that moment could have been the voice of reason that "proved" to Kim what Kyle was saying. I suspect Kyle has been getting support from Mauricio on this situation for years but sometimes that is not enough.

Right. Mauricio's support is important, but when Kim calls her out publicly, she needs support that is public. It's kind of like when Tom Cruise publicly criticized Brooke Shields for her decision to take medication to help her with post-partum depression. He went after her hard, not only attacking her from a medical perspective, but personally as well. He got so much flack for it that he eventually apologized, or so he said, but he did so privately. Publicly, he never walked back his words, so everything he put out there about her still stands. Big difference.

  • Love 6

Jesus, Brandi, so embarrassing.

I know, right? She doesn't even have the common sense to be embarresed . That clip just highlights why All the other ladies, save Kim , are just in an entirely different league. She's not only ignorant but just plain stupid as well. Kim called it first, she is a slut pig.

  • Love 10

Is Lisa V. Jealous of Brandi?

Things get heated between Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump when the subject of her Amsterdam fling comes up.


Does Kim Have More Pride Than Lisa R.?

When it comes to acting jobs, Kim Richards thinks she’s a bit more discerning than Lisa Rinna.


That Brandi got that upset at what LisaV said, that the kid said they did not have sex, makes me believe they in fact did not! Way too much venom from Brandi and her expression looked like she, Brandi, just got caught in a lie. LOL

  • Love 16

I can't tell if Yolanda is on the couch but surveying the room there are women who between them have five male children between 15 and 24, and collectively and 12 daughters. Who would want this woman around their children the -I fucked him both nights was rough but what she said to LvP was just so wrong.   I don't want to be chastised for slut shaming but to me, it is wrong to talk and broadcast it when we have no idea if it is okay with Dutch Boy.  It sounded to me like he was denying it at least to Lisa.  JR must be so proud of Brandi as well as her boys. 

  • Love 15



Is Lisa V. Jealous of Brandi?

Things get heated between Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump when the subject of her Amsterdam fling comes up.


Wow.  So in about 10 to 15 years, I guess her son's friends are not off limit?  


BG is trash.  I thought Yolanda's choice of words, that you wouldn't throw her out like a bag of trash, were interesting.


And Kim.  Oh you paragon of virtue and pride.  No, you wouldn't take a tv ad (which wasn't done in bad taste at all - the only thing would be the product but hey baby boomers are using/needing that type of product more and more), you'd rather bitch about someone stealing MY HOUSE or mooch off of relatives.  And if you're in Sharknado III, you're not that discerning.  The fact is that I doubt you're offered as many things as Lisar.  I'm sure the word is out that you're a drunk/user, plus your "glory days" are well in the rear view mirror.


Kim will come crawling back to Kyle when Brandi betrays her, which I think the whole world can see coming.  If I were Kyle, I'd take a long time before responding.  Kim is toxic regardless if she's sober or not.

  • Love 10

Brandi looked the worst I've ever seen her.

Yolanda looked the best (I love her style), but she's clearly not feeling well. I know she has a kind heart, but she's still talking about Brandi like she's a young child: "Brandi needs all of us." Really, Yolanda? Why? She's an adult. And not one who's going through a hardship right now (unlike you with Lyme's disease), so why does she need all the ladies on her side? Thankfully, Lisa V said that Yo always gives Brandi a pass, and doesn't understand it, esp. when she said that quip about Bella being an alcoholic. End of scene - cut to commercial. Darn it!

  • Love 8

Yolanda looked the best (I love her style)


Yes she did.  She always looks good.  Her style and her makeup are never overdone.




I didn't think Brandi looked the worst.  I liked her hair.  She has too much filler in her cheeks and her dress was awful.


The worst had to be LisaV.   Someone please make her do something about that hair.



  • Love 3

Kim claims she is in a happy place right now. Watching her eldest kid's father die of cancer and another child struggle through psychiatric issues sounds like fun times to me.

Don't forget her vicious dog, and the accompanying lawsuits. Fun times. It's unreal.

What she really meant was -- I've cut the people out of my life who nag at me and force me to tell the truth = happiness.

  • Love 21

Don't forget her vicious dog, and the accompanying lawsuits. Fun times. It's unreal.

What she really meant was -- I've cut the people out of my life who nag at me and force me to tell the truth = happiness.

Kyle shot Kim down fast when she said when they are ready to talk she is only interested in having an "honest" conversation!  Kim looked none to pleased hearing that. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 13

Monty was diagnosed with terminal cancer at this point and Kim's kid had his or her first psychiatric break months before so yes, I suppose, Kim could be in a happy place. Plus her dog had attacked her "second mom" and neice not so long ago, and they are both still physically healing, so that's got to help Kim find her happy place.

Edited by VanillaBeanne
  • Love 5

Kim claims she is in a happy place right now. Watching her eldest kid's father dying of cancer and another child struggle through psychiatric issues sounds like fun times to me.



Don't forget her vicious dog, and the accompanying lawsuits. Fun times. It's unreal.

What she really meant was -- I've cut the people out of my life who nag at me and force me to tell the truth = happiness.

These scenarios remind me of one of my favorite movies, As Good as It Gets.  I so hope Kim's life gets to a happier place.

  • Love 2

Monty had been diagnosed as terminal by Brooke's wedding, which is why they moved the wedding up. The latest CT scan just went to the "when" he would die. The "if" was already off the table.

I agree.  From reading what Monty has written-he never enjoyed remission.  On a happier note he went to the beach today and devoted caregiver Kim and his daughter returned from yet another Cabo vacation today.  I will say this the guy has an amazing spirit.  I am kind of hoping they do a little video like they did of Paul Nassif one year.

  • Love 5

First look - I give Kyle credit for holding it together and responding to Kim that she would work with Kim on a relationship if Kim was willing to have an honest conversation.  That had to be hard not to react emotionally (anger or tears) given the attitude that Kim gave her.  Kim is despicable.   


Other looks at the reunion - Kim has too much 'pride' to do a Depends commercial.  Really?  Have you watched yourself on this show.  Aside from that, what the heck is wrong with doing a commercial for a product that millions of people use....  Oh, but Kim is in the next Sharknato movie.


I thought everyone looked nice..some better than others.  Brandi looked like a chipmunk.  Her eyes are slowly fading into her head because the fillers are being pumped into her cheeks higher and higher.  And the dress..ugh.


Yolanda - stop the holistic treatments.  Didn't you have the setback after Korea?  It really doesn't matter.  She's doing herself more harm than good IMO.

  • Love 9

She does seem shocked, but there is no resolution - or logic - when dealing with a narcissist, and to me it looks like that's the condition Kim inherited from her mother. imo Kyle cries a lot out of frustration and confusion because she's been surrounded by crazy-making relatives her whole life. Not that Kyle is perfect, but I do feel sorry for her.

Yep narcissist are master manipulators, emotional vampires, triangulators and the bane of the existence of any co dependent or morally decent people. Sorry if there is evil incarnate walking the earth it is narcissists and sociopaths. They engage in crazy making behavior and have everyone walking on eggshells. They also don't change. Ever. Run Kyle. Poor Kim's children. Narcissists scar those around them. Big Kathy, Kim and I'm guessing Paris have inherited this nasty disorder.The fucked up dynamics of that family is monumental. Seeing the true Kim now, seriously wow. What an evil harridan. I can not believe she has found 2 husbands, baby daddies and the like and has remained good friends with them. If I was those men I would have run for the hills and changed my name.


I feel for Yo. That was terrible the way she broke down on the preview. 


Eileen rocks. LVP needs a new hairstylist and make up artist STAT. Lisa R, I hate to say it looked thinner than usual. Brandi is a vapid whore slut puppy. I hope she doesn't return next year nor Kim. I swear it is draining feeling their toxicity through the screen. I can't imagine dealing with them. Vile.

  • Love 7

I swear Andy is looking like Kim has lost her mind



I'm not so sure.  In the few clips I have seen, it seems like Andy was digging Brandi big time.  He was laughing along with all of her idiotic jokes-- at the expense of the others--  and congratulated her on having a 2-night stand with a 23 year- old (he agreed with Brandi's speculation that he had a few 23 year- olds himself and how great it was....)  I am very sorry to say that Brandi is going nowhere IMO.

  • Love 2

Kim should stay quiet.  Kyle had a good point-it is easy to be the all knowing and forgiving when you haven't been at the receiving end.  When has Kim ever been silent about the hurt Brandi inflicted on she and her family?  Every season it comes up.  I think it was a bad idea for Yolanda to participate when she is unable to comprehend what goes on.


I think for the first time in a long time Kyle isn't going to give into Kim's emotional blackmail.  I want Kim to remember that on February 20th, 2015, she was announcing to the world how happy she was.  Funny thing about making such pronouncements you can't go back six months later and claim the incredible stress you were having because of the dying ex-husband or the mentally ill son because you just said how happy you were.  I hope it comes up during the Reunion.

  • Love 9

Is Lisa V. Jealous of Brandi?

Things get heated between Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump when the subject of her Amsterdam fling comes up.


Does Kim Have More Pride Than Lisa R.?

When it comes to acting jobs, Kim Richards thinks she’s a bit more discerning than Lisa Rinna.



I'm just going to comment on the Andre/Brandi situation. I believe Brandi was only interested in that boy (and I mean boy) is because he was Max's friend and she could put the screws to Lisa. For Brand to make that comment to Lisa is so incredibly disgusting to me I don't even have the words. My son would have been 23 and if some jacked up drunk like Brandi would have come near him I seriously would put him in therapy. I would hope for that's boy's sake he just wanted to be on American television.

  • Love 6

It was more off-putting for me last season when they did the Kim package and Kim gushed about what a great year she had had knowing that her child had experienced a major health problem.  I think that currently the key driver to Kim having a good year and/or being in a good place is being on this show and getting a good edit and/or being part of the main storyline.  I think that her children are a factor as well but I think that it is more about her getting along with her children than her children themselves being in a good place.


Regarding her relationship with Kyle, Kyle herself has said that they do not interact on a daily basis.  So while I don't doubt that their feuding takes an emotional toll, Kyle's day to day existence when she is on good terms with Kim is probably not much different that when they aren't on good terms except that since they are now on a show together, Kyle is constantly fielding questions on regular and social media about her relationship with Kim. 


I suspect that this is a dance that Kyle and Kim have danced many times, Kim declares that she wants to be treated like a functional adult and bristles about people questioning her choices, Kim does what she wants to do and Kyle and the others are resigned to letting Kim do as she pleases even though they are sure it won't end well, if and when the situation blows up and Kim needs help extricating herself or recovering, Kyle gets the call and gladly comes to the rescue because she gets off on playing the hero/martyr role, and other than the occasional passive-aggressive snark, they implicitly agree to sweep the matter under the rug and move forward which does not have a damn thing to do with not airing dirty laundry in public, it is the path of least resistance(!), Kyle and Kim crow to anyone who will listen that they are in a great place, lather, rinse, repeat.

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